Aqua Babylon

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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Aqua Babylon

Ten humans in black ops fatigues exit a stealth submarine onto the concrete docking area where automated fork lifts transfer cargo from idling ships into staging areas in the industrial outer ring of the futuristic metropolis known as Neo-Atlantis. Each member of the team carries a military grade assault rifle and a brace of grenades as they fan out while the automated security system is not looking at their position. But this is not to say their intrusion did not go unnoticed.

Skulking among the crates is a huge humanoid that looks to be more beast than man, and more than one type of beast at that. He wears a black trench coat over urban camouflage which is in direct contrast to his green fur color with orange tiger stripes and purple Mohawk, a sweeping piece of chrome covers both his eyes as a set of goggles permanently affixed to his face but over and between his eyes, where his third eye chakra is, is a purple diamond mark. The wolf-bear is much larger than most humans at eight inches over seven feet but nobody sees him, at least not yet as he pulls an assault shotgun out from inside of his coat.

A pair of humans goes down silently when the wolf-bear fires his weapon at a group of three that just past him in the near dark. The third runs around a packing crate to get away from the hybrid killer and is almost run over by the worker drone. She dives back into the water to escape the robot as the human-animal hybrid goes looking for more of the humans.

Four humans are busy breaking into a cargo crate when the wolf-bear comes upon them and opens fire. After two quick blasts from the shotgun it's time for the body bags as the monster moves on to find other prey. The last three are no fools and after they saw what happened to their compatriots, they make for the sub.

Neo-Atlantis police arrive on the scene after the submarine slips back beneath the waves and the wolf-bear is there to meet them. Arriving with the police is an old and balding Japanese man in an expensive Italian business suit. It's his warehouse that the crates are headed for and it is him that hired the mountain of a monster that defended the docks with lethal force.

"How many did you start with, Kody?" The old man asks of the wolf-bear expectantly.

"Ten, sir," Kodyax Byzarrowulf answers honestly to the question posed to him as the police start to unmask the perpetrators, "The four over there were almost into the crate when I found them."

"Decostra torpedoes," a cop says grimly. "We can't prosecute the dead but we can cross these boys off our list. And use their deaths as evidence the mob is involved."

"I'll have the inventory tomorrow, but it doesn't look like anything was broken into, this time," the old man states, "I will have to keep you on retainer, my boy, this was well worth your fees."

"I'm sure the referral service you used to find me will be happy to hear that, Mister Tanaka," Kody says with a smirk.

"I have them on speed dial for a reason, Kody," Tanaka Akira says with the same smirk and gives Kody a nod of reassurance. "I'll have my people give you a good time at my under city hot springs. Do you have any preferences as to gender or species."

"Species, I try to be very flexible," Kodyax relates. "I prefer female and as long as she's somewhat attractive I'm good."

"Would you mind if I had the proceedings recorded?" Akira asks.

"Not at all, sir," Kody replies with a smirk. "You may want to talk to my employers about it though"

"I've seen your file," Akira says with a lusty smirk. "Some nice work in there, how many of the videos of rape were not acting?"

"Let's just say in some units I have served with the higher up had some pretty weird ideas about discipline and leave it at that," Kody admits.

The pair have a good chuckle before Akira hands Kodyax a token chip and goes to finish overseeing the transfer of the cargo to his warehouse. Kodyax walks in through the reinforced Plexiglas gateway to enter Neo-Atlantis proper. He yawns a bit before boarding an elevator down to the under city of the sprawling metropolis where those that serve live by choice as the accommodations down here offer a panoramic view of the sea floor.

Shark folk patrol the waters around him with their own guns outside the walls of glass that have the tensile strength of stainless steel but bend so as to better withstand sea quakes when they occasionally occur. Moving sidewalks transport the wolf-bear from the elevator area to an alcove where a series of coffin tubes are provided for security forces to nap between shifts. Kodyax is a bounty hunter contractor with one of the firms represented in the city so he punches in his code, puts the chip in a safe place and takes a well deserved nap.

A blue haired Asian woman wakes him in an hour when she comes to check on him for his employers. Mitsubishi Mikiko has had sex with Kodyax before as part of a disciplinary action by her father Musashi, although the real reason is was that daddy wanted to get his rocks off watching his little girl get ravished by the monster that is Kodyax. In fact Kodyax is dead asleep when she found him, then punched in her code, got undressed and crawled inside.

Musashi wanted to reward his Silver Dragon Security Services Limited provider with a little bit of fun and get him off to the hot springs to spend his chit as soon as possible so he can get back to work as Mister Tanaka purchased a retainer contract with Mister Mitsubishi and specified Kodyax as one of the bounty hunters he wanted to protect his interests as part of the agreement. Unbeknownst to her father, Mikiko actually gets a kind of thrill at this reverse Goldilocks maneuver as she has come to call it when she has to perform it on Kody or any other ursine like employee of their company. Not for the first time, she admires his naked body.

She touches the purple diamond on his forehead tenderly and traces her fingers down to his chest and the purple star over his heart a marking that repeats on his upper arms and thighs. Next she admires the orange stripes on his torso and the volcano barbells that pierce his nipples and makes a ladder on his scrotum from the base of his sheath to where it connects between his legs, caressing, stroking and scratching his sack to entice his member out to play. His tail, ringed in orange with a purple tip like a candle flame twitches beneath him as his purple gloved hands that are also in a natural flaming pattern instinctive reach up for her as she lays on his front.

His pierced purple member rises from his sheath as he gets a kind of morning wood from her attention. She grimaces at first but takes him between her legs unbidden the ball bearing barbells on the horizontal and vertical axis rolling through her inner chamber with ease. Mikiko's only clothing is a pair of clean white socks which touch the flaming purple socks of his plantigrade feet barely as she rides him for all he's worth.

Mikiko moans and licks her lips as the wolf-bear beneath her begins to stir. She knows his eyes are orange but underneath those cybergoggles it's hard to tell if his eyes are open or closed. It's only when he actively shifts his weight and uses her like a love doll that Mikiko smirks as she giggles and submits to have her pussy pounder by his pierced prick as he licks at her tits.

"Now that you're properly awake," Mikiko giggles as she and Kody get dressed, "My father wants you to spend that chip Mr. Tanaka gave you as soon as possible and then report back to work."

"I have a new assignment or did, Tanaka-san buy a policy and specified me as one of the vendors he wants as part of the package?" Kodyax asks as he quickly gets dressed and retrieves the chip.

"The latter, Kody," Mikiko beams, "You really impressed him."

"Alright," Kody says with a smile. "Do we know where he wants me?"

"Nope but there has been some...sleeping arrangements," Mik says with a silly smile as Kody gives her a look. "Yes, they have come to an agreement over royalties for any porn scenes they may tape when you're over there."

"I should have known," Kody says as he shakes his head.

"Tanaka-san is very eager to have is mercenary monster on duty." Mikiko giggles. "In every sense of the word I am told."

"Alright, let's see what they have in store for me," Kodyax says as he starts to get dressed.

Kodyax is very much refreshed after he takes his nap but Mikiko wants a second helping of Kody's semen. So before he gets his pants on, she wraps her lips around his cock and starts to suck. Amused and annoyed at the same time, Kodyax lets Mikiko get him off again with her performance of fellatio.

An group of pure blooded Sicilian humans happens by on their way to somewhere when they pass by him and give the hybrid dark looks. A female among them is almost ready to stop and look to see what is going on with the lupursyn when her companions hurry her along. Something about them seems sort of familiar to Kodyax who reaches for his the chain sword he keeps in case he needs something down here where a firefight could be disastrous.

Firearms are generally not permitted in the under city because while the glass is tempered and treated to be strong bullets have a nasty way of poking holes in things and down here, holes in the walls are generally a bad idea. The sound of a chainsaw sword starting up gets the attention of the Italians real quick and to their credit two of the four males take out cattle prods instead of guns as the other two escorts the raven trussed beauty away from the scene as quickly as possible.

Only one of the two actually manages to hit him with their juiced up cattle prods and even then the coat absorbs most of the damage as select panels light up in red squares on his shoulder giving him checkerboard shoulder pads. The other goomba never makes it close enough to strike as Kodyax decapitates him with his sword. His companion soon joins him in death as the ticked wolf-bear bisects the other wise guy shredding his heart in the process.

The remaining pair of thugs throw knives at Kodyax with one them getting rather lucky as it jams his sword and forces Kody to shut it down and switch to an electrified nightstick. Sector security joins Kodyax, in the form of a fellow hybrid, an alligator named Alexander Gator by the genius that created him with a bit of tongue in cheek humor that Alex carries on as he recognizes the Sicilians as Mafia torpedoes. Knowing they've been made the made men kill the girl and then themselves to prevent their capture.

Alex calls it in and issues a citation of appreciation to Kody's superiors as the wolf-bear travels on. It takes the better part of an hour via the moving sidewalks to get to Tanaka Akira's "Pleasure Dome" which is what the chip is for. Blonde cat girl bouncers greet him at the entrance ready to shoot him with flame throwers but step aside when the chip is verified by their boss.

Kodyax just shakes his head as he moves past the cat girls, who are skin deep hybrids as only their ears and tails are cat like, the rest of them are bleach blonde female humans of Asian descent. Inside the Pleasure Dome are other human girls in thigh high fishnet stockings and gloves, bondage collars with matching harnesses and little else as they look like a cross between Playboy bunnies and leather slaves from a truly fucked up porno. With some effort, Kodyax can tell that most of the girls are pleasure simulacra, specialized androids programmed to seem like real humans and most disturbingly of all a good percentage of them look like they modeled after one hentai series or another.

Further in he sees more strangeness as one room is filled with girls covered head to toe in rubber/latex in various colors but all of them are skin tight which makes the fact that they are wearing nothing underneath abundantly apparent. A few these girls are either hybrids like himself or the suit is configured to display a muzzle even if she doesn't naturally have one. Kodyax moves on into a room that looks like it was painstakingly reconstructed to look like a cross from the tried and true dreams of a Sultan's harem and something that Jules Verne might have dreamed up for his signature protagonist: Captain Nemo. A cybernetic feline hybrid with color changing fur as well as eyes and ears that somewhat readily apparent as artificial slinks up to him with silks dangling from gold plated chains attached to her body by piercings of her temples and tits among other places.

"Hey, Kody," the feline calls as she recognizes the other hybrid.

"Cassandra Katmandu?" Kodyax asks incredulously. "Is that you?"

"Yeah, I'm on retainer as a security guard and cyber-slave," Cassie admits. "My contract was sold. You're..." She pulls up the data. "You're a customer presently? But you are also going to be working here. Well that's good. Tanaka doesn't have many male servants around here and some of the customers get too pushy."

"Anything get out of hand?" Kody asks and reaches to caress Cassie's breasts.

"Oh, please do help yourself, Kody," Cassandra says with a giggle. "I'm on duty both as a pleasure giver and a potential bouncer. We've had our fun before as well, so I know I can trust you."

"Which makes me wonder, what will be in my contract," Kodyax says as has the details scroll over the inside of his embedded mirror shades for only himself to see. "And by the way, what percentage of the girls are synthetic?"

"Off hand," Cassandra says as she tries to think, "I'd say about eighty percent. The old bugger is going to have you do pornos with us?" Kody just nods at this. "Oh, I want in on that. As long as he isn't planning on snuff porn."

"Even by today's standards..." Kodyax starts.

"I know and Akira is very willing to abide by that," Cassandra says with a dark sigh and then switches to texting as she does not want to be overheard.

Over instant messages Cassandra explains the general situation to Kodyax as she understands it. Akira Tanaka, the man who hired Kody to begin with and filled out the paperwork to keep him on retainer is very much opposed to the filming of snuff films. His son Sato however is far more greedy and perverted than his father.

Sato has already gotten into trouble with commissioning violent hentai that contains elements of snuff in it. The pictures Sato Tanaka is distributing through the part of the company under his direct control are invariably pornographic but he is very willing to push the boundaries beyond naughty tentacle porn into scenes of cannibalism graphically portrayed on screen. What's worse for those working at the dome now is that he is the most senior of the company's executive officers and is doing his best to inherit full ownership when his father dies or retires.

Official company memos are forbidden to Cassie but she has heard form Yuriko Tanaka who sometimes indulges her lesbian fantasies among the girls, including Cassandra, has shared some of those memos with Cass and they worry her. Cassandra takes Kodyax into a monitored room with a king sized bed and helps him undress as Yuriko has requested a show of the two hybrids in bed which both of them are only too happy to accommodate.

Cassandra walks around the Pleasure Dome naked for the most part but Kodyax has new things to show when he get naked as Yuriko Tanaka marvels at what she sees when he undresses. Her coloration for now is uniformly lavender but the stars and his piercings catch the proprietors of the place by surprise. The kitty kneels before the wolf-bear to get things started, licking his scrotum and sheath with her ball bearing barbell pierced tongue to entice his member out to play.

Kodyax lets himself be guided to the bed and lays down as Cassandra gets his member out of its sheath and then gets it hard as he moans in pleasure; especially as she starts suckling on his shaft. Cassandra has to stop her fellatio performance momentarily to climb onto the bed at Akira's direction so Kodyax can eat her out as she samples his sausage.

The pair once spent a lazy afternoon getting each other off in various ways, memories of that day come back to both of them as a kind of nostalgia as the pair drive each other to orgasm. They are taking their time with each other, each hybrid letting the other slowly build to their climax as they apply their muzzles to each other's sensitive areas with as much precision as possible. Of course they also play with one another's tail holes, finger probing them as the mainstay of their attentions are at the matters at hand.

Orgasm is achieved simultaneously for by hybrids much to the delight of themselves and their watchers. Cassandra gets a display at the corner of her eye of a measuring cup being filled with semen from multiple dicks telling her she did well and got more than a few people off. This is especially good for her as part of her contract rewards her financially for good performances on camera.

Shortly after climaxing the knot for his cock deflates but Kodyax is not quite done with Cassandra yet, much to her delight. He pins her to bed and lowers his muzzle to her bosom and starts to do some more suckling, this tip at her nipples. Cass knows he is doing this to help him get hard again, hard enough to penetrate her folds as she gets sexually excited enough that another of her cybernetic modifications kicks in so that she starts lactating chocolate milk.

Cassandra gets another orgasm from Kodyax sucking up her milk which would give a lot of her male watchers a stiffy if they weren't already spent. Up in a control room Sato Tanaka is praising the divine that this is getting recorded so it can be paused and watched later as in the future he knows he will be pausing between jerk offs so he can fully enjoy his voyeuristic pleasure. In another room merely monitoring the situation, Akira Tanaka is actually salivating as he watches the lupursyn enjoy his drink of cat milk.

It takes a good half-hour for Kody to clean out Cassie's rack of milk, after which he is hard again and she has almost melted with pleasure. Knowing what he intends to do now; Cassandra spreads herself and waits for his invasion. She doesn't have long to wait as he slides himself into her fully before receding to near but not total egress before slamming his rod back into her canyon.

Not for the first time, Cassandra lets go of any inhibitions she may have had left and just submits to whatever carnal designs Kodyax has for her. Like a piston in the chamber of an engine the lupursyn drives his phallus in the pussy of his kitty companion. By now the antics of Cassandra and Kodyax are made available to anyone in the Pleasure Dome with the cybernetic equipment capable of capturing the broadcasted signal and throughout the facility, those girls, human, hybrid or synthetic, that have the free will to choose start putting in tickets to have the wolf-bear fuck them next.

Sato archives some older videos to make room for all the films of Kodyax as Akira starts looking into stock art to use when he has DVDs burned of all the sessions. Musashi Mitsubishi is sent a digital copy of the shenanigans for his files and Mikiko spies him jerking off to it soon after. All in all it proves to be a pleasurable and profitable arrangement as Akira Tanaka also looks into how long he can keep the male on retainer for the delight of his performers and possibly any female guests as he considers hiring more males of various types in simulacra and hybrid style to improve his paradise playground.

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