They are my Friends: The Camping Trip part 1

Story by DracoMancer on SoFurry

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#1 of They are my Friends

Standard disclaimer-This story is not for minors so do not read if you are under 18. I am not responsible for any scars that you may get burned onto your brain for reading this.

Author's note- Remember I always like to get comments from my readers. Enjoy the story!

The buses were driving along the dusty road to get to the large area of woods it led to. The bus filled with conversations, jokes and laughter. Oliver was in his seat trying to read when next to him sat down his friend Jeremiah had sat down next to him. Oliver was a gray furred otter who enjoyed reading and learning. He was usually picked on at school but still had a few friends. He was gay but he never let anyone know except his parents, who still accepted him. Jeremiah was a cream colored rabbit who always seemed to be in a good mood and always had jokes to crack.

"So Ollie ready to go camping?"

"You know I haven't been for the last few years of high school. We do this at the end of every year and I've always hated it. Sometimes I think they bring us here just to watch the smarter, less athletic children squirm around in the mud. Thank God that this is the second to last year of high school."

"Well if you're gonna complain why come?"

"Because my parents think it's good for me to come out here. I guess I'll just find a tall tree and live up there for the whole two weeks."

"Well you're boring me now so I'm gonna leave." Oliver chuckled. That was Jeremiah for you. He was always so straightforward and said what he thought. He went back to his book and after awhile somebody had said "Wait what's that over there?" he had put it off as nothing like a hobo or a store. He kept reading until he had started to hear more comments like the first one. Getting curious he put down his book and looked out his window. He saw a red and yellow dragon along with an eagle flying beside him. On the ground there was a burly wolf, a bear and a shark with a large bottle of water spraying it on himself. What people were surprised by was why they were all together, why were they here and why were they on foot and flying?

At this time and age most dragons and birds didn't really fly around much anymore. And the shark there wasn't a lake around until you got to the forest that was in the distance. They reached the side of the bus which wasn't surprising since it wasn't actually going that fast. The dragon looked in and smiled at the audience he had received. Steven a jock at the school who seemed upset that much of his attention had been turned to the dragon had pulled an apple out of his bag and said "Let's see how he likes this," getting a little attention from those around him. He threw the apple through an open window at the dragon expecting it to hit him and bring him down. Instead the dragon caught it took a bite out of it and put his thumbs up as if to say thank you.

He threw it to the wolf who took a bite and he threw it to the bear and it continued like that until it got to the eagle who took a bite and flew to the other side of the bus and threw it through another open window at Steven who cursed and got laughed at. He was scolded by one of the teachers on board and the people outside the buses had gone ahead of them increasing their speed to the forest.

The talk had soon resumed except this time it was all about the furs they had seen outside the bus. Oliver had continued reading but all he could think about was the dragon. Soon they had gotten near the camping grounds and gotten off the bus. Everyone grabbed their bags and got off the bus. They hiked up a large hill to get to a large flat ground with a fire pit in the middle of it. The teachers dumped a large pile of unmade tents on the ground and told everybody to grab a tent and if there weren't enough they would pair people up later. Oliver didn't care; he always slept in the trees anyway. He left the mob of furs trying to get a good tent and went to the outskirts of the camping grounds to find a good tree. The teachers always knew where to look for him he could get pretty solitary sometimes. He found a tall tree climbed it and sat down on one of the higher branches seeing the camp grounds sprawled below him. He could see the others still in a mad dash to get their tents. Oliver turned his attention to his stuff and pulled out his hammock. He tied it to the branches and put a tarp over it just in case it rained that night and let his bag hang on another branch. With that being all he really had to do he went back to looking at the grounds beneath him.

He could see the lake with some of his schoolmates already swimming around in it, the camping grounds with the others making up their tents. In the silence he could hear clanging. He looked behind him and searched the woods until he saw a clearing. He looked closer and recognized the dragon from earlier fighting with the wolf. He couldn't see exactly what was going on so he decided to get a closer look. He jumped down and started to head over as quietly as he could and when he reached the clearing he was shocked. The dragon had two swords that look liked katanas while the wolf had a large double edged axe that looked like it may weigh more than Oliver. The eagle had a bow and was notching arrows and sending them flying on a nearby tree. The shark was practicing with a spear on a hay training dummy, while the bear had a claymore and was destroying a wooden dummy

He went back to watching the dragon and wolf and the two were actually going at it. At one point the dragon had disarmed the wolf and ran towards him and scratched him across the arm.

"I drew first blood, I win." He said as he started to sheath the swords.

"I don't understand how you can be so fast." The wolf said as he picked up his axe. The wolf started to sneak up behind the dragon before an arrow hit the ground in front of him.

"Now now Dante, play nice." The eagle said. "We can't go around killing people 'cause they faster than us and can therefore beat you everything." And he turned around and went back to shooting at the tree.

"Yeah yeah Veolis wasn't like I was going to hurt anyone with this deadly axe here," he said lifting it up "the whole point was to draw blood on someone." The wolf named Dante said. Oliver started to move around to get a better view when a dead leaf crunched beneath his foot. The dragon stopped what he was doing and looked in Oliver's direction.

"Looks like we have an audience, come out and show yourself." He yelled out. Oliver froze for awhile before he decided to turn back and walked right into the shark.

"C'mon it'd be rude to leave without introducing yourself." Oliver looked at the shark in shock. How could he have moved behind him without him noticing? "C'mon now don't be shy," but despite of everything he had seen these guys seemed friendly. Oliver left his hiding place and into the clearing with the shark right behind him.

"Nice job Cammirell it's always fun to see you sneak up on somebody and see their surprise. Now back to you. Who are you and why were you watching us?" the eagle asked.

"Uh, I was over at the camping grounds on a field trip with the school and I started to hear you two fighting," he answered pointing to the wolf and dragon. "And my name's Oliver." At that point the dragon came in

"Oh I remember you. You were on the bus where that other dragon tried to take me down with an apple." At the mention of that the group started to laugh "Hope that dragon got a thing or two handed to him. Hello Oliver, my name is Leigh, that eagle over there is Veolis, the bear Benjamin, shark is Cammirell, and last but not least is the wolf Dante."

"What are you all doing here with the uh, deadly weapons and all?"Oliver asked starting to take a shine to these guys and the question made Leigh laugh.

"We're college students and we met over a group we started for the older weapons of the world. You know before gunpowder was invented. At one point we decided we should have a place where we could practice without disturbing others and being disturbed too much. We stay here for about a month before we return to our studies. What about you what is your school doing here?"

"We're on a camping trip and are going to be staying here for two weeks."

"Really now, then we should get you back before someone notices you're gone and starts to panic."

"Ok but it's pretty far away you sure you can do that in time?"

"I don't know if you know this yet Oliver but," the wolf spoke up "were awesome, now hold onto Leigh and don't fall off."

"What are you talking ab-" was all he could say before Leigh picked him up and jumped into the air. The eagle had followed suit and Dante was jumping about in the trees while Benjamin and Cammirell ran with them and kept pace with them. "Are you trying to make an entrance!?" Oliver managed to yell loud enough were Leigh managed to hear him.

"We're always trying to make an entrance!" he yelled back laughing and started to do aerial tricks to scare the otter. The eagle came up beside him laughing and obviously having fun watching. Oliver saw the camping grounds and hurriedly told Leigh where it was to prevent more tricks.

"Hey Veolis can you go down and tell the others?"

"Sure can, don't miss me too much!" he yelled as he went down the to the tree tops to tell the others. Leigh started to slow down and descend with Oliver calming down as he went.

On the ground Jeremiah had been looking for Oliver so when he started to see shapes form in the sky he started to think 'Could that be him?' he did see what looked like a struggling form on one of them. At one point he saw one go down as the other one started to come near and descend. Then he heard a loud "YAHOOOO!" and saw the eagle diving through the air and at the last minute opened his wings and slowed down suddenly. He landed and Jeremiah saw that he had a bow and a quiver of arrows with him. Then out of the forest a wolf with a large axe strapped to his back and then a shark with a spear on his came out running to stop near the eagle and the wolf. Next a bear with a long sword came out and stopped with the others. Lastly a dragon holding Oliver with two swords on his waist landed and Oliver walked a few steps dizzy and told him

"I am never doing that again, you hear me?"

"Don't tell me you didn't have fun flying." the dragon said laughing with his friends. A group of people had started to crowd around them. Oliver's new friends had gotten quiet and looked around them.

"Uh, I'm not involved in this," the bear said and literally jumped over the crowds ahead

"I wasn't here," the eagle said and flew off

"I don't have an excuse sooo good luck with this." The shark said then loped off towards the lake

"I'm not dealing with this," the wolf said and followed the bear's solution

"Well Oliver," the dragon started "It's just me and you now."

"Good because I need someone to help me explain all this." Oliver had barely finished his sentence when he felt a gust of air and looked beside him to see that Leigh had already jumped up into the air

"And now it's just you!" he yelled back "Come find us again tomorrow and good luck with that crowd!" he said before flying off. As soon as Leigh flew off in the distance the crowd turned back to Oliver and he was flooded with questions about his new friends. There were too many to be able to hear a single one but then he felt a hand grab his arm and pull him out.

"C'mon Ollie can't have you massacred before you introduce me to your new friends. Oliver smiled, it was Jeremiah he was the only one who called him Ollie. They ran into the woods and up a tree so that the raving crowd couldn't find him.

"Thanks Jerry couldn't handle all that. Amazing how people stop ignoring you once they see the things you have and the people you know."

"You're welcome but now you have to introduce me to your new friends ok?"

"I think I can get that done, just make sure I can find you by noon tomorrow you got that?"

"Sure thing buddy but if you don't mind I was trying to find you earlier to see if you wanted to swim, but I see that your busy hiding so have fun here."

"Nope I'm not staying here while you go out and have fun wait for me!" he said climbing down the tree. That night the teachers did role call and Oliver had time to answer some of the questions that swarmed him before. He got some of the food the teachers were handing out and went to his tree. He climbed it and jumped into his hammock. Letting his mind drift off he had started to think about Leigh and his crew. Leigh was actually pretty hot to him but he quickly shook those thoughts out of his head thinking that someone like that probably was straight or already had a girlfriend. He fell asleep thinking about tomorrow.

Steven walked to his tent angrily thinking about that red dragon that Oliver had come back with today. It was the same dragon who had embarrassed him on the bus and then when he came in today he had taken away all the attention he was getting from the girls that had come to the trip. He didn't like to be upstaged by anyone and he was trying to think of a way to get back at them. He decided he would sleep on it.

Oliver woke up to the sound of a cow bell being rung and a teacher yelling "Breakfast!" he got up, yawned, and stretched. 'I should get there as fast as I can to keep more people from asking him about Leigh and his friends.' Oliver climbed down and hurriedly went to go get breakfast there were already a few people there and he managed to avoid them then went back to the tree and ate in silence. He checked his phone and saw that it read 9:30 he went to the place him and Jeremiah had hid at yesterday with a book and waited for him. Time passed by quickly with his book for to Oliver it hadn't been very long before Jeremiah had showed up.

"Been waiting very long?" he asked.

"Not really now c'mon I really want to see them again."

"Ok than but can you tell me why they carry those weapons around?"

"Yeah of course, they carry them around because they like the older arts of weaponry. And plus it looks pretty cool don't you think?"

"Yeah sure but have you ever seen them using them?"

"Yeah when I first saw them the dragon and the wolf were trying to kill each other."

"How did you find them in the first place?"

"The noise of metal on metal." The conversation continued until they started to hear the soft music of a violin.

"What is that?" Jeremiah asked

"It must be them. C'mon let's go!" He and Jeremiah ran towards the soft sound of music before Leigh and Veolis jumped from the treetops in front of them.

"Hey Oliver who's this?" Leigh asked.

"Hey Leigh, Veolis, this is my friend Jeremiah. He actually helped me instead of leaving me in the middle of a crowd of people."

"He he sorry about that man, just didn't want to be involved in that. So how's it going Jeremiah?"

"Pretty good now that I've met you." Leigh laughed.

"Well sorry to do this to you Oliver but you're being followed sooo..." his voice trailed off and he looked towards Veolis, who gave him a slight nod.

"What're you planning?" as soon as Oliver finished that sentence the two rushed towards them, grabbed them up and jumped into the air.

"I told you I didn't want to do this again!" Oliver yelled

"Don't worry this time I'll let you enjoy it!" Leigh started to fly straight upwards with Oliver in his arms and went up above the clouds and slowed down. Oliver stopped struggling and looked at the scene before him. He could see the sun shine its rays on the clouds and see the clouds move along with the wind peacefully. It was beautiful and he would even dare say... romantic. He was in Leigh's hands and watching the scene before him. He felt Leigh start to descend and Leigh moved slowly gliding on the wind beneath his wings letting Oliver see the forest and he enjoyed it.

"Liking the view?" Leigh asked.

"Of course I was too busy freaking out to notice it last time but it's great, it really is." Leigh started to descend into a clearing with a group of cabins in it, each one having their initials on it making five cabins in total. Veolis and Jeremiah were already there waiting for them when he landed.

"I don't see why you hate flying so much. It's great!" Jeremiah told him excitedly.

"What took you so long, usually you get here before I do."

"Sorry, had to get Oliver over there to calm down. If I hadn't he probably would've made me go down like a rock." He said laughing. The music was still going on and seemed to be coming from above them. Oliver looked up and saw Dante up there playing a violin. The sound they were going to follow before the other two showed up.

"Ok Dante we got them you can stop now!" Leigh yelled up to him. Dante stopped playing and replied

"Good cause I was running out of songs to play." Dante jumped down and looked at Jeremiah. "Jeremiah I heard. Nice to meet you man." He said holding out his paws. Jeremiah gladly shook it.


"Hey Dante have you seen Cammirell?"

"Yeah he said he was heading over to the lake for a swim with Benjamin. He's probably off scaring people again like last time."

"Oh well c'mon we were going to go there anyway."

"Then why pick us up?" Oliver asked.

"Because we don't want anyone to find our hidden cabin full of caches of deadly weapons," Leigh told him "plus like I said you were being followed that would've been terrible, now c'mon let's go before those two get all the fun."

"Wait," Jeremiah said and everybody looked at him "I'd rather be flown there." He finished with a smile. Veolis laughed and said "I'll take him I'd like to show him a few tricks that make him say otherwise." He walked back to him and grabbed him. "Get ready bunny boy," and with that he flew up into the air laughing evilly.

"Is he going to be ok?" Oliver asked

"Well if I know that bird correctly then he's going to let him back down as soon as he's begging to be let down... then pick him up again and do some more acrobatics."

"Let's go already I'm getting bored." Dante interrupted

'Damn' Steven thought. He had been following Oliver and his bunny friend trying to find out where that dragon and co. were hiding when the dragon and eagle came in through the treetops. He quickly hid behind the tree and tried to listen in on the conversation when his tail accidently brushed against some leaves. He thought that they didn't hear him but then he heard one of them say "your being followed," and then a while after a large gust of wind, and they were gone.

He started making his way towards the campgrounds thinking 'well at least there out of my hair now' when he arrived at the campgrounds he met up with some of his friends and they went over to the lake for a swim. After awhile they had attracted the attention of some girls and got out to talk them. They flirted with them for awhile until they started to hear laughing in the far distance. They looked around and saw the eagle in the sky and what looked like a bunny he was carrying

"You ready for a swim?!" he yelled out laughing with Jeremiah who had gone through all his maneuvers without panicking. He dropped Jeremiah suddenly over the lake and started to laugh until Jeremiah suddenly grabbed his leg and made him fall with him.

"If I'm going down your going down with me!" he yelled laughing. The bunny moved his way to on Veolis's back making him dive down headfirst still laughing.

"Bring it on then!" Veolis yelled and he started to spin making them go through the air even faster and they both hit the water making a large splash land on the people at the shore.

Steven was drenched by the splash that the eagle and the bunny who he recognized as Jeremiah made. The guys seemed to be angry about what just happened when they had just gotten dry, while the girls who had also got wet started laughing and cheering and left the boys to go watch. Steven left in anger stomping to the campgrounds thinking 'I have to get them while their each alone, yeah that's what I'll do.'

"That had to be V, but was that a rabbit on his back?" Benjamin asked

"I don't know but that looked like fun! C'mon lets go join him!" he said running towards the lake and he jumped in.

"This could be fun," the bear muttered before following the shark into the lake.

Oliver, Dante, and Leigh saw Veolis crash headfirst into the water with a laughing bunny on his back.

"Looks like your friend there just took down Veolis; he must have been hard to break. No one has ever gone through his fun without breaking."

"That's Jerry for you, he's always been like that."

"C'mon let's get over there before the crowd gets there." As Leigh could already see Oliver's schoolmates going over to the lake. They ran the whole way to the lake and jumped in to get to the center and with Oliver of course being the better swimmer reached their first.

Veolis broke through the water with the bunny Jeremiah still laughing on his back. He started to laugh with him enjoying the fact that he had just been taken down by a small rabbit.

"You are one tough cookie to break man. You are the first to go through that without screaming in fear and especially the first to take me down."

"Then I must be the greatest." He said happily.

Benjamin followed the shark underwater hearing everything he said. He saw him put his dorsal fin over the water saying "dunna dunna, dunna dunna" as he snuck up on the unsuspecting eagle. Though Cammirell didn't have go overwater to take breaths since he had gills Benjamin tried to quietly take breaths breaking the surface not making any noise. Soon they had reached the two and they saw that there was a bunny over with him. They both broke the surface at the same time.

"RAAAAAAA!" they yelled together making the rabbit yell out in terror but Veolis just looked at them with a smirk on his face.

Dante, Leigh and Oliver had seen Benjamin and Cammirell jump out the water to scare Jeremiah but didn't scare Veolis.

"He he, they should know already that V doesn't scare easily." Dante said

"Yeah but Jeremiah seemed to be effected," Oliver said pointing to the rabbit who had jumped off the eagle's back and was flopping around in the water.

"Uh, shouldn't we help him?" Leigh asked

"No he can swim he's just being silly." He told him being proven right by Jeremiah stopping apparently getting tired. "C'mon let's get over there." Oliver finished. They started to swim faster getting to the group before the bystanders started to appear at the edge of the lake. "Hey Benjamin, Cammirell, having fun without us eh?" Leigh asked

"We weren't even close when Veolis here crashed into the water!" the shark said laughing. "So did this kid take you down?" Cammirell asked motioning towards Jeremiah.

"Yes he did, first one to ever go through my flying without freaking out. You haven't met him yet he's one of Oliver's friends. His name is Jeremiah."

"Well than nice to meet you Jeremiah," Cammirell said holding out his hand "I'm Cammirell." Jeremiah shook it and smiled "great to meet you to." He said.

"Well sorry to ruin this for you but looks like we have some explaining to do over at the shore," he said pointing at the crowd of people amassing at the lakeshore. "C'mon lets go." Leigh finished. Together they all swam to the shore with the eyes of more than a hundred people watching them. When they got to the shore and got out of the water they stood there for awhile and finally Leigh said

"What never seen and eagle crash into a lake before?" he started to laugh and so did his friends including Oliver and Jeremiah. It didn't take long for one of the teachers to break through the crowd and walk up to the laughing strangers.

"Excuse me but um, who are you and what was that large crash into the lake?" Leigh laughed again

"Well I'm Leigh, that wolf over there is Dante, the eagle is Veolis, Cammirell is that shark there, and then there's Benjamin. That huge splash was Jeremiah and Veolis having a bit of fun. That enough for you?"

"You know what I am too shocked to say anything else, I'm leaving." He said turning around leaving them with the students.

"Uh guys looks like there's no way out of this one." Leigh told them

"Speak for yourself as soon as my wings dry off I'm outta here." Veolis replied

"Well unless you r going to stand there staring at us is anyone of you all gonna say something?" Benjamin asked. As soon as the words left his mouth the crowd started to ask all kinds of questions and some of the girls pulled Veolis and Jeremiah away. All Jeremiah had said when they started taking them away was "well hello" it wasn't long before they had been taken to the campground and had explained their story to the whole camp many times over.

After a while they had all been separated from each other. Jeremiah and Veolis had been taken with the girls and hadn't been seen since then while Cammirell went off with some cetaceans to the lake for a swim. Oliver and Leigh managed to stay together with the dragon getting a guitar from another camper and had gotten an audience dancing and singing with him. Dante and Benjamin were surrounded by girls impressing them by sparring together with the weapons they had gone and gotten. Oliver saw girls flirting with Leigh and saw that Leigh was uninterested in all of them after they had gone he went up to him and asked him. "What's wrong already got a girlfriend? I saw those girls flirting with you."

"Nope don't have one,"

"Uh a boyfriend?" Oliver asked him nervously surprised when Leigh laughed

"No not a boyfriend either. I'm bi anyway so I'd go either way if I felt like it."


"Yes really,"

The conversation continued each of them getting to know each other. Soon they had to leave with Veolis and Jeremiah coming in running away from a group of girls.

"Hey V have fun over there?" Dante asked jokingly

"Not funny," he said between pants. "Tried to seduce me... already have girlfriend... oh crap here they come," he jumped into the air and flew away yelling "See you all at the cabins!" the girls had seen Veolis fly away and turned to Jeremiah.

"I honestly have no problem with it I just got pulled away." The girls let out squeals of delight and pulled him away. He left giving a winking at Oliver who just laughed.

"So Oliver well see you tomorrow ok?"

"Yeah sure, you make this camping trip actually fun." Oliver replied. Leigh smiled and turned around with his buddies. Oliver watched them disappear into the dark forest and left. He went to his tree and jumped into his hammock. 'Leigh such a nice guy and now I know I have a chance bit how am I going to get closer to him?' Oliver thought. He went to sleep in heavy thought that night.

Steven was in his tent when some of his friends came in. his friends were like him, they hated to be upstaged, they were jocks, and they were always trying to impress girls.

"Steven we need your help." A stallion said.

"Yeah those new guys are showing us up, and we can't get any pussy with them here." A Doberman had told him. Steven smiled. 'Just what I needed, some help.'

"Well luckily for you all, I already have a plan. We just need to get at the otter. If we get at him we get at his friends but since we can't do it now we'll have to do it tomorrow." The group smiled. Steven liked what was going on and was planning to make it useful. His friends left the tent and went off to their own to go to sleep. Steven went to sleep planning out exactly how he was going to do it.

The next morning Oliver woke up Jeremiah poking his side. He got up groggily and asked him

"How did you find which tree I was sleeping in and why the hell are you waking me up?"

"Well it wasn't hard to hear you're snoring by walking by and I'm here because that eagle wanted to see me again today and you know the way sooo..." His voice trailed off.

"Oh can't it wait a little longer?"

"C'mon don't you wanna see them again? Veolis, Cammirell, Leigh..." His voice trailed off and at the mention of Leigh's name he immediately opened his eyes and got up.

"Ok I'll go," Oliver said. Jeremiah smiled widely and said "c'mon lets go before anyone else gets up" and jumped down. Oliver put on some new clothes still in the tree and jumped down landing right beside Jeremiah. "You ready to go Ollie?"

"Not really since you woke me up now let's go maybe they'll have food over there already." That was when he noticed the group of twelve guys that would usually pick on him at school with Steven leading heading their way. 'Maybe they'll head the other way.' He hoped. He turned around and headed to the area he remembered the cabins were at as they headed into the forest Jeremiah noticed the guys following them too.

"Hey Oliver," he whispered "I think were being followed."

"I know just pick up the pace." He replied quietly. They moved faster but the group kept pace with them.

"Hey losers!" they heard Steven yell.

"Run!" Oliver told his friend. They started to run only to be chased by the angry jocks. Oliver could tell that they were getting close for he could smell smoke from what must have been a cooking fire. As he neared the clearing he saw them gathering around a large pot over a fire and smelled oatmeal. When he entered the clearing Dante happily greeted them with a smile on his face. "Hey guys wasn't expecting to see you so early." Oliver and Jeremiah ran in the middle of the group when Steven and his gang came into the clearing. Leigh and everybody else stood up. Their friendly smiles turning into scowls.

"What are you doing here?" Leigh asked him

"We just want the fags over there so just move out the way or else well have to hurt you." Steven stepped up and said. Oliver actually being gay was hurt by it. Hearing that they started to reach for their weapons when Leigh held his hand out behind him.

"What have they done to you huh?" Leigh replied casually.

"What does it matter to you? Just move out the way." Dante growled.

"No," he replied. Steven showed his teeth and suddenly Oliver saw his fist rising quickly to Leigh's maw. Even quicker he saw Leigh grab his fist knee him in the stomach then give him an uppercut.Steven moved back holding his muzzle and angrily yelled "That's it and him and his gang started to go after them all. Dante had calmly taken down a rhinoceros by throwing him on a nearby tree and kicked a Doberman in his gut. Veolis gave a roundhouse kick to a cheetah taking him out cold and pummeled a husky and pushed him against another one. Benjamin had picked one up and used him like a club to beat an unlucky lion. Oliver could only imagine how that could've felt for the club made fur. Benjamin had taken a horse by the throat and beat his muzzle then letting go of him and threw the ocelot that had jumped onto his back on the ground and gave him a good beating. He pulled a staff from a nearby weapons rack and started to beat another lion and wolf with it expertly swaying his arms with it. Leigh had taken Steven's hand gave him another uppercut and kicked his face and made him go flying. Steven's gang had been beaten and pushed out of the clearing.

"Leave now," Leigh told them angrily "and if me or anyone of us ever see you messing with these two again, we will fucking kill you." He said drawing his sword and putting against Steven's throat for motivation. They got up turned tail and ran. Leigh turned back to Oliver who had been hiding behind a box.

"You can come out now, they're gone." Oliver came out and looked around.

"Where's Jeremiah?" he asked only to be answered by the rabbit coming out one of the cabins with an apple in his hand.

"Is it over yet?" he asked making them laugh.

"So, you all hungry?" Veolis asked and they had all sat down to eat some of the cooling oatmeal they had cooked.

"Can you believe all this happened in only three days? Usually we would stay away from others during our month in the forest but this time its been kind of exciting don't you think?" Dante asked

"Yeah we met you two," Leigh said pointing to Oliver and Jeremiah who were too busy eating to notice. "and when you're done we're going to handle this alright." Jeremiah looked away from his food.

"How's that?" he asked

"You'll see don't worry." They continued eating and after they were all done the group grabbed their weapons and left with Oliver and Jeremiah close behind. They walked into the camp getting the girls' stares and seeing Steven's gang already cleaned up and giving them angry looks.

"You two stay here and hold our stuff for us can't go up to the faculty looking menacing now." Leigh had told them as they took off their gear. Apparently people had seen their assailants come out of the forest beaten and bruised and people crowded around them wanting to hear the story. Oliver and Jeremiah only had to explain it once for once the story was out it quickly spread around the camp.

It wasn't long before Leigh and his friends came back.

"C'mon you two you're going to be staying with us for a whole week now."

"What!" Oliver said surprised "Why?"

"We are going to teach you how to defend yourselves. Can't expect us to be there for you after you leave can you?"

"But you only have one week how are you going to do that?"

"Like I said before," Dante answered "were awesome" they started to walk off and Leigh looked back.

"You coming or what?" he asked. Oliver and Jeremiah looked at each other.

"It's not every day you get an offer like this one." He said

"Well than what are we waiting for!?" he asked jumping up and running to catch up with them and leaving a struggling otter behind.

"Hey wait up!"

When they got to the cabins Leigh went into his cabin and came out with a small key. He walked over to a storage shed far off to the right where it wasn't noticed before. He opened it up and told the two.

"Go inside pick something up and bring it back out here."

Jeremiah and Oliver complied quietly with the others staring at them with smiles on their faces. They went inside to hear the doors close and the darkness come in. they couldn't see anything until a bright light came on. When they looked around they saw weapons.

"Holy. Crap." Oliver heard Jeremiah say. He saw small axes, large ones and staffs, spears, swords from all over the world and bows, and crossbows. "Awesome! I call the crossbow!" he said heading for it.

"Wait! This is a test," he said actually thinking about this. "Whatever you choose determines who's going teach us. For example if you choose that crossbow you'll get Veolis so that means if-"

"Still taking the crossbow! Screw you it's mine!" he said running outside with it laughing. Oliver chuckled to himself and thought about what he was going to take. He really wanted to train with Leigh and remembered the katanas. He looked around until he found it. Two katanas with an oriental dragon engraved on the scabbards. He grabbed them and took them outside. He went outside to see a smiling Jeremiah with Veolis and to Leigh's grinning face.

"Told you he'd choose you. You're his favorite after all." Dante said. Leigh just laughed. Ok V you're taking Jeremiah over there and I guess I get Oliver. We'll start tomorrow then."

"Well in that case me and Jere are gonna go get to know each other better," he turned to the rabbit "You ready for more flying bunny boy?"


"Then let's go." He said picking him up and taking off.

"Me, Dante, and Cammirell are going back to their camp to see if we can score some girls."

"Ok you three have fun." Leigh said as they went off

"So what are we going to do?" Oliver asked him.

"Well first we are going to put those swords up, follow me." Oliver followed him into his cabin. When he entered he saw that he must've been into the Japanese arts. That must have been one of the reasons to make him want katanas. He saw calligraphy a full set of Japanese samurai armor on a stand, two beds and sword stands all over the place

"Just place them right over there on that stand. You'll be staying here for the next week so make yourself at home here. I have stuff to go do so I'll see you in about thirty minutes." He said going out the door. Oliver let out a long sigh. Now he was in Leigh's cabin but he didn't know how he was going to explain to him how he felt. He moved over to one of the beds and plopped down on it. Images of Leigh started to drift into his mind and he felt his cock start to come out of its sheath. The images started to become more erotic he started to lower his paws to his pants and reach inside to grab his throbbing erection. As he started to stroke himself off he moved his other hand to his butt. Still stroking his dick he massaged his virgin entrance thinking about the dragon. He slowly began to push his finger in making him moan out."Oh Leigh!" he yelled out imagining the dragon fucking him. He pushed his finger deeper inside of himself loving every bit of it. He moaned feeling his orgasm coming every time he stroked his dick and pushed his finger in. he moaned louder feeling his load about to blow. When he couldn't hold it any longer he let it out with a loud moan. "LEEEIIIGH!!!" he yelled as he blew, feeling his cum hit his muzzle and chest. He looked around himself. His cum had landed all over him and around on the bed sheets. After recovering from his orgasm he got up and cleaned up the mess he made.

It wasn't long after before Leigh came back with Oliver's stuff in his hand. He threw it in front of Oliver saying "there you go,"

"How'd you find it?"

"Well Dante was already coming back to give it to you and he is a wolf you know. He smelled tree on you and smelled you on a tree. Any more need to say anything else?"

"guess not then," Oliver replied.

"Hey Oliver come with me, I want to show you something, and we will be flying."

"Oh ok than, if we have to." Oliver followed him outside where Leigh picked him up and flew up into the air. He flew straight up into the sky until he passed the clouds to the place where Oliver found romantic.

"Why are we here?" Oliver asked

"So I can tell you that I know how you feel about me and I want you to know that I love you too." And Leigh turned him around and kissed him. For a while he was surprised but then he kissed back, and for a time he was in bliss hearing nothing but the flapping of Leigh's wings and the wind around them. Reluctantly Oliver stopped the kiss and looked at Leigh and asked him.

"How did you know?"

"I saw they way you always looked at me. Then if that wasn't enough I was already here earlier and I heard and saw everything you did while I was gone." He told him making Oliver blush. Instead of waiting for an answer Leigh went in for another kiss. Oliver felt Leigh's tongue prod at his lips seeking entrance and Oliver opened his mouth letting him in and their tongues met with passion.

Leigh was descending slowly, landing back into clearing with ease and his arms still around Oliver's waist moving lower. He gently picked him up and took him into his cabin. After laying him on his bed he stopped kissing Oliver and took off his shirt. He looked at him and saw that he had a shy look on his face

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you, I know you want this." Leigh slowly started to rub the smooth fur on the otter's chest moving his hand down to Oliver's shorts and pulled them down revealing the tent in his boxers. "Hard already?" he asked softly rubbing on it getting only a moan in response. Pulling down his boxers he put his hand around the otter's nine inches and began to stroke it making him moan louder. Leigh took off his own pants and boxers and began to stroke himself off putting his tongue around Oliver's shaft, licking the pre off of it.

Leigh put his muzzle around Oliver's dick sucking him off feeling him about to blow. He put the otter's whole length into his muzzle, deepthroating him when Oliver came he felt his warm seed at the back of his throat and he swallowed it eagerly. After he made sure Oliver was done he removed his muzzle from the softening dick. Oliver looked up at him.

"Thank you," he said

"Don't thank me yet," the dragon said moving to his dresser "We're not done yet." He pulled a bottle of lube out of a drawer and smiled. Oliver was still pretty shy about this.

"I'm still a virgin." He said worriedly.

"Don't worry, like I said I'll go easy on you. Just lay down on your back." Oliver complied and lay down as Leigh came over. He squirted some of the clear liquid on his finger and slowly rubbed it onto Oliver's entrance. He gasped as he felt the cold feeling of the lube on his ass. He felt Leigh start to push his finger in spreading it around making sure he was ready. He removed his finger and stood up, positioning his cock against it. As he started to lube himself up Leigh asked him "You ready?" Oliver nodded his head nervously. He felt Leigh's length start to slowly push into him and at first it hurt. Leigh must've seen it for he stopped "relax, it will get better afterwards." He listened and started to relax feeling the pain start to go away.

Leigh began to push again once more, this time Oliver felt pleasure and moaned out. Leigh could feel every bit of Oliver's tight ass. He pushed in until his whole eleven inches were inside of him making them both moan. He started to pull out and thrust back in faster and faster each time, his tongue lolling out his mouth. Oliver began to push back onto Leigh wanting him to go deeper and faster into him. Leigh had reached for his cock and started to jerk him off furiously, pumping in time with his thrusts. Leigh felt his orgasm coming closer and before he came he went down for one more kiss and pumped into the otter one more time before filling him up, filling the otter cum again with it hitting both of them.

"I love you Leigh," Oliver told him after they recovered.

"Love you too, but we should clean up before the others come back." They had gone to take a shower together and cleaned each other up with a few distractions. When they finished and went outside they saw an eagle coming down with a soaking wet rabbit in his talons.

"What happened?" Oliver asked laughing.

"What happened?! What happened was that this eagle threw me into the lake yelling 'That's for yesterday!' after we had gotten done talking!" Veolis just laughed

"Lesson one: always be prepared."

"What happened to training can start tomorrow?" he asked him

"Who said it had to start tomorrow?" Leigh asked him making Jeremiah groan.

"I'm going to go take a hot shower and I'm throwing my wet clothes on your bed!" he said pointing to Veolis making everyone but him laugh.

Author's note- This story turned out to be longer than I thought it would be so I will be posting the rest at later dates. Remember to comment and tell me what you thought!