Ars Technica Digimonae 3: Battles et cetera

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#3 of Ars Technica Digimonae

Luna weaved in and out of the buildings of downtown Boston. The world of the humans was so different than the digital world...everywhere she looked, everyone and everything was doing something, everything and everyone was serving some purpose or another. It was a sharp contrast with the digital world, with it's bleak rolling valleys, empty mountains, and sparsely populated plains. The differences were enough that she almost forgot about everything else that had happened that day while she made her observations.

"Oh, Ezra," she sighed tiredly. She had no idea what to do--this wasn't the kind of situation that she was acquainted with, not the kind of thing that she had anticipated when she first met her tamer. None of the other Renamon in her clan had ever wanted to take her as a mate because of her corruption. She had wanted to come here to the real world to prove that she was more than just a corrupted female--she was a strong, capable warrior.

Almost absentmindedly, she closed her eyes, laid back, spread her legs, and began to massage her fur-covered lips. It had been a while since she had any kind of sexual release at all--this would be her first in the real world. Her breaths lengthened and became more intense with the desire to feel something inside her, so she slowly slid in a finger, moving it gently against the inside of her pussy. She shuddered at the feeling, moaning softly. Continuing to move her finger in and out of her pussy, she moved her other hand down and began to rub her clit. Every bit of pressure she applied was multiplied a hundredfold in pleasure.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." said a coarse, vaguely female voice somewhere behind her. It wasn't the voice of a human--it was the voice of a Digimon! She jumped from her laying position into a half-defensible stance to look at her attacker face-to-face.

not something I will tell the likes of you. I will, however, give you one warning and one warning alone."

Darkness ray!" Luna jumped sideways out of the way of the dark purple blast, which, rather inconveniently, resulted in her falling through the air towards another building about fifty feet down. No matter. She flipped around in mid air and crossed her arms across her chest.

Diamond storm! DIAMOND STORM!" she released the barrage of projectiles at the DarkLizardmon, who either managed to move out of the way of every single one of them. Also somehow, the DarkLizardmon had landed on the ground before she did.

Snipe fang!" Before she had time to react, something cut her shoulder, drawing blood. Gritting her teeth, she dodged another similar attack and stepped into the DarkLizardmon, grabbing it's arm and ducking under it, just as Ezra had when the two of them were training together. Taken completely by surprise, DarkLizardmon was thrown to the ground with Luna standing on top of her triumphantly.

Dark flare!" Luna was temporarily blinded by complete darkness. Her mercy had been rewarded by a swift kick to the crotch, sending her spinning into the air. A moment passed, and she managed to flip herself around to keep her eyes on her foe.

Diamond Storm!" The attack proved ineffective for the third time.She lout a small growl as she fell back to the ground, landing gracefully on her feet. "Ezra, where are you?" she asked the air around her.

assessment, simultaneous reasoning, everything that one would come to expect from an artificial intelligence construct. But, ultimately, those were all things that even his calculator could be programmed to do, given sufficient run time and memory for the program. There was code to change code, code to analyze its usefulness, code to disassemble and utilize other code for its own purposes.

Ezra sighed, switched off the monitor, and buried his head in his hands. He hadn't found what he was looking for. Hell, he hadn't even found the 'corruption' that she kept talking about. Not that he had been expecting to locate it anyway--there was no way for him to know exactly where it was without something to compare it to. And it certainly wasn't going to make itself apparent if he couldn't go through every line of code that existed.

"Ah, well," he conceded, standing up and removing the D-arc from his belt and looked at its screen. It had changed from the the screen that it normally displayed, and was now displaying what looked like some kind of directional indicator, accompanied by a flashing red circle in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Whatever it meant, it didn't look good. It didn't look good at all. On impulse, he grabbed one of his card decks from the box where he stored them, shoved them into his coat pocket, and ran outside, his eyes intently focused on the skyline of Boston--another, three dimensional arrow was pointing upward. He assumed that meant that she was somewhere...up. But what building? He stopped his running and looked around with only the vaguest of ideas as to where she was. It didn't give a distance indicator, so he wouldn't be able to do anything beyond guess. As he turned around, he caught a glimpse of bright light flash from on the of one of the various smaller buildings scattered throughout the town that stood adjacent to a larger one. That could only mean one thing...

Luna was in a battle, and he wasn't there.

Finally finding it, he flung open the door, which resounded with a bang as it hit the side of the frame.

Guardian Barrage, activate! Digimodify!"

" Guardian barra-"

Snipe fang!" When the black ray hit Luna square in the chest, he knew it wasn't good. When she knelt down, grasping at her chest, he knew it was bad. When she fell to the ground, still clutching at her chest, he knew it was very bad. In a heartbeat, he was at her side, one hand on her shoulder, the other hand over her hand on her chest.

"No," he said shakily.


anything that he could do against such an opponent. The size difference alone made it basically impossible for him to do anything.

Her tamer turned his head, and for a brief moment, their eyes met. She got the same near-elated feeling that she had gotten when he kissed her. That would never happen again...none of it. The training, the understanding...none of it. She had come into his life for her own benefit, and now he was losing his life for her benefit. There had to be something that she should do. In that moment, that moment of desperation, an impulse came. She followed it.

Put him down," she said, her voice echoing threefold.

Put...him...down," she repeated, lowering her eyes while raising her gaze.

Snipe fang!"

"Put...him...down," she said for the third and final time. DarkLizardmon grudgingly tossed Ezra against the wall of the adjacent office building.

You should be ashamed of yourself. Most Digimon come to the real world to escape daily combat. You have come to exploit that. That is despicable, and--"

Snipe fang!" DarkLizardmon yelled out in desperation. " Snipe fang!"

Thousand Years' Defence." She didn't move an inch, but not a thing touched her. After the DarkLizardmon stopped attacking her, she stepped sideways from her original position, and a wall of ice that had been in front of here. After the wall shattered into a thousand small pieces of ice, she put her hand out in front of her, each individual finger outstretched.

Frigid Exclamation!" A flurry of spears constructed of the hardest ice formed in front of her and passed at lighting speed through her enemy, tearing it apart before it could make a protest to her actions. The data dissociated and fizzled away on the wind. A bad way to go, but she wouldn't let anyone do that to her tamer.

Are you hurt?"

I was returning a favor."

It was you. I had not admitted it to myself yet, but I love you," she stammered--her threefold voice echo made it sound infinitely more embarassing. "When I saw what was happening to you and realized it was my fault, I had to do something. it unlocked something in me, something that I did not even know I had."

Yes." He reached out and touched her hand, quickly recoiling.

What were you expecting?" she asked with a small smile on her face.

Is something wrong?"

What is it?"

"You know, Luna..." he said. "When I pictured my first love...this wasn't exactly what I had in mind."

Note: For those of you who aren't major philosophy nerds, Protogoras was a Sophist philosopher who answered the question "do the gods exist?" with said quote.]

"I don't understand. If it vas as powerful as you say, vhy hadn't it digivolved naturally?"

"Finally. changed back?" he asked, looking at her in surprise.

"It's alright," she said. His hand moved down an inch or two, but then stopped again. "Ezra, please..." she whimpered longingly, getting a desperate look in her eyes.

She leaned back in the bed and rested for a few moments before opening her eyes--Ezra didn't break off the kiss for another few minutes. Once he had, Luna began to look longingly up and down her...mate's...lithe body.

"Luna," he said hesitatingly. "Are you...ready?" She responded by giving a quick nod and a soft whimper, rubbing herself against his stomach in anxious anticipation. He slid his hands up her thighs to her waist, where he lifted her up and let her down onto his cock. When his cock touched her pussy, it took every ounce of willpower he had. He began to move up and down against the fox Digimon, moaning audibly with every individual thrust. This was never something that he had pictured himself doing when he first became interested in Digimon...but what the hell, it was wonderful!

He flicked his eyes downward to the activity that was happening between their legs. Along with their juices joining and flowing freely down her inner thighs, he could see blood matting bits of fur.

He felt himself approaching the point of no return, and gripped Luna even harder tan he had before--this prompted a loud whimper in reaction. He tightened up, moaned loudly, and came into the kitsune. Obviously sensing the explosion inside her, Luna's eyes widened and she let out a shuddering orgasm of her own, quivering heavily before collapsing onto him, exhausted. Her body, if it was possible, was even more sweat-soaked than his own, but he held her tightly against him all the same, if only to make sure that he wasn't in some kind of dream--if it was, this would certainly take the cake for dreams in his book.