Pokemon Homeland Chapter 4

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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(Where am I? How did I get here? Last thing I remember was taking a nap in that bush.)

The raichu slowly woke up, she carefully and slowly opened her eyes.

(What? where am I)

She stood up to sitting position, she was in an human building. Something was attached to her arms, some kind of tubes. She tried to pull them out but it hurt.

Thats when she noticed the human female sleeping next to her

(Who is she? Why is she here? Why is she asleep?)

The raichu was generally affraid of humans but she felt safe in this bed so she started push her awake.


''Rai rai raichu!''

Laura slowly started waking up, she opened her eyes and saw that the raichu was awake.

''GASP! Your alright! Thank Arceus!'' She felt so relieved when she learned that the raichu was still alive.

Laura tried to hug her but remembered her injuries so she patted her head.

''Are you alright?''


''Im glad.''

Thats when Nurse Joy  walked in and noticed the two.

''Oh your both awake? Good. You slept with her for hours.''

Laura gasped once more and checked the clock.

''Its already seven a clock!?'' She checked the window, the sun was setting.

Laura stood up and ran to the door but before she went out she turned around to look at Raichu.

''Get well!'' And so she left, it took her at least twenty minutes to reach her house. That classical two floor house was painted completely red, it was her dads idea. She ran in just so see her mother on the phone.

She wore glasses a black top blue jeans and her long hair was brown.

''I'll call you back.'' And she ended the phone call.

''Where have you been young lady?''

''I.....'' Laura really didnt like it when her mom was angry.

''Even thou you didnt get a pokemon thats no reason to make us worry! This happens every year!''

''Shut up mom!'' Laura ran upstairs to her room , she closed the door and started crying. Her mother shoudnt have reminded of her about that.

15 minutes ago.........

Raichu was suprised. (The humans helped me? They took care of me and just let me go back to the forest? And that girl, she doesnt even know me and she was still there? Why?)

Raichu had been released and she was running of to the woods...........

Raichu was running near the edge of the city when she noticed the girl entering this big red house.

(Mind as well check on her)

She ran to the house, she jumped on a big rock behind the house.

(But now Im tired..........) So she went to sleep.


Part 5:


Pokemon Homeland Chapter 5

Authors note: I am terribly sorry! My computers hard drive broke and I just got a new one so please forgive me! I will upload more chapters weekly so dont worry about waiting, so far I've decided to upload on weekends. Also Im planning on making this...

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Pokemon Homeland Chapter 3

Laura was running towards the pokemon center with an injured pokemon..... ''Nurse Joy please help!'' She yelled when she entered, nurse joy turned around to see whats the commotion about.   ''Oh my! Please hand it over.'' And so Laura gave the weak...

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Pokemon Homeland Chapter 2

There she was ready to capture her first pokemon. Next to her were about twenty other kids including Ricky. She didnt care about Ricky and now was the time to get her first pokemon. The judge stood up from his chair raising his hand. ''Ready!...

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