Mewtwo-gotta fuck em all

Story by Lunar Fox on SoFurry

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(Bad name I know) (Please also note I didn't bother re-reading it to make sure it was completely error free)

This little project i started had only one purpose. See how long I could stretch out mindless sex and see how many fetishes I could get into it. The result? 8 pages of smut. Another region was to right a dreadful wrong. A while back i was looking at Victoria Vipers stuff and thought "i wonder if theirs any good hyper mewtwo stories?" And to my shock and horror I couldn't seem to find anything! Soooooo this story came to be.

Also, i had plans for this to be longer but theirs only so much mindless sex one can write before not being able to focus on it at all

Looking for plot? Unless you're looking for something simple like "Mewtwo get horny and fucks things" then you should probably look elsewhere

Looking for mindless sex? then look no further


Something....was wrong. He could immediately figure that much out, but he couldn't figure out what it was. His surrounding had not changed and he didn't feel sick, nor hungry and he could sense no danger. Yet the feeling remained, that something was wrong, something was different. Mewtwo let out a sigh, watching as the sun drifted below the horizon, the sky turning from a crimson red to the black if night. It had been at least 5 years since he had been created, and in that time he had traveled much of the world, viewing all it had to offer. But recently he had stayed in this little area, on the edge of a mountain range in Johto, relaxing in the peaceful mountains. He entered the cave he had found and had come to call his home during the past months he had been up here. It wasn't anything spectacular, just a small cave that kept him from being rained on. He got as comfortable as he could against the cold stone of the cave and quickly drifted off to sleep. Hopefully whatever this feeling that something was wrong would pass after a nights sleep. Birds where chirping and the sun was shinning as the day started. However, the feeling Mewtwo had been feeling before he had gone to bed with was stronger now, and as he awoke, he instantly became aware that something was different about him. An urge filled his body combined with an aching feeling in his nether region. He let out a moan, opening his eyes to be greeted by his throbbing hard erection, it stood tall at two feet in length and a thickness of four inches. It quivered in the air, pre oozing down its sides and covering the shaft. He stood up, his massive erection bobbing in the air, which he promptly grabbed with both of his hands, letting out a soft moan as he did so. He looked around, desperate to relief the need to mate that was now growing in him. However, nothing was in site except for some twigs, a small puddle of water and the rock of the mountain that made up the cave. The cave... With the idea in his head he acted quickly, focusing some of his psychic energy into a hand he hit the side of the wall nearest to him, causing a crack to form. He hit the wall again and again with his fist until a small hole was formed. He then turned and faced the wall, positioning his throbbing manhood at the hole. Taking in a deep breath he shoved his cock against the hole, tearing it open wider with his cock, rubble spilling from the hole as chunks of rock where broken off. He grunted, some of the small stones jamming themselves into his piss slit. He tensed, some pain filling his body as he shoved his cock further into the wall, further widening it. Panting out a bit he starts to pull his cock out, stopping part way and thrusting back in, shivering with a mix of pain and pleasure as he shoves his erection back in. The inside of the hole wasn't exactly the most soft and cushy thing to fuck, but it was good enough for him. The pain of having sharp rocks scrape across his cock was nothing compared to the relief he was getting from having something caressing needy member, pre jetting out of his cock and splattering in the hole. He moaned out, his hips pumping at a high pace. Each thrust caused more gravel to be torn from the hole and spill out onto the ground. He soon couldn't take it anymore and moaned out, his cock throbbing in the hole in the wall as he shoots several large sticky globs of cum into the rock hole. Having no where to go though, all of the seed that was spent just seeped out around his cock, a large glob of it spilling out as he pulled his cock out of the hole he had made. His cock was still painfully erect and begging for release. He stroked it with a paw for a bit, shuttering from the feel. He needed more, that was obvious to him, and it wouldn't be found here. Focusing a wave of recovery energy through his length to patch it up as he stroked it. He left his cave and took off into the air, holding his erection in a paw as he scouted the land below, looking for something that could be used for his release. Hours passed and he had covered miles of land, and still nothing seemed to be what he was looking for, his erection still begging for another release. He dropped to a forest below him, no longer being able to stand ignoring his shaft any longer. He began pawing off furiously, leaning against a tree as he pumped his shaft. Pre drizzling from the tip as he sunk to the ground with legs spread wide. He ignored everything in the forest as he attempted to relieve some of the strain in his balls and penis. "vee?" The sound caused him to falter in his momentum, his paw coming to a screeching halt. He looked over to the where the sound had came from and saw an eevee, As he stared at it several more showed up around it, all of them staring at him. Mewtwo slowly moved himself so that he was facing them and still resting up against the tree, an idea slowly forming in his head. He focused on them, attempting to change there mind set. This was difficult for him, his horny state not making it easier on him. What made it so difficult was that he had no idea what he was looking for, just that he knew what he was looking for was hidden somewhere in there minds. Minutes passed and soon the eevees began to act differently. All of there gazes seemed to change. Mewtwo smiled, knowing he had found what he was looking for. All five of the eevees where all now focusing there gaze on his erection, a lusty glaze in there eyes. He had tricked there minds into thinking they where in heat. He pushed his cock down until was as close to the ground as he could get it, smiling as he waited for the eevees' to act. The nearest one slowly approached his member, sniffing the tip once it was close enough. A visible shudder went through it as it took in the musky scent of the length. It began licking the tip, making quite murring sounds as it licked. Soon the other four eevees joined it. Each finding a place to lick. It wasn't long before they started climbing onto the massive length, clinging to it and using there tiny claws to hold onto it. He let his cock rise back into its normal position once all the eevees had a firm grip on it, each of them licking away at it, the small tongues sending small ripples of pleasure through his body. One was near the base, and was now positioned with one of its hind was pushing against his balls, using his sack as ledge to stand on. The one at the tip lapped up any and all of the pre that leaked from his throbbing length. He let out a moan, all the small sensations running through his cock from those tiny tongues was driving him crazy. His cock bobs in the air from as it twitches and throbs from the feelings that are cascading through it. After several minutes of this, the small amount of pleasure he gets from each tongue and each movement the eevees made added up, finally being enough to set him off. He cums hard, blasting the eevee at the tip in the face, coating it in cum. He slumps back as his cock flails in the air, the eevees holding on tight as they attempt to hold on. His orgasm ends, cum everywhere and five still very horny eevees still licking his shaft. Mewtwo was breathing hard after the orgasm, enjoying the cleaning they where giving his shaft. However, to his amazement his shaft was still rock hard, it hadn't softened even a little and was soon crying out for pleasure again. He sighed and stood up, the eevees just weren't enough to satisfy him completely. He brushed them off of his cock, having to pick one off with a hand, it clinging to his shaft. Once he ad gotten them all off he headed off into the forest, leaving the horny eevees alone to do whatever they wished, he was done with them. Mewtwo rubbed his aching shaft as he moved above the forest looking for something else to fuck. As he moved across the sea of trees, he came to a clearing with a large lake in the center. He dropped down and stood at the edge, looking down at his reflection in the water. His thoughts though kept returning to the aching piece of meat between his legs. He reached out with his mind, searching for any kind of life close to the lake. All living things needed water, so there was bound to be something nearby. He was happy to find that he was correct, and that there was something near by. He focused on the mind, finding it a lot simpler to do this now that he knew what he was looking for. He grinned, feeling that he had successfully tricked the mind to thinking it was time to mate. He waited patiently for his new toy to show himself, his cock still throbbing hard. A Gyardos breaches the surface of the water, and stares down at Mewtwo for several long minutes. Then it bent its head down so it was level with Mewtwos and then, seeming almost eager to do it, he took in the full length of Mewtwos throbbing erection into his maw. It started to bob its head a bit, sucking gently on the shaft as if it was a bottle, lapping at it with his large tongue. Mewtwo let out a need moan, the large mouth around his cock feeling amazing. He grabbed onto the Gyardos' head, holding him in place as he started fucking his muzzle. He didn't take it easy on the large mouth though, he was horny and needed release now! His thrusts came quick and hard, his shaft running up against that soft tongue, being coated in saliva as he kept his pace going. The Gyrados didn't seem to mind any of this, he just remained where he was and let his mouth be used as Mewtwo saw fit, slathering his saliva all over the throbbing shaft in his muzzle. He thrust deep and fast into the mouth, changing his angle so he hit different parts of the mouth with his aching member, his thick musky pre blasting out into the giant maw of the Gyrados. His feet dug into the ground as he ruthlessly pounded the Gyrados's mouth, sweat forming on parts of him as he panted out. At long last, he could not take it any more and jammed his length as far as it would go into the warm maw, his cock spasaming as it unleashed his load, his thick seed flowing into the Gyrados's mouth. He held his cock in that mouth for a good three minutes as his orgasm ended, um dripping from the tip. A shiver ran through him as the Gyrados began licking his cock clean. Slowly he pulled his shaft out when he decided he had held it in there long enough. To his dismay though it was still rock hard. He yelled out in dismay, losing control of himself and sending the Gyrados flying through the lake and slamming him into the other side of it with his powers. "Why can't I find relief!?" He shouted before taking off into the forest, looking for something else to use to try to quench his thirst for pleasure and release. He used his powers to smash trees out of his path, his shaft leaving a thin trail of pre cum behind him. His mind was only thinking of relieving his erection and he didn't care what he had to do to accomplish this. "I WANT MORE!" He screamed out, his massive erection throbbing in the air, helping to emphasizing his words. A small group of birds took off into the air as he screamed, the rustling of the leaves heard as they took off of the branches. He looked around, eyes darting over every inch of terrain that he could see between the trees. He did spot something, and at first he was going to pass it up. But his penis ached for another release, an ache that was difficult to ignore. It was a snorlax that he had spotted and after a few more throbs from his cock he made up his mind. The snorlax was obviously asleep, that was easy enough to determine by its loud snoring. With a mental grunt, he used his powers to slowly lift the fat body up off of the ground and flip the large behemoth over onto its stomach. The ground vibrated as the snorlax was dropped back onto the ground. Mewtwo let out a soft groan as his cock gave a particularly hard throb, a few of the bigger veins bulging out a bit more before shrinking back down. He floated up to the huge ass of the male snorlax, his cock drooling pre and throbbing as if to urge him on, to get him to sink his aching member into that ass. He took a steadying breath as he positioned his erection at the snorlax's tail hole. With no more hesitations, he slammed himself to the hilt in the smilax's ass, his massive member sliding in easily. He let out a moan as his shaft was enveloped by the inner warmth, the hole not very tight, but not that loose either, it was somewhere in a comfortable middle. He let out a murr from the back of his throat, relishing the feel of hi member being buried completely in such a warm hole. He began thrusting quickly, gripping both sides of that ass with a paw. A few hard jets of pre jetted out of his member, slicking up the hole and making the sensation all the better. As he pounded that squishy ass, his mind attempted to determine whether that Gyrados' mouth had felt better, or if this felt better. It was a futile attempt, impossible for him to determine. Though after a few more seconds he honestly stopped thinking about it, becoming more concerned with the warming pleasure that was creeping through his dick and into his loins. He bit his lower lip, speeding up his thrusts. He let go of the large rump and used his powers to just float there and thrust. His tail quivered and thrashed behind him violently, sweat dribbling down his forehead and chest. A pang in his groin made his thrusts falter for a brief second. Veins popped out on his balls, his testicles swelling inside his sack, his shaft bulged with blood. "Damn....this" His already stuttering speech broke off as a deep moan filled his throat. His balls spasamed visibly as he reached yet another orgasm today, his throbbing organ pumping his seed into the still sleeping snorlax. His orgasm lasted for what seemed hours of blissful pleasure that all too soon came to an abrupt end as his orgasm ended. He remained hilted in that huge ass for a bit longer before letting himself float down to lay on the soft grass. For several minutes he just stared up at the blue sky, surely after such an amazing orgasm his bodies thirst for release would finally be quenched. But no, this was quickly proven to not be the case. Simply by raising his head an inch he could easily see the tip of his towering erection. If anything it was even larger now the before. At first he put this off to the angle he was looking at it from, a simple trick of the lighting. However, as he sat up and looked it over he found it had indeed grown, going from two feet to two and a half feet, and at least another inch thicker. His balls where also larger, swollen to almost twice there size. Mewtwo was perplexed at to this size growth, but he wouldn't have the time to think further on this conundrum for already the ache in his loins was returning, stronger then ever. He floating up above the trees and was once again off, in search of his next victim. As Mewtwo soared off the snorlax twitched slightly, a soft grumble came from it as it shifted slightly. It lifted up its paw and scratched at his ass a few times before settling back down to resume its sleeping. Mewtwo sped just above the green leaves. Occasionally a branch that stuck up higher then the others would brush against his throbbing organ, reminding him of his need. But as he scanned the ground below him it was getting harder and harder to focus as his shaft throbbed constantly, wanting yet another release. "Rrr....g-god dammit.....n-need release!" Finally, the need grew to be too much for him to wait any longer. If he couldn't find a pokemon to use then he would just have to find an alternative method. Landing on the ground below he quickly surveyed the surrounding area, looking for anything that would meet his need. Seeing nothing that stood out as a good sex toy, he decided to make due with the nearest thing to him, a tree. He waved his hand over his shaft, forming a thin barrier around it. "that should do..." he murmured out grasping the tree with his hands, pulling back his hips he thrusted powerfully forward, his mighty shaft piercing through the bark and wood of the tree his barrier protecting him from splinters and the like. He let out a groan as the wood gave way, the jagged edges of the splintered wood pressing against the barrier felt so good against his aching shaft. He thrust vigorously into the hole he made, resting his forehead against the tree. He kept this up for a good long time, holding a steady pace. By now the jagged edges in the hole had been pushed out of the way by his thrusting, making the hole a bit smoother. He gave another harder thrust, pushing himself against the tree as hard as he could, at least a foot of his cock exposed through the other side of the tree. He jerked to stop, feeling warm breath against his throbbing member. His held his cock where it was, trying to determine if he had just imagined it. He jerked again when the breath came again, not his imagination then. The soft tickling breath breathing against his shaft was so tantalizing causing his shaft to throb and twitch in need. Apparently all of the twitching the creature on the other side because the next thing he knew was that his cock was being engulfed by a burning flame. The barrier around his shaft was up to the task of protecting the flesh on his cock from burning, but the heat still crept through, heating his cock to unimaginable temperatures. His length throbbed powerfully as he endured the temperatures. Soon the temperature dropped as whatever had been trying to burn him stopped. He then heard the noises of charmanders talking to themselves. He didn't catch what they where saying, to focused on how good that heat had felt against his aching length. The next thing he knew he felt sharp teeth attempting to dig into his length, several mouths knowing on his never dying erection. He pressed his head against the tree, panting hard as the charmanders gnawed on his length, his barrier protecting his length from being pierced by their sharp fangs. It did sting yes, but it also felt great, their warm mouths on his length. His length bucked a few times, the charmanders biting harder on it in response. Minutes passed like this, every buck or throb his length made only resulted in the charmanders to bit or yank on his length to keep it from getting away. The pleasure was like a good tickling. Enough to feel good, but annoyingly weak to what he needed. Finally he couldn't take this any more. With a scream he thrusted his hips forward, a burst of his psychic energy bursting from his length, the tree exploding from the burst of energy. "WHY THE FUCK WON"T THIS THING GO AWAY!!!" He screamed before flying across the sky, leaving the charmanders sitting around the destroyed tree, wondering what had just happened and where their new chew toy had gone. He soared through the air, his length wobbling around in the air, leaving a trail of his pre behind him. He looked below him, looking for his next victim. He spotted it. A large Venasaur walking through the forest. He landed down beside it and before it could even recognize what had dropped down next to him Mewtwo blasted it with a blast of psychic energy, warping its mind like he had so many other pokemon today. The Venasaur roared out and shook over, sending vines out from his back. Several of the m wrapped themselves around his length, sending a shiver down his spine. The vines squeezed his length as they coiled around it. More vines slowly coiled themselves around his legs and arms, though mew two didn't care, the pleasure radiating his length was enough to distract him. Though what came next caught him off guard. With a jerk to his limbs he found himself suspended in the air, hanging by the vines. At first he thought about blowing through the vines with his power, but the vines around his length where still wrapped so nicely around it, massaging it and stroking it. If that Venasaur wanted to play around with him, then who was he to stop him? When he felt a vine rub against his rear was when he decided enough was enough. But without being able to even focus an ounce of energy the vine plunged into him, his focus lost from the sudden intrusion. The first thing to go through him was an annoying pain. But soon a new pleasure started to spread through him. The vine in him seemed to be rubbing against something inside him, something that felt...amazingly good. Was this how Venasaurs mated? The thought of how other pokemon mated had never really crossed his mind through the day, though now he couldn't really help but think about it as the Venasaur pounded away at his ass with that vine, his length getting one of the best massage he could ever hope for. Soon he was just enjoying the treatment, hanging limply in the grasp of vines. The vine in his rump kept a steady pace, pumping in and out with blinding speed. By now his entire length was enveloped in vines, vines that coiled and uncoiled, squeezed and relaxed. Every motion sending a wave of pleasure through him. The added pleasure from the jabs the vine in his rump gave that pleasure inducing spot was pushing him faster then ever. "Oh goood~ This feels wonderful." He moaned out in bliss, his length drooling pre in huge dollops, almost a steady stream falling form his length. He could sense the pleasure from the Venasuar as it pleasures him. It obviously was getting close to, and he didn't want to be left behind. "Mmm, me first~" He groaned out. Though the comment had been simple enough, in his pleasure wracked mind he accidentally set the move off. His length suddenly surged forward, swelling thicker and longer in a few seconds, stretching the vines around it. "Fuuuuuuuuck!" he groaned out, the sudden growth setting him off. A torrent of seed shooting from his length. He grass below was painted white as he emptied his balls, both of which had swollen up to match his length. At almost the same time the vine in his rump swelled up as the Venasaur used the move growth. Mewtwo hung limply after his powerful orgasm. The Venasuar filling his rump with his seed. Satisfied, Venasuar released him, coiling his vines back and dropping Mewtwo to the ground. Mewtwo lay their panting as the Venasaur wandered off. He soaked in a puddle of his own jizz for a bit. Stretching out as his afterglow faded. Slowly he sat up and was greeted by his still hard length. However, it was not his normal 2 foot length. It now stood at a 3 feet, throbbing 5 inches thick now. "You have to be fucking kidding me...." he groaned out, resting his forehead against his length in exasperation. He moved his legs a bit, peaking at his orbs as their size also became apparent to him. They where both massive now. Both a bit larger then cantaloupes. "I can't win....I just can't" He grumbled, a large glob of pre oozing from his tip and sliding down. The pre oozed down his length and onto his forehead, running between his face and length. As it ran across his face he let his tongue slip out to lick a bit of it, curious of the taste. To his pleasant surprise it wasn't that bad, it was actually a bit sweet. He let his tongue trail up his length, his shaft rewarded him with another glob of pre. He slowly licked up this glob of pre and took the head of his length into his mouth. His lips stretched wide by his girth. He began to stroke his length, running his fingers across the base as he suckled on the tip. Swirling his tongue around the head as his pawed the rest of his length was nice, not as good as any of his other antics through the day. At least it made the throbbing need die down a bit. He let a paw slide down to grasp one of his massive orbs. He could swear he could feel his sperm swimming around inside. Though that could easily just be his lust clouding his mind. He continued giving his length special treatment, his rump soaking in the puddle of splooge he had been dropped into. He wrapped his arms and self around his length as much as he could, hugging and rubbing up against his length. His throbbing length felt so warm against his body. As he sucked on the tip and caressed the length with his body he closed his eyes. He could almost imagine he was making out with a lover, passionately hugging and kissing them in a warm embrace. Though to be fair, this was still true in its own way. Slowly he began grinding against himself, thrusting the head in and out of his maw. Pre gushed from his length, filling his maw faster then he could swallow it, the excess quickly oozing out around the edges of his lips. Still sensitive from an orgasm so soon before, it wasn't taking much to rebuild the earlier pleasure. Rolling over so he lay on top of his length he began bucking against the ground, sliding against the cum soaked ground. He took the engorged head of his length out of his mouth, licking along his throbbing meat, giving it the same treatment as the head. Unhindered the flow of pre quickly increased the pool of his fluids already on the ground. He picked up his pace, hus the upper portion of his massive rod as he ground the rest against the ground. His feet digging into the grass as finally let out a deep moan. His length tensed and pulsed, shooting massive strands of his seed. All the immediate trees directly in front of him where plastered with his seed. He leaned his head forward, getting a mouthful of his seed, disappointed to find that it was not as sweet as his pre had been, more salty if anything. Minutes passed, his larger balls easily doubling the size of his load as he decorated the trees with his own brand of Christmas snow flocking. With a shudder and deep groan he laid himself down on his cock, enjoying the heat of it radiating through the rest of his body as a last few strands of cum oozed from the tip. Slowly he cracked his open in a pleasure filled daze. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted something. A Ninetails who had wandered up to the clearing he laid in to see what had happened. Mewtwo instantly felt his length pulse underneath him. Without losing a beat he took off from the ground towards the Ninetails. The Ninetails wasn't stupid, seeing the Mewtwo coming at her was all she needed to know it was time to run. Though running from an overly horny Mewtwo is not an easy task. She barely made it three steps before she was pinned underneath him. The next thing she knew was excruciating pain as he jammed his full length into her sex. Mewtwo howled out in lust as her tight pussy enveloped him. He buried all three feet of his length in her, holding it in against all the Ninetails struggling. Blood seeped out around his length and it was quickly becoming obvious to him that he might have jumped the gun on this one. With his new girth, it was impossible for something this size to take his full length without death. Well... that would normally be the case. Focusing deeply on the whimpering, struggling Ninetails he sent waves of recover energy though her. With his length inside her the task was a bit easier then he imagined it would be. Reconstructing torn inner flesh and helping to sooth the pain. Slowly he began to thrust inside her, his massive length tearing her open yet again, sending her into a whimpering mess. He shushed her as he thrusted, constantly focusing his recovery energies into her. Slowly but steadily he managed to overtake the damage he was doing and keep her in a constant state of repair, letting the Ninetails finally feel some pleasure, some fluids dripping from her sex. Then he kicked his love making into maximum. A howl of sheer displeasure and pain emitted from the Ninetails as her innards where ripped open yet again, if not for the stream of recovery energy flowing into her she probably would have had internal injuries beyond repair. Mewtwo just focused more energy into her, now focusing the recovery through his length, finding the extra energy help enhance what he felt. Steadily he overtook the damage he was doing once again. HE pinned her to the ground with his body, her fluffy tails flailing about him as he pounded away in her sex, his length a mess of pre, cum and blood as he put all the energy into the sex and using the move recover over and over. Her soft inner flesh felt amazing. It was probably one of the best things he'd stuck his dick into all day, how it hugged his length like a tight fitting glove. How the flesh warmed his length and the fluids slicked it up so wonderfully. Moaning out he pushed the Ninetails down against the ground more and more as he attempted to shove his massive prick in deeper with each thrust. Their combined fluids oozing around his length. His length throbbed mightily, feeling like it was swelling further inside the tight innards. Though it didn't matter, as long as the pleasure didn't stop his length could stretch the poor Ninetails out as much as it wished. The Ninetails whimpered and cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure. By now she had let her hindquarters go limp, any movement of her muscles back their causing a burst of pain. Eventually the Ninetails stopped struggling and moving completely. She laid limply on the ground as she was pounded away at, just hoping it would be over soon. The pain just too much for her to do anything more. Fortunately for her though her torture wasn't to last much longer. With a howl, Mewtwo shoved the full length inside of her one last time. His shaft bulged out thicker as he hit orgasm yet again for this day. The Ninetails squeals underneath him as he pumps streams of his seed into her. Minutes past as Mewtwo ground his hips against Ninetails rump, shooting a few more massive jets of cum, her belly now bulging almost to the ground from his massive orgasm. Sending a few more waves of healing energy though the Ninetails body to make sure her body will last after the fucking he gave her. Slowly he pulled his length from her warm soft innards, seed spilling from her stretched sex. He let out a soft groan as a few good globs of cum spilled from his length. However, once the afterglow of his orgasm the throbbing aching feel of his over engorged length once again overtook his body. "FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY WON'T THIS BONER DIE!!!" He screamed to the heavens as his length drooled pre over the unconscious Ninetails upraised rump. With one more scream of annoyed rage he blasted off into the air, leaving a large dust cloud behind him. He soared close to the ground, his length smashing through bushes. He didn't mind, the feel of the bushes smacking against his length felt good, the cool leaves brushing against his length sent tingles up his length. What in the world was wrong with him? Why would this erection not just end? His length bashed through yet another bush, though as he past it he noticed that his length felt heavier. He stopped in mid flight letting his length bob up into his view, if it was bigger....he swore someone was going to pay. Though to his surprise his length hadn't grown, it had simply picked up a hitchhiker. Clinging to his length, just below the head of his shaft, was a Pikachu. The Pikachu slowly opened its eyes once it realized that it had stopped moving and stared at him. Not knowing what to say he stared back. With a cry, the Pikachu let lose a thunderbolt, the electricity flowing through his length, into his balls and into the rest of his body. Every muscle in his body tensed up as he fell to the ground and onto his back, his length standing straight in the air, tensing and bucking from the energy pulsing through it. Now closer to the ground the Pikachu jumped off of his length. Leaving Mewtwo twitching their. Before leaping into another bush though, the Pikachu decided to turn around and let loose another cry. A few seconds later and a thunderbolt came from the sky and struck Mewtwos lighting rod of a cock dead on. He jerked from the massive electrical shock that went through him, muscles spasm randomly, his length throbbing and bulging, veins popping out as the energy bled through him and into the ground. Just as the last of the energy left him his length gave one more big jerk. With a gasp he gave a buck of his hips at the sudden orgasm that sprung forth, a fountain of his splooge flying into the air and raining down around him. He lay their, for several minutes, staring up at his still twitching length. "What....the hell just happened?" He asked to the thin air. Though he wasn't going to be too pissed at the Pikachu though, an orgasm was an orgasm after all. Slowly he rose, jerking a few times as a few last stored up patches of electricity shot out. Taking up into the air once again, though he was beginning to lose hope. After all the intense orgasm he'd had today, and the fact his member refused to soften even a smidge, made him begin to thick that this dick of his would never soften again. Looking below he found the forest seemingly deserted. Perhaps the word that a sex maniac had spread. Though perhaps it was for the best. Looking up at the now red sky, he realized he had fucked the day. Changing course he headed back towards the cave he had made his home. Perhaps after a good night sleep his erection would die down. Looking down once he was a good amount into the sky he could see several puddles of white on the ground. It became a night by the time he made it back to the cave. The sky was clear, letting him see a clear starry night sky. He starred up at it, a cool breeze caressing his length. It felt oddly reminiscent of how this day started. As he stood their, a noise, a presence began to make itself known to himself. Turning towards this presence, he found himself staring at Mew. "What are you doing here?" He let out with a grumble. In its easily excitable manner Mew began flying around him, mewing at him. Pretty much the Mew had felt the over stimulated sexual energies in this area and had come to see what was going on. At the end of the explanation, the Mew planted himself on top of Mewtwos massive length, wiggling its rump to get comfy on its seat. Mewtwo blushed a bit as his length was used as a bench. "Do you mind?" Muttering as he spoke, the twitching of his length along with the dollops of pre drooling from it betrayed his true feelings. Mew just giggled and bounced on his length, sending shivers up Mewtwo's spine. Mew proceeded to turn and straddle his length flopping down on it and giving it a big hug. With that Mewtwo decided to stop complaining and just let the Mew do what it wanted. Flopping back onto his rump and leaning against the stonewall of the cave entrance. "Fine you win" He grunted out as his shaft gave a quick buck from a pang of pleasure. Mew giggles again, licking the tip of his length before floating up and in front of the massive cock, his own lil erection poking out. Mew giggles again before flying up and slipping his member into the bigger cocks cum slit. Mew shuddered as it wrapped its long flexible tail around the large length. Not wasting anymore time he began thrusting nice and hard into the bigger cock. The combined fluids of both cocks seeping out around Mew length and pooling on the floor. His long tail curls and spirals around Mewtwos length. Mewtwo himself was letting out groans and moans of pleasure. The insertion into his length along with the tail felt good enough, but the Mew had begun to use its own psychic powers to pleasure the inner parts of his length. Massaging the inner parts and vibrating the blood filling his length. "F-fuck! I...don't think I can last...." He pants out, his endurance having eroded through the days worth of orgasms. Letting out a groan he bucks his hips forward as the pleasure becomes to much, with a mighty groan....nothing happened. No flow of seed, no warm afterglow, no nothing. He blinked realizing the high pleasure of near orgasm wasn't diminishing. Mew giggled up at him as it kept thrusting into his length. Using its powers it suppressed the parts of his mind and body that would start the actual orgasm. Mew thrust away happily, giggling at Mewtwo and how uncomfortable he was getting with being at the brink of orgasm. Veins quickly began to bulge out around Mewtwo's length. His balls quickly fallowed suite, veins bulging out on them as they swelled and bulged. He cried out, his ail thrashing about as his body was wracked with unending pleasure, his mind going crazy as it became impossible for it to think or focus on anything but the intense pleasure. Mew let out a cute lil moan as it kept thrusting into the monster cock. He picked up the pace, thrusting into it faster and harder, grinding his hips against the tip as he kept going, and his tail wrapping tighter around the shaft as Mews own lust filled him. Mew gave a few more good firm thrusts before moaning out cutely and squeezed onto the large shaft tightly as he hit his orgasm. Spewing his cum down deep into Mewtwo's shaft, hanging from the twitching shaft as he enjoyed his orgasm. Mewtwo moaned out as his shaft was filled, the seed was so very hot and seemed to push the pleasure he was in further... He bucked his hips and squirmed on the floor, losing control of his mind and body from never ending orgasmic level pleasure that wouldn't die down, even for a second. Mew panted softly as it enjoyed its afterglow, clinging to the shaft. Slowly with a loving mew it pulled his length out, letting some of the seed dribble out. With a satisfied, sigh Mew stretched out and floating about for a bit, giggling at all of Mewtwos squirming and thrashing about on the floor. Finally remembering what it had done it releases Mewtwos body from the suppression it had over him. Giggling one more time Mew floats up and lifts Mewtwos length up with a paw and gives it a gentle kiss on the tip. Ducking quickly for what it knew was coming. Mewtwo gasped, that simple kiss sending him off, for real this time. With a huge moan he dug his fingers against the rocks and shoved his hips into the air. A huge stream of seed spewed from his length, huge massive strands of thick steamy seed flying over the edge of the cliff at which they stood. The cum raining down, a steady stream of his splooge coming form his length, almost no break in the stream. His balls twitched and convulsed on the floor as the force every drop of seed from his body. Slowly, but steadily the stream died down, soon no longer having the force to shoot over the cliff edge. Though it quickly pooled up and ran over the edge, creating a waterfall of his seed. With a sigh he flops onto the floor. His massive orgasm finally over. He didn't notice Mew departing. The only thing he could focus on was the clear view he had. No obstruction preventing him from looking down anymore. It had finally grown soft, laying limp on the ground. It was finally over, the never ending lust had come to an end. He let out a sigh, slowly falling asleep. Looking back on it now, today wasn't thaaaat bad. Perhaps... perhaps he could try and do it again. After today, he was positive he'd have another like it. Their was no way that such a massive libido would stay satisfied forever. Letting out a soft yawn he drifted off into a slumber. Sleeping in a warm pool of his seed as it slowly flowed off the edge. Overall, though frustrating, today had been a very fun day.