The Detective

Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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Warning, story contains: Mouse, wolf, husky, bear, vore, cooking, pain, snuff, m/m and of course yiff.

English is not my native language, so please excuse some errors.

Edit by NebTheDemon ((thank you man))


The Detective - Part one

It was a hot summer day as John sat in his office. He was a 23 year old Wolf with rather normal looking gray fur and a somewhat athletic body build. He never really worked out or anything like that, but at least always tried to eat healthy and occasionally take a run to keep him fit. The wolf's name was Jonathon, but people always called him John, and that was something the canine always enjoyed.

A wide grin crossed his muzzle as he looked at the lettering written above the door to his office, "Jonathon, Private Detective". It was hard for the wolf to earn that title. But it had always been his biggest dream to become a Detective. With some luck and the help of a few friends he was able to open his department back when he was 22 and one year later he already had a few regular clients that helped pay the bills and keep him fed.

The funny thing about all of it was that the wolf actually never really had such a great sense for justice. Actually, he smoked some grass from time to time, and did a lot of other stuff that a Detective normally shouldn't do. But the love of the law wasn't the reason why he wanted to become a detective. It was the challenge. The wolf always loved a good puzzle or mystery, something he could sink his teeth into, and try to solve. So becoming a detective was a logical jump. That way he could do what he loved to do and even earn money for it.

The canine's gaze drifted over to his computer screen, and he saw the mail icon flashing. Lazily he grabbed his mouse and started to sift through the vast amounts of junk mail in his in-box. As he was scanning through them, something caught his attention. It was a mail from a friend and he guessed it was nothing special . John opened the e-mail and started to read:

Hey John

I have something interesting for you. Yesterday I got a visit from a friend and he told me that his brother disappeared. Yes I know that is sad but that is why I am contacting you. He told me that his brother was in some kind of fetish club. The name is of the Club is "The Eating Habit" and after some researching I found out that this club is known for role-playing about pred/prey situations. To sum it up, those guys get turned on by the thought of getting eaten or eating someone and it also seems like they specialized on something they call cooking. Well there is nothing wrong with that as long as they just fool around and stuff. But the disappearance of my friend's brother makes me a bit nervous. Maybe you should take a closer look at that. And as always I am glad if you update me about what you find out.



A wide smile crossed the wolf's muzzle as he finished reading over the e-mail. He just loved Derek because the tiger always had his ear to the pulse of the city. It came from his old days as a reporter for some big news paper. He always knew he could count on the tiger for some tidbit of information that would lead to an interesting case.

John leaned back in his chair as he always did when he had to think about something. The first thing he needed to think of is if he really wanted to take over the case. After all he already knew that this one was going to be a complicated one. Then again, such a big case like this would give his carrier a boost.

"Hmm... eating a fur huh? Those guys sound fun..." He thought to himself and gave the e-mail on the screen another glance. "Fuck it, I'll take this case, and get to the bottom of whats going on with this group." He thought to himself and then answered the mail telling his friend that he will investigate in this case.

The wolf had to sigh a bit after he sent out that mail because he knew that now he had to start on the boring stuff. The first thing he need to do was research the missing person. After about two hours the canine figured out everything he needed to know about the missing person. The missing fur was a 19 years old and completely brown furred bunny. Apparently the young lapine was very active on the Internet and so it was not hard to get all information about him. It didn't take to much time to find out that his user name was Tasty_BunBun, and like most stupid teenagers he used the same user name everywhere he could on the net. John was able to find out that the bunny also used to be openly gay before he vanished. Friends and family seemed to know it at least. After some further investigation he even was able to find some pictures of him on some kind of a gay site.

John's eyes went wide as he browsed through the bunny's gallery. The lapine looked absolutely hot with nice and long legs, perfect hips and a slim and trim belly. "I can understand why people would want to nibble on that..." He said to himself jokingly but then continued his research.

After some more investigations the wolf finally found a hot clue. It was a website called [i]_Eating Place[/i]_and it seems like that there is a direct connection to the club called [i]The Eating Habit[/i]. John looked over the site and noticed that a registration was required. John leaned back into his chair again and looked at the ceiling. "Hmm... what should i do? Investigate the whole thing from outside or should i go in undercover..." It was a hard decision to make. If he went in undercover he would risk getting caught but getting the information he needed would be much easier.

The gray furred wolf stared at the ceiling a bit longer as he thought about his options until he finally made his decision. "I will just go in... after all the whole thing looks interesting so why not..." He thought to himself and went back to his screen. The first thing he had to do was make an account on this website.

"Soo... what information do they want from me." He thought as he looked over the registration site. "Ok as nick I'll take... LargeWolf and of course my usual password. I better fill out the optional info too, that will make me look more realistic..."

In the field species he typed in "Wolf" of course. The next field was a bit tricky because it asked John if he is a prey or a pred. After some thinking he decides to type in [i]pred[/i] because that just felt much safer. The rest he had to type in is just about how he looks and some random "blah blah" about hobbies.

After the registration, the only thing he had to do is confirming all that with his e-mail and then he was able to log in. "So let us see what is going on here" He said to him self silently and instantly went over to the user galleries, But there was nothing special to see. Just some pictures of role-playing and other pics from members of this site. John had to admit that some of these pictures looked really hot, even if most of them are from males, but after all the wolf liked to play both sides of the field. But John had better things to do then checking out pics of hot guys so he moved to the forums. He hoped to get some info about meetings and he didn't have to search long. Because as he entered the forums he saw that they had a thread for meetings.

"Wonderful, they're going to have some kind of a party on this Saturday. I have to get in there." And with that John clicked on the "Meeting Thread" to post in there:

Hello to all,

I am a new member of this website and I already like a lot what I am seeing here. While browsing through the forums I noticed this thread here and saw that you'll have some kind of a party on the weekend. So I am wondering if i can get an invention and some info where this party will be.



After he finished writing the messege he hit the send button and leaned back in his chair again. "Ok, now the only thing I can do is wait, and hope that they will invite me." He thought to himself and then smiled a bit because he knew this was going to be an interesting case.

In the afternoon after lunch the wolf returned to his office. Slowly he moved over to his desk to sit down on his chair. A glance at his screen then showed him that he got a new message regarding the meeting. He opened it and what he was reading there made him very happy.

"Hey there LargeWolf

I want to invite you to our meeting at the weekend. At the end of this message you' ll find the address and the time. We are always happy to greet new members so I am looking forward to see you.

Your Hungry_Badger"

John instantly took a piece of paper and wrote down the address. "Hm... I have the feeling that this is going to be an interesting evening...." He thought to himself and turned off his PC and with that the canine walked out of his office...

3 days later, Saturday 9:00 pm

John took another look at the address he'd scribbled down to make sure he was really at the right place. He was standing in front of a large and luxurious looking house and slowly approached the door still a bit nervous about the whole thing. The canine was clothed in a tight and black trousers with a fitting black shirt on the top. He thought that would be the best kind of clothing for such an event, but then again he was not that sure anymore.

"Well here we are." He thought to himself and knocked at the door. Just 5 minutes later the door opened and what Jon saw there made his eyes go wide. Right in front of him stood the most impressive looking Bear he'd ever seen in his life. Yes, Bears are large in general. But this thing was just huge, and on top of that the canine suddenly felt way to overdressed as he saw that the ursine himself was clothed in some kind of tight training shorts and nothing more.

"Yes?" The brown bear asked as he looked down at the smaller wolf. John was not sure how to react. But then again, all he had to do was keep his nerves up, and screwing that up was not an option.

"Hello there, I am LargeWolf from your website. I got an invitation from a guy called "Hungry Badger"". The somewhat nervous wolf said to the bear.

"Ah yes i think he told me about that. My name is, Tank. Please won't you come in." The ursine said in a surprisingly friendly tone. He moved out of the way so John could pass easily, "Sorry for sounding so rude, but I'm sure that you can understand that we don't want uninvited guests in here."

"Uhm... yes of course I can understand that." John said and looked around only to notice that he was standing in a huge hallway. "So yes that is my first time here, would you mind showing me around here?" The canine then asked.

"Sure thing little wolf. Just follow me and I'll show you around." Tank said and gave a wave to the canine as he started to walk.

"Man, that is just the hallway huh? This house seems to be massive" John then noted as he kept looking around. It was easy to notice that the furniture looked very expansive as well.

The bear chuckled a bit and then answered. "Yes, all our clubhouses are like this. You have to know, some of our members are pretty wealthy and they tend to donate a lot of money in our fine club."

John was surprised to hear that. He knew that the club was not a small one and that it had a good number of members, but he never head guessed that they were actually that rich. Also he didn't think that they would own more then just one club house.

"Are you ok little thing?" The big ursine then said and John snapped back out of his thoughts as he looked up at the wide grinning bear, but before the wolf was able to answer Tank already opened a door and stepped in.

John followed Tank into a room that looked like some kind of changing room. In the room itself he was able to see two doors, the one he entered through and another one. On the other side of the second door, the wolf could hear loud music playing and the chatter of a lot of different people. "So, i guess the party is right there isn't it?" The gray wolf then said and pointed to the door where the music came from.

Tank turned around and grinned to the wolf. "Yes, the party is in there, but i have the feeling you forgot about something... We have a dress-code today and it says that only underwear is allowed. Of course if you want to walk around naked i wouldn't mind that either...

"Oh... really? I am sorry, I did not know that..." John answered very nervously. He really should had read the whole thread in the forum, but now there was no chance to turn back.

"What is it wolfy? You don't look like such a shy guy, so I guess that should not be that much of a problem right?" The bear then said and grinned even wider at the wolf. To the ursines's surprise the canine didn't waste too much time and took off his shirt rather quickly.

Of course John noticed how the bear looked at him and actually he was glad that Tank liked what he saw. The more people like him the easier it will become to get some information. The next thing John did was unbuckle his belt and with that his trousers came free and fell to the ground.

"Hmm, that looks good little one." Tank then said to John who was nearly completely naked. The only thing the wolf was still wearing was his tight black underwear.

"So I guess I'm ready for the party, right?" The canine said with a somewhat flirty grin on his face. The bear just laughed and turned around. "Sure thing man, follow me," He said and walked over to the door where the music was coming from. He opened it and stepped into the next room.

John's ears needed some time to adjust to the loud music, but that was not really a problem for him because after all this was not his first time in a club. Then again he never saw something like this before. There was this electricity that clung in the air, that combined with the pulsing dance music. The partyer's bodies meshed together, as heat radiated off them, most having lost what little clothing they had, long ago.

"This here is the party area. It is the place where the people go if they want to dance and listen to some music and stuff like this. But there are much more areas, Come on follow me I think you should start out at a more quiet place." The brown furred ursine then said and started to walk again right through the dancing crowd.

John followed the bear and kept looking around to see if there is something suspicious going on, but so far everything was normal. The whole place was not really different then any other club. As the wolf went through the crowd he felt paws grope his ass. He was amazed how open the people acted and at how many people with an eating fetish existed. But there was not much time for the wolf to gawk as he was dragged right into the next room.

The next room seemed to be some kind of chill out area. The music was softer and that made talking with others was much easier. Also a lot of tables and chairs stood around there and waiters in skimpy outfits took orders from the people. All in all this was a very nice area. "Ok wolf, would you mind sitting down on one of the tables here? As a newcomer to our fine club I am sure you are full of questions and I know the perfect person to answer them. Just wait here and I'll send him over."

John nodded to the big bear and sat down on one of the smaller tables designed for two people. He was not sure what to think about all that but then again this was the chance for him to learn more about the place. After good 5 minutes the wolf was able to see a large and rather burly looking husky was approaching him. The husky looked like someone who took great care of his body. The fur was well groomed and the curly tail was brushed to perfection. And he was completely naked...

"Ah hello there you must be HungryWolf, one of our new members on the website and the forum right? My name is Dan." The black and white dog said and sat down on the table as well. "So I hope you don't mind me asking, but why exactly are you here? What are your expectations?"

John shifted around in his seat as he looked over the strong frame of that husky. "Oh well... that is hard to answer... but I guess i am here for the same reason most of you are here. You know... uhm ...."

The large dog has to laugh a bit as he noticed how nervous the wolf in front of him was. "Look, you really don't have to be that nervous. I promise you that you are safe here no matter what, ok? You don't have to be afraid or ashamed for anything in here," The husky then said in a gentle and some kind of soothing voice.

John looked up right into the face of the husky and nods gently. For him it was unbelievable how friendly all this people were, but he still was not sure what to say now. He does not had any experience with this particular fetish and so it was hard for him to come up with something.

The wolf then suddenly heard the other canine laughing. "Oh man you are just too cute. I really don't want to torture you more at this point. So listen to me wolf... Or should i say Detective Jonathon?"

John's blood froze as the huge husky suddenly called him by his real name. His first thought was to jump up from his seat and run as fast as he feet would allow. But before the wolf was able to do anything Dan continued to talk. "Calm down bro, don't you remember? I told you that no harm will be done to you. Look the thing is that. Our club here can only exist because we are very careful. Every new member gets checked through before we let him in here. So of course we did our investigations on you too. And believe me when i tell you, that this skimpy Proxy you are using to hide your IP and stuff was more then useless.

John listened to the words of the dog and was not sure what to think anymore. They found out that he is a detective and still the husky said no harm will be done to him? After a while of thinking he finally was able to speak. "Uhm... ok what do you plan now? I mean... " But before the nervous canine was able to finish that sentence Dan stood up from his chair and gave a wave to John.

"Just follow me Wolf... I'll show you something...." The gray wolf just nodded and stood up to following the husky. While he was walking he tried to look for an escape but it seemed useless, because on every exit he saw some kind of security guys and it was clear that they would stop every attempt of escaping.

The black and white husky opened a door and waited for John to enter as well. After John entered through the door the other canine closed it and turned on the lights and what John saw now was simply shocking...

In the middle of the room right on a wooden table was a completely tied and gagged mouse boy. He struggled and whimpered but with absolutely no use. On the back walls he saw several over sized cooking tools like ovens and grill pits.

"What the hell... what are you doing... I mean... what is that?" John asked shocked as he approached the table. Dan was right behind the gray wolf and was watching him close as he answered his question.

"Well I thought you were a Detective? We have a tasty looking mouse... and if you look over there you ll find a kitchen as well... So what do you think what we are doing here?"

John looked around nervously as he heard what the husky said. And of course he knew that cooking the cutie was what they are planning, but that was not such an easy thing to accept. "No you cant do that... he is a living being..." John said but in the same moment Dan took the hand of the wolf and placed it right on the meaty hip of the frightened mouse.

"Hm... you have to know that i recognize that look in your eyes... It is funny... you are like me when i was at your age and got confronted with that theme. We are talking about eating this little guy, and to be honest... Normal people freak out much more then you... so think about it. Do you really think it's wrong?" The husky said in a whispering tone right into the wolfs ear as his large body presses up against his backside.

The wolf's paw touched the soft fur and firm meat on the mouse's hip and began to rub over it. "But... you just can't ..." The wolf stammered not sure what to think about all that anymore, and of course the husky noticed that his sweet talking had taken effect.

"It's always been the survival of the fittest and you know that... You know... you are under full control of this little morsel. He is completely helpless. You can do whatever you want with him. And you know why? Because you are stronger. You are a real male." Dan then said and with a swift move his hand moved over right to John's bulge squeezing it.

The wolf moaned loudly as he felt how the large paw of the husky started to rub and squeeze over his bulge. It doesn't take long for John to get hard from this and his hand just kept moving over the round hips of the whimpering rodent.

"He is all yours..." Dan then whispered and slowly moved his finger into the waistband of the other canines underwear and slowly started to pull it down so that his impressive cock was able to come free.

John's mind was spinning and slowly the sexyness took control over his thoughts as his cock touched the soft, with brown fur covered rump of the mouse. In the meantime Dan took off the wolf's underwear and John just kicked them to the side as he grabbed the mouse's ass with both of his paws.

"I am sorry... I guess..." John then said as he started to wedge his large cock right between the nice rump cheeks of the unknown mouse. What Dan said was true... He always loved to have the control over the situation and over other people. And as he thought about that he had to admit that he never was horny like that before. Pre started to leak out of his cock, lubing up the tight pucker just a bit. But John didn't waited long and started to press his tip into the cute morsel. Both moans and whimpers echoed through the room as he did that. Dan just stood there and watched with a wide smile on his face. He knew that he got that wolf, after raping that cute thing he will know what it means to be a pred... especially after tasting him.

The anal walls clenched tight around the invading canine cock as John started to push deeper into his prey. Tears started to flow down the cheeks of the mouse but the wolf couldn't care less at this point and so he gave a final thrust to enter completely. "God... he is ... tight" John then said in between his moans and slowly took out the cock only to let it enter again.

"That is it big boy... take him like the prey he is" Dan said very amused as his own cock started to grow out of his sheath because of that incredible show. In the meantime the canine had the time of his life as he started to hump his prey violently. Whimpering was the only thing the boy could do but that was ignored by both the wolf and the husky. The next thing that was heard was a loud slap as John raised his hand only to bring it down on the firm rump cheek. That caused the mouse anal walls to clench down over his cock even harder.

"God... that is too much I am gonna....AH!" And before he was able to finish his sentence he moaned out loud and came right into the tight hole of the rodent. Slowly John pulled out his cock of the now squeaking and squirming mouse and watched how some of his cum got squeezed out the tiny pucker.

Dan moved over to the wolf and started to rub over his shoulder again. " So how was it" He asked the exhausted canine.

"It was ... incredible...." The wolf answered panting hard. And... are you really... I mean you are really going to cook this mouse?" The wolf asked not believing he actually considered of tasting it...

"Of course. And to be exact I am going to grill him. Oh you ll just love him I am sure." The husky then said happily and walked over to one of the many counters only to get his electric shaver. With the shaver in his hand he moved over to the frightened boy and started to remove the brown and well kept fur.

John slowly stood up to go to the table as well. He still had a very bad feeling about that. He was supposed to protect people and the law and now he stood there watching how a large husky preparing a cute mouse after he himself raped him. That surely was not how he planned that.

"So... Did you kidnap him?. I mean... this is a club for people who enjoy the whole cooking stuff. What I am trying to say is that I can imagine that you have some people here who could get talked into all that easily right?" John then asked because it was easy to see that this mouse was not enjoying himself.

"Yes of course, and believe me if I tell you that we talk people into it more then often. But sometimes i love to go out and hunt for someone. It just tastes much better if you have to hunt for your meal. I got this one from college. It wasn't easy because this little fella did have a lot of friends. I had to spy on him for over two weeks until I got the chance to take him." The husky explained proudly and kept shaving the prey.

The mouse tried to struggle even more as he felt his fur coming off. His nice legs and hips already completely bald so John was able to see this juicy looking meat on them.

"So would you mind going over to the counter there and get some olive oil?" The dog then asked and received a nod from him. John walked over to the counter and opened the door. He saw a lot of spices and other stuff you need for cooking and after a while of looking he found a large bottle of olive oil.

"Uhm... here you go." He said and tried to hand over the bottle but the husky declined and laughed.

"Oh no I am busy taking off his fur silly. Come on and help me a bit. Start to rub the oil into his legs and thighs." Dan said to the blinking wolf.

"Oh well... i am not sure if I am already ready for that i mean... I still think... I mean you know.."

Dan chuckled now as he noticed how unsure the wolf still was. "Come on you've gone so far... and to be honest you cannot back out here right? So why not enjoy the whole thing? Stop being such a wuss."

John nodded and opened the bottle and started to pour some of the sticky liquid right on his paws. After that he moved over to the frightened mouse's feet and started to rub the slick oil into them. He started with the cute toes and worked up his way slowly. He could feel how the boy tried to struggle even more, but there it was again... He just didn't care. Was he really that cold? Could he really enjoy such a cruel act.

Lost in thought the wolf kept rubbing the oil into the fine meat of the morsel. In the meantime Dan finished shaving the prey up to even his head. It was a bit of a strange look. A mouse without all his fur. But it seemed like that was helping John imagining the morsel a bit more as a meal then a person. After the wolf finished oiling up the legs and the thighs he started to rub over the fur less balls and sheath and got some reaction from the mouse. Despite all the fear he seemed to get hard... His body betrayed him.

"Very nice. Keep that rubbing up" The husky said and then took out a metal cock ring from a drawer. With the ring in his paw he moved to the rodent's half erected cock and wedged it down over the hardening shaft. "That will keep his cock hard even while cooking." The husky then explained.

"Oh i understand" John answered as he started to oil up the belly and chest area. From time to time he looked down at the cute and twitching cock of the rodent. For his body size and species he actually had a very impressive shaft.

Dan walked away again and opened the counter for spices. "So what do we need." He said to himself as he looked over all that different spices. After a while he picked out every thing he needed and mixed up the spices in a bowl.

"Time to spice this cutie up" And with that the husky picked up the whole mouse and repositioned him so that he was on all fours with the chest on the table and the delicate rump high in the air. The boy started to scream again but nothing more then some muffled sounds came out of his gaged mouth. "Come on take a paw full of the mix and start to rub the spices into his lower half ok?"

John nodded and took a paw full of the stuff and instantly started to rub the spices into the thighs slowly going up to the juicy looking rump cheeks. Strange thoughts filled the wolf's mind again. He was thinking about how the meat will taste and what parts are the tastiest... The wolf never imagined that he will ever have sick and twisted thoughts like that. But the more he thought about it, the more he liked it.

His paws kept rubbing over the rump and two of his fingers started to rub and push at the still slick sphincter and after he played around a bit he pushed both of his fingers right into the morsel's hole. The boy started to squirm and sob again but that didn't stop John from pushing in even further. "Uhm... he is so tight... He is a real wonderful mouse." He then said almost in trance while the husky finished spicing up the upper half of the prey's body.

"So now the really fun part will start" The husky said with a wide and toothy grin. "We are going to put that meal where he belongs right on the heated plate." He then added and looked over at the nervous wolf. "I know you still think all that is wrong and believe me if I tell you that the most think like that but you ll see soon what great meal he will become, much more useful then he ever would have been in his entire life. So come on and take his legs" And with that Dan took the upper body of the mouse and waited for John to grab the legs of the struggling lad. Together they brought him to the already sizzling griddle and with one swift move the boy got tossed right on to the hot metal. Quickly Dan removed the ball gag so it doesn't gets damaged.

Of course the morsel instantly started to cry out at the intense heat so the room quickly filled with the sounds of loud cries and the sizzling of a cute mouse boy. John looked totally shocked at this. The first thing that came to his mind now was jumping in and saving that poor thing. But that was until the scent of the grilling meat rose up to his nose. It was... wonderful almost intoxicating. Dan in the meantime started to press the mouse down on the hot grill until the the struggling and twitching stopped.

After that the canine moved back to John. "I can understand if you don't want to watch this from now on. So why don't you get outside and look for a nice place to relax. As soon as i am done here i ll be joining you with our fantastic dinner here. "

"Yes I guess I could take a break here" The wolf said and walked out of the room right into the next one. He totally forgot that he is naked, but by now he didn't even care anymore. After all everyone else here was naked, why should he care if he was?

Now he was sitting there not knowing what to do. Should he run? But why after going so far... that would not made much sense. So he just sat there lost in thoughts....

Two hours later the wolf still was sitting there thinking about his life and how it should proceed now. He didn't even realize how fast the time passed and then suddenly he could smell it, the fine and rich aroma of cooked mouse meat. John looked to his side and saw how the large husky came out from the kitchen with a large silver plate in his paws.

"Here we go wolfy" He then said to John and placed the sliver pate right on the middle of the table. Again the wolf was not able to realize what he saw. The mouse boy is grilled to perfection and positioned on his strong looking legs. It looked like he was just sitting there with the small difference that his skin is brown and crispy and the whole boy still was steaming hot from the grilling. For John the sight was absolutely mouth watering. He never had thought that a cooked boy could look so delicious. His gaze wandered down over the morsels body, the cute face with the now closed eyes down to the good looking chest over the belly and the still rock hard cock.

"So I guess you like what you see don't you?" Dan asked and smiled wide as he took one of the smaller plates and placed it in front of the wolf. "Ok how would you like to start?" He then asked and took his large carving knife.

John just blinked for a moment not sure what part he should taste but then after a while he pointed right at the right thigh of the mouse. "I... I want the thigh... I guess."

"What a wonderful choice, there is nothing better then a nice and juicy thigh you know?" The large husky said and instantly moved over to the thigh and started to cut out a nice piece of it only to place it right on the wolf's plate. "Here you go" With that he moved over to the rump cutting out a nice steak for himself before sitting down in front of his new friend.

John shifted around in his seat as he slowly took the knife and the fork into his paw. "Uhm... ok let us see... how this tastes." He said very nervously and then started to cut out a piece of meat. Slowly he moved the fork to his mouth to place to good smelling meat right into it. And that was the moment where everything for the wolf changed completely.

It was incredible; he never could have imagined that this kind of meat would taste so good. He thought it wouldn't be that much different, but the taste was intense and full and so the wolf quickly chewed and gulped down the first piece of meat. And of course he doesn't wait long before he took another piece of the mouse's meat on his fork.

The Husky in the meantime started to eat his own piece of mouse and murred loudly. "Oh this one really is a treat" He said after gulping down. "We really have to find more like this one."

The wolf snapped back into reality as heard the voice of the husky. "Uhm... yes... yeah actually it really is a treat... I mean... I never imagined that this would be so good... you know." The wolf actually didn't want to say stuff like this. He still thinks it is sad that this person had to die only to be a meal for them. But all the sensations he felt the last four hours and everything he saw changed him... like someone pulled a trigger...

"Well I am glad you like it wolf. Cause now you are official a member of our club and we really would like to see you more often." Dan then said as he took another bite from his meal, visibly enjoying. "Oh and of course I guess you can understand if we dont want you to do any more research in your current "case". You know what i mean?" The husky then adds.

John has finished eating his piece of meat by now and nods. " Yes of course... I'll tell everyone that this here is nothing more then a fetish group and that I was not able to find out anything." The wolf then replies.

"Oh you don't know how happy you make me with that. And for that you'll receive a special gift." After saying that Dan moves over to the mouse again and starts to cut out a very special part of the meal. The knife goes down to the base of the cock and the balls of the cute mouse boy. Thanks to the cock ring it stayed all hard along the entire process of getting grilled. The husky placed the cock right onto the plate of the wolf who blinked a bit. "Believe me that is the best meat you can get from such a meat."

Still unsure the canine started to poke his fork into the shaft and with the help of the knife he was able to cut out a nice piece of the cock. Slowly he moved the steaming hot piece of meat to his mouth and started to munch on it. "Uhmr.... god..." The wolf was not able to believe that. He does not know why this tasted so good. Maybe just because he knew that all this is so forbidden? Or where those just predatory feelings? Is it the meat itself? He doesn't knew it but also... doesn't cared anymore...

The next thing he was doing was taking that large orb on his fork to start eating on them as well. And so 5 minutes later the whole meal was gone while Dan started to eat on more mouse thigh.

One thing was for sure... This was the beginning of a new life for the wolf. And he is going to enjoy it...

It was 4 am when John arrived back at his home. He opened the door to his apartment and instantly went to his bed. He felt more exhausted then ever before in his life but also... he knew that his life will never be like it used to be. On his way home he saw one of his neighbours coming home from a party as well. And the first thought that came to the wolf's mind was:

"Damn I wonder what this fox would taste like..."

End Part 1

Ok guys and gals. I really hope you liked that one. If yes please leave a comment or push the fav button cause that is the way you can show me your love XD


Jack ((Jacko))


Hello all, this is a funny and interesting commission I did for Kemonokun and Night Lord. Story contains: Fox, Cat, Paradox vore, Psychedelic content, M/M, yiff and drug use ((Weed, and LSA - Lysergic Acid Amide)) English is not my native...

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Trent the dominating Cub

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Buff Meat

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