Two's Trial - Chapter 3

Story by Sunette on SoFurry

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Well it's that time again. Now for the next installment of _'Twos Trial' _

I hope your all liking it.

This time around I wrote this chapter, so the perspective switches back to our dear Wolf, Sunette.

OMG whats gonna happen? Read on and find out XP

(Yeah i don't give away my secrets) hehehe

Chapter 3

I was shivering, but it wasn't cold. Master gently guided me outside and back to the car. He popped the boot and before retrieving our weapons he pulled out a small wooden box.

"I was going to show you these when I got home, but after getting the call about Ono, I completely forgot, I'm sorry." He opened the box to show me a small collection of collars. I looked at them eyes glazing over. They looked spectacular, a master craftsman must have worked for many, many hours making each and everyone of them.

Master smiled as I looked at them in the dimming light. "You get to pick one," he said quietly, then smiled. "Then I can take the box back, I don't own them all." I did my best not to pout. They were so beautiful, I wanted them all not just one, even though wearing one would mark me as Arti's property, I knew I didn't care, the feelings I had for him made the other concerns seem trivial.

"I don't think I could pick just one," I whispered, making him smile as I looked up at him. "You choose master."

He nodded and turned the case to himself, looking over the collars before finally picking out a silver collar. He rested the box on the car and removed a silver plate, clicking it into place on the collar. He showed it to me before placing it around my neck. It said 'Sunette' and then on the back had Masters name.

I turned for him and lifted my hair as he put the collar on me. I had little jewellery, and I wouldn't know until years later how much I actually cherished the item.

The metal was cold, even through my fur, making me shiver. Master smiled and closed the wooden case which held the other two collars, before placing it back in the cars boot. Then he handed me Phoenix and took hold of his large scythe. "Ready love?" he asked.

Love? I had never been called that before, and it made me blush profusely, making me thankful for the fur on my cheeks.

"Yes, I'm ready."

Amara had given Master her truck to use. "It will be more intimidating for you to rock up in something like this. A muscle car will just make them think you're a poser."

Master had agreed with her and readily taken the keys to the modified HumVee. I didn't say a word through the entire trip. I just looked out the window my fingers constantly running over Phoenix's hilt. I occasionally stole a glance at Master, but if he noticed at all, he didn't acknowledge it.


"Not now Sun," he said a little sharply, cutting me off. I looked carefully at his expression. They say the eyes are the gateway to the heart, and that through them, you can see one's emotions. Well what I saw when I looked into those crimson orbs, all I could see was rage. I knew it was by no means directed at me, but still I kept quiet through the rest of the trip.

Then finally after what seemed like hours of driving, Amara and the others pulled away from us, leaving us on our own to pull up outside the large compound of the Sanctum.

Master pulled the car to a stop, but for a few moments remained silent, not making a move, I had to snap him out of it.

"Master, we shouldn't delay."

He looked over to me and nodded quickly. "You're right, the longer we wait, the more likely something bad could happen to her."

We both got out of the car, and I made sure Phoenix's cloak was in place. That's one thing my race is good at by nature. Stealth, and subterfuge, keeping things hidden, keeping others oblivious to our real intentions.

Master how ever wasn't as adapt at these things like me. However, he had managed to make his scythes massive blade vanish, making the pole look like nothing more than a harmless staff.

We made our way to the front gates, a bright moon lighting the way like a spot light. As the large gates loomed in front of us, I couldn't help my ears from dropping.

'Suck it up Sunette, your master has asked for your services, you cannot let fear get in the way! He's relying on you!'

I took a deep breath and let my ears perk up, putting on a confident face as the gates opened for us. I looked around as we walked through the front courtyard. I had only been gone a few months, and already things had changed dramatically. Not one person there did I recognise. Not a single slave, not even the trainers where the same.

"Welcome to the Sanctum," my focus turned to a black female rat. She was thin, like most rats, but her fur seemed to be kept well groomed, unlike others I had seen. She had piercing blue eyes, which quickly focused on me. I watched her eyes quickly wander my body, but when they saw the silver collar around my neck, I swear she gave a small pout.

"Good evening," Master replied. "Yes it is, isn't it? Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shyla, and I run this establishment."

Master nodded and forced a smile, extending his hand to shake hers. "My name is Taithar Windrunner, and this is Sunette, my..." "Business partner," I butted in cutting him short as I extended my hand to her. "A pleasure to meet you."

She smiled and shook mine as well. "Yes, a pleasure indeed, it is always a pleasure to meet a new face, and an old one," she smiled when Master made a confused look. Obviously he hadn't talked with her when he organised the visit. She motioned for us to follow her to her office. It wasn't far but master took the advantage to twine his tail discreetly around mine so I could talk with him with out the rat hearing.

"What was that about my dear Sun?"

"I'm sorry master, but it needed to be done." "Why." I smiled to myself.

"Well for starters they would think it's weird for someone to bring their slave along when they are not supposed to have a say in their Master's decisions."

"... True."

"And secondly, I haven't seen a single person around here that I know from when I was trained, something you may be able to ask about seeing as your supposed to of been here before." "Yeah I was wondering about that."

"Shyla, if I may ask a question?" Master said as we walked into her office. She sat in her chair, and gestured to two other on the other side of her desk.

"You may," she replied as she pulled open one of her draws. "Well it seems that since last time I was here, there has been a major... re-staffing."

"Ahhh yes, it's a funny, but long story really. Basically, the former management of this facility were sloppy. Barely covered their tracks, as slavery is still... unpopular in most circles. So the powers that be sent me to make sure things got back on track, gave me the freedom to make any changes needed."

She pulled out a folder that had masters name written on it. "Now, you have purchased from us before yes?" I swallowed, nervous that the folder had my old profile in it, which would expose us. My heart thudded in my chest like a jack hammer. I could swear everyone in the room could hear it.

"I have," Master replied. Shyla nodded as she opened the folder.

"Yes I see, not that long ago either. Was there a problem with the young girl we sold you?"

"Oh no there was no problem," he replied quickly. "She is performing admirably. But my circumstances have changed, and one is no longer enough."

Shyla looked up and smiled at him.

"So why bring Sunette here."

"I came because we plan on opening a business together. This new slave will work in there as well as the first one," down to this day I cannot recall where such bold words came from. I would never have spoken like that if the circumstances were different.

Shyla only nodded as she made a few notes in the file, before closing it and standing.

"Well I take it now you would like to see the slaves we have for offer this evening."

Master and I both nodded standing as well, before following the proud rat out of the room and down the halls. I saw into many rooms I knew well, most sending chills down my spine. But a few brought back fond memories, many of them were of me and my white fox friend. If only I had known her outside of this horrid place.

"Here we are," Shyla said pushing open a large set of wooden doors and barking orders at the young trainees. "All the slaves here are ready for buying, and are 100% loyal."

We both looked carefully. There were at least 20 different slaves, all of varying species. But none were the winged fox that was called our friend. Again I used our tails to silently voice my thoughts to master.

"Ono's not here master."

"I know, but I don't know how to get them to show her too us." "I think I have an idea, if I may." he chuckled in my mind.

"You didn't ask for my permission to act on your last idea, why ask now?"

I blushed a little, thankful my fur covered it over.

"I'm sorry for that master..."

"Don't be, you probably saved our hides back there, what ever you're thinking, do it."

I took a step forward and paced in front of the slaves, trying my hardest not to look like I used to be one of them.

"None of these will do," I finally said, turning to Shyla. "Last time my business partner was here, he had his pick from more than this."

Shyla seemed taken aback, even master struggled to hide his shock. He had never heard me speak like this.

"Well I'm sorry Miss Sunette but this is all..."

"Lies!" I hissed coming closer to her. "You take me for a fool woman?"

"No, not... not at all."

"Then why is it you say this is all you have, when I can feel the presence of dozens more?"

Shyla straightened and looked me in the eye. A brave thing to do if I really was the person I was currently pretending to be.

"You must be sensing the trainees, they haven't been finished with and are not ready for..."

"Who said we wanted to take the one we pick now? Aren't we allowed to see all of them and choose which one we like the most despite their level of training?"

Shyla nodded and quickly lead us from the room, down many dimly lit hallways. The further we went, the more nervous I got. Then finally, Shyla stopped in front of a door.

"Here is where the other trainees are," she said ushering us into the room.

Then, suddenly, the lights went out, plunging us into darkness. Shyla's voice echoed around us, laced with malice.

"Kill them."

Two's Trial - Chapter 4

Well it's that time of the week again. Time for the next installment for _'Two's Trial'_ This time around it is once again my friend Artomis's turn, so the story shifts to his perspective. I hope you all enjoying the story so far. Tell all your...

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Two's Trial - Chapter 2

Heya Everyone Well a week has gone by, and it's time for the second chapter in the series. This is where we meet some new characters. I hope you like it as much as I do! This part is written by my friend Artomis we take it in turns to write a...

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Two's Trial

Heya all This is the second in a series of stories. The first isn't polished enough for posting. But i hope you enjoy reading this. It has been done in collaberation with a close friend, we took it in turns to write each chapter so styles might...

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