Apprentice 24

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Apprentice 24 - M/m/m, Oral/Anal/Rimming/Caressing/Snowballing - June 21, 2007

By Afril

(cl) 2007 The Gay Furry Association

Another Alternate Ending, What of Rand had Not met Tama that day... Reworked

Chapter 1 - A Brown Rabbit

"Rand... A Customer!" He dropped his carving of a rabbit in the drawer and made sure he was presentable. Opened the door to his 'Room' as his Master ushered a fox in... A sexy male with green eyes that looked everywhere but at the naked rabbit. Took the quivering hand and gently tugged.

"Please come In Ser.." A Month of training and he Talked almost well enough for Master's Liking. And fucked Extremely well enough... You 'Graduated' when you took a foot-long dildo in both ends to the Board holding them - And didn't pass out. The rabbit had learned how to control his breath, How to make the customer *pop* both quickly and often... The closest he had gotten to the Monsters in the Training House was The pair of Wolf Brothers who had tied to him from both ends - Twice! They snagged his butt as soon as they could breathe again...

Winked at the brown wolf who Owned Him, Getting a groan. Sometimes Master 'Punished' him by spending the night in his bed... And it was the Wolf who dragged himself out in the morning, Vowing never to do it again! Closed the door, Got the naked male sat and kissed him softly. 'Tama' was a nice name... And what did 'Tama' like to do with other males? Got a stammer and a icon_redface.gif - Mmmmmmmm - Rand liked the Shy ones! Pushed the fox onto the bed and slid in beside him, Putting the firm palm on his 'assets', Rubbing his butt against it... Kissed a nipple, rubbing a russet thigh. Perhaps Sexy Mister Tama might have a fantasy a rabbit lad could fulfill?

The closet held all kinds of costumes... But as paw met burning flesh, Rand had to quickly stuff the cock in his muzzle as the male screamed and blew both balls into his throat... Did so again when the rabbit slid his hot muzzle down to suck on the knot. Heh - 7 inches he could do in his sleep! Kept it throbbing with soft sucks and long caresses with his tongue on the bumps at the base, The lurching balls being rolled in one hand, The other caressing a leg as he turned his body to rub the panting foxes face in his cheeks - Getting another spurt and a loud moan as the male shoved the pointed muzzle in the Too Damn Hot rump.

Bitten and caressed and squeezed, The mounds smelled of Hot rabbit and drove Tama crazy! He finally just lay, Whimpering as the lad rolled his nuts expertly, and his cock got soft enough to slop back in it's Holder, Hot lips kissing the tip. Then nuzzling his scrotum, and Rand rolled off the bed to fetch two cups of cider, Giving the panting male a good look at his rear as he waggled it... And a good look at his own cock as it bobbed, Making the fox lick his dry lips. Drank the cup dry in a few swallows, Whimpering again as Rand let the liquid slide down his gullet with nary a ripple of his throat.

Chapter 2 - Poor Fox

Put the cups aside and lay, teasing the sexy red butt, Kissing the soft lips. Idly wondered if the Fox needed an apprentice... Not himself - Apprentices made a copper a week for Crafters. He made a copper every time someone moaned over him. Da got most of his, Tur got the rest... Would give them back Next Paying Day. Shrugged - He paid for his Room and the wood he carved on. Food was given, as was perfumes and oils and baths. Didn't need clothing or much else... Had 10 more months on his Contract - The House of Twin Moons specialized in Hot Ass... Didn't matter what species, Long as it was Firm and round and made males Drool!

But he had younger brothers and as much as He enjoyed his work, He didn't want their footpads following His Trail. Kissed the Fox again... Caressed the hard palms. Whispered in a twitching ear that If he needed a rabbit for more than just a bedmate, Rand had Brothers - And Sisters... No? Just Brothers then, Who worked hard and learned fast. Slid a hand down the shuddering belly... Just an idea. And would Mister Fox like to hump the Bunny again?

Muzzle, Ass, Hand, Foot... Whatever turned the Male on was his - For another Candlemark at least. Tama wasn't sure he could get erect... Until the male slid a long, sexy leg up his crotch to tease his sheath with firm toes... *Proing* A moment's manipulation got the knobs out again, and the rabbit lay on the moaning fox...

Would Tama like to chew on the rabbit's brown butt, Before mounting it, Stuffing it full of his So Hot cock... Pound it roughly and Lustfully until he Slammed that Big *Kiss* Firm *Kiss* Knot in the sexy little rabbit's ass? Rand did so Love to be Tied By Sexy canines... Yelped as he got rolled onto his back, Teeth rough on his balls as they bit and teased him to hardness...

"Oooooo... Ser!" he moaned as the fox bit and sucked on his erection, mouthing the tip until he jerked his hips blasting his own wad into the hot muzzle. Up went the long legs onto the red shoulders and In went the hard cock into the pink hole that resisted a little... Fluttered as the fox bit a pink nipple, Then opened to engulf the entire length in one smooth thrust.

"How the Hells? Gods!" The bunny giggled and kissed the fox, wriggling his hips and pushing his rump into the white belly-fur. How? Evey day the lad worked his inner muscles. Every day he fingered himself - Or had another male do it for him... And only when he could Grab that finger so it couldn't get loose did he stop. He did the same for his mates, keeping them tight-holed for the 'Customers'. Poor Fox didn't get a dozen thrusts in before he slammed his knot in that squeezing ass, Howled and came so hard He passed out! Came back to find the legs slid off his shoulders and wrapped around his ass, toe-claws digging into his cheeks as that Too Hot Butt ground the last inch out of his sheath, shoving his knot of flesh That much deeper.

Rand wasn't Lying - He Loved knots... They kept the male inside him Long after it could squirt any more... At least not until the balls that were being tickled by his tail could fill again. Moaned himself as the Fox stuffed his cock back in that fang-lined muzzle and gnawed on his 'carrot' until he came a couple of times for the male... Then they just lay together, Nuzzling and kissing and stroking each other's bodies until the knobs went down and came out of the grasping hole with a *POP* that made then both laugh.

More caresses and nuzzles, until a knock came on the door. "You alright Rand?"

Chapter 3 - Yatt

Yatt - A mouseboy who had managed to get himself moved from another 'House'... The only one who was more of a cock-slut than the bunny. It was rumored he did 'Freebies' for certain Well-hung males - So did Rand.

"A cloth please..." And the Mouse came in to stuff a cloth under the rabbit's tail, kissing the fox-nuts. Very few customers liked to watch the aftermath of their lovemaking, and Yatt led the fox out, Nibbling the russet butt...

"A copper more for the 2 of us between you Ser... Something to think about Next time." Oh Gods... Tama was thinking of a Lot of things... Right now how much his Balls ached! It took but a short trip to locate the Older Brother - And wasn't he sexy as Hells! Dropped a suggestion he Might like a young rabbit to Apprentice - Male please! Somehow made it home, Floating at the Hot kiss the white rabbit gave him...

Yatt returned to help the sexy lad up and off to the Pot, rubbing the white-furred balls as the male moaned, dumping a Lot of sticky droppings... "Mmmmmmmm - Came twice in me rear... I So Love Knots!" Got a giggle and a kiss from the grey youth.

"Master says Evening shift can take over... What you Hungry for? Besides my dick -"

Rand moaned as the mouse used his tongue to lick the sticky drops off the pink hole, pushing the sexy ass down to shove his tongue In, Teasing the tight pink ring that squeezed him so erotically. 'Mmmmmmm - The bunny was Always so clean!' Moaned himself when soft lips slid over His 8-inch erection, sucking on Him...

Chapter 4 -Two Wolves

"Save that for the Customers, you Cock-Hungry Yiffs!" Both of them giggled and knelt to Kiss Master's nutsack, making Him Moan...

"Wash, Eat... I am Not paying you Overtime - Godsssss!" They slid his cock out and Trapping it between their muzzles, kissed it from knobs to pointed, dripping tip. He grabbed their ruffs and slapped their asses, Squeezing the hot rumps firmly.

"Downstairs - And you Will clean your rooms afterwards... Or shall I pay one of the Others to do it?" That got them moving... Sighed as he rounded up the rest of Day-Shift, Getting more long slow sucks on his erection. Stopped at the office to growl at his Brother...

"Gods! When does the Guard come again... Those Hungry bastards need more Wolf-Cock - Hells, More cock Period!"

The younger canine laughed and moved away from his desk, showing the lizard who was gently nursing on his sheath, The erection as far in the blue snout as it could go. "Beats cutting wood - Maybe we can Apprentice some of them to drain off their energy... And we need another House. Wasn't that a Crafter - That Fox? Bet we could make some deal with Him - All the Hot Ass he can stand in exchange for taking some of them off our hands."

Gently pulled the male off his crotch, patting the sleepy lad. "It's either that or..." The older one moaned as noses rubbed his butt-fur.

"Evening Shift is ready Sers.."

The wolf shivered... "First Bell. That rabbit - Rand, Seemed sweet on him. Sic the bunny on His red ass..." They both laughed, Going to wash and eat - The House Lit and ready for the next Customer.

Chapter 5 - A knock on the door

Tama woke and Stretched, yawning. Rubbed his nuts... Damn, That rabbit was Hot! He didn't usually 'Patronize' such establishments, But it had been Months since he had last humped anything - Besides his hand... Washed, Ate, finished a few more projects, But his mind was on a pair of hot butts, One brown, One gray. 2 Coppers to be between them? Urf! Jumped at the bell-ring. Laughed, cleaned his hands off and walked to the door with his apron on. Opened it to a pair of very familiar faces...

"Morning Mister Rornes. We met yesterday? Rand and Yatt... May we come in?"

Umm, Wha? Oh! Sure, Sure... Got them in, watching their rumps swish in the tight shorts, His apron tenting a little. Closed the door. "What can I help you wi- Gods!"

Off came the cloth, both naked lads kneeling to caress the back of foxes legs, Untying the apron knot. Leaning down to kiss his feet, showing off their rumps - And making the male dance a little.

"Our Masters bade us come and ask a favor of you." Hands slid up his legs again, This time moving the leather so they could rub his thighs. Stood and took the apron off the panting fox, putting it on the Table, their pants folded neatly on top. Took his hand and guided him to the Sleeping Room. Sat him on the bed and kissed his thighs.

"Favor.." Tama repeated, trying to think of Anything but the hot breath that glided across his crotch, The hands that rubbed his legs and sides and - Gods! Twin, Hot tongues that teased his nipples....

"Masters wish you to come and Apprentice Us. As many as you can teach... In return, You get anybody you wish for the Night - Including us."

"I... I don't *Murfle*"

One mouth was on his, Another slid down his straining cock-flesh past the knobs, pushing the white sheath back to suck on the inch of meat hidden inside. The fox screamed, both males caressing him, both using their tongues to make him cum harder than he ever thought possable, One rubbing along his teeth, exploring his muzzle... The other winding around his knobs, Squeezing them to get another squirt of seed to gulp down. He fell backwards, Helped down by the lads, and a long naked tail that was wound around a red leg.

A gray butt got swatted.. "You gonna - Going to suck on him All day?" The mouse nodded rubbing the fat nuts, Not completely drained yet. Lifted off, to offer the swaying meat to the bunny. Got his own 8 inches nuzzled on as the male shoved his rump into the bed.

"He says 'Yes', or We get the strap. Make sure he says Yes... I am going to look around." Swallowed the fox-cock and sucked while Yatt stroked a few more jets of ropey cum from the quivering male. Kissed the mouse, and squeezed His rear. "I wonder what a 3-way with him would be like... Take turns being on top of him? Or is he the kind who likes to watch us suck on each other."

The gray-furred lad moaned and snuggled the fox, tail wrapping around the russet leg again. "Don't know... Don't know I could Like being with just one male - Besides you Lover."

Randen Laughed, and bit the mouses Upturned butt. "Just because I am 2 inches longer and my Da swings a 16-inch Bell-clapper... I bet he has some cold cider someplace. If he wakes, Try and Keep him that way - At least long enough to put paw to paper..."

The rabbit walked out, swinging his butt in a way to make the mouse moan. A Month ago he was in the House of Youthful Pleasures, Being beaten on and Forced to do whatever Master wished. A chance encounter on a rain-soaked street, and a Silver moved his Ass to a Much better place. Masters still beat him - But only when he screwed up. Still had to scrub walls and floors - But mostly his Room... Helped clean The House, but that he was used to. The Basement was Storage, Not Torture Chamber... And Customers Paid for the privilege of taking his mouth or rump. All that Rand had done for him - Worse, The bastard stole his heart with a Long, Deep Kisses and Evenings of snuggling. Having 10 thick inches and the ability to hump All Night didn't hurt Either!

Kissed the fox, caressing his belly. "You Are going to say Yes, Mister Tama... If it means I am your SexToy for the rest of my Life. Teach Him, Master Fox... He is good, But can get Better." The male shivered as he got turned on his side, Teeth nipping all over his red butt, a tongue following each nip, Drilling down to touch skin. Slipped his erection between the damp cheeks, snuggling the male, whispering into a shoulder, "I would Do Anything to marry that Rabbit - But He will not ask for My hand. Says his One True Love Ripped his heart out, And would not do that To another."

Bit the arm-joint softly, humping the hot fox-butt, getting a moan. "He too was a Fox, And If I should ever Find him, I will - Never you mind." Slid a hand around, cupping the white sack. "Do you like to watch, Master Fox? Watch Me and My Love Hump? Would you prefer to be under me while the Bunny plows My butt?" Nuzzled the neck-ruff, moving up until his head Just touched the puckered hole, dripping pre all over it.

"Put your paw to paper and you can have me in Any way you wish - Tub, Bed... Bent over the Table." Squeezed the nuts, feeling them fill and move under his slim fingers. "And if you should tire of Mouse Ass, There is that Hot Rabbit, who can make Me cum just using those Long Feet! An otter boy, a ferret lad... And of course many colors of Lizard with long tongues to clean you out with... From both ends at once if you desire."

Got a shudder that went from ears to toes, curling around his tail-tip that was tickling a foot. "Teach Us Master Fox... If we be too many or not talented enough, Bring another Crafter in to see what we are good at - Besides making males Moan." Giggled and teased the pole, pushing in a little. "Or show the Masters we are Only Good for Making Males Moan. Maybe Teach us how to make them Moan Longer... Harder..."

A soft push of the gray hips and the head slipped past the resisting analring, Balls sliding up the quivering cheeks to put an inch of throbbing meat inside the male. The hand rubbed the nuts vigorously so they fattend, then touched the sheath, the blind worm in the back passage sinking in farther, lubed by copious amounts of pre until it felt a bump underneath the rounded head. Shoved just past to mash it down. Then retreated out a little... Back and forth, working the little bump until the fox arched, cock popping free of it's holder, fingers slipping it past the knobs.

"Everyday Master Fox... Everyday I will be Yours for an Apprenticeship for Rand. For the Promise you will come and Teach. Everyday..." Stroked the fox-cock from base to pointed head, bending himself over to lick the pre from it, while still slowly humping the male.

* * * *

Rand had walked into the Kitchen, and found a jug of cider and 3 cups, Set them on the table taking a tour of the House. The bath was pretty much the same as he was used to. Used the pot, grabbed a towel - Yatt would either be In the Fox, or Under him by now... "Lover..." The brown male snorted. He knew the looks that the mouse gave him. Saw the flames in others eyes as well... A couple of males would be Happy to be his Patron - Basically Carve during the day and Moan at night, When his Mouth wasn't full. Gods, Look at all the Tools! What he could do with These... In his Spare Time.

Cock Came First... It paid Da's taxes. Helped Tur eat. Got dresses for Dolly. Grinned - Next Paying Day the would be some Salt lumps for his Siblings. Ma would yell loud enough to be heard in Town, But she would keep the box - Especially if Her and Da's portrait was on the Lid. That is what he could do with these Tools. A loud moan made a long ear turn... Shook his head. 'Lovers be easy to find, Yatt. Love runs deeper, and Mates are Forever. How long before you tire of My brown ass and want a Different One? Not that I wouldn't mind another Fox to nuzzle... But I am afraid Master Wolves have spoiled me with their sexy tails and Huge knots!'

Touched a carved post with reverence, then returned to get the cider poured and back in the ColdBox. The one He married would have to make the bunny Scream, Fall to his knees and Beg the male to take his hand - Or collar. And if he did the same to Yatt... Heh, Three in a bed was Always Fun! Carried the cups in, slapping the mouse's butt.

"Did you at least Lick him before you stuck it in?" Knew the answer before the Grin - That boy would put his muzzle in places he wouldn't put his Dick! "Well? Stuff it all the way in, or Pull out... He needs to be sitting up before he can write - Don't want a scratch across the paper and a big ink blot when he jerked because you pounded his butt too hard... We can do that Later - With Master's Permission, Freebie-Mouse."

Yatt pouted until Rand Melted him with a Kiss... Melted the Fox with another one. "Drink while it is still cool." They got the male up in the rodent's lap, Shudders wracking the male for every inch deeper the throbbing meat went until crotch met tail and balls got squashed - Until the mouse spread his legs apart.

Both of them needed help with drinking, The rabbit holding the cups for them. Sipped his own. Put them aside and got the rolled up contract from his pocket, Fetching a quill, Inkpot and found a board that would do as a desk. Returned to set them in front of the fox who was groaning as a naked tail was wrapped around his balls, Squeezing them gently.

Unrolled the paper, putting it inkpot on it. "*Ahem* By signing this you agree to Teach and Apprentice as many young males as you are able to, Twice a Day. A suitable space shall be provided with the option of you Moving in as Master Crafter-In-Residence, Or coming to the shop every day but Praying Day to Open it up for your Students. Pay will be a Copper per day that you Teach, Plus all the Hot butt you desire. Sign Here... "

Put the quill in the foxes hand and watched the eyes open enough to guide the hand across the line. Quickly rolled it back up, Before Tama could change his mind, snagging quill and inkpot. Replaced everything and returned to grin at the couple. "For a moment, I thought you Wanted to be Punished..."

The mouse laughed... "Sleeping with the Wolves isn't Punishment, And You know It! But now we have a Teacher. I wonder if he will grade us on our Skills with Wood, or His butt." Got another moan was he teased the nipples from the chest-fur, tweaking them... Watched the rabbit wink, sip some cider... Then bow and swallow the fox-cock. Tama screamed, the combination of Hot muzzle and Cool liquid making his nuts Burn... He *Squeezed* the fat pole inside him, Cumming like a busted firehose, Arching up as the mouse shivered under him, hugging his frame, Seed blasting into his guts, warming the fox from both sides. The lips slid up his dick slowly, the rabbit standing to open his muzzle, letting the wide green eyes see his whitish jizz float around his tongue. Closed his lips and swallowed, A quick sip of cider, Then a Long slow kiss on the fox-lips - Tama tasting Hot rabbit and apple...

Moaned again as the bunny dipped down to suck on his erection again, getting more hot stuff... This time it went into the mouse's muzzle, Kissing and sharing his seed between them. He almost came just watching the lads! Back to the source again, this time just cradling it on the soft tongue, sucking gently until it slid back into it's holder.

"When you are done Mouse, We have to get back... Half a Day the Master's will forgive. Any more and we will be on the Night-Shift humping drunken Laborers to earn our Pay - Not that You would mind."

Got a laugh and a Moan as the lad rocked his hips, still very erect inside the foxes rear. "I can't walk like This down the Lane - Fox in front of my pole or Not... Especially if that sexy Butt is in front of me. As it is I am going to have to soak my nuts for a while... He has a Really Hot Ass!"

Rand giggled..."Roll him over." The mouse nodded and rolled the fox on his side, Tama Yipping as the bunny slid over to nuzzle his rump, kissing all over the cheek, moving closer and closer to his tail-hole... Until he Howled as the mouse slid out of him slowly, every inch of cock passing through the hot lips. The head came out with a *POP* and the fox looked over his shoulder, Watching it vanish between the soft brown lips, Grinning as the lad shivered, Moaned loudly... Got a pair of paws slapped on his hip as he tried to slip out of bed. Screamed as both males attacked his ass, flicking their tongues in his anus, taking turns until nothing was left but clean flesh for inches inside him...

Paws slapped his tail down, grabbed his butt and both of them hustled him off the bed, Down the hall and onto the pot. Then his feet slid up and down their erections, as they nuzzled his thighs and balls, sucking them separately into a hot muzzle, kissing as their cheeks pressed together. And he was supposed to... Gods! Hands slid under his rear, to squeeze it, Tickle his hole, Caress his long sexy tail. Managed to go. And Go... And Goooo - Urf! The mouse went to get the cider, warm but still tasty, as they dribbled some on his chest, Sucking his nipples... Hugged the panting fox. Eeeeped as the Midday Bell rang.


They kissed his lips. Kissed his nipples. Kissed his Belly... His sheath, Balls, Legs, Feet, Licking each toe.

"Out!" he squeaked... "You may get paid to make other's Scream, But I have Wood to turn." Got another long, Hot kiss and then the boys skipped down the hall, Grinning. Yatt stopped in the Kitchen, pulling something from His shorts - Handed it to the Bunny.

"Love - Stay." Pressed the portrait in the male's hand. "I will tell them you had to spend the Night to seal the Deal... They will think Master Fox a shrewd Male and Treat him with more respect. Besides - You love wood... Almost as much as I love Cock!"

They both laughed, Kissed... The mouse slipping his shorts on. Knelt to swallow the semi-soft rabbit dick and bobbing his head, had it hard in moments... Blasting within a Candlescratch. Rubbed his nose in the white-furred crotch, sucking softly, rolling the bunny-nuts in his hand, squeezing the quivering butt with the other. Kept it in his gullet until it went back in it's furry holder, kissing the opening.

"You... You do that again, And You'll be a'staying - Lessen you wanna be a'carrin me..." Yatt laughed. Kissed his Love. Said it again, smiling at the sad eyed male. Put a finger on the sexy lips. "I know... But I can Hope and Maybe someday you can say it too." Got hugged fiercely, Vowing not to cry until he was Well away from those Damn Long Ears that picked up sounds from Miles away it seemed.

"Don't wear him out Too much now. And I will steal a pair of coppers - Not that I care of they swat my ass... It has been beaten on by Much nastier Males then Our Masters."

"Lover..." Whispered in his ear Made a tear fall down the gray cheek. Neither of them had Great Cubhoods. But That was in the Past, And best to Keep it there.

"Learn - Get Good... Maybe you can do a portrait of me someday - And not My Ass either... Even if is the Sexiest Part - Yeep!"

Got said butt swatted and the rabbit laughed... Kissed the mouse So lovingly it made the male sniffle. "Lover Now - But Maybe... Maybe if I can get a Place like this one - Well, From Lover to Love tis but a Jump across the Creek. Now Get, Afore I be a'grabbing Your butt to hump..."

Out went the mouseboy, Signed contract in one Pocket, A pair of copper pennies in the other. Hot rump wagging, Tail curled around the bunny's nuts for a long moment... Rand sighed. Fetched the cups and washed them out. Got the sheets off the bed and remade it - Big enough for three, With a little room to spare. Put the bundle in a corner, put the apron on a peg by the Workshop door. His shorts went on the bundle of cloth - Wash them out later.

Found the fox half-asleep on the pot. Got a pot of water on, and waited until it was warm enough... Dragged it down the hall, Grunting. Got it in the Tub, The fox in after. Who moaned as he gently kissed the abused tail-hole, cleaning it with a cloth this time. Got the male sat and caressed his temples, getting a Moan and the fox falling back, Boneless. Rand knew Many ways to please males - Including how to take care of headaches. Heard the door, and got out of the Tub, shaking the water off his legs. Padded down the hall to see the Younger Master!

Knelt, Getting his head rubbed. "You got it signed, But not Dated." Bohri Put the coppers on the table. "Is he out-cold?"

Laughed at the *Blush* - Took his dusty shirt and pants off, Shivering when the rabbit nuzzled his nuts. Picked up the scrap of wood. Lifted the white chin.

"Father?" Got a Nod... Damn, The lad was Good with More than just his Muzzle then. Grinned, Got the bunny up and padding ahead of him with a soft swat on the Too Damn Hot butt... More and More he was thinking this was a good idea. Get the lads away from His dick, and into - Wow! "You notice this?"

Got a nod. "Chimes the Bells too."

Murf! First Major project was going to be Clocks... A pair of them - One for each house. Squeezed the sexy rump again, Shooing Rand down the hall, to look wide-eyed at all the tools and the posts lined up, Both finished and un-finished. Got his rear nuzzled and yeeped...

"Randen..." Laughed at the long ears hanging down the back. Lifted the bunny's chin and Kissed him... Went in to look the fox over - Not bad looking, Actually sexy... Even if he did look half-drowned. The water was still warm.

"Washing Him?" Kissed the bunny again... Sexy, Caring, And Talented? Rrrrf! Got the fox out of the bath, Helped the rabbit dry him and carried the male into the bed, Noting the clean sheets... "Care about him That much, Do you?"

The icon_redface.gif was barely Pink.. "Not as much as You, Master..." Oho! Sat and held the naked lad in his lap. Nuzzled the long ears.

"Why?" Got a streak of red clear down to the neckline... And a hand rubbing his sheath. Urf! Kissed the burning cheek. "You love me because I have a big Cock? Horses have Bigger ones..."

Then those brown eyes looked into his Gold ones and a hand touched his face... "Because you have a Big Heart. Big enough to take in alla us..." Swallowed. "All of us. Me, Yatt, Hener, Geiss...." Giggled. "You going to 'Punish' me, Ser?"

Looked at the fox. "I rubbed his temples - He may be out for a while. I sucked his dick.. But the Mouse did the Humpin..."

The wolf put the lad on the bed, Went in and dated the document. Picked up the portrait again. A full-sized one hanging in the office of him and his Brother. Shook out the one of him and a Rabbit - With the head tilted On his shoulder, Ringed hands... Crap! Felt the eyes burning into his rumpfur. Put both items on his pants. Returned to pull the male up and Squeeze his ass Firmly.

"You become a Crafter as good as the Fox and Maybe..." Touched the pink nose. "Maybe I will see about a House like this. Not on the Street either - A Proper House." Gripped a pink bump, getting a soft gasp. "Maybe I will ring your Nipples too.."

Got the white chest pushed out. "If Master Wishes..." Master - Lover was what the tone said. 'Love' is what shone in the eyes. Damn Rabbit was too cute, Sexy... Hot. His ears went down. 'If I told him to sell his ass on the porch outside, He would Still wear my Ring while he did it.' Got a soft kiss that made him moan into the muzzle.

"Master shouldn't frown so - End up looking like his Older Brother." Hah! Swatted the sexy butt. "And if I hump you every night, Will my muzzle turn grey and my hair fall out like his?"

'And you would Still love me, Wouldn't you.' "And what of Yatt?"

Got a giggle and a whispered, "You marry me. I marry Him... We take turns sucking on your big dick. Your brothers, if you wanted to be alone with One of us."

The wolf's ears twitched and he Started at the Sexfiend... Was not only Serious, But Damn if it might not Work - What am I thinking?! Watched the rabbit get up, and pad off. Return with a Damn - Gold? Ring, Putting it in the brown hand. Closed the shaking fingers over it, Kissing them.

"When you decide I am worthy..."

The hackles went up on Bohri's neck... You just didn't Buy something like this. Not on a BoyWhore's wages - Not on His Wages! "You didn't - Steal This..."

Rand didn't even lift his head at the insult, making the wolf swallow, Hard. Kissed the furry cheek. "Not all our 'Patrons' pay us in Coin. One asked about my parents and gave me That when I told him Ma and Da never had one. Said to give it to my Husband, When I get one."

Walked off to get his shorts on, Stopping when a hand gripped his butt, Firmly. Looked into the Gold eyes. "When you decide I am worthy..." Gasped and dropped his shorts when the ring went on His Finger - The Third one. "Master!"

Got a laugh. "I think that is Husband... Mother won't Approve. Father will want to snag your butt to see if what everyone says about Rabbits is True. But - " And touched the quivering nose again. "You have 10 months on your Contract. And I believe Apprentices require half a Years Training before they are certified Journeyman - If they work at it. When You are worthy, Randen? When You have a Job besides selling your ass... When I can get someone Else's Balls to hurt because every last cub and lad in the House wants to suck on them. What?"

"Yatt... He doesn't want to be a Tradesman. He Loves his Work. Make him HouseMaster, Put Him in Charge. Then Only I and whoever else you want will nuzzle your 11-inch cock... With the Huge knot that makes me bite a pillow so I don't scream every time you slam it into me. And I will work hard to learn - Because I do want rings in my Nipples, I want to make My Family to have something besides Dust as a legacy. I want to Sleep beside you and wake to see you All My days."

Then the tears came, The bunny hugging him, Sobbing... The First thing one learned is Not to ask - Not until They were ready to Talk. The boys that worked in the Houses All had baggage... The Wolf Brothers had a Father who cut wood until a tree twisted and crippled him. Still worked at every job he could drag his leg to until they 'Retired' him. Kissed the brown head... Hang Tomorrow! Pushed the male into a chair. "Stay."

Got his pants on and walked out to buy a Ring - A Silver one, Made up of Wolf and Rabbit paws touching each other at the tips. Had to laugh... Didn't even need a special order - Rabbits were a Hot Item. 5 Silver coins, Plus one to have it engraved.

"Where is the nearest Church?" Got directions and the last silver pushed back into his hand.

The crafter held up a ringed paw - "Forty Two Years... Married Young and Never regretted it.. At least most of the Time."

The wolf laughed and Hugged the feline. Trotted back to drop a Cold wet cloth in the foxes crotch. "Master Rornes, Get up... We need a Third."

The fox Yowled and grabbed his crotch, Looked the pair over, and sighed. "Am I in the Middle again?" Yipped at the laugh, a kiss making his toes curl. Noted the rings in the Wolf's hand and "Oh..."'d. Got up, washed his face, slipped on a pair of Good Pants, a Vest and the three went off to Church, Where everybody got naked again. When the vows were said and the wolf Hugged the sobbing rabbit, lifting him off the floor, Tama sighed himself. He always cried at weddings. Yipped when the couple mashed him between them, Hot rabbit butt waggling in his crotch while the Huge sheath shoved his cheeks apart.

"Do you like Three-ways?" Moaned into the rabbit's shoulder, Nodding... Got kissed by everybody, Including the priest. Had to put his shorts over his Erection... Got his hand held all the way to - His house was That way... Past the garish Gates, Down the Streets and Into a House. Immediately got Mobbed by cubs of every size and color and species.

"This is Master Rornes. He will be teaching the Woodcraft Class. He has all his Fingers and Toes and as you can see -" Got his rear teased, making his tail swish. "A full tail. So Listen and Learn well... He has the Duke's Seal, And can appoint JourneyMen licenses to those who qualify. Line Up - Master Rornes is going to pick out his First Apprentice to stay with him tonight."

The fox yeeped as the dust flew... Looked at the wolf. "Rand is Mine, When he isn't Yours." Gods, the rabbit Shone brightly - Love will do that. Kissed the brown, Ringed hand. "Yatt would hump you into Oblivion... And isn't interested in Wood. Besides, Someone has to get your butt up and in here for Class - Even of we Can't persuade you to move in."

Pushed Tama forward, who looked each male over, Most of them seemed eager but More to be under the fox than to be pulling splinters from palms... Except for a plain yellow and white feline lad. Who had blue eyes and seemed to be antsy.

"Well?" Out came a piece of branch. Crude, rough, Obviously clawed at instead of cut. And for all that, A really fine piece of work. Smiled and nodded, the kitten letting out a breath. Stepped behind his new Master, licking his lips at how Sexy the male's butt was... Sighed and tapped the foxes shoulder.

Turned so no one could see what he did - Which was to make a pointing motion down the line. Tama glanced down to see a Gap, And just the glimmer of blue. Went down to see a reptile, head down, hands folded... Waiting to be passed up - Like all the Other times. Flicked his tongue out in surprise when a hand lifted his chin. The pupils were split, The tongue was forked... And the fangs were missing - in fact All his front teeth were gone, White scars criss-crossed the front of the mouth.

"Timothy Ser... He doesn't say much. Said First Master yanked his teeth out because he sucks better without them. He learns fast, Ser..."

Tama's fists curled into hard balls... The blue head ducked again, a rainbow of color running across the scales, Settling on green. A Shifter... Anyone who lived on the Borders knew the Shifters - Peddlers, Nomads, they could fix Anything... Pots, hinges, chairs. Usually for a meal and a warm place on the floor. Or a warmer place in a Mammals bed. Called such because they changed color by moving their bodies to keep the LifeStealer From Taking their Souls too soon - Or so they explained to a young fox boy who asked. Got pulled out of the line, Along with a white bear who looked at the Fox with a worship that made him Shiver. Shivered harder when his calloused hands got licked - Not kissed, Licked.

"Dinna they Hurt?"

Smiled and ruffled the fur. "At First, but one gets used to it."

A handclap got the rest of the cubs back in line. "Classes start a Candlemark after First Bell - That means you will be Up, Dressed, Fed and Ready. Those Not there will Not be Admitted. Now back to Work, This place Is Dusty."

And off came the shorts, piled up on a chair and buckets of water came out with butts waggling as cubs scrubbed walls and swept floors, All of the crud retreating out the back door at the onslaught. The three young males followed the fox out to the front porch. "I think your bed will hold all of them - If not, Tim can lay on the floor... What part he isn't using on You that is..."

Snakes can Blush... Got his hand kissed. "If you ever wish to Tutor me Privately..." The rabbit winked and got a barked laugh from his Husband... Shivered. 'Husband, Mmmmmmmm...' "Otherwise, I shall see you tomorrow Master Rornes." Kissed the back of the foxes hand again. Eeeeped at the swat on his rear...

"If he gets out of Bed, you will see him Tomorrow. But He will be in Class, That much I can promise." Holding hands, The NewlyMated males walked down to tell the others the news.

Tama led his new Apprentices up the street, Past the gates that made his Shudder - Not in a good way. And off to get them settled in His place, With a stop to get aprons. They had a silver apiece to buy things, but he bought the cloth rectangles anyway... In the House, shorts (and skirt) in the hamper. A quick guide through the shop with a demonstration about Dried-up Glue Pots, Oak posts that Splintered, and inlays that needed steaming. Fed and settled, He listend to their stories, Their hopes... Tim just stared at his crotch. But could - With a Lisp, Recite every tool's name, Where it was in the shop and what it was used for.

So Tama and Timoty, and Gurr - "Dad thought I looked a little Like a Lion." and Jon. "Just Jon - No last name, Ser." Went to bed, snuggling up. The snake curled those forks around his nuts and slid them into his snout - "He sleeps that way Ser. We think he is afraid someone is going ta take the rest of his teeth so he sucks on someone's sack. Tis pleasant, Once you get used to it."

The covers slid over the brown body, and the eyes looked at him, before closing, the fleshy jaws rubbing his legs, hands holding his ankles, rubbing them. Legs went over his and the males nibbled on his chest-bumps, putting his hands on their rumps, Both firm and Hot. Sleep? How the hell as he supposed to... Somehow did anyway.

* * * *

Yatt was sad the rabbit Mated Master. Was Elated to be Promoted, Snatching Kits off the Street before Other places could get them, Expanding the Holgowa 'Empire' to 4 Houses... Three for Business, One for Training. Wood and Glass and Metal came flying out of the Shop, The Teachers all happy for their Apprentices, Who turned into Journeymen... Teaching Other cubs who wanted to know how to make the "Pretty Shinies." And how to make males Moan for Coin - or just Moan because it was Fun!

The End

Azei 2

Azei 2 - M/M, Oral/Anal/Caressing/Rimming - June 20, 2007 By Afril Story (cl) 2007 The Gay Furry Association Tredain (c) Tredain, Thanks Foxy The rabbit meets a fox The rabbit walked down the Lane to the Public Baths, Sliding his flap...

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Azei - M/M, Oral/Anal, Rough/Teasing/Rimming, Language - June 17, 2007 By Afril (cl) 2007 The Gay Furry Association Another Bunny Boi tail Azei stepped out in the waining twilight, Turning his white fur a dirty yellow-orange - Like he had...

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Thern - M/M, Human/Rat, Oral/Anal/Masturbation, D/s overtones - June 14, 2007 By Afril (cl) 2007 The Gay Furry Association Based on Nduils Rat drawings... Especially 'Thornbutt', which I use as wallpaper sometimes- Gods I love waking up to...

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