Pokemon Homeland Chapter 5

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Authors note: I am terribly sorry! My computers hard drive broke and I just got a new one so please forgive me! I will upload more chapters weekly so dont worry about waiting, so far I've decided to upload on weekends. Also Im planning on making this up to you by uploading a new chapter saturday sound good? Anyway, off to the story with you! Laura was so happy when she got a pokemon she was crying her eyes out while hugging the Raichu.

(Why is this girls so damn strong!) Raichu left out a short squeel letting Laura know that the was holding her too tight.

''Oh Im so sorry!'' Laura let go of her. ''So if you are going to travel with me you need a name!'' The raichu looked a little sideways and then said. ''Chu!'' ''Alright how about Jack?'' The raichu didnt seem to like it. ''Okay how about Phil?''.......Laura kept on suggesting names that could suit the special raichu but it refused. Thats when she got an idea!   ''Hey, you'r a girl right!'' ''Rai!'' ''I knew it, so how about Rochelle?'' ''Chu!'' ''Great!'' Thats when her mom got to the backyard. ''Laura are you okay? You've been here fo-''



Part 6:



Pokemon Homeland Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The Adventure Begins... ''Ah good grief'' Laura had spent two hours showing Rochelle to her parents and friends and she had also convinced to let her mom to go on a journey. Rochelle and Laura were walking side by side on a dirt road. Laura...

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Pokemon Homeland Chapter 4

(Where am I? How did I get here? Last thing I remember was taking a nap in that bush.) The raichu slowly woke up, she carefully and slowly opened her eyes. (What? where am I) She stood up to sitting position, she was in an human building. Something...

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Pokemon Homeland Chapter 3

Laura was running towards the pokemon center with an injured pokemon..... ''Nurse Joy please help!'' She yelled when she entered, nurse joy turned around to see whats the commotion about.   ''Oh my! Please hand it over.'' And so Laura gave the weak...

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