Embracing Fate-Ch 1 A Stranger in the Bed

Story by JR_Paw on SoFurry

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#1 of Embracing Fate

Welcome readers! This is my first time writing on Yiffstar so please comment on it after finishing reading. Enjoy! -JR_Paw


"Embracing Fate -Chapter 1 A stranger in bed"

Somewhere in a dim room, a woman in a lab coat is typing furiously on a computer, when suddenly she gaped with wide eyes as something pop up on the screen. She quickly takes the phone next to the computer and dialed with one push of a button. "The subject is now activated," she said. "Good," came a low voice, " The project can now begin..."

*Beep, beep, beep,...*

"Another boring day of my miserable life." I said as I tried to wipe the sleepiness from eyes as the morning light shined upon me while the alarm clock rang. Then I turned off the alarm and sighed as I sat on my bed and looking into the nothingness, remembering that dream. "Why do I keep having the same dream every night? Its always the same, drifting in a black void with something clinging on to me. Its different but somehow I feel as if I was safe and protected as it lays on me with its warmth. Then...vanishes when I'm about to wake up." I thought to myself, then got out of bed and turned to look upon the messy bed when I noticed that were little hairs on the right side of the bed and all over the pillows.

"These hairs look like animal fur, but I don't own any pets...", I thought while this perplexed me for no one on my street even own any animals and I haven't had a pet since I was four. As I studied closely the hairs on my pillow, it looked as though something had been laying next to me while I was asleep.

"John! Hurry up or you'll miss the bus!", "Alright dad! I'll be down in a minute!" I yelled as I quickly ran for the jeans and shirt on the dresser then put on my socks and ran downstairs into the kitchen where my dad and little brother were busy eating breakfast.

"John, I want you to take care of the house while I'm out of town. Also, Andrew will be at summer camp for the summer and I don't want you to skip school since there's only three weeks of school left."

"Sure, sure I know dad, you don't have to bug me about that because I'm going to be a good boy and go to school while you're gone." I said as he gave me a stern look then turned around to finish eating toast. "buuuut, I'm still doing it when this week is over" I said quietly behind my old man's back.

"You better get going" he said.

"You're right!" I yelped as I looked at the clock. It was five past seven and I stumbled out through the door with all my stuff as I saw the bus starting to drive away.

School that day went by slower than it usually does everyday. All the teachers were even handing out more detention slips to me for not paying attention in class and who wouldn't! The way they teach can put a stampede of raging bulls to sleep in 3 minutes flat!

By the time it was my last class of the day, I had already fallen asleep until my teacher had interrupted that is.

"Mr. Robey!" cried a short lady who goes by the name Mrs. Rieck

"huh, what!?" I cried startled from the loud teacher.

"Please tell the class how the Renaissance had a impact on the modern world." sternly said Mrs. Rieck.

"um, uh...I don't know..." I said meekly.

"As I expected, I want you in the detention room tomorrow Friday." spat Mrs. Rieck.

I grumbled as I heard snickering from the other kids in the class, especially from my best friend, Alex.

"Its your 4th detention slip today, right?" snickered Alex.

"Yeah, something like that." I said truthfully "Man, when is this day going to end?!"

"In about 24 minutes, What's with you today? Just having a bad day?" whispered Alex.

"I'm not sure...probably, I just want this week over so I don't have to go to school anymore." I replied feeling tired and ready to go asleep once again.

"Hey John, have you heard on the news last night?"

"No, what was so special on the new last night?"I said inattentively

"Last night, a lady's clothing store had been robbed but the strangest thing happened, the thief didn't steal any of the money out of the store's safe, instead the person stole only underwear and lingerie! Weird huh?"

"The only one weird here is you who can only think of women's underwear, you're probably the one who stole them." I chuckled

"Oh hardy, har, har, that's so funny I forgot to laugh!" said Alex looking annoyed.

" Well, here's something to cheer you up! What should we do for this year's party at my house?" I asked with a smug smile.

"Oh, so your dad and brother are gone and you're home alone again! Alright! What should we do this time? Do the ol' wet t-shirt party that we did last year?" said Alex looking determined.

"Nah, we got caught by the police last time because of the damn neighbors complaining about the noise and drunk jocks running around beating cars. But good times, good times...I think I'll just plan something special this year." I said as we talked more about plans for the party at my house. Soon after, the bell rang and then Alex and I went our separate ways and went home.

When I returned home I threw my bag in a corner of the dining room and went straight for my room. When I got there I jumped on the bed, turned on the tv sitting on the dresser and flipped through all the channels for a few minutes until I noticed something is different about my room. First of all, my room is all cleaned up but before it was always dirty when I left and even my bed was made. The evidence of the fur that were on my bed were also gone. As I looked for anymore differences in my room, I looked under my bed and saw what I couldn't believe! There were women clothing under my bed of all sorts from regular cotton underwear to lingerie panties! While looking through all the clothing I suddenly felt as if I was being watched and then heard giggling from my closet. Then I remembered what Alex had said earlier about the weirdo who robbed the clothing store and stole only the women underwear. The thought of the perverted maniac in my own home trying steal my clothes for hell knows what, scared me!

"He's probably armed with a knife or something" I thought to myself and took out my pocket knife then leaned against the closet door trying to hear what its doing in there. There were some thumping and mumbling...then nothing. I then ever so quietly rotated the door knob and peeked through the crack of the door and saw no one but piles of my scattered clothes. I cautiously opened the door and slowly went in to investigate. The insides of the closet seemed okay and the intruder seemed to gone too. "Well, what ever was in here is not in here anymore" I whispered as I sighed in relief. Moments later, a creaking noise startled me and when I looked up, a loud scream rang over my head as I only saw a blur of something when being pulverized by falling boxes that been on the top shelf of my closet as everything around me went dark.

*Beep, beep, beep...*

"ah! Where am I?" I said shivering in a cold sweat and panting as I stopped the buzzard and somehow finding myself in my bed again. "Last time," I remembered, "I was cautiously walking in my closet and then heard a scream as everything went blank." Then my head started to pound with a stinging pain on the side and finding the source with my hands, I found what appeared to be a cut. Sighing at all the things that just happened to me, "I might as well try to forget and get my day started," I thought.

Suddenly, I felt something furry shuffling in the bed as a leg, an arm, and a furry head rested against on my body. I looked down see the thing that was on me and staring right back were two eyes belonging to face and a muzzle. For a while, we just looked at each other, enthralled by each other's appearance. As we stared I noticed that the mysterious furry guest was a vixen with beautiful jade eyes, bushy tail and silky fur with an orange-reddish tint and milky white fur along her neck past her breast and towards...I sat there dumbfounded in disbelief that my dream of a naked furry is sitting right next to me until she broke the silence.

"Um, does your head feel any better?" she said as she motioned towards me with her paws to look at the cut on the right side of my head. She spread my black hair that were in the way then started to examine the cut by poking and sniffing at it.

"Y-Y-Yeah I'm fine b-but..." was all I can say in my state of bewilderment while she sniffed then all of a sudden began licking the wound. This made me squirm a little at the sensation but I quickly got used to it while I sat there and accepted it. She been at it for couple minutes till finally she stopped and gave a toothy grin.

"You taste pretty good, I might just have to do this everyday."she said seductively licking the blood off her muzzle. Having heard this gave me a chill along my spine and I shuddered at the thought of her eating my dead corpse.

"You're not gonna like uh, eat me will you?" I stuttered as she gave a surprised look and started to chuckled.

"No silly, I was just tending to your cut so you can heal faster although," she said crawling over towards me her breasts rubbing in front of my chest and whispering me in my ear, " I just might."

Feeling my pants tighten and forming a tent from all the tension of her breast caressing against me, I quickly gathered all my senses and tried to blurt out something before she noticed the bulge.

"Why are you naked and how did you get in my house anyway?!"I blurted then was silenced with a claw to my mouth.

"I always go naked when I go to bed, it feels natural to me and how I got in your house. I broke inside by unlocking the front door with a little gizmo that I have but I haven't used that thing since a month ago." she replied only inches away from my face.

"How is that possible? You're telling me that you been living in my house for a month without being noticed ?! How?!" I cried in disbelief.

"That's simple, I been hiding in your room during the day until everyone is out of the house and I've been sleeping with you while you slept." she whispered now our lips nearly touching.

Then in a glimpse, she came onto me and our lips met. I never knew why that I didn't tried to resist her but something told me it was natural. Our tongues wrestled for what seemed forever in only seconds, tasting each other with a hint of blood. Finally we stoped only to grasp for air from the intense experience when I noticed out of the corner of my eye the time on my alarm clock was 7:40 am.

"Shit! I got to go before I'm late for second period!" I cried trying to get off the bed and walk towards my bedroom door.

"Wait!" she replied loudly as she grabbed my hand with her paw, "I don't think you should go today. You should stay here with me just for today."

"Why shouldn't I go today?" I stated beginning to suspect something as she lets go of my hand and sat there in silence with her ears back and face downward having a concerned look on her face for something was definitely bothering her. For a minute she was like that and before I left with the car keys already in my hand from my pocket I asked for one final question.

"I never got the chance to ask for your name." I asked.

"Its Sia." she said glancing up showing a warm smile.

That morning, I drove in my dad's old Saturn fortunate enough that my dad forgot the keys for it when he took the Ford for his business trip. Driving like a mad man, I was able to get to my second class on time having already missing my first one. By the time class started I had already taken my seat in the back of the room next to Alex as the substitute began writing assignments on the board.

"Looks like we can relax for today." said Alex sheepishly.

"Yeah..." I muttered still dazed from the incident with Sia. Thinking deeply, I wondered

"Why did Sia tried to stop me to leave earlier? Something is definitely going on, I just know it. Its not like everyday you get to see some naked vixen kiss you but why."

"Why did she kiss me?" I mumbled without realizing that I just have open mindedly spoken out loud.

"Whose this person that kissed you and is this she going out with you?" said Alex in agape who rudely interrupted me before I can reply anything.

"She's just someone that I know and you can say that we sort of been going out together." I said meekly when really I know I just met Sia and 'going out' as living with each other.

"You lucky dog! Getting your groove on for the ladies! I would have never guessed that you of all people would get a girl before me!" cried Alex with a tone of jealousy in his voice, smiling and slapping more than a patting me in the back.

"So, when do I get to meet this mystery girl of yours?" replied Alex.

"I don't think you should meet her, she's really shy around strangers and well, special."I said still sore on my back from the slapping.

"None sense! There's nothing to worry about introducing me to her unless she's fat or plain ugly." chuckled Alex.

"Actually, she's 'really' special. Something that you wouldn't understand." I said hoping that he'll accept my answer.

"Ok, I understand what you're get-" was all that Alex could say before his face gave a look of fear in his eyes. Then I understood why, blood was dripping from my forehead and falling onto the desk. Trying to stop the bleeding with my hands, I felt the sting pain from earlier returned except more excruciating than ever and quickly spreading all over my body. I couldn't handle all the pain going at once and fell to the floor grabbing my gut.

"Holy shit! Someone get the nurse! He's really bleeding bad and needs-" was Alex's last words before the rest became mumblings as everything around me faded into the black void.