Two's Trial - Chapter 4

Story by Sunette on SoFurry

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Well it's that time of the week again. Time for the next installment for 'Two's Trial'

This time around it is once again my friend Artomis's turn, so the story shifts to his perspective. I hope you all enjoying the story so far. Tell all your friends about it and have some fun. So sit back, relax and enjoy chapter 4


Chapter 4

Was I surprised? Of course not. What did surprise me was how soon they decided to attack. I could only wonder how the hell they could have known we were lying. Nothing made sense...

Before I could have time to think of much else, I heard loud 'shinks' of metal around us, soon drawing my 'staff' and holding it in my hands. I felt Sun close to me the whole time, almost back to back against me as we gazed in the darkness, looking for any sign of movement.

I soon felt her tail wrap around mine, something she did a lot of ever since she told me of her magic. Usually, I loved the gesture, but in times like these, I welcomed it even more, knowing that the mental communication could be the difference of life or death.

"Sun, can you see them?"

"Yes, Master."

I smiled wide, flipping the pole in my hand out swiftly and gripping it tight. "Close your eyes a moment. I don't want to blind you."


As soon as she was ready, I let out a chuckle and slammed the butt of the pole into the ground, the dark blade appearing and radiating a bright red light, completely filling the room. It glowed like a star, and all I could hear were several screams and a couple of curses close by. With their eyes being adapted to the darkness, they were sure to be dazed from this. I, however, could now see the ones in front of me were, while the blade was glowing. I know the flash spell wouldn't last long, but it gave me time to get a plan together.

"You know what to do, Sun."

I didn't even give her a chance to respond. I heard her voice cut off in my mind as I jumped forward and spun my scythe around, landing just before the cat and panther I saw before and spinning in a circle, completely cutting the two foes in half with a single swing. All I could do was smile as the darkness took over again, turning to where the other three furs were. At least I know my blade isn't dull...

I soon heard a loud clash and a groan behind me, smiling wider as I took a few steps cautiously ahead. I could see very well in the dark, don't get me wrong, but I'll admit, my sight was also messed up from my own spell a bit. I knew they were close, but I couldn't pin point a location. So, I guessed. Jumping to the side, I soon heard a stumble right in front of where I was, then side stepping and flipping the rod downwards, hearing a loud scream and the blade wedge hard into flesh below me.

As I tried to pull it out of the foe, I heard a step behind me and I quickly braced against my scythe, using the body below as an anchor to barely dodge a slice at me, hearing the air in front of my muzzle swish loudly. After a moment, I flipped back and around the rod, whipping my tail in his direction and hearing a loud smack and a thud.

I soon felt Sun's magic close to me and started to draw closer to her. I knew she could see me, so I didn't have to worry about that. I slowly felt along the wall to help guide myself a bit, also keeping my back covered before I felt a paw on my chest.

"Master, the door is locked."

I let out a chuckle in my mind. "Is that all? Lead me there and I'll-"

"Look out!"

Before I even knew what was happening, I felt her push me to the ground and a loud clash in front of me, soon seeing flames trickle from Phoenix from the parry. I quickly rose back up to my feet, hearing another clash to my left and seeing more flames.

I watched intently and as there was another clash of swords, I saw it was a large bear attacking her. I quickly jumped ahead as I could still see the small flare of fire, feeling her magic shift slightly aside as I tackled the large creature with my own size and strength. As I sat on top of the fuzzy monster, I grabbed the staff in both hands and clubbed him in the head hard a couple times, knocking the thing out cold.

"...I think that's all of them."

I turned to Sun's voice and smiled at the words. "Good, show me the door. I'll handle that."

It didn't take me long to use a simple unlocking spell on the door, I even taught it to Sun in that time so she could use it herself. We stepped cautiously out the door, a smaller rabbit tried to attack, but Sun was quick and took him down in a single slice.

I never liked the sight of a kill, but I always admired a good one. I couldn't help but smile, knowing that my Sun would shine bright this day. "Alright... I need you to tell me where the Training Grounds are... If they don't have her here, then she must not be 'ready' to display."

She soon showed a frown though and pointed down the corridor. "Well, one is down there on the other side of the building and the other is really close by. They had them in two different areas with how many of us they had. I was kept in the closer one."

I gave her a nod and looked down the long hall. "You go to your old quarters, and I'll go to the other. Free as many as you can with that spell I taught you. Zaledrik knows what to do once you take them outside."

All she did was nod and say, "Yes Master." Not a single question, not a single doubt. Though I felt like a bastard for buying her, I began to notice that it was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Watching as Sun gripped Phoenix tight and turned towards the short hall she had to go down, I gave a smile to her and flipped Kryptic along my back. "We'll make this out alive, love. I promise."

She stared at me a moment and blushed heavily for some reason. I really wasn't sure why at first, but I thought on my words and realized what I said. ...I've called her 'love' twice now and haven't even noticed? I couldn't help but feel a bit of blood rush to my muzzle as well, hoping that my black scales were dark enough to cover it up. Without giving her a chance to respond, I turned and began running down the hall.

There wasn't much to be seen, it was all bare. It would drive me crazy living in a place like this, but then I remembered that their goal was to do exactly that.

It wasn't long before I watched three more 'guards' as you would call um, turn the corner ahead of me and wielding a few different weapons. I didn't even get a good look at them, I didn't care. They knew I was an enemy, so they were dead. Without hesitating, I inhaled deep as I continued my charge and I blew out a heavy flame breath as I got close enough, hearing them all scream in pain and watching as the rug below caught on fire from them dropping down to it.

Being in a stone building, I knew the fire wouldn't spread, so I just kept running. I only had two goals on my mind, and I wasn't losing sight of them. Freeing all the slaves, and making sure everyone comes out alive.

I ran into a few more complications, but it seems that security now a days is weak in these joints. For being slavers and all, you would think they would put up a tougher fight. I only killed what I had to and knocked the rest out, kind of feeling sorry for them. Usually I don't show mercy, but these guys would probably all get killed by the head rat bitch after all this anyway.

I soon noticed the hall bank left and I continued to follow, soon entering a smaller passage that had a darker stone for the walls. I didn't sense anything nearby, so I kept pressing forward down the tunnel. It wasn't long before I began to feel a ton of things ahead, slowly creeping forward and stopping just at the end, looking around the corner slightly.

I gasped. I saw what looked like almost fifty furs all lined up, all of varies races and sizes, chained together and being forced to kneel as five of the Caretakers held whips and slapping them at times.

I looked hard, but I couldn't see or even sense Ono. I was starting to get worried before I soon noticed there were also what looked like cells in the back of the room. It was strange, but for some reason I couldn't feel anything beyond those walls.


"Yo Death, how's the Sanct holding up?"

I jumped as my ear-bud com went off, Zale's voice being the only thing to calm me.

"...We're in a struggle. Take out the entrance, you'll be having guests arriving, no doubt."

"Perfect, I've been itching for some action in this, we can't let you two have all the fun!"

"Yeah, well don't go crazy, we're freeing everyone here. If you kill a prisoner, I'll personally take care of your ass."

"Alright, alright boss man! I'll kill the baddies, not the goodies, I got it. Just hurry up, I wanna blow this fucking place up!"


I let out a soft sigh, thankful that I was plenty far away from anyone who could hear me whisper. I hated those damn coms... They always gave away your position, but this time, I was lucky.

Looking around the corner again, I soon saw that the Trainers were still going about there 'task.' I soon gripped Kryptic tight and rushed around the corner, completely surprising the horse in front of me and slashing down at him, slicing the top of his shoulder down and hooking him on the blade. I then spun my blade around and flipped the large equine off the blade and right into the hound dog running at me.

I watched as the other three started to shirk away, soon starting to run. I held out my hands and quickly released three fireballs, them all homing on their targets and exploding on contact, sending them all flying in different directions.

I heard gasps, screams, yelling, crying. Just a whole bunch of emotions from the slaves before me. I didn't have time to explain, so I kept them in their shackles for now and walked ahead, soon reaching the line up of five heavy doors. I opened the first room and saw it was completely empty, already making me feel annoyed and fearful for the worst.

I quickly left the room and tried to open the next room, but found it locked. I quickly used my spell on it and heard a click as I turned the handle. Soon walking inside. I can't say I was shocked to find what I did, but my eyes went wide none the less.

Right there before me was what looked like a pink and white civet with black spots chained up and completely naked onto a chair, a large bull standing above her and forcing her to... well, suck on his manhood.

I don't know why, but the instant I saw this, the image of Ono popped into my head of her in this same situation. I felt energy flare up in me, my eyes starting to glow a darker red the madder I got.

"Hey, can't ya see we're busy here?"

"Can't you see you're going to die?"

Without even thinking, I pulled the creature away from the girl, hearing her gasp for air as I threw the bull against the wall and drew my blade up to his neck.

"Before you die... you don't deserve this. You're not a man, you're a coward."

As his eyes went wide, he watched as I dropped my scythe down and swiftly popped off the first 'head' of his, hearing his screams of pain as he collapsed to the floor, me twisting my blade around and soon chopping off the other head as well.

I stood there a moment, panting heavily from what just happened and looked over to the girl. She looked at me in awe, but didn't seem scared. I could tell by the look of her that she had been in that spot for hours, the area around her coated with fluids. I soon stepped away from the headless body and walked up to her.

"I'm here to save all of you, let's get you out of these chains."

"W...Who are you?"

As I leaned down and grasped the lock around her wrist, I used my magic and soon began to free her bonds. "I'm... Taithar. Taithar Windrunner."

"...I'm Aisilinn."

After I released all her chains, She slowly rose up on her pink bunny feet and looked at me a moment, just staring. I didn't know what to think, but I knew what I needed to do.

"Well, Aisilinn, do you know if a winged Vixen was brought here? She goes by the name of Ono."

At the mention of the name, her ears perked up. "Yeah, she's new. They were getting ready to initiate her with a Branding."

I let out a sharp growl. "Lead me there, Now!"

She nodded and began walking ahead, soon going passed the middle room and to the fourth in line. "...In here, sir."

"Don't call me that, call me by my name." I said, kicking open the door and stepping inside.

Just as I entered, I saw three men all holding down the fox, a skunk by a fire pit and playing with a poke stick. He was my first target, rushing ahead and jumping up, kicking him back and swiftly turning towards my friend.

The hedgehog, sparrow, and pig all tossed her to the floor, making me growl out louder as I heard her cry out in pain. They all drew two weapons each, mixing between a few daggers, swords, and axes as they all began a charge at me.

The only thing I could think to do was thrust my arm forward, sending a pulse of electricity out of my claws and zapping the three before me, watching as they soon all collapsed to the ground. I then walked up, not even feeling a bit of sympathy as I stabbed each one in the heart with the blade tip, at least giving them a honour of a quick death.

"...Is that you, Arti?"

Looking back over at Ono, I soon noticed she was blindfolded and shackled as well.

"It's me, don't worry, Ono, I'm gonna get you out of here. You and all the others."

"Oh, you will do no such thing."

Looking around the room for the new voice, I let out a growl as I didn't see anything in sight besides the hot smelting pots and the anvil in the centre of the room. I kept my eyes moving as I soon unchained her legs, freeing her completely before I felt something grab my side and turn me around, a wide smile on the face of a completely black sergal just as I felt a sharp pain in my gut, feeling blood start to leak out of a deep wound from the dagger in his hand.

"You won't be going anywhere. I was paid quite a bit to make sure you and your bitches were killed, and I never disappoint a client, do I Artomis Deathbringer?"

Gripping my stomach with a roar as he twisted the blade inside me, I soon lifted a leg and kicked the guy off me, landing on my backside as he flew into a wall and fell. I pulled his blade out of my stomach quickly with my left hand and gripped it tight, letting out a growl as I looked up at him.

"...Damnit, of all times, why the hell do you have to show up now, Dastrand?"

The Sergal gave a smile as he stood up quickly, his tail flicking to the side as he stepped closer. "I always have fun interrupting your plans. Even after the Crimson Corps. fall, I will enjoy every moment of watching you squirm and beg for death."

Two's Trial - Chapter 5

Well people, we've finally reached the nitty gritty stuff. Combat galore! Last weeks was Artomis's turn, but now it's mine again. I really hope you like this one, it took me ages to get it done. I put a lot of effort to get the emotion across. I might...

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The New Girl

The New Girl "I'm not sure about this Kiki," The fawn called from behind her pink flower room divider. "Oh come on Kiirei, you'll love Sierra," the white fox called back. "It's not that, it's just are you sure I have to see her on my own the...

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Two's Trial - Chapter 3

Well it's that time again. Now for the next installment of _'Twos Trial' _ I hope your all liking it. This time around I wrote this chapter, so the perspective switches back to our dear Wolf, Sunette. OMG whats gonna happen? Read on and find out...

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