X-Men Marks the Spot Chapter Two: One Act of Human Kindness

Story by bighope on SoFurry

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#2 of X-Men Marks the Spot

I do not take credit for the characters in this story from Marvel. The only one that is original is Hex and the little girl.

This story will hold gay actions in it latter, but as of yet not now, but sooner or later Hex will have some fun with someone! This i swear!



"No Bird..." I mumbled in my dark slumber, "I'm not gunna get up to help those damn squirrels..." I tried to swat away the noise, but my hand was restricted. My eyes shot open, and I instantly regretted it, light stabbed my eyes and I had to shut them tightly to squeeze the tears out, but that didn't stop me from growling in protest. I started to shake my paws in anger desperately trying to get free, but unyielding cold metal bit into my fur every time.

"Hex, don't fight your restraints, you'll pop another stitch."

That wasn't Bird, that was that girl, what was her name, "Jean! You bitch, get me out of here!" I slowly opened my eyes, now blurred by tears, and slowly the room came into focus. It was the small hospital room like before, only the doors were sliding steel doors. The walls and ceiling was covered in steel as well, and I looked to my paws to see had cuffs strapped to my bed and manacles strapped to my foot paws.

"The professor didn't want you running off before your wounds were healed." She said disregarding my insult and continuing, "I assure you that you are not a prisoner, as soon as you are healed you will be free to go, but not before Xavier has a word with you." Her voice was always calm and collect, she had changed her clothes since the last time I saw her, she was wearing a blue tank top with black dress pants with a lab coat around it all, and her hair was tied up into a neat bun.

"I'm not a prisoner am I?" I seethed, "As far as I can tell I'm chained up like one."

"For your own good," she retorted in a calm and sincere manner, "last time you got up you practically bled out on the floor. I know it might look bad now Hex, but you have to understand that we are only trying to help you."

"Oh, right, you humans are really trying to help me. First you drag me away from my forest, then you put pants on me, and now you chain me to a bed! I wouldn't have even been in this mess if you humans would have just stayed off of my mountain and left well enough alone. I was happy where I was, I never asked for your so called help. I wish you humans would just keep to your own and leave me out of your damn affairs."

"Hex," she said in an almost sad voice, "we are keeping to our kind. You're a mutant..."

"How dare you compare me to you!" I shouted, "I am no human, and I am no mutant!"

"Hex. Yes you are. I may look like a human, but I am a mutant. You've seen what I can do."

"Like what? Cuff me to a bed?" I emphasized this by shaking my restraints.

"Like enter your mind," she said, "But your telepathy is preventing me from entering again. It's as if your powers are preventing me from entering you like Magneto's helmet." That was a nice little piece of information, I'll have to make a note of that, "But I can also move things with my mind."

"Whatever." I said giving up and falling back onto my pillows, I was too exhausted to actually keep up a menacing demeanor.

Jean had a look of concern on her face then I saw her face light up with an idea, "Hey, Hex, I know a bit about you. You are twenty-five, but you have the metabolism of a sixteen year old so you look...well sixteen. You had two sisters and three brothers. Your adoptive mother was a wolf. Why don't I tell you a little something about me?"

"Because you know I won't listen." I said turning my head away.

"What if I could find someone you would listen to."

"Don't hold your breath."

"Just wait here and..."

"Where am I going to go?" I said giving one good jerk at my restraints one more time.

"I'll have someone come in here to talk to you and keep you company, just a minute." I just gave her a grunt and started to pretend I was asleep. She got up and went to the door and pressed a few keys and the door slid open and she was gone. I tried to gnaw on my restraints, but whatever they were, they were stronger than steel, I could bite through steel. I could also bend steel, but this stuff was just too strong and I gave up and just started listening to the monitor, trying not to go insane with the walls all around me. It seemed every time I looked the room was smaller, I never had that problem in my forest, I would find something new every day, but in this room! I could do nothing, but look at the warped, reflective surface of the steel. Never changing and never breathing, just lifeless steel.

I eventually just started looking at my reflection in the steel, its way of mimicking life as it happens, but never actually living. Steel must be a very envious material if it tries so hard to mimic life.


A cloud of black smoke popped in front of me while I was making faces in my reflection, and my blood ran cold. A demon stood there, his fangs bared and yellow glowing eyes, his skin was an ashen blue and he had a forked tail. I instantly started barking at him with all my strength, shouting at him and straining against my chains in order to kill him before he got me. Spit flew from my maw as I strained to claw his body to ribbons.

The demon flew backwards and...

Poof! He disappeared again and,

Poof! He reappeared against the farthest wall.

It happened in a split second, so fast that I couldn't see it happen.

"Woo their big guy," he said in a German accent, "I'm not here to inflict you any harm."

"Don't come any closer demon, or for god's sake I will fight you in the afterlife before you take me."

The demon was wearing baggy khaki pants with a belt holding it to his thin frame, the buckle of the belt was a circular crest with an X on it, and he had no shirt on. He had a nice chest, and tattoos that looked like scars made elegant designs all over his body. Now that I got a good look at him, he looked a little winded and sweaty, his body had a sheen of sweat all over him and his long blue hair was matted to his forehead.

He looked a little shocked and hurt, "Um...sorry friend if I frightened you, but like I said I mean you no harm." His teeth were jagged and sharp. He put his hands behind his back, which were three fingered claws, and lowered his head in what looked like shame.

"Little solace comes from words spoken between fangs."

The demon gave a hardy laugh, "I could say the same thing. Jean said you were testy, but I think she was putting it mildly."



I looked all around to see a dark fog fading from the ceiling, "Why don't you let me get a better look at you." He was hanging upside down from the piping that was protruding from the ceiling. His feet were bare as well, and they were also three pronged claws.



"How does he move so fast!?!"

"I'm not moving friend." I jumped out of my fur.

"Get out from under my bed!" I roared.



He reappeared at the far wall again, "Come on." He said, "I'm just having a little fun."

"I don't find being chained fun." I seethed trying to put my fear in check.

The demon seemed to take on a different mood, almost as if he could sympathies, "I know what you mean..." I saw the memory of a dark shadow crawl over his shiny disposition, "But I'm not here to tell you my life story, I'm here to give you someone to talk to. So..."



He reappeared in the chair next to the other bed in the room one foot propped up on his knee, "what do you want to talk about my friend."

"How do you do that?" I said.

"What, this?"

Poof, poof, poof, poof, poof, poof, poof, poof, poof, poof, poof!

The room was filled with dark smoke that was quickly fading and my eyes were spinning from trying to keep track of where he was.

I shook my head, "Stay in my vision." I seethed, "I don't like not being able to see you."

"Ok, whatever makes you feel more comfortable. Now to answer your question, I'm not moving at all, I'm teleporting."

I scoffed at him, "Impossible."

"Oh really? Look," he said holding up the palms of his hands, "nothing up my sleeves." I was about to say that he didn't even have any sleeves, let alone a shirt, on when...


He was gone...


He was back at the foot of my bed with a small tree, completely up rooted.

"I can also teleport other things if they are touching me." He patted the tree trunk and then...


The tree was gone along with the demon.


And he was back in the chair.

"How...you..." I said dumb founded.

"I see this is going to be easy, it would seem the cat has your tongue."

"Your name." I spat out quickly.

"Huh? Oh, right, my name, well my friends call me Kurt, but my code name is Nigh Crawler."

"What a disgusting code name." I said and turned my head away.

"Well, I didn't choose it, I use to be part of a circus act and that was my stage name. I guess it just stuck."

"Why did Jean choose you to talk to me Kurt?"

"Why?" he seemed intrigued with the question, "probably because I have been through the same thing as you. Pain, suffering, anger, unfairness."

"You couldn't possibly understand what I've been through."

"Is that so," he said in a condescending way, "Imagine the reaction you just gave me, replayed in front of you every day, every time you stepped out of the shadows, every time you wanted to see the light of day, just feel the warmth, the smell of the sun." His voice became increasingly angrier as he went on, "Thrown out into the streets by your own parents to fend for yourself, scrounging through garbage to find food in the dead of night, learning to fear light because you might be noticed, horrible rumors of you being posted in papers about a demon come to plague the citizens of their fair town. Then when the people can't take the fear any more they form a mob and burn every alleyway, every home to find were the demon is, to drive it into the light, and then..."

"Stop!" I said, my voice cracking, a small tear forming in one of my eyes, "I think I've talked enough Kurt...just go."

"Jean wants me to check in with you every hour in case you want to talk." he said in a stern voice that slowly grew back into his gentle soft tone, "I need to get back to training, this was a nice break, and talking with you has been...enjoyable." He said the last part awkwardly, "I'll be back around noon."


"Gut derch." I just raised my eyebrow and he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Oh, sorry, that's my German talking, it means good bye."

"Then gut derch to you."

"Yes, well..."


And I was left alone with my thoughts. For about five seconds, I heard the whirl of the metal doors locks coming undone. When they opened Jean came in with a warm smile on her face that instantly vanished.

"Where's Kurt?"

"He left." I said trying to mask my emotions.

"You scared him off already?" she put a hand to her forehead in frustration.

"I asked him to leave." I said in a calm level voice. Jean looked at me and her features softened into concern.

"You actually talked to him? What did you talk about?"

"We had an all-out pity party and became great friends, he even let me braid his hair." I said rolling my eyes. When Jean didn't say anything and her emotions stayed the same I sighed, "We talked about how our lives sucked, the only difference is that he hasn't become strong from his struggles. He still suckles from the tit of human lies. Drunken on the deception that humans can be anything other than selfish avaricious monsters that they are."

"Well that's new."

I knitted my eye brows, "What?"

"You talk of him as if he isn't a complete monster, just a confused person." She made her way to the doors again, "You like him don't you."

"He is a lesser of many evils I assure you."

"You seem to be talking to me differently as well." She said punching in numbers at the key pad, each one making a different sound.

"To only lure you into a false sense of security," I said in a forced serious tone, "then I will rip out every hair on your head after I rip it from your shoulders."

"And he's back." She gave a sigh as the doors started to open, "Kurt will be hear in a bit to talk to you again."

"To keep an eye on me right? Make sure I didn't escape?"

"To keep you company, so you don't feel so lonely. At least one living thing in the room, right? Something not trying to sap the life out of you like all of this lifeless steel."

"I told you to stay out of my head."

"I got that from you before you told me to get out. Now get some rest before I put some pants on you." She said it as a joke, but I refused to laugh. Jean then left without another word.

When I knew she was gone a wicked smile played across my face, "Thanks for the code Jean" I thanked her in my head. I then made myself comfortable, as comfortable as I could get with all the walls around me, and rested. I would need all the strength I could get for the following hour.


I awoke to a Poof, as Kurt made his way into the room appearing in the chair next to the other bed. He was in the same get up as before, guess he didn't have time to change out of his training cloths.

"Hello sleepy head. How you feeling."

"Like a new man." I said rolling my eyes.

"Good, do you want to talk?"

"Anything to take my mind off of this damn room."

"Well, I talked before, why don't you tell me something about you?"

"What could you possibly what to know." Kurt ignored the acid in my voice, his expression never changing from its happy glow.

"Actually, if you don't mind me asking, why do you hate humans so much? I know..."

"What?!" I didn't even try to hide the surprise in my voice as I cut him off, "Based on what you told me I should be asking why you aren't setting fire to cities, stealing children, teleporting people into the middle of the ocean, you of all people should know why I hate humans. They go against the natural order of things; they destroy nature and life to fuel their avaricious ambitions. Kill their own kind to take what they want and justify it with such little excuses: racism, money, power, status, and the lowest of excuses is ignorance. Killing something because they don't know it, don't know how it really is. I have closed my heart to them, they chose to track you down and kill you like a beast, claiming you were a demon! How can humans call anything demonic when they have caused all the suffering and destruction to this planet? A demon is a creature that only seeks destruction, and I have never seen such self-destructive creatures in my twenty five years on this earth. So the question is Kurt, why don't you hate humans?"

"Because," he said without a second thought, "a human saved my life." I rolled my eyes but Kurt ignored me, "He brought me here, and saved me from myself. If he hadn't have come when he did I can see now how I would have turned out. And for his sake, for his one act of kindness, I choose to not hate all humans for the actions of a few. That is what I think is true ignorance. The wiliness to judge a race or a group of people or beings based on what a select few did. It is true that humans are capable of great evil, but also of great good. I have saved countless humans, some grateful, some not so much, but I don't stop because a few reject me. I keep going to prove to the ones that believe in me that I am worthy of their kindness, and to prove to the other ones that they shouldn't be afraid. Hatred only breeds more hatred Hex, nothing good comes from us hating each other.

"Hex, I don't hate you for what you tried to do to the Professor. I don't view you as a monster either." I was actually surprised at that one, "I just see a very handsome man poisoned by his own hatred."

"And I see a very beautiful creature poisoned on the delirium that humans are anything but vile disgusting creatures." Then I saw his cheeks become a deeper blue.

"You think I'm...I mean," he shook his head, his cheeks returning to their ashen blue, "Hex you don't need to let anger dictate your actions, hatred only makes you do things you wouldn't normally do. I can see the spark of kindness and love in your eyes, masked by your hatred and ignorance."

"You can hardly say my anger isn't justified. As you can see I was chained by humans!"

"Jean isn't a human she's a..."

"I don't care what the hell she calls herself!" I shouted, "She may hide behind the excuse that she isn't a human, I don't see the difference between the two!"

Kurt looked a little shocked from my outburst, "I never thought that I would hear someone say that like you did."


"That there is no difference between mutants and humans. You said it like you're not one of us."

"I'm not like one of you! You and the humans aren't any different. You claim my ideas are wrong, even though they have proven me time and time again that I'm right, and look at where I am. In a hospital room, recovering from mortal wounds, chained to a bed. Like the humans would do any different. The only difference is that you use mind readers to extract information from me instead of tubes."

Kurt looked at me, mouth agape, at a loss of words, "We...aren't trying to hurt you, we are only trying to help you. We brought you here because you would have died otherwise, we are trying to heal you."

"Really? Is that how you see it? Look at that far wall." I pointed to the wall opposite from me, warped reflection in the steel, "I see a chained animal, his freedom taken from him to live in a cage disguised as a hospital room to be observed like a zoo animal. What do you see Kurt, a patient bound for his own safety? The last time I checked I could sit still without the help of chains. Whatever way you see it, this treatment will not open my heart to bread any love for you humans or mutants as you call them. And hatred has done me just fine up till now, and that was just because I underestimated my opponents."

"What do you want me to do about it?" Kurt said in a mixture of concern and agitation.

"For starters I would like you to take this damn restraints off."

"You know I can't do that."

"Yes you can. If you can teleport a tree, then you can teleport these restraints off of me."

"No! Better put would be I won't do that."

"Then you are no better than the humans." And I turned away, "Leave, and don't bother coming back. I can guarantee you that I won't want to talk." I could feel the hurt feelings rolling off of Kurt. Now's my moment of truth, had I used the right words to convince him to...


And I was left alone, "Damn," I said in my head, that's all right. Knowing what I do about Kurt, he will be back regardless of what I said, and then it would be round two. He seems like the kind of guy that wouldn't give up just like that. I don't know when I did it, but I issued a challenge against him. He isn't going to give up until he convinces me that not all humans are bad, or until he gives into my philosophies. Every horse, no matter how domesticated, can be brought back to the wild.

But for now, I will rest up. I fluffed my pillow as well as I could with my restraints, and tried to fall asleep again. It didn't take long as I fell asleep in minutes.


I awoke and stretched my arms letting out a long yawn, opening my eyes to see the sky...covered by a steel ceiling. I crossed my arms and huffed in frustration, pulling my legs up to rest my muzzle on them. I hate being here, when is Kurt coming to...take...off...my. I lifted my paws to see no metal bracelets cuffing me to the bed. I looked around for a guard and saw none, but I did see a pile of handcuffs in the chair next to the other bed with a slip of paper on it.

I sprang out of bed and instantly fell over, the room spinning, and my legs bulked. I got up to fast I then proceeded to stretch my legs to get them working again. I walked over to the chair and brought it to my muzzle. I had learned to read from a book that a child left in the woods once, it was a beginners guide to reading. I was fascinated with it instantly; it was like learning the enemy's secret language, I then got a pocket dictionary from a poacher and some other books from his car. I quickly became a master at reading, such a simple code.

The note read "We aren't all bad." And I knew exactly whom I had gotten to. A dark smile played across my face.

"Time to blow this place!" I said crumpling up the note and tossing it over my shoulder.


It took a lot longer than I thought, I kept pressing the wrong keys to make the wrong notes, and I wanted to get out before Jean made it back. It wouldn't be easy taking down a telepath that strong. Now was it Beep, beep, bop, boop, or was it Beep bop, boop, beep. After about ten minutes of finagling I had found that the code was 4376. The doors slid open to reveal a completely white room with about ten desks in front of a clear whiteboard.

Rage plumed in my chest when I saw what was on the whiteboard illuminated by a light in the back of it. Diagrams, X-rays, statistics of my body! Undecipherable words and formulas were scrawled across the board, each one connected to lines that formed into a web that converged on the various pictures of me. I picked up one of the steel desks with one paw and threw it as hard as I could at the white board. A satisfying shatter and rain of broken glass, or whatever it was made of, erupted from the collision. I then walked over the shards and picked up the photos of myself and tore them apart, put half of them in my maw and swallowed. Good luck putting that back together.

Not all humans are bad, yah right Kurt, laughable. Kurt, I hope you burn in hell...but I won't put you there seeing as you freed me. I then came to another glass sliding door on the far side of the room. I picked the desk up and threw it against the door and it instantly shattered. Alarms blared as red lights stained the white to crimson as I ran down the seemingly endless maze of hallways. My wounds had been almost completely healed, I would have to pull the stitches out when I got back to the forest.

I started to hear voices, young children being directed by a woman.

"Come on children," a strong feminine voice said, "get into the elevator, Peter, make sure they get off the school grounds. The mutant that we were treating has escaped, he is far too unstable to be trusted, if you see him, do not confront him. Just get the kids out of here." I stayed back to the wall listening to the conversation. The human named Peter must have shown some sign of understanding because he never responded, "Good, now go."

I heard doors sliding closed and then footsteps coming down the hallway. I don't want to have any confrontation, as far as I can tell, all the humans here have strange powers. I wasn't about to go fist-de-cuffs with anyone. Better if I settled this quietly. I spread my mind until I was in hers. I sent a sound that seemed like I was running down a different hallway in the opposite direction. She instantly froze and turned and started to slowly walk the other way. That's when I made my move. I rounded the corner. I saw a curvy figure wearing a black sweater and white pants. Her silky white hair flowed down to the small of her back and I saw by her hands that she was African.

I continued to make her think that I was just around the other corner as I silently crept up to her. She was in a crouched fighting stance, her black stockings absorbing most of the sound of her footfalls. She smelled like a human, but she had this smell of ozone about her, like that smell you get right before a thunderstorm.

I was only a few steps away from her when I saw her tensing in her muscles. She knows! I pounced after her, she was halfway turned around when I tackled her and smashed her head against the hard ground. She was out cold. I ran over to the elevators and pushed the up button. I instantly heard the whirl of machinery as the elevator started to make its quick descent. With a ding the doors slid open, to reveal a man. I pounced on him before he had time to react and I pinned him to the floor. He was wearing red tinted sunglasses that completely shielded his eyes, and had short, dark brown, cropped up hair. His clothes consisted of a leather jacket and a blue under shirt and black jeans with black tennis shoes.

"You make a move," I said flipping him over and gathering him up in my arms, "and I'll snap your neck."

"You must be Hex," the man said in-between grunts as I gathered him up into a standing position.

"And I don't know your name," I said in fake sympathy as I pressed the first floor button, "I'm so embarrassed."

"The name's Scott."

"I may have been a little too subtle before; I don't give two shits who you are. Just shut up and you won't get hurt."

"Ok, ok," he said in a casual tone, betraying the over active heart I could feel in his chest, "I see how it is. But first will you at least let me get a good look at my attacker." The doors slid open and I threw the guy against the back of the elevator and hit the down button. I turned to see his crumpled form leaning against the back of the elevator, his glasses crooked. He looked like he was out cold. Doesn't matter, the elevator dinged and the doors slid closed, me safely on the other side of the doors.

I was at the back of a hallway; dark wood paneling lined the walls and various other doors. I dashed down the hallway to find myself in a grand foyer that had two archways, one going to a living room with a chalk board and various chairs, the other led to a staircase that went upstairs and in-between me and the large double dark wood doors was the old man in his wheel chair. His hands were folded in his lap, and a sad look played across his face, but I kept my guard up. This man is a very powerful telepath, he may look normal, but he is anything but.

"Hex, my poor, poor boy." He said shaking his head down, "What have you done?"

"I'm getting out of here. Out of this prison."

"We would have let you go Hex. You needed only wait for Jean to come get you, she would have removed your stitches, we would have talked a bit, and then you would have been free to go."

"You honestly expect me to believe that. Easy for you to say that now, now that you don't have Logan here to protect you."

"You wouldn't kill me." He said into his lap.

"You're right. Just tell me were that little ice bitch is and I'll stop tearing apart your mansion and leave."

"You're not in a position to make those demands Hex."

I instantly felt a shiver go up my spine, I did a three sixty and saw I was surrounded. A girl on the staircase in skinny jeans with a fishnet sweater and a tank top was sitting on the railing taking off a pair of ash brown elbow long gloves. A lock of her hair was salt white and the rest a dark auburn.

The man in the elevator and woman in the lower levels standing in the hallway that I had come from, and in the living room stood Logan leaning against the chalk board and Kurt hanging from the light fixture. I looked back at the man in the wheel chair, next to him stood Jean in her lab coat and a man in a white tank top and cargo pants and boots with blond hair up in an army cut.

How had they snuck up on me! That's when I noticed the fading black fog around the new guy's feet. Kurt, of cores, I didn't even hear the Poofs of his teleporting, the old man had distracted me. I couldn't fight Logan and the man in the wheel chair by myself on my own turf. There was no way I could fight all of them, especially if they weren't normal humans. My shoulders hunched in defeat, there was only one thing I could do. I felt all the energy fall out from under me, I was trapped, and I was at their complete mercy. I could have shot my mind blasts at about half of them, but then the other half would just attack.

I fell to my knees, "You son of a bitch! Just let me go! I will never find any hope to fight for your battle! I will never help humans! I will never help you! You're all monsters, you all say that you're different, but you're not! You all want something from me, you all want me to do something for you! This is not my battle! Leave me out of it...just let me...go." I was struggling to keep my tears from coming. I looked up to see a new human had miraculously appeared. A small girl in a pure white night gown, she couldn't be more than five, her bare feet poking out from under the curtain of fabric and her long brown hair falling in curls around her back.

The girl was holding the old man's hand and had her other thumb in her mouth, a look of slight fear in her eyes, but it was slowly fading to innocence. The man nodded to the girl and she let go of his hand and looked to his eyes, then back to mine. She hesitated then put a shy step forward. I kept my eyes glued to her, each of her hesitant steppes towards me I felt fear tare through me.

"Stay away!" I hissed, taking a fighting stance as best I could on my knees and instantly the girl froze shielding her face, a small muffled squeak coming from her. I could sense her fear, her sincerity, her...warmth. My stance softened, she noticed this and she took a gentle step forward, "I said stay away." I said it as if stating a fact instead of actually trying to repel her. She was about arm's length away when I saw a glimmer of something, a fogged over memory, and I dropped my arms and the girl got about two feet away then she stopped.

Her brown eyes were looking down with her hands firmly at her sides, her hands clenched into fists and her lips a hard line. I stared in a dumfounded way, and then she hesitantly held out her hand. Her fingers slowly prying themselves out of their clenched fists into a warm outstretched hand. I looked at her hand to the man in the wheel chair to the girl's eyes then back to the girls hand. Looking back on this moment I could have done a thousand things, I could have grabbed the girl and threatened to kill her if any of them made a move to attack me, I could have killed that girl, but instead I took my thumb and for claw and hesitantly took her hand.


Images flooded my head, it was like I was looking at a tunnel of pictures zipping past me at lightning speed. The girl in the middle of it all, still holding onto my hand.

"You're filled with so much pain." I heard the girls voice echo and reverberate through my head, "We aren't much different you and I." I looked at the girl her head still looking away from me hand outstretched, my claws practically swallowing her small hand.

I couldn't say anything, I was too shocked, "We both know the pain of losing someone we love." All of a sudden two different images formed on either side of the tunnel, on the right I saw my mother dying, and on the other I saw a teenage boy with gills getting shot in the face, blood spewing forth and painting the wall behind him red.

"Does it still hurt," the girl looked up to me, her eyes moist and glittering, "to remember them."

I just stared at her, I couldn't do anything else. The thought of looking at the images playing in front of me was horrifying, but, for some reason, attacking the girl felt...wrong.

"It's ok..." she said, "I know how hard it can be to think about them." Instantly her eyes cleared up and a slight smile played across her face, "but someone once told me that it's not about what we've lost, but what we do with our losses."

For some reason what she said...hurt...

"My brother may be dead," she said continuing, "but I won't waste his sacrifice to let me live. He gave me the skills to survive, much like your mother." Instantly the picture of my mother finding me in the woods alone came up on my wall and pain rocketed through me.

"I chose to be part of something bigger, to help sacrifice so that other may live." I looked away from the tunnel back to the little girl, her eyes closed and a bright warm smile playing across her face, tears streaking her cheeks.

"Everyone here cares about you Hex, whether you believe it or not." The tunnel came to an end, revealing a completely white room. All the people surrounding me were there, frozen in their positions from before.

"Logan helped carry you down into the infirmary," When she talked about Logan an image of him helping me out of a plane and into a white bed appeared behind him, "Jean helped stabilize your condition." Another image, of Jean, appeared, washing her bloody hands, behind her I was in a white bed covered in bloody bandages. Then one by one an image of each of them came up. The black girl, her name was Ororo Munroe, looking over my pictures and looking for other damages. Kurt talking to me in earnest, checking in on me in my sleep. The army boy, the elegit Peter, had helped move me to the steel room. The girl with the salt white lock of hair, rogue, had helped Jean with getting bandages. The boy with the sun glasses, Scott, had burned my wounds shut when Jean was done cleaning them.

"If this doesn't change your mind about us," she said, "Then at least give us a chance to prove that we are fighting for a cause worth fighting for. If you won't do it for us," the room faded to the prairie at the base of the mountain, all of the other people in the room gone, but my brothers and sisters sitting in front of a boulder and on top of it was my mother, "then do it for the ones that had made the ultimate sacrifice for you. The ones that sacrificed themselves so you could live." I looked at my mother, and I couldn't stop it. The tears burst from my eyes and when I turned back to see the girl she had changed into a wolf hybrid.

"We are the same Hex," I looked around, hundreds of wolf hybrids were standing all around me, "You aren't alone." My vision blurred and tears and sobs rocketed through my body. I turned back to the girl and the prairie was gone, and everything was back to normal, "We just wear different faces." She said, but not in my head this time.

I dove for her, I wrapping my arms around her crying, holding her tight. That's when I remembered what that glimmer of a memory was. She reminded me of my sister.

For the first time since my mother died, I bawled, bawled like a baby into this little girl. I didn't even know her name, but holding onto her, her warmth, not just her physical warmth, but...her glow, was just to irresistible. She was human, but not at the same time. She brought something out from me that I had long since buried, I don't know what it was, but it felt good. The pain I hadn't even realized was there faded, leaving me empty and warm. The girl started to rub my back to comfort me, her hand combing through my fur.

I started to get up, and I bundled the girl up in my arms. I felt a hand on my shoulders and I almost snapped at it, but it was just Kurt. I looked around and every one of the people had vanished. I looked between the girl and Kurt's open arms.

"It's ok," she said in a fragile voice that reminded me of a gentle summer breeze, "I'm not going far." With that I slowly handed the girl over to Kurt.

"You win." I said to Kurt and he looked confused.

"What did I win?" I just turned to the old man again, or Charles, as the girl had called him.


And we were alone.


"I know Hex, you still don't trust me."


"Come on," he said motioning for me to follow, "I have a special dorm for you." I didn't know how to react, so I just followed him, rubbing the fresh tears out of my eyes

Vallings Chapter Three: A Fork in the Road of Memory Lane

After Sinew and I left the Chamber of Three we had taken the platforms to the living quarters. It was various archways with no doors leading to a brick wall. There were about fifty archways with various furs coming and going in-between them. The ones...

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Pheromones and Dragon Scales Chapter Four: What dose a guy have to do to get an MRI around here!

"Hay Dad!" I shouted. We were at the lake for the week end, for the first time in years. We would normally go every summer, but then dad's business kicked off and he was too involved with his work to take off time. But now we would spend two hole...

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X-Men Marks the Spot Chapter One: Every time you kill a deer, God conspieres to fuck you up.

Marvel has credit for all the X-men characters in this story. None of them are mine, yet anyway. I may add some characters, but as of yet i haven't. ...

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