Legend Encounter: One Friend Saved, A Voice Heard

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon

"Oh my gods are you alright?!" Brandon had to lean away from the phone as his mother yelled on the other end. Going with his plan he made his way toward the PPC (Pokémon Police Station) to see if any news of what Team Rocket was doing reach their ears. He almost regretted going there because the place was packer then Brandon school bag on the first day back. Officer Jenny pleaded with everyone to settle down as she went though each one, what was weird that Brandon saw another Jenny, then another; he remembered that almost every city had many nurse Joys and Officers Jenny's so he let that one slide. Giratina was still in her ball no doubt, which shook from time to time when Brandon ether spoke to her or when she thought something was funny. The short walk he found out how to tell the different, buzzing like shake was laughing, rapid shaking was rage, slow shaking was agreeing and fast but not as fast as the rapid one was disagreeing. This time it was the buzzing one, and he frowned down at the ball as it just went on buzzing.

"Mom, mom, clam down alright?" he tried to tell her. "Look, I'm fine alright, yes Team Rocket did mess me up pretty badly, but they didn't take all my friends with them."

"Who did they forget?" she asked. "The shiny Charizard or the Dragonite?"

"Trust me when I say this," he told her. "If anyone here knew I had this Pokémon, they would jump at the chance for ether a battle, trade; or to take her from me."

"That powerful?" she gasped as he nodded slightly.

"Yeah, she sort of...opened up to me in a sense, look listen I got to go alright? Can you call dad and tell him I'll be coming to his gym later, I'm already in the city anyway, the reason I came and spoke to you first is because I know how you worry." He heard his mother sigh heavily as she muttered something under her breath which he could not get. With that, the two said their goodbyes, as Brandon sighed and left to take a seat.

As he sat down, he saw a little girl holding a small Totodile in her arms. It looked somewhat scared, and even more when it looked toward Brandon with its wide eyes. The Pokémon reminded Brandon of a baby crocodile, even though that what many people called it. Leaning back in his chair, he thought of his father and how he was going to explain what was happening. He was the Gym leader of this city, which Brandon had no idea what it was called for he was in no need to know, he barely stayed in one place at a time. He was just on his Pokémon adventure until the other day and he just went into cities for a few different things, call his family, shop for food, and battle the gyms. (Please be known, I do not remember what Brandon the Gym leader of Ice looked like, I remembered that he had one of the legend birds and his name was my own so that's all so please don't bug me) sighing he brought the Pokeball that held Giratina in his hand as he thought back to when he first met her, it had seemed like a dream, he still couldn't believe it. But it happened, and truth be told if she wanted to, he wanted to do it again.

"Did you hear?" he heard someone whisper from the other end of the room. "They say that there some Team Rocket goons here," Brandon eyes looked up to see two trainers chatting.

"I for one am staying here so I don't get my Pokémon stolen like that dick from early, what ever his name was!"

"I heard he was named after the Gym leader here," the first one answered. "And that his father is that Gym leader." Brandon walked up toward them as they looked to him.

"You're right," he answered looking at them. "I was named after my father." Both trainers looked to him with wide eyes as they then looked down ashamed.

"We...we're sorry what we said," the second on answered him. "We didn't know you were here!"

"It's quite alright sir," he answered with a smile. "Now this Team Rocket you said you found, where are they?"

"You plan on getting your Pokémon back?" asked the first one as Brandon nodded his head. The trainer leaned closer, as if not wanting the other to hear. "You best bet is the park, that's where some of the best trainers go to battle at while the little kids watch, and I hope your dad doesn't come ether, can you imagine what would happen if they got their hands on a Pokémon like the Ice bird?"

"I can only guess," answered the red eye teen as he sigh and nodded. "Thanks for telling me, but knowing my father; he will come." They gave their thanks and farewells as Brandon departed from the Station, once he knew he was far off away, he started to run; and fast.

"No!" cried a small child as she fell to her knees begging toward the two men before her. "Please give Shelly back!" the men wearing all black with caps and a huge R stood before her as they laughed full heartily, one of them held a small Pikachu in his arms, nearly knocked out as it made small Pokémon noises seeing its owner cry to give it back. The Pokémon wanted to do something to fight back, but the battle proved too much for her and could barely keep its eyes open much less fight.

"Let me think...sure we'll give the little guy back when you kiss our ass!" the other Rocket laughed as everyone around could only watch with disbelief. Most of them were trainers themselves, but they couldn't fight the Pokémon they used; it was just too powerful! The Rocket were about to leave when they heard something like clapping.

"You should be happy you no good pieces of shits!" this came from Brandon who made his way beside the girl, he just made it to the scene when the girl was crying, speaking to Giratina though her pokeball, she told Brandon by the way she shook that she did not care if all saw that he was her trainer, that she said that she did want to battle these monsters, even more if they did this to children. "Taking a child Pokémon is one thing, but then gloating about it in front of her is another thing!" the man only made a short sucking sound as he glared at Brandon while the other one held the Pikachu tightly to his arms.

"And who do you think you are?" asked the man as he then grinned. "Wait...I know that face, HA! You're the kid that we jacked the very same Pokémon we used to take this one!" Brandon hands tightened, they were using his Pokémon to capture others and he did not like it at all! Giratina ball shook so much that Brandon arms also shook, more of his own rage. "I'm surprised you came here without any Pokémon, or did we miss one; I'm guessing we did since you have a ball in your hand. No matter," he shrugged and took out a black Pokeball, Brandon remembered they used this same one to capture each of his Pokémon. "In case you forgot boy," he spat on the ground. "This is a Shadow Ball, like the Master Ball, it can capture without fail, but it only captures trainer Pokémon, not wilds one. Once capture in this, the evil in their hearts is awakening and they become ten times as strong, only downside, if they did lose, they revert back to themselves and go to their old masters!" he laughed an evil like hollow laugh as Brandon at last burst, after what he said next. "They even listen to every command without second though, let's just say, that we don't get many willing girls if you get my drift."

"You bastard!" screamed Brandon as his eyes flashed in anger, the ball he held shook more as the Pokémon inside felt his rage, it fueled her with the passion to help her trainer and human who made love to her. Shaking more, Brandon knew what she wanted and nodded. "Release my Pokémon you used," he spoke showing the ball he held. "And yet us do battle to see who is indeed stronger!" the Rocket laughed as he brought the ball up.

"Fine, Go my Dragonite!"

Black flashes were seen, as it went up into the sky and hit the ground hard. Lighting crackling around a single being only Brandon knew as he backed away, both in some fear, and worry. The Dragonite slowly stood call, the once eyes filled with happiness Brandon knew were small and almost slit. Scales a yellow, almost an orange to the human. Blue like wings, and two antennas on its heads, or her as Brandon knew; a small horn between them. Brandon breathing started to quicken as the girl tugged on his shirt looking at him with deep sad filled eyes.

"Please mister..." she sobbed. "Save my friend...please..." Brandon closed his eyes, and nodded.

"Stand back," he told her as she nodded. "Everyone stand back!" he yelled louder. "I do not want you in the crossfire of who I will be using!" the Rocket snorted as Brandon brought up his ball. "I hope you're ready my friend," he spoke lightly. "Lets save my friend." He threw the ball straight up into the air as he looked up. "I release you!" he cried pointing at it. "Giratina!"

"WHAT?!" demanded the man with wide eyes as the ball broke free, as well as its Pokémon inside.

She landed hard on the ground causing a small shake as everyone that was watching backed away in fear, they knew the Legends of how this Pokémon was sent away, and never knew that someone could capture it! She hissed and then roared loudly as Brandon walked beside her with Rocket only smiling.

"I know it's going to be hard to capture a Legendary Pokémon such as this," he answered as Brandon held his hand on her side. "But I must praise you, capturing such a powerful creature like this, just think of the power it could have if we used the Shadow Ball! Just join us; maybe the boss will make you second man!"

"You listen here you little shit!" screamed Brandon. "You beat me, stole my friends then used them to almost kill me, if it wasn't for her!" he pointed up at the Pokémon beside him. "I would've died, I will NEVER join you, you fucking hear me!" Giratina roared her answer as well as the Rockets looked to each other as Dragonite growled lightly as he smiled.

"You know what to do...Ice beam attack!" Brandon old Pokémon attacked fast, going into the air and flying straight toward them, it roared as it fired a strip of Ice toward them.

"Evade and use Shadow Claw!" ordered Brandon as he pointed to Dragonite loudly. "But be careful with her," he whispered low enough for Giratina to hear as she nodded slightly before going on the attack herself. Flying up with speed a little slower then of Dragonite because of her size, she easily dodge the attack as she span in the air, getting behind the smaller dragon and using the wings as the attack, which glowed black as shadow and attacked the dragon from behind. She wailed in pain as she started to fall as Giratina went at her again. Though it pained Brandon, he had to keep fighting, to save her and the almost capture Pokémon behind the one who stole his friends from him.

"Again Ice Beam!" this time the attack hit the mark (If you are reading this and would like to ask for what Legend Pokémon for Brandon to screw with put in this number 100010011000100010001111 and say Ding Dong, after putting these things in say what Legend Pokémon, what Gender and I will do it in the chapter after the next, first one to say this is the lucky one! And FYI yes this story is mostly based on Brandon getting lucky with the Pokémon of Legends and his own) Giratina as she was hit in the face and started to fall down, the Rocket man laughing as Brandon thought fast.

"Shadow Force!" he called out as the eyes of the Pokémon reopened, and before she hit the ground, vanished as if from thin air. Dragonite hovered in place still high in the sky, looking around as well as the Rocket man as Brandon looked around for any dark area his Pokémon could use, seeing how Dragonite was high in the sky, her shadow below her was larger since she was covering the sky. And Giratina didn't even need an order to know what to do, reappearing at once where Brandon knew she would, she flew straight up and attacked her with Dragon Breath. Since Dragonite was a dragon type, the attack was even more powerful for it was a dragon base attack; the yellow Pokémon fell from the sky and landed with a thump, not moving at all.

Brandon started to walk toward the men as they looked with wide eyes as the winning and stronger Pokémon landed behind him, head near his own.

"You have about two choices right now," Brandon spoke. "Release the Pokémon you have right now, tell me where the other Pokémon you took from me and then go to the Police because no doubt their on their way as we speak, or two; she can do what she wants with you." Both looking at the large Pokémon and gulped not even moving as Brandon sigh. "Giratina if you may?" she gave a small smile and moved closer with mouth wide open as the two screamed and dropped the Pokémon.

"Okay, okay!" the one he battled screamed. "We give we give! I'll tell you right now please just call that monster off!" she stopped to look at Brandon who nodded his head. She backed away, feeling a bit hurtful for being called a monster. Brandon went over and picked up the Pokémon who cried slightly in pain and took it toward the girl who held it lightly in her arms, before running off to get it some aid.

"Now," started Brandon turning back with only his head. "The others?"

"E...Each Pokémon were giving to different men of our group." He started looking at him then Giratina. "We were sent to capture the Ice bird known as Articuno from the Gym leader here!"

"And the other five?" Brandon asked lightly in a stern voice.

"T...There one going to the lake not far from here, It...It seems the three Lake Pokémon knew of us coming and maybe thought they could help, last I heard he was only a day away, that was just a few hours ago I swear that's all I know!"

"Which one does he or she have?"

"She has that Black Charizard," he answered quickly as the sound of the Police could be heard, once they came out of their cars, they saw Giratina and flinched back.

"She with me," answered Brandon. "Here are the two Team Rockets goons," they only nodded as they slowly made their way toward them, cuffing them as Brandon went to the fallen Pokémon.

"Dragonite?" he spoke softly kneeling down beside her. He shook her shoulder lightly as he looked down. She didn't move at her name as Giratina came over as well to see if his friend was alright. She made a small sound as if telling him that she didn't mean to hurt her that much as he looked up. "I think she would've wanted this," he answered her. "Rather die then work for scum like them...I remembered finding her you know, her last Trainer beat her after she and he lost to me and Charizard. I stopped him before he could hurt her more, and asked if she wanted to join; which she did..." he leaned down his eyes watering up. "I'm a horribly trainer! To let my friends get capture and now this!" he started to openly cry, but stop as soon as he felt a lick on his cheek. Looking down at the dragon Pokémon, he gasped when he saw her same wide blue eyes looking at him. "D...Dragonite!" he cried as he hugged her lightly, carful not to hurt her more as many of the people started to walk toward them. Giratina looked to them with her eyes straight at them warning them that if they harmed her human, she would harm them. Brandon started to stand, helping Dragonite up who was much bigger then him as he held her arm over him. "Giratina, can you fly us to the Pokémon Center?" she didn't need to be asked again, bowing her head she took both human and Pokémon on her back and flew off, everyone watching with wide eyes.

"I swear I thought the Pokémon was going to kill us!" cried a man on TV as the footage of Brandon battle was seen, he only shook his head. After reassuring that she would not harm anyone, they healed both her and Dragonite at their center and gave him the largest room in a hotel that could fit the Pokémon of Legend. Brandon asked for the bed to be removed and any other sitting area so she could lay easily down, which was a good thing too. Brandon lay on her side watching the TV as Dragon lay on his lap, her eyes looking at him as he rubbed her neck softly.

"One down," he muttered to himself. "Five to go." Dragonite made a small sound as if saying 'yes' to him, as well as the large Pokémon behind him.

Once in the largeness of the room, (Don't comment on how I made the room, I know it overly size but lets just say that some are this large to hold her okay?) Giratina and Dragonite started to talk, Brandon not understand Pokémon words was left out as he went to make some food for the three of them. Luckily Giratina didn't need to eat that much, even though her size proved otherwise. While speaking, Dragonite would look to Brandon with wide eyes, and swear that she was blushing when he looked to her. She made her little giggling noise she made when Brandon knew she knew something about him. When he was thinking about what she could know that Giratina told her, it hit him hard and fast.

"You didn't!" he gasped as she made a weird smile as Brandon groaned leaning on the counter with his right hand covering his eyes. "Great...just great..." Dragonite only walked up and licked his cheek lovely like she use to do while she was still looking more like a blue snake. It made him smile lightly, but only small.

"So Giratina?" the Pokémon looked down at the human as Dragonite looked up to listen. "Since I can openly talk about this since you told her," he poked Dragonite noise causing her to gasp lightly. "What happens to us now?" she only tilted her head as if confused. "You know...since we had sex, does that make us mates?" She only blinked at him. "Okay let me make it easier for you to answer alright? We had sex right?" she nodded. "You liked it right?" nodded. "Would you do it again?" yet one more nod. "Would you mind if I was your mate?" she shook her head, not even thinking. She liked the human, it was weird that she did, but she did and nothing was going to change that. Dragonite seemed to be a bit upset about that though, making a small sound Giratina started to speak to her, causing Dragonite to look up as if shock, then slowly turned to Brandon with a grin on her muzzle. "Hey what the?" he pushed the dragon off as he slowly crawled backwards, only to be blocked by Giratina tail who seemed to smile lightly. "Hey whatever you two are planning stop it right..." he didn't finished as Dragonite pressed her lips to his own, muffling a gasp as she pushed him on the large Pokémon tail, she held him with her strong arms by his own until she broke the kiss, licking his noise lightly. "Uh...the hell?" that's when he clicked to him. He remembered a friend who's breeder, saying that a Luxray male had about three females, one was his Alpha, his main female who always would runt with, the other two were his Beta, and could only be mounted by him if he so chooses as well as the Alpha female. He now knew, that Giratina was allowing Dragonite to be his Beta, while she was his Alpha. "You know," he spoke out loud. "It's sometimes, nine out of ten a guy dream to have more then one girlfriend and they be okay with it, but I don't think they were thinking of Pokémon at the time don't you think?" both females chuckled lightly as he sighed. "I'm not going anywhere until you mate with me...is I Dragonite?" she only gave him a smile, sighing he shook his head. "Alright, but Giratina I won't be able to do you next, it's been a long day and I think I only have enough strength for two sessions, is it alright if those two go to her?" she only gave him a slight nod as he sighed. With no other room in the hotel room given beside the bathroom and that was too small to do anything; he was going to be watched as he had sex with one of his Pokémon friends, and newest Beta.

Before he could even do anything, a knock came toward the door. Looking up he stood up as Dragonite grumbled angrily, having to wait a bit. Once at the door and opening it, he found no one was there but a small box at his feet. Looking down he opened the box to find a small earpiece, so small that If put in right it could not be seen. Beside the earpiece was a note, picking it up him to read it.For helping my daughter get her Pokémon back, I would like to thank you with this little gift, this is a Pokémon Translator, the finest on the market, it can almost never be broken and has a life time replacement value so if it does break, go to the nearest repair shop and give the name on the back of this card. Looking back, only a single letter was seen on it; N.

"Weird..." he spoke aloud as he put the earpiece in, there was some little noises, but soon he could hear two voices in the room behind him.

"He needs to hurry up!" came one voice as Brandon straighten up at once. The cheap ones, which he couldn't even buy were just computer like voices, this was the one that gave each Pokémon his or her own voice base on their own voice itself. "Do you know how long it's been since I wanted to try and mate with him? And then you come along and take him and make him a man first!"

"Hey, as the humans say I was horny," this voice was also female, a little deeper and hollers then the other voice that was sweet and caring like. "Plus I saved his life, he did owe me,"

"Whatever...listen, thank you for allowing me to be his Beta, as long as I can mate with him, I'm good." Brandon didn't turn back. Dragonite wanted to mate with him long ago; did the others feel like this as well? He hoped not, half his team was male.

"Think nothing of it; you think he's okay, I wonder what was at the door?"

"It was a Pokémon translator," answered Brandon walking back as Giratina nodded her head looking back at Dragonite.

"Oh then in that case..." she stopped as both dragons looked right at Brandon who smiled. "You...understood me?"

"That's what this thing is for I guess," he turned and poked his ear. "It's a good thing too, better then asking you damn idiotic question or you in the ball shaking your answer out!" at once Dragonite tackled hugged him as he screamed from the sudden attack as she started to nuzzle and hug him making Giratina blink in confusion.

"Oh Brandon I'm so glad I can now talk to you! Do you like me, do you want to have sex with me now, and I have so many things I wanna ask you like..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" he cried making her stop and sit on his lap. "Dragonite please slow down, look I'm glad you're happy about this, but this is a little...I don't even know how to say to this!" He sighed and rubbed his eyes still under the dragon. "For one, let me ask you something, why do you want to mate with me, I mean, I would be a lot smaller then a Pokémon right?" she smiled and nuzzle his cheek and then kissed his neck and whispered.

"I don't care," she whispered. "Brandon, from the day you saved me from that bastard, I felt something fro you, and whenever I go into heat, and when you allowed me to use your mother toys, by the way, she knows anyway." Brandon gulped lightly as she smiled. "Whenever I was on the brink of cumming, I always thought of you, even when we use to fly, you being on top I had to fight to not land and fuck you senseless!" again he gulped as she giggled trailing a hand down his chest, he was still wearing his clothes, but soon those would be off. "Please Brandon, tonight, lets just mate, I know that her watching is a little weird to you, but you know..." she leaned closer licking his ear and whispered for only him to hear. "Its makes me so fucking hot."

"Where did you learn to swear like that?" he demanded as she smiled.

"Clean your computer history before going to bed sometimes," she answered as he looked away blushing as Giratina sat confused. "Now, are we gonna fuck or not?"

"Fine," he answered with a sign. "Just on question, for both of you," they both looked to him and tilted their heads. "Am I gonna have to do this every night?" they both turned to each other and smiled. "Right...I'm gonna regret saying that aren't I?"

"Enough of the talk," Dragonite growled, her hand going to his shirt before taking it off shiftily. "We.Fuck.Now!" Brandon gulped slightly again as she showed her teeth.

"Oh fuck..."

Dragonite still on top of him moved her body down on his chest, her muzzle opening to lick his chest; he shuddered as Giratina just watched with unblinking eyes until the smaller dragon Pokémon got to his pants. Nearly ripping them and his boxers off, she smiled when she saw how aroused he really was. As her human trainer only groaned with embarrassment, while younger, Brandon was always on the move, never really having friends beside his Pokémon, now finding out that one of his friends really liked him, and maybe the others as well; he couldn't help but feel dirty in a way.

"My," Dragonite gasped looking at his shaft. "You're quite large for a human of your age, hell I don't think I human is even this large!" Brandon was confused, the last time which was last week he tested to see how large he was down there, and he only counted seven and a half inches. But looking down now, he was shock; he indeed grew. To him maybe it looked nine inches or maybe ten!

"Da fuck?" he asked out loud as Dragonite smiled.

"Oh I can see this is going to be lots of fun," she almost hissed as she gave Brandon a coy like smile. Giratina didn't know if she should tell Brandon at the moment of why his member grew, maybe she would wait till later or the next day. Already knowing that Brandon liked to ask questions, she didn't want Dragonite to be left out of fun, though she did have the feeling to just suck it at that moment. An idea came to her mind, and before Dragonite could even start, she pulled her to the side. Dragonite growled in anger and hissed something to her, mostly in confusion, as the two whispered, they would look at Brandon from time to time, making him flinch back as he knew, they were talking about him. "Okay I like the idea," she breathed slightly looking at her then him. "So top or bottom?"

"I already took both, I recommend you take top, trust me, he's great with his tongue!" Dragonite only chuckled as Giratina helped her move so she was by Brandon face, as the larger Pokémon made her way toward his dick, slowly starting to lick him. Brandon groaned softly at her lick, his head leaned back and mouth wide opened as he moaned, not caring who would hear the trio now. As she licked, she would watch as he moaned, his hands clutching at the soft carpet underneath them with eyes closed. Dragonite, not wanting to be left out, leaned her muzzle over and started to kiss Brandon, who returned the kiss this time. Tongue mashing together as the two moaned, his hands going down her flanks causing her to shiver. The claws of hers went to his hands and showed him where she loved to be touched, and when he knew all the places to make her squirm, she let him do it on his own.

"You like this Brandon?" gasped Dragonite as his hands squeezed her ass softly as he only moaned softly.

"Y...yeah," he answered softly looking up at her as she straddled his face. Her snatched looking right at him, which was already soaked with lust. He didn't even need to be told what to do, and nearly dove right in as he started to lick her out.

She gasped loudly and held his head deep between her legs as he started to assault her dragon pussy, her eyes closed and head thrown back as she was lost in the bliss he was giving her with his tongue. Giratina was right, he was amazing with his human tongue, it sent shivered down her spine as he seemed to know right where to lick, kissing her mound when he came back for air as the dragon on his head slowly started to grind her hips. His hands on her round hips rubbing her softly as he licked, while he gasped when the mouth of Giratina wrapped around him and started to suck. His body seemed to have a mind of its own, his lips and tongue dancing inside the Pokémon he considered a friend and now a Beta to him to use if his Alpha allowed her, and his hips thrusting up into the mouth of the women who he gave himself to not even the night before. He could barely moan loud enough for them to hear, as Dragonite started to grind faster and faster on his face, she was so close and her body shaking was telling her to just let it go; but she would not, she wanted to hold this for as long as she could.

"Oh...I'm going to cum really soon baby!" she cried looking back toward the Legend Pokémon behind her who nodded when she released Brandon cock, before shoving it back in. this causing Brandon to redouble his efforts, he didn't want to cum just yet, not before she could, and that's just what happened. With a roar Dragonite held onto his head and screamed as her sweet rich cum shot into his waiting mouth, he opened it as wide as he could, catching it in his mouth and drinking it. He didn't know why, but like Giratina it tasted like a drug to him, and he needed it even more. Licking her inside causing her to shoot even more out as Giratina stopped her sucking making Brandon groaned upset like; Dragonite with wobbly legs removed herself from his face, and went toward his dick, before starting to suck herself. Now Brandon knew what they were getting at, Dragonite wanted to be able to be licked, suck him, and fuck him! Giratina must have made a plan to allow her to do all these, though the next part no doubt was going to be alone when they really started. As she sucked with great passion, Giratina then choose to watch as she rubbed herself with her thick tail as Brandon moaned loudly, precum shooting into the waiting mouth of Dragonite as he cried loudly.

"I...I can't hold...Agh!" he screamed holding onto her head as he shot his hips up, making her gasp as his first wave of cum rushed into her waiting mouth. Dragonite had been with other males before, but never had they cummed as he was doing now, she had to drink fast as it almost overflowed from her mouth she couldn't understand how he was about to cum that much for such a human! She had sex with Charizard one time, and not even he made this much cum!

When the last of his cum was shot out, he fell to a heap on the ground, sweating heavily and breathing just as hard. Never had he had an orgasm like that, how he was able to shoot that much cum, he had no idea.

"Oh Dragonite..." Brandon opened his eyes and looked to his side to see Dragonite licking at Giratina pussy, the larger dragon moaned and cooed as she brought her head down panting as she then tighten her body and held back a roar of her own as she shot her own cum on the dragon, the floor, and a bit on Brandon side; the yellow dragon pulling away to lick her face clean as she turned to Brandon who only blinked.

"What?" she asked. "When the boys were busy me and the girls had our fun, too bad we didn't know you were a Pokémon fucker, we would've asked you to join." She gave him a sly wink as he only blushed, Giratina eyes opening to look at him and smiled lightly at him.

"So..." she gasped. "Liked my little idea I gave her?"

"It was great," he answered lightly. "Be sure to think of more next time."

"Oh no," answered Dragonite going back to Brandon and picking him up and playing him on the side of Giratina. "From now on we do one on one, well after this, I don't want you getting carpet burn so Giratina side will be your pillow, while I ride that cock like that cow girl back home!" once more Brandon gulped slightly leaving her laughing slightly as she then straddled his hips, already he was hard and ready, as Giratina turned her body to watch the action unfold before her.

Slowly the Dragonite made her way down onto his lap, her folds easily opening for his large member causing Brandon to shudder with the feeling of her wet insides. Already she was tighter then what of Giratina, but since their sizes were of difference, it did made sense that she was far tighter then the Pokémon who's lower lips could easily shallow his head. With her claws on his shoulder, she hilted herself to him as Brandon leaned his head back and moaned softly, Dragonite did as well, her vent squeezing her male that sat under her. She was using only her knees, kneeling over him as she rested her body on to him. His right hand on her hips, the other on her lower back. Soon she started to move, slowly raising up with only her knees and then brought her body back down. Brandon toes curling as she hilted with him, her laying her head on her shoulder, nuzzling his neck and then kissing him fully on the lips, which he returned with tongue. His hands roaming up her back and sides as she rode him slowly, her eyes closed as she moaned in their kiss, his eyes opened slightly after a while, to hear the sound of something entering something wet, thinking it was only himself going into Dragonite; only to find Giratina tail matching their speed going in and out of herself. Her red eyes closed as she moaned, using Brandon name at times, thinking that it was him that was mating with her. He was pushed back into her side as Dragonite started to increase her speed, just by a bit making them both moan out loudly, her head and muzzle looking straight up, her tail also up showing Brandon dick entering her and her tail hole if anyone was behind her.

"Oh god..." she breathed licking Brandon sweat filled neck. Many would find this gross, but she seemed to like the tangy taste of his sweat as he panted and groaned.

"He's...good isn't he?" questioned Giratina as the two laughed. Brandon couldn't believe they were talking while pleasing and fucking at the same time, it was all too real for him; but he loved it none the less.

"Hey Dragonite..." gasped Brandon as she looked to him with half-closed eyes. "When are we going to mate?" he started to tease as he grunted. "This is...fuck... a good for a warm up in the morning but..." he moaned as she pressed hard on him with a grin on her muzzle.

"Oh you want more?" she panted with that same grin as she then shifted her weight a bit, hilted inside of him, she was now standing on her feet, grinding left and right on his lap, before pushing herself up, then slamming down; going harder and faster then before. Brandon cried out loudly at the new feeling he was getting Giratina only moaned louder as she fucked herself faster watching as the two went at it faster and stronger.

With his hands on her hips, he began to thrust up to meet her downward thrust, and soon, all three came at once. Dragonite was the first to pass out, rolling off of Brandon just after licking and kissing his neck and lips, holding him close, but gave him enough room to breath. Naked and wet with her juices, and Giratina juices on his back, Brandon slowly fell asleep as well, as the Pokémon behind him, curled around the two, licking Brandon softly; before falling asleep as well.

Brandon was the first to wake up, groaning he felt that Giratina had her back to him and Dragonite who had her head in his lap, even though he was still naked.

She must have gotten up to clean the room._He mused to himself. _Since I can't see or smell any cum at all! He moved to get the sleeping Pokémon off of him, once he was free, he went to the bathroom to release himself. With a sigh of content, he went to the sink to wash his hands and face, and when he looked toward the mirror he froze in place. Like his eyes on the day he met Giratina which had changed, now his body had change! No longer was he what his friends called him as 'Chicken chest', no, now he had muscles, some even larger then the jocks at school! He moved his arms and flexed, confused and worried at what was happening to him. He heard two yawns as he went back into the main room as Dragonite looked over with sleep like eyes, Giratina saw him and seemed to smile

"Morning Brandon..." yawned the yellow dragoness. "How was you..." her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw Brandon. "Holy shit!"

"Yeah I know," he answered rubbing his head. "I wanted to say the same thing,"

"But...and what happened to you're eyes?!"

"I think I can answer that," they both looked to the large dragon as she smiled. "I allowed Brandon to change like this." Brandon blinked as he went to put on his pants to get ready to leave.

"And why in hells gate did you do that?" he asked.

"I like you okay," she answered with a smile. "She likes you and I'm sure the others do as well. Let me ask you something, remember stories of two Pokémon that were born, a brother and sister, children of Lugia?" Brandon nodded. "Now, how is that possible if their only one Lugia right? That's not always the case."

"Say what now?" asked Dragonite as she didn't even know.

"You see, what you humans don't know, is that many millions of years ago, a Pokémon war broke out, the ones that sided with the evil side, which I'll explain at another time, were banished, but they could not banished these Pokémon to a new world or new land, no, so the Pokémon god changed them, took their form and power and gave them no way of attacking us like they use to, no way of understanding us." Brandon eyes grew wide.

"Are you saying..." he started looking at her. "That these Pokémon...were turned into...humans?!" she nodded.

"Yes, but some were reverted back when we the Legends thought of them as worthy, by being our mates. What happens is that Lugia that we know was a female, she fell in love with a male human and when she changed him fully, they had children which is very rare indeed. (Lets say that's the reason the red one could transform into a human so easily lol) but it is possible."

"So why not change him fully?" asked Dragonite as Brandon took this all in.

"It's not that simple for me, you see, I could've in my world, but this is not my world, I was banned when they wanted to make all the humans back into Pokémon, if that happened, the world would've been in chaos!" she sighed. "An idea such as this is only made when ALL agrees, so until I said yes to the idea, they kept me in that world." Brandon started to take this in, he now knew that before they were even caveman, they were Pokémon! He wondered what his family was when they were Pokémon, or what they would've become if they did get change.

"What about Brandon here," asked Dragonite, pointing a tail at Brandon who seemed lost in his own little world. "What is he going to be turned into?"

"Me," she answered softly smiling. "He will also become a Giratina to fully be my mate, and do not worry, it won't happen over night. The eye and body changes are the fastest in the transformation; the rest will start once his inner body change."

"How so?" Brandon was long gone; he couldn't even speak at that moment as Dragonite wanted to know more.

"From what I learned, the next part of him will be his attacks, each will come in time, and the main attacks he can know are Shadow Claw, Shadow Force, Dragon Breath, and Dragon Rage. Other attacks will come as he grows older and stronger, like you could learn new attacks."

"One more question," Dragonite went on. "How old are you, and how long will Brandon lived?"

"That question is halfway easy to answer. I am about two thousand years old, why else are we called 'Legendary Pokémon' if we lived a life of fifteen at most?"

"And Brandon?" she asked as they both looked to him with a blank look on his face.

"Our kind can not die of old age, we could live forever, but we can still die of many things such as blood lost and other such things." Dragonite nodded as she turned to Brandon to see if he was alright.

"Honey?" she asked going to him. He didn't answer with words, for he started to lean back; fainted on the ground.

WHOOHOO! Author notes time, I plan on making a note at the end of each chapter for this story, for one, I like to thank all of you with the kind words, and from the last one, lol yes I was a little drunk when I wrote chapter one, I still can't believe I called her a Digimon *face slap* anyway two days of working and here it is. Longest chapter I wrote to date for me, you take it to a Word programmer and make it 1.5 lines and the words 12 with Times New Roman, its going up to 17 pages bitches! Lol. I don't think I did too badly with the sex part, not to good ether but still, I've been having hangover for a while. So here part two! Try to keep your pants up until the right part please? And FYI so you know, yes I plan on making him have sex with many Legend Pokémon and his own when he rescues them, maybe their be gay parts maybe not should there be one? You tell me!