Jungle Stud

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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Jungle Stud

A Jungle Boy Fanfiction

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Commissioned by JadeStyx

Characters are copyright Cartoon Network and are used without official permission.

Author's Note: Jungle Boy is a short cartoon that was part of the Nickelodeon cartoon Johnny Bravo. Feel free to look it up on YouTube or more legitimate means. This story is set several years in the future, when the titular character has grown up somewhat.

"Rupert!" bellowed King Raymond as he glared at the television. "Ruuupert! Get in here, now!"

As though from nowhere, the small, oily simian butler oozed his way into existence next to the throne where the infuriated titular king of the jungle sat, television remote control clutched in his hand.

"Yes, your highness?" the monkey-suited monkey said in his most obsequious manner, his smile big enough to reach his ears on either side. "What has brought on your bellowing this time?"

Despite all Rupert's efforts to be the most model of servants, of course, he nevertheless always came off as a furry, prehensile-tailed version of Peter Lorre. He also generally failed to provide King Rupert with an appropriate amount of loyalty, especially when it came to the subject of...

"Jungle Boy has brought this on," the tall and muscular jungle king declared, lifting his television remote and clicking it at the set on the other side of the throne room. "See for yourself!"

Rupert turned his head to watch the set as the evening news came on. For a moment, the small simian didn't seem terribly concerned. And then his eyes suddenly bugged out.

"Is that Mary Antelope?" Rupert asked, looking between the set and the king.

"Of course it is," King Rupert said with a sulk, folding his arms before him. "Who else would be doing the news around the jungle?"

"At this rate," Rupert answered, scratching his head, "I would think somebody a little bit less...round."


Mary Antelope, for all her many positive qualities, was noted as being as emotionless, as passionless, on the small screen as off. She'd gotten her position as top jungle reporter because she could just report what happened, and just stifle her emotions. The twentysomething antelope had been doing this for years now, quite long enough to feel confident that she didn't need to worry about whatever her assignments might throw her way.

That is, until Jungle Boy.

Ever since he arrived many years back, some castoff of the human world grown powerful in the (almost) darkest jungles of Africa, Mary Antelope had made it a point to follow the story of the boy who would all-too-likely become the next king of the jungle, after King Raymond passed on the throne to whoever could take and hold the title - willingly or not. The ungulate reporter had always made it a point to follow the latest trends, the hottest stories, the ups and downs of politics in the wild and savage world of the jungle. Jungle Boy's presence made things just that much more interesting, and in the (often literally) cutthroat world of jungle news reporting, Mary Antelope had always seen the human child as her meal ticket, the one special thing that would always give her something with which to fill the news.

Now Jungle Boy was swiftly approaching the age when calling him "Jungle Boy" wouldn't be appropriate at all. He'd grown up in the years since he'd first been stranded in (almost) darkest Africa, and now, from a pint-sized powerhouse, Jungle Boy was now almost ready to take on the title of "Jungle Man." Naturally, inquiring minds wanted to know, and so Mary Antelope was making her covert way through the bushes, her silent camerabeast close behind to capture the moment when Mary Antelope asked Jungle Boy what it felt like to finally grow up wild.

"We are now advancing on the last known location of the jungle sensation known as Jungle Boy," the hooved reporter whispered into her mic as they neared the gentle splashing sounds of the waterfall where Jungle Boy regularly spent most of his time. "Just beyond these bushes, unless my sources are completely wrong, we should find the hairless wonder himself."

With those words, Mary Antelope abruptly drew aside the bushes, much like pulling a curtain open, to reveal the gently-rippling large pool with its small waterfall where the legendary Jungle Boy was known to stay. Except, he wasn't near the pool at all, as it turned out. In point of fact, Jungle Boy was waist-deep in the water, using a sponge, taken from the sea on the other side of the jungle, to rub down his body. A glance at the shore of the pool immediately revealed to Mary Antelope that Jungle Boy was likely as dressed as most people when they took a bath, since his loincloth was sitting there on the edge of the pool of water.

"We are now going to try and get an exclusive interview with the soon-to-be Jungle Man," said Mary Antelope, setting her jaw resolutely as she walked forward, and seated her skirted bottom down on top of the loincloth. If Jungle Boy wanted to get his clothes back, he was going to have to go through her, and that meant giving her the scoop the eager antelope wanted. Of course, Mary Antelope hadn't quite thought through the full consequences of her actions. She would soon realize her mistake, but by then it would be much too late, and by that point she was unlikely to view it as a mistake.

Ducking his head to get the suds off of it, Jungle Boy rose up from the water, rivulets running down his tanned, muscular body, before he shook himself to get off the excess. For a moment, Mary Antelope just stared, the camera lingering on Jungle Boy instead of herself. His body was broad-shouldered, muscular, sculpted, hardened by his long years in the jungle, as well as his potent and ample natural abilities. Jungle Boy had always been astonishingly strong, and this had kept him safe even from the most dangerous of the beasts of the jungle that might have done him harm. Of course, there were few such creatures, since Jungle Boy had always been considered a friend by all the creatures of the jungle (except King Raymond, of course). If animals made sculptures, Mary Antelope would have called the perfect body of Jungle Boy statuesque. And when he turned his face towards her, sitting brazenly on top of his only article of clothing, she was stunned like a deer in headlights in the gaze of those large, dark eyes. She'd never been able to resist Jungle Boy's eyes - nobody could. Meet them, and instantly love him was the rule among all the creatures of the jungle. So caught up by those eyes was Mary, in fact, that she didn't notice Jungle Boy getting closer to her until he lightly stroked a hand along her chin.

Shuddering at the contact, Mary Antelope's breath caught in her throat. What should she say? What could she do? In this awkward moment, she became suddenly and painfully aware that Jungle Boy's lower parts were only just barely out of her sight, and that only because he was so close to her, so that her own long nose got in the way. What could she say to him? What could possibly be said? For the first time in her life, words completely failed Mary Antelope, and she was left trembling, completely helpless at the touch and gaze of the tall, beautifully-built human before her.

Wait. He'd said something. What was that? Mary's mind slowly came back from the haze that had engulfed it, and she blinked, finally able to make some sense of Jungle Boy's words.

"Can I have my loincloth back, please?"

Even after she was able to comprehend what she'd been asked, it still took Mary several beats before what had been said finally hit home. Instantly, as soon as she was able to act again, she looked down to where Jungle Boy's loincloth was sticking out from between her legs. Her mouth opened, about to say something, though whether to apologize or to demand her interview, she never did find out. This was because, as she raised her eyes, Mary's gaze fell on what was hanging between Jungle Boy's legs.

Humans, proportionately-speaking, are one of the least well-endowed species on Earth. Jungle Boy, however, seemed to be an exception to this rule, at least in the awestruck eyes of the stunned reporter. Heedless of the still-rolling camera, Mary just gaped, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to do anything at all except stare.

"Are you all right, Miss Antelope?" Jungle Boy asked next, a light smile on his perfect face, still filled with the innocence of a creature that had grown up wild. He looked down at his exposed penis with a curious expression. "Is there something wrong?"

"Jungle Boy," Mary Antelope began, "there isn't one thing wrong with you." Her eyes rose at last to look at his face once more. "I came to see you, Jungle Boy, because...because I wanted to ask if you were...seeing anyone?"

"Um, I'm seeing you right now, Miss Antelope?"

Mary did a double-take at that, but Jungle Boy's expression remained the same, albeit with a slight addition of some puzzlement.

"What I mean to say," the dauntless (and now agonizingly horny) reporter tried again, "is that everyone in the jungle has been wondering: is Jungle Boy currently dating? Has some female managed to get their hooves, paws, or hands on our beloved hero?"

"Oh, is that all?" Jungle Boy said, his smile growing more assured as he understood the question. "Then no, I'm not seeing anybody. I've seen some of the other animals in the jungle dating before, but never done it myself. It looked kind of violent. Dating is when you make babies, right?"

Mary Antelope could hardly control herself.

"That's mating, Jungle Boy," she said in as calm and reserved a voice as she could manage, squeezing her legs together so tightly it started to hurt. "Dating is just getting to know somebody a little better. Though it can lead to mating."

"Oh," said Jungle Boy with that same placid, calm, confident smile. "Then I guess so. I know everybody in the jungle, after all. So I guess that makes everybody a date, huh?"

"...yes, Jungle Boy, I suppose you're right," Mary Antelope said after a beat of thought. 'Not in the way you're thinking, though...there's not a girlbeast in the jungle that wouldn't_want to be your date...or your mate, for that matter. Especially after they see the uncensored version of this tape.'_

"Is that all you wanted, Miss Antelope?" Jungle Boy asked next, folding his arms a little chidingly across his broad, smooth-waxed chest. "Because you're still sitting on my loincloth."

"Actually," Mary Antelope said, her smile becoming a little mischievous and devious, "there is one more thing that I'd like from you, Jungle Boy."

"Really?" Jungle Boy's eyebrows raised slightly, surprised. "What's that?"

"Your babies," Mary Antelope answered, before leaning forward to kiss the human full on the lips.

It felt strange with her lips against his, their differently-shaped mouths having a little trouble fitting against each other. But only a little trouble. Mary had done this with King Raymond before, and the gesture wasn't that different as she thought about it. Except that this was a lot hotter, and Jungle Boy caught on whole worlds faster than the present King of the Jungle ever had. In mere moments, Mary's eyes were rolling back into her head as her long, slender tongue, slightly rough as was normal for her species, rasped against the smooth, broad tongue of the human male. His strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her close to him, and Mary didn't resist, didn't protest as those strong hands stroked down her back and belly, exploring her body freely. But when the antelope felt a thick, heavy, blunt object prodding her in the belly, she just had to break the kiss to take a look down.

"Wow," said Mary, her eyes huge as she looked at the magnificent male meat before her. Jungle Boy's penis was smooth, a work of art just as surely as the rest of his body was. It was also circumcised, likely something done just after his birth, before he'd been stranded in the jungle as a tyke. This left the swollen, purplish head of his prodigious penis exposed, a sight that Mary Antelope found strange but oddly exciting. It was as though Jungle Boy were completely exposed to her, no sheath to hide any of his male treasures.

"Is it all right?" asked Jungle Boy, a little hesitant, looking hopeful.

"Oh yes," said Mary, falling to her knees in front of the human, shrugging off her jacket as she did so. "More than all right. Here, let me do something nice for you."

Jungle Boy's moan was intensely satisfying as Mary took the human's thick girth into her muzzle. He was a lot bigger than any of the antelope males she usually dated. Actually, she was bigger than even the lions she'd occasionally been known to dally with. That he was bigger than King Raymond went without saying - after all, gorillas are proportionately even smaller than humans between their legs, even if Jungle Boy wasn't such an astonishingly well-endowed member of his own species.

Her eyes growing heavy-lidded as she bobbed her head, Mary Antelope savored the pleasant, salty, slightly musky taste of Jungle Boy's precum, bobbing her head slowly, making this last. She reached down with her hooves, undoing the little clasps that held her skirt up, letting it fall open around her waist and flutter to the ground next to Jungle Boy's loincloth. Never having understood why an animal should wear clothes in the first place, Mary Antelope had done so because of her role as a reporter - it was just expected of her. That didn't mean she had to wear panties beneath the skirt, however, and so she didn't, leaving her shapely rump bare to the humid jungle air, her tail twitching with eagerness as she started to pick up the pace, her nostrils flaring as she moaned to herself, relishing every moment of contact with the tasty saltlick in her muzzle. That moan was answered by Jungle Boy himself as he suddenly gripped Mary's horns, his hips surging forward, tickling the back of the ungulate female's throat as he suddenly came, and hard! There was so much of it, Mary was completely caught off-guard, and only her ability to detach herself from a situation and think objectively, which had served her so well in reporting, kept her from losing control and letting the massive, pink-skinned erection in her mouth pop free to spurt everywhere. Instead Mary plunged her head forward, deep-throating Jungle Boy's pulsing cock, gulping down the tasty cum as she squeezed her eyes tightly shut, wrapping her hooves around the human's rock-hard rump to better hold herself in place.

Gasping for breath as she squeezed the last delicious drop of human seed from the virile male's virgin balls, Mary looked up at Jungle Boy, her cheeks flushed, her whole body aflutter with desire. Her hands were working on their own now, unbuttoning her blouse, shrugging her shoulders to let it fall to the ground along with the rest of her discarded clothing. She couldn't help but lick her lips as she saw that Jungle Boy was still rock hard, showing just how potent he really was.

"That was...wow..." said Jungle Boy, wavering on his feet, a silly grin on his face, only just barely noticing as Mary Antelope rolled herself over and hiked up her hindquarters, presenting herself to the human. "What do we do next, Miss Antelope?"

"Call me Mary," said the desperately needy hooved female, the thought that she'd just deflowered a virgin, and that she was about to take his virginity a second time, in a different way, making her whole body tremble, her legs weak, her forelegs failing her as she slumped forward, tail lifted high. "How about you return the favor, Jungle Boy?"

"Okay," said the eager-to-please male, his strong hands immediately gripping Mary's uplifted bottom, holding her firmly in place, as though she weighed nothing. This was just as well, because Mary wasn't sure she'd be able to stay upright for much longer, as intensely turned-on as she was, if it weren't for Jungle Boy's immense strength. And when his tongue first pressed against her sopping wet folds, the antelope woman knew she'd have collapsed right then and there from the shock of pleasure this sent through her.

Though she couldn't have known it, Mary Antelope was about to become the recipient of a feature that humans have refined over the centuries into a high art: observational learning. Other animals, especially the more intelligent ones, are able to do this to a degree, but nobody has it down as well as humans do. In this case, what Jungle Boy had observed was the way the various animals of the jungle attended to the pleasures of their mates. He'd seen males, like King Raymond, who would simply hop on, thrust a few times, and hop off, and noticed how their females seemed to be unsatisfied with this approach. On the other hand, he'd seen other males from various species, who would take quite a bit of time on what he'd heard was called foreplay, and that seemed to work very well indeed, judging from the noises made by females during the process, and how willingly they accepted such males in the future. It was because Jungle Boy had observed this sort of behavior so many times during his stay in the jungle that he was an unpracticed master of the art of oral sex, something that Mary abruptly discovered when the human man quite suddenly began not just to lick at her trembling, wet folds, but to press his mouth firmly up against them and start to gnaw on her delicate pink places.

"J-jungle Boy, what are you...ooh...OOOH!" Mary started to speak, but her words were overwhelmed by the raw, explosive sensations that jolted through her pleasure-sensitive body right then, the wet, juicy sounds of Jungle Boy sucking as well as licking and nibbling on her sex making her entire body tense as she was blasted forcefully with her first orgasm of that session. It didn't stop there, however, as Jungle Boy then turned his mouth down just a little, using the bridge of his nose to hold the antelope's pussy parted for him, while his lips found the throbbing, exposed bud of her clitoris, set further inside her vagina than on a human female, so that it was harder to locate, less visible. But Jungle Boy found it, having heard talk about the "little man in the canoe" from some of the other jungle animals when they thought he wasn't listening, and when he started to suck on that throbbing little mini-penis, he was more than gratified with the result.

Screaming bloody murder, Mary Antelope's whole body thrashed and bucked against the ground as Jungle Boy's relentless assault continued. He didn't seem concerned by Mary's noises and actions, however, having seen all of this before, and knowing that it didn't mean she was in any discomfort - quite the opposite, actually! Of course, this had its downside for poor Mary: she wasn't going to get a reprieve from her pleasures for a very, very long time.

"Please," Mery whimpered, begging in desperation as the oral assault continued, for how long she could't even begin to guess. "Please, Jungle Boy, I...I need your cock! I need it so bad, I can't stand it."

In his usual, straightforward fashion, Jungle Boy stood up, wiping Mary's juices off his face, which still had that same pleasant smile, and gripped her hips firmly, but not so firmly that it would hurt her. Despite his immense strength, which had grown even more massive with his growth to adulthood, Jungle Boy had also developed greater control. Those hands which could uproot sizable trees now stroked Mary's back soothingly as the human guided his penis to the entrance of her folds...and slowly squeezed himself inside.

Though observational learning was certainly one thing that had brought Jungle Boy a great deal of knowledge that he'd put to good use, firsthand experience also had its place, as he immediately found out. So this is why everybody loved sex so much! The feeling of Mary Antelope's slick, wet, tight heat clamping down on his hard cock, milking his penis in the throes of her continuing orgasms, was enough to blow his mind. He would probably have blown his load as well, if Mary hadn't so recently drained him with her talented mouth. It took all his force of will to keep from just starting to pound that fine, furry fanny to the fullest, especially as he looked down to see Mary's cunny visibly twitch and pulse around the thick pink length spreading it so widely open, her tiny pink tailhole just above that tensing with each shift of his hips.

"Please," Mary got out, her cheek pressed against the ground as she looked back at Jungle Boy. "Please, Jungle Boy...be an animal with me!"

No sooner said than done. All his inhibitions immediately giving way to raw, primal instincts, Jungle Boy gave a primal bellow as he slammed his thick cock home, the jungle echoing with the reverberation of that savage cry, and with the wet, muffled slapping of smooth-skinned hips impacting presented, furry rump. The young antelope reporter's whole world reeled as she was put to hard, thorough use until it was finally more than she could bear. With a cry of her own, Mary Antelope came again, and again, and again, her whole body clenching down on Jungle Boy's magnificent human prick, milking him eagerly. Jungle Boy was soon to respond to these ministrations, as he gave a second, more powerful bellow, his balls tensing up before he began to cum good and hard, filling the orgasmically squirming hoofgirl's belly to the brim with potent sperm.

At a certain point, Mary Antelope was simply unable to continue functioning. Her brain just shut off after a given amount of pleasure had been fed directly to her brain, unable to handle any more stimulus. This was anything but a problem for her: she slumped to the grass, her bottom still thrust in the air, cunny leaking copious human cum, her tongue lolled out, a truly silly expression on her face showing just how thoroughly she'd been used, and how much she'd loved every moment. Her camerabeast kept it rolling, capturing every juicy moment for posterity - Mary Antelope's posterity, as it would turn out, since Jungle Boy's seed had been too virile and her womb too fertile to prevent this inevitable result. The problem came on Jungle Boy's part: he was still hard.

Pulling free of Mary, Jungle Boy looked down at his slick, still-hard shaft, scratching his head as he considered what to do next. He'd just had an entire world of possibility opened up to him in this act of carnal pleasure. So many females of the jungle had always liked him, flirting with him often, even while he'd been just a boy in actuality and not just name, and hence unable to respond to their advances. Though his orgasm inside of Mary Antelope had been the most intense experience of his young life, and apparently one of the most intense experiences of Mary's life, judging from her reaction, it just wasn't enough. He wasn't satisfied, not yet. Turning towards the camera, Jungle Boy reached out and politely turned it away from Mary, before he turned himself away and walked into the jungle, picking up his loincloth as he went.


King Raymond and Rupert listened as Mary Antelope explained the hows and whys of her present "condition," and how she would continue to be providing the news right up until she was forced to take a break for some maternity leave. The king of the jungle was fuming at the thought that Jungle Boy might be a rival not just for his popularity, but also for the sexual favors he had become accustomed to providing the many females of the jungle.

"Well, if Jungle Boy can score," the ape king said, standing up and puffing out his chest, "then I can too! Rupert, take note: your king is going to pay a few booty calls."

"Yes, your highness," Rupert said with an obsequious bow. "Of course. I'll try to have the place spotless for your return."

"See to that, Rupert," King Raymond said with a dismissive wave of his hand before he swung down a nearby vine to the ground and began his confident stride towards the home of Leona.

Some time ago, there had been a dispute about who the real king of the jungle was. Raymond had eventually won out against the lion that had held the position before, mostly through cunning rather than brute strength, forcing the lion and his pride to leave the jungle and head out onto the savanna. Ever since then, he'd considered it his proper right to take full advantage of the sexual favors of Leona, the lioness that had stayed behind. Leona liked smart males, and while the lion had certainly been virile and sexually able, he just hadn't been much of a conversationalist. Raymond, on the other hand, while full to the brim with ego, was a step up in conversational topics, at least to Leona's way of thinking.

As far as Raymond was concerned, Leona was almost his property, spoils of love as well as war, and so he'd long grown accustomed to taking her for granted. A broad, expectant smile on his face, Raymond strode confidently down the stone walk of Leona's nice little house, and knocked loudly on the front door.

"Leona!" he called out. "Hey, Leona! Come on out, or let me in! Whichever you prefer, if you want others to watch or not."

Patience had never been one of Raymond's strong suits. Neither had tact. But when Leona did open the door, the ape king did a quick double-take, before his jaw dropped.


The day had been uneventful for Leona. But then, most days were for the bored lioness. All too often she found that she regretted having chosen Raymond over Clarence as her king. After all, while Clarence had been as dumb as a stump, he'd been an incredible lover. Raymond was a fun guy, it was true, at least when he wasn't focusing only on himself, but sometimes a girl needs more than just good conversation.

Being maternal by nature, a regular domestic, Leona had quickly adapted to being less of a predator and more of a homebody. Really, it was like she'd become an ape herself, or so it felt sometimes. Sometimes she was glad for the escape from the savage daily existence of eat-or-die that she'd lived under with Clarence and the other lionesses. But at other times it was just, well...boring.

Sweeping up her front walk was one of those boring tasks that had become a part of Leona's daily routine. She would walk all the way down the walk to her mailbox, broom in paw, and check to see if any mail had arrived. As it seldom did, except for bills, she would then turn around and sweep her way back to the house. It was an efficient way to get a few chores out of the way at once, or so she felt. That was about all she did these days: figure out new ways to clean house and make herself useful around King Raymond's part of the jungle. Boring, but safe. Safe, but boring.

This pondering of the deep rut into which she'd ground herself were suddenly interrupted as Leona felt a strong hand on her shoulder. A hand: that meant King Raymond, and despite herself Leona's lip curled up angrily, her tail lashing a bit. Just because she was starting to go into heat didn't mean she was in the mood. She hated the way Raymond always took her for granted, never really gave her credit for everything she'd given up to be with him. If he was even half the male that her Clarence had been...

Wheeling around to face the one who'd accosted her, a snarl and angry words ready on her lips, Leona prepared to really verbally lay into the egotistical ape. She knew she'd give in to what he wanted in the end anyway, but sometimes she just needed to let it out, to vent some of the frustration that had built up for so long. King Raymond just couldn't satisfy her sexually with his inept lovemaking, and at times like this, her heat making for a terrible, unquenchable itch between her legs and deep in the pit of her stomach, Leona was almost upset enough to quite literally bite someone's head off.

But it wasn't Raymond after all, and as Leona saw who it really was, the angry words died on her lips, unspoken. It was Jungle Boy. Even as agitated as she was, as horny and frustrated and on the edge with near-desperation, Leona couldn't find it in her to get angry at Jungle Boy. She'd known him since he first arrived in the jungle, and she'd always had a soft spot for the cute little guy.

"You're in heat right now, aren't you, Miss Leona?" Jungle Boy asked, and the question floored the apron-wearing lioness. "I've seen you like this before, and you've always complained to your friends of wanting a real male to satisfy you."

Leona couldn't meet Jungle Boy's eyes as he said this. He'd hit the mark to perfectly, and it sank home to the lioness that Jungle Boy wasn't such a boy any more. He'd grown up into a tall, strong, healthy young man. A very healthy young man, Leona realized as her eyes strayed downward to the magnificent pink length proudly jutting out from between the human male's legs. Oh my...

Blushing, Leona started to turn away, not answering Jungle Boy's question, not feeling able to resist the temptations his presence presented, to ignore the burning between her legs at the thought of lying with such a powerful, virile male. After all, he was still the little boy she'd known, wasn't he? He'd always be that little boy, she told herself. That was how she'd see him, how she ought to see him. What would all her friends think if she did anything else? Why, it would be like robbing the cradle of a babe in arms.

Speaking of arms, Leona discovered she wasn't able to continue her sweeping as a pair of powerful arms wrapped around her, pinning her arms to her sides. She squirmed a little in Jungle Boy's grip, though not seriously, letting her broom fall to the walk with a clack of wood on stone. As she felt a thick, blunt object prodding her in her rump, Leona gulped. Not even Clarence had been that big! No, she wasn't going to think like that, wasn't going to give in to the temptation. Instead, she kicked her legs in the air, trying to wriggle free of Jungle Boy's grip.

"I...I really ought to get back to my chores, Jungle Boy," Leona tried to tell the powerful human holding her effortlessly, looking up at his face once more over her shoulder. "Things get so dirty around here, and I just barely keep up with it all as it is."

"You really want to spend all day cleaning and doing stuff like that?" Jungle Boy asked incredulously, his eyebrows raising.

"It's just something to do," said Leona, her eyes turning away from Jungle Boy's forthright expression. "There's nothing else to do at times like this. There never is."

"Mary Antelope just showed me something we could do," said Jungle Boy, gently setting Leona down on the soft grass next to the walk, and then lightly pressing down on her shoulder. "Would you like to try it out with me, Miss Leona? It felt really good when I did it with Miss Antelope."

Mary Antelope? What exactly could that snoopy reporter have shown Jungle Boy? Surely he couldn't mean that he and the antelope had...

But those thoughts were swiftly interrupted as Jungle Boy guided Leona to her knees, and then onto all-fours. He was so very strong, stronger than King Raymond, stronger than Clarence, and Leona didn't feel like resisting any more. She just didn't have the will for it any longer. Her legs were almost ready to give out on their own anyway, and so she rolled over onto her back, all the better to watch Jungle Boy's reaction as the lioness spread her legs wide, exposing the tight, badly swollen, triangular pink slit between her legs, daring Jungle Boy to actually do something to satisfy her. Her! She hadn't felt real sexual bliss in years, and almost didn't dare to hope that she ever would again.

But then Jungle Boy bent forward, his lips meeting Leona's muzzle, kissing her with a fire and passion that sent trembling shivers all up and down the lioness' spine. Her legs kicked on either side of Jungle Boy's hips, and she whimpered like a blind kitten searching for its mother's teat when she felt that heavy, powerful human penis stroking through the sandy fur of her underbelly.

Still gasping for breath as the kiss ended, Leona was helpless to do anything besides watch as Jungle Boy started to nibble his way down her body with those startlingly agile lips of his. As he found her nipples, hidden beneath her bellyfur, the lioness arched her back, crying out in throes of exquisite pleasure. This was heaven! His fingertips tweaked and erotically abused each of Leona's nipples in turn, wherever his talented mouth wasn't sucking and sometimes lightly biting down on the delicate pink nubs of lionessflesh.

It didn't end there, though. Jungle Boy had only just started work on the overheated lioness. Relenting his oral assault on her teats, for a moment Leona thought that she could relax her body. Only for a moment, though, for the next moment she felt Jungle Boy's hot breath on her exposed, aching quim, and a moment after that her folds were parted by Jungle Boy's tongue as he plunged it into her shuddering depths. Clarence had never done anything like this before. Neither had Raymond. For being kings, neither of her former rulers had ever really known how to give a girl a proper royal treatment like Jungle Boy did. Worked up with the newness of the situation, and with a fiery sense of anticipation of greater things to come, as well as her own desperately raw need that had been left neglected for so long, Leona didn't hold back as her claws gouged the yard, and she roared loudly as her pleasures reached their peak.

The session with Mary had taught Jungle Boy not to keep a lady waiting when she was in the mood, and even while Leona's legs were still thrashing, flailing, the lioness rolling from side to side as she savored the sensations of her orgasm, Jungle Boy climbed up over her, covering her, pinning her back to the ground so that she couldn't escape what he intended for her next. Not that he feared Leona deliberately trying to break free of him. She was a lioness, and even with his immense strength and resilience, Jungle Boy would have a hard time with Leona's sharp claws and teeth if he did something she didn't like. Mostly he had to worry about what she might do when she didn't mean it. Those sharp claws and teeth could be a liability, after all, when a girl was in the throes of passion.

Holding the thrashing lioness down, Jungle Boy's hips surged forward, making Leona moan needily as his length rubbed firmly against the slick lips of her cunny. It was a bit harder to aim since he needed his hands to keep Leona's upper body in place, and the feel of his shaft against her gushing slit just made Leona jerk all the more. Focusing himself, frowning a bit in concentration, Jungle Boy adjusted his aim slightly, and then let his hips drop almost straight down. He was rewarded by a high-pitched scream from Leona and the sudden, intense clamping down of the lioness' pussy around his hard member. She was tighter even than Mary Antelope had been!

Leona was in heaven! She must have lived a very good life and just died as Jungle Boy squeezed inch after inch after inch of thick, throbbing human cock into her trembling body. It was too much to bear! It was just too good! Never in her life had the lioness been so thoroughly filled. Never in her life had she been given such slow, perfect attention. And Jungle Boy did go slow, taking his time, drawing out each thrust to make sure she felt each and every last vein on his powerful length. Where one orgasm ended and the next began started to blur for Leona, until she could swear that they were all just one single extended surge of pleasure, washing over her body like the waves of the ocean. If Jungle Boy hadn't been holding her down, Leona would have humped up towards him eagerly, going as fast as she could, greedy for his cum. She wanted this human to finally claim her, wanted him to feel the same pleasure that he'd been giving her.

It was tight going thrusting into Leona, as Jungle Boy quickly discovered. That tightness inside her love channel came in large part because of how astonishingly muscular her inner walls were. She had incredible control, and even as he held her immobile, Jungle Boy couldn't stop Leona from milking his length, rippling her inner muscles in waves. It was as though he were being stroked by an all-engulfing presence that stimulated him almost everywhere all at once. Despite this, however, Jungle Boy was determined to stick this out. He grit his teeth firmly, forcing himself to keep going slow, making this last for as long as he could. It wasn't any different from any of the other challenges he'd faced while growing up in the jungle, or so he told himself. This was just one more trial for him to overcome.

Suddenly Leona looked up into Jungle Boy's eyes, and at that same moment he looked down into hers. In that instant, something clicked between the two, a connection made that linked them together. The connection made, neither Jungle Boy nor Leona continued trying to outlast the other. Instead, their pleasures became a single, living whole, shared between the two of them. Ecstasy washed over them both, and Leona's roar and Jungle Boy's cry were overwhelmed all the other sounds of the jungle as they came together, Jungle Boy's cum quickly bubbling over in Leona's cunny, overflowing and running down her thighs and her rump in rivulets.


The results of Jungle Boy's past efforts with Leona could be clearly seen as she stood there in the doorway, and King Raymond couldn't keep himself from staring. Another opportunity snatched out from under his nose!

"I'm really sorry, Raymond," said Leona, cradling her gravid belly with her paws, stroking over where the half-human baby was rapidly developing, "but I'm not much in the mood for playtime right now. Jungle Boy was here only a little while ago for a little visit, and he handled my needs just fine."

The dreamy sigh of the lioness as she reminisced on the events of earlier that day, as well as on the event that had led to her present pregnancy some months ago, was enough to make King Raymond grind his teeth in mounting fury. His face quickly starting to turn beet red, Raymond was right on the verge of completely flying off the handle. Then, with an immense effort of will, King Raymond turned away without saying a word, and stormed off, back into the jungle.

Once out of sight of Leona's house, Raymond started to calm down. After all, there were more fish in the sea, and plenty of hot females for him to bang. Three of them, in fact, were right on the way back towards his small treetop palace. Heartened by this thought, King Raymond immediately turned himself towards the usual lounging place of the three beauties he had in mind, three hot ape girls who had always fawned on him in the past.

Coming near to the place where his bevy of lovely ape women were to be found, Raymond grinned to himself as he heard one of the three softly moan. It was the sound of a female in deep pleasure, and Raymond counted on being able to exploit such feelings post-haste. Pushing aside the foliage between him and his intended conquests, Raymond stepped out into the clearing.

"Hello ladies," said the ape king with his immense grin, bowing low with mock subservience. "Your king is here to satisfy all your wildest fantasies."

Bent over in that low bow, Raymond waited for some response. And waited. And waited some more. Finally he opened his eyes, looking up in puzzlement. His eyes immediately widened, jaw dropping yet again after the third shock of the day as he saw why the three ape women hadn't been able to greet him.

Normally, the trio of ape girls would have been lounging around their clearing, grooming themselves and not really doing much of anything. Their constant state of boredom made them easy targets for King Raymond whenever he was feeling horny. But now they weren't lounging around. Now the three simian femmes were flopped bonelessly around the clearing, their bodies utterly limp, their visible slits obviously flushed and sopping wet from recent use. But what really got to Raymond was the obviously pregnant bulges of all three ape women as they lay on their backs, bellies thrust towards the sun.


It just happened so fast. With the loss of his virginity to Mary Antelope, an entire world of pleasure-filled possibility had been opened up to the newly-adult Jungle Boy. And with that realization of what pleasure could bring had also come a realization of his inherent sex appeal. As a child, his inherent attractiveness had always left the animals of the jungle off their guard, completely trusting of him, almost worshiping the very ground on which he walked. Now that he had lost the touch of innocence, he could make use of that attractiveness in an active fashion, rather than mere childish passivity. In other words, he had suddenly tapped into an immense natural ability for seduction. The three apegirls, King Raymond's ostensible "harem" (though they would have been quite miffed to be referred to in those terms), had been more than willing to oblige Jungle Boy in his desires when he came upon them during their daily grooming session.

Within mere minutes, Jungle Boy found himself with his face buried between the trembling thighs of one of the apegirls, Rhoda by name, distinguished from the others by a little tuft of red hair on her head. As the human man eagerly gnawed on Roda's sweet, furry pussy, his hands reached out to either side, gripping the bottoms of Petunia and Violet, distinguished by wearing red and purple ribbons on their heads, respectively. The ape girls giggled as they were easily pulled in close to the powerful, well-muscled man, before their giggles turned to deep moans, joining those of Rhoda as Jungle Boy began to grind his palms up between their legs, firmly against their snug slits, working them up to a nice, frothing lather.

Worked up as he was, and worked up as the apegirls were, Jungle Boy didn't waste much time. Seizing firm hold of Rhoda's leg, he hoisted it into the air, his pink penis finding her small cunny and plunging inside.

"It's so big!" Rhoda squealed as she thrashed on the ground in the midst of her pleasures, one leg held up over Jungle Boy's shoulder as he began to properly hammer his hips forward and back, nailing the simian femme good and hard and deep. The sound of rushing blood was so loud in his ears, his lust so powerful, so all-consuming at that moment, that he hardly even noticed the tongues of Petunia and Violet on his balls and shaft between thrusts. He barely registered it when Rhoda suddenly gave a loud, high-pitched wail, her inner walls starting to clench down on him as her entire body was seized by a series of desperately powerful orgasms, until they grew so powerful that she couldn't even make any more sound. All that mattered at that moment was the tight, wet heat around his heavy shaft, until it finally overwhelmed his endurance, and the human gave a mighty jungle yell as he came inside of the suddenly-limp apefemme.

Pulling his cumslick cock free of Rhoda, Jungle Boy noted briefly that the red-headed apegirl had passed out from the series of orgasms that had blasted her body and mind. But only briefly. The next moment he turned, grabbing Violet's firm, rounded bottom in both his huge hands, and then plunging her straight down on his still-stiff cock. The female with the purple ribbon squirmed on Jungle Boy's lap as he bounced her there, her hands holding tight to his shoulders as he gave her a good, hard ride. His heavy balls slapped loudly against the ape's buns as he worked her good and hard and fast, while Violet just grabbed as tight a hold on Jungle Boy's shoulders as she could and held on for dear life.

"He's...he's an animal!" exclaimed Petunia, watching this display, kneeling just a short distance away, her mouth dropped open, eyes wide, pussy wet and leaking with arousal at the sights and sounds and smells that were before her. Violet didn't answer, of course. She couldn't, only able to make a high-pitched "Oh, oh, oh, oh!" sound as she rode Jungle Boy's immense erection. Suddenly the purple-ribboned apegirl's head snapped back, her hands clawing at Jungle Boy's back as her legs began to thrash, her own pleasures suddenly peaking out with a vengeance. It was too much! Not long after this, she could feel the human's potent sperm shooting deep inside of her, making her inner walls twitch in spasms of ecstasy.

Petunia watched, breathless, as cum began to leak down Jungle Boy's balls, his shaft buried to the hilt in Violet, before the other apefemme gave a last convulsive twitch of her legs, and then went still, her pleasures having been too much for her after so long being unsatisfied by Raymond. She, like each of the apewomen, had forgotten what sexual pleasure was supposed to feel like. Now that it was being jolted into their bodies so hard, so fast, after so long doing without, they were helpless before Jungle Boy's lovemaking.

Petunia looked up at Jungle Boy with wide eyes as he set Violet on the ground, being careful not to wake her, and then crawled forward to the red-ribboned apegirl, his large hand stroking her chin. Willingly, she allowed herself to be guided down, until she was taking Jungle Boy's penis into her mouth, tasting the essence of her two friends coating its length. As she did so, Jungle Boy's hands roamed her back and then her bottom, and finally his fingers invaded her cunny, starting to curve inward, teasing her g-spot. This accidental touching of one of her most sensitive inner places, coupled with the extreme sexual tension she was already experiencing, made Petunia's whole body jerk upward, and then she flopped to the forest floor on her stomach, gasping for breath, her bottom raised high.

Taking this as an open invitation, Jungle Boy maneuvered around the slumped-over, twitching apegirl, and gripped his penis in one strong hand, her upturned rump in the other. Just as Petunia was coming back to her senses from that jolt of raw pleasure, she gave a loud scream of exultation as that massive, smooth pink penis plowed into her cunny with a will, stuffing her right to the brim and a little beyond.

Rocking on hands and knees, Petunia closed her eyes, feeling Jungle Boy's hands roaming her furry body, keeping her right on the edge, giving her no way to come down from the rising peak of pleasure to which she was being driven with such desperate haste. Her whole body started to tremble as Jungle Boy rocked forward and back, his rock-hard rump tensing with each thrust of his hips to fill up her snug simian slit until there was no more room for him inside of her, his heavy balls slapping the backs of Petunia's thighs with each impact. He went faster, then, and faster still, not holding anything back even as the ape in heat started to wail in the throes of her pleasure, her fingertips leaving gouges in the grassy earth beneath her as she gave herself up to the pleasure rocking her body. Those pleasures became suddenly complete as she felt Jungle Boy's hot cum splashing inside of her, making Petunia's heart and cunny flutter with exquisite sensation, until it became too much for her as well, and she joined her two friends in blissful, well-pleasured sleep.

Pulling out, his cock still spurting a little onto Petunia's furry buns, Jungle Boy panted hard, resting himself for a little while, his penis finally going limp. It had taken five females to start to slow him down, and the young adult human realized that, now that he had tasted the pleasures of sex, he would be enjoying it a great deal more in the future. Not only with the females that had given themselves to him so far, but to every willing female in the jungle.


The ape king stared at the near-comatose females lying before him, and felt his face starting to turn red. This was too much! That Jungle Boy had foiled and spoiled King Raymond's place in this jungle once too often! His fury rising until steam started to come out of his ears, King Raymond didn't need to speak to the near-comatose females before him to know the source of his troubles. Lifting his head to the sky, the king of the jungle raised his voice high in fury, naming the source of all his troubles.


One of the ape women glanced up at this before she settled back down to continue sleeping off her recent round of human-induced orgasms. After all, it was just Raymond.