Nice Guys Can Finish First

Story by Oryonhunter on SoFurry

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** READ THIS FIRST BEFORE YOU GET TO THE STORY!!** About a month ago, I was browsing this site, enjoying some tales from my fellow writers, when I came across a story with "cheating" and "cuckolding" in the tags. The story was well written, but dark and vicious in tone. When I finished it, my guts churned with emotion. Like an addict, I checked out a few more stories with those tags and discovered a bit of a theme. Nearly all of the stories I read had similar plots: boy & girl have relationship - boy & girl meet hyper manly male - girl cheats with hyper male(often right in front of boy) - girl gets pregnant to hyper male - boy & girl have to live with consequences. This really bugged me. I spent weeks wondering what I would do in the boys situation. After all, I have always believed in the power of love. Cheating stories seem to thrive on lust, not love. So, just to clear my poor mind, I needed to write a story. Now I'm bringing it to you.

First of all, anyone who has read my work will immediately notice two different things about this story. The first is vulgarity. Just read any of my other work and you will see that I do not often swear in my stories, even during sex scenes. For this story, I chose to swear...a lot. I wanted the guttural, visceral reaction to the language to help drive the emotion of the story. Second, I wrote this in the first person. I wanted to make the story seem more personal and allow the reader to see inside the character's head. I really tried to pump this story full of emotions. I figured that this was my reaction to some emotional stories, so I should try to tap that well while I had the chance. I hope I didn't overdo it. LOL is my answer to the hyper male. Enjoy!

BTW...This story contains adult themes, adult language, and adult sex. If you are under the age of 18, you should not be reading this. Consider yourself warned...


Life was going pretty well at the moment. The sun was shining bright and the air wasn't as ridiculously humid as it was going to be later on in the summer. It was a beautiful day in May and I was strolling across the open courtyard, known as the "quad", heading towards my next class. On the far side, the University of Furbanks sign dominated the entire area. I can remember how intimidating that thing had seemed when I had first arrived here a little over two years ago. The whole place was intimidating; the new sounds and new faces a pretty big adjustment for a small town guy like myself. As I looked around the quad, I saw couples sitting together, groups ringed in circles, and the occasional lone student pouring over the books. I waved to a couple of people I knew, some from class, and some from my few extracurricular programs. Over the last two years I had managed to make a few friends despite the stupid nervous terror I got inside whenever I talked to anyone new. The shyness had faded somewhat, hopefully because of maturity, and I was more confident when meeting people. In fact, I was a lot different from when I first came here, the college life giving me a new outlook on life.

I had been a skinny kid in high school, not really interested in sports. I played the required games in gym class and wasn't all that bad. It was just when I had to go up against the "super jocks" is when I would look like a total ass. After a while, I stopped trying. But when I got to college, I gave it another chance. I started hitting the gym, played hoops at a local non-profit, and generally "came out of my shell" so to speak. The result was a little more muscle and a little more confidence, allowing me to get over my crippling shyness and make some friends. As I weaved around another couple lying on the grass, a hand grabbed my shoulder from behind. I spun in place, startled, and looked right into the muzzle of an Anthro Red Kangaroo.

"Russell! You shit! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

The Roo was holding his sides as he laughed.

"Hah! *snort* Trevor...*snort* should've seen your...*snort*...face!"

My heart slid down from where it had lodged in my throat.

"Russell, you are an enormous dick."

The Roo cocked an ear in my direction.

"What's that? You say I have an enormous dick?"

"No...I said you are an enormous dick!"

Russell started laughing again and put his paw on my shoulder.

"Trevor Goodwild, are you hitting on me?"

I threw him my best mock horror face.

"Oh Goddess no! Your big feet are a HUGE turnoff!"

The Roo couldn't stop chortling at me.

"You're too easy, Trev."

"I react badly when startled, Russ."

"Seriously? I thought Malamutes were never spooked?"

"My mom was an Akita, ok? And we can be startled like anyone else."

"Yeah, gonna come play some hoops on Saturday?"

"Of course man, I'll be there."

"Good, cause I gotta go. The honeys are waitin!"

I bumped paws with him and watched as he bounded off towards a group of females. All of them were laughing and waving as he approached. I watched as he greeted the girls before I turned away. Seeing how the females reacted to Russell brought up some feelings that I thought I had handled a long time ago. Apparently, Fate is a total bitch because as I walked across the quad, the object of my feelings decided to show, exiting a building and starting up the walk towards the dorms.

I stopped, heart in my throat again as I watched her stroll alongside some unknown feline. Melody Cutliffe was the most beautiful woman in the world, at least to me. The Shetland pony stood a mere five and a half feet tall with soft, chestnut fur, big brown eyes, long blonde mane and tail. She was curvy, with broad hips, large, full breasts, and pert, round rump. I knew every inch of her body by heart, having stared at it since about the seventh grade. I worshiped the ground she walked on, day after day, and she never even knew it. All of the feelings for her came rushing back, causing my heart to start pounding and sweat to form on my brow. A cold lump began to form in my stomach because I knew that if Melody was here then...

"Yo! Mel! Wait up!"

The giant bull jogged up the walk behind the pony and smacked her on the ass hard enough that I could hear it from over here. Eddie Garland was a monster, six foot seven and weighing in at around three hundred pounds of pure muscle. Two years ago I went with Melody to a bash. We were both new to college and eager to get our party on. I was working up my nerve to ask Melody out on a real date when Eddie slithered up next to her and started talking. The whole time he whispered in her ear, he would shoot evil grins at me. Before I knew it, he and Melody had vanished, leaving me wandering the party looking for them. I found them all right, in an upstairs bedroom where Eddie was busy spearing the biggest cock I had ever seen into Melody's little crotch. I stood there, gasping and on the edge of tears as that bastard fucked away every sweet fantasy I had ever had about a future with Melody. The worst part? He watched my face the whole time, grunting as he busted his nut inside her and snickering as she moaned from the immense load filling her womb. I had backed out of the room, trying not to vomit as I heard her squeals of pleasure follow me down the hall. Ever since then, I couldn't even look at her without seeing the image of the big bull hovering on top of her, brutally thrusting into her sex over and over. Now I watched as he threw his arm around the little pony and half dragged her up the sidewalk.

I closed my eyes, trying to quench the tears that had started to burn behind my eyelids. The ragged hole in my heart had never healed. I knew, deep down, that I still loved her and would probably do anything for her, but I couldn't help feel the utter humiliation and sadness all over again from that night every time I saw her. I watched the two walk away before I resumed my trek across the quad. My entire day felt ruined and I didn't even want to go to class. I trudged up the steps in the low brick wall surrounding the courtyard and started across the open air café. About halfway through, I changed course and decided to buy myself a coffee and sit down. My next class wasn't for about an hour anyway. I had been heading over early to get some face time with the prof to ask him for some extra help. After seeing Melody again, I figured I just needed to grab a seat and wait till the shakes went away.

I found an empty table and plopped. The coffee burnt a line down my throat, but at least it was still going down, not spewing across the table with the rest of my stomach's contents. As I sipped, I couldn't help but think back over the last two years. Ever since that bastard stole her from me, he has treated her like some low class whore, slapping her ass and demeaning her behind her back in public. Just eighteen months ago I was sitting on the wall next to the steps of the administration building, reading up on a book for my English lit course. I heard Eddie's low chuckle from a couple of flights below, prompting me to look over the edge. Eddie sat on a lower wall next to one of his muscle bound buddies, talking in a low voice.

"Yeah dude, I reamed that little bitch out good. She won't walk straight for a month."

"Sweet! But what about Melody? Doesn't she get jealous?"

"Who cares? Even if I let her know, she wouldn't do anything about it. That stupid twat is an awesome fuck, but she doesn't own me. I do what I want."

"Fuck yeah. Hey, here she comes now."

Melody walked up to Eddie and rubbed his arm in greeting. The huge bull squeezed her boob and chuckled as she slapped his paw away. After a few moments, he waved his hand in the direction of the vending kiosk.

"Hey Mel, go get me a drink."

When the curvy pony walked away, Eddie smacked her on the ass again. I could see the look of pain on her face as she hobbled away. The big bull snickered as he watched her go.

"Heh. Look at her limping. I banged her in the ass a couple times last night. Shoulda heard her screaming. You woulda thought she didn't like it or somethin."

The two burly freaks laughed at that like it was the funniest thing in the world. I was so pissed when I heard, I damn near fell off the wall. For the next few months, I did some digging on old Eddie. Apparently he was a serial cuckholder. His favorite pastime was seducing the wives and girlfriends of men who he thought were weak, banging them behind their back for a while, and then forcing their men to watch as he stuffed them full the last couple of times. In every single incident, the female in question ended up pregnant, trying to pick up the remainder of her life after Eddie had destroyed her relationship. Ten girls in two years. There were ten girls who were now single mothers, or about to be, all thanks to Eddie Garland. I couldn't believe it! I stood back and watched, every day, while that gigantic prick slunk around behind Melody's back, looking for his next victim.

Something hot burned my hand. I looked down and realized I had crushed my coffee cup in my paw. Damn that Eddie! That muscle-headed ass had no idea what he had in Melody, and he was pissing around behind her back, treating her like shit. I had spent every day since seventh grade trying to get her to notice me and this putz comes along and steals her away, not with happiness, but with acting like a total jackass. For the millionth time I asked myself what could she possibly see in him? She must really like a big crank, because that's all I could see positive about him. I wiped up the mess from the coffee and hustled over to class. Bitching to myself about Eddie and Melody would have to wait till later.

After my class, I went back down to the café. When I arrived, I saw some friends sitting at a far table. Smiling, I walked over to greet them. I was looking as I approached, mentally taking in the details. Collin Rapids was a short, stocky otter, and Captain of the High School swim team. He came to the University to swim laps in the Olympic sized pool inside the glass house of the gym. Across from him sat his girlfriend, Amanda Keys. She was a cute little ferret, all curves and wiggles. The two of them had been dating since I met them a year ago. Collin was a seventeen year old senior at Furbanks High, a local high school just outside the campus of the university. Amanda was a high school junior, halfway through her sixteenth year. About six months ago, Amanda had Collin invite me to her sweet sixteen birthday party. There I got to meet her father, a detective with the North Pawkota State Police, and her mom, an Administrative assistant up at the Furbanks State Correctional Facility. It was a nice get together, even when Mandy's dad read Collin the riot act about if he ever caught him messing around on her. I grinned as I pulled up a chair.

"What's up you two?"

Collin returned my paw bump and smiled around the straw in his drink.

"Nothing. Just chillin. What are you up to?"

"Just getting over a really shitty morning."

"What happened?"

"I saw an old friend. It was someone I crushed on for years. She was with her asshole boyfriend..."

"Oooh, that's rough, man. What did she say?"

"Nothing. I didn't talk to her. I haven't for two years."

Now it was Amanda's turn to be surprised.

"Seriously? Why two years?"

"Cause it's been two years since the first time she slept with him."

"Whoa! It must have messed you up bad."

"You have no idea..."

Inside my head, I could still see Eddie's ass flexing as he drove it home, grinning over her head. I could still hear her, begging for him to go harder, and faster. I shook my head to clear the image and steered the conversation away from Melody.

"But hey, it's a nice day. Why dwell on the past, huh? What are you guys doing tonight?"

"Oh man, the new 'Verminator' is out! We're gonna go to the show after dinner!"

I turned to Collin.

"Dinner and a movie? Retro much?"

He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Gotta do something. We can't mess around this time of the month."

Amanda saw the confusion on my face and leaned in to whisper.

"I'm in heat. Collin promised not to touch me during this time."

I nodded and smiled at her.

"That's a wise choice girl. You are too young to risk having kids."

The pretty ferret smiled and shrugged her shoulders before sitting back in her chair. I sat back in my own chair and changed the subject again.

"So...what number Verminator is out now? I lost count after the third."

Both of the young couple started talking excitedly.

"Really? It's only the..."

"I can't believe you don't know..."

The conversation continued along that same vein for quite a while afterwards. As I sat and chatted with Collin and Amanda, I was able to push the pain of remembering Melody away for a little while. If for that fact alone, I silently thanked the two high schoolers. After about an hour had passed, the couple had to leave. I waved them goodbye and went back to my dorm. I only had one class tomorrow, so I wanted to finish what I could tonight and hit the library in the morning. Whistling softly, I sat down and opened the books.


The next morning I noticed the library was pretty empty for the time of day. I had grabbed some food at the student café on my way over from the dorm and had planned on working my way through lunch. I had finished most of my work last night after I left Collin and Amanda at the café, so this morning was mostly to pick up a few more references for my paper. The hours rolled by normally until disaster struck right before noon. I had my muzzle in a book, walking back to my table when I suddenly collided with someone at the end of the stacks. I bent over to pick up the book they had dropped and, when I straightened back up, I was looking into a familiar set of gorgeous brown eyes. Oh Crap!

"Hi Trevor."

My heart started trying to break one of my ribs from the inside.

"Um...hi Melody."

I handed her the book and shuffled sideways around her, trying not to touch. I couldn't help but feel like a stupid ass as I struggled to speak.

"Nice, good to go? Ok then..."

It was all I could do not to run to my seat. I plopped down and sighed heavily. One stinking encounter and all of the little emotions came boiling back to the surface. Why couldn't she just go away? Why did I torture myself thinking about her every day? I was feeling the burn in my eyes again when the table jostled slightly, grabbing my attention. When I looked up, Melody was in the seat across the table. Just kill me now...

"How have you been, Trevor?"

I stared at the table while I tried to figure out how to answer her. Goddess, I didn't need this right now! Of all the places and times, why did she have to start talking to me now?

"I've been better."

"Are you avoiding me? We haven't really talked in a long time. It's been what? Almost two years?"

"Two years, one month, and seven days."

She widened her eyes at me. I didn't know if it was because I knew exactly how long, or the fact that I said it out loud through clenched teeth. Her expression got a little worried.

"Um...did I do something to piss you off?"

Was she kidding? I bit off a snort and looked up at her for the first time since she sat down. All of the pain and rage I'd been dealing with for the last two years reared its ugly head, leaving me with an acidy, bitter taste in my mouth. She leaned back a little as I growled my response.

"Are you fucking kidding me? After everything you've done, you'd still ask me that?"

Melody's mouth hung open for a moment before she answered me.

"What did I do?"

Now I did snort, and shook my head in disbelief.

"What did you do? You started dating Eddie Garland. That's what you did."

"What does Eddie have to do with anything?"

"Melody! Don't you remember? We went to that Tri Delt party together two years ago? We were standing on the back deck, talking, and he came up to you. He wasn't even there twenty minutes till you went upstairs and fucked him!"

Melody gasped in surprise at the anger in my voice.

"What does that have anything to do with us? We weren't dating..."

"Because I took you to that party to ask you out...AGAIN. Because I tried to make you notice me...AGAIN! Because right up till you went upstairs with that asshole, I FUCKING LOVED YOU!!!!"

I had practically screamed the last three words, rocking her back in her chair and drawing attention from others in the library. I didn't care. The shocked expression on her face opened a door somewhere inside me that I really didn't ever think about. All of the pain and heartache came boiling out, a ball of molten lava in my gut that I wanted to spit right in her face.

"Since seventh grade, all I ever wanted was to be your boyfriend! I made sure I was there for you as much as I could. I fixed your bike when your dad backed over it and couldn't find the right parts. I cleaned your pool when you bought that green bathing suit and was upset because you didn't have a place to use it. I tutored you in Algebra 2 because I didn't want you to fail and fall a year behind me. I mowed your lawn because that was the only way your dad would let me ask you to the Sienna 6 concert in Pawmono..."

Melody's voice was shaky.

"That's why you mowed the lawn? My dad said it was because you needed money..."

"I didn't need money! I asked your dad if I could ask you to the concert, even though it would run later than your curfew. He told me he would say yes if I could prove how serious I was by mowing all ten acres of the yard with a push mower. It took me three days, but I did it. What did I get for my trouble? You told me you had something more important to do that weekend and couldn't go. You didn't tell me that the something more important was Kyle Redfern in the back of his pickup! And then to top it off, who was there, holding your hand, when he never called afterwards? Me!"

At this point I was trembling with anger, fists balled under the table. Melody looked as though she had been stabbed. The trembling face spurred me to go on.

"I was there for you for YEARS, Mel! YEARS!! I watched you hook up with loser after loser and all I wanted was for you to even try to be with me at least once. Every damn time I asked you to go somewhere, you were too busy. I was good enough to cry on my shoulder, but you would never let me love you. Then you had to go and fuck Eddie Garland, right in front of my face! You sounded like a cheap whore when he was banging you in that bedroom!"

Melody's eyes went wider than ever as she gasped at me.

"Oh my saw that?"

"How could I miss it? Eddie made sure I got the full effect when I walked in on you two..."

I pitched my voice high and fluttered my hands.

"Oh Eddie! Oh baby! Your cock is SO big! Go faster! Fuck me harder!"

Melody's teeth snapped together with a clack.

"You weren't supposed to see that!"

I leaned forward and glared at her.

"But I did, Mel. The whole reason that son-of-a-bitch took you up there was because he thought you were with me. He WANTED me to see. He even laughed right at me while he was pumping you full of cum."

I sat back and rubbed behind my ear as I shook my head in disgust.

"You know what the worst part is? All this time, he doesn't give a rat's ass about you. To him you're just another piece of ass. I know how he works. He steals away men's wives and girlfriends and knocks them up in front of them. The only reason he still is after you is because you haven't gotten pregnant yet."

Now Melody looked a little put out.

"That's not true! He cares about me. And I won't get pregnant because I take a pill every day when I'm in heat..."

"Cares about you? Then explain to me why he's knocked up TEN different women while you two have supposedly been dating? You hear what I'm saying? Ten! And if he ever found out you're taking a pill, he would stop you."

Now she started to look mad.

"That's a lie! He may be a jerk sometimes, but he wouldn't do that to me!"

"Melody, I have personally confirmed every one of his exploits. I know him better than I really ever wanted, because I was trying to stay close to you. He doesn't give a shit. I've heard him talking behind your back about the latest girl he was banging. I even know how he treats you in private because of him bragging to his friends."

"You have to be lying."

I dropped my voice, imitating Eddie's deep bass.

"Get over here and suck my dick, slut! Gonna put my bull cock in your ass tonight! You want that, bitch? Want my big dick to go balls deep, eh? Beg for it, you slut. Ask me to fuck the shit outta you."

The pony moved her mouth like a fish out of water. She was blinking in surprise and trying to find her voice.

" did you know that?"

"I know everything Mel. More than I wanted to. I worshipped the ground you walked on for years and didn't even stir your interest once. I didn't realize I needed a dick the size of a bus and to treat you like a common whore to get your affection."

Now she was mad.

"That's not how it is! You wouldn't understand! Eddie stays with me at least! Just because he tells me what he wants doesn't mean it's a bad..."

"Really? You LIKE getting hammered with that meat he's packing? And being treated like a slut?"

"Well, no...not all the time. After the first few days, it wasn't as fun as the first night..."

"Then why the FUCK are you still with him?"

Melody's eyes glassed over and the corners of her mouth drooped.

"I...I honestly don't know. I just wanted a guy who would always come back. Eddie keeps coming back."

I scooped my books off the table and stood up.

"I always came back too, Melody. But I guess I just didn't count, did I?"

I turned and left as the tears started rolling down her cheeks.


I was halfway across the quad when the shakes hit. The adrenalin seeped right out of my system and I practically fell on to a nearby bench. I replayed the encounter with Melody over and over in my head. How could I have been so stupid? Now she'll never talk to me again. And what was worse is that she still believed that Eddie was being faithful to her. Despite the shitty treatment and the routine ass-raping, she still stuck with him because she thought he just wanted to be with her. I put my head in my hands and sobbed. The confession I made to Melody only seemed to make it hurt all the worse. After a while, I looked up and spotted some familiar figures way over on the other side of the courtyard.

Collin and Amanda were walking down the sidewalk alongside the edged brick wall. Another of Collin's friends, a panda, hailed the couple, prompting Collin to walk over and say hello. While the otter talked, I notice Amanda standing behind Collin, smiling shyly at someone behind her. My gaze traveled along her line of sight and my gut clenched when I saw at who she was looking. Eddie Garland sat on the top of the wall, feet dangling. He grinned at the ferret, thrusting his chin out in a laid-back hello. Amanda tilted her head and wiggled under the attention, blushing enough that I could see it from here. The big bull dropped to the walk from his perch on the wall and casually strolled over to the couple. He stopped when he was right next to Amanda and started talking when Collin and his panda friend turned toward him. From here I could see him, grinning his evil grin and feeding the guys some probable line of bullshit. Only one of his hands was visible, gesturing as he talked. I looked closer and saw that his other hand was behind the cute ferret, out of sight of the otter and panda. Without warning, Amanda jumped in place a little and looked up at the bull in surprise. Collin smiled warily, waved his hand at Eddie, gathered up Amanda's hand, and started up the sidewalk again. As the panda also walked away, the big bull watched the couple carefully. Amanda looked over her shoulder and smiled briefly at him before her and Collin disappeared into the gym. I watched Eddie sniff the two middle fingers of the hand that had been behind Amanda and then put them in his mouth. Grinning again, he started up the sidewalk after the couple.

I groaned and shook my head. I knew exactly what Eddie was up to. He had his eye set on the cute little ferret, having decided that Collin was not manly enough to keep her. I sat there for several minutes, unsure what to do. Something had to be done about Eddie but I just didn't know how to go about it. Now my friend was about to experience the horrible destruction of his relationship and loss of his self esteem. There was no doubt that Eddie was going to seduce Amanda. It was evident when she failed to say anything as he jammed two fingers into her. I got off the bench and started for the gym. If everything I had heard about Eddie was true, he wouldn't hesitate to get Amanda alone as soon as possible. Every one of the girls he seduced and impregnated had told me the same thing when I talked to them.

I opened the door to the gym and stepped into the glass house where the pool was located. Collin was already in the water, moving across the surface as smoothly and efficiently as only an otter could manage. I looked around the edge of the pool and didn't see Amanda. When Collin returned to the side closest to me, I reached down and tapped him on the head with a claw. Startled, he stood up and wiped the water from his face as he looked up at me.

"Hey Trevor! What do you want?"

I decided to play it cool. I didn't want to alarm him until I could figure out a plan of action.

"Hey man. I just thought I would say hello. I spotted you across the quad and followed you in here. Didn't you come in here with Amanda?"

The otter cocked a finger over his shoulder.

"Yeah, she said she wanted to use the rowing machine in the weight room."

"Oh...ok man. I'll let you get back to it then, ok?"

Collin grinned up at me.

"You bet! I'm gonna take Nationals this year!"

He turned and dove back into the water, stroking cleanly down the lane. I walked around the pool until I stood in front of the door to which he had pointed earlier. My mind was racing furiously. What the hell was I going to do? If I confronted Eddie he was going to beat the shit out of me. Even with the twenty or so pounds of muscle I put on over the last two years, I was no match for the giant bull. Still, I had to do something. Suddenly, I got an idea. If I could lure Melody to the gym and have her catch him in the act, maybe I could kill two birds with one stone. Melody would see what a cheating bastard he was and her presence would interrupt his molestation of the fertile ferret. I whipped out my cell and quickly started a text to a number I've known for years.


I pressed "send" on the phone and slipped it into my pocket as I entered the door. A short hallway and a sharp corner led to the weight room. As I rounded the corner, I heard noises that had me laying my ears flat and tucking my tail between my legs. Somewhere close by, someone was in the throes of a really hard sex session. I heard the faint slap of fur on fur, the soft grunts of exertion, and a quiet whimpering. I stopped at the entrance to the weight room and quietly opened the door just a crack. The first thing that hit me was the smell. I knew the room normally had a background odor of old sweat and exertion from all of the activity performed here on the machines. Now, the air was heavy with fresh sweat and a spicy, musky aroma that caused a stir in my pants. I peeked my head through the door as the noises from earlier assaulted my ears at original volume. The scene before me had me trembling as it reminded me of a similar scene two years prior.

Amanda lay on her back, naked, on the free weight bench on the far side of the room. Her legs were splayed wide up over her body. Eddie knelt on the end of the bench, propping himself up by holding the ferret behind her knees. His hips pistoned up and down, driving the full length of his massive pecker in and out of the whimpering ferret. She had her eyes closed and her hands braced against his muscular chest as her body rocked back and forth with each thrust. Eddie grinned down at her as he started panting his words.

"Yeah bitch. Bet yer little otter boy can't fill ya like this, can he? You like the big cock? You want some more of the big bull cock?"

Without waiting for an answer, the bull increased his pace, hammering in and out of the ferret.

"Yeah slut! You got an awesome pussy! It's so nice and tight...I just GOTTA widen that out a little!"

Amanda opened her eyes partway and looked up at the bull. Seeing her gaze, Eddie continued his rant.

"Beg me for it, bitch. Beg me to cum in your pussy..."

The little ferret nodded her head, gasping at every thrust.

"I can't hear you! Beg me for it!"

Following his orders, Amanda panted up at him.

"Oh Goddess! Fuck me baby! Fill me with your cum!"

The big bull pulled almost all the way out and then slammed it home with amazing force, grunting and twitching as he unloaded inside her. Amanda's stomach swelled visibly at the enormous amount of jizz being pumped into her canal. She squealed, eyes wide, as her body failed to contain it all and the excess gushed out around Eddie's wang, splattering to the floor. After a few more moments, the bull stood up, pulling his foot and a half length from her gushing slot. He stood there, looking at the ferret as his erection bobbed in front of him, still rock hard.

"That was fucking awesome! I gotta have more of that!"

Eddie leaned over and rolled Amanda over. He pulled on her hips until she was standing and straddling the bench, hands flat to the leather. Without a pause, the bull guided his massive rod right back into her stretched slit and drove it home with a powerful push. The ferret whined as she was rocked forward from the move and closed her eyes as Eddie started slamming in and out of her from behind. The bull snorted down at her.

"Fuck yeah! Now that you're all warmed up, we can get down to some serious fucking!"

I had seen enough. I pulled my head out of the room and backed down the hallway. The sight of Eddie pounding away on poor Amanda was enough to make me want to vomit again. Where was Melody? After what I saw, it might already be too late to spare the ferret from pregnancy. I looked down the hallway past the door to the weight room. I knew from past incidences that Eddie wouldn't reveal his molestation of Amanda right away. To do that, he was going to have to exit the building in some direction that wouldn't pass the swimming pool. The only other way out was through the far doors. I stepped around the bend in the hallway and waited for Eddie and Amanda to finish up, all the while hoping that Melody would show soon. After several long minutes, the sounds of sex faded from the weight room. The first one to come out into the hallway was Eddie, still sporting a huge bulge in his pants. Amanda staggered out a few seconds later, her stomach rounded like she was several months pregnant. The big bull turned towards her.

"Nuh-uh. You gotta go back in and wait for a while. Then you can go back to your pussy boyfriend, ok? I'll come find you tonight and we can fuck some more then."

Obediently, Amanda turned around and waddled back into the room, dripping as she went. Eddie smirked as he closed the door and started away from me down the hall. Shit! Where was Melody? I had to do something! Feeling like an idiot, I stepped around the bend and yelled towards the bull.

"Eddie! What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

The big bull spun in place, and then sneered when he saw it was me.

"What's it to you, pup?"

Behind him, I spotted an approaching familiar pair of pointed ears, framed in blonde, through the little window of one of the double doors. Suddenly, I had an idea. Now I just needed to pull it off while not getting killed.

"I came to tell you that I'm sick and tired of you fucking around with my friends."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I know you just got done screwing Amanda in the weight room."

The door behind him had started to open as I spoke, but now swung back to just a crack. Melody was listening for his response. Good!

"Yeah, so? What're you gonna do about it?"

"This is bullshit, Eddie. You're supposed to be dating Melody, not banging Collin's girlfriend!"

The bull took a step toward me, nostrils flaring.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? I can fuck anyone I damn well please!"

"And what does Melody have to say about that?"

"Oh fuck her! She doesn't like it, too bad! I keep her around cause she's a sweet piece of ass, but she don't tell me what to do, and neither do you!"

"You arrogant prick! I just knew you didn't want to stay with Melody! You just fucked her that night because you thought she was dating me!"

The bull crossed his arms and smirked at me.

"Yeah, I thought I recognized you, fleabag. You're Melody's pathetic ex-boyfriend. Did ya like the show when I was filling yer woman up with bull cum?"

Now I couldn't help but start to get pissed. Eddie was pushing all the right buttons and adrenalin surged through my veins. I growled softly as I hissed through my teeth.

"She wasn't my woman yet, you stupid fuck. I took her to the party to ask her out."

Eddie blinked and then laughed at me.

"Seriously? That's rich! And let me still love her and want to save her from me."

"I do still love her. Even if she doesn't want me, at least I can try to free her from you. Do you even care about her? Or are you waiting for her to get knocked up so you can dump her like all the others?"

The big bull grinned even wider and sounded giddy.

"I'll take it when I can, asshole. As long as she isn't pregnant, I'll tap that ass every chance I get. And now, I'll make sure she tells you every detail when I get creative. How do you like that?"

I stood there and spluttered, furious beyond words. That prick was using her against me! The realization of what he was doing helped to calm me just a little. I couldn't possibly take him on physically, he was way too big. Maybe I could still use my one advantage, my brain. Behind him, the door was still open a crack and had started to vibrate.

"You dick. You're just waiting for her to get pregnant, and then you'll dump her."

"I don't do kids, shit eater. Any of my bitches get a bun in the oven, I bounce. Let their faggot boyfriends take care of them from there. After all, once they've had me, no man can ever satisfy them again, eh?"

"And now you're doing it to Collin and Amanda? You're gonna knock her up and let Collin deal with it?"

"That's the way it goes, doggy. I can't help it if she likes a nice big dick rather than his little otter pecker. She even begged me for it!"

Behind Eddie, the door swung open and Melody stepped into the hallway.

"Eddie? What have you done?"

The bull spun around and saw Melody standing there, tears pouring down her face. The look in her eyes told even his stupid ass that she had heard it all. Without warning, he spun back to me and snarled.

"You fucker! You sneaky MOTHERFUCKER!!!"

In a shot he was right in front of me. The fist came sailing in from my right, so I put up my hands to block it. The strength behind the blow stung like hell, even on my forearms, but most of the energy bounced away. I was feeling pretty good about it when the second fist slammed into my temple from the left. The room turned negative, like undeveloped film, and suddenly I couldn't keep my balance. I dimly heard my pony scream Eddie's name, and then another blow crashed into the spot right between my eyes. I saw the lights in the ceiling for about a split second, and then there was darkness.


Goddess, did I hurt. There was a dull ache behind my eyes and on the back of my head. I slowly opened my eyes, wincing as the bright light stabbed lances of pain straight into my brain. I was lying on my back on something soft. A faint beeping noise ticked off little explosions of pain inside my left ear. As my blurry eyes started to come into focus, I realized I was in a hospital room. The beeping noise was coming from a monitor next to the bed, the stand holding both the device and my IV. The events just prior to this suddenly flashed through my head and I began to panic. How bad did Eddie hurt me? I started to wiggle and try to move to assess the damage when a paw on my arm got my attention. I turned my head, painfully, and found Melody sitting next to the bed. Her eyes were full of concern.

"Trevor? You're awake? Try not to move too much. The doctor says you suffered a concussion."

I groaned and rubbed a sore spot between my eyes with my paw.

"Melody, what are you doing here? What happened after Eddie hit me?"

The beautiful pony glanced away for a moment, lip quivering.

"We got into a fight, Trevor. I opened the weight room door and saw Amanda. He was so mad, he was going to start kicking you, but campus police showed up and stopped him."

"Campus police? How did they know to come?"

"I called them. Your text said Eddie was in trouble, so I thought I would need their help."

I closed my eyes and smiled faintly.

"You have to admit, Mel. He was in trouble, except it was with you."

I opened my eyes in time to catch her sad smile. She looked away again.

"I can't believe I let him do that to me all this time. I guess I didn't want to see what was happening because, if I did, then he would go away, just like all of my other boyfriends."

Tears began to slide down her cheeks. Before I thought about what I was doing, I reached up and wiped some away. Melody turned to me in surprise, not bothering to stop me. She dropped her eyes as her voice came out in a whisper.

"You were right, Trevor. I really did take you for granted all those years. No matter what I said or did, you would always be there afterward. It wasn't until you stopped is when I started to wonder what happened to you. I spent two years taking Eddie's abuse and lies, wondering what I had done that you didn't want to talk to me anymore. I can see it now...I turned to him because, yet again, I lost a friend. I lost you."

I squeezed her shoulder, gently.

"I'm sorry Mel. I couldn't talk to you anymore without seeing him on top of you. He really fucked me up."

Her eyes met mine, an ocean of sadness in two wet orbs.

"I swear, Trevor, I didn't know he had done that. It was cool at first, being made to feel a little slutty. To be filled to the rim by a big, strong guy. At the time I thought Eddie was exactly what I wanted...what I needed."

She put a finger on my lips to stop what I was about to say.

"Trevor, through all the years, the one thing I never did was rub my sexual activities in your face. I always thought you were just too shy to find a girl of your own. I couldn't talk to you about it because, somehow, it would have felt weird. It was like I was ashamed of what you would have thought of me if you knew what I did with guys. When you told me the other day in the library what Eddie did to you that night, I went home and cried. It was like something I had kept special to myself all these years had been broken, and you no longer looked at me the way you used to. I couldn't believe what you said in the library, and yet I knew deep down that it had to be true, just because it came from you."

I felt tears running down my own cheeks.

"I wouldn't lie to you, Melody. I love you."

Her eyes searched mine.

"DO you really still love me, Trevor? After all that has happened? I can see now how much I hurt you all these years. I don't know if even I could love me after all of this..."

I reached up with both paws and cupped her face.

"I tried to get over you after that night at the party with Eddie. I tried, but I couldn't. I have loved you half my entire life...and I'll love you until it ends."

Fresh tears spilled down her cheeks. She reached for a tissue and wiped her nose before replying.

"Why couldn't I see it earlier? What was it going to take?"

I smiled sadly at her.

"Hell...I thought three days mowing the lawn just to ask you to a concert would have shown you."

Melody smiled sadly back at me.

"You would have thought. I guess I was really blind back then, huh? Who DID you take to the concert?"

"No one. I gave the tickets to Chad Broyles and he took his cousin. I spent the weekend in my room with my pillow over my head. My mom thought I was going to try to kill myself..."

Melody sobbed and leaned over to hug me. Automatically, I reached up and cradled her in my arms. Her soft fur and delicious perfume tickled my nose as her body rocked in my grasp. I was churning inside. For the first time, I held the woman I loved in my arms, and she was crying so hard I didn't know what to do. I pulled her close and snuggled my muzzle into her neck, trying to project all the love and comfort I could manage. It was a long time before she finished spending herself. She sniffled and raised her head next to my ear.

"Thank you Trevor. I needed that."

"Anything for you, Mel. I'm just excited I got to finally hold you."

Her breath hitched once, and more tears flowed.

"My Goddess, what kind of bitch have I been?"

Inside, my heart was wracked with pain, but I knew how I felt.

"Nothing that couldn't be forgiven. I still love you, Melody."

She sat up and wiped her eyes, a look of grim determination on her features.

"There's something I gotta do, Trevor. Then maybe we can see if we can make a try at being together, okay?"

I didn't like the sound of that.

"What do you have to do, Melody?"

She looked down at me and I saw a hint of something in her eyes. Fear.

"Eddie and I argued last night. He said there is no way he is going to leave me alone unless I get pregnant. He said that way he can make sure I'm always there to give him a good fuck when he wants one."

Something nagged me at those words. Last night? Good Goddess! How long have I been out? And Melody! Was she thinking about doing what I imagine she was going to do?

"You talked to him last night? How long have I been unconscious?"

"You've been out for about twenty hours, Trevor. The doctor said you were exhausted and needed rest after he determined you were gonna be ok."

Twenty hours? I looked into her face with surprise and then down at her soft belly. A sweet, musky aroma drifted past my nostrils as I started to get an idea of what she had planned.

"You didn't take your pill this morning, did you?"

The curvy pony ducked her head in embarrassment.

"He said he would leave me alone, Trevor, if I got pregnant. I'm smack in the middle of my heat. All it would take is one more time and then..."

"No! You can't! He's not doing this to be nice, Melody! He's doing this because his baby will be his way of tormenting you for the rest of your life. You'll never be able to look at your child without remembering why they were conceived!"

"I don't have much choice, Trevor. He won't let me go until I'm pregnant. He's made that plain."

"Melody, I've talked to all the other girls he has knocked up. Every one of them has had her life ruined. They lost their boyfriends and husbands, and now are trying to move on as single moms. The one thing they all had to say in common was that they can't help but think of what he did when they look at their babies. He made them feel good for a while, treating them to some good hard sex, but in the long run he left them wandering. He's not built for a long relationship. He'll never be a father to your baby."

The pony's eyes filled with tears and she pleaded with me.

"I realize that, Trevor. I was hoping you would step in and be the father...please?"

I leaned back in surprise. After all this, she wants me to be a father to Eddie's spawn? That bastard! If only it could be my baby, then Melody wouldn't have to worry...Holy shit! That's it! I looked up at her with my eyebrows climbing towards my ears.



"Let ME do it."

"You'll do it? You'll be the father to the baby?"

"No, I want to be the father to MY baby."

At first she started to look defeated and hurt, but then what I said filtered through.

"Wait. What? What are you saying?"

"Think about it. Would you rather get pregnant to some dick that plans on dumping you the moment you conceive or would you like to get pregnant to the guy who has loved you for years? The guy who would gladly hold you at night, not push you out the door. The guy who would stay and help you raise the baby, be their dad, and be your husband? Which one would you really prefer?"

I have never, in all the years I've known her, seen such a look of profound shock and amazement on her face. She stared at me for a long time, and then blinked.

"You want to father my child?"

"Since I was thirteen years old."

"Do you realize what you're asking?

"You just sat here and told me you were gonna get pregnant anyway. Why not do it to someone who cares about you? You want me to be a father in name, why not let me be a father for real? I guarantee you Eddie won't want to be with you if he knows you're carrying my baby. To him it's a slap in the face, a failure on his part."

"And what if you're wrong?"

"I know him, Melody. He'll be pissed, but he figures he can get any other woman he wants. He's bored with you. The only reason he wants to knock you up is to give you a permanent reminder of the time he dominated you. You don't have to stand for that. I'll find a way to deal with Eddie in the long run. Right now, I'm offering myself to you, if you're willing to have me."

Melody stared at me for a long time, and then sighed.

"Ok, I'll do it."

I didn't like the look on her face. She looked...resigned... and that's not how I wanted her. I put my paw under her chin and made her look at me.

"I'm not going to force you to do this, Melody. I'm not Eddie. I won't make you do something you don't want to do. If I have to force you to make an unwanted choice to win your love, then I won't do it. I want you to want me because I love you, not because I'm your only choice."

Her eyes filled with more tears and her lips trembled. When she spoke, it was on the verge of sobs.

"How can you know just what to say? How do you know me so well?"

"Because I love you, Mel! This is what it is, this feeling right here, right now. You've never seen what it's like because you were always looking somewhere else. This is what love is. When you love someone, you care about them, you work to help them, and you stand up to your fears and become a man to show them the depth of your love. This is what it's all about. I would face a thousand Eddies to hold you for two minutes. That's how much I love you."

Wordlessly, she embraced me again. I let a few tears slide myself, wetting down her shoulder as I held her tight. To say I wasn't a huge ball of emotions would be a colossal lie. Every second of every year I spent trying to get her to notice me had all boiled down to this. I was hardening myself for another rejection when I heard her voice in my ear.

"I want you, Trevor. You have given me a choice to back out...and I'm not taking it."

I gently lifted her to where I could see her face.

"You sure?"

In answer, she kissed me. Seven long years of heartache, longing and desire exploded in my head as she pressed her lips to mine. How many countless nights did I lie awake, dreaming of this moment? Every different way I imagined it, dreamed it, obsessed about it...none of them came close to the real thing. Her kiss was more sweet and tender than the ripest fruit, and more eager than my own soul. I opened my mouth and touched her lips with my tongue. She responded by pushing her own deep into my muzzle, wrestling hungrily and mixing our saliva in a blissful union of our lips. I wrapped one hand around to the small of her back, cradling her to my chest. The other slid up and cupped the back of her head, losing itself in her mane of long blonde hair. Melody buried the fingers of both hands in the thick fur around my head, neck and shoulders, pulling me to her with a hunger that took my breath away. I poured everything into that first kiss, trying to will the full, bottomless ocean of my love and devotion to arc across that tender connection and lodge itself in her soul. I bared myself before her and offered my heart in one joyous act. My mind, body, and soul became one, drifting in a cloud of euphoria and enveloping her in my aura. Every square millimeter where flesh touched flesh became a conduit for my affection, pouring across the barrier of skin and intermingling our combined emotions. I put everything I had and had been into it, trying to make her feel what I felt. After an eternity, squished into all-too-few minutes, Melody pulled free and hovered a few inches above my lips. Her face was one of incredulous surprise as her eyes roamed my features, taking in the expression. She looked back into my eyes.

"My Goddess, what was that? I've never felt that before with anyone..."

"That's me, all the time. I've dreamed about that kiss for seven years. I wanted you to see how I felt for you, all day, every day."

"This is what you've been feeling all this time?"

"Yep. Sometimes it's a little stronger...but it never goes away."

She paused briefly. I could see something click behind her eyes, and then she opened her mouth.

"I love you, Trevor."

Inside, I felt something crumble and fall away. A river of pent up emotion cascaded throughout my body and suffused me with ultimate joy. How long had I waited to hear those words! It was all I could do not to become giddy on the storm of my passion. I basked in what I was feeling, but controlled my voice. I didn't want to scare her away in this tender stage of admission.

"You already know that I love you, Melody. I'll tell anyone that."

She smiled, and a strange look came over her features.

"Too bad you're in the hospital. I think I would like to take you up on that baby offer you made earlier."

Like hell was I going to let this opportunity slip away!!

"Why don't you go lock the door?"

Her eyes went wide.

"Are you serious?"

"Why not? It's a private room, I'm sure. At least that's what I pay my insurance to give me..."

The curvy pony lifted herself from the bed and swayed over to the door. I watched her hips move the whole way, trying not to drool on myself in anticipation of seeing that luscious backside free of clothing. A certain part of my brain reminded me that, till now, that curvy body had been getting drilled by Eddie, the freak of cock. I frowned at the thought. Damn him! He just couldn't get out of my life! This is exactly the effect he wanted to have on me. He wanted me to feel intimidated by his obvious size and power when it came to sex. This is the effect he wanted when he put on the little show for me up in the bedroom, two years ago. Well you know what? Fuck him. He might have a freaky third leg dangling between his thighs but that doesn't mean he knows how to make a woman feel good. Determined, I slipped out of the bed and started across the room. The walls and floor shifted a bit, but I managed to stabilize myself, using Melody as a goal. The curvy pony locked the door with a quiet click and turned, squeaking in surprise when she saw how close I was to her.

"Trevor! What are you doing? You should be in bed!"

I slid my arms around her waist and looked into her eyes.

"I just had a horrible thought and I wanted to fix something for myself."

"What horrible thought?"

"Remember when I told you I couldn't look at you without seeing Eddie humping you in that bedroom two years ago?"

Melody's ears flattened and her face grew sad as she looked up at me.

"I...I remember."

"He did that on purpose Mel. He did it to mentally block me from ever looking at you the same way again."

"I realize that..."

"But I just thought of something."

"What's that?"

"He may be bigger than me, he may make you feel good with his sheer size and power, but he doesn't know how to pleasure you like I do."

"What do you mean?"

I leaned over and nuzzled into her neck, licking her soft fur with broad swipes of my tongue. My hands traveled down over her curvy rump and I cupped her buttocks where they met her thighs. With one thumb I rubbed at the small mound of muscle where her tail met her spine. She gasped and arched her back, pressing her hips into mine and quivering on her extended legs. Her eyes fluttered, then opened and looked at me.

"How did you know about that? Even he didn't know about that!"

How could I explain the countless hours I sat in the next room and listened to her tell her friends on the phone what her so-called boyfriends had done wrong? She would go on forever, telling them what they should have done, and I would sit and memorize everything, even as I despaired over the sordid details.

"I told you, I know everything."

"You think?"

"I know."

"Ok, what's my favorite color?"

"Blue-green, like the sea off the coast of the Pawagua Islands in the tropics."

She blinked and continued.

"When was I born?"

"July 21, 1991 at 3:07 in the morning. Your father drove 53 miles to be at the bedside when you were born. You were 8 pounds, 7 ounces and started crying the moment you hit the cold air."

"Oh my Goddess, Trevor. How do you know all this?"

"Because I've been there the whole time, loving you from the shadows. You like cake, but not cheesecake. You have a fondness for gumdrops. When you were seven, you chipped your left hoof and cried all the way to the hospital. You lost your virginity to Max Logan in the back of the movie theater during the 1st Verminator movie. You like to draw, but you don't tell anyone that. You want to be a nurse because you can't stand to watch another fur suffer. You feel abandoned when your birthday comes around, but you don't know exactly why. like it when someone just strokes your back after sex, because deep down you want to feel the connection, not just the act itself."

Melody looked at me like I had grown another head. I was starting to wonder if I had gone too far when she leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips.

"All this time I had this right next to me. Boy, was I stupid."

"I like to think of it more as 'distracted' myself."

With her hips pressed to mine, the curvy pony rubbed herself against me.

"So...what else do you know about pleasing me?"

Perfect question! I leaned in and nuzzled her neck again, bumping against her jaw and forcing her to lift her muzzle. When her nose was in the air, I nipped softly at the skin of her throat, eliciting a little squeak of surprise and then a soft moan of pleasure. My paws traveled up over her butt and hooked on the bottom of her shirt. Dragging my blunt claws through her fur, I slowly lifted the garment until it caught on her large bust line. I took a moment to pull the fabric out and away to free it, and then continued to lift. Melody lifted her arms and allowed me to pull the shirt up and over her head. A small head shake settled her mane and her eyes fell on mine. We touched our lips together, trying to recreate that emotional bond from our first kiss. My hands circled her torso and found the clasp to her lacy bra. With a quick twist, I managed to unhook it and it soon fell to the floor, joining her shirt. I ran my hands up and down her back, marveling in the feel of her curves. I had wanted this for so long, I was trembling with excitement. I slipped a hand down her back and inside the hem of her skirt. The firm roundness of her rump seemed to fit my hand perfectly and I spent a few moments exploring its shape. With a grunt, Melody broke our kiss and backed away, leaving me a little confused.

"Hang on...I got something special for you."

Melody turned and faced away from me. Reaching down, she hooked her thumbs on both sides of her skirt and slowly pulled it down. As the garment descended, the attractive pony bent over at the waist, revealing her scrumptious bottom to me completely. Her sweet, musky heat hit like a hammer of air, tenting my thin hospital gown and making me salivate like an AA member in a liquor store. Damn was she beautiful! I used to sit for hours and stare, wondering what she looked like beneath her clothes. Now, as she stood and turned to face me, her naked form blessed my eyes with her splendor! Melody put her hands on her hips and struck a little pose.

"Well, what do you think?"

In one move, I yanked the gown from my body, pulling the IV free, and threw it over my shoulder. My own reddish-pink pole was painfully hard and standing at full attention. The pony's eyes caught sight of my hard-on and she smiled.

"Whoa! I guess you approve!"

I crossed the distance between us and scooped her into the air. She threw her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist as I turned and started for the bed. I nibbled under her chin and half-growled into her neck.

"Goddess, Melody! You are so incredibly beautiful! I want to make love to you every day for the rest of your life!"

She giggled as I gently lay her on the bed but she didn't quite let go with her legs.

"Trevor! You became an animal when I wasn't looking! Have you been working out?"

Now it was my turn to look embarrassed.

"Um...I started going to the gym know. I thought maybe I could win you back if I was more...built. Stupid, huh?"

She massaged my shoulders, taking in their new width.

"I don't know...I kinda like it. You look good this way. You were always way too skinny for your breed."

It was true. Both Malamute and Akita were barrel-chested, muscular dog breeds. Even my mom was bigger than me when I graduated high school. As she grinned at me, my stiff member bumped against her somewhere down out of my sight. Melody felt the bump and looked down between us before smiling back at me.

"You know, you aren't that small in the package department, either."

"Oh please, Mel. Look what I was going up against. I think he had a glandular problem or something..."

Melody frowned at me.

"Want to know something? Yeah, he has a big dick but, after a while, getting stuffed to your eyeballs and then dripping for an hour gets pretty old, pretty quick. You hear what I'm saying?"

"So it's true? It's not always the size but how you use it?"

She reached up and licked my chin.

"It's true. I'm hoping you know how to use it."

"You're going to find out...but first..."

In a moment like this, I wasn't about to jump right in. I had been dreaming of this for years and I wanted her to remember it forever. I started at her neck, licking and nibbling that certain spot I knew drove her wild. She writhed and moaned as I started to slide south. Two gorgeous globes brushed my chin and I moved my hand to grip one of them. I felt the heft of it in my hand, so firm and yet so soft, before moving my lips to the other. Melody gasped as I found her nipple, already hard and ready. Now a dog's muzzle wasn't perfect for suckling anything after growing out of the puppy stage, but I did my best. I flicked the flat tip with my tongue, licked the area around it, and generally tried to do everything I could remember reading about in smut magazines. Apparently it was working, because Melody arched her back, trying to push more of her chest into my mouth. I lavished her teat for some time with my mouth, gently squeezing the other between my fingers. I felt her hands burrow into my thick ruff, pulling me in tighter. I let my tongue slide down into the crevice between her breasts and then I started down her front. Her breathing sped up and I felt her hands push gently, guiding me lower.

"Oh my Goddess, Trevor...don't stop..."

I slid down over her belly button, dragging my blunt claws down her sides. When I reached her waist, I inhaled deeply, tasting her heat on my tongue. With a start, I realized something my keen sense of smell didn't find. I looked up at Melody.

"Mel, when was the last time you and know?"

She looked down at where I rested my chin on her stomach.

"What? Why do you want to know?"

"I'm sorry Mel. It's just that I didn't smell him, and it made me wonder... Ah hell, I'm screwing this up. I'm sorry. I thought my first time would be better than this..."

The curvy pony sat up on the edge of the hospital bed and grabbed me by the fur on my chest. She was nose to nose with me, her eyes wide again.

"Trevor? Are you still a virgin?"

Oh shit. My secret was out. I couldn't meet her eyes.

"I'm sorry Melody. I didn't want you to know."


"Because I thought if you knew I didn't know what I was doing, you would think less of me..."

She relaxed her grip on my chest fur, thank the Goddess, but forced me to look at her with a paw under my chin.

"Trevor. Why would I think that? And for that matter, why are you still a virgin? It's not like you aren't an attractive guy."

Now I felt the tears running down my own cheeks. I had NEVER wanted to have this conversation with her. I could barely whisper a response.

"I was saving myself for you."

There...I said it. My REAL deep, dark secret was out. Now she was going to think I was some crazy stalker or something, just as things were finally going my way. I hung my head as the tears poured down over my nose. It took a second to become aware of the arms wrapped around my shoulders. Hot breath sounded in my ear.

"You waited for me? Even after I got with Eddie and... oh shit." she was beginning to understand.

"Oh Trevor. Oh my Goddess, Trevor. And you still waited? Even after you saw me and Eddie..."

"Yeah. And that's why I stopped talking to you. You can only imagine how much that hurt..."

I let her pull me into a hug. What was happening here? I was finally getting the girl of my dreams, and suddenly she was pulling every deep dark secret I had into the light, kicking and screaming. I felt her paw on my chin again and I automatically looked up at her.

"I don't understand, Trevor. Why did you wait for me? HOW did you even find the strength to wait?"

I felt so drained. She knew everything now...and I had nothing else to hide.

"I did it because I love you, Melody. That's all the strength I needed."

Her kiss took me by surprise, the intensity was enormous. Her fingers in my ruff, her body pressed tight against mine. I stopped talking, stopped thinking, and just let my instincts out. I grabbed her hips and pulled her as close as I could, kissing her with intense passion. Melody broke the kiss and moaned in my ear.

"I need you, Trevor."

I laid her back on the bed, gently, and smiled into her eyes.

"I need you too, Mel. But first I'm gonna show you how you should have been treated all along."

I quickly dragged my nose down her front, barely pausing to give her belly a quick peck, and then I was where I wanted to be a few minutes ago. I held her trembling legs open and gave her slit a perfunctory lick. The combination of her heat filling my nose and the exquisite taste had my mouth watering heavily. Melody groaned and bucked her hips in my direction, prompting me to dive right back in. I knew I was inexperienced, fretting over every motion, but I licked her folds with eager enthusiasm. Melody was delicious, her sweet aroma lending her sexy musky flavor an exotic spice that I loved. I lapped gently at her outer lips and then plunged my tongue deep inside her passage. To my surprise, her canal resisted my intrusion, creating a tight fit. Withdrawing my tongue, I brushed her clit almost by accident. The curvy pony nearly sat up straight at the touch, so I made sure I returned to nuzzle that little nub of flesh. I took one hand and pushed a finger into her under my tongue, half curious and half determined to make her feel as good as possible. Her insides felt like oiled silk, pulsing around my digit so tightly it almost hurt. I was stunned at the pressure. Suddenly, Melody bucked her hips against my mouth and cried out.

"Oh my Goddess! I'm gonna cum!!!"

A warm jet of fluid gushed into my mouth, filling me with her sweet, musky flavor. I drank in what I could, lapping at her with eager determination to catch every delectable drop. After a few seconds, she used her grip on my ruff to pull me up higher where I could lay my chin on her belly. I could feel her legs trembling as she panted hoarsely above me.


"I'm glad you liked that. It was literally my first time doing it..."

Melody's fingers rubbed behind my ears. I felt like my leg would start twitching.

"That was really good, Trevor. No one has ever done that to me."

"Made you feel that good?"

"Well, yeah. But no one has ever done THAT to me."

My ears flicked forward at that one.

"Seriously? What about all those guys you were with?"

She raised her head to look at me.

"The guys I was with...they were pretty much more interested in what I could do for them, not the other way around."

"Geez, Mel. Not once?"

"Not once."

"Well they didn't know what they were missing. That was wonderful. You are truly delicious and surprisingly tight..."

I trailed off as I realized what I had just said. I'm an idiot! I just accused her of being loose! Melody bit her bottom lip, keeping her face carefully neutral.

"You're probably thinking I should be all stretched out after dating Eddie..."

"Shit, Melody. I'm so sorry. That didn't come out right..."

"It's ok, Trevor."

She dropped her head back on to the bed with a sigh, staring at the ceiling. I felt her fingers rubbing behind my ears again.

"I haven't been with Eddie for over three weeks."

"What? I just saw the two of you together two days ago!"

"We haven't done anything for over three weeks. For about the last year, he only shows up about every three or four weeks. He told me it was to keep things 'fresh', but I now know it was because that was the times I was right in the middle of my heat. I didn't want to take any chances, even despite the pills, so I would find ways to make him wait as long as possible. Usually I could keep him at bay until the last few days of my heat, and then he would spend the next few days making me pay for it."

"So when I saw you with him in the quad two days ago..."

"...he had just come back on to campus. I talked him into waiting to have sex until we went on the trip to his brother's cottage this weekend. He likes it up there because he likes to see if he can make the neighbors hear the noise."

I wanted to vomit again. Just how much humiliation and degradation did he put her through?

"Melody, I swear I will never try to humiliate you like that."

The pretty pony sat up on the bed, forcing me to slide off her stomach. She put a paw on both sides of my face.

"I know you wouldn't, Trevor, that's what makes you so special to me. Now, there is something I want to do for you."

She tugged on both sides of my head and I stood up obediently. I realized what she was about to do when she slid off the bed and knelt in front of me.

"M...Mel! You don't have to do this if you don't want!"

"Shhh...I do want, Trevor. Just relax and enjoy for a few minutes..."

I didn't have time to reply, blink, or draw a breath. In one movement, she had me deep in her mouth, hands gripping my thighs. I groaned loudly and shivered. All I could think about at first was the heat. Melody's mouth was warm! She paused for a moment, sliding her tongue up and down the bottom of my shaft. Between that and the steady, cheek-dimpling suction, it was a very short time till I could feel a tingling pressure start to build in the pit of my stomach, right behind my crotch. She backed off a ways, leaving a cool ring where she left saliva, and then swallowed me up again. I admit, I squeaked when she did it the first time. It felt sooo good! As she started a steady rhythm back and forth on my pole, I moaned at the awesome sensations. The tingling pressure began to rise, forcing me to cry out.

"Ah Mel! I won't last long like this!!"

She popped off the end and stroked me with one hand, eyeing up my reddish-pink spear.

"This really is a nice-sized dick. Do you form a knot when you cum?"

I was trying really hard to breathe normally as her hand moved up and down.

"Yeah, it swells to about twice the width."

Her eyes got big.

"Twice the width? Really? I've never tried anything so big before!"

"You've never been with a canine before?"

" You are my first."

"Well...since you are my VERY first, this is gonna be a new experience for both of us."

She released me and hopped backwards up on to the bed. With a seductive smile, she spread her legs for me.

"It's time, honey. I don't wanna talk anymore..."

I crawled up on the bed and positioned myself above her. My heart was pounding in my ears in anticipation. I snuck a peek down her body, splayed wide for me, her hands rubbing my sides. She looked into my eyes, never breaking her gaze as I felt one of her hands guide me to her entrance. She rubbed my tip against her slit a few times and then held it in position.


One simple word put me in motion. I pushed my hips forward and felt her folds give way for me. I had to push harder to keep moving inside, so I thought something was wrong. Melody sensed my hesitation and reached back to my butt, grabbing a cheek in each hand and tugging me deeper. I gasped as I felt her warmth slowly slide down my pole. My canine erection was thin at the tip, swelling to its maximum thickness midway down, and then tapering back down very slightly at the base. There was some resistance as the thickest section entered her, and then suddenly I hilted with a wet smack. I was basking in the feeling, eyes closed, when I felt a hand caress my cheek. I opened my eyes to her smiling up at me.

"That feel good, puppy?"

Coming from her, that silly nickname instantly became my favorite.

"I've never felt anything like this. You are so wonderful."

Her thumb brushed across my cheek again.

"I'm really glad I got to be your first..."

I leaned in and kissed her passionately while her sex clenched and pulsed around me. Everything I ever imagined it would feel like paled before the real deal. It was somehow much better than anything I had ever heard described, period. After a few moments, I slowly slid back out a little, relishing the feeling of her insides rubbing against me. When I paused, I stopped kissing her and lifted my head, looking into her eyes. She smiled up at me with half lidded eyes. Her beautiful face, framed in a halo of blonde mane, burned itself into my memory so I could recall this very moment for the rest of my life. Beneath me, Melody wiggled her hips.

"Don't stop now, baby. This is feeling really good."

"Mmm...sorry. Mental snapshot. I'm not gonna last long and I wanted to remember this moment."

She leaned up and kissed me softly.

"Don't worry about how long you last. We have the rest of our lives to do this again."

Elated, I grinned at her and pushed forward with my hips. Melody gasped, smiling, as I hilted again.

"Goddess! There's more of you than I thought!"

I chuckled and pulled out again. Within seconds, I was pumping steadily, groaning at the overwhelming sensation of skin sliding over skin. I arched my back and pressed my lips to hers even as I kept my hips moving. Melody wrapped her arms around my neck and returned the kiss with hungry intensity. I subtly shifted my weight to one hand and used the other to drag my blunt claws down her side. The sexy pony trembled at my touch, and then threw her head back and keened through gritted teeth. Inside, I felt her clamp down with enormous pressure and something hot and wet splashed against my thighs. I did it! She had an orgasm before I did! I was so happy, even as I kept moving myself in and out against her clamping walls. The increased friction suddenly brought on the familiar tingling pressure in my crotch. My mind fogged over as my hips bucked harder and harder against her. Vaguely I was aware that something was obstructing me from where I wanted to be. Every thrust was becoming shorter and shorter. Dazed, I looked down and saw the swelling of my knot impacting against her stretched lips. My lust-hazed mind realized that there should be no way that was going to fit in her, but my body continued to pound it against her sex. The tingling pressure in my groin had built to a rolling crescendo. My heart jack hammered, my hips continued to buck, and all of me felt poised on the edge. Melody grabbed my thick ruff with both hands and practically growled right into my face.

"Do it! Knot me! Give me your seed, Trevor! Give me your baby!!!"

Like magic words, her declaration sparked an instinct in me that I didn't realize I had till now. With a full-throated growl of my own, I felt myself drive my hips forward with every last dreg of strength I possessed. The enormous swelling at the base of my shaft powered through Melody's opening and lodged deeply in the space behind her pelvic bone, locking us together. The wave of pressure in my loins exploded out through my pole and spewed into her innards, coating her with thick, fertile seed. As I quivered above her, still spouting into her body, Melody went off again. The walls of her sex crashed down on my knot, forcing my body to gather up every available sperm I owned and hurl it into her waiting womb. We gasped, panted, and shuddered together as the last few weak surges from me dribbled into the puddle inside her. No longer able to support my own weight, I collapsed on top of her, still panting through the euphoria of my climax. My curvy pony wrapped her arms around me and hugged me to her. When I turned my head, I saw tears slipping from her eyes.

"Thank you, Trevor. Thank you for showing me what it feels like to be truly loved."

I put my muzzle right against her cute little ear and whispered back.

"This is just the beginning, my sexy pony."

Her lips locked to mine and I lost myself in her for quite some time. Eventually she broke our kiss and smiled up at me. One of her paws rubbed the bulge in her belly, right above the waistline. She looked down at it and then back at me.

"This is incredible. It hurt at first, but now it just feels...right. How long does this usually last?"

"I dunno. This is the first time I've ever been stuck with someone, but in the past it's stayed swollen up to forty minutes or so."

"In the past?"

I grinned sheepishly.

"What can I say? I'm a guy. I've pawed myself off a time or two."

Her eyelids dropped to half mast...and her smile was close to a smirk.

"Really? And what did you think about when you were pawing off?"

My finger danced back and forth between us.

"This right here, actually."

After that, there was a lot of stroking, petting, and exploring of bodies. I kissed her, nibbled on her, and giggled in her ear. Melody let me touch any part of her, satisfying my curiosity, and I showed her everything I could while still stuck inside her body. Sometime in the midst of it all, my knot relaxed and slipped free. Without hesitation, the sexy pony rolled me over on my back and rubbed herself against me.

"Oh no you don't. I want that back inside me where it belongs."

All in all, we made love three more times that evening, her enjoying this new feeling of sex with someone who loved her while I just enjoyed her, period. As the last rays of the sun faded from the window and darkness fell, I unlocked my room door and climbed into the bed, pulling her close to me. As I tucked the sheet in around us, she settled next to me, one leg stretched over my own, her arm across my chest, and her soft muzzle tucked under my chin. She sighed contentedly and stroked my fur.

"This is really nice. I didn't know what I was missing."

"This spot is reserved for you, you know. Any time you want for the next 80 to 100 years."

She giggled sleepily, but then suddenly frowned and tensed up.

"Trevor, what am I going to do about Eddie? What if he gets violent?"

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her.

"You let me worry about him. I'm done letting him use you anymore."

Her trembling faded slowly and she relaxed against my side again.

"I hope you know what you're doing."

"Relax. I have a few ideas. For now, let's just enjoy this."

She nodded slightly and soon drifted off to sleep. I lay there awhile, thoroughly enjoying the moment. As far as lifelong dreams go, this was the best for which I could have asked. I closed my eyes and drifted off to her steady breaths.

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of the hospital door opening. The nurse, a solidly built cow, entered the room and stopped short when she saw Melody sprawled against me in the bed. I smiled up at her when she frowned.

"Mr. Goodwild, we tend to discourage visitors during unauthorized hours."

"I'm sorry. This is just the most important woman on earth to me."

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Melody's mouth curl up in a small smile. Apparently she was awake too. The nurse raised an eyebrow.

"Is this girl family?"

"She's my mate. We're pregnant with our first child."

I felt a little thrill of excitement from saying those words. Melody's smile widened considerably. Under the covers, I felt her hug me tighter. The nurse nodded in surprise and turned to the monitor.

"Oh, well, congratulations. Your chart didn't mention you were mated."

I stifled a giggle as I stroked my pony's back.

"It's a recent development. A culmination of years of friendship."

The nurse spotted the IV dangling from the stand and the massive squiggles on the monitor readout before my elbow had somehow turned it off. She turned back to me with a knowing look.

"Recent development, eh? Well just make sure you're ready to leave in thirty minutes. The doctor says you should be ok to go home."

"I will...and thanks."

The nurse took in the scene. Melody was wrapped tightly to my torso, smiling at her from under my chin. I had both arms around her, resting my muzzle contentedly on her head. A single sniff told her volumes about what had happened the previous night. There was no doubt in the nurses eyes as to exactly what I was expressing my thanks. She smiled at both of us.

"Like I said before, congratulations."

When the nurse left, Melody lifted her head and looked at me.

"Mate? When were you planning on asking me?"

"About three seconds after the nurse left. Or am I too soon?"

Her eyes searched mine.


My ears drooped and my mouth turned downward. Melody saw my expression and quickly realized what she had said.

"No! I, you're not too soon! I meant to say yes, I will be your mate!"

A surge of joy kick started my heart back into action. Overwhelmed, I leaned over and kissed her happily.

"I love you so much, Melody."

"I love you too, Trevor. Now we better get out of here before the nurse comes back."

Giggling, we separated reluctantly and got dressed. I felt a little dizzy at first, and parts of me were still pretty sore, but my new relationship overrode all of my aches and pains. The nurse came back and wheeled me out to the front of the hospital. Melody brought her car around and she drove us back to the campus. We were halfway across the quad, hand in hand, when I spotted a familiar figure on a bench with his head in his hands. I stopped dead, causing my pony to stop and look at me questioningly. Her eyes followed my line of sight and then she too spotted Collin.

"Oh no..."

I gave her a pained glance and then we both started across the grass towards the bench. When I was a few paces away, I quietly called his name. Collin looked up and I stopped dead. His eyes were bloodshot, his facial fur was matted, and tears continued to leak down his cheeks. When he spoke, I could hear the results of hours of crying in his voice.

"Hey Trevor."

Even though I already was sure of the answer, I had to ask anyway.

"Collin! What happened?"

"It''s Amanda. She...she..."

He couldn't continue. Fresh sobs of grief shook his body as Melody and I stood, uncertain of what to say. Finally, I decided to take a chance.

"Let me guess. Sometime in the last day or so, you caught her having sex with a guy named Eddie Garland, a big, nasty bull with a freaky sized penis. He did nasty things to her while he laughed in your face. Somewhere in the middle of it, she told you that you weren't man enough for her and that Eddie would be taking care of her from now on. Oh, and she was in heat, so now she's probably pregnant."

Collins head jerked up like it was on a string. The look of surprise didn't help his messy features.

"How did you know that?"

I sighed at him.

"I know him, Collin. He's the one who stole my life away two years ago."

His look of confusion prompted me to explain.

"Remember at the café two days ago? I had a shitty morning because I saw an old friend with her asshole boyfriend?"

Melody glanced at me in surprise. I hadn't told her about that yet. Collin looked stunned.


"Eddie Garland is the asshole boyfriend."

Grateful for the distraction from his pain, Collin put two and two together.

"He's the one who took the girl you had a crush on?"


His watery eyes slid over to Melody.

"Then who is this?"

"Oh, sorry Collin. This is my lifelong crush, Melody Cutliffe."

I held out an arm and Melody snuggled into my grasp. Collin nearly fell off the bench with surprise.

"This is her? But I thought she was with him!"

"She was, but now we are together."

The otter's eyes were wide.

"But...but I saw him. He...he's enormous! And the things he said! The things he did! Amanda followed his every word like it was law! How the hell did you beat that?"

I kissed Melody on her cheek and looked at Collin.

"I didn't stop loving her. That's how."

Collin's face went from surprise to thoughtful.

"I wish that would have worked for me. That bastard told me HE would be taking care of Amanda from here on out."

"That was yesterday?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Then I hate to tell you this but he's already dumped her. Eddie thinks he's going to a cabin tonight with Melody."

Collins eyes watered again at the news.

"Then he didn't do it because he liked her. He did it to hurt her...and me."

The otter turned and looked in the general direction of Amanda's house. I barely missed his whisper.

"What would you do, Trevor? If you saw what I saw, heard what I heard, and just knew she was pregnant with his baby?"

I thought about it for all of two seconds.

"If you really love her, you'll realize that she was a victim in this too. He played on her vulnerability while she was in heat and dominated her to reject you. I guarantee you that she's somewhere right now, crying her eyes out and wondering how she could have been so stupid to say what she said to you. She's alone and facing raising a baby on her own. And most likely, she knows she hurt you badly, and now she's realizing how much she loves you..."

The last part was a guess, but after talking to all of Eddie's other victims, it was a very educated guess. Collin sucked in a breath and stood a little straighter. He looked at me with his sad eyes.

"Could you do it? Could you take her back, after what happened?"

I looked at Melody and the answer was easy.

"Absolutely. I already did."

Collin turned to the pony.

"You're pregnant to that sicko?"

"No hon. I'm pregnant, but not to him."

The otter looked at me, realizing what she meant.

"You? When did that happen?"

"Last night, in my hospital room. But even if it wasn't mine, I'd want to be there for her. Love is the only thing that can mend something like this. Eddie is lust and dominance personified. The only way to counter that is with real love, and forgiveness."

"Do you really believe that, Trevor?"

"Of course. I dwelled on it for two years. That's a lot of time to think about it."

Collin swallowed visibly.

"Will you guys go with me?"

I looked at Melody in confusion. Her face mirrored mine.

"Where are you going, Collin?"

"To Amanda's house. To see if she'll take me back. She's gonna need help raising a baby..."

Melody stepped up and hugged him gently.

"You're a good man, Collin. Not everyone would make that offer."

"Let's hope Amanda thinks that."

Together, the three of us started across the quad.

When we arrived at Amanda's parent's house later, Melody pulled the car into the driveway and killed the engine. Collin got out and started for the house. I looked at her.

"How are you holding up? This must really be affecting you badly."

She put a paw on my cheek and kissed me softly.

"I'll be ok. Having you with me helps more than you can imagine. I still can't believe that I fell for this for two years. I'm mostly worried about tonight, when I have to face Eddie."

"I'll be right there when you tell him."

She kissed me again.

"I love you."

"I love you too. You want to wait here?"

"No. I want to be wherever you are."

We got out of the car and started towards the house. Collin waited until we came up on the porch before he knocked on the door. An extremely large ferret answered the door. He took one look at Collin and pointed angrily at the otter.

"You! What the hell did you do to my daughter?!!"

Before Mr. Keys could continue his accusation, I spoke up.

"Mr. Keys! Collin didn't do it!"

The big ferret turned and looked at me. Melody spoke up from under my arm.

"It's true. It was a man named Eddie Garland."

The ferret sneered at her.

"And how would you know what's happened to Amanda?"

The pony's voice never wavered.

"Because he tried to do it to me for two years."

The ferret blinked in surprise, really looking at her for the first time. He turned and spoke to me.

"And you? What do you know about this?"

"More than I want to, sir. I've been following this bastard for two years, trying to rescue Melody here. I know his methods...and I know what he does to couples. Collin wasn't at fault at all. Eddie targeted him and Amanda because he thought they would be more vulnerable, being young."

Collin spoke up as if out of a trance.

"He didn't know that."

I turned to the otter.


"He didn't know. When he was...doing things to her, he kept referring to her and me as 'college bitches'. I don't think he knew we were in high school."

"That would make sense. The only time he saw you and Amanda was on campus."

Collin's eyes filled with tears again.

"I shoulda stopped him. They were right there in front of me and I didn't stop them."

Melody put her hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault, Collin. You're in high school, Eddie is twenty three. Not to mention he's three times your size."

The elder Keys heard what she said.

"Wait. This guy is twenty three? Has he ever been arrested?"

"Twice. He likes to pick fights in bars."

The big ferret turned and went into the house, motioning for us to follow. He picked up the house phone and dialed a number. While the line rang, he turned back to us.

"Do you know where this Eddie might be now?"

Melody piped up.

"He's probably at the gym on Warfurred and Furston. He likes to go there before he comes and finds me. Says he likes to get pumped before doing the pumping."

I swallowed back the gorge in my throat and tried to dampen the flare of anger in my gut at her words. My only consolation was that I wasn't about to let it happen ever again. Mr. Keys, or should I say Detective Keys, turned back to the phone and spoke with someone on the line.

"Dispatch, this is Detective Allen Keys, badge number 97394. I want to put out a BOLO on an Edward Garland, most likely at the gymnasium on Warfurred and Furston...yeah, hold on..."

He turned to us again.

"What does he look like?"

I spoke up.

"Bovinoid. Six feet, seven inches tall. Muscular. Probably close to three hundred pounds. He's brown all over, no spots."

Amanda's father repeated my words into the phone. After a second or two his voice turned personal.

"Listen, Jake? I need you to get on the horn with Judge Graves. Tell him to rush the warrant. Why? Because he raped my daughter, that's why. She was supposed to be out with a friend two nights ago and she came home smelling like sex. This morning I took her to the doctor and found out she had conceived."

Collin rocked backward at the news. I think up till now, he had held out hope that she might not have been pregnant after all. Detective Keys thanked the person on the phone, hung up, and turned back to us. For the first time since we arrived, he really looked at Collin.

"Boy, what are you really doing here? Amanda said she dumped you."

Collin sniffled and stood up straight.

"I know what he did to her, sir. I'm here to try to help her."

The ferret narrowed his eyes and nodded thoughtfully.

"Sorry about thinking you did this, Collin. I should have followed my gut. I always thought you were a good kid, and now you are proving it."

"Thank you sir."

"She's out back. Come on."

The ferret turned and led us out to the back door. When we stepped on to the back porch, I saw Amanda at the far end of the big yard, huddled over herself on an ornate bench. Collin gave a little cry and started across the yard. Melody put her mouth close to my ear.

"Do you think they'll be ok?"

We watched as the otter approached the ferret. Collin stopped a few feet away and said something to her. The distance was too great for us to hear what was being said, but it was easy to see the surprise on Amanda's face when she looked up. Collin started talking, his hands moving as he spoke. After a few minutes, the ferret shook her head and sobbed great wracking cries. She hung her head, her mouth moving, but I couldn't hear her. The otter suddenly said something, along with a chopping motion, that snapped her head back up to look at him. He continued to talk, taking a small step forward with every emphatic gesticulation. When he was standing right in front of her, he held his arms out in an unmistakable gesture. Amanda blinked her teary eyes at him, and then leapt from the bench to throw herself into his arms. As she pulled him tight, he rubbed his hands up and down her back. I turned to Melody and smiled.

"That looks like a good start."

The big ferret next to me grunted.

"That kids a miracle worker. I never thought she would take him back."

"Well...the road's gonna be a bumpy one, but, with a little help, they should be ok."

"Hmm...we'll see."

Just then the phone rang. The police ferret walked over, picked up a receiver, and identified himself. The voice on the other end talked for a moment, and then Keys answered.

"Good. I'll be right there."

He hung up the phone and turned to us.

"That was my partner. They got the warrant, arrested Garland, and now he's at the station. I need Amanda to go down and identify him."

A voice came from the back door.

"That's not necessary. I was there. I can identify him."

We all turned to see Collin standing at the door, holding Amanda tucked into his shoulder. Her father grunted again.

"You sure you want to do that?"

Collin's eyes drifted to mine, and then Melody's before going back to the elder ferret's.

"I'd like nothing better, sir."

"All right, let's go."

Everyone but Amanda piled into the cars. She stayed home with her mom. As Melody and I followed Detective Keys and Collin in his car, I looked back and saw the girl ferret pressed against the glass window, worry evident on her face.

Several minutes later, we arrived at the station. Mel and I followed the others up the steps and through to the inside of the building. Across an open area filled with desks, I spotted the unmistakable form of Eddie sandwiched in between two Shire stallions who looked like they were pretty familiar with the inside of a gym as well. As Collin and Detective Keys approached, the two massive horses stood and pulled the handcuffed bull to his feet. I hung back with Melody and watched to see how it panned out. When Eddie realized who was coming, he smirked down at Collin.

"Otter boy! What're you doin here? This wouldn't be because of you, would it?"

Collin stopped just out of reach.

"No Eddie, this is because of what you did to Amanda."

"Your ferret girlfriend? She came to me willingly, dude. I can't help she didn't want you anymore."

Collin vibrated with fury.

"She was only sixteen, you dickwad! You took advantage of a sixteen year old girl!"

Eddie stood up and looked around. Even he could figure out that he was in serious trouble.

"Hey, now wait a minute. I didn't know she was sixteen! She never said anything!"

Detective Keys growled at him from where he stood.

"Save it for the judge, Garland. It was my daughter, and I'm pressing charges."

Eddie started to thrash against the horses that held him. Melody stepped out from beside me and walked toward the bull. I followed along beside her. When Eddie spotted her, he held out his handcuffed hands.

"Melody! Baby! Help me out here! Tell 'em I'm not into kids! Tell them!"

The curvy pony stopped three big paces in front of him and shook her head.

"I AM into kids, Eddie. That's why I got pregnant. Now, according to you, we aren't together anymore."

"You're pregnant? But how..."

The big bull's eyes fell on me, standing beside her.

"HIM? You went to HIM? After all this time, you chose HIM over me?"

Melody nodded, causing him to splutter in disbelief. He turned and looked at me.

"I suppose you're happy now. You got what you wanted."

"I am Eddie. And I'll be a lot happier when you're out of her life for good."

The bull sneered at me.

"I'll always be there, doggy. I'll always come find her."

"And I'll always be there to stand in your way."

Eddie's face took on an incredulous look.

"You? Stop me? You wouldn't have a chance. I'd knock your ass down every time, just like the other day."

I felt my blood start to boil. Eddie was pissing me off to a level I had never been.

"Knock me down, Eddie. I'll always get back up and get back in your way."

The bull sneered and turned his gaze to Melody.

"He'll never satisfy you like I could. Once you've been with me, no other man can do it."

Melody began to speak, and her words made Eddie's face twist with rage.

"He's already satisfied me more than you ever could, Eddie. And he's a thousand times the lover you will ever be..."

Eddie snarled and lunged for her, dragging the Shires with him. I saw him coming and jumped in front of her. From way down deep a place that called back to when my ancestors walked on four legs...I felt the adrenaline-fueled anger boil to the surface. I peeled my lips back and growled at the incoming bull, rumbling deep in my chest, hackles raised, and shoulders bunched. I snarled at him in savage fury...


The big bull stopped dead in his tracks and looked at my bared fangs with something that was obviously very foreign to him...fear. He was still staring when the two horses dragged him away. I followed him out with my eyes, never breaking eye contact with him and trying like hell to throw all the hate and anger I had across that distance to burn him where he walked. When Eddie finally disappeared through the doors, a soft hand on my shoulder made me jump. I spun around and saw a familiar set of gorgeous brown eyes.

"It's ok, honey. He's gone."

I slumped a little in relief, leaning forward to rest my head on her shoulder. Around us the station was silent, so I raised my head to see everyone looking at me in shock. I turned and saw Collin gaping at me as well.

"Goddess, Trevor! Where did THAT come from?"

Suddenly, I felt tired.

"He threatened Melody. It just sorta...happened."

Detective Keys clapped me on the shoulder as the room returned to normal activity.

"Good lad. You stood up for yourself and your mate. Now don't worry about him. He'll probably go to Furbanks SCI. My wife works there. Maybe he'll have a little surprise waiting for him?"

The ferret chuckled evilly as he herded us out of the station. He took Collin with him when he left to go home, so Melody and I were left sitting in her car. She turned to me and kissed me softly.

"My hero. You really stood up in there."

"This may sound corny but I'll always stand up for you. I lost you once and I won't let that happen again."

"I love you, Trevor."

"I love you too, Melody. Wanna go home?"

"Let's go to your place. Tomorrow we need to start looking."

"Looking for what?"

She took my paw and placed it on her belly.

"A bigger place, silly. We have babies to raise."

I LOVED the sound of that!


I drove down Highway 17 in my new minivan. The obstetrician was on the coast, so I made the journey at least once a month. As I looked out the window, I spotted the recreation yard for Furbanks State Correctional. Apparently the facility was located right off the freeway. I slowed down, curious, and immediately spotted Ed Garland sitting at a table near the back. He was hunched down next to the biggest rhino I had ever seen in my entire life. As I watched, the gigantic pachyderm wrapped an arm around the bull and whispered something in his ear. Eddie flinched and looked worriedly at the rhino, who laughed and one-arm hugged him with mirth. I chuckled at the bull's expression as the rec yard faded into the rearview mirror. From beside me, a soft paw squeezed my thigh.

"What's so funny, lover?"

I turned to the sound of the voice. My lovely pony sat in the passenger seat, her swollen belly protruding over the seatbelt. At eight months pregnant, she was still the most beautiful woman in the world to me.

"I just saw Eddie back there. It looks like he has a new boyfriend."

My Melody looked at me in shock, and then started to giggle.

"Oh my Goddess! I can't imagine that!"

"Yeah...and it was a HUGE rhino. Probably at least a head taller than him, and twice as wide."

The pregnant pony's mouth opened in surprise.

"Eddie's the girl? Oh that's funny..."

"After what he did to you and those other girls, this is probably divine justice."

Her hand squeezed my thigh again.

"Why Trevor Goodwild, are you feeling vindicated?"

"Yes, Melody Goodwild, I think I am."

The hand on my thigh rose to touch my face. The cool bands of gold on her ring finger brushed against my cheek.

"Let it go, baby. It's in our past. We have a future to live together."

I reached over and rubbed her big belly.

"You are right, as always. Let's just get home."

Her hand pushed my paw downward.

"Yes, let's get home. Mommy wants some attention from Daddy tonight."

I chuckled in anticipation.

"I can't wait."

Melody leaned over onto my arm and kissed me on my cheek.

"You, my love, will never have to wait again."