A Knight With A Dragon Part 1

Story by Rasuran on SoFurry

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This story is (c) 2010 Rasuran. Feel free to share, just don't claim my work as your own. Sorry, its not completely done yet. This part does contain sexual things, but expect more in part 2. And sorry of my spelling and grammer sucks.

Kevin was bored with being a knight, plain and simple. Having blackmailed his master the blacksmith into letting him join the knights of King Carinton II at age 16 (he had found some rather graphic letters addressed to his master to "his dearest John"), he had quickly worked his way up the social scale by any means possible, except being an honorable knight. Not to say, he wasn't talented with a sword, but that was the problem. All his opponents were dead or close too it within the first minute of a battle. He was so confident that he never even bothered to wear armor anymore, just a simple sword and side blade. It was said that he single handed won the Great War against the Dark King Argontil buy sneaking into their camp and fighting the king himself. Argontil's head was found shoved up a cow's ass the next day.

Thus fighting was out for entertainment. Instead he would amuse himself at the local brothels and bars, picking fights and fisting whores. However, that soon too lost its charm. He would wander all throughout the land of Carinton, looking for something even slightly interesting to do. He was 18 and had no family. His father died from a cow branding incident when he was only 2 and his mother was believed to have been sacrificed to a dragon as a "virgin" when he was 3. He would have left, but where to? Another land with the same old wars and whores? No. He wanted something more exiting, interesting, rare. That's when he got lucky.

He was riding his horse one day through the northern edges of Carinton, and his horse was pissing him off for going too slow. But he let it go. Having been bored the night before he had decided to see how many apples he could stuff up his horse's ass and pussy (after he'd finished fucking her of course). He had lost count after about 30. For this, and only this reason was he not killing the horse for being slow, "After all," he said, "I can see the next town already, and I'm in no hurry." The horse hearing this looked up. Sure enough, there was a village at the bottom of the hill. She quickened her pace despite her aching rear, knowing that a village meant a nice warm stable for her, and a whore getting fucked that night and not her.

It wasn't until they reached the edge of the village that he began to notice something weird. No one was in the streets (being only one street it was easy to see that). Occasionally he'd see a face in a window or door, but no one came out. He wondered, trying to figure out what day it was. There was only one day in Carinton that everyone stayed indoors, the day before the king's birthday, for preparation for the celebration the next day. But if his calculations were right, that wasn't for another month or two.

It was right about then that he felt his house tense up and get really nervous. He heard falling water and turned round to see her pissing all over the road, "Stop That!" he hissed, "You want to embarrass me?" the horse neighed nervously and stopped peeing, knowing his violent temper. Slowly they walked down the street, until they finally hit the center square. By now Kevin's horse was shaking so hard that he finally gave up and climbed down off her. It was because of this that it took a moment for him to notice the alter.

It looked like a platform for speaking; only there was a pole in the center. Attached to the poll was a rather large goat, asleep. It seamed completely oblivious that it was the only live thing outside that day. Kevin had just tied up his horse to the platform and was walking towards a bar to try to find some answers when-WHOOSH! BAG! BAAA-! He was thrown to the ground as something hit the alter, completely destroying it, and sending his horse speeding away, forgetting about her pains earlier. "Fuck!" Kevin slowly stood and dusted himself off. Drawing his sward, he turned ready to kill whatever dumb bastard had scared his horse way.

That was when he almost dropped his sword in shock. There on top of the wreckage that was the platform, sat a real live Gryphon! It was happily munching away at the goat, which it had literally flattened on impact. Kevin just stared. He had heard of gryphons of course, but had always thought them to be silly children's tales, not to mention to look a little more threatening. This one was only a little larger than Kevin was, the only thing that made it look big and menacing was its wings. "No matter," thought Kevin, "This stupid overgrown pigeon cost me my horse, and there for my honor! Besides, this might actually be an interesting fight" Slowly he walked towards the monster, which was now busy amusing itself by bating the head of the former goat in the air like a ball. This disappointed Kevin, giving him less and less confidence in it being a difficult fight, "The way this one was acting, you'd think it was only a child," he mused, "No matter, I'm not picky."

It was about that time that the gryphon finally noticed it wasn't alone, dropping the goats head, it stood up on all fours and stared at the human. Kevin froze and stared right back. Standing the gryphon was only a little shorter than Kevin, but his beak, and talons told him that even it were a child, it could still rip his face off. Not to mention the goats blood dripping off him did make him a little menacing, even with the confused look on its face. It cocked its head, as if unsure what to do with this new intruder. It didn't take long to decide.

Without warning it suddenly gave a loud shriek and lunged for the human. Kevin just raising his sward to attack when the beast hit him head on in the gut. The force was so strong that it sent him flying backwards, causing him to drop his sward, and almost his bowels. The gryphon sat his hind legs down, looking at the keeled over human. He looked quite pleased with himself. He obviously had worked out that this would be an easy meal, so he might as well have some playtime with it before he ripped its head off. Kevin groaned, trying to get his breath back, "You...pant...Bit-cough...Fuckin ass hole!" The gryphon made a chirring sound in its thought, almost as if it were laughing, "Enjoy life while you can bird," he said, trying to stand, "For today you die!" As he began to rise he heard the sound of running feet, and saw the gryphon charging for another head butt.

Kevin reacted in time though and rolled out of the way sending the bird crashing headlong into a house that was behind him. It left a rather impressive dent where its head hit. This time it was the gryphon's turn to look dazed on the ground. Kevin chuckled, standing and walking over to retrieve his sword where it had fallen. Bad idea. WACK! He hit from behind and felt talons hit flesh. He was thrown to the ground again, this time with the gryphon ripping his back to shreds. Somehow, he was able to turn himself over and grab the beast talons in his hands. What he saw, made him just a little nervous. An exceedingly pissed off gryphon with blood oozing from a gash in its head and dripping off its beak. For the first time in years, he felt fear, and he loved it. But he had to concentrate, unless he wanted to get his body ripped apart by this bastard. Right now he was having a hard enough time just holding back its talons. If the idiot eventually realized that this left his face open to its beck, he was screwed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his sword, still to far away, "Fuck!" Then it hit him. It wasn't the most honorable way to get the gryphon off him, but since when was he honorable? Taking his chances and praying this monster was a male, he drive his left foot into a certain region between the monsters hind legs.

The gryphon just froze for half a second, staring in shock at this human, then keeled over on its side, its eyes rolled back in its head, and putting its front claws between its legs, groaned. Kevin chuckled hoarsely and sat up, and leaned over to grab his sword. Yet another bad move. Doing so, meant that he had his own said nether region, just in line with any of the gryphon's feet. The gryphon although still writhing in pain, was still coherent enough to drive both his hind legs, straight into Kevin's crotch.

2 Minutes Later

Both the gryphon and Kevin rise painfully to their feet, both sets of balls still throbbing from the beating. They stared each other down, trying to guess what the next move would be. Kevin had still not gotten his sword back, which he noticed, was sitting right next to the gryphon, again. But this time, the gryphon saw it to. He picked it up, curiously. Then realizing what it was, and who it belonged to, he decided to do something about it. Looking at Kevin, it seamed to smile, then he flung the blade into the air, where it landed on top of one of the rooftops, "Uh, Oh" The gryphon kept that strange grin on its face, and began to almost lazily walk towards its victim.

Kevin slowly began to back up as the gryphon walked forward, taking its time, knowing his kill was all but over. Both may have looked beat, the gryphon's face was a mess of blood form its head gash, and Kevin's back, ribs, and legs were screaming in pain, but it was obvious which creature had more energy left, and more weapons. The gryphon was going to enjoy this kill. He had never tasted human before, and he wanted to savor every last bit. He could already picture hit beak ripping through the mans stomach to feast on its innards. He wondered if he should keep it alive while doing this, so the man could witness his own death. It would serve it right after kicking the poor gryphon's balls in like that. Yes, he would make him watch; make sure he would witness at least one bite of his own body being ripped out of himself. Just the mere thought of this caused the gryphon to salivate. Yes he was going to enjoy this feast.

Kevin felt something bump his ass, and turned his head slightly; "Double Shit!" he had backed himself right into the center of a wall. The gryphon gave that wired chirring noise again, and Kevin turned his attention back to this stupid animal. It had stopped about 3 yards away from him, and its bloodshot eyes, it seamed to say to him, "Hope you've enjoyed life," then it lunged.

It was right bout at that second halfway through the gryphon's leap, that Kevin remembered a rather important defense he still had on his person. Just as the gryphon was landing on him, he pulled out his side blade and drove it straight into the monsters chest. The gryphon froze, claws buried into the mans cheats, beak open as if to rip him apart, yet did nothing. Slowly a trickle of blood began to fall out of its mouth. Its eyes glazed over, and it fell dead to the ground, leaving 8 neat cuts down Kevin's chest.

Kevin stared at the animal, as a pool of its lifeblood began to form around it. He looked up to see the villagers begin to come out of their homes, still unsure weather the beast was dead. He smiled and to prove to them that it truly was dead, he grabbed the gryphon's head, and slit its throat. As more blood began to gush out of the wound, he raised his blade to the sky, getting ready to say something heroic, then collapsed in a heap on the ground as the gryphon's blood poured around him.

The Next Day

Kevin ground as he awoke the next day in a strangers bed. He smelt the smells of and apothecary, which told him he was most likely in the doctor's house. He tried to move his left arm to remove the bed sheet but found himself unable to do so. It had been bandaged and was in a sling. Luckily his other arm was okay. After finally removing the sheet, he found something rather amusing, his 8 inch morning wood. He found this rather impressive seeing the state the rest of his body was in. Aside from the crotch region virtually his entire body was bandaged; his chest and back, and his right leg. Then again, he thought, he couldn't remember the last time he hadn't woken up without a boner between his legs.

"Well, I see someone's awake." Kevin looked up to see something rather shocking. The fact that she was a girl would have usually surprised him enough, but this was no human. Although shaped like a female human, even wearing a dress of one (showing off just the right amount of cleavage), it had all the features of a red vixen fox, including a red bushy tail. She was holding a bowl of warm liquid intended for him he assumed. He had heard of such creatures, but never seen one. Much like the gryphon, he thought they too were fantasy. They stared at each other for a minute, until she started to giggle.

Kevin looked down, suddenly remembering his erect cock. Quickly he covered the sheets shyly. Under normal circumstances, he would have worked this to his advantage, but he felt that it wouldn't be appropriate at the moment. Especially if she was the doctor, "Are you the doctor?" "Yes" Yes, defiantly not appropriate. He may have been a horny bastard, but he was smart enough to know when not to push it, especially if he was in an operating room full of knives, which he was.

The fox lady sat down and smiled, seaming to forget the fact that she'd just seen his dick, and extended the bowl, "Drink this, you're still weak" he did, finding it surprisingly good. He felt her tail bat his crotch as it moved around, weather it was intentional or not, he wasn't sure yet, but that was second on his mind at the moment, "What...er, I mean, who are you?" she smiled, "My name in your tongue is Crossflower, and as for what I am. To make it simple, you can call me a fox. I take it you've never seen kind like me before?" I shook my head, "No, are there more of you here?" "No, I traveled from the North. I stopped here because I thought this was a peaceful place. At least until that stupid gryphon came. You should consider yourself very lucky. I don't think I've ever seen one of your kind take down a kid gryphon and only suffer 2 broken limbs and some broken ribs." Kevin frowned, "That was only a kid!?!" she giggled again, "Well, no, just a very young and spunky teenager. If it would have been a full grown one, you'd probably be fertilizing some field it relived itself in by now." Kevin smiled, "Where are they?" Crossflower frowned, "You want to die?" "No, I want a challenge," the fox was silent, and listened.

"All my life I have been looking for an opponent worthy of my skill, and I've finally found it. When that gryphon attacked me, and I actually had to fight him off, I was one of the greatest feelings I've felt in years! No, I don't want to die; I want to live life to the fullest. And if that means changeling every fantasy monster in the world, then I'll do it."

He looked at the fox sitting next to him. She stared at him for a second, then slapped his side where the bandages were, "You're bloody mad you are!" Kevin winced and grabbed his side, "The next thing you'll tell me is after gryphons bore you, you'll take on the dragons." He stared at her, "They're real too!?!" She rolled her eyes, and began to inspect his bandages. He gabbed her arm, "Please, were do I find creatures like this?" She looked him in the eyes for a long time, seeing that it was futile arguing with this foolish human, "I will tell you how to get there, but only when you're ready to leave."

Kevin stared off into space as Crossflower checked his wrappings. Suddenly he tried to raise himself causing the fox to jump, "I'm leaving today!" She stared at him in annoyance as he tried to sit-up. She noticed one of his chest wrappings began to seep blood. He winced then fell back down on the bed. She sighed, "I'll get more bandages," when she came back she was saying, "Your not going anywhere, these wounds need at least another days rest before they're ready for the open road. Besides, the village is planning a great feast tonight in honor of you killing the monster." He ground, "I hate hero parties, nothing ever fun happens at them. Besides I hate 'you're welcome' speeches." She smiled, preparing the bandage, "I spoke to the village mayor about that. Told him you might not be 100% by the party, so they won't ask you to do much. Besides, I thought knights loved praise."

He ground, "We do, but not...in that...form-what are you doing?" Crossflower was taking her tongue, and liking up the blood that was seeping from the wound. The sensation was new and weird, but not unpleasant. The wetness of her saliva was seeping through the bandage and hitting skin. It felt nice. He could feel his wood come to full attention and begin to drip pre. She looked up and smiled, "I take it you forgot I'm a fox. Although I prefer cooked meat, I can still eat it raw. Plus I find my saliva to work great as an adhesive on bandages. I do this for all my patents" "Oh" he said, trying to restrain himself from grabbing her face and forcing her to use her lovely tongue on his dick, "There all better," she said. He had been so busy day dreaming that he hadn't seen her put on the bandage. The vixen pated his chest gently. That's about the time that he noticed that in all the movement, the sheets had been slightly pulled down, reveling the head of his cock, and this time, she noticed.

Kevin looked up at Cross flower's eyes, she appeared to be studying his member, as if not sure what to do about it. He figured it would be best to keep quiet, and let her decide...for now. She kept rubbing his chest as she eyed up his dick, then smiled as her hand slowly began to rub lower and lower, "Score!" Kevin thought in his head as he leaned back and prepared to enjoy whatever she had in store for him.

"You understand that this is a special occasion that I'm doing this," she was saying as she gently pushed the sheet away, showing off all 8 inches of his manhood to her, "However, you did save my village, and I can't think of any better reward for you than this, especially if you've never come across a creature like me before. This should be a nice new treat for you," she gently took hold of his rod in her furry hands. The feeling felt familiar, but new and her fur rubbed against his dick, surprisingly soft and gentle. She kept her eyes on her patient as her head got closer and closer to its destination. When she was just above his crotch, she opened her mouth in a big toothy smile, beads of saliva dripping in her maw. She let her long, doglike tongue hang out and pant. Kevin whimpered. Although the thought of those teeth made him a little nervous, her tough quickly got all his attention. Just the thought of what she was going to do was making it hard holding my load in my balls.

By the time she finally began to lower her head, she had her entire vixen body sprawled across the bed, making her even more seductive, as she took the first taste of the human. Taking her tongue, she gently began to lick his set of clean-shaven balls. Kevin ground as he felt Crossflower cup both of his nuts easily with her tongue. Then, she gently, almost lovingly gave on steady lick from the undercarriage of his ball sack, all the way up to the head of his dick. Kevin felt himself buck involuntarily as her tongue pulled away. For the first time in seasons, he whimpered in want of her gifts. He felt like he was fifteen again, getting his first look at a pair of boobs and jizing his pants as a result. He was in such a daze from that first loving lick, that it took him a moment to realize she was holding his dick again in her hand.

She was giggling at him again as she gently stroked his rod, holding it so it pointed straight up in the air. As she continued to look into his eyes, she began to point her mussel down, getting ready for the main even. Kevin was now fighting himself from grabbing her head and shoving his cock down her throat. She really knew how to torture a man, and he was loving it. She had stopped stroking and was now just holding it upright for her waiting open mussel. He could begin to fell the heat from it as her mouth began to surround his rod. She now had his dick almost completely engulfed in her mouth; she was making extra special care that his dick and her maw did not meet. She continued to smile and look at him almost slyly as she breathed heavy through her mouth, still making sure they weren't touching. Kevin whimpered again as her hot breath swirled around his member, making him more and more in need of relies. He could fell his balls twitching all over the place, wanting desperately to release what they were storing, and it took every ounce of his mind power to stop them. It was about then that a single drop of Crossflower's saliva dripped form her throat, landing right on the head of Kevin's dick, to slowly roll down his rod, and drip off his nut sack, "Please," he said quietly, the first time anyone had made him beg. She smiled, shrugged, and gave him what he wanted.

She clamped her mussel down, and sucked hard. Kevin saw stars. He felt his legs twitch involuntarily as her tongue went wild. One moment wrapped his slick member, the next cupping his balls, massaging them gently. Kevin moaned, gently placing his hand on her head as it moved rhythmically up and down. He felt his hand graze her ear and began to stoke it gently, and was amused when her foot gave a Slight twitch. God damn, he was amazed at how deep he was in her maw. He could actually feel her trout grabbing the head of his dick, massaging it as it tried to swallow him. Man this girl knew what she was doing; he knew this wouldn't be the last experience with a creature like this, already he could feel his balls tighten aching for release. He tried to clear his mind as with the usual thoughts; sports, uneven carriage rides, ugly old religious people, but nothing worked. He put his other hand on her head forcing her head up and down even harder. She looked up at Kevin with those big puppy-like eyes and smiled. Kevin smiled right back at her as he felt my balls finally give as he shoved her face down on his cock. He smiled as he heard her gag on his jiz as he cam in her throat. As he released himself he let her head go so she could back off and get a taste. She backed her muzzle all the way off until just her lips were sucking on the head of his still cuming head, making sure to get every last drop she could out of him.

When the last drop finally slipped out of his now semi erect dick, she let it slide out with a slurp as she liked her lips playfully, her tail waging happily. Kevin smiled down at Crossflower, hand stroking her cheek fondly as she laid her head on his chest, suppressing a small belch. Kevin slowly began to work down her back, to just barely rest on her ass. She let him, which he took as a good sign. He smiled, still very horny as he felt around, finding that she seamed to have nothing under the dress smooth ass. She looked up at him from his chest and smiled slyly, playfully bating his hand on her ass as he began to pull her dress up to try and dig a little deeper. However, just as he felt fingers touch fur. She started to get up.

In annoyance, he tried to hold her down, but flinched and fell back as she pressed down on his chest wound for support as she got up. She again gave that now suddenly annoying giggle at Kevin as he grabbed his chest in pain. When he looked up in a now suddenly very pissed off mood, she found her holding another bowl of soup, still smiling. As she sat next to him said, "If you may be so kind in telling me, why the fuck did we stop? I didn't even get to the best parts yet." She gestured at him to drink, but when he didn't, she sighed and said, "Hey, just because I'm grateful for saving my village, doesn't mean I'd let you take me. Besides what would my mate say?" Kevin looked up at this in surprise, "I thought you said you were the only one of...your kind around her?" she smiled slyly, "Is there a new law that says I can't date humans?" he nodded slowly, then smiled, "Yet he doesn't mind if you blow a good friends load every now an again," she gave him a glare, but softened quickly, "If she does it on occasion, then so can I." Kevin's eyes widened in surprise at her remark about her girlfriend, feeling his wood come back to life under the sheets.

Crossflower smiled, pretending not to notice as she finally handed over the soup, which he drank slowly, "No mater, I'm sure you'll find someone to entertain further on your quest. I hear centaur mares are known to be very friendly." Kevin lit up at this, "I think you'll like my mate Chasela, I'll introduce you at tonight's party." Kevin grounded, remembering the celebration. He wanted to say something back to her, but suddenly found himself exceedingly tired. To his surprise, he felt himself fall back into the pillow with a thud, dropping the soup bowl which Crossflower deafly caught, "Well, looks like that sleeping potion I gave you is working faster than I thought. You should awaken just in time to go with me to the celebration in your honor. Kevin tried to fight back, but only succeeded in closing his eyes. He slept long and deep, dreaming of the great conquest he could now attempt thanks to this new discovery mythical creatures. He dreamt of a hall, full of their heads on the wall; werewolves, gryphon's, ogres, giants, but mostly, and most importantly dragons.

After The Party

Kevin held Crossflower's hands, as they stood at the edge of the village. His new horse, courtesy of the village blacksmith, was packed and waiting to go, "Now come on Crossflower, you said you would tell me how to get to the land you spoke of before," she looked up almost pleading with her eyes for him not to go. Kevin frowned, "You know if you don't tell me, I'll find my own way, and who knows what will happen then. Just think, a poor useless human wandering through lands full of who knows what. They'd find me dead in a ditch somewhere, and all you could say is, 'if only I had told him the right way to go' What a shame that would be wouldn't it?" she let that sink in, looking at him in annoyance as he smiled back at her, finally making up her mind.

"Sigh...You go North, across the mountains and through the Kingdom of Quandel, you will reach a forest that is said to be nameless. You look either direction and can't see the end. You must go through there, but it's impossible for a human like yourself to go alone. Your senses are not strong enough. So you must befriend one of the centaur tribes." Kevin stared at her with more and more interest, both in her and the information she was telling him. She continued to ignored his stares as she looked down at their hands, "The centaurs might guide you through the forest to the opposite side, there you have reached Trewalk, the land of the so called 'beasts', my home," Her eyes seamed to drift for a moment, then continued, "it's the land of what you humans would call 'fantasy creatures', gryphon's, centuars, walking and talking 'animals', and yes dragons. The further north you go, the more likely you are to see them." Kevin smiled, "Thank-" "I'm not finished," he smiled and let her continue, "I advise caution when picking your...victims. If you choose a creature that's terrorizing one of the human settlements, you should have little trouble of others of that species getting in your way. However, the ones who choose settlements such as their hunting grounds are usually the more fierce, and much more wary of little knights like you." She giggled at her own little joke, which Kevin did not take kindly to, but let it pass.

She leaned close to him, and licked his nose playfully, "Try not to die to fast OK?" Kevin smiled, in the background, he noticed Chasela standing arms crossed, they did not get along well at the celebration. Kevin, being the sneaky and horny person he was, smiled up a Chasela, and before Crossflower could turn around, he grabbed her ass in both hands and pulled her in for a kiss on the lips, making sure there was tongue.

Before either Chasela or Crossflower could react, he pulled away, jumped on his new horse and galloped off, with a string of none to ladylike words emanating from Chasela's mouth as she tried to chase after him. Kevin smiled, licking his lips, feeling a hard-on form between his legs. He made a mental note that he must remember to visit the first whore house he sees in Trewalk run by beasts, preferably foxes of dogs. He had some unfinished business he really wanted to take care of, felling his cock now throbbing between his legs, thanks to the running horse.

Crossflower licked her lips happily as she smiled at her mate yelling obscenities to the quickly disappearing Kevin, "May the gods be forgiving to you, and may you live to find what you seek." As she finished, she saw Chasela turn around and storm back towards her. But before she could start her next set of insults, Crossflower grabbed her the same way Kevin did to her. Both hands grabbing ass through her dress as she tongued her lover as hard as she could with her very versatile appendage. Chasela tried to pull away but quickly gave in and kissed her back, just as Kevin was disappearing over the mountains.

To Be Continued...