Pokemon Homeland Chapter 1

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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It was dark, nights are. It was midnight and there was a shadow in the darkness, cornered scared little thing. A Raichu little bit different than normal raichus. This one was a lot smaller than normal raichus, almost the size of a pikachu. Also this ones fur was different color, rather than being 'normal' orange it was very light orange almost yellow. Its tail was also shorter due to its size, this one was a female holding her ears with her tail wrapped around her. This thunder storm was so powerful it destroyed trees and started fires, every pokemon was scared but this one was especially. A thunder struck in the air and she was screaming in fear making a small lake with her tears of fear. HOURS LATER........ It was morning, the storm had ended. The little Raichu stepped out of her cover, very slowly making sure that the storm had passed. When she was certain the storm had passed she ran out and continued running. She could see the effects of the storm, it was wet everywhere and a lot of trees had either been burned or were pulled out with theyre roots from the ground. It was horrible but she didnt stop she was acting out from sheer insctict and panic, run away from danger.   Even thou the danger was over her fear took over, she was hungry tired shivering from cold and dry because of the crying and sweating. She was so scared she had completly lost her sense of direction. She was running towards a human city.

At the city....

''Mom Im going now!''

The girls name is Laura, she is a starting trainer in a small region called Mistra. She is shy cheerful and always helping everyone else. She had brown hair that was so short it barely touched her shoulders, she wore a white T-shirt with grey shorts combined with grey sneakers.   

She was a starting trainer, but unlike other regions here in The Mistra region you are put on a field with one pokeball and a lot pokemon to catch.

This region doesnt have its own pokemon instead it has pokemon from other regions. Mistra does have its own gyms  thou.

'''Alrigth be careful'' Her mom responded from the kitchen.                                                                                 

''Dont worry I will'' Laura responded grabbing her black bag trhowing it to her left shoulder having the atcual bag part on her right.

She almost ran outside. (Oh man Im going to get my very own pokemon! I cant believe Im already 14! Mabey this year I can actully CATCH one)

Here in Mistra there are very few wild pokemon so once a year people ten year olds or above are put on a huge field were there are a lot starter pokemon. Everyone tries to find the rarest pokemon instead of just capturing a rattata or pidgeys.

Laura always had bad luck but this year there arent that many compedetors so she feels lucky.

An hour had passed when she arrived at the capture trial field.                                                                                            She was feeling so proud and happy, until she saw Ricky

Ricky has short dark hair long blue shirt and blue jeans, he is mean and I mean REALLY mean. Last year they wouldnt let him try to take part in this because he had physically assaulted a nidoran.

''Well look who we have over here.'' Ricky said walking closer to her. ''If it aint the dumb bitch who thisnks she can become a pokemon trainer!''

''Why are you here Ricky?'' Laura sked with full hateret

''Im going to catch a pokemon thats what.''

''Alright well see who gets the best one then.''

''Dont screw with me, you know what happens if you screw with me.'' And so Ricky walked away.

(God I hate that guy!) She walked off to the registaration table.


Back at the forest.....


The raichu was still running but had slowed down due to exaustion, she had to stop to rest.                                         She found a bush and went in there, while getting comfy she was sobbing.

Her home was gone, her friends were gone and she had no idea where she was.

One things for sure, shes scared.



Part 2:


Pokemon Homeland Chapter 2

There she was ready to capture her first pokemon. Next to her were about twenty other kids including Ricky. She didnt care about Ricky and now was the time to get her first pokemon. The judge stood up from his chair raising his hand. ''Ready!...

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