RSH- Retaliation

Story by SGTRedfield on SoFurry

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#11 of RSH


This story contains consensual sex between a male human and a female Utahraptor. Read at your own risk.

Keep track of your local laws regarding smutt and buttfuckery, because it's not my job.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RSH- Retaliation ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Colonel Nymev reseated the gray fur ushanka on his head with deliberate slowness, standing in the gusting wind despite the perfectly warm office behind. The cold didn't bother him, but it did do a bit to aggravate the still tender wounds in his left side. Twice now he'd reopened the lacerations, tearing stitches despite the exquisite repairs performed by the Red Army's finest medical personnel.

The Russian pranced back and forth in front of one of the many outbuildings that served the military outpost, smoking a cigarette and running a series of thoughts over and over in his mind. The winter was worse in Novosibirsk this year, a fact highlighted by the thermometer sitting at -24 degrees Celsius. The Even with the wind, the unmistakable odor of diesel and the low, obnoxious tones of fog horns still managed to make their way to him.

He finished up the last of the cigarette and retreated back into the warmth of the building, hanging his coat from the hook next to the door. The Colonel found a seat at his desk, shifting through the file of one of General Efremov's personal recommendations for his little pilot program. So far, he had little to no restraint on his operational doctrine, and he was changing many things to make it more dynamic. His bloated predecessors were still stuck in the cold war, where lines were well defined and where force, not initiative, was the priority. Nymev was going to seize the initiative.

The Americans were very adaptive to Russian tactics, always in the right spot at the right time so as to deny him a required foothold and restart the lightning offensive. The Colonel was sure he'd finally found a way to counter the ghosts in the night, and he intended to exploit it to its fullest potential.

It wasn't long before he heard a knock on the office door, signaling the arrival of his solution.

"Comrade Colonel Nymev, Captain Mikhail Kirsolov reporting!"

Nymev stood and acknowledged the smart salute, looking over the athletic form of the black clad GRU officer. He was shorter than Nymev, but had the same defining Slavic features of one with strong Russian fighting blood. The Colonel noticed his steely stare, and the aura of professional confidence that seemed to radiate around him.

"Pleased to meet you, Comrade Kirsolov."

"Always a pleasure, Comrade Colonel. Allow me to introduce my partner. I'll trust that you will find him satisfactory."

A large male Utahraptor entered the office behind Kirsolov, meeting Nymev's gaze almost instantly and introducing himself. The Colonel looked him over; noting the placement of random black stripes that shown most prominently over the entirety of his body. The pattern was very different from that of the American creatures that he had dealt with in the past, enough so to make his image radically different. Compared to Aud, or even Meryl, this male seemed darker somehow. Nymev wasn't so sure that it was his coloring. Either way, the interim Commander was pleased.

"Colonel Nymev, I am called Alexander." He stated, voice deep and commanding in the otherwise quiet office. The Utahraptor known as Alexander bowed in a grandiose nod, bringing his cold eyes back up to meet Nymev's. Water from melting snow beaded from the male's skin, making his black claws shine with the beauty of polished onyx. The Colonel noticed that one of his eyes was gray, while the other was yellow. Intimidating.

"You're about to become very busy, Comrade Captain." Nymev laughed, turning his gaze away from the pair. He could feel the raw power radiating from them even as he consulted his map, and couldn't help but notice the off color eyes boring into the back of his skull.

"Exactly so, Comrade Colonel." Alexander snarled, tapping a killing claw on the tiled floor.


"Listen up!" The VDV Sergeant spoke over the sound of the boilers, surveying the twenty-four men that had been hastily summoned before him. They were squeezed into every available corner, sweating in their full array of battle gear from the steam emitted by the castle's dated furnaces. Twelve of the soldiers were his, and they stood separately from the Airborne troops. The colonel was happy to see that all of Sergeant Timorov's men were present.

"You have all heard the rumors of chemical weapons. Sergeant Timorov and I have found that these rumors are true." Revedov started, pausing as the shock rushed over the faces of the soldiers gathered here. They probably hadn't believed the Sergeant. He continued....

"As you also know, the Americans will strike back when Colonel Nymev employs these weapons in battle. Everybody you have ever known, everyone you have ever loved could die in these retaliations. We cannot allow these devices to be used, nor can we allow this war to continue and kill even more Russians. I intend to contact the Americans. From there, we can work on picking out our true comrades, the true Nationalists, and fight against the corruption that has taken over our country." He stopped, looking at the effects of his words on the men. One Corporal raised his hand, stepping forward to the front of the group.

"Comrade Colonel, I believe I speak for all of us when I say we are with you. Treason and death are small prices to pay for the protection of our families. This madness must stop."

Nods were visible from all of the soldiers standing in the cramped space, without a single man wavering from where he was. The Colonel answered with a nod of his own.

"Then so be it. I must warn you, however, that some of our countrymen must die in order for this peace to prevail. If they stand behind the true traitors that have taken our lives already, they are no better than them. Are you prepared to do this?"

"Exactly so Comrade Colonel." The statement resonated through the basement, thankfully masked by the sound of machinery.

"There are some things that need to be accomplished before we move out." Sergeant Timorov instructed as he drew a mockup of the castle on the damp brick with a grease pencil.

"The GRU sentries are on heightened alert tonight, mostly on the interior corridors. We need to secure the armory, the communications center, and the motor pool. We will need trucks started, checked, and fully fueled. Sergeant Timorov will take his team to command, and I will take mine to the armory. We need ammunition and heavy weapons, as well as night observation devices and suppressors. Here are the guard points."

The NCO pointed to several dots on the mockup, recalling the information from a hasty recon he'd performed just minutes earlier.

"The GRU has responsibility for the command section, so you shouldn't have to worry about them down by the armory. Keep it quiet! We cannot risk reinforcements being called from the garrison farther down in the city. Do not leave any alive." Revedov warned, already fixing a suppressor to the muzzle of the AKM. With that, they headed for the door to the boiler room.

"Good luck, Comrade Colonel!" Timorov shouted as the door swung open, causing Revedov to pause.

"Good luck Sergeant!" He answered back, charging up the chilly basement stairs a moment later. He opened the door to the courtyard, sweeping his muzzle across the upper balconies just in case any of the GRU soldiers had wandered out for a smoke. His team followed behind, stacking up on him and covering every possible angle.

The door to the command center stairwell was just up ahead, across the courtyard. The team pushed through with ease, driving up the command stairs in a matter of seconds. They walked tactically, keeping their suppressed weapons aimed in each soldier's corresponding sector of fire.

The command personnel died in a hail of suppressed gunfire, unable even to get to their personal weapons. Maps were gathered a moment later, and the Spetsnaz were out in a matter of about forty-five seconds. An incendiary grenade made sure that no evidence could be gathered in a short amount of time.

Nymev's office was empty, but his communications set was on and active, monitoring the main NSO command channel. Revedov pulled the hand mic down and watched the computer screen react to his touch. It wasn't something that he was familiar with in the slightest.

"Hmmm." Revedov muttered as he scanned through the list, looking for someone in particular. If anyone was going to help him, this man would. One unit stood out from all the rest on the list, marked by a red X indicator.

485th Special Combat Helicopter Wing.

"Commander Daskov, Roman on secure net." Revedov depressed the talk button and spoke loud and clear, hoping that Comrade Daskov was still able to speak. ­­­


"What do you mean captured?" Meryl roared, climbing to her feet in a mix of anger and pain. Her compatriots had arrived not ten minutes earlier, being escorted to her as quickly as Sonnet's tight security allowed. They were the bearers of bad news...

"The Russians dragged him off before we could intervene." Learn explained, still dressed in her matted combat gear. The Sergeant was trying to keep Meryl from tearing the place apart, which she was very close to doing.

"I have to get out there and find him!" The Raptoress bellowed, nearly putting her head through the ceiling in rage. Wet tears ran down the sides of her snout, and she was hyperventilating to the point of worry for the two Guardians standing before her. Whenever Meryl's anxiety peaked, people usually lost life or limb.

"The Russians are undoubtedly on their way here even as we speak. To leave now would be suicide." Durin interrupted, taking a dominant position between the two females. Meryl looked as if she was ready to go through all of them at once to get to the door.

"I have to try." She spoke with finality.

"It is imperative that we get him back, but we must defeat the Russians here at Sonnet first. If they capture Sonnet, he will have fought in vain."

Meryl was livid, realizing the futility of her argument as she looked her comrades in the eyes. Even through their exhaustion, she could see that they were inevitably correct.

"When we get the chance. I'm going for him.

"I will send my force with you when the time comes."

"Thank you." Meryl uttered as she followed him outside, leaving her compatriots behind.

"You're very welcome." Durin responded, giving her a tired Utahraptor smile. He seemed a bit out of it this evening....

She watched him leave in silence, taking the opportunity for a few calming breaths. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Colonel Revedov downshifted the bulky manual transmission on the Ural transport, listening to the roar of the turbo diesel as it slowed. Two BMPs were parked in a herringbone that formed a makeshift traffic control point on the road ahead. The soldiers that manned it came into view shortly after, motioning for the line of trucks to stop.

"Comrade Colonel, do you think they know yet?"

"Hard to say. If Nymev returned from Novosibirsk all ready, then they most certainly do. Hopefully, the weather put the arrays out of action again and our forces don't know anything. Odd though, a checkpoint out this far." He responded, looking over to the nervous radio operator in the passenger's seat. The Colonel produced his seldom used Makarov pistol, locking the hammer back with his right thumb and sliding the safety off. If they were loyal to the Ultranationalists, Revedov would make sure that they never got the chance to call it in.

"Just keep cool comrade, everything will be fine." He muttered, flashing Krenne a half-assed smile before depressing the Ural's heavy clutch. The truck slid to a stop in the fresh snow, idling roughly. The Colonel watched them with apprehension as they approached the cab, weapons in hand and game faces definitely on. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a portable satellite array feeding into the back of the BMPs, no doubt the only thing keeping the connection to command open.

"Good morning Comrade Colonel. What brings you out here at this hour?" The first sentry greeted him in the standard manner, climbing up onto the cab. He looked quickly over the inside with a penlight, taking his hand off of his weapon to secure a better hold on the truck. It was with this motion that he saw the GRU patch that was partially covered by a winter parka, confirming his worst fears.

"We're on our way to the front, which is all you are permitted to know." Revedov responded, watching as the normal expression on the soldier's face changed to a scowl. He noticed a nervous shift in the GRU man as his light drifted over the pistol on his lap. The penlight disappeared back into the man's pocket, and his hand returned to the pistol grip of the slung AN-94.

"I need to see your command clearance, Comrade Colonel. We're ordered to inform you that any Spetsnaz troops in theatre are to report to Colditz immediately." The soldier demanded, no longer offering friendly greetings. Something was pricking Revedov's sixth sense, and he didn't like it one bit. The soldier's motions were too fidgety, and his voice sounded incredibly unsteady.

"Very well." Revedov exclaimed, thrusting the pistol out of the window with his left hand and jacking a round right into the sentry's skull before the man had a chance to react. The soldier's partner shouted in panicked Russian, fighting to get his weapon off of its sling as rounds tore through his body from the passenger's side. Revedov looked right, nodding as Krenne held his smoking AK-74 in hand while scanning the woods off to either side.

"I suggest we move Comrade Colonel!" He shouted as gunfire erupted on the right flank.

"Agreed. Hold on!" Revedov answered, laughing as he floored the transport's accelerator, listening to the heavy diesel engine roar in response. He cycled through the gears as rounds tore through the top of the truck, threatening to take his head clean off at any instant. With a quick adjustment of the wheel Revedov sent the truck plowing through the communications dish, crushing it under the back tires. Sparks shot out from the crushed array, lighting the truck's silhouette for a brief second before fizzling out in the snow.

"I think our secret is out!" Krenne yelled as he fired from the passenger window, dropping an overwhite-clad NSO soldier with an RPK machine gun that made the mistake of showing himself. His AK-74 came up empty, and Revedov turned just in time to see him slap a fresh stick home.

"It would seem that is the case!" The Colonel exclaimed as he emptied the pistol into the darkness in an effort to suppress as much as possible. Who knows, perhaps he'd get lucky.

"Someone is calling on shortwave for a station called Eagle. GRU callsigns, Colonel." Krenne reported, listening to the device as it sputtered more and more data. It seemed as if someone had taken complete control of the New Soviet Battlenet. Krenne set the speaker output on the radio and sent loud orders blaring through the cab of the truck.

".....all Spetsnaz personnel are to return to Sentinel Base immediately. All previous missions are cancelled at this time. Repeat, Commander....."

"Sounds like it is set on loop." Revedov commented as he listened to the recording again.

"Yes Comrade, now listen to this." He instructed, throwing the receiver onto the alternate GRU net.

"Go ahead Eagle."

"Sentinel, we've captured several of the monsters. What are your instructions?"

"Eagle, standing orders are to be followed. I show your position at...."

"Affirmative Sentinel. What do you want with the Yankees?"

"Any identification?"

The two men listened as several American names were read off over the net, but one caused them to pause.

"....Redfield, Jayson. Sergeant."

"Say again last?"

"Jayson Redfield, Sergeant."

"Eagle, keep Redfield alive, dispose of the rest."

"All of them, Comrade?"

"Yes Eagle, all of them. We are dispatching an escort for Redfield."

"Affirmative Sentinel, we'll stand by."

"Think that's our Jay Redfield?" Mikhail asked, setting the radio back to the NSO Battlenet and the endless recording.

"I do." Revedov answered after a moment of thought.

"And what of the Recording Comrade Colonel?"

"I think it's a trap. We'll need an array if we are going to warn our comrades, don't you think?"

"Exactly so, Comrade Colonel."


Durin manipulated the door to his quarters, shutting it slowly against the cold wind that still plagued Sonnet after the sun went down. He dragged his feet in exhaustion, just now acknowledging the fact that he'd been going almost three days without sleep. Then, there was the situation with the inevitable Russian attack on Sonnet, a situation that put both his soldiers and his people in danger. After all they'd done for him, he knew that he couldn't let them down by allowing the Russians to be victorious. So much was happening so quickly, he'd barely been able to keep up.

"Oh Kelly, why does this happen to me? I don't know what I should do."

He could see the blonde woman in his head, already hearing her soft words whisper in his ear, just as they always had.

"Durin, you can handle it. Maybe you don't see it, but people are naturally drawn to follow you. They feel safe around you. Without your guidance, they will fall."

"They may fall with me as well." He responded, answering the voice that wasn't really there. The male looked forth from a window at the snow falling outside, watching it as he usually did when his mood took off in a southerly direction. Meryl walked down below, unaware of the Utahraptor that observed her from above. Durin laughed as she snaked her long tongue out in an effort to catch one of the snowflakes in her mouth, succeeding after only a few seconds.

"Not likely."

"I miss you Kelly."

"That female is the key. She will help you in ways that you do not yet know. Do not worry about me." The female voice rang again, this time it was as if it was in the room with him. Durin turned quickly, taking a defensive stance. The room was still as empty as he had entered it, the fire crackling in the fireplace the only sound.

No one. +++++++++++++++++++++++

_ One month earlier...._

"Durin, I can still fight. Listen, they need our help!" Jen pleaded as she followed after the male down one of Sonnet's many hidden passageways. The female Utahraptor stepped it out in order to keep up, noting his hurried gait as the sound of gunfire and grenades echoed through the small space.

"Jen, I've been through this with you already. I want you here to remain with Liberator. Now please, I have to get out there." Durin turned away, exiting down the cobblestone street that ran the entire right flank of the village. Jen stared at him as he took the road at a jog, watching the larger male's muscles ripple as he ran.

"Sorry, but I'm going on this one too, Durin my love."

Jennifer took her time, moving house to destroyed house to make sure that they'd all indeed been eliminated. She stepped lightly, scanning with her head on a swivel and looking for any sign of the Osnaz intruders that had infected Sonnet's outer defenses. Blood dripped from her claws and stained her snout, showing that the search hadn't been in vain.

The blur of green and black from the corner of her eye sent her whirling around, claws depressing the call pad. She met with the business end of an AN-94, the bore looking like the barrel of a cannon as the Raptoress stared down it.

"Durin, they're still here!"

She reared up on her hind legs, emitting a roar that shook the destroyed building on its unstable foundation coming forth from her. The Russian shouted something incomprehensible as she took a step closer with claws ready. A single shot rang out, and a cloud of red mist was all that appeared on the wall next to her head...


_ Sonnet, present day_

"Ahh!" Yelled Durin, jumping awake to the gunshot in his dream. The male was shivering, stomach off-kilter with startled anxiety from his dream. Durin hadn't dreamed like that for quite some time now, and it scared him. The last time those dreams came about, he'd been driven past the point of madness.

Durin felt a presence in his room other than himself and looked frantically in the direction from which it emanated, trying to see anything at all. The undoubtedly female presence was something that didn't take him long to recognize.

Jen? No, someone else...

"You don't live to shabbily." Meryl's voice echoed through the dim stillness. Durin picked her silhouette against the far wall after a moment of searching. He could see her watching him where he lay atop the thick mound of blankets that served as his bed. The male stood without answering, noticing for the first time the imprint that he left on the fabric where he had tossed and turned.

Meryl eyed Durin curiously as he rose, awakened from his nightmare with the sudden start that she'd often seen in Jay right before he fell asleep. A fireplace cast orange light over the entire chamber, allowing her to pick out more specific details. Several pictures hung on the wall behind him of a young blonde soldier, no doubt his Guardian. Meryl was not inclined to press the matter with him. Besides, he didn't look too happy as it was.

"You never answered my question. Why are you here?" He asked, annoyance betrayed in his voice that was extremely unexpected given his generally mellow mood.

"To fight the Russians, why else?" Meryl answered, sounding a bit snappier than she intended. She'd been caught off guard by his attitude. The male moved closer, stopping only when he was nearly right on top of her.

"I know you are no Alpha, Meryl." Durin whispered, standing eye to eye. He kept staring even as Meryl's eyes looked downward in shame.

So, he knew.....

"I needed to escape and find my Guardian." Meryl responded, standing up straighter and taller than a few seconds before. She wasn't about to be put to blame, no matter how angry this male became at her.

"I suppose." Durin said, turning his gaze away.

"I'm sorry that I had to conceal my identity from you Durin, I couldn't risk getting sent back to RSHCOM."

"What right do you have to use another Utahraptor's identity?" Durin exploded, rearing up to his full height on his hind legs. Meryl nearly choked on the scent of his anger as his pheromones betrayed his mood. She still didn't shrink back however; instead she looked him in the eye once more.

"All of our fates could rest upon what he needs to know. Millions of lives, including yours and mine, are teetering on a thread. Jen would understand that I don't take her identity lightly." She yelled back, dropping her defensive posture and bulking herself up, pointing accusingly with a forepaw.

"Jen would definitely understand. She wasn't beyond such endeavors herself." Durin responded, moving away suddenly. He dropped to his knees in front of the burning fire, lowering his head to the floor, soaking it with his tears. He warbled a low, sorrowful sound, a pitch that slowly drifted down to a woeful whine as tremors ran the length of his frame.

Meryl came to a sudden realization as she watched him cry, hitting her like a cement truck sliding on ice.

"She was here, wasn't she.?"

"Colonel Estes transferred her in about four months ago for some kind of special assignment involving something called 'Liberator'. She was alone when Colonel Estes brought her here, and a bit distraught over the loss of her Guardian. We took her in as one of our own." Durin started with a sniffle, recovering himself from the floor and regaining his composure almost as quickly as he'd lost it.

"Jen died about a month ago. An Osnaz team stumbled in here, we think they were lost. She got through the attack, but was helping to secure the outbuildings when she took a round through the head. I told her not to go Meryl, but she did anyway." Durin explained, walking away from the Raptoress and studying his photos on the wall with renewed motivation.

"I'm terribly sorry." Meryl apologized, coming up behind him, a soothing rumble emanating from deep within her chest. She moved alongside, leaning on his side in a gesture of comfort. He shivered, not used to and definitely not expecting the female contact. Durin felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and it all had to do with this female alongside him. Meryl looked on, satisfied. She'd noticed the relaxation flush over him, and it brought her a great deal of needed satisfaction. It still didn't downgrade her shame....

"I knew all along who you were. Colonel Estes confirmed my suspicions almost as soon as I called up to report you.

Meryl just hung her head, waiting for the male to say something. She basked in the silence, allowing him to take time to breathe. It was a while before he spoke.

"She made us promise to defend Liberator if something ever happened to her. Made us swear."

"What exactly is Liberator?" The female asked, tilting her head ever so slightly in curiosity.

"Liberator is the very reason we exist." Durin responded, turning to face her. After a brief pause, he walked across the room to a door that was recessed into the wall. With a quick indication for 'follow me', he scratched on the portal several times. It slid open, revealing a long ramp down into the earth.

"After you." Durin instructed, motioning with a forepaw to the darkness. Meryl remained quiet, instead focusing on the trek downwards. It turned out that the passageway was lit, but it was barely enough to see. Meryl could hear the clicks of her claws on the floor as well as those from the male behind her, adding to the eerie atmosphere of the pathway.

After nearly three minutes of travel the ramp leveled out into a basement. The room was reinforced with beams that gave it a heavy duty appearance, and thick power conduits ran around most of the room. A long cylindrical unit sat in the center of the room on a small pedestal, feeding cables into four large black towers. Meryl noticed the extremely cold warning placards on each of the four towers, not quite understanding their purpose. To her, it looked like a large grey set of oil drums that had been secured together.

"So, this is it?" She commented, eyeing the equipment as it ran with a low whine.

"Yes, Colonel Estes instructed me to show it to you. He believed you to be ready."

"Ready for what?"

"Ready for you to understand that this very machine is responsible for our creation."

"How is that possible?" Meryl questioned, approaching the device so that she could gaze upon it even closer. She tapped a claw on it, feeling some kind of lightweight alloy instead of steel.

"The only thing that she told me about it was that it operated by something called quantum physics."

Meryl gave him a look that indicated she was completely clueless.

"Don't worry, I don't know how either. Get some rest, it won't be long before they get here." Durin turned, leaving without another word.

Inside, she pondered the irony of her luck. What were the chances of her pulling that body armor from the rack that night, then ending up here?


"What do you want from me?" Jay groaned as the fire from the last punch faded away with the run of fresh blood. It was just one of many cuts that opened on his body since the start of the torture, and the NCO was sure that it wasn't the last. Several drops of blood stained the crushed snow between his feet as well as his uniform pants, a testament to the beating that was being delivered. The big Russian that was administering his interrogation ceased for a moment, taking a moment to tighten the hard-knuckled Oakley gloves that he'd liberated from Jay's captured equipment.

"Your friends." The man answered, taking a moment to catch his breath.

"He isn't going to tell you anything." A female voice uttered from the opposite side of the tent, laughing with hoarse gasps of one in dreadful pain. Jay looked up through blurred vision at the source, seeing that he shared the tent with a bound female Utahraptor. He didn't get a good look at her before another fist landed home.

Regardless of the temperature outside the makeshift tent being barely above fifteen degrees, the Russian soldier had removed his uniform jacket to stand only in the red striped GRU undershirt, which shared some of Redfield's bloodstains.

"Well, you aren't getting them." Jay spat, earning another slug to the chest with the hard-knuckle gloves. He felt a shooting pain on his right side with that impact, a little bit deeper than the previous ones had been.

That can't be good..... He thought, waiting for the next one to fall.

The screams of Utahraptors outside broke in intermittently, telling Jay that the female and himself weren't the only ones here. Each screech of pain sent shivers down his spine, and pangs of anger through his mind. Whatever they were doing outside, they would pay....

"A short-lived setback for sure." The Russian laughed, dropping his fists to his sides and turning attention away from Jay. Redfield thanked god for the lapse in the beating, to catch a breath if nothing else. No manner of torture short of drugs would get him to give up his team, and he was doubtful that drugs could influence him to even give her up.

That is, if he even knew where she was.....

A deafening roar echoed from right outside the tent, followed by angered Russian yelling. A sound like spilling water and a sickening gurgle resonated through his Russian agent's tent, causing even a start from the large man. A voice that was definitely female spoke defiantly.

"The rest of us will find you....."

A long, ragged burst of automatic fire followed.

A call came in over the Russian's portable radio, spoken to quickly for Redfield to even hope for a translation by his limited Russian military slang.

"I'll be back Sergeant, don't get too relaxed." The Russian sneered, grabbing his parka and personal weapon from the edge of the tent. With only one glimpse back to Redfield, he pushed through the flap and disappeared.

"Fuck." Jay exclaimed, leaning over in the chair as much as his bound hands and feet would allow. The same rush of pain greeted him again, throwing the NCO back into his chair.

"Broken ribs."

"I don't like where this is going." He muttered, feeling out of breath regardless of the lack of physical activity. Another wave hit him a second later, dropping him from the chair and into the cold, trampled snow. The commotion from outside was unimaginable now, sounding as if a full-fledged battle had begun between two sides. He inched away from the chair, ignoring the pain from his ribs.

"You're going to hurt yourself if you don't stop moving around." The Utahraptor pointed out to him, struggling to get the duct tape off of her legs and wrists. The chain that bound her neck rattled in protest, but also refused to give. The muzzle that had been slipped over her snout wasn't helping either, lest she just bite through the tape or the legs of a complacent guard that just happened to wander past.

"Any ideas?" Jay panted, feeling the securely tied restraints that he'd been placed in. The only fruits his struggle yielded was another wave of pain.

"No. My guardian was killed about three hours ago, and the last word I had from the Hunter team had them in heavy contact with Russians about a click from here. I don't know if any of them made it out or not. Either way, I don't think we can count on them for help." She responded, giving up after a particularly strained attempt at breaking her restraints by brute force.

"Looks like we're on our own then. What is your name?"


"Well Ade, I am going to try and get a peak outside. Keep trying to get out. We may have to work together to get my binds off, so be prepared." He instructed, wiggling across the floor despite his pain. The flap was easy to move, so Jay proceeded forward.

As soon as he poked his head outside the tent, Jay was sorry.

"Jesus!" Jay exclaimed, staring into the dead, empty eyes of a Utahraptor. He could tell by the raptor's green armor tag that it was a female, a beta. Blood seeped from her partially open mouth, and pooled beneath her still body. Her throat had been slit, and blood soaked her still bound forepaws and legs. A horrified image of Meryl came into Jay's mind, quickly stamped out by his mental barriers.

Redfield stifled a horrified gasp as he saw a Guardian struggling with a Russian soldier. Snow was kicked up by their fight, and angry shouts drifted through the chaos. The man's Utahraptor struggled with the duct tape that had been wrapped multiple times around its paws and legs, unable to make a sound through likewise taped and muzzled jaws.

Jay couldn't even build enough energy to scream as the Guardian got a hold on the Russian soldier's pistol, jacking a round through his head before running to his Utahraptor's side. He bent down by his partner, no doubt whispering his goodbyes one last time. The Soldier pressed the pistol to the Utahraptor's head and squeezed the trigger, ending the poor creature's life in one press. He stood and pressed the pistol to his own head, and Jay averted his eyes as the pink cloud shot skyward.

He didn't see the Russian boot that found his head until he felt his consciousness slipping away....

Roars and gunshots were all he heard before darkness came.


"Shit! Troops at one o'clock! Waste 'em! Till shouted, sending up a contact report on his gun truck's computer with one click of a shortcut button. Rounds bounced off the door to his right, and explosions lit the night as bombs of all shapes and sizes burst on either side of the convoy.

"I see them!" Specialist Wills called down from the turret, easily heard over the truck's microphone. The truck's M240B machine gun barked a steady line into the highway embankment, responding to the roadside-bomb initiated ambush. Brass and links rained down into the vehicle as it lurched from left to right, diesel engine screaming at full throttle in an effort to leave the kill zone. Wherever the large Russian element had appeared from, they had wasted no time in causing even more trouble for the convoy escorts.

"Get us through this mess Jones!"

"Whoa!" Wills yelled from in the turret, ducking down as a 73mm cannon round took a chunk out of the road directly to the front. Pieces of asphalt rained down on the hood of the HMMWV, a testament to the near miss. Shrapnel buzzed over the turret, adding to the confusion already in full swing.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Till gasped as he finished the spot report. A small red indicator warned all of the allied forces in Europe of their plight, as well as giving the command center an idea of their situation. The predator that had passed ahead of the convoy had given no indication to the presence of enemy armor, and thermals coupled with satellite imagery had also been deemed free of hostile forces. It was as if an entire Russian armored unit appeared from thin air.

"I thought this section was clear!" Jones thought aloud as a HEMMT fueler directly behind them took a cannon round, detonating in a bright fireball that lit the entire area like a flash of orange lightning. The shockwave from the explosion hit next, rattling everything in the HMMWV and sucking all of the air out of the crew compartment for a brief second.

"One, this is the Dungeon Master, we're losing trucks too fast! We have to get out of this kill zone." The convoy commander called, maneuvering around the wreck of an uparmored LMTV with his own gun truck.

"Keep going!" Till shouted at Jones as one of the disabled trucks burst into flames off to the right, lighting a patch of highway in an elegant glow. The truck commander watched mortified as even more cannon hits struck the supplies, sealing the fate of the trucks and their crews. It took nearly a full minute to get clear, a minute punctuated by a series of near misses.

"Dungeon Master, this is one. Doesn't look like any of the trucks made it." Till called over the radio after a brief pause, closing his eyes in quiet frustration and anger. Those had been his friends.....

"Roger one, there's nothing we can do."

The next few minutes drug by as if someone was watching a movie in slow motion, the events clouding the minds of all involved. Even with the truck at full throttle, engine roaring, the street signs still slid by as if the gun trucks were doing twenty miles an hour. It took them nearly a half hour to reach a rally point that they had deemed safe, mostly due to the weather.

"Sergeant, we're here." Jones reported, sliding to a stop at the head of the perimeter.

"What do we do from here?" Wills asked, scanning from nine to three o'clock with his M240. The gunner was obviously rattled from the contact, but he didn't make any mention of it as another box of ammo was pulled up into the turret.

"Dungeon Master, we're at the RP." James reported, looking at his computer readout for the latest information on their situation. He noticed red markers behind that they had set, as well as red to the north and west. It looked as if the Russians had them blocked no matter which direction they went. Till leaned on the window, exhaling in frustration at the news. The Russians had most likely launched another offensive, meaning that they were no doubt far behind the ever-shifting forward line of troops.

"Looks like we're trapped."

Right before James gave up hope, he noticed several blue dots begin to multiply on the screen. They looked to be located in the middle of a particularly dense clump of woods at a small village. Several red dots appeared just a grid square off of the blues, around a heavily mined highway junction.

"Dungeon Master, you see those friendlies?"

"Roger, I see them. We've got to get off this road. Get us to them."

"Alright, we're moving in one minute." Till closed out the message, looking at the map once more. Judging by the amount of forces in the area, it wasn't going to be much better there either....


"I don't understand him." Meryl whispered to herself, padding tiredly into her separate quarters and out of the winter weather that Durin had warned about. Her senses were telling her that they were in for another storm, and the Raptoress wasn't about to deny the fact as a particularly strong gust of wind rattled the panes of glass that made up the side of her room facing the village. The female didn't remember any of her previous winters being this bad, even when she was out in a field environment. Of course, with the amount of time spent in the now destroyed ASC, it was amazing that she even knew what the outside world looked like. She held no love for the cold-war relic of a building, but she didn't discount the fact that a lot of brave soldiers lost their lives within its very walls, walls that she had grown into adulthood within.

Meryl shook the snow off her feet in front of the fire, which burned nearly as strong as Durin's from being equally well-kept. Not as though she was complaining about it, however. Regardless of her warm blood and ability to keep relatively warm in the cold, the Utahraptor was still preferenced to the overwhelming heat of the fireplace. She laughed as an image of Jay complaining about the freezing temperatures popped into her head. In his words, 'Just because we're from northeast Ohio doesn't mean we go outside in the winter. We don't like the cold.'

The Raptoress bent down and unclasped the quick connectors on her armor, sliding her curved neck out from underneath its crushing weight and letting a conveniently placed sawhorse take over the burden of holding the protective plates. She felt hundreds of pounds lighter as soon as the nylon cleared her skin, and the nimbleness that always followed the removal of body armor left her feeling instantly relaxed. The protection didn't help the pain of her healing wounds either, as fatigue now sank in much quicker. Of course, the winter weather probably wasn't helping in that respect.

"Damn." Meryl muttered, continuing the trend of talking to herself as she settled down on the blankets that were lain out for her. The top one was a fuzzy synthetic one which the huntress particularly enjoyed the texture of on her skin. Learn had a similar one with her personal belongings back at RSHCOM, but the feel of it didn't sit well with Jericho, so she never really got to bring it out. She liked it for other reasons as well...

The feeling of the tiny hairs rubbing over the extremely sensitive skin of her underbelly was enough to drive the female wild. Meryl hadn't realized how sensitive her own senses were to touch and pleasure until recently, when her Guardian explored her body with his experienced hands. Just the thought of it......

"Jay, I hope you are okay." She said aloud, sprawling out among the expanses of the soft padding. She stretched her legs out with satisfying pops, listening to the groan of her tendons as she flexed the huge killing claws. The Gore-Tex warming socks came next, kicked carelessly in opposite directions of each other. No matter how simple they seemed, the coverings helped to keep her feet from freezing with their solar-operated heat source. The female closed her eyes to sleep, only to be caught by the tiny nagging feeling that something wasn't right with her sleeping arrangement.

"There is always something." An angered sigh leapt forth as she moved the mass of blankets a bit closer to the fire. In her mind, it would help take the chill from her bones. The female was angered because, no matter what, something always dragged her out of bed. She lay down again, closing her eyes for the second time that evening. Hours of sleep the night before left her aware, and allowed space for her mind to wander.

It was always something.....

The Raptoress' mind wandered back through the events of the months past, and all of the pain and hardship that had to be endured in order to do their daily tasks. Meryl had been shot, stabbed, sleep deprived, and worried sick for the safety of her Guardian, and now he was lost somewhere behind the deteriorating lines. If it was one thing that frustrated her the most, it was the human ability for Jay to get into trouble. Just as soon as she assisted Durin with the attack, Meryl intended to lay waste to the countryside until she found her guardian, and then exterminate those responsible for every ounce of pain that she had ever been forced to feel.

"Oh Jay, how I need you now."

Meryl rolled over onto her back, staring into the dancing waves of flame as they burned brightly in the fireplace. The female was feeling incredibly restless, especially as memories of Jay's touch flooded her mind. The way he always rubbed the tenseness out of her muscles, sitting atop her chest and whispering lovingly into her ear. The way he embraced her, both in pleasure and in worry, not knowing if their lives were going to come to an end within minutes. Even with mortars falling all around and machine gun fire raking the ground surrounding them, he had always been there for her. No matter what the situation or mood, she could always count on him to hold her head in his hands or listen as she explained the complex conflicts dancing about in her mind. And he did it all without complaining or ever uttering a word of doubt.

Meryl shifted just a bit to slide onto her side, facing the fire with her light tan underside. The way it looked in the orange glow was stunning, and she took a minute to examine herself in the different conditions. The dreary winter weather did well at hiding the sheen, which now displayed itself in full glory, casting a slight gold aura onto the floor in front of her. The wounds from her brush with Nymev cast blotches in the reflection, paining her as she ran a forepaw across them.

"If only you could be here to see this, my Guardian, you wouldn't soon forget it." She whispered with a sad sigh, flopping her head down on the blankets and waiting for the fitful sleep to take her.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ One month earlier

"Durin, I don't appreciate your torment. Lesser males have been killed for such advances." Jen giggled, whispering under her breath into Durin's ear, barely enough for the male to hear.

"Good thing I'm not a lesser male my dear Jennifer." He answered back, running the tip of his snout along her tender underbelly and up the side of her thigh. Jen rumbled a warble of pleasure in response, letting her head fall to the blankets that served as their makeshift bedding. The softness of the sheets that Durin had chosen for his own suited her well, and in the absence of her armor, served to arouse her heated mood even more.

"A good thing." She put forth, thrusting her head forward and giving him a minute lick on the cheek. The female looked up at him with mischief in her eyes, nuzzling him under his chin. Durin returned the contact, inhaling her saddle-leather and cinnamon scent with all of the power in his being. It did nothing to tame his arousal, which was now displayed in plain view for the female below him. She eyed it with excitement, wrapping her forepaws around the larger male's neck. Jen drew him in closer, drawing upon her reserves of human observation as she licked his neck with little kisses.

Durin laughed at the sensation as the Raptoress pressed onwards, moving down his broad chest, feeling his muscles tense with each contact. She ran the claw of one of her forepaws along the lines of the muscle, enjoying the feeling herself and the humorous reaction from Durin. She slid down between his legs, snaking her long tongue over his manhood with unmatched curiosity. Jen used it to explore him, feeling every inch as she took it into her mouth.

"No argument the....."Durin began, getting cut off as Jen hilted his cock in her mouth. The warmth enveloped him, quite a change from the chilly cold of his room as the female bobbed her head slowly upon him. A laugh burst forth from him as she ran a claw up the inside of his leg before giving him a firm suckle.

He was ticklish!

Durin moaned, pushing himself into her mouth a bit more than she had already taken, earning a cough. Jen, however, accepted the added length and kept up her explorations, using her tongue as an instrument of pleasure as she took her love further. It didn't take long before she felt the convulsions in his midriffs, and felt the jet of hot seed from months of pent up desire release into her mouth. She used her tongue to ensure that he was clean, gulping down his nectar with eagerness. The Raptoress enjoyed the salty sweet taste, determined to get more before the night was up.

Jen allowed Durin to bask in the afterglow, settling back down onto the mat and licking the remainder of his cum off of her muzzle in an effort to clean herself up. Durin, however, had other plans for her.

"What are you doing?" She sputtered as he settled down by her hindquarters, spreading her legs with his forepaws and gazing down onto her pink entrance that Jen proudly displayed.

"You don't think you're the only one that can use your mouth to pleasure, do you?" He responded, not allowing her the chance to answer as he thrust his muzzle between her legs.

"Ahh!" Jen gasped as she felt the wet, snaking length of Durin's tongue slide into her most sacred entrance, sliding in deeper and deeper as he worked. He dragged his tongue in one primal lick along the length of her slit, watching as she closed her eyes to focus only on the pleasure that he put forth. Durin continued his tonguing, tickling her with the tip of it before plunging into the Raptoress' depths. Her juices were sweet, and he lapped them up as eagerly as she put them forth, coating the tip of his snout in the process.

She convulsed heavily after a minute or so, unable to further take any oral torment, and forcefully orgasmed. Her sex was sopping wet from a mixture of her own juices and Durin's licking. The female collapsed limply into the blanket, shaking a bit as her uncontrollable nerves bested her. Above, Durin smiled a toothy grin as he glared down at her, excitement back with renewed vigor.

The Utahraptor didn't need coaxing, instead he threw himself upon her with the eagerness of a kid with a new toy, pressing his manhood into her slick sex. She cooed as he slid in, bucking his hips in an effort to bury himself deeper. Beneath him, Jen writhed in pleasure, shifting her own hips and making his cock massage her depths in different ways.

Durin wasted no time getting his rhythm, pumping in and out of her entrance as fast as his precarious missionary position would allow. Each thrust brought forth a multitude of pleasureful sounds from the female, which Durin responded in time with deep, ragged breaths.

"Faster my love." She gasped as he bucked into her even harder, burying himself in her hot depths. The way her muscles rippled and contracted on him put the male in a trance, and he watched the scene through half-closed eyes as Jen shuddered beneath him.

He granted the female's wish, and was soon met with the approach of his second orgasm. The male felt her passage tighten with a single, solid contraction, and the pinpricks of pain that popped into the back of his neck from her claws digging into his hide.

Jen, somehow feeling his climax approaching through her own orgasm, unexpectedly threw her weight up and over, bringing the male onto the bottom. She had soaked his hindquarters with her juices, a fact which earned her an embarrassed laugh.

"This is a change." He giggled, throwing his head back into the blankets as she began to ride him, moving her hips to the rhythmic beat in her head. She loved having the control to fuck him at her own pace, and it wasn't long before Jen felt the prick of his claws entering her own skin as hers had done to him. She enjoyed the instinct, and hilted his cock within her.

Durin released a roar of pleasure that shook the very walls, throwing his own hips upwards and locking the female to him with his forepaws, shooting jets of hot seed into her body. Jen let forth a purr of pleasure as she felt it rise within her, delivering a soft lick to the right side of her male's face.

"Oh, my Durin, whatever will I do with you?

"Use me as you please.

To be continued........

RSH- Invasion

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING This story contains consensual sex between a male human and a female Utahraptor. Read at your own risk. Keep track of your local laws regarding smutt and buttfuckery, because it's...

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RSH- Hope

\*\*SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING\*\* This story contains scenes of consensual sex between a Male Utahraptor and Female Human. Consider yourself warned. Do not read if it is...

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RSH- Savior

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* This story contains consensual sex between a male Utahraptor and female human. Read at your own risk. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RSH-...

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