Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story; Chapter 12 (Double Sized Chapter)

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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#12 of ASS Origins Story 1: Vibra's Story

Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story By Killenor Arc 1 - Origins Chapter 12

_Well... that's what others told me in later times. I mean you're correct obviously, I wasn't with Wethers when he was tortured, I had no idea what Elenyra had done to save me from Chrisholn nor had I met Issa in any conscious way yet...

But perhaps you can allow me to tell the story for them. I assure you it is an essential part of my own tale.

Oh... something saucy you say? Well I do suppose you can't devote your life to the most sexual deity in the pantheon without a few good stories. Yes, I think I can skip over my recovery and the teachings I received at the conclave, and instead tell a few more interesting things before wrapping up my portion of events.

Do prepare yourself for a few divine experiences. They're my favorite kind.

I think I'll start with my very first time with a male..._


"I'm sorry Elenyra, I have to..." Vibra said pulling aside the thick blankets and rotating her legs out of the bed. "It's not something that you can fix."

"But Vibra," pleaded the golden dragoness, her bare torso visible above her portion of the covers, "it doesn't have to happen that way. Honestly, there is no reason to go fly off into the mountains just because you're going into season. I can still help you. The power of Aaluran can do so many things! If not me then perhaps Issa, Vondive, or one of the other males around here. They can give you a gentle and caring introduction to true womanhood. If you fly off now, who knows what will happen."

Vibra stood and shook out her crest and fixed Elenyra with a firm stare. Seeing the determination in her eyes, the dragoness backed down a bit. Seeing that she was in no way being challenged, Vibra's features also softened. A large feathered hand reached out to gently pet the golden dragoness' cheek.

"At... at least know what you are in for," Elenyra begged, feeling the inevitability of Vibra's future, "I can let you prepare for it."

"No," Vibra said, much softer than Elenyra had expected, "I don't think you can really tell me anything that I'll be able to prepare for. I mean, the only way to find out about mating is to actually do it. I want my first time to be with another of my folk."

Elenyra's shoulders slumped, "There is still so much more to teach you. So much you need to know to fulfill your destiny. I was supposed to be your guide"

"I'm not going away forever," Vibra said insistently, "I'll return after my cycle has past and things are done. You shouldn't worry so much! I'm not going to let you down."

"I... ... ... I know you won't. I just can feel the things that are going to go wrong." Elenyra sighed.

"Things are going to go wrong." Vibra said reassuringly, "But things have to happen, right or wrong. That is what life is all about. You taught me that after all."

Defeated, Elenyra simply embraced her feathered friend.

"Be safe out there. Always know you have a place here with us." Elenyra said sadly, wiping a tear away on her friend's downy plumage, "And when you find what you need and do what you do... I hope you'll come back to us."

"Of course I'll be back," Vibra said softly, "and I'm sure I'll know Aaluran's love by then. I'll be a woman and I'll help us all achieve the conclave's goals. But for now, this needs to be what I do."

Without another word, Vibra and Elenyra finished their hug. As she watched her friend leave, Elenyra felt a tear roll down her cheek. After the door closed, she threw herself upon the bed and wept, knowing with absolute certainty that she would never see her friend again.


Wind, strong and warm, rippled through Vibra's feathers as she pulled yet another barrel roll through the air. Flapping hard, she brought herself back to a higher altitude that she might easily glide for a while as she recovered. What a joy it was to fly! she though as she pulled into an upside down glide, especially after being grounded for so long while her shoulder healed. And while it took more energy than she remembered to remain aloft, it was certainly worth every bit of effort she gave.

The warm late-spring sun sparkled off of Vibra's feathers, making her shimmer as if tiny prisms were being passed over her. It brought a smile to the soft parts around her hard ripping beak. It reminded her of her mother. After that nostalgia passed, it made her think of what her own children would be like.

Dipping a wing, she felt the lifting air spill out from beneath her back. Angling yet again, she pulled into wingover after wingover, making her flutter back and forth like a falling leaf. A thrill of wonderment washed through her as the ground jumped up at her, one swoosh at a time. Getting down into the richer air, she pulled in deep lungfuls to assuage her burning flight muscles. In a foolhardy rush of daredevilry, she dived even lower, skimming the surface of a field at what she guessed was no more than a handful of feet. Her keen ears catching the sound of the grass blowing hard at her passing.

Giddy with the rich air so near the surface, she pulled herself into a steep climb. She flapped hard as the air grew thinner and thinner each body-length she ascended. Muscles burning anew once more, she knew she had reached the pinnacle, the highest point she could reach without leveling out. With a supreme burst of effort, she forced herself up another foot before spreading her wings to the cold, high altitude atmosphere.

She could see everything! she thought, buildings as tall or taller than she were but tiny specks and so far away. Individual trees dotted the landscape and the contours of the land seemed so insignificant. Looking out, parallel to the ground, she could see a cluster of far away clouds drifting lazily upon their own current, and if she truly concentrated, she could even see the skyline of Gurftheim City out on the horizon. To say it was breathtaking was to understate things obscenely.

But the cold, high air was difficult to fly in. Gliding was next to impossible without the warm upwelling thermals that were closer to the ground. Every flap of her wings was accompanied by a puff of fogging breath. But this was only a minor worry to one built for flying, as Vibra was. Her body, and the heat from her exertion, more than made up for any inconvenience caused by the cold.

"I wonder how fast I could go," Vibra said aloud to herself. With nary another though, she pulled her wings tight to her body and leaned forward into a dive.

"One Aaluran, Two Aaluran, Three..." she counted to herself as the ground shot up toward her at nearly blinding speed. Suddenly, she felt just like she was not accelerating at all. The sweet spot, she knew, where all one can hear is the rush of wind past their own ears and if you weren't looking down, you'd never know you were falling.

Toward a smallish lake she flared her wings and pulled out of the dive. The forces pulling against her were incredible! Enormous! But in the end she stabilized not a foot from the water, propelled forward by the momentum built during the dive. Water parted in a wake beside her, shining as sunlight caught the particles kicked up by her passing. Had she wanted to, she was sure she could have dipped a feather into that lake.

Continuing her arc, she pulled herself back into a climb. Arching her wings, she rolled in the air, spinning skyward, but seeing only the clear blue and the warm yellow sun.

As she leveled off once again, she noticed how tired she was getting. Though she had enjoyed every second of the flight, having spent half the autumn, the whole of winter, and a good portion of the spring at the conclave, she had to admit that she needed a rest. Wheeling around, she headed back to the lake she passed.

It was a graceful enough landing, she thought as she touched down and walked a short way to the water's edge. Certainly better than her last two at any rate.

Scanning the water's edge, she found the small stream that fed the lake. Checking quickly that there were no groups of animals upstream, she cupped her hands in to take a cool, refreshing drink. Droplets of cold water cascaded from her hands and rolled down her downy chest-feathers as she poured a little into her beak. Again and again she refilled her hands until she was sated.

But then she scooped up yet more water and splashed it over her head. Flexing her feathers, she allowed the water to fall in droplets all over her skin, rather than simply roll off her plumage.

It was shockingly cold, that water, but after such an intense flight, coupled with the smoldering desire within her to find a mate, she found herself doing it again and again. Soon she was flinging handfuls of water high into the air, playing and laughing as if she had found her childhood waiting for her by that lake.

"That looks like a lot of fun," came a deep, smooth voice from behind her. She turned to see another roc approaching her from the lake.

"Would you mind if I joined you?" he inquired.

Vibra's eyes went wide at the sight of this one. Yes he was the same species as her, but, having only seen folk of her type a scant few times in her life, she was completely unprepared for him.

He was enormous, she thought as she looked him over appraisingly. Standing easily head-and-shoulders above her crest of head-feathers, he was by far the largest bird-folk she had ever witnessed. His chest and arms were solidly built and looked as though they could bear her aloft even if he was flying. His gaze was intense, golden eyes so focused that Vibra imagined they might set fire to things if he stared hard enough. His wing-feathers, tail, and crest were perfect, sweeping gracefully in smooth arcs that spoke of hours, no, days of preening. Finally, his legs were as powerful as his arms, if not more so, each tipped with a quartet of claws that looked as if they could gut a cow with little effort at all.

Gaping at this feathered Adonis, Vibra was at a loss for words. Water spilled from her hands as her insides ignited. Never in her wildest dreams, nor in the things she had learned at the conclave, had she ever expected to meet someone who looked so...


"Excuse me?" he said with a short laugh.

"N-nothing! I mean... yes! Please join me... um..." Vibra said, hastily recovering.

"Andris," he said with a smile as he scooped up a double-handful of water and tossed it high into the air over Vibra's head, "And you?"

"Vibra," she said with a giggle, squeaking a bit as the cold water rained down on her.

"I saw you from the air," Andris said confidently, "Those were some impressive moves you've got. But now... now that I see you on the ground, your feathers are so beautiful."

"They're not always like this," Vibra giggled, "In fact, it's only when I'm wet that you can even see the colors clearly."

"What brings you out this way?" Andris said conversationally, doing his best to keep an air of idle interest.

"Well... I find myself... receptive. I'm mostly looking for someone to nest with and... raise children." Vibra said nervously.

"Oh, is that all," Andris said, keeping up his act of commonality, "Well... I'm sure your mate will be back any time then..."

"Oh, no," Vibra said sheepishly, "I haven't found anyone yet... I... well I'm actually rather new to it to be honest."

"No? Did your mother not teach you about mating?" Andris queried, excitement creeping into his voice, "It's a very important thing indeed!"

"Is it so important?" Vibra worried, "My... my friends made it seem so casual... I."

"Well." Andris said with mounting confidence, "If you like, I can perform the traditional dance for you. After that, if you approve, we can go back to my nest. From there, you can decide whether or not you are ready."

"As simple as that? I... no ceremonies first, just a dance?" Vibra wondered, "What about... commitment? Pairing?"

"Oh, all of that comes later. You need not worry about such things now." Andris said pleasantly, "For now, please, just watch my display and let your instincts guide you from there."

"Very well," Vibra said, feeling positively overwhelmed at this point, "show me."


My instincts seem to have lead me to his nest, said Vibra as she settled in to the wingspans-wide construction. The dance, an aerial and ground display of dazzlingly practiced maneuvers, had got her mind thinking only of how wonderful this exquisite specimen of male would be able to please her, how he would be such an excellent mate and father to her offspring, and how wonderful it would be to have him come back to the conclave with her and meet all of her wonderful friends.

And now, as she appraised his nest, she found herself even more ready to give herself over to Andris. Apparently he was also a wonderful craftsman, weaving everything from young tree-trunks to large overstuffed pillows into a nest that was more akin to an open roofed palace, at least to her reckoning. Better still, it had a rain roof, built onto special iron hinges, tarred and shingled with wooden slats. The whole rig could be pulled over the nest and angled to keep out inclement weather no matter how the wind would blow.

What was more striking to Vibra was how he had gone so far as to carve patterns and pictographs into the wood that made up the nest. Scenes of flight, illustrations from what she guessed were stories, and generally beautiful things were all rendered in skillful woodcut. In some places he had even carved settings for polished stones to sit, adding color to the otherwise monotonous brown of the walls.

"Well?" Andris said confidently, "Shall we mate?"

Vibra was a little taken aback by his forwardness. Though she felt the desire, she still worried that she might be rushing into things a little quickly. In the back of her mind she could hear Elenyra's warnings about things that would go wrong... but so far everything was going just perfectly. Wasn't it?

Maybe he was just a bit inexperienced. That was it. Vibra would just have to suggest something to enhance the mating.

"How about a little foreplay?" she said as seductively as she could. Though she had heard the females talk this way many times around the conclave, she felt that her attempt lacked a certain something. Maybe, she hoped, he wouldn't notice, or wouldn't care.

"Fore... play? What is this?" Andris wondered honestly and aloud.

"It's... It... Well, it's something we do to... to heighten the pleasure." she said.

"Well then I am all in favor of this foreplay!" Andris said heartily, "How do we do it?"

"As I've seen from my friends, we... well... play with each other." Vibra explained hesitantly "Get ourselves worked up until we can't stand NOT to mate. As I understand it, it's like what you feel when you haven't had a successful hunt in a long while, only better feeling. I... I suppose I'll start. Tell me what feels good."

Vibra moved close and embraced Andris, burying her face into his silky soft plumage. So many hugs with Issa, Elenyra, and all the rest had taught her how much she could handle and allowed her to judge what was most comfortable. Andris seemed not to understand at first, still bearing the typical avian attitude against touching in a way that might ruffle or damage feathers, but eventually got the idea that he should return the hug.

"Relax," Vibra said with growing confidence as she took control, "Just try to enjoy things and not to think too much."

White-feathered hands traced fingers through the tiny feathers that covered Andris's body, feeling the warmth of his skin and seeking the sensitive places beneath. The chest, yes that felt good. The under-wing also. Under the chin was a very nice place to be touched as well.

Down they went, brushing through the down on his midriff... oh, but that felt nice! Further still they went until they reached the junction of his legs. Now there was a sensation! Andris moaned softly as Vibra's fingers played with the outer skin of his vent. His spine twitched, along with several groups of feathers, at the very personal, very delicate attention.

"This... this is good for you isn't it?" Vibra said uncertainly.

"Oh yes, yes it is," Andris moaned, "It's much more... um..."

"Intimate?" Vibra wondered.

"I don't know that word... is it like... close?" Andris asked.

"Yes, it's a special kind of close for mating couples." Vibra confirmed.

"Yes, so much more intimate than any of the other times," Andris said, "show me more."

Vibra played yet more with his vent, dipping her fingers slightly into his cloaca causing him to jump and squirm in her arms. Yet something seemed like it was missing. After all this time spent in the company of mammal-types, she had been expecting something a tad more, well, substantial to play with.

"You... you're normal for one of our kind, yes?" Vibra asked cautiously.

"Why yes, why do you ask?" he puzzled

"Just looking for something that wasn't there I suppose." she said wistfully, "now you should do the same to me. And if there is anything I can keep doing so that you feel good, just tell me."

Andris cautiously laid his hands upon Vibra. Seeing how she didn't react badly, he continued on, running his fingers through her soft feathers, feeling the delicate, smooth, and tickling texture as he marveled at this first-timer teaching him something new about mating.

"You don't have to be quite so soft." Vibra whispered gently to him.

He tried to copy the motions she had used on him. Unfortunately, he was also quite eager and found himself very aroused by this 'foreplay'. Hands that should have taken their time made a short path twixt Vibra's thighs, seeking out her love-hole right away. At this sudden contact, Vibra jumped and squawked audibly causing Andris to back off as if he had touched a campfire stone.

"Sorry," Vibra said with an embarrassed giggle, "You surprised me, that's all. Just... well you've got to go slow to make sure I'm ready for it."

But to Vibra's chagrin, Andris's hands seemed to immediately make their way right back where they had been. She tried to ignore it, hoping that in time she could teach him to be patient. Never-the-less, she was still feeling plenty aroused thanks to his excellent body, alluring dance, and willingness to try new things. Despite being a little off-put by his ham-fisted attempt at erotic massage, she still felt like giving herself up to him.

Instead of correcting him and risking another correction following it, Vibra decided to simply allow him to play around. It was, after all, his first attempt at foreplay. So she decided to focus on his pleasure instead of on her own. She could tell she was doing it all correctly just based on how he was responding. After only a few moments of play, Andris was practically writhing in her hands, grinding his groin against her.

As she felt the moment draw near where they would not be able to contain their passions any longer. In a moment of piercing clarity, Vibra suddenly knew one important thing she ought to do. In a breathy whisper, she caught Andris's attention.

"Andris... I," she whispered, "I'm very ready for you. But before we mate, I'd like to say something important."

"Anything you wish," Andris said through a fog of pleasure.

"Aaluran!" Vibra cried out, startling her beau at the sudden loudness, "Here on my first mating I invite you god of passion, goddess of lust, deity of procreation! Please bless our coupling and all that comes from it. In your name, I dedicate my virginity to you, through the vessel of my mate Andris! May our climaxes please you!"

She turned her gaze back to the bemused and confused Andris. "I'm ready now."

His expression morphed instantly into one of pure sexuality. Sensing his triumph at hand, he ran his hands through her feathers, up her sides where he could take hold of her easily. With a firm, strong grasp he maneuvered Vibra into a more customary mating position. After all, he had no access to her intimate treasures if she remained upright.

Finding herself on her knees, tail-feathers up, exposing herself to a man she had only met this very day, Vibra felt a quiver of anticipation run up her spine. She had never willingly assumed this position before, but something down within her said that this was more-or-less correct. Hopefully he really knows what he's doing, she thought earnestly. She tensed and waited for him to make contact.

Andris took a moment to appraise Vibra's firm buttocks, shimmery tail-feathers, and best of all, her cute little vent, tucked away in the down of her rump. Very beautiful, he thought as he admired the puffy, glistening lips of her cloaca... well, no time to waste! With a thrill of anticipation, he positioned himself carefully and pressed his vent to hers.

Vibra gasped in delight as she felt the slickened flesh of Andris's cloaca pressed to hers. It was so much more sensitive than she had ever imagined! His finger had been nice, yes, but this was what she had been made for! For a while she could only hold her position, uncertain of what to do, while Andris slid his slippery male-lips against her feminine nethers. She fell into a rut of pleasurable sensation as her lover built a steady rhythm pushing himself against her.

Inwardly, her mind was aglow with possibilities and plans for the future. How she would share the nest with this hulking specimen of maleness. How they would tend to their eggs and then raise them and teach them together as they hatched. How, instead of being over-eager to leave the nest as she had been, her children would feel loved and encouraged...

A shocking wave of intense sensation washed through Vibra. She could feel her lips flutter in response to the delight that coursed through her. Whatever it was that Andris was doing, he was certainly doing it right! The only real problem was, her hands and knees were getting rather tired. Hollow-boned he might be, but Andris certainly weighed more than her and a large majority of that weight was dedicated to keeping the pressure high as he assailed her cloaca with his own.

"C-can... can we try something?" Vibra said through gasps of delight.

"Nnngghh... what... nnnggh... what did you... have in mind?" Andris said between grunts of effort.

Vibra took control of herself and guided Andris, encouraging him to lay against a shallow wall of the nest. Soon enough, his legs were in the air, his rear pointed skyward, and Vibra was climbing astride him.

"I saw some of the conclave members try this way... of course the female wasn't on top... and there are a few other details," Vibra explained, "But this should be a lot of fun and I think it will work."

Now it was Vibra's turn to work. Her cloaca ground into his, letting her weight and gravity cause most of the delicious friction between them. Andris could hardly contain himself as both the newness of the situation and the uncontrolled sensation in his genitals stoked a fire within him that he never could have guessed would burn so hot. What was worse, he found it almost intoxicating that a female could be in control instead of him having to do all the work.

It was soon far too much for the pair. Once again, Vibra felt the surge of pleasure as she rubbed with every muscle in her stomach. But this time, Andris was feeling such a sensation as well. His cloacal vent writhed in climactic joy, clamping over Vibra's own tender, pulsing vent. A surge of liquid heat flowed between the two. Vibra felt her body pull this heat within her with each contraction of her orgasming muscles.

As they separated, Vibra found herself collapsing beside the now-righted Andris. Both were breathing heavily, hoping to restore some semblance of energy to their tired muscles. Vibra noted, off-hand, how their groins were now a great deal wetter after their experience. For now, she didn't really care. She was happy, content, and certain that she had done the right thing. The only thing that worried her was if her mate had liked it.

"So... worth trying something new?" Vibra said softly.

"Definitely," Andris confirmed, "If you hadn't told me, I would never have believed that was your first."

"Well then, when we get our strength back, I think a have a few more fun ideas that we can try." Vibra said with growing confidence. She smiled broadly, knowing she had done right by her male.

Everything would work out perfectly from now on.

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