shadow 2

Story by solitaryjaguar on SoFurry

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#2 of shadow



"SHADOW... WAKE UP." a voice called out.

Opening his eyes Shadow saw a tiger standing over him. Without thinking he automatically took a swing at the tiger catching him in the chest. The tiger fell backwards from the hit as Shadow quickly got to his feet.

The tiger trying to recover from getting the wind knocked out of him managed to get a few words out between gasps. "WAIT... I'm Nathan... your roommate..."

Beginning to fully wakeup Shadow began to recognize his new roommate, remembering he was moving in today. "I am so sorry Nathan, it was just reflex" Shadows deep voice gently replied. "Let me help you up." Shadow reached down to help the tiger up.

As Nathan got to his feet still struggling to breathe another voice was heard coming from downstairs. "Is everything alright up there?"

"Yes... Victor... everything is fine." Nathan replied regaining some of his ability to breathe. Taking in a few deep breaths he looked a Shadow. "Reflex huh. You hit like a horse. Remind me never to wake you again."

"Well when you're a bouncer it works out that way." Shadow helped to get the tiger stabilized before asking, "Why did you wake me anyway?"

"You looked like you were having a horrid dream." pointing to the clock he, added "Besides it's nearly one o'clock, I remember you saying you went to work at three."

"Where do these heavy ass books go?" Victor asked from the doorway as he eyed Shadows nude body.

Seeing the horse in the doorway and realizing how the situation looked Nathan quickly responded, "The end of the hall to the left..... Here I'll show you where." He quickly moved to the door and he began trying to pushing the large muscled horse out into the hall. Unfortunately even with Nathan's athletic build nothing he did made the horse budge.

As Victor stood in the doorway a smiling, Shadow began to notice the huge bulge that began to grow in the horses shorts. He soon realizing he was still nude. Shadow simply smiled back before turning to get a pair of shorts from the dresser.

Having enough fun for the moment Victor side stepped causing Nathan to stumble forward and bump into the wall across the hall. Letting out a hefty laugh Victor made his way down the hall to put the box of books in Nathan's room.

"That wasn't funny Victor." Nathan yelled as he pushed himself off the wall. Frowning he made his way downstairs as the horse continued to laugh. Needing to sit for a while he made his way to the couch and turned on the TV.

Having put on some shorts Shadow walked to the door as Victor walked past. Following the horse downstairs where Nathan sat on the couch. Victor continued out the front door to bring in more of Nathan's things.

Shadow stopped at the bottom of the stairs hearing a soft sniffle come from the couch. "Are you alright Nathan?"

"Yeah. Just need to sit for a bit." Nathan didn't bother to look back at Shadow as he flipped through channels. Finally he decided on a documentary on a newly discovered temple in the tropics.

Shadow looked at the TV noticing the temple in the background. "Mayan?"

"Actually it says that it's Incan. Besides the statues there are clearly Incan..."

Victor stood beside Shadow with another armful of boxes. "I wouldn't argue with him on that, he is going to be majoring in ancient civilizations."

As Shadow moved to let Victor pass he felt the horse brush up against him. Unsure if it was accidental he looked up as Victor made his way up the stairs. Mmm nice ass Shadow thought as the horse made it to the top pausing to look back and smile before continuing to Nathan's room.

"Are you listening?"

Shadow turned to find Nathan standing right in front of him. "Sorry what did you say?"

Nathan smiled slyly, "I was going to see if you would help bring the rest of my stuff in before you went to work, but it seems you're too distracted."

Shadow's face felt flush as he replied, "Of course I'll help." and quickly slipped out the front door.

Victor stopped at the bottom step as he came back. "You look rather pleased with yourself."

Nathan chuckled. "No more than you." He looked up at the horse smiling. "You're such a flirt, and don't deny it."

Victor smiled. "Me... Never! Besides you're the only feline for me." Reaching over the banister he grabbed the tiger's head as he bent in to give him a kiss.

"Now who's distracted?" Shadow stood near the front door grinning at the two who made the kiss last a little longer out of spite. After they broke their kiss all three began to laugh.

Victor moved towards the door. "I'll get the rest of your things."

Shadow moved aside. "I think this was it."

"I'll just double check." Victor said as he continued out the front door.

Shadow turned to Nathan. "So the two of you are...."

"Yep for about a year now, but we decided to have an open relationship. We thought it best with me being in college, and Victor being over 500 miles away." Nathan smiled. "Not that we haven't done anything with a third person before, but that was always a decision we both would make."

Victor returned with a few bags of luggage. "I thought you got all your clothes already."

Nathan's smile widened. "Oh those are my party clothes. See Shadow is going to take me to the club he works at."

Victor placed the bags down and crossed his arms. "Is that so? Well just as long as you don't corrupt my tiger." He laughed adding, "It would be hard to train another one."

Nathan gasped. "You don't have me trained!"

Shadow looked at the clock realizing it was after two already. "Speaking of work I need to get ready to go."

Nathan looked at his watch. "Yeah, maybe we'll see you there after I get some things unpacked. Victor doesn't have to be back to work for a week or so."

As Shadow went to get cleaned up and changed for work as Nathan and Victor's mood began to change. The two silently went up to Nathan's room closing the door behind them. Although the door shut it didn't latch and opened partially without them noticing. Nathan sat on the bed knowing Victor was still upset from their conversation on the drive.

Victor remained standing and crossed his arms as he looked down at the floor. He remained quite for several minute before softly asking, "Have you slept with him?"

Nathan turned towards the horse with a puzzled look on his face. "Why would you say that?"

"You're the one that suggested we have an open relationship in the first place. What else am I suppose to think?"

"That.... I only meant that with the distance. We're going to be apart." Nathan struggled with what to say.

Victor still looked towards the floor. "And you being in his room, with him naked, what was that?"

Nathan began to raise his voice as he spoke. "His door was open. He was having a bad dream, and I went to wake him because he had to be ready for work." Nathan felt a lump begin to start in his throat. "What about you flirting with him? Was that just to get back at me?" Nathan fought to keep the tears back.

Shadow had finished getting cleaned up at this point and could begin to hear the argument through the partially open door from the hall. "There's food and drinks in the fridge if you guys are hungry." he said loud enough for them to hear. After getting no response he continued to his room to get dressed.

Victor moved towards the bed and set down beside Nathan. "I flirt with a lot of people you know that."

Nathan swallowed as much of the lump as he could. He lowered his voice before continuing. "You know I would never sleep with anyone when you weren't there. Sure I've brought guys home, but it was always up to the both of us whether or not to go all the way with them."

Victor finally looked towards Nathan "It just hurt when out of no where you wanted to be non exclusive."

Nathan closed his eyes and turned away as a few tears fell. "I never said that.....I just know how the distance will affect us." He tried to wipe away the tears, but more just followed. "I don't want us to grow apart, but I know you. You have a high sex drive, and I won't be there so sooner or later...."

Victor wrapped his arms around Nathan. "Did you ever think that you might be the reason for my sex drive being so high?" He nuzzled his head against Nathan's as he tightened his arms around the tiger. "Sure it was fun sharing those other guys, but not as fun as being with you."

Nathan began to cry heavily at this point. "I... I didn't know.

"Didn't know what?" Victor asked as he kissed Nathan's neck.

"I'm heading out." Shadow called from the hall. "The number to the club is on the corkboard in the kitchen, as well as the emergency numbers."

Nathan and Victor sat in silence. They soon heard the front door open and close, followed moments later by a vehicle start up and drive away. Still they sat quietly. Both now had closed their eyes. Both thinking back to the drive. As they got within the city Nathan had started in with having an open relationship.

Nathan finally broke the silence with deep breath and a long sigh. "Do you regret that we slept with the other guys?"

Victor opened his eyes and took a deep breath. "If it made you happier then that's all I can ask for. You know I would do anything for you....I don't want to lose you either."

Nathan turned to face Victor. "You sound like you don't like the three-way that much."

Victor let out a sigh. "Well, it's fun I'll give you that." He smiled as he let go of Nathan and turned to face the floor again. "The truth is I only did it because you seemed to enjoy it so much."

Nathan thought for a moment before letting out a chuckle. "We're both fools aren't we; I mean I thought you like that kind of thing. Why didn't you tell me you didn't like it?"

Victor looked at Nathan surprised at what he was saying. "I... I mean ..." He took a moment to figure out what was going on. "You mean we we're only doing it because we thought the other...."

Nathan began to laugh. "Well, I still love it when you tie me up." He then threw his arms around the horse's neck pulling down onto the bed. Nathan lay beside Victor resting is head onto the broad chest of the horse and wrapping his arm around. "You're not still mad at me are you?"

Victor wrapped his arms around Nathan and kissed the tigers head. "No, and I'm sorry for thinking that you slept with Shadow." He smiled. "Though he is rather hot."

Nathan pushed himself out of the Victors arms. "Hotter than me?"

"Never!" Victor exclaimed as he grabbed hold of Nathan pulling him into a passionate kiss.

As they continued to kiss Nathan's hand reached down and pulled up Victor's shirt. They broke their kiss as the Victor removed his shirt and Nathan straddled him. Nathan gave the Victor another kiss as he ran his paws along the muscled torso of the horse. His paws found their way to the tender nipples that sent chills up and down the horse's spine and Nathan played with them. Again their kiss was broken as Nathan sat up and took off his shirt.

Victor smiled as he reached to undo Nathan's shorts. Once the Nathan was unzipped he moved off the horse to take off his shoes and shorts. Victor took the opportunity to also remove his clothing and reposition himself on the bed.

Nathan knelt beside Victor and gave him a kiss before moving to his neck, then down to his nipples. As Nathan's tongue licked and played with victors nipple his hand slid down to fondle the horse massive member.

Victor let out a moan as his member grew to its full size. "MMmm you really know how to get me going." He reached his hand and slid it from the back of Nathan's head down to his waist to pull the felines lower end closer. As he did Nathan began to kiss lower and lower on the horse's torso. Stopping only to reposition himself on top of Victor.

After getting into the 69 position, Nathan began to play with Victor's huge balls as he licked the head of the shaft. "I hope you have a nice load for me." Nathan continued to lick at the horse's shaft before taking as much of it in his mouth as he could.

"I always deliver don't I?" Victor on the other hand focused his attention on readying the tiger's hole for what was to come, using his spit to work his fingers in. As he did his hands also fondled the tiger's shaft bringing it to its full seven inches.

They continued for several minutes until both were beginning to ooze precum. Victor knowing that Nathan would need more than spit to take his shaft asked, "Did you pack any lube?"

Nathan slowly let the horse's shaft come out of his mouth, which made a loud pop when the suction broke as the head popped out. "Yeah it's somewhere here." Looking over at the stacks of boxes he tried to remember which one had his toys and lube in it. "I think I labeled It." he said as he got up to go look.

Victor sat up as Nathan looked for the lube. He looked over as Nathan bent over to rummage through an open box. He began to ooze more precum as he watched the tiger. He got up and walked behind Nathan. He gently kissed Nathan's neck as his shaft slid between the tiger's legs sliding against soft sac that dangled there. "Need help finding it?" Looking into the box noticing several sizes of dildos, as well as harnesses and handcuffs. Reaching into the box he pulled two pair of handcuffs. "These look like fun."

Nathan found the lube at the bottom of the box. "Found it." Looking at what Victor held he grinned. "Oh, that does looks like fun."

Victor chuckled before lifting Nathan up and carrying him to the bed. After laying Nathan on his back Victor began cuffing him to the headboard, their shafts rubbing together as he did. As Victor finished he took the lube and looked down at Nathan as he smiled. "You're all mine now."

Nathan smiled back up at Victor. "You're all I need." He quivered softly as Victor began kissing his way down his body.

After getting Nathan hard again, Victor lifted up the tiger's legs and positioned himself to get his shaft into the waiting hole. He applied an ample amount of lube to his shaft which stiffened it up again. Wiping the lube from his hand onto the tiger's hole he looked up to see Nathan had closed his eyes and was enjoying himself quite a bit. With the tigers legs resting along his torso Victor leaned forward placing his left hand beside Nathan. With his right hand grasping his shaft he began rubbing the head around the tiger's hole.

Nathan let out a moan as the head of Victor's member penetrated his hole. "MMmmm, yeah I want more of you in me."

Not giving in too quickly Victor slowly slid in. Stopping halfway in he rose up and grabbed onto the headboard before trusting the rest of the way in, causing Nathan to moan loudly. "I love having a headboard." he responded before chuckling. He held his position balls deep in the tiger's hole for a moment before slowly pulling out to the head and slowly back in.

Nathan quivered as the horse slowly moved in and out of him. As the two began moaning with the pleasure of each other Victor's movements began to quicken. Nathan's moans grew louder as the horse rode him quickly now. "OOOoohhh I'm getting close!"

Victor slowly slid all but the head out of the tiger, stopping while he released the headboard and bent to begin kissing Nathan. He denied the tiger the orgasm that he was close to, waiting until it receded before he slowly slid back in starting the process over again.

They continued this process for over an hour until Victor could no longer restrain himself. He once again brought Nathan to the edge. With a final thrust he felt the tigers hole tighten as Nathan loudly moaned and cum shot from the felines member, landing on the headboard. Victor threw his head back and let out a long whiney, his huge ball sac tightened and he began to flood Nathan's innards with multiple shots of his hot, thick juices. Victor lowered his head as his body twitched. His cum began to ooze out of Nathan's hole and slid along the horses sac before dripping onto the bed.

They didn't move for some time, needing to recover from the hot session. Finally Victor began to pull out of Nathan, causing both to begin to ooze out more cum.

After letting Nathan out of the cuffs Victor lay beside the tiger. "What if I got a job up here?"

Nathan turned looking puzzled. "What about your family?"

"You're my family." Victor looked toward the ceiling. "I never told you, but I'm an orphan. I never knew my family."

Nathan placed his paw on Victor chest as he spoke. "What about your brother? You know that priest."

Victor looked back at Nathan. "Father Marcus..... He looked out for me at the orphanage. See he was an orphan there too, though he was five years older than me. He was like a big brother to me." He laughed as he continued. "Believe it or not I was scrawny in my youth, and the other orphans use to beat me up. He was the reason I began to work out." A look of sadness came over the horses face as he spoke. "As I got older I had a crush on him, but he didn't feel the same. He never judged me though, and he always helped me when I needed him." Victor paused for a moment. "When he turned 18 he chose to join the church. I assumed he just wanted to continue to look after me." A tear fell across the horse's cheek. "Sooner or later it was time for me to leave, and we had to say goodbye."

"Why do you call him your brother though?" Nathan curiously asked.

"Well I guess he is as close to it as I have." Victor wiped his face before smiling again. "We should get cleaned up and start unpacking."

Nathan getting the hint that Victor wanted to change the subject got up. The two made their way to the bathroom to cleanup.