The Arena, chapter 3: Abused others

Story by foxes26 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Arena

Okay, third chapter. There are many new characters being introduced in this chapter, and a new side of Synch. But will it last? This will be the last time jump in the series, and this one is just a small one. Enjoy^^ Name: Synch Lactos Current age: 23 Gender: Male Species: Leopox Description: No change from previous stories. Name: Siegfried Linsk Current age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Liox (lion/fox hybrid) Description: 5' 11", 150 lbs. Slim/ slightly muscular body build, a small mane around his head and neck. His muzzle is slightly shorter muzzle than the normal fox's, a regular length bushy tail. His fur has a red/ orangish tint to it, his blue eyes slit down the middle like a cat's. Wears a pair of dark blue jeans with a green T-shirt. Name: Drai Vegon Current age: 18 Gender: Male Species: Lynx Description: 5'7'' tall, 145 lbs. Soft dark red fur, except for his head fur, which is a golden yellow in contrast. His eyes are a light brown that seem soft. His nails are chipped and broken, cuts and light scars covering his body. Wearing a dirty red muscle shirt with torn up khaki pants. Name: Fynx Sev Current age: 15 Gender: Male Species: Fox Description: Small 5'0 100 lb fox, a light body build with little to no muscle on him. Has gray fur that covers most of his body and a bushy tail with black highlights running down it. Unusual with his light purple eyes that seem to get furs attention. Wearing an old, wrinkled black T-shirt, ripped in various places, and accompanied with dirty jeans. Name: Veronica Nemmond Current age: 21 Gender: Female Species: Hyena Description: 5'10'' and 153 lbs. Keeps her body in a fit state, being lean and slightly muscular. Holds much pride in the curves of her body, and the way men seem to react to them. She has a light blonde fur base with small black spots down her back. Head fur is long and covers half of her face. Wearing a dark black cut off tube top that shows her stomach and a matching black short-skirt. Also wearing tall high-heels. Disclaimer: This story is not for anyone below the age of 18. It contains blood, gay and straight rape, and death. If these things are not what you like to read, or if you are under age, go back and find something else to read. The character Drai Vegon is copyrighted by Genesis with all rights of use. Drai was used with permission from Genesis.

  • * * A year had passed since the night he had escaped. The Arena now only existed in his mind through the nightmares that kept him awake at night. He didn't sleep much now, but that only gave him more time to get things done. For most of the year since he had left, Synch spent most of his time doing exciting things with the money he and Broken had gotten. They went out and learned how to ride motorcycles, went to theme parks, base jumping, you name it, they had probably done it all. The leopox had taken an exceptional liking to motorcycles, finding that riding them was the absolute freest thing he had ever come across. But every night he went to sleep, the things he saw in his mind always made these exciting activities harder and harder to enjoy. The nightmares had come shortly after he had left that hellish place, manifesting themselves in his mind when he had time to think about it. All of the furs that had died by his blade were stuck in the same place he had been stuck, having done nothing to him but be taken away, just as he had. They didn't deserve it. This realization, along with the fact that he no longer needed to kill, had brought out a new side of the leopox; a caring side. He felt guilty now about all he had been forced to do and was trying to make it right in his mind. A short time ago, a little over a month, he had gone to a real-estate office in a nearby city and bought a magnificent house surrounded by one hundred acres of land, located just outside the city. The leopox had spent nearly a month furbishing and stocking the house enough to house what could be an army. In reality, it was going to house his attempts to make up for all the damage he had caused. With a shake of his head, Synch brought himself out of his musings and back to his current task of hanging fliers. He quickly stapled a flier to a telephone pole and got back inside his car, driving down the next city block and getting out again. He walked over to a convenience store and handed the clerk one, asking the old looking dog to hang it in his window. The store clerk looked at the flier and nodded, promising he would. With a smile and a thanks, the leopox went back to his car and laid his head back on the seat, blowing a long sigh out. This was how it had gone all day today, handing out fliers and hanging them up. With another sigh, he picked up one of the pieces of paper and read the text on it for what was probably the thousandth time today. In big bold letters it advertised a home for abandoned furs. It included a map and directions at the bottom, promising food and a warm place to sleep for anyone that wanted it. Synch smiled a bit and hoped that maybe this would be his way to help furs. All he had to do was keep his urges for violence down... Shouldn't be too hard, he thought to himself, hoping it was true. He looked at his watch and, seeing that it was close to five PM, decided to call it a day. He switched his car into drive and pulled away from the curb, taking a left down the next street towards an exit of the city and his house. From where he had been, it was only about an hour walk to the house and he hoped that it was short enough not to hold some furs back from coming. As he drove out from the cluttering of buildings to a more grassy area, Synch felt happy. He thought he was doing something good here, something to ease his conscience. He knew there were many out there who had a bad life, or were still having a bad life, and needed to get away from it. They needed a safe place to be happy, and he wanted to provide that kind of place. He knew he would gladly kill to protect these poor furs. The landscape started getting more covered with trees and flowers were in full bloom all around. Springtime really showed out here, unlike in the concrete city, which is part of the reason he liked it. He passed by a few familiar houses and went up an incline in the road that blocked his view ahead. He crested the rise and smiled even wider at the house that emerged in his vision. It was a beautiful house, two stories above ground and another story below ground that didn't show. It was nearly three times as wide as it was tall and he knew that the back of the structure was almost two times. It was a light black and grey color that seemed to show off more light that it took in. He had picked out the color himself, loving the darkness and light it showed. It seemed to fit him. He drove in through the open front gate and down the drive way that led to his garage stashed at the back of his land. The garage door opened automatically when the car was close enough to be sensed, revealing two other cars and a line of three motorcycles of his. He drove into an open spot and got out of his car, the fact that one in the garage was missing. "Hmm, Broken must be out somewhere," he said off-handedly to himself as he closed the garage and walked out of the side door. He emerged into the late sun shining down on his crimson red fur and let out a soft murr. He stretched his body out with a long grunt and let out a happy sigh. The warm, radiant sunlight felt good on his fur and the smell of trees and flowers were assaulting his nose. It all felt so wonderful he forgot he was just standing in his back yard. Finally, he started walking to the house, a wide smile seeming to be stuck to his muzzle. The leopox entered in through the back door into the kitchen, the sunlight coming through the windows being reflected off the various bits of metal. He moved out of the kitchen, looking around at his fairly new furniture. He had made sure that it was all modern and stylish. Why it mattered to him he didn't know, he just liked it. He walked into the living room to see another fur in there on the couch watching TV. "Hey there Sieg," he said happily to the liox. Siegfried sat up a bit, smiling. "Hey Synch. How'd it go out there today?" he asked expectantly. The leopox grinned and moved over to the window looking out over the front yard. "It went great. I went all throughout the city and hung the fliers. A few shop keepers even agreed to put them in their windows and give them to furs they think need it. I think we're going to get more in this house. At least, I hope we will." "Yeah, I hope so too. Staying here with just you and Broken is getting really boring," Sieg said teasingly. The leopox looked over his shoulder with a teasing smile of his own. "Well, if you weren't here making it so boring..." He explained in a mock important voice and trailed off. He was looking back at the other with an affectionate gaze though. Siegfried had probably been the one to give him the idea for this home. A couple of months ago Synch had been riding through the country on the motorcycle and found the liox on the side of the road alone. He had stopped and asked the fur what he was doing out here all alone and it had turned out he had been abandoned. It nearly broke the leopox's heart to hear that, so he insisted the other come with him. Sieg had been reluctant at first, but eventually had agreed to ride home with him. He had been living with them ever since. They had become friends through that time, but the liox had never talked about his past. Synch hadn't pushed it either. If he was supposed to know, he guessed he would have been told. It made him feel great to help others though, and thus the whole idea of opening a home came about. "Aw, it's not me," Sieg responded with a practiced looking pitiful face. The leopox just let out a laugh and faced to look back outside the window. All they had to do now was wait for someone to come. That is, if anyone would come. * * * At the same time Synch and Siegfried were talking, nearly a mile away in the city, a lonely and sad looking lynx was wandering through an alley. He was looking to be in bad shape, his lip split but no longer bleeding, a nick missing from his ear. He ran into a bit of trouble it seemed. He wasn't really sure where he was at the moment and didn't like it. Just hours ago he had been inside his own home, worrying about smaller things like a crush. Hell, it was that crush that got him in all this trouble. He remembered he was going to tell his friend how he felt. He knew it would be awkward because his friend was another guy, but he had to try telling him, even if it meant he would be hated for it. He wrote a letter, not being able to do it face to face, that explained everything. When he finished he dared to think that everything would be all right, as long as he got the letter to his friend. He left the letter on the desk in his room and left to use the bathroom. When he left, his father came into his room. For what, he never found out, but his dad saw the letter sitting on the desk and, naturally, opened it. The next part played like a movie in his mind. He came back into his room too see his father looking at him furiously. "What the fuck is this Drai?!" The older fur yelled at his son, holding the letter out. The smaller lynx shrunk back a bit, his eyes going wide. "What are you, some kind of fag now?!" "N-no dad, I swear!" Drai said back in a small voice, clearly frightened. The response only seemed to make his dad angrier. The older fur rushed over to him and backhanded the lynx as hard as he could, splitting his lip. He fell over hard, blood leaking out of his lip onto the carpet in a steady stream as he looked at his father in shock. "Don't you dare lie to me you little bastard! You're telling another guy that you like him in this letter! How do you explain that, smart ass?" Drai curled up on the ground in a defensive posture, not sure what was going to happen and afraid for his safety. "I- I don't know! It's nothing, I just... I'm just confused," he whimpered out, hoping against hope it would stop the tirade against him. Again, it only seemed to make things worse. The older fur lost it then and grabbed his son by the ear, trying to wrench him to his feet by it. The piece of skin he was holding tore off from the rest of the ear with a sickening ripping sound. Drai let out a scream of pain and tried to run away from the assault. The overly angry dad merely threw the chunk of skin and fur away and grabbed the smaller fur by his arm before he could get away and slammed him into the wall hard. The blow stunned Drai, sending his senses buzzing. He felt himself being jerked again, this time out of the room and down the hall. His dad pulled him to the front door and opened it, giving Drai one more backhand before heaving him out onto the front lawn. He laid there, stunned that this had happened. He heard the last thing his dad had said though, very clearly through the buzzing of disbelief and shock in his head. "Get the hell out of here and don't ever come back. You're no son of mine." His dad said before going back inside and locking the door. For a long time Drai just stayed there on the lawn, gathering his wits and trying to comprehend what had just happened. His dad had never hit him before, never yelled at him, never even got noticeably angry. Now, all of a sudden, he was beaten and bleeding on his own front lawn. After a long time he stood up and just began walking down the street, looking back once to see his father watching him leave through the window. He had never felt so alone at that moment, the ones he thought would love him no matter what had just kicked him out of the house. And now he was wondering through a city he didn't know very well, thinking about the assault by his dad. He was suddenly drawn from his thoughts by a deep voice coming from his right side. He looked over quickly, startled by the voice, to see four pit bulls standing there behind a dumpster. "Hey boy, what're you doing out here? Don't ya know this is our turf?" the biggest one said, stepping toward Drai threateningly. "We might have to teach you a lesson." The lynx backed up, whimpering when he felt his back hit the solid brick behind him. "I-I didn't know. I'm just lost..." Drai said in a low voice, keeping his eyes on the pit bulls. The group of dogs all laughed and the leader walked towards the lynx with a cold grin on his face. "Tell you what, give us a hundred buck and we'll let you go." The small fur was scared and whimpered again, louder. "I-I don't have a h-hundred dollars. That's just-'' he said before getting cut off by a sudden fist crashing into his face. The back of his head hit the brick behind him and he slid to the ground, bright colors flashing across his vision. The four canines jumped on the helpless lynx, beating and kicking at him with brutal blows and kicks. Drai just curled up on the ground and took the punishment, whimpering out when an especially hard blow slammed into his body. From above him he could hear the grunts and laughs of his tormentors cutting into him. Finally he passed out into painless darkness, leaving his body and feelings behind at the mercy of the four cruel canines. The lynx woke up on the ground over an hour later and sat up slowly with a pained groan. The gang of pit bulls was gone, but had left him in bad shape. Blood was trickling down a bad cut on his arm and his face was a fiery mess of pain. The worst thing was, he didn't have anywhere to go now. He was out here hurt and had no one to turn to... The wind picked up then and blew a piece of paper into his face. Drai cursed and grabbed the paper, about to throw it aside when he noticed the writing on it. The paper was an advertisement for a place that helped those down on their luck. The injured lynx realized from the directions that it wasn't far, about half an hour of walking. He didn't know if he could move that far, but it was the only choice he had at that point. Whimpering in pain, he got up to his feet with the piece of paper still held in his paw and started walking towards where the directions pointed. He hoped against hope someone would be able to help him there. This house would be the only chance he had. * * * The young fox whimpered and looked up at his master pleadingly, begging with his eyes for it to stop. His master, a large wolf, just laughed and backhanded the fox hard across the muzzle. He fell to the side with the impact of the slap and immediately felt the wolf's strong paws pulling him back up by his headfur. He tried to pull away, but that only caused the grip to tighten and shoot more pain through his head. "Now Fynx, open your mouth," the wolf growled down at his small pet, his free paw slowly unbuttoning his jeans. The vulpine whined quietly and watched as his master's hard meat flopped out from his pants to bob in front of his face. He felt the grip on his headfur harden and pull him towards the rock solid cock roughly. He opened his mouth obediently, knowing what would happen if he didn't, and immediately the wolf's long length was shoved into it. The fox resisted his urge to gag and back away as the entire length was shoved into the back of his throat. If he pulled away or displeased his master, the punishment would be much worse. All he could do was bear it. Above him the wolf let out a small sigh of pleasure and held the young fox down without air for a long while. Fynx still didn't move, not until his master's paw pulled him back off the cock with a hard jerk. The fox was thrown hard against the close wall and held there, still with the strong paw holding him still there on his knees. The long wolf meat pressed hard at his lips and he opened his muzzle obediently again, letting his master invade his muzzle. The wolf thrust into the small muzzle hard, jamming the member in as far as he could before pulling out again. As the lupine above him continued to fuck his muzzle, tears flowed down the abused fox's cheeks. He felt his own smaller cock start to grow in his pants and it upset him. He shouldn't be enjoying the abuse that was dished out at him, but he always did. Fynx reached down his own body and started rubbing his own length through his pants in time with the thrusts into his muzzle. He felt sick with himself, but he couldn't help but love this kind of treatment. He felt the wolf tense above him and the cock was shoved down far into his throat. His master let out a small howl and came into him mouth, the salty liquid filling his throat and muzzle faster than he could swallow it down. The member was pulled out of his muzzle and the last few spurts of cum were shot over his face and muzzle. Another backhand sent Fynx to the ground once more, whimpering and curling up, but keeping his eyes on the wolf. His master laughed as he looked down on his pet, examining the cum dripping out of the fox's muzzle and off of his face, the trickle of blood coming from his mouth. "You liked that too, didn't you? Sick little faggot, you know you enjoyed it." He said in a cruel, hard voice. The fox shook his head, but knew deep down he had enjoyed it. He had enjoyed it a lot. The wolf growled and kicked the young vulpine in the side roughly, growling. "I know you did, because you're the kind of sick fuck who would like it! You swallowed down all my cum like you wanted it and I saw you stroking yourself. You're lower than dirt and that's how it's always going to be. But since you lied to your master, you will stay in here the entire week with nothing to eat. Maybe that will teach you to be honest." The wolf gave the abused fox one more vicious kick in the back and left the room. Fynx heard the scraping of the lock to the door as his master left and started crying again in soft, low sobs. He hated his life here, hated enjoying the abuse, hated everything about this place. All he wanted to do was die, to end his miserable existence. He laid there sobbing for a long while before it died down. He uncurled from his position on the floor and stood up shakily, looking over his body for any permanent injuries. He looked down over his front and whimpered again, seeing a big wet spot of cum on the front of his pants. He didn't know why, didn't know what stopped him, but he could never admit that he liked the treatment. He was too stubborn, too proud, too something... * * * Fynx woke with a start out of the nightmare he had been having. It had been over a year since he had last seen or even thought of his master. Why, all of the sudden, did the nightmare spring up? "Weird..." He said as he rolled out of the cot he had been sleeping on. He stood up, sleepily rubbing his eyes for a moment before stretching out. He felt more tired than he should have. Hell, maybe the dream kept him from getting much rest. His paws hit the low ceiling of his small room as he stretched out and he let out a sigh. The room was the only thing he had now though, and it was only his because of the kindness of a shop keeper. He knew the keeper couldn't afford to let him live here for much longer though. A new place had to be found soon. He opened up his door into the fluorescent lighting of a convenience store. The light stung the fox's eyes so he waited a moment just outside the door to get used to the suddenly harsh lighting. When his eyes adjusted a bit he walked through the isles looking for the kind shopkeeper. The keeper, an old looking jaguar, was sitting behind the register and looking down at what looked like a flier with a sad look on his face. Fynx walked to the counter and knocked on it softly, putting a smile on his muzzle. "Good evening old man," he said cheerfully. "How're you doing today?" The old feline looked up and put on a small smile, but the fox noticed the smile didn't reach the keeper's eyes. "Hello Fynx. I trust you slept well?" the jaguar asked in a tired sounding voice. "A bit of an odd dream, but other than that I slept fine." The fox said, eyeing the flier the keeper had been reading. "What's that you got there?" The feline jumped slightly at the question and looked back down at the piece of paper. "I need to talk to you about something," the old man said, his ears flattening back against his skull. "This is a flier for a place where furs like you... who have no place to stay permanently..." It was hard to say this. He kept his eyes downcast, feeling guilty for some reason. "I think you should go visit this place..." Fynx put his paw softly on the keeper's shoulder, putting on an understanding smile. He knew this would come one day, but it still hurt slightly to be kicked out. He understood though. "It's alright, I know about your financial trouble old man. I knew I'd have to leave you soon. I can't thank you enough for the kindness you've shown me though. You helped me when I most needed it," the fox said in a low, thankful voice. He was starting to tear up, so he grabbed the paper from the keeper and turned around towards the door. He wouldn't be able to say a long goodbye here. "Bye Fynx. I wish you the best of luck in your life." Was the last thing he heard from the old jaguar before the shop door closed behind him, shutting him into the night air. He looked around into the twilight darkness and the shadows cast by the tall buildings with little hope for his future. More likely than not, the home would just turn out to be somewhere else for him to be enslaved. It was his only choice, however. Either the home or he could live out here on the streets... not the most appealing choice in a city like this. With a small sigh he looked down at the flier to the directions at the bottom and started walking through the city towards where his new life was supposed to be. Hell, maybe it wouldn't be a bad place... he could only hope. * * * A young, very pretty hyena sat on her couch comfortably, reading a small magazine with her legs crossed out in front of her. Her short-skirt rode up her thighs to show the curve of her rump. With a small, impatient sigh she flicked her hair out of her face and continued reading. "He better hurry up," Veronica said to herself, her tail twitching impatiently off to the side. She was referring to her husband, who was supposed to be taking her out tonight but was late... as usual. Probably out getting drunk for the 'horrible' night he has to spend with me, the hyena thought venomously. From outside the door came the sound of keys, then the scraping of someone trying to fit the keys in the lock. Veronica got up from the couch with a little growl and moved over to the door, pulling it open fast. The door hit the wall with a loud bang and left a hole where the doorknob was. "It was open, you drunken idiot!" She said in a raised voice before pulling her husband in the doorway. The male lion stumbled a bit into the room and fell down on the floor, laughing a little. "Hey... I knowed that..." he said in a slurred voice, picking himself up from the ground. He stumbled over to the hyena with a silly grin on his face, running his hands down her body. "Hey, you look damn good tonight." Veronica pulled away from the groping feline with an angry growl and slapped him across the muzzle. "You were supposed to take me out to a restaurant tonight! What happened, huh? Your buddies just couldn't let you leave the bar without being totally shit faced?! Or were you just dreading to come home to spend time with me?!" She yelled in his face. He just shook his head and backed up from the angry hyena. He had a slightly angry look on his face. "Well fuck, when you act like this who would want to be around you?" He slurred out. Veronica stepped up and slapped the lion again, harder this time. He stumbled backwards and touched his face before letting out a growl. "Maybe it's time I teach you how to act, bitch!" He yelled before punching the female in the face hard. She fell backwards from the force of the hit and smacked her head against the ground. Her mind was buzzing in shock and confusion. He had never dared to hit her before. Oh, he's going to pay, she thought disjointedly through the white noise in her mind. The lion grinned and stumbled over to sit his weight on her chest, a soft chuckling coming from him. He looked down at the blood coming from his wife's muzzle and felt a surge of power over-take him. He found he liked being in control for once. "Maybe I should teach you how to dress too, you whore. Look at you, showing off your legs and stomach like some kind of slut. How about I treat you like a whore, huh?" He said with a laugh as he backhanded his wife. He reached down the female's body and began groping her tits through the tube top. Veronica started struggling violently, smacking and scratching at the stronger lion's face and squirming her body. There was no way she was going to let him get away with doing this. He just laughed and let go to hit her in the face again. The male got off of his wife and turned her over to her stomach before sitting on her back. He laughed and landed a few hard punches on her kidneys before lifting up her skirt to reveal the thong she had on. "Look at this! A thong, the whore's underwear for easy access. Hell, I guess you really want to be fucked, you little slut!" He yelled back at her before pulling the underwear down her long legs, his eyes locking on her cunt. When she felt her underwear taken off, she let out a yell and started bucking, trying to get the lion off of her. "Let me go you fucking bastard!" She screamed at him angrily. He just laughed and landed another hard punch on her kidneys, stopping her bucking for now. He leaned down and shoved two of his fingers into her slit roughly as far as it would go. With another laugh he started fucking her with his fingers, small amounts of blood coming from her opening from his rough treatment. She let out a gasp at the intrusion into her and tried to buck again, pushing against his growing erection on her back. He let out a small groan of pleasure and forced her back to the ground, pushing his fingers in hard and shifting his weight. "Oh god yes, you know you like it! Come on, let me hear how much you like it! Let me feel your pleasure!" He yelled out in a powerful voice as he took the fingers out of her pussy. With another laugh he shoved them into her tailhole viciously, tearing a scream of rage from the female under him. He thrust the fingers in and out, adding a third one with more effort. "A whore loves it up the ass, doesn't she? They've gotta love it for all those customers they get!" Veronica tensed up her entire body, her lower regions on fire with pain as her husband abused her. She stopped struggling and let out a small, forced murr of pleasure. She had to get him to lower his guard... The lion felt his wife stop struggling and let out a laugh, forcing in his fingers again. "Yeah, I knew you liked it, you filthy slut. I'm feeling nice right now though, so I'll give you something bigger to ride on." He said in a low voice. Yeah, not that much bigger, she thought to herself and smiled, despite the situation she was in. He got off of her and moved his body around behind Veronica. The hyena got up to her knees and made to offer herself to her husband, watching him and waiting carefully. He grinned like an idiot and moved himself up close behind her, taking his little prick out of his pants eagerly. Now! She thought and brought one of her legs up against her chest. She kicked back as hard as she could with her high-heels, catching the lion hard in the stomach, the spike of the heel piercing through his skin and fur. She scrambled away and left her husband staring unbelievingly down at the shoe protruding from his abdomen, kicking off the other shoe and heading for the kitchen. She went straight to the phone and started dialing for the police, but stopped. Why should he get off that easily? The bastard had just tried to rape her, why should he just get thrown in jail? "He shouldn't..." She said to herself in a low, angry voice and hung up the phone. She walked over to the knife rack and picked out a nice serrated blade, looking it over with a sadistic smile on her muzzle. This would do perfectly. She turned around to go back out to the living room and saw her husband standing in the doorway, holding his stomach. He growled angrily and took a step towards her. "You little bitch... you stabbed me with a shoe that I bought you! You ungrateful slut, you're going to pay for that." He said angrily, taking his paw off of the wound and reaching towards her. He let out a yell and started a stumbling run towards her, thinking to kill his wife. She just laughed and ducked under the angry punch he threw, causing the unsteady lion to crash into the counter behind her heavily. With another loud growl he turned around quickly, only to be kicked in the stomach hard, in the same place she had stabbed him. With a howl of pain, he fell down to the ground, clutching his abused stomach. He started crying and whimpering out in pain, but that made Veronica angry. What right did he have to be crying after what he just did to her? With an angry snarl, she kicked the lion in the ribs with all her strength and kneeled down, forcing his legs open. She thrust her hips in between the legs and smiled down at his cock, which was still hanging out of his pants. She grabbed the now flaccid meat roughly and stretched it out, placing the serrated edge of her knife hard against the base of it. "Let's see, this is what made you do this right?! This is what got you into this trouble, so maybe you'll behave without it!" She shouted down in his face. Veronica started sawing at the member roughly, blood spilling from the wound quickly. She pushed down hard and when she was almost through, set the knife to the side and ripped it the rest of the way off. The lion was yelling out in pain at the top of his lungs and trying to get away as quickly as he could. She got up and let her husband go, the piece of meat still clutched in her paw. He whimpered and cried for mercy, turning over and trying to crawl away from his murderous wife. A thick trail of blood followed his ever weakening attempts to get away from her, his moved becoming sluggish as more of the crimson essential to life fell onto the tiled floor. She just stood there and laughed, dropping the member from her grip and picking the knife up again. She walked up beside him, easily catching up, and kicked him again in the ribs, causing him to roll over onto his back. She sat on his chest and put her knife to his throat roughly, leaning in close to his face. "'Till death do us part, right hun?" She said mockingly before ripping the knife across his jugular. The blood sprayed up and covered her entire front, showing up well against her blonde fur. She kept looking at his eyes, watching him lay there on the ground gurgling and choking on his own blood. Finally, the light of life left his eyes and he laid still under her, his final breath bubbling up through his throat. She got off of him slowly, kicking him in the side one more time before leaving the kitchen and walking right out her front door. She started walking quickly down the sidewalk, thanking the heavens that it was dark out. There was no way she could stay there now, not after she had done that to her husband. It had felt so good, but she would likely go to jail for it... She looked down at herself, at the crimson blood covering her front and at the knife still held in her paw. She was definitely going to have to clean up somewhere, but not here. She had to find some place to stay too. That might be a bit hard. She looked up and saw a flier stapled to a light post in front of her, and was about to pass it when she noticed it said they take in the poor. "Hmm, maybe finding a place to stay isn't as hard as I thought. This seems like just the place to go..." She said to herself, reading over the flier in the light of the post. She smiled at the directions and looked off into the distance, knowing exactly where this place was. She had passed it many times on various drives outside of the city. She couldn't take a car this time though, she had to make it seem like she was poor to get in. With a smile on her muzzle and a plan now in her head, she walked down the street with a purpose now, knife held in one paw and directions held in the other. If she could get into the home, she might just get away with the murder. Well, that's what she hoped anyways. * * * Note from the author: This is what I whole-heartedly believe the penalty for beating your spouse, whether male or female, should be. I hate those who do it with all my being. Anyways, thanks for reading the story^^ As always, much criticism and reviews are appreciated.