The Stranger

Story by Tbohn on SoFurry

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The Stranger

As all the gas stations and housing developments rushed by, I thought back to when I first met him. Of course, a flash of headlights always jogs my memory of that day. It was only a few months ago that we met.

November 24, I was driving my college car in the snow. You know what I mean by a "college car", right? My parents and I bought a car for myself that could only hold together for a decade if we were lucky. Something to get me through college until I got a "real" job.

I was out in the middle of nowhere. The roads were not as well maintained as they were in town. Anyway, I had driven from Kent to an estate sale out in the country to buy some pots and pans and maybe even a little furniture for my apartment.

There was a horrible intersection. I don't know who thought it was a good idea. Half of it was a hill, so you couldn't see two lanes of on-coming traffic. Turns out, the hill wasn't the problem.

I started braking early since the roads were a little icy, and the car behind me didn't. So, that adds up to getting rear-ended.

It wasn't a hard hit; I didn't get whiplash or anything, but it was a noticeable *thunk*. I looked in the rear-view mirror to see another canine covering his face with his paw, obviously embarrassed. I thought he would just back up and take off, but he did the mature thing and got out of his car to take a look at the damage.

Even though I was going to talk to some random-ass stranger about a fender-bender, I wasn't all that worried. He had a nice car, nice clothes, and as far as I could tell, he was probably a nice guy.

He bent over and scratching at some traded paint on the front of his car.

Nice butt too.

"Oh man, I'm sorry. With the ice and all I guess I just couldn't stop in time. I wasn't going fast..."

He stood up and I could see that he had the handsomest blue eyes. He was a fox just like me, only he had rusty red fur instead of my gray fur. He was about my age too, maybe just a year or two older. I could feel a stir in my chest, and most noticeably in my groin when he looked right at me.

At the time, I was fantasizing about how he might like men and want to take me on a date after our little accident. Turns out, I was right.

We traded phone numbers, for "insurance information" of course. He called me and invited me out for coffee. He was really upfront about it too. He didn't say something like, "We need to go over our insurance info," or "You seem like a cool guy."

No no. None of that namby-pamby-kinda-closeted stuff. He was confident on the phone. His exact words were, "You were really cute and if you're interested..."

Well yeah I'm interested, thank you for asking.

We met up at a local cafe; a nice little non-committal no-context kinda place. We just looked like two business partners or something. I guess we were at that time. We just chatted. It's good to take things slow. We managed to avoid all the superficial introduction stuff, but he wouldn't tell me his name.

"It's cooler that way. It's my thing. I'm like... the mysterious stranger you can't get enough of."

"But what about caller ID?" I asked.

"Oh, just play along. No need to be like that!" the stranger joked.

We went on weekly dates after that. We went to restaurants, other coffee shops, a museum; it was a pretty fun time. We even went shopping once and I picked up some blush-worthy underwear. He still didn't tell me his name though. It was no matter since he always stayed close by.

Of course, I'm sitting right next to him in his car. So let's just get to the good stuff.

"When you called me for the first time, why were you so upfront?" I asked.

He flashed his cobalt eyes off the road for a moment and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Well, you just told me that you thought I was cute and that you wanted to go out on a date. And that was that."

"You didn't know me or anything at the time," the stranger said, "if I called and you weren't into it, I would never see you again. There wasn't any risk, but I knew you were gay anyway..."

"Yeah right..." I teased, "I'm not like, pride-parade-pink-triangle gay."

"Nope. But, I did catch you looking at my tail."

I laughed a bit at that. I had been a little wide-eyed at the time and I'm sure he noticed in the reflection.

"Shiny car," I said.


There was a comfortable silence while we drove through the commercial side of town.

"So we're heading to your favorite movie theater, but where is it? We've passed all the ones in town."

"Blue Sky Drive-in."

I didn't know there were any drive-ins left! I thought they all closed in the 70s, but I guess my mysterious red fox knows where one of the last ones are. I couldn't wait!

"That sounds like a lot of fun," I said.

"Seemed like something you would like. We're here by the way. It's a bit out of the way, but I didn't think you'd mind." he said.

"Not at all!" I assured him as we arrived at a two story tall piece of blue sheet metal.

He paid at the front gate. The raccoon that was running the register seemed happy to get some customers.

"Two adults for the classic," said my date.

"Oh really?" asked the cashier as he tore some ticket stubs, "Seems like you guys will be kinda lonely. We don't get many people for the late night movies, 'specially the ones in black'n white. Lot 2, any spot you want. Channel uh-hundred point seven, you know the deal."

"Thanks," said the rust furred stranger before he drove off.

He pulled into a space right in the middle of the lot while some cartoon snacks were marching across the screen.

"What's up with the radio channel recommendation?" I asked.

The stranger's carefully preened paw fiddled with the radio to the right channel just in time for an jolly talking hotdog to do his pitch for the concession stand.

"A low powered radio station gives us the sound for the movie."

"That is so cool."

"I know!" the stranger exclaimed as he threw his paws wide in a "thank god you get it!" gesture, "That's what I keep telling people! Sure drive-ins are hard to find and they don't get the latest stuff right away, but they're pretty cheap, you can park wherever you want, bring in whatever you want to eat or drink, and you're in your car! You can set the volume to whatever you want, you can lean back in your seat, nobody checks up on you-"

"Whoa whoa whoa," I said to cut him off, "Why don't I just discover the perks on my own?"

"Oh, there are perks to be discovered all right."

He smiled wide and I watched as his whiskers raised in the light from the movie screen. He had an attractive and roguish smile. Not like he was up to no good, but he always seemed to be thinking of something and it was such a great idea that he wouldn't dare tell anyone else.

Just as the ads came to an end, I asked, "What movie are we gonna see anyway?"

"I have no idea," he admitted, "I just show up sometimes and see what's on."

"You're a little spontaneous aren't you?" I asked, "Deciding to call up people you don't know, going to the movies without knowing what you're going to watch..."

"Being spontaneous is good sometimes. It doesn't matter whether the movie is good or bad; we'll be talking about it regardless."

I turned my eyes back to the screen to catch the start of the movie. It had been a while since I had seen one in black and white, but it's really enjoyable and sort of sophisticated if you ask me.

There was a scene with two police officers looking for a missing child in a desert. They pick her up, but she is oddly unresponsive. They follow her trail back to the family caravan that has been "not pushed in, but pulled out." It's a wreck; there's a bloody shirt, a spent revolver on the floor, and some untouched money.

They then decide to ask a local store owner whether the family had stopped by. They get there during a howling, nighttime windstorm and they find that the store, and much to their dismay, the owner, has similarly been torn to bits.

I'm not much of a film buff, but the movie was going along pretty well. There was some suspense and mystery, convincing acting (especially on the part of the shell-shocked girl), and the empty setting was pretty creepy.

In usual scary movie fashion, the police officers split up. Some creepy noises emanated from the desert a minute later, and the remaining policeman drew his pistol and turned out the lights. He walked outside and out of the camera shot to investigate. He screamed and got off a few shots before he met some gruesome and off-camera end.

The title flashed a moment later accompanied by dramatic music.

"Oh man!" said the stranger as he lightly hit the dash with one of his paws, "I love this movie! I've only ever seen it once before and only here. It's not campy at all, it's actually really good."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think that you'll really like it. It's kind of scary so you may want to... uhh..."

He held out a black paw on the center console and I eagerly wrapped it with my own.

"Thanks, I wouldn't want to get scared or anything."

We held hands for about half an hour, but it felt like longer. My heart wasn't "racing" or anything like that, but it was certainly beating faster and harder than normal and the contact caused the.... expected reaction. As the characters in the movie were discovering more about the desert menace, giant ants of all things, I was discovering more about my stranger.

You can tell a lot about a person just by holding their paw in yours for a while. He didn't have a firm grip, but a more relaxed one that allowed him to move from time to time or slowly feel my paw over with his own. He was calm and strong, and he was just as interested in me as I was in him.

During a quieter part of the movie where an old professor was explaining ant behavior to the hero of the film, the stranger tightened his grip a little and moved his arm. I thought that he was just squeezing my hand before letting go, but what he did was the most romantic thing ever!

He brought my paw up to his muzzle and gave it a kiss, the kind a gentleman in a tuxedo would give to a lady he was just introduced to. Of course, his kiss lasted longer and was more passionate that would have been acceptable in that situation.

I couldn't stop myself as my hips rose in the seat slightly. I let out a soft moan as my erection swelled and slipped out of my sheath just short of my slowly growing knot.

Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not a "public sex" kinda guy, and I wasn't in the mood to get it on in his car, but at that point, he could have done anything he wanted, and most guys would have.

He gave my muzzle a light kiss on the side and promised, "to be continued."

To see how tense and ready I was, to smell how ready I was and still postpone the inevitable, must have taken a lot of control. He wasn't mean, or pushy, or even firm in what he said. He was just sexy. In charge; you could see it in his eyes. I had never met a guy like that.

I was basically a fox shaped puddle for the rest of the movie. I draped myself over one of his arm and contentedly watched the rest of the flick. I was able to cool myself down by the time it was over. Although, I wanted it to last for much longer.

As the credits rolled, he switched the radio off.

"So... do... do you want to-"

"Yes," I eagerly answered.

"My place or yours?"

"My place is closer."

I'd tell you about the drive to my apartment, but it wasn't really something you could describe as a pivotal event. It wasn't a sexy drive, it was just a drive to the sex; a nice little intermission before the um... climax of our relationship. One of... many climaxes anyway.

I fumbled to get my key into the lock of my front door. I was jittery to say the least. The drive gave me a little to much time to think about what was going to go down. Luckily, my stranger helped.

He embraced me from behind; not sensually, but in more of a sports lesson kind of way. He helped to guide my movement by steadying it with his paw. The key slipped in and I easily unlocked the door.

"Haha. Thanks. I'm a little excited I guess."

"I could tell," he said.

When we got inside, I closed the door right away and we slipped into an easy hug. He's just a bit taller than I am, so he wrapped me up in his arms and held on tight. I could feel the warmth of his body and it was great. I nuzzled against the white and red fur of his neck. Hugging him reminded me of being wrapped up in a blanket during the winter.

He gave me one of our first kisses. It wasn't forceful or reluctant, it was just right. A nice sexy kiss that you feel all over.

I get embarrassed whenever I kiss a guy. Not like I'm embarrassed about being gay or anything, it's just sort of a rare occurrence for me and it's a special moment. It's the same reaction as embarrassment, but it's not. It's just a "Ho-boy, another guy is actually kissing me! This is soo cute! MMMPH!" kinda feeling.

I clutched to his body, wanting to feel all of him against me. He started to lick the side of my face and rested his hand on my ass, just below my tail.

"Mmmm, I think you need to sit down," he growled.

"I think I'd be better off if I laid down."

"That would work too."

I took him by the hand and led him into my bedroom where we both got onto the bed. He draped himself over me and gave my muzzle the same, perfect kiss. This time, I put my hands on his ass and pulled him down.

He growled and ground his crotch against mine before baring his teeth and lightly closing his mouth around my neck in a moment of feral passion, his fangs lightly grazing my Adam's apple. He wasn't attacking me or even trying to hurt me. He was the boss and I had been bad. It just turned me on even more.

He held me like that for a while. He could hold me close forever as far as I was concerned. He would lick the side of my face, pet my muzzle and between my ears, and maybe run a hand up my shirt when he wanted. It wasn't about sex, it was about having me. Just being with me. I'll admit that I had my eyes closed for most of it. I was helpless.

"You're such a sweetheart," he said as he lightly brushed his paw against the bulge in my pants.

I could feel it through all the material. I even spread my legs apart a bit so he could scratch behind my balls, all while kissing me, licking me, petting me...

"I love you," he admitted, "I've never felt like this. You're just wonderful."

"I love you too," I readily said, "I never expected this."

"What do you mean?"

"Just all of this. You're so caring and sexy. You'd never hurt me, I can tell."

"It's true," he said, "All of it."

He kissed and loved on me some more. It was great. Being there with a man that cared for me so much and wanted to please me; I couldn't believe how sensual he was.

Finally he said, "Let's get you out of that shirt."

He pulled it off over my head and even folded it before tossing it to the floor. He didn't want me out of my shirt so he could get me out of my pants next, or cum on my fur; he just wanted me out of my shirt. He wanted to be closer to me.

He placed a warm hand on the crotch of my pants once again to feel my erection. I had been hard for what felt like an hour. My knot was still trapped in my sheath while the rest of my cock was out and slowly dripping pre onto my underwear and fur. I'm sure he could smell it as well as I could smell him. I could tell he was burning to mate me and enjoying every second of it.

He sighed as he rubbed his face against my chest-fur before moving up to hold me close again. We kissed and he softly petted and rubbed on me some more, all the while whispering in my ear about softness of my fur or what he thought of me.

He took his shirt off a minute later. I loved watching his expressive ears fold up as he pulled the collar over his head showing off his white chest in the process. I could feel the heat from both of us warming the whole bed. He held me close and panted.

I'm sure he wanted to fuck me right then, but he wouldn't let himself. We had already killed half an hour and he wasn't about to just give up and take what he wanted. He wanted more. He wanted all of me.

I couldn't just leave him like that though; I didn't want to just let him suffer. He needed me to help him out. He watched as I slowly eased my pants down. I didn't pull them off; I just unzipped the fly and moved them down a few inches so he could see my underwear wet with pre. He could see how much I wanted him.

He brought his muzzle down and his tongue darted out to lightly taste a few of the spots. He stopped and rubbed the side of his face against my groin as if he wanted to carry the scent with him.

"You smell so good," he said "You're so very, very sexy."

"You too," I said, "I can't wait. I love this."

He ran a claw from the tip of my penis all the way down over my knot and everything to finally cup my balls. He then eased my pants off. He looked into my eyes and held my gaze. He wanted me to know that he was doing this, he wanted this more than anything. He started on my underwear as well. He practically had to peel them off of my hardened dick.

"Very nice," he complemented.

The stranger tugged and gave a slight pull of my sheath and finally my knot popped free and rapidly expanded. He dropped his muzzle and took all of it into his mouth, all while staring into my eyes. He didn't even bob his head at all. I was doing all of the work since I was trying to hump his muzzle.

He didn't allow me much purchase though. He held my hips down as I tried my best to force them up. All I could hear were the claws on my feet tapping against the wood at the end of my bed. He finally sucked all of the juices off my cock and let it flop against my belly fur.

He stopped just as I was coming and licked his lips. I could feel a half-hearted spurt leave my tip just before I had to force my climax down. It was that weird and oddly pleasurable, mid-orgasm moment. Your dick leaks some of your load and you feel as though you're stuck halfway through a wall, or you're asleep and you want to wake up but can't. It's a delightfully numb feeling.

"Mmm, you almost came. That was close."

"Yeah," I breathlessly agreed.

"You taste good. C'mon. I want you to feel me up."

He took off his jeans, but left his underwear on and laid next to me. He pulled my hand to his chest and I played with his chest fur a bit. I used my claws to work through his undercoat and lightly scratch the skin beneath it. I slowly lowered my hand to his tented boxers.

"Go ahead and take them off," he said.

I was about to ease them off, but I reluctantly stopped to get a bottle of lube out of the drawer of my nightstand.

"Good plan"

I could tell how hard he was through the thin cloth as my hand returned and I slowly felt around. He was a good size. It was going to slide right in for a great fit, I was sure.

"Mmmm..." he lustly growled, "Man this is so nice."

He slipped his boxers off and he finally exposed himself. He was a natural; not big or small or some kind of funny color. I guess if I had to pick some words to describe it, I would say "juicy" or "luscious". I certainly wanted to suck him down like a dessert, that's for sure.

"Why don't you get it ready?" he offered, "Show me what you want to do."

I obediently lapped at his warm shaft for a bit before rubbing some lube over him. Not enough to get him off, but just to tease him. I was drunk off the smell of having him so close. His knot was still stuck in his sheath and I gave it a quick massage before moving down to lick his sack. The fur was thinner and he could feel my tongue against his bear skin.

"Oh yeah. I love the way you're warming my balls. You act like you want to get fucked."

"Oh yes please," I said, "You're the hottest guy I've ever met. This has been amazing. Guys have said 'I love you' before, but you really do. I've never felt like this."

As I moved back up to the pillows, he brought his muzzle to my ear and whispered, "Then show me your tight ass," before giving my muzzle another kiss. I raised my knees to my chest and closed my eyes to wait.

I could feel his hands press the backs of my thighs down before a different sensation hit me.

He started to rim me.

I had never felt that before. None of my other boyfriends had ever talked about or tried anything like that. I moaned as his tongue slowly circled and swept over my hole, coating it with his spit. No matter what he did, I was helpless.

"Oh god," I muttered, "Oh god."

He dragged his thick tongue over my hole time and time again and I could feel his breath on me. I couldn't help but whimper as he teased me. He stopped for a moment and I wiggled in delight as my tail thumped against the bed.

"I've got you nice and ready on the outside, but I want to make sure you're slick on the inside too."

I heard the quiet snap of the lid on the lubricant before he pressed a finger against my tail-hole. It wasn't even a second later that it had smoothly glided in as far as it could go. I didn't need loosened up or anything. My body was responding on it's own, wanting me to take him.

My stranger removed his finger and he must have decided that he would finally allow himself to do what he had been yearning to do for weeks. It was right then that I realized that every date, every sentence that was spoken to me, was just a prelude. He had been holding back for so long. And finally, finally he could give in.

He slowly entered and eased himself in and out. He would bury himself until the edge of his furry sheath pressed against me and his tip tickled the most sensitive part of my insides before he would slip back out. He was just enjoying the closeness, finally having me all to his own. I was so tense that I was shivering. I could actually hear every ruffle of the sheets, every exhale, and the steady *slock - slock - slock* of our lovemaking.

I laid there as my perfect stranger slowly fucked me. I would open my eyes to look at him, and he would look back before pausing to kiss me, his cock occasionally twitching inside of me, and I would be hit with that drunk, embarrassed feeling again.

"I want to tie with you," he said during one of those pauses, "You're beautiful."

"Please" I whimpered, "Oh please, I love you."

"I love you too," he said plainly, "You've been wonderful."

He pressed the side of his face against mine and wrapped his arms over the back of my shoulders. He grunted with exertion as he tried to get his knot in. It hurt, but it was more mental than anything. I always had all of my boyfriends cum without tying. It was just too close; too personal. I had never been tied before, but he was the one.

My tail-hole finally widened enough for one dully painful moment. I could feel his sheath roll back before his thick knot cleanly popped into me.

My lover wildly slapped his hips and pulled against our tie. We both called out as I finally came. The last thing I remember was my stranger falling against my chest, exhausted, but I could still feel him inside of me. Filling me with every throb. Cumming. Cumming.


I awoke from a deep sleep with the stranger still by my side. I rolled over and held him tight. He gave me a quick lick when we made eye-contact.

"That was amazing," I mumbled.

"My name's Millard," he said.



"Mallard... like the duck?"

"No. Millard."

"Millard?" I finally asked.

"Yes. I hate it. It's like an old man's name. That's why I never told you."

"I think it's sexy. Like... sexy grandpa."

He laughed a bit at that.

"Humph. I've never heard that one," he said.

"You were great last night. Just so you know. That was amazing."

He kissed me on the side of the face and said, "You were great too. I'd cook breakfast, but I'd feel weird searching for your pans."

"I'll do breakfast, you squeeze some oranges."

"I'll squeeze something alright!"

I softly cooed as he played with me. He was a keeper.

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