
Story by Tybbie on SoFurry

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I wrote it. Don't steal it. If you're not old enough to read it, or if gay furries offend you, look away now! Also, special thanks go to Lady Rajni and her Leotiger for the use of Solit. Without them, language communication barriers wouldn't nearly be as sexy.

"Shi ixsik ichi," the large wolf started, his voice jolly. He caught himself, however, and switched to Illryian. "Welcome, sir. What I can get for you?"

The leonid looked ashamed, and lowered his ears at the sound of the lupine's booming voice. "I...uh...." he started, giving the entrance one last look. "I'm...I'm looking for...."

"Ah. I have the thing," the wolf bellowed, and the lion exhaled, glad he was being understood. The lupine motioned with one beefy paw, beckoning for Conrad to follow him. He led the leonid down a long hallway and motioned towards a door. He handed him a key and gave the male a wink. "Enjoy, sir."

The room wasn't a large one. Tucked away in the back corner of the building, it was quite bare, leaving room for only a bed and a washbasin. The bed was quite large, however, and looked comfortable. There was plenty of room to roll around in, when it came to that. Blankets and coverlets made of silk covered the bed, the colors vibrant and exotic, foreign. But here, he was the foreigner. The same fabrics draped the walls, swathing the room with dark colors, blocking out the natural light that threatened to disrupt the intimate atmosphere of the room. It was dimly lit, with candles providing a warm, golden glow that cast long shadows everywhere; the air raids had taken out electricity in most of the city. He wasn't quite sure how the brothel itself remained standing through it all, but here it was.

Conrad smoothed the front of his slacks down nervously, stared down at the polished sheen of his standard-issue shoes. His face reflected back up at him. It was a good face, he thought, open, honest, and quite handsome, if he did say so himself. His hereditary mane was combed down nicely, neatly, and tucked into the opened collar of his shirt. He was built like a growing lion, broad chested and thick, but agile, ready to move, to hunt - to kill. He wasn't all that old yet, a mere twenty-three years gone by; five of them spent fighting a war that they'd ultimately won.

It had come as a surprise when the Salran government had informed his commanding officer that they were to be provided with what was so politely euphemized as "comfort" while they were abroad, but he didn't question it. He'd managed to hold out for some time, instead whiling away the hours helping the local villagers rebuild their homes. He couldn't bear to see them sleeping by the sides of the roads at night, while he and the rest of his platoon passed by in their big khaki vehicles. The other soldiers had teased him for a while, but soon, others began to help him. However, he couldn't ignore the ache that teased at his groin forever, and so he'd made his way to the rather bland building marked only with the familiar blue and gold stripes of the Illyrian flag.

The door opened, and the lion's attention was drawn to it, and to the figure that slipped inside. Con's golden eyes widened, jaw dropping at the sight before him. A slender feline, a kitten by the looks of him, closed the door behind him and stood in front of it, staring at the larger male. The boy was sleek, his cream-furred body swathed in a vibrant turquoise silk, draped elsewhere in sheer material. He had an over-abundance of long, dark hair, pulled back from his face tightly, a braided tail trailing down to the middle of his back. He was such a delicate little thing, it was a wonder he could be recognized as a male at all. Of course, the sheath between his legs and the swaying sack beneath it were dead giveaways.

"Yushi." The boy's voice was quiet, gentle, as most of the Salra were, but the language was strange, harsh on the lion's ears. His eyes were a dark brown, so dark that the boundaries between iris and pupil blurred, creating the effect of one solid chocolate-colored surface.

Con stood, motionless at the center of the room, but bobbed his head in a greeting. "H-hello? You...." He shook his head, a low growl rumbling in his chest. "I didn't ask for...." Shit. He hadn't asked for anything. The lupine had given him a male! A quick sigh brought air into his lungs and clarity into his head. "

"Do you...?" He paused, for a moment before pressing on, despite the clear confusion on the boy's face. "Do you speak Ilyrian?" he asked, speaking slowly, clearly, making sure he enunciated each word. The boy continued to stare at him blankly, and he shook his head, trying again. He brought paw up to point at himself. "My name is Conrad," he said, leaning down just a bit to try to keep eye contact with the smaller male. "What's yours?"

The boy simply stared at him, his eyes blank. The silence hung heavily before one slender paw came up to lift the layers of silk away, peeling them off and unwrapping what looked to be a beautiful package.

Con shook his head again and waved his paws for the other male to stop. "No, no," he said, running his paws through his mane. All he wanted was a quick blow. Why did it have to be this hard? He brought one big paw up and pointed his finger at the dead center of his chest. "Conrad." There. He couldn't be any more certain than that.

That blank stare was still there. Those chocolate brown eyes watched him intently, but showed no signs of recognition. However, one slim cream paw rose up to point a single digit at the tip of the male's nose, a gesture the lion had learned indicated one's self. "Ai." So the boy's name was Ai, and he understood simple gestures. The boy - Ai, Con had to remind himself - stepped forward and took the leonid's big paw into both of his, tugging him over to the bed. He followed, and rested his tail against the silk. It really was as soft as it looked.

A rustle of fabric accompanied the feline's movements at the cat stood before the lion and discarded the clothing he wore. Just the sight took the lion's breath away, jaw dropped to just about the floor. If Ai were a day over eighteen, Con would eat his hat. Assuming he had a hat, of course. The kitten was boyishly built, with a willowy torso. He was built like a reed, all of him long and thin, but with just the slightest hint of muscle tone.

Con began to rumble low in his chest as he brought his paws up to undo the next few buttons of his shirt, his eyes locked on the cat's body. "Oh. Oh, my," was all he could think of to respond to the sight before him. His right paw rubbed at his belly, scratching the soft fur through his shirt material while the fingers of his left paw drummed a soft rhythm on the inside of his thigh, near where his sheath began to strain ever so lightly at his khakis.

Ai smiled at him sheepishly, a pretty pink blush managing to peek its way through the soft, cream-colored fur. "Ru nerhis iru kans dikal inirith." His nimble fingers reached back and undid the simple ribbon that held his hair back. The long strands tumbled out and down along his shoulders to sweep along the lower curve of his rear. "Ru dens iru kerbajro diru shinsys inirith."

With all the time he'd spent among them, Conrad was amazed to find that he'd learned so little of their language. Brow furrowed, he reached out and placed a heavy paw on the cat's shoulder.

"You," he said, giving the boy a gentle shake. "Me," he continued and brought his free paw up to point at his nosetip with a soft smile. Keeping his eyes on the cat, Con made not a single sound as he pointed down towards his crotch. Nodding from the kitten signified consent, and it was all the lion needed.

If there were a world record for getting naked, the lion's picture would be right there beneath it. Likewise, if there were one for world's quickest erection, Con's hefty maleness would have a full-page spread. He couldn't believe how quickly or how easily his body responded to the sight of the young body standing before him, and the thought made his ears pin back against his scalp, his paws staying firmly planted in his lap, rather than reaching out to grab the kitten, like he wanted to.

Seeing the older male's apprehension, the kitten took the lead, crawling up onto the bed and laying back against amethyst sheets that seemed to highlight the feline's creamy fur and his long, black hair. That lengthy mane pooled behind him, and he reached down to the base of the long tail to undo the ribbon that held it together, the strands falling out in waves of onyx. He watched the lion for a good moment, simply staring at the folds of his khaki uniform. He finally motioned him over with a wave of his paw. "Tresik ikor."

Of course the lion didn't need to be told twice. The simple gesture was all he needed to see, and Con was atop the boy in an instant. Their lips met in a kiss that built slowly and culminated in a fiery gasp from both as they broke to let air rush to their lungs. Two sets of paws fumbled at the waistband of the lion's pants, pushing them down and letting a deep red erection tumble out to slap against a cream-colored belly, beating a rhythm that set the tempo for their joining. The lion pinned the boy down and latched his teeth into the rolling slope of Ai's shoulder, biting down gently as his hips hunched instinctively forward, pressing up against him and grinding the feline down into the bed.

It came as a surprise to the boy that his own maleness began to harden, swelling and pressing up against the larger one above him. A beautiful gold gaze met his, and the little kitten leaned up to touch his lips against the lion's chest, at the same time bringing his knees up to rest on either side of the male's hips.

A groan ripped from Con's muzzle, and his hips moved of their own accord to nuzzle his weeping erection between the firm curves of Ai's butt. Meaty paws gripped slender hips and lifted, and soon that aching hardness found a warm, tight sheath as the leonid worked himself in slowly, hips moving in small circles to open the feline up. He gasped in pleasure, muzzle wide open and eyes tightly shut as the heat from their bodies built up around them. Slim arms wound their way around his neck, and he was taken by surprise. He looked down at the boy, who pressed his face to the lion's broad chest. "Oh...oh, gods...."

Provoked beyond his wildest dreams and nearly mad with lust, Conrad gritted his teeth and plunged himself in, meeting the boy's rump with a meaty slap and a hearty roar.

They lay tangled together, breathing raggedly. Ai's breath was warm as it poured over the fur of the lion's throat, training down over the hollow above his collarbone before it dissipated. Unable to do much more than stare, Con reached a paw up to stroke through that wild mass of hair. He let it trickle through his fingertips, watching it drop and pool on the lilac sheets.

Contractions beneath him, squeezing the taut, sensitive flesh of his penis, brought his attention back to the matters at hand. He grinned down at the kitten and found a similar smirk of mischief on those pretty lips. Groans of sheer pleasure slipped from slightly parted lips as the lion pulled himself back, easing his maleness out of the feline only to slide it back in to an accompanying chorus of pleased sighs. A pattern was set, slow and easy, the heavy slap-slap of hips against hips setting a leisurely tempo. The lion's eyes closed as he eased himself in and out of the squirming, mewling boy beneath him. "F-fuck..." he hissed, through clenched teeth.

The sounds they made seemed to echo in the small room, bouncing here and there as paws clutched at one another, claws raked through fur, and lips met in slick, steamy kisses that left both felines panting for air, and for each other. Con was hard as a rock as he slid into and out of Ai's beautiful tail, unable to remember a time when anything felt so damned good. He flexed above the smaller male, whose paws moved to feel each curve and swell of muscle as the larger male powered into him.

"Nir." he whispered, his voice quiet, breathy, that language hitting Con's ears and missing him completely. Unmistakeable, however, were the limber thighs that tightened around his hips, urging him harder, faster. He obliged gratefully, resting his forehead against the easy slope of those willowy shoulders, his mane tumbling into Ai's field of vision, clouding his senses in an amber haze. The lion smelled of sweat, of musk, of hard work, of male. Ai took it all in, breathing deeply as he felt the hard member inside his body, worked it with muscles unseen, and felt it press and nudge that spot deep inside, making his own cathood buck and kick between their sweat-slicked bellies. He closed his eyes, reveling in the feelings of being taken, of being gripped so tightly by paws so much larger than his own. Of -

An overwhelming surge of sensation centered around his cock took the leonid by surprise as the kitten's body began twitching beneath him. He opened his eyes wide, golden stare fixed on the cream colored nymph beneath him, watching the gentle roll and ripple of taut stomach muscles and the concentrated crease of that gentle brow as the feline fought with the fierce feelings he felt. Knowing what was coming and taking full advantage of it, Con picked up speed. First one footpaw and then the other slipped and then re-planted themselves on the bed as he adjusted his weight so that he could press more fully into that deliciously tight tail. He fastened his lips to the feline's shoulder, growling his pleasure as he bit down, gently at first.

Sweet, gentle cries of pleasure only served to excite him further, and he added more pressure with his teeth, dangerously sharp tips pressed tight into soft fur. His eyes stayed wide open, looking down the length of the beautiful body beneath him as the feline's erection twitched, flexed, rose up off his belly and, in a moment of sheer ecstasy, climaxed, sending strands of seed splashing over their stomachs.

They lay together for a moment, the lion still within the smaller male, who lay panting beneath him. Ai stared down, at the slashes of semen that glittered in the candlelight. They decorated his belly like streamers of silver. He felt the lion shift, and looked up at him in confusion. "Dinley....kanse?" he asked, canting his head in confusion.

A grin of sharp, gleaming teeth did nothing to allay the smaller male's confusion. He felt the lion draw out of him, slowly, almost agonizingly so, allowing him to feel every inch of that meaty length as it slipped from his tail.

Con let out a rumbling growl of contentment as his erection throbbed and thumped against the kitten's groin. He held one paw up, extending a finger and twirling it in the air as he slowly said, "Turn over." Those broad paws helped in the motion, gripping hips to assist as he turned the smaller male over and spread those beautiful cheeks. He slid forward and pressed himself in. Hips met with surprising ease, and the boy cooed softly, happily, beneath him. He planted one paw on either side of Ai's head and began to move in long strokes, lips descending to plant kisses on the back of the cat's neck.

A soft, cool nose tickled through the fine hairs at the back of the feline's neck, sending tingles of pleasure down his spine. He began to purr like an engine as he was ground into the bed by Con's smooth thrusts.

Gritting his teeth, the lion slid himself in and out, hips pumping, thrusting up against the kitten beneath him. His teeth gripped into the plush cream fur, digging in and scraping the skin beneath. He tightened his teeth, holding the feline in a mating bite as he plunged himself further into the other's tight tail. "Oh, lord..." he whispered into those triangular earcups, his breath hot, moist along the other's fur.

The feline moaned loudly and curled his tailbone up and in to allow the lion to penetrate him even more, that rough catcock sliding against the hard nub inside him, making him quiver and twitch. "Nir...." he whimpered, and, though he didn't understand, Con gave him more, pushing harder.

The muscles in his body stood out in fine relief as he fucked the little feline, both males moaning loudly as Conrad climaxed. It took him by surprise, his climax. Wracked with shudders that started in his belly and worked their way up his spine, the lion felt a roar building, deep in his chest. It billowed out as his toes curled, his body unable to do anything but respond to the blinding pleasure of his release.

And release he did, his lionhood expanding, swelling inside the little feline and coating that deliciously tight tail with his seed. He buried his muzzle in the hollow of Ai's throat and roared again as he came, and came hard. He bit down on that soft skin, predator's teeth finding a home as he growled his pleasure, continuing to thrust into the feline until the waves of pleasure centered at his groin had ceased. He came down slowly, muzzle buried in that scented hair. His breathing slowed, his heart began to beat more evenly, and his eyes opened, taking in the beautiful creature beneath him.

The boy stared at him with something akin to wonder in his eyes. Those eyes watched him, drank him in, and processed every single movement he made. A dull ache began to grow in the lion's chest as thought of pulling away from that exotic exquisiteness, and he dug his teeth in just a bit further, leaving a set of teeth marks that would be there the next morning. "You're mine, now," he whispered into the plush fur.

"Dichi, korsyf," the feline responded, arching himself back against the lion's broad frame. Con rolled off of him, lying still for a moment. The kitten rolled over and stared at him, silently, before he slid off the bed, gathering the silk that'd been swathed around him, and pulling it around those slender curves, hiding himself again. "Y-yin...Yin ichi." he said, bowing deeply to the lion, who'd fished a cigarette out of his shirt pocket and smoked it lazily.

Conrad watched the cat go, unable to understand what the male was telling him. He returned the bow, however, by gently declining his head. Eyes tired and sad when the cat gathered his clothes, he took a few puffs of his cigarette before he put it out. The lion folded his paws behind his head, pillowing it and murring, contentedly. When the door closed with a soft click, he groaned, muffling the sound with his forearm. He sat up in bed and pulled his pants on, throwing his shirt and not bothering to button it. He left the house like that, unable to care a wit if anyone saw him in such a state of disarray. It didn't particularly matter, anyway. Any soldier worth his salt would see the look on his face and know that the leonid had been to the Aisuji house for a little bit of comfort. He himself knew he'd be back there again. He could only hope that Ai would be there, and that he'd be able to look into those beautiful eyes once more.

He opened the heavy wood door, enjoying the creak it made as he slipped out. The wolf was there with a broad grin on his muzzle. "Did you like?" he asked eagerly, wringing his paws together with relish. Con nodded his head, chuckling sheepishly.

"Yeah, yeah. I liked." He returned. He reached up and ruffled his hair with a paw, giving his tongue a click. "What do I owe you?"

The wolf grinned, and Con reached into his pocket, withdrawing a few coupons. They were good for rations from the occupation's canteens, and they were worth more than the silver coins the Salra used for currency. The pimp stuffed them in his pocket and nodded, gratefully. "Thank you. You come again, please?"

Conrad could only nod, laughing beneath his breath, the first truly happy sound he'd made since the war began. "Oh, yeah," he said, giving the wolf a wink as he turned and headed out into the bright afternoon sunshine. "I'm definitely coming again."

A Rose for a Knight: Part I

The tavern had fallen into disuse and disrepair, the little vixen the only employee left after her father passed on. She worked hard to keep it presentable, but tables needed fixing, walls needed mending, and there was only so much one little fox could...

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