Dragon Ranch: Beating the Heat

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#10 of Dragon Ranch

(If you're new to this story you can read here without being confused because chapters are episodic, though you shold probably read the rest too. ^__^)

...The title refers to a dragon being in heat, but I hear Dirk Nowitzki and the rest of the Mavs also know how to beat the Heat...

...I'm just sayin'...


Anyway, welcome to Dragon Ranch, the story where all plot, character development, dialog, and exposition have been replaced with SEXY TIMES WITH DRAGONS AND HUMANS. Okay, so that's not actually true because there IS plot and development. BUT YOU CAN PRETEND THAT IT IS TRUE if you just read the sexy times part of the story (and there are a lot of sexy times).

This story has 100% more VAGINA than my last story. :0 If you didn't read last chapter because it was M/M, you didn't miss out on any plot that I don't re-address here. :P You can thank tagesh, who commissioned this TOTALLY AWESOME story from me. I was gonna not write anymore but he's all like "Lol no, bitch. You're gonna write me some freakin' DRAGON SMUT and I'm paying you for it." And I was all like "SURE THING, BRO."

To skip to the sexy times, just hit crtl + F and search for "meat".

... Heh, "meat". Giggity.

Dragon Ranch: Beating the Heat

This was it.

This was the day.

The day that the breeder came in to take Nixi and Relia away.

That was all Kyle could think about. In truth, a number of dragons were being shipped off to enter a breeding program... Nixi and Relia weren't the only ones. But they were the only two that consumed Kyle's thoughts. The only thing going through his mind was if he'd ever see them again... if he'd ever get to-

"You're doing good, Kyle.... keep leading her."

"Wha-Oh... yeah. Thanks."

Emily, Kyle's cousin and owner of the ranch, was following Kyle as he was practicing his riding skills with a dark gray, horse-sized dragon... a species well known amongst dragon handlers as a Black Crested Sabel. He and Emily were on their way to the front gate to greet the dragon breeder that had just arrived. Kyle was still getting the hang of things when it came to riding, but by and large he wasn't doing too bad for someone with only a few weeks experience. The dragon he was riding was named Relia, and Emily cantered along side of him on a young "Crestie" named Glycon. Relia was the matriarch of her species. She was dominant, gruff, aggressive...

...and one dragon that really loved sex....

Sex with humans....

Sex with Kyle, mostly.

The two had become close through their physical relationship, despite the fact that Relia was a notoriously difficult-to-control. She had a reputation of being a rather stubborn and unfriendly dragon to most everyone else on the ranch.

It was only a couple of months ago that this dragon had quite literally seduced an unwilling Kyle into having sex, being initially intrigued by the smell of the human's spunk on his unwashed pants. At first reluctant about her advances, In time Kyle found himself going back to the dragon, always finding her eager. At first, it had seemed to Kyle that Relia had grown fond of him simply due to his ability to get the dragon off. However, as the creature had gradually come to display outward shows of affection towards Kyle, he realized Relia might be seeing him more than just a tool for sex.

A similar story would explain Kyle's relationship with the Yellowtail Garl named Nixi, though a mention of the dragon's love for a certain vibrator would have to be added.... He found the Yellowtail to be quite exuberant and eager for sex, as well as a bit kinky: Surprisingly, the dragon was definitely willing to explore more exotic methods of pleasuring, which Kyle would have to admit was a bit hot.

"I'm still impressed that you were able to get through to Relia, Kyle. Rachel tells me you've been working hard to win her trust, am I right? I was surprised when I saw you actually did it!"

Kyle smiled sheepishly and pet Relia's neck. "Yea, I suppose... To be honest, it was she who warmed up to me." He didn't dare explain further, as his cousin didn't know about Kyle's amorous adventures one bit.

"... and that's the surprising part, Kyle. She likes you, for whatever reason. I mean, Rach and Jake can ride her as well, but she seems to like you the most."

"Heh... Hey, Emmie." Kyle abruptly changed the subject, to avoid the potential awkwardness of how Kyle won the dragon over. "By the way... tell me a bit more about what's going on today. Nixi and Relia are leaving the ranch, right?"

"Well, a number of dragons are. Paul is going to be taking all the Yellowtail Garls, including Nixi, and enter them in the Endangered Species Breeding Program. It's a region-wide effort run by the Dragon Breeders Guild to increase the low Yellowtail populations. So there's that. Then, I requested a few dragons like Relia and Glycon here, to be bred by Paul specifically. Relia's a beautiful, healthy, and strong dragon, Kyle... I'd love to have her sire a few little dragon whelps for us." Relia seemed to noticed that she was being talked about, and snorted loudly.

"And we can't do that here?" Kyle reached, hoping for a loophole.

"Not on a large scale. They have the facilities and equipment for dragon breeding, nesting, and rearing of the young. We don't. We're built to train and raise dragons only. Once the females lay, Paul's staff will care for the eggs for us until they hatch, and we'll get whelps once they become old enough to travel... I can't wait!"

"But we're selling dragons to this guy, too." Kyle added, fishing for more information.

Emily adjusted her position on the saddle as she talked. "Yeah. Paul's ranch raises newborn dragons from only a small number of adults. He is coming in to look for a few dragons to add to his gene pool, so to speak. The ones he'll buy will become breeding dragons. Baby machines, basically. Not a bad life for the males." She laughed softly at her own joke. "He'll inspect our stock for good potential breeders and we'll make a deal if we can agree on it. I know it'll be hard to let any of my dragons go... but I trust they'll be in good hands with Paul. He worked with daddy for many years, you know."

"Humph." Kyle wasn't particularly enthused. "So who are you selling?" Kyle asked, hoping not to hear Nixi or Relia's name.

Emily shrugged. "It's up to Paul to find a dragon he likes. All I know is that he is looking to buy a male and female of each species. "

Kyle swallowed uneasily. There were a number of Cresties on the ranch, but Emily only owned five Yellowtails, and there were only two females: Nixi and Iris.

He looked up and found himself and Emily cantering towards a huge semi near the entrance to the ranch. The truck was carrying a huge, vented trailer for transporting large animals, and it looked incredibly sturdy. The semi was being escorted by an expensive-looking SUV as it pulled in the front gate. The car parked and out jumped a short, balding, barrel-chested fellow of middle-eastern descent. Kyle could instantly see that he was a very jovial man, if his absurd grin and and excited expression meant anything. A young, skinny guy of about 19 stepped out from the passenger side and quickly followed.


Kyle nearly laughed. The breeder looked to be at least 50 years old and yet the man yelled like a giddy little child. The breeder exuberantly power-walked over and hugged Kyle's cousin once she stepped down off her dragon. Laughing, he then kissed her on the cheek and held her at arms length.

"My goodness, it's been so long since I've seen you! You're carrying yourself a lot more like your father, these days... Last time we met you were still getting the hang of running the ranch... but now? You got that confident look of experience... I love it! Ha!" Kyle immediately recognized the man did not come from this country, as he carried a thick accent. His boisterous personality was more than a bit amusing.

Emily laughed. "Ha ha... Good to see you too, Paul. A lot has changed since you left."

"No doubt, no doubt. Me and your father, Emily... we had great times back in the day.... Its a shame that he... well, no need to dwell on his passing now. My apologies for bringing that up." Paul abruptly changed the topic. "Excuse me, do you remember my son?" He motioned to the young man behind him.

Emily smiled. "Ah. You're name is... I forget. Silia? Silas?"

The young man sheepishly shook his head and held out his hand to shake. "Silas. Nice to meet you, Emily." Kyle immediately focused on the boy's name... it was definitely a very odd sounding name, but he thought it sounded a tad familiar. Paul's son ironically looked and acted almost nothing like his father, having long, messy hair and a tall build, forgoing his father's outlandish behavior for a reserved silence. The young adult looked like he felt a bit uncomfortable and out of place.

After everyone had introduced themselves, Paul and Emily quickly became engrossed in discussion about the dragons on her ranch, and Kyle sat there on his dragon, feeling a bit awkward with nothing to add. He glanced over at Silas, who was staring at Glycon and Relia, looking intrigued.

"So, Silas..." He began. "You work with your dad?"

"Hm? No. I'm in college. Engineering major.... Dad's the dragon guy, not me. I don't usually spend any time with the creatures, but since I'm off for the summer, he asked me to come along on this little trip."

He stepped forward. "That dragon with the broken horn... He's very beautiful." Silas held out a hand to Relia, and she growled and snapped at the man when his hand got close, causing the boy to recoil in shock.

"Whoa, Relia... calm down, girl." Kyle pulled the reins and consoled the dragon with neck pats. "Sorry, Silas... It's a she, and she doesn't like people very much."

Silas frowned, not liking being told that an animal he had just met already disliked him.

"But what about you?"

Kyle grinned. "I'm a special case. She's friendly to me."

"Did I approach her wrong? I thought its okay if you let them sniff you first."

"Well, you didn't do anything wrong, really. Dragons are really proud creatures. You gotta show respect to their pride and be a bit submissive... If they don't like what you're doing, you have to back off. You can't force the matter or they'll get aggressive." Kyle laughed a bit to himself, realizing he was starting to sound like his cousin, who seemed to know everything about dragons there was to know.

"Don't take it personally, man. Relia's just a stubborn and aggressive dragon... you're better off trying to pet Glycon." Kyle offered, motioning to Emily's mount with his hand. The breeder's son glanced at the young male, then looked back over to Relia, eying the female and the rider that could pet her with a bit of resentment.

Turning back, Silas then held out his hand toward the male dragon. Curious, Glycon lowered his head to sniff at the young man's hand, familiarizing himself with the scent of the human. Silas watched the creature's large nostrils flare outward with each inhale, and waited patiently until the dragon was satisfied examining his hand. When the Crestie had finished smelling him, Silas reached to Glycon's scales, petting his broad, dark grey snout. Glycon gave no objection to the human as he ran his fingers over the cool, dark gray scales, feeling the slightly rough, bumpy texture of the keratin plates.

It was common knowledge that dragons liked to have the top of their snouts rubbed... it was one of several places the creatures enjoyed petting, along with their flanks, neck, and oddly enough, their rears and tail bases.

Silas smiled. "Its been a heck of a long time since I've gotten close to a dragon. Dad doesn't really have 'bring your son to work' days all too often. Heh."

Suddenly the breeder's son paused, and he turned his head a bit, sniffing the air. "Is the female..... in heat?"

Kyle scrunched up his face a bit, thinking his observation was a bit odd. "Relia? Yea, she is... but I'm surprised you could tell. You just said you haven't been around dragons a lot...."

Silas shrugged. "My dad breeds dragons. Most kids grew up learning about baseball or fishing with their dad. I learned about other fun stuff like... how to tell if a dragon is in heat." He laughed quietly, then shrugged his shoulders. "Not exactly something to brag about, I suppose."

"Hey Kyle." Emily spoke up.


"Can you do me a favor and take Relia and Glycon on a brisk trot to finish their little exercise? Me and Paul have some catching up to do."

"Sure thing... Here, give me the reins." He reached for the dragon's ropes, which Emily palmed in his hand.

"Ah, come on Silas... Emily will show us around the ranch real quick!"

The young man shrugged.... "I'll see ya later, Kyle." He turned and joined his father, who had already been walking with Kyle's cousin towards the facilities, chatting incessantly.

Kyle's mind was uneasy as he took the dragons back to their stables. Paul seemed like a nice enough fellow, but that did not change the fact that he might be taking Relia and Nixi away for good...

After leading Glycon to his pen, taking off his saddle, and safely locking him up, Kyle took Relia inside her own pen and removed her harness as well. The dragon was fidgety and nudged Kyle's chest and belly with her snout constantly. He knew what she wanted..... the dragon was in heat, after all. Her along with most of the females on the ranch.

"Sorry, girl... I can't risk it. Emmie and Paul are gonna be stopping by to inspect the dragons some time soon. I can't be found in here fooling around." He pulled away from the dragon reluctantly. Relia quietly growled and grabbed hold of Kyle's sleeve between her teeth, tugging firmly. The dragon's loins burned with desire and she ached with a yearning for satisfaction.... She wanted Kyle to stay.

The ranch-hand couldn't help but smile. "I think you're gonna have to fly solo on this one, Rel. You know, deal with the ache yourself... unless you can convince Paul and Silas to help you out when they get here, ha ha."

The Crestie snorted loudly and pawed at the ground. She then brought her face right up to the human's and stared into his eyes, her red irises darting to and fro as it scanned his face. To Kyle, it appeared that Relia was studying the human's disposition. It was a cue that Kyle eventually had picked up on to mean she might be planning something.... perhaps the dragon was trying to decide if she could push him into mating. Maybe she was considering Kyle's joking offer of the breeder and his son... he didn't know for sure.

Regardless, he wasn't about to give Relia the opportunity to hatch some scheme. "I'm leaving. You're not gonna get me to stay. Not this time, anyway. Sorry, girl... I'll be back eventually... I promise." The dragon let out a low growl of displeasure. Kyle frowned, reluctantly closing the door on her despite the dragon's protests. It was hard to do, but Kyle knew he could come back later.

Now outside, Kyle looked left to pens, and he saw Emily and company walking from the storage barns. They were coming this way, ready to pick out which dragons Paul was buying off the ranch. Kyle sighed.

Slowly, he made his way to the ranch house, about a five minute walk. When he got close, he found Ethan standing outside on the porch, staring off onto the horizon.

"Feeling uneasy today?" Kyle asked, joining him on the front porch.

"Yeah, dude. We all are. Jake and Rach and Aden.... We all are. Emily too."

Kyle could not sit still. He anxiously paced back and forth. Over by the pens, he knew Emily was showing off the ranch's dragon stock, helping Paul choose which dragons he wanted.

"So Ethan..." Kyle trailed off.

"Yea, dude?"

"Paul wants a male and female of each dragon."


"Ethan, we only have two female Yellowtails on the ranch!"

Ethan inhaled sharply. "Shiiit. That means.... Either Iris or Nixi."

Kyle nodded slowly, looking upset. "Exactly. One of us is going to lose our Yellowtail fuck buddy."

The cowboy then chuckled and kicked the floor. "... At least I know I'll still have Kobal."

"But Kobal's a male..."

"So?" Ethan grinned.

Kyle rolled his eyes. "Anyway, how are you so sure he'll be around?"

"Turns out Em had a list she was marking up... a list of dragons she was willing to part with.... I saw it before. Kobal's name wasn't marked."

Kyle opened his eyes wide. "Whoa, whoa.. wait a second. I never heard about this! You have to tell me if Relia and Nixi were marked on that list!"

Inside of Relia's pen, Paul and Emily were arguing.

"But, she's a beautiful specimen!" Paul explained, looking at the dragon.

"I'm telling you, Paul... she's a handful. More than that, really. Dangerous on a bad day. She doesn't like people."

"But I saw your cousin mounted up on this one not even an hour ago!"

Emily bit her lip. "Kyle and Relia.... they get along for some reason. I don't even know how, to be honest. But Relia would probably bite if you or most anyone else tried to mount up on her."

"I don't care.... she won't be ridden where she's going. This here is a wonderful Crestie... great physical condition, relatively young, all the desirable breeding traits... I mean, just look at her head crest for example! Her crest's got the classic windswept shape and the scutes don't show any odd growths or fissures. Heck, she's even in heat already. The dragon is screaming 'take me, Paul!' I must have her!"

Relia looked up from her curled position to glare at the humans in her pen, huff loudly, and then lower her head back down to the ground. The dragon then idly stared at the floor in front of her, trying to ignore the aching heat between her legs. Silas leaned against the wall of her pen, having nothing to do but listen to the pair argue. He passed the time thinking about whether it was he or Relia that looked more bored.

"Look Paul... I'd love for you to take her and have her bred... but I'm not selling her to you. She's too unpredictable. Relia has a track record of snapping at people.... Heck, she even gives me trouble sometimes!"

Silas stared at his dark, rippling reflection in the dragon's water trough. "She snapped at me first thing when we got here, Dad... She doesn't seem nice."

Paul grumbled something under his breath. "Okay.... Okay! I get it. No buy, but I'll agree to breed her for you. Split the whelps 50/50?"

Emily laughed and gave the breeder a teasing look. "Paul! We already agreed on this: I give you the flat rate for breeding a couple dragons of mine, and you take care of the eggs until they hatch. I'm already doing you a huge favor with the Yellowtails plus I'm giving you a good deal on the dragons you buy. If she lays a large clutch, you can get what I can't afford to raise. That's it."

He winced. "Ack! Fine. But I AM taking her, right?"

"Yes. To be bred, and only for me."

"Well! I guess that's a deal!" He chuckled. "You know, you're a fair bit more shrewd than your father was."

Emily smiled in spite of her self. "Daddy was a bit more casual about his standards for what defined 'well-trained and available to buy'.... I just can't trust Relia in someone else's hands... and to be honest, I'm worried about you taking her just temporarily." She put a hand on Paul's shoulder. "Now come on... Relia is not for sale, that's final. I got you a male already... now let's find you a female Crestie to take home."

"Sure, sure...but she better look like this one!" He laughed.

The two then walked out the door of the pen.

Silas made a move to follow, but stopped short at the doorway. He watched his dad and Emily engaged in a heated debate about pricing as they left for the next pen... both of them had not noticed his absence. He gave a slight smile, noting that both the dragon tamer and his dad loved their jobs a lot. Deciding to stay inside, he shut the door quietly and turned back towards the dragon, who looked up, wondering what the human was up to.

Silas narrowed his eyes. "Come on, dragon... I find it hard to believe you hate me already." He would have called the Crestie by name if he had remembered it, but Silas found himself coming up short, only remembering it started with an R.

Relia stared at the human, tensing up as Silas got near. The human crouched down to her level.

"We can be friends, right?" Slowly, he presented his hand to the Crestie. Relia began to let out a quiet growl at the human once more, causing him to pause. Silas frowned, not liking being told off yet again by the creature.

"Oh, quit it, you stupid lizard! I'm not going to hurt you." He reached forward once again and deftly stroked the dragon's snout.

Relia recoiled at the touch, baring her teeth as she growled. A twinge of fear spiked up Silas' spine, and he quickly stepped back. The dragon glared at him and snorted a cloud of billowy smoke, staring with unblinking eyes. Her tail was twitching along the ground anxiously, clearly displaying her annoyance.

Irritated, Silas stood up and decided to leave the dragon for now. "Okay. Fine. But I'll be back." He closed the door to Relia's pen as he left.

Silas was beginning to see this as a challenge. He wanted to get through to the dragon somehow, to get her acting friendly, if only to prove a point to himself that it was possible. "After all..." He thought. "That one guy... Kyle. Why the hell can he be on her good side and I can't?"

"Food might be a good strategy.... Giving some to the dragon might make her warm up to me... and I still got plenty of snacks left back in the van from the trip. Hm... There's beef jerky in there..."

Silas made his way back to the van, with a clear plan in mind.

Meanwhile... Relia, now happy to be alone and to herself, stretched and rolled to her side. The dragon was finding it hard to ignore the ache between her legs... the desire to breed and mate, and had been waiting for an opportunity to satisfy herself. She was irritated that she had not been given the opportunity to be let out by herself all day.... no chance to run around, sun bathe, and most importantly... find a mate. Even her human, Kyle, had not given her the opportunity yet... which annoyed the dragon further. Curling her neck around until she was facing her own swollen vent, the dragon began to nuzzle and lick, crooning as she felt the first spikes of pleasure wash over her body...

"So what you're saying is... you don't know."

"Look..." Ethan motioned with his hands as he talked. "Relia's and Iris's names were circled. Nixi's was starred. Kobal's name was neither. I don't know which mark meant 'sell', and which meant 'breed'."

Sighing, Kyle leaned over the banister of the front porch, tapping his nails on the worn, varnished wood. "Well, let me try and think this out.... She's gotta have some kind of rhyme or reason for her marks."

He closed his eyes and pondered for a while.

"Hmm... You know, I can't imagine Relia being out-right sold. She's not an easy-to-handle dragon. Emily knows she'll give anyone trouble. And you said Glycon was circled too, right?"

"Yea. And Elle was starred. Mitka and Ryle too."

"But Glycon's really young and still in training. Elle's older, fully trained... and she's as gentle as a doe. Hmmm.... Mitka and Ryle are the two of the most obedient Spiketail Slivers on the ranch..." He stood up straight with a jolt.

"The starred dragons are all the fully trained, well-mannered ones. Those are the dragons that Emily is comfortable letting other people take care of. If Relia was circled, and Nixi was starred..." Kyle's eyes opened wide and smiled. "Then Relia's not ready to be sold!"

Ethan finished for him. "She's gonna be bred and shipped back to us, and Emily's thinking of selling Nixi. Nice, dude."

"Yea, thanks Eth-wait.... Nixi? Shit. SHIT!" Suddenly, Kyle took off down the front steps.

"Wha-where are you going, dude?"

"To Nixi's pen, of course!"

"I mean... What are gonna do?"

"I... I don't know!" Kyle yelled out behind him as he ran towards the pens. All Kyle knew is that he was going to try and do something.

"So this is your Nixi, the Yellowtail Garl." Paul exclaimed. He reached down and let the jaguar-sized dragon sniff his hand. "Hmm... She looks fairly well-built. Good muscle tone... nice, ideal tail length. Her swimming fin seem a bit small for a female. Any health issues? Character issues?" He stroked the creature's snout, to which Nixi was content to allow.

"Nothing serious. She seems to be allergic to peanuts. She's a stubborn, aggressive dragon... a little difficult to handle sometimes."

"All dragons are stubborn and aggressive!" Paul laughed and scratched the dragon's neck briskly.

"I meant more than-"

"I know, I know... ha ha! Continue!"

"Well, she can get a tad jealous over attention. She bit my cousin once because he got too close to her while was playing with another Yellowtail." Emily replied. "Actually Paul... you don't have much of a choice this time... We only got two females on the ranch, and Nixi is the better option."

"And why is that?" He spoke over his shoulder. Gingerly, Paul cradled the dragon's head and pulled her lips back to examine her mouth, seeing a healthy set of teeth and gums. Nixi squirmed constantly until he let go, giving an angry snort at the end of it all.

"Iris's mother suffered from Draconid Opterogryposis. Her offspring hasn't shown symptoms yet, but still... she's not a viable option due to a risk that she could pass the disorder on."

Paul frowned. "Opterogryposis isn't usually genetic. It's typically a congenital disorder, so she has a low chance of inheritance. However, you got a point. if she's a carrier, she'll pass on the condition eventually if she breeds a lot. Better be safe than sorry, no?"

Paul gently took Nixi's wings in hand and unfolded them, looking at the dragon's muscle tone and examining the membranous patagium for signs of tearing. Nixi attempted to jerk her wings back to their folded position, trying to wrench Paul's grip, and the breeder shushed and calmed the dragon with rubs on her neck and shoulders. Eventually, Nixi gave up and begrudgingly let the human inspect her body. "She's got nice wings... very beautiful, very full. She's in heat too, right??h

"Yes. Iris is still eligible for the endangered species breeding program, though. I already made a few calls to confirm it. They're not too worried about her history." Emily continued, her mind still on the previous conversation.

"Fantastic!" Paul exclaimed. He let go of the dragon's wings and stood up. "Wouldn't want any of your Yellowtails to miss out on the fun, eh?" He laughed. "And as for Nixi.... I'll take her!"

Emily smiled. It was a conflicted smile, knowing she had just signed off another one of her dragons to leave the ranch forever.

"So how do you feel about this breeding program for the Yellowtails, Paul? I'm sure it's gonna be hectic for you...."

"I'll have approximately one hundred twenty Yellowtails on hand for a few weeks. What's not to worry about? Ha! Eleven ranches worth of Yellowtails from around the state, as well as a number of private owners, five zoos, and one circus... it all adds up to a lot of trouble!" He chuckled. "But I'll be alright. I'm getting in a lot of hands from the Dragon Breeders Guild as well as help from a few local ranches. We will be crazy busy, short staffed, and under-prepared, but we'll manage."

Emily's eyes opened up wide. "Whew! Forgive me when I say I wouldn't want to be there!"

"No offense taken, ha ha! But you know that every breeder that registered for the program gets to keep 10% of the eggs. And when you think of the money we get for each Yellowtail hatchling that sells... well, let's just say it'll be worth it in the end!" He grinned.

"Heh... and here I thought you agreed to drive all the way out here and breed my Yellowtails out of the good of your heart!"

Paul laughed. "Oh come now, Emily... You know I'd love to help rebuild the low Yellowtail populations anyway!"

Suddenly the door burst open and Kyle ran in.

"NIXI! I'M HERE TO-oh." He came to a running stop as both Emily and Paul turned their heads and stared at him in surprise. The room went quiet for a few seconds... the silence was stiff and imposing.

Kyle cleared his throat."....Hi, guys."

Emily raised her eyebrow. "Kyle?" Both of them were staring at Kyle as if he had just walked in without his pants.

"I... uh... was going to come and... Uh..." Kyle felt his anxiety grow as he failed to finish the sentence.


"Ah... er... coming to take Nixi out to play." he lied. Kyle felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. Having ran to the pen in haste, Kyle had came up with the idea to "accidentally" let the dragon out so she could get "lost". It wasn't exactly a good plan. Hell, it wasn't even an mediocre plan. But it was the only thing he could think of at the moment.

... And it was a moot point anyway, with his cousin and the breeder in the pen with him.

"Kyle, we're a bit busy with Nixi." Emily flatly replied. Kyle could instantly tell she was suspicious. Emily always got that look about her when she smelled bullshit in the air... She gained this stoic, focused look of a courthouse judge in the middle of a trial.

"Uh... yea... I kind of see you two are looking at her..." He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. He was feeling the tension in the room grow each passing second.

There was another period of awkward silence.

Kyle refused to budge from his spot, despite the fact that any normal person would have excused themselves from the room at this point in the conversation. Kyle did not, however. He was preoccupied with trying to think of a way to prevent Nixi's sale. His mind was flying, thinking about anything that could help him. Nixi wandered over to Kyle and greeted him with a friendly-sounding warble.

"So..." Kyle trailed off. "Um. Soooooo.... Gonna buy some dragons, Paul?" He gave a ridiculously fake grin and tried to ignore the fact that he had practically been caught about to smuggle a Yellowtail out of her pen. Nixi nudged his thigh with her snout, and Kyle gave a passing pat to the her head, not really paying attention to the dragon.

"The breeder turned to face Kyle. "Yep. All the Yellowtails are gonna be entered in the DBG breeding program, and I'm looking to keep a male and female to add to my stock as breeding dragons. Its common practice that sellers get a few hatchlings from the first clutch of eggs, too, so you guys will get something out of it eventually. Heh."

Nixi rubbed up against Kyle's legs with her body, like a cat, causing Kyle's eyes to shoot wide open.

"Oh.... SHIT! No, not right now, Nixi... please, not right now..."

He immediately knew why she was doing this... the dragon was in heat, just like Relia. And she wanted sex from him, just like Relia. Affection of this sort was not a common sight to see amongst dragons and he knew both Emily and Paul would have thought her behavior was odd....

... and that in turn made Kyle feel odd. A dragon was coming on to him in front of two other people! He tried his best to pretend that Nixi didn't exist, hoping that the Yellowtail would stop when she failed to get a reaction.

But he began to doubt she would give up when the dragon made another pass, trilling softly as she rubbed up against his legs. He felt his nerves getting the better of him, and he swallowed uneasily. Both Emily and Paul had noticed the dragon's behavior... he saw them stare.

The dragon was begging for attention, clearly.... Kyle only hoped that they didn't realize what type of attention she desired....

"Oh, but you don't want to buy Nixi." Kyle said. He shook his head a bit too vigorously than he needed to, causing his hair to swish in the air.

"Kyle..." Emily trailed off, glaring at him.

"Actually... yes I do." Paul laughed.

The dragon rubbed her snout up and down over Kyle's pant leg, trilling quietly, and Kyle knew exactly what she wanted... which was for those pants to come flying off. He tried his best to ignore her, and took a few steps to the side. The dragon followed him every inch of the way, and he squirmed in place as Nixi kept her proximity and nibbled at the outside seam of his jeans. The dragon's persistence for sex was getting to Kyle... knowing how bad she wanted it was making him a bit aroused in spite of himself. He felt a slight pressure in his crotch as his cock began to swell and press against his jeans. "No! No! Bad Penis! No time for boners! Shit, think Kyle... You can't think about her! No.... don't think about it, don't pay attention, and you won't get an erection. Don't pay attention... Gotta focus on something else..."

"No. You see..." Kyle stopped in mid-sentence, trying to think of something... anything.

"Nixi... She, uh... she... Nixi can't breed. " his mind was racing, trying to find a way out of the situation. "Oh lord, what the hell am I saying? Is that the best I can come up with? Why haven't I just left yet? Why hasn't anyone said anything about Nixi? Why am I sweating?" The dragon sat down in front of Kyle and pawed at his leg, giving an inquisitive chirp. Kyle felt his cheeks were hot from blushing and he forced a smile out as he tried with every inch of his body to not focus on the dragon, or his growing erection.

"What, is she sterile or something?"

Emily put her hands on her hips. "Kyle. Stop this."

Kyle's lip quivered as he began to make up more excuses on the spot. "She's not interested in the males of her species, see? She won't do it." "Good lord." Kyle thought. "What am I saying? Why did I pick one of the most awkward excuses possible? Why am I not shutting up?"

"Kyle!" Emily shouted. She looked pissed.

Paul laughed loudly. "A lesbian dragon! Well, we'd just have to artificially inseminate her, then."

Kyle winced. "But wait! That's not all! She.... She..." Kyle stared at the two dragon handlers, feeling the train wreck of a conversation only get worse. His eyes darted back and forth as he searched for an excuse, and found himself pushing Nixi away as her snout got too close to his crotch. Seeing her so eager was only increasing the unwelcome swelling under his jeans. "Why am I still talking? Why am I not shutting up and leaving? Why can't Nixi just leave my freakin' pants alone?"

"KYLE! Enough!" Emily snapped. "Look, I know you like Nixi and don't want to see her leave. But selling dragons is part of the business. You gotta let it go, Kyle."

"But I-"

"You think I haven't noticed how much time you've been spending with her and Relia the past few weeks or so? You always greet them when you pass by in the morning. You eat lunch outside with at least one of dragons, watching them beg for scraps. You spend your free time playing with Nixi and riding Relia around. I KNOW, Kyle...."

"Uh.... know what?" "She doesn't know THAT, does she? No... I'm just being paranoid. Right?" Nixi leaned in and playfully nipped at Kyle's crotch, and he suddenly felt a massive twinge of anxiety. Every muscle in his body stiffened up, and he was as rigid as a board at the feeling of the dragon's nibble between his thighs.

"I know that you-"

"Nixi, get off!" He brushed the dragon away, causing Emily to pause.

"Oh man... even if she just wanted attention, that looked odd. Emily noticed. EMILY FRIGEEN NOTICED IT!" His cock surged from the prodding, aching in his pants and creating a noticeable bulge near the zipper. Trying to be as unassuming as possible, Kyle nudged the little dragon away with his leg. He was unsuccessful, as the dragon would not relent.

"Anyway, I know that you're a little attached to the dragons." Emily continued, her eyes momentarily glancing down at the overly friendly dragon. "But they're not pets. They are our work and selling them is our biggest source of income. When you have a buyer, you gotta let them go. Heck... You think it's easy for me to sell Nixi off? It's not, Kyle! It's hard to see ANY of my dragons go. I'm gonna miss them all... but I know it's part of my job and I accept that."


"Uh..." Paul's voice broke the awkward pause hanging in the room. "Kyle, why is the dragon licking the crotch of your pants?"

"What, I-Oh shit!" He nudged the dragon's snout away and took a step back. He looked down and then quickly decided to turn around and pretend to adjust his jeans.

Kyle continued talking from behind his back. "Oh, I uh... I must have spilled something there when I ate lunch or something... It was probably something sweet like honey... or something... you know." Kyle knew that was about three less "somethings" than he would have wanted to say.

He faced the two handlers again, having made a show to rub spit over a non-existent stain as if to dilute it. In reality, what he did was adjust himself so that his aching erection was tucked against the waistband of his boxers, no longer making an awkward, painful bulge in his pants.

"Sorry about that." He grinned a bit too broadly than he needed to, and tried to keep a straight face as he pushed Nixi's snout away again when the dragon tried to get in close to his crotch once more.

"Boy, that dragon seems to like you a lot..." Paul noticed.

"Err... yeah. I, uh.. I don't know why." he stammered. His mind was reeling, his palms sweating, as he realized the dragon would simply not let up. He had to get out of here as fast as he could.

Emily bit her lip. "Anyway.... Kyle. I know you're upset. But you'll get over it. Come on... you know we sell dragons all the time here, and we'll be getting more eventually." Kyle pushed Nixi's snout away a third time, and the dragon playfully growled, apparently thinking this to be some kind of game.

"Yea... a game of crotch keep-away." Kyle thought. "What a fun game. But at least it's better than letting her play 'hide the pickle' in front of everyone...."

Emily continued. "That's what we do, Kyle... Get dragons, raise 'em, tame 'em, train 'em up, and ship 'em off when they're ready. It's a cycle. You get used to it."

"Okay, okay..... I'm sorry, Emmie. You're right." Kyle said, not meaning a single word of it. He decided to play along and drop the argument for now. Sighing, he pretended to laugh a little.

"Maybe I've been acting a bit irrational. I mean. I've only just-Ooof!"

Kyle doubled over as Nixi leaped up and her forepaws pressed right into his stomach, knocking the air out of him. The dragon's weight caused Kyle to lose his balance and fall backwards onto his back. Trilling happily, Nixi then jumped onto Kyle, standing over him, straddling his legs, staring at him face-to-face, growling, and giving him a draconic, seductive glare. She was just about to begin grinding her hips onto Kyle's crotch when Emily and Paul ran over and pulled the horny dragon off.

"Nixi! Ah-ah! No! What has gotten into you?" Emily chastised the Yellowtail, holding her at bay, and then turned to Kyle. "Holy shit, Kyle, are you hurt!? Did she claw you? Bite you? Are you okay?"

Not even knowing how to react to the situation, Kyle found himself laughing, though he wanted to scream inside. "I'm fine, Emmie. She's just being playful..."

"That's an understatement!" Paul laughed loudly. "She looked like she was going to play with you to death! Either that, or..."He chuckled, leaving Kyle to realize that Paul was probably enough of a breeder to recognize a horny dragon when he saw one.

Kyle lifted himself up into a siting position, blinked, and then stood back up, dusting his dirty jeans off. The only thing going through his mind was "Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy-" Nearly getting raped by a dragon in front of your own cousin and a dragon breeder was not high on Kyle's "List Of Things That Are Totally Not Awkward In The Slightest Bit."

... Actually, it was just about last on that particular list. However, it was pretty high on Kyle's "List Of Things That Make Me Want To Piss My Pants."

Putting on a smile to save face, he looked at Emily and Paul, who were holding Nixi back. Agitated, the dragon warbled loudly and struggled to break free of the humans' hands. Kyle felt about as uncomfortable about the situation as he could have thought possible. His mind was swimming, his forehead sweaty, and his hands were shaking from the adrenaline. He opened his mouth to speak and his voice came out in a high-pitched crack.

"Okay... um... Maybe I should get going?" He pointed to the door over his shoulder with his thumb. "Yeah. I'll just leave. And you two can continue talking! Aaaaand I'll see you guys later for dinner! And then I'll help you two load the dragons up..... Up into the truck trailer, that is.... So the dragons can be shipped off."

Nixi complained about being held down, and let out an unhappy yowl.

Emily nodded her head, looking worried. "Right. Kyle... go get some air. You look like you had a heart attack."

"Something like that. Okay! Have.... fun." He fumbled for the door latch and slipped outside as quickly as he could.

As he closed the door, he heard Emily say "See what I meant about how aggressive she can be, Paul? I don't care if it WAS playful behavior... "

Kyle walked around, aimlessly wandering as a flurry of frantic thoughts flushed through his mind.

"They BOTH saw her nip and lick at my crotch.... I'm standing literally right in front of them! How could they NOT see her behavior? Do they think she's just being playful? Or do they know? Shit! Shit! That friggen dragon! Nixi! I NEARLY GOT RAPED BY A DRAGON IN FRONT OF MY OWN COUSIN."

"Why does the friggen dragon need to be in heat RIGHT NOW? Couldn't she wait a few days for this? Dammit! That was so friggen awkward!"

"Why am I acting like this? Why did I even run over here? Why do I care so much? Gosh... a few months ago I wouldn't have even cared about Nixi getting sold... okay wait. Maybe I would have, but I definitely wouldn't be freaking out like I am now. Okay, just calm down, Kyle... calm down, and you can think this over with Ethan or something... just get out of here for now."

And Kyle, unable to collect his thoughts, walked back to the ranch house, his hands clenched into fists, trying his best to forget what happened.

"Hey dragon.... I'm back!"

Silas stared at the dragon, whose back was towards him and had her head tucked in between her legs. It looked like he had walked in on the dragon cleaning herself. He could hear a loud squelching noise from the dragon's tongue as she repeatedly licked, and her broad, dark reddish wings were tucked around her body, obscuring his vision.

She gave no notice to Silas when he walked in.

"Hey... dragon. I said I'm back. And I brought food! You know... meat."

Hearing the word "Food", Relia paused for a moment, before removing her head from between her legs and folding up her wings. She turned and looked up at the human with a cautious optimism, picking up her neck and staring alertly at the unopened bag of beef jerky in Silas' hand. Tilting her head, she sniffed the air all around, trying to catch a whiff what was inside. Her snout was covered in a glistening sheen of what looked like saliva.

Silas smiled. He already had gotten more of a reaction out of the dragon than ever before, and he hadn't even gotten close yet.

"Yeah... I'm sure you want some food, huh, girl?"

Walking over to the creature, he maneuvered around the beast's body until he was facing her front...

And that's where he stopped in his tracks.

Relia's legs were spread open wide and Silas couldn't stop his eyes from drawing to them. He saw the dragon's vulva covered in a wet sheen, her private parts engorged and swollen with desire. He was hit by a wave of pheromones and the smell of female dragon sex... the scent being distinctly earthy and musky on his nose. It hung around his nostrils like an itch that wouldn't disappear.

... but what shocked him the most was the dragon's tail. The long, muscular appendage was curled around in a circle and the last few inches were implanted deep within the creature's vagina. And all the while, Relia, with her snout covered in her own arousal, was staring at him intently... casually, even. He looked on with a mixture of shock, disgust, and morbid curiosity at the Crestie's smoky gray vaginal lips, stretched wide around the darker, charcoal gray tail and exposing the dragon's internalized clitoris to the air.

He went to swear in surprise, but ending up only mouthing the words, as his chest had become tight with anxiety and no breath came out. His fingers lost their grip on the bag of jerky, causing it fall to the ground, and the sound of it hitting the floor snapped him out of his trance. Silas picked up the bag and backed up, not quite finding the words to describe the awkwardness as he realized the dragon had been pleasuring herself, even using her tail as a makeshift dildo. The fluid smeared on her snout had come from the dragon's sex.

"What the hell? I mean... I knew she was in heat... but really? Dragons can... masturbate? With their tails, even? What the hell? I mean... know Cresties are supposed to have prehensile tails but... seriously, what the hell?"

"Oh man, is stuff like this the kind of things Dad deals with? He never really said anything about this to me... Granted, I doubt he would have wanted to."

Grunting, Relia's tail removed its self from her vent, and the dragon stood up, licking her lips. She was annoyed to be interrupted, but the dragon wouldn't ever turn down the prospect of free food. Her mind hazy from arousal, the dragon stretched a bit, ruffling her wings. She walked towards Silas, with her head down and her eyes narrowed, her steps slow and methodical... like a stalking cat about to pounce. Her gaze looked purely predatorial in the human's eyes. He swallowed uncomfortably, finding her behavior to be a bit intimidating.

"Y-you want food, right? Food?" Silas fumbled around with the packaged meat, eventually pulling it too hard and tearing it open violently. He thrust his hand into the bag and pulled out a piece, holding it as far away from his body as possible, suddenly finding himself wondering if coming back to the pen may have been a bad idea.

Relia seemed to be amused at the human's skittishness, and growled approvingly of an offer for meat... She could already smell the spiced beef, and sniffed the air excitedly as she got closer.

Silas watched as the dragon slowly bent down to lick at the strip of dried meat in his hand. Gently, she mouthed at the piece, growling as she pulled and tore at it with her sharp molars, delighting in the savory flavor and swallowing eagerly after only several chews. Silas felt uncomfortable with the dragon's mouth so close to hand. She went down for the rest of the meat, and the nervous human gave her the piece, yanking his hand away when her teeth got close. When the dragon had finished chewing, she then found Silas' hand once more, and licked at it carefully, eager to lap up the remaining flavor on his fingers.

Silas tensed up when the dragon got close to his hand, but breathed a sigh of relief when he found the creature to only be interested in licks.

"Man, she sure seems hungry...."

He began feeding her more pieces until the bag was empty, the dragon eagerly accepting each treat with a happy, low trilling sound. Relia found the jerky to be delicious. The dark gray dragon took to staring into Silas' eyes as she chewed, an act that made him uncomfortable. It almost seemed like she was... deep in thought or planning something. Silas watched as the she sniffed the air curiously, hoping to catch a whiff of more food after the bag had been emptied.

Seeing the dragon wanted more, Silas reached down to the bottom corners of the bag, gathering up the tiny bits of scraps between his fingers and holding it out to her. She darted forward and latched on to his fingers, clamping down gently, not enough to cause pain, though the human yelped anyway out of surprise. She then began to lap at the fingers inside her mouth, massaging them carefully with her tongue. Relia watched the human's face with an intent concentration, eager to watch for his reaction.

Silas felt immensely uncomfortable with his fingers inside of a dragon's mouth, so full of sharp teeth and powerful jaw muscles... but he was relieved to find the dragon being gentle. Her maw was surprisingly warm and incredibly slick with traces of her female fluids still lingering around. When Silas realized what the lubrication was from, he grimaced, thinking it was a bit disgusting.

Silas then heard, oddly enough, a draconic churring sound emanating from the creature's throat. He knew it was a sound dragons made when very content.

"_She must like the taste a lot."_Silas mused.

The tongue's massaging stimulation felt odd to him... actually, the dragon's overall behavior felt odd to him, to be honest. What with her taking his fingers in her mouth, her staring, and odd churring noises....

And at that moment, Silas realized the dragon was taking an usual interest in him all of the sudden, especially when considering he had already been rebuffed by her several times today. He wish he knew what was going on in the dragon's mind...

As it was, there was a lot going on in Relia's mind. Though previously annoyed by this pesky and meek human, found herself intrigued by his return. Drunk on arousal, the dragon had come to realize that she could develop a use for him if she had the right plan... one that would have the human finding no choice but to pleasure her. She churred softly to herself, not from the food, but as she imagined the human's shaft deep inside her folds, spreading her vent wide, pulsing with a feverish rhythm of thrusts, his dextrous hands exploring her body in ways no male Crestie could ever match.... She had begun to come onto the human, testing him, seeing how eager he would be. If he resisted, Relia knew she would simply have to get more bold until the human folded.

... The dragon would have her way. It would only be a matter of time.

Relia let Silas' fingers drop out of her mouth. The human sighed with relief as he was allowed to have his hand back. He stood in front of the dragon awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Um... so, are you going to let me pet you now?" He asked. The dragon gave no reaction, but Silas figured it was worth a shot.

Slowly, the human reached out his hand, bringing it ever closer to the dragon's snout. But when he placed his fingers on the creature's head, Relia pulled back and snorted. Silas frowned.... thinking that may have been his best chance.

"Wha-I gave you food! And you still won't let me!" He turned to leave, pissed that he had wasted a perfectly good bag of jerky. However, just as Silas turned his back to the dragon, she growled deeply. He could almost feel the vibrations reverberate in the small confines of the pen.

Silas paused, turning his head and looking back in fear.

The dragon's red-hued eyes were narrow and full of lust. However, plain as it would have been to Kyle, Relia's intentions were lost to Silas' naive mind. To him, the Crestie looked incredibly hungry. Silas sucked in a breath and tensed up in fear. He saw the dragon creeping backwards, wanting to keep an eye on him, holding her head low. The crafty dragon was beginning to maneuver her back end closer to the door. Silas was wondering why she was backing off until he realized where the dragon was headed.

"She-she's going to block the exit!"

Panicking, Silas made a move. He was still a little closer to the door than he was, and hoped he could make it in time. He dashed to the door, but just as he put a hand on the latch, he was startled by a loud clatter. A thick, scaly tail had shot out, slamming its self across the wooden frame with a bang. Relia barred any exit, having already gotten her rear close enough to the door to block it. The tail looked like it would not budge, and Silas was afraid to try He backed up, biting his lip, knowing he had just been trapped inside.

Relia turned slowly, making sure to keep her bulk between the human and the door. She faced him, growling softly, looking to back Silas into a corner. The human slowly sidestepped to the left, wanting to get away, but suddenly the dragon's leathery wings shot out, blocking his progress. Relia then began to corral the human, spreading her wings either side of her, taking up huge space inside her pen and slowly advancing. Those spread wings blocked Silas in, ensuring that the human could not try and get around her.

"Wait, wait.... don't eat me!" He put his hands up in a meek protest.

Relia's narrow gaze stared unblinking, and the dragon licked her lips. Every step she took had the human backing up, with no where else to go. When Relia got close enough to corral him against the walls, she stopped to watch the human react. Silas looked positively horrified, knowing he had nowhere to run to. Relia let out a pleased churring sound at the sight of this helpless human, enjoying the moment of seeing her prey into a trap. The human was much more fun to tease than the male dragons on the ranch... so much more submissive. She had him where she wanted... and all that was needed now was for the dragon to gain his trust.

Silas looked like he was about to scream. Pinned against the corner of her pen, the human cowered as the dragon moved in ever closer, invading his personal space. He opened his mouth but no words would come out.

And then the dragon did something totally unexpected.

Being so close to the human had all sorts of interesting and fascinating smells waft to the dragon's nose. Curious and eager, she began to investigate. Silas watched as the dragon turned her attention to an odd part of his body, dropping her broad snout to his crotch and sniffing the area intently. He sucked in a breath and held it, tensing up. The Crestie seemed to take great interest in his pants, sniffing and giving small nudges to his crotch, even. She then placed her nostrils right under his groin and inhaled deeply, following with a loud snort.

The sudden noise caused Silas to jump, and he heard the dragon growl in response. Figuring it was best to let the Crestie continue her exploration, he kept as still as possible, not enjoying the attention at all.

"Why is she taking so much interest in me all of the sudden? What's so interesting about me that she didn't care about twenty minutes ago?"

The dragon nudged his crotch once more. She began poking around the area, nudging and prodding Silas' crotch with her snout repeatedly.

"She seemed really interested in the food at first... but now it's me... its my smell for some reason... And just a few minutes ago she was-"

"Oh hell!" Silas continued his thought process out loud. "You... you're in heat! You're interested in my scent cause I'm a guy.. And you... You just need another dragon!" Bringing her head to up Silas's height, Relia glared at the human with narrow eyes and huffed loudly.

Silas laughed, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. "And I thought you were gonna bite me or something! Turns out you're just a bit lonely, that's all. Heh... Maybe Emily will let you out later today so you can find some relief, huh?" He laughed softly to himself, realizing he had been scared for nothing.

The dragon did not seem to share his amusement.

"Look, I'm no dragon... Just let me go, okay? We'll get you another dragon to mate with eventually."

Relia stared back at Silas, her expression unmoving. The only sound in the room was the dragon's breathing, slightly labored from arousal. The slow, heavy rhythm of puffs that came from the creature's nostrils seemed deafening in the silence.

Slowly, Silas' uneasiness crept back inside of him. "Um.... dragon? Please get out of my face?"

Relia did not budge, standing like a statue before him. Her red-hued irises and sharp gaze continued to stare into his eyes. That look the creature was giving him.... she was making her intentions clear. Slowly, Silas came to realize the gravity of the situation, and his eye opened wide in disbelief.

"Oh hell... you... you don't.... No. I mean...Wait... A_re you serious?_ No. No! I'm not even a dragon!"

He pushed gently on the Crestie's chest in protest, and the dragon growled loudly at his touch, forcing the human to step back into the corner out of fear. Seeing this, Relia took the initiative, and once again began to sniff and prod at the human's crotch, to which Silas saw he was powerless to stop. She then began to lick at his jeans a few times, encouraging the human to remove his textile covering and let the dragon do her work. Getting him to remove the pants was an easier option than shredding through the tough denim. Silas felt her tongue through his jeans, rubbing against his unaroused cock. He didn't want to do this... he wanted to leave.

Once more the dragon nudged his crotch with her snout.


The dragon growled.


The dragon growled louder, and bared her teeth this time.

Silas was speechless. This dragon wanted to have a mate, and had choose him for some forsaken reason. Cornered by a horny dragon, trapped inside her pen, and unable to escape without her consent, Silas was dumbfounded. He saw literally no way out but to concede. Either he was taking the pants off or she was probably going to rip them off.

"I.... I.... ugh, okay.... O-okay!"

Gulping, his hands slowly found their way to his belt, which he reluctantly undid. The dark gray dragon vocalized a friendly trilling sound at his actions, and Silas thought that was the first time that she had seemed to be happy with him all day.

"Good lord, what am I doing? Okay, okay... l know what I'm doing. I'm undoing my belt, taking off my pants... and good lord, the dragon is getting excited. She's watching me do it... watching me take off my pants! Oh hell.... What am I getting in to? She's getting excited watching me take off my pants! Why did she choose me of all people? What is she going to do?"

Silas bit his lip, slowly and reluctantly undoing the button on his jeans. He then pulled down his fly. His actions were mechanical, unwilling. He barely believed what he was even doing. Yet, focusing on the lack of alternative options seemed to console his judgment. Relia leaned in close to sniff at his crotch once more with his fly now down. Her snout was poking and prodding everywhere, taking in the musky scent of the human, now strong on her nose. He could barely get the dragon's head out of the away long enough to grab hold of his jeans and lower them. Bending forward, he dropped his pants completely. A thin pair of cotton boxers were the only thing between a dragon and his cock....

... and that too, slowly slid off, coming to rest around his ankles. Silas sucked in a deep breath, looking down at the dragon examining his now-uncovered manhood, vocalizing a throaty, purring, growl-like sound.

Relia was pleased. She had gotten the human where she wanted.

Impatient from her heat, the Crestie wasted no time. She slithered her tongue out from her maw and lapped at the unaroused organ in front of her. The dragon needed her new mate aroused and willing. She knew he would come around in time with the correct amount of stimulation.

Silas tensed up as he felt the dragon's large tongue lap against his flesh, his mind full of anxiety, but suddenly finding his body surge with pleasure at the stimulation, betraying his thoughts of reluctance. Relia diligently licked all over Silas' cock, her smooth tongue stroking his flesh, giving long, slow laps all along his shaft. Silas inhaled deeply, unable to say a word, watching as his erection steadily grew at the dragon's efforts. Relia's tongue felt very warm on his cock, and the dragon's thick saliva quickly smeared all over his shaft as she worked the organ with her tongue. Upon seeing the human's shaft engorge, the eager Crestie began to lap in earnest along the tip, flexing and curling her tongue around the tool, appearing well-versed in how to please a male.

Upon finding the organ completely erect, Relia bent forward and nuzzled Silas' cock with a soft coo, rubbing her black, scaly lips over the organ, brushing her cheeks and snout up against it, feeling its firm resistance. The dragon's tongue snaked out the side of her mouth and curled around Silas' cock, and Relia looked up at him, gauging his reaction, seeing that the human still looked to be in shock.

Silas was beside himself. He never, ever, in his wildest dreams would imagine such a scenario... yet her he was, trapped in a pen, his cock being serviced by an animal... a seemingly quite eager one at that. Indeed, Relia's disposition saw a marked change as she continued to nuzzle and lick at his cock, lapping at the sensitive underside with a firm rhythm She seemed content... happy, even. At first he assumed the dragon was simply exploring his body, but as she continued to lick, Silas couldn't help but notice the dragon was plainly enjoying herself.

Slowly, he brought a hand to the Crestie's face, eventually placing his hand on the dark gray dragon's snout scales, expecting resistance. He was surprised to find that Relia once again growled and huffed at the touch, pausing her firm licks while doing so. He pulled back his hand and the dragon continued to massage the tool in front of her face with her tongue. He laughed at the absurdity of the situation, seeing her still unwilling to be pet even though the dragon was licking his cock all the while.

"Still no pets?" He asked, and the dragon ignored him as she continued to lick.

Silas never imagined such a creature would be interested in giving pleasure, thinking that the Crestie would have simply demanded to be mounted. Relia huffed loudly into the human's crotch, giving an agreeable little trill as she licked. He was pleasantly surprised by her actions... they showed a level of intelligence and emotion he never really expected.

And Silas was further surprised as the dragon suddenly opened her mouth wide and skillfully took the human's cock between her jaws. He yelped in fright and his hands immediately went to the dragon's cheeks as she began to suckle. The human's anxiety lasted only a moment though, as he realized that her mouth felt good... real good.

Silas swore between his teeth, immediately enraptured by the strong pulsing motion produced by the dragon's massaging tongue and rhythmic suction. "She's... fellating me! A dragon! A dragon is fellating me! Oh man... Why? What? ...How does she even KNOW how to DO that?" The human's legs tensed up as Relia worked him with her tongue, lapping along the underside, her jaws gently clamping down, causing him to groan. Her mouth felt so warm, so inviting, so... effective. He stood still and basked in the sensation for what seemed like an eternity, the only sounds noticeable was the rhythmic squishing noises produced by the dragon's maw and her labored, heavy breathing. He got lost in the sounds, having nothing to do but hold on for the ride while the dragon suckled.

Silas opened his eyes, realizing they had closed minutes ago, and looked down. He was surprised to find that Relia had taken his entire cock to its hairy base. Her snout, still wet with her own fluids, was pressed deep into his crotch. His hands were holding on to the dragon's slightly curved horns, as if they were handles. Moreover, he saw that Relia was staring up at him with her red-hued irises as she suckled. When the two made eye contact, the lusty Crestie growled approvingly and rewarded Silas with an extra-strong suck, causing the human to instantly hunch over and grunt in pleasure.

Relia thrust her head deep into the human's crotch, burying her muzzle deep in his pubic hair, growling and nuzzling his skin. After a moment, she then reared back, yanking and pulling at the shaft in her mouth before going back down, throwing Silas into conniptions from the pressure. With one more pull, the cock sprung from her mouth, and the dragon mouthed at the side of his cock, closing her eyes, wrapping her tongue around the shaft, and nibbling with her lips. Silas was shocked to see how much the dragon appeared to enjoy what she was doing. With a low coo, the dragon then took the saliva-covered member back into her mouth, content to suckle more.

Now panting, Silas wrapped his arms around the dark gray dragon's neck and jaw, stroking her cool scales, thinking that at least if he couldn't stroke her snout, he could touch her other places. Relia growled at the touch but reluctantly let the human continue. Silas rubbed and stroked passionately: he was urged on by his own heights of pleasure, feeling the need to show her somehow that she was doing an incredible job... to thank her.

"No, wait. Thanking her 'properly' would have to come later... Hold on a sec, she is probably expecting that, isn't she? She IS in heat, after all.... Shit! I don't think I'm ready fo-"

"Oh shit!" Silas moaned. Twisting her head, the dragon had begun to bob up and down on the shaft... a practice she first had learned with Kyle weeks earlier. She arched her neck and slid down onto his pole in an arc, each time causing the head of his cock to rub up against the ridged roof of her mouth. The stimulation was nearly too much for Silas, who jerked and seized. He could not prevent himself from giving a thrust into her mouth at her actions. Thankfully, the dragon did not mind... her snout was long enough to take him completely. He felt the dragon's throat distend in his hands as Relia swallowed, getting rid of the excess saliva and the human's pre cum in her mouth.

Silas grunted. He felt the dragon's large head in his arms, moving back and forth at a steady pace, clamping down with her jaws gently. The focused Crestie was beginning to drool out of her half-opened mouth. And all the while Relia seemed to be happy and content to continue, trilling excitedly as Silas began to squirm. He felt his orgasm coming on. He briefly wondered if he should tell her... if she would even understand.

"Oh man... Uh... dragon? I'm... I'm about to-"

Silas never finished his sentence as he sucked in his breath when the dragon suddenly picked her pace up, growling deeply around his cock. He felt the vibrations around his shaft, and they were wonderful. Tensing up, he squeezed the dragon's scaly neck tightly, his fingernails digging into her armored plates as the rest of his body seized up. He lost control of his hips as they began to move back and forth on their own accord. He began slamming his hips into the dragon's snout repeatedly, and yet the Crestie did not object. Seconds later he felt the intense pressure in his loins release with a burst of semen in the dragon's mouth.

Relia growled as the human released his seed, pressing deep into his crotch, sucking eagerly... almost hungrily. Silas couldn't help himself as he rammed into her mouth, his balls bouncing on the dragon's chin.

Relia trilled happily, clamping down, letting the human's spunk accumulate in her mouth as she savored the taste. She closed her eyes as she suckled, feeling the shaft seize and flex in her mouth, indulging in the complex taste of the human's spunk. Silas became vaguely aware of a loud squelching noise as the dragon continued to suckle with her cum-filled mouth. She stopped to swallow only after Silas had finished his orgasm, growling contently, and letting the half-erect cock drop from her mouth. She licked the shaft clean, appearing eager to do so, nuzzling his shaft and cooing all the while. In fact, he realized that the dragon seemed to especially enjoy his taste of his cum, or at least the act of her partner ejaculating. He wasn't sure which.

It was only seconds later that Silas, coming off his incredible high, remembered where he was and what he had just done. The anxiety came flowing back to him like a flood.

"Oh hell. You... a dragon. I just.... and you just..." He trailed off, unable to find the words.

Relia brought her face up to his own, and he noticed frothy gobs of his own spunk were smeared over the dragon's lips. The Crestie examined the human's face for a bit, then chirped. She then turned around, until her back side was facing the unsuspecting human.

Relia then lifted her tail and presented to Silas, turning back expectantly and licking her lips. The dragon's underside was covered in a light, smokey gray: a color that continued up the underside of her tail. Her wide, shapely hips, and the outside half of her muscular legs were coated in rougher, charcoal scales, coming together with the lighter tones of her belly and rump in a beautiful, molted wavy pattern. Silas saw her aroused slit in all its draconic glory, her lips still slick and puffed up from her heat, the tip of her aroused clitoris sticking out from the end of her slit, glistening in the low light of the pen. He stuttered, feeling a bit hot with embarrassment.

"Uh...." Silas stared at the dragon's snatch with an awkward gaze. He knew he couldn't say no. She wouldn't let him say no.

"What am I gonna do? Am I really going to have sex with her?" he thought. "Man, after that blowjob, maybe I-no, wait. I can't believe I almost thought something like that..."

Seeing the human's hesitance, Relia decided to coax him further. She backed up close to him and wrapped her muscular tail around his waist. The tail closed in around his torso, and he felt the dragon's smooth scales rub up against his body. The tiny keratinized plates felt cool on his skin. Relia growled and flexed her tail, bringing him shuffling forward, still with his jeans around his ankles.

"Wait-wait-wait...." Silas sputtered. The dragon growled in response.

"But I'm not even erect!" Silas protested, hoping to find an out. Undeterred, Relia's tail found its way to Silas' arm, wrapping around his wrist. She then pulled the hand up towards her crotch, despite meeting his meek resistance. Unbeknownst to Silas, the dragon loved to feel what humans could do with their dexterous hands... his unerect cock was no issue for her at all.

"Damn... I knew that wasn't going to work..."

"Wait, did she really just respond to what I said? Is the word "erect' even in her vocabulary?" An odd shiver went down his spine as he thought, wondering for the first time if this dragon had mated with humans before. "It certainly would explain a lot..."

Reluctantly, he put a hand on Relia's rump. He had been breathing in the musky scent of the dragon's arousal for a while now, almost beginning to find it enticing. Upon feeling the human concede, Relia's tail then dipped down slowly, running across the human's chest, the tip curling down around his front until it found the hem of his shirt. She then lifted the edge of the fabric up, urging the human to continue stripping. Seeing the dragon's insistence that he be naked, he chuckled a bit in spite of himself, and removed his arms from the sleeves, helping her remove his shirt completely. Relia continued to bend her neck and stare at the human through all of this, content to watch him also remove his shoes so he could pull his jeans and boxers from around his ankles. The action showed commitment on his part, and Relia enjoyed it.

Once ready to continue, Silas sighed and steeled himself for what was to come: he was about to masturbate and then have sex with a horny dragon... he was, in some perverse way, following his father's footsteps as a dragon breeder. The thought caused him to chuckle.

Suddenly, he felt Relia's tail wrapping its self around Silas' torso again, the tip of which this time found his crotch. He stiffened up as Relia curled her tail tip around his half-erect cock, squeezing it forcefully. He grunted and put a hand down to his crotch at the touch, feeling the lithe end of her tail firmly wrapped around his cock twice, the tip of which curled up next to his balls.

"Black Crested Sabels and their prehensile tails... Like a friggen spider monkey. Though... I'd rather do a Crestie than a spider monkey. Dragons are at least attractive to looking creatures..."

Silas twitched as he caught himself at the thought, realizing what had just went through his mind. Thinking things over, he realized he was a bit uncomfortable calling a dragon attractive, but shrugged it off.

A low growl and another constricting pull at his cock reminded Silas of what he was supposed to be doing. Relia's thick tail was draped around his hips, feeling heavy and muscular on his back. Seeing the dragon's eagerness for sex, and her willingness to pleasure him... it was making him feel a bit better about what he was doing. The dragon certainly seemed very human-like in her mating behavior, and he was a bit intrigued by it: this wasn't the animalistic rutting he had expected.

His curiosity urged him on as he placed one hand on the dragon's rear to steady himself and brought his other hand to her warm, moist lips. His chest tightened up as he placed his fingers on the draconic flesh, feeling at once the immense heat radiating from her sex. Relia cooed at the touch and shifted her weight back, eager for more. He cupped his hands over her sensitive mound, pressing in on the yielding flesh, marveling at how soft the skin felt... the scales were smooth and tiny. Silas then began to grope the dragon's vulva, running his hands over her engorged lips, spreading them and seeing the pink flesh inside, as he ran his other hand on her wide hips, getting a feel for the size of the dragon's large body.

"She's a little smaller than a horse... I wonder how tight it's gonna be?" Silas thought, with no personal objections coming to mind. His mind was already starting to forget that he was having sexual thoughts about a dragon.

Another constricting squeeze around his cock forced a grunt out of the human. Relia was enjoying the attention immensely, fluttering her wings slightly and leaning back into the human, encouraging him with her tail. He felt himself gaining a second erection. Feeling his fingers get slick with her fluids, he parted her engorged and sensitive lips. The dragon's internal clitoris was erect and exposed from its clitoral hood, nestled just inside her engorged lips, and farther up lay her slick vent. Silas took a deep breath, catching the dragon's scent thick on his nostrils, and ran two fingers up to Relia's entrance. He pressed inward, slipping into the dragon's depths.

Instantly, Relia arched her back and trilled, squeezing the cock around her tail tip once more. Silas found himself smiling at bit at the dragon's reactions, and began to pump inward. The eager Crestie was surprisingly tight on the inside, feeling of her flesh being incredibly warm and inviting. As he pushed in and out of the dragon, she felt her tail tip start to rhythmically squeeze and stroke his quickly stiffening shaft, and let out a long exhale of satisfaction. The rest of her tail, still wound around his torso, flexed and drew him a step closer to the dragon's rear.

Grunting, Relia squeezed around the human's fingers, and Silas felt her powerful internal muscles for the first time. He opened his eyes wide, enticed by the creature's prowess. Taking his other hand, he flicked his fingers along the dragon's spread vulva, feeling her soft skin and massaging her lips, before coming down to rub at her large clitoris. Relia arched her neck up in the air at the attention to her sensitive nub, and let out an odd churring sound, one that Silas had never heard a dragon make before. It sounded like the dragon was in a lot of pleasure.

"It doesn't seem like its taking too much to get her off... then again, she is in heat..." Silas thought.

Silas massaged the dragon's clitoris for some time, running his fingertips over the button in circles while he thrust into her vent with his fingers. He kept a steady pace, surprised to find he was starting to enjoy himself... and the rhythmic pulling of the creature's tail around his cock certainly helped. Silas heard the dragon's panting increase in intensity as her orgasm drew near. Moments later, Relia lowered her head as she tensed up and came, growling deeply as she was fondled to climax. Silas felt her muscular walls clench and contract, trying to draw his fingers in further as a small trickle of her fluids were forced out. The dragon's tail seized up, flexing around his torso and drawing him up against the creature's backside.

The dragon's climax seemed to wear on forever. Relia did nothing but keep her head down, looking focused with eyes shut tight, cooing as she held on to her release. She felt alive and wild under the manual stimulation. Her vaginal muscles were trying to draw more of Silas' hand inside her aching vent, and she relished every swipe of the human's dexterous fingers across her sensitive clitoris, the articulate digits stimulating her in ways impossible for a male dragon's large, clumsy claws and too-large tongue. This single moment, with strong hands skillfully caressing her most sensitive spots... this is one thing the dragon so enjoyed about human mates.

Moments later the dragon dropped her shoulders and huffed, coming off her orgasm, and Silas removed his now slick hands from the creature's vent. Relia ruffled her wings a bit and stretched, then looked back at the human with a knowing glare.

That look made it clear that she wasn't done. And Silas knew what the dragon wanted... her tail tip was still wrapped tightly around his cock, after all.

"You... you still want more, right? You want me to mount you?" Silas asked, feeling both unsure and enticed at the prospect of her answer.

The dragon trilled and released his cock from the squeezing embrace of her prehensile tail tip. The dragon then turned in a circle and laid down, before rolling onto her back with wings laid out. She hoisted her front legs in the air, her hind ones being slayed out to the side... the dragon was showing off her swollen vent. Her tail tip was swaying in the air slowly... appearing almost to beckon the human forward. Relia than curled her neck around so she could look at Silas upside down, inviting him to come closer with a friendly warble.

Silas's eyes opened up wide. "What the... she wants to be taken on her back? Like... missionary? That's.... that's kinda hot. And I can't believe I just thought that."

Relia had thought this out as thoroughly as a dragon could. She realized the human lacked the bulk and size to mate her properly like a real dragon, from behind with her standing up. Though she would miss out on the satisfaction of being mounted traditionally, the dragon knew that mating on her back this way was much more convenient with humans from her experience with Kyle.

It was more convenient... and quite thrilling in its own way.

Gulping, Silas steeled himself for what was to come. He walked over to her and knelt down over her tail, his legs straddling the large, muscular appendage. He felt his balls slide against the cool, smoky-gray scale plates that ran across the underside of her tail and shivered.

Silas' cock ached from her teasing tail. He wanted another release, and was at first unsure if he could go through with it. However... he became surprised to find himself willing to continue. The dragon's wet snatch was looking more and more like a great place to bury his cock. He began to line himself up to her still wet vent.

"Okay, dragon... I know what you want. And I'll give it to you."

Silas took his cock in hand and ran it up and down the entrance to the dragon's slit, feeling the heat of her arousal as it radiated on his skin. He gathered up a copious amount of the creature's lubricant on his cock head as he rubbed all over her scaly lips, finding himself enticed by the stimulation. Taking a deep breath, full of the Crestie's musky pheromones, he then placed his cock right between the dragon's labia and pressed in slowly.

Silas gasped at the penetration as he felt the intense heat of the dragon's vent envelope him, and nearly fell forward when Relia squeezed him with her powerful internal muscles, being shocked at the intensity. He sunk in easily, finding her passage to be both surprisingly tight for a nearly-horse-sized dragon and incredibly slick to boot. When he had pressed in all the way, he paused, seeing the dragon's smoky-gray vaginal lips spread wide around his own human cock, exposing her large, internalized clitoris to the air. He could barely believe what his eyes was seeing, but wouldn't ever deny how wonderful it felt. He began to move his hips back and forth slowly.

The dragon underneath Silas shifted. She brought her head up, curled around her own body and lifted her shoulders up, propping her upper body aloft using her wings and forelegs. There the dragon stared at this human mating her, sliding into her needy vent, giving her release. She growled approvingly when Silas made eye contact with her, causing the human to give an uneasy chuckle.

She wanted to watch.

Relia churred at the sensation of the human's mating tool spreading her passage, relaxing her neck and closing her eyes in satisfaction. Silas' cock felt electrified as he began to slide in and out of the dragon's warm snatch slowly, dropping his jaw as he began to pant.

"This is.... holy shit." Silas gasped, unable to find words for the experience. He was having sex with a dragon!

The pleasure of Relia's warm, inviting passage urged him on. Bending forward, he placed his hands on the dragon's large belly, covered with gray scales, and began to thrust inward at a steady pace. The dragon underneath him grunted and trilled, her mouth opening, causing her tongue to fall out of her jaws. One of her hind legs kicked in the air. Silas watched the dragon's broad chest rise and fall repeatedly as she took her deep breaths, slowly quickening in pace. Every so often, Silas would feel the dragon give him the odd squeeze with her internal muscles, making him grunt out of the intensity of the pressure every time. Silas had at first assumed that he was too small compared to a male dragon to give her much pleasure, but Relia did not seem to mind in the least. Perhaps, he thought, it was due to the elasticity of her vent... how it seemed tight no matter how wide it was stretched.

Silas felt the pleasure getting the better of him, and he lowered himself further, taking the initiative to lie on top of the large dragon's body. His head rested against the Crestie's smooth chest, feeling her rib cage rise and fall with every breath. Now lying down, he was able to thrust in more effectively, and picked up his pace, slamming into the Crestie's wet snatch recklessly. He wrapped his arms around Relia's thick torso, feeling her cool scales on his skin, and hugging her tightly, getting lost in the pleasure and letting out a moan. He tried to give it to the dragon rough, imagining that she was used to a larger, heavier male Crestie. Drawing his hips back until the tip was barely parting her folds, he slammed down hard, causing Relia to grunt and trill with pleasure. He repeated this, hilting the dragon powerfully with each thrust, feeling his body rock her own from the sheer force.

Relia enjoyed feeling the smaller human ravishing her body. She hissed and cooed as she felt him speed up, his cock spreading wide her sensitive lips repeatedly, the non-stop cadence driving her heights of pleasure ever higher. She tilted her head down to look at this human, seeing his face embedded deep within her chest, and bent down to lick at his hair and neck.

Silas was surprised at the affection, and enjoyed hearing the dragon react to every thrust, grunting and trilling, seeming oddly gentle and complacent now that she was being pleasured. He reached an arm down and took her heavy hind leg in hand, grunting as he lifted it. He then cupped his hand around her rear as he adjusted his angle and thrust into the dragon, spreading her tight lips easily. Relia arched her back, feeling Silas' cock rub against different parts of her sensitive walls in this new position. He squeezed the dragon's butt as he thrust, feeling her large, muscular thighs sway back and forth in the air from the rhythm of his own thrusts.

Relia lay back down, arching her back and yowling loudly, her hips starting to gyrate into Silas' own. She felt himself getting close, and the dragon urged Silas on with trills and warbles, pawing at the air, eager to feel his release. Her own internal muscles started to clamp down on the invading member rhythmically, starting up a slow cycle that gradually increased in speed and power, as if it were trying to draw more of Silas' cock inside. Suddenly, Relia's tail thumped behind him and the dragon kicked her legs as she came. The enraptured creature let out a low yowl as she bucked and squirmed under the smaller human, her vaginal walls convulsing and trying to milk the cock inside, pleading it to release its seed. Silas gasped at this new sensation, finding it just enough to send him over the edge.

Moaning, Silas rammed into the Crestie's cunt powerfully, taking the dragon with long thrusts. He felt a pressure rising up inside and held on, letting it build up in intensity as long as he could before he finally gasped and exploded inside the dragon's warm snatch, his seed shooting out with intensity and coating her seizing walls. He continued to thrust in, releasing several spurts of his spunk deep inside. Still the dragon's long orgasm continued, and as he road out his orgasm, he continued to pleasure the dragon with powerful thrusts. He laughed in disbelief as she was squirming and convulsing long after he had come of his own high. Silas did his best to thrust into the dragon until she had had her fill.

When Relia's body had finished exhausting herself, the dragon collapsed and rested her head upside down, looking satisfied with her thick tongue lazily sticking out the side of her mouth. Silas pulled out uneasily, still shocked at what he had done, looking down at his cock, now covered in draconic mating fluids.

"Man..." He muttered to himself. "I can't believe I screwed a dragon...." He then looked back at the satisfied Crestie enjoying her afterglow. "Although... shit, after seeing what the sex was like, can I blame myself for enjoying it?"

He took some water from the dragon's water trough to clean his messy crotch off before putting his clothes back on. Once washed and fully clothed, he turned to face Relia once more. The dragon had rolled onto her side and was intently licking her abused slit, lapping at the spent and released fluids, cleaning herself. Silas knew that dragons tended to be really hygienic creatures.

Relia picked her head up when Silas moved close.

"I... I don't know what to say... so... um, thanks." He mustered. The dragon looked at him, appearing unmoved. He tentatively reached his hand out to the dragon's face, hoping to finally pet her. Once again Relia growled, baring her teeth just a slightest bit.

Silas laughed in disbelief and threw his hands up in the air. "Still? Really? After all that, you still won't let me pet you?!" The dragon only continued to stare.

"... Fine. I give up. You win." He turned to leave, opening the door to the dragon's pen, before stopping and turning. Seeing the dragon lie there, with her legs spread open, his own spunk being cleaned from her scales... he couldn't help but feel a both bit awkward and satisfied from it all.

"Okay dragon: you're insane. But, like I said... thanks." He smiled uneasily, and closed the door behind him.

Later, before dinner, Kyle was sitting in the living room, talking to Paul along with Rachel and Aden. The three were discussing old stories of them working with Emily's father, back in the day when they all worked on the same ranch together. Kyle was listening intently, finding the stories amusing. Silas burst into the room and pulled Kyle away.

"Hey, can you meet me outside on the porch for a sec?"

Kyle gave a puzzled look. "Uh, sure... Lets go."

Once the two were outside, Silas confronted Kyle immediately, getting in his face.

"What's with that dragon you were riding today?"

Kyle reared his head back, finding the abruptness and randomness of the question unexpected.


"That Crestie you were riding... the one with the broken horn. She's crazy!" Silas hissed.

It didn't take long for Kyle to figure out what had happened. "Oh shit, man. did she... come on to you?"

Silas leaned in close and whispered "Yes!". His eyes were wide open in disbelief at what he was saying.

Kyle laughed, figuring that Relia had no doubt done a bit more than that with him. "She got you to have sex, I bet."

Silas dropped eye contact at the dragon tamer's prodding, and couldn't give Kyle an answer. "Well, I... uh..."

"Bingo!" Kyle thought. "Well, if it makes you feel a bit better, she's no stranger to fooling around outside her species. Relia and me... we've done our share of the ol' dragon hanky-panky, if you know what I mean." He gave a wink.

Silas stared for a second, then let out a huge exhale, bending over and putting his hands on his hips. "Oh.... man! That... wow. That makes me feel lots better knowing I'm not the only one. I've heard stuff about dragons and humans have been known to... you know. But really, I couldn't believe it actually, well... happens! That dragon wouldn't let me leave her pen until I... err, you know." He looked flustered.

Kyle was amused, seeing another guy go through his first time with a dragon, dealing with the initial guilt and uncomfortable feelings of going outside your species... having experienced the same thing a couple months ago. It was giving him a fond sense of deja vu, causing him to remember his first time with Relia. However, he couldn't help but feel a bit jealous that his favorite Crestie had taken to another guy... Kyle had come to look at Relia as "his" dragon over the past few weeks, and was a bit upset to find that she had been going behind his back.

"I'm totally not surprised that she's been with guys before.... well, human guys. I mean, I know this sounds odd, but she just seemed... experienced."

Kyle laughed. "So how did this happen?"

"Well, I just wanted to pet her... really, that's it. You remember how she growled at me when we first met today? Yeah, I just saw you riding her and petting her.... to be honest, I was just a bit jealous that she liked you and wouldn't have anything to do with me. So I tried to bribe her with food when she was inside her pen..." Silas looked down at the floor. "...but it didn't work."

"You put yourself in a bad spot. Should have tried that outside." Kyle offered.

Silas shrugged. "Yeah, well... I figured that out after she planted herself in front of the only exit... I thought she was gonna eat me at first, to be honest! But instead she, err... came on to me and we ended up doing... you know." Silas looked incredibly uncomfortable explaining what had happened.

"But even after we... you know, she still wouldn't let me pet her!"

Kyle raised an eyebrow, finding this part of the story interesting. "So wait.... you and her had sex, and she still growled at you afterwards? I thought Relia would have warmed up to you by then."

"Er... yeah. It kinda ticked me off. To be honest, I think she likes you a hell of a lot more than me. That dragon... you said she's named Relia? She seemed to be a bit... antsy about her heat when I came in. I think that's what started it all..." Silas turned around, trying to get a hold of himself.

" Ah... I see. She just wanted relief from her heat after being cooped up all day. Poor girl." Kyle felt a bit better about the situation, and smiled broadly. "Man... That Relia... I guess I didn't get replaced by this guy after all... now I kinda want to step in and check up on her..."

"Thing is, though.... She's coming back with us. So I'll have to deal with her some more..." Silas groaned.

At that note, Kyle instantly frowned. He suddenly remembered that Relia and Nixi were leaving the ranch, and hung his head.

"Yeah... Actually, I'm kinda broken up about that.... I don't want Relia to leave."

Suddenly, both guys heard Rachel call from inside. "Boys! Dinner is ready!" Silas started for the door when Kyle stopped him.

"Hey... tell Emily I'll be there in a few, okay?"

Silas shrugged. "Sure." He opened the screen door and stepped inside, leaving Kyle alone in the late afternoon sun.

Sighing, Kyle leaned out over the banister and stared off at the horizon. He had suddenly lost his appetite.

"Dammit... they're leaving! Why does Emmie have to go and sell Nixi off? And then ship freakin' Relia away for who knows how many months it takes for her to lay her eggs. What is it... six months or something? Shit! I.... I'll miss them."

"And dammit, I don't even know why I'm so upset about this. They're just dragons.... right? Will they miss me as well? Are they going to be upset that they'll never see me again? Will they struggle and resist being put on that truck and driven away?"

Kyle took a deep breath, holding it in for a moment before letting it out in a big exhale.

"... Whew... Get a hold of yourself, Kyle... they're just dragons. They'll get over it.

.... Right?

Shit, what about me? Will I get over it? Damn. They're just dragons. JUST DRAGONS, KYLE. Get a grip on yourself."


"Ah.... shit. Dammit why does it have to end like this? I... I can't bear to see them go. We're gonna be loading them up tonight... I figure I got an hour or two to say goodbye before we start. After that I think I'll just disappear somewhere.... I don't think I can stand around watching them be loaded up onto that truck..."

Just then Kyle heard Rachel's voice yelling from inside the house. "KYLE! Get your butt in here so we can eat!"

Sighing, Kyle turned around. Unable to shake the melancholy surrounding his mood, he slowly slinked back inside, knowing this would be the last night he'd be able to spend time with his dragons...



~Relia learned how to beat the heat, and she didn't even need Lebron to fade in the finals! I'd tell Lebron to go suck it, but I'd be too worried that he would CHOKE. I once asked Lebron to borrow a dollar.... He gave me 75 cents and told me he didn't have a fourth quarter. I turned down my phone's volume to silent... I call it "Lebron mode" because it has no ring. Now we know why Lebron has a car with automatic transmission... he's not good with the clutch.

We are all quitnesses. Write it down.

~As I said at the top, this was a commission for tagesh. He wanted a story of a reluctant human that gets "turned" by a plotting dragoness, so I went with a new character and was able to advance the plot along the way! Two birds in one stone, bitches! Anyway, thanks so much for the commission, tagesh! You were generous, and really easy to work with... I hope I could live up to your expectations!

~I loved writing Paul's character. I just imagined this really loud, boisterous Egyptian man that was short, fat, and balding. Why? I dunno why... my mind comes up with crazy, random shit all the freakin' time! On a side note, I introduced a LOT of of new plot here, so I hope no one got too confused.

~I worked quite a bit on that long, awkward situation of Kyle and Nixi... I hoped it turned out alright... I wanted it to be awkward for the reader too, and tried hard to transfer that emotion onto paper for you to read. But after several revisions, I just gave up and went with what I had, lol.

~ "Relia and me... we've done our share of the ol' dragon hanky-panky" Is my favorite line. I'm gonna start using the phrase "the ol' dragon hanky-panky" now. ^__^

~Yes, the end reads "to be concluded." As in finished. Finito. Fin. Last chapter is coming up next. Relia and Nixi are leaving the ranch. And I already have the story plotted out for the final chapter! (It's BEEN planned out because I've been trying to end this story for a while, lol) However, if anyone really wants to see this story continue.... well, I can always work something out via PMs or something. After all, I already added two chapters_ due to commissions, postponing the ending. >__>_