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#1 of Gene Wars



Megan Bluetip.



The ninetails hit flesh again, drawing blood and leaving a nasty welt, yet the injured male didn't yell or whimper, he just took the punishment like he was conditioned to do. Even when the pain made his eyes water.


Another welt, this one across the previous cut, drawing more blood and multiplied the pain some. Yet, no matter what punishment or treatment he was subjected too, the male fox morph took it without complaint or a sound.


A third welt, this one across his midsection. The young female vixen sobbed with guilt and fear. She watched her charge receiving punishment from her master, knowing what she'll be enduring all too soon, maybe more.


With every stroke, the human male grinned with glee, relishing in the pain and suffering he was inflicting on the male, trying too make the tod cry or whimper in pain, anything too justify more punishment.


The other slaves and house servants stood and watched the ordeal, a lesson for them too learn if they ever displeased or disobeyed his orders. With every strike of the whip on fur flesh, they shuddered and whimpered in fear and disgust of the human.


Was that five or six? Megan thought too herself, as the sight of the bloody mess of fur and flesh made her nauseous. The sight and smell of the coppery tinge of blood made her lightheaded and woozy. Her vision blurred as she swayed, then emptied her stomach contents on the ground before fainting.

When Megan opened her eyes, she found herself in her bed, a cold cloth on her muzzle and the comforting presence of Tonya, the skunk matriarch of the house.

She was in charge of the kitchen and medical duties.

"Awake I see lil one." She murred quietly, strokes the cheek fur softly on Megan's face. The teenage vixen nodded and tried too sit up, but Tonya held her down gently.

"No sweety, you rest up. You need your strength for what ever punishment Master has in store for you." She replied, with sadness in her voice.

"Will he hurt my baby?" she asked, placing a hand on her belly, rubbing the flat surface, which will soon grow and expand with new life.

"I am not sure hun, he is very furious with you. But maybe I can persuade him to be lenient in your punishment."

Aside from her usual chores and household duties, Tonya had become the human's bedroom companion. To be used and abused as he saw fit. When Megan had started to mature, with an ample bust and full figured rump, he had started coaching and priming her in the art of sex and fellatio. But during her first heat, her male charge had impregnated her during a heated romp in the barn amongst the hay bails.

Now, he was being punished for knocking her up as well as failing in his duties to look after her.

"Is Thomas ok?" Megan asked, worried about her charge and the father of her kit.

The look on the skunks face disheartened her, as tears streamed down her muzzle.

"He's in intensive care at the Master's hospital, but from what I was told, he'll never walk again." She replied, resting a paw on the young vixen's shoulders to calm her down.

Sobbing with grief and guilt, Megan clenched the bed covers with anger.

"What? What happened?" she asked, dreading the response.

"When you collapsed, Master flew into a feral rage, and just mercilessly flayed poor Thomas's back, until his spinal cord was severed and his spine was exposed. The poor soul collapsed, but Master still carried on. It took 3 of his work colleges to pry him away and calm him down. But the damage was already down. Thomas is lucky too be alive." Tonya replied, then held the sobbing vixen as she cried it anguish.

Just then, one of the male wolf slaves entered the room.

"Megan Bluetip, Master is ready for you." He replied, eyes downcast as he opened the door for her.

"Can't you see she's upset." Tonya snapped, glaring at the lupine with disgust.

"I don't care how she is. Master wants too see her right away. And I don't particularly wanna be on his receiving end of his wrath, not like Thomas." He growled, glaring back at the skunk.

"Tonya, please. I must face my punishment. It is my fault that Thomas is injured by Master." She replied, placing a hand on the skunk girl's shoulder.

Looking at the vixen teenager, the older female smiled and patted her head softly.

"I worry for you and the kit sweety."

"I know, but me and my kit are still property of Master. I hope that he's in a more stable state of mind." She replied, getting up and gathering her clothing, which consisted of a bra and panties. Putting them on, she was aware of the leering stare from the wolf. Megan would find him attractive and sexy, if he wasn't the one that informed Master on what happened in the barn.

Stepping outside of her room, she saw a few slaves doing their work, trying their best too avoid eye contact with her, a sign of sorrow and shame.

Slowly, Megan walked to the main audience room of the Master of the house, where her fate will be decided and what punishment she will receive.