2112: A Chimera's Perspective

Story by Kodyax on SoFurry

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A Chimera's Perspective

We live in a world of Crisis

Millions upon billions died as the major faiths looked on

Impotent as newly born babes

People abandoned organized religion to turn inward

Mecca is a smoldering crater in the radioactive wasteland that was the Middle East

I've been there and it's not a pretty picture by any stretch of the imagination

Vatican City is a smoldering crater in Italy

Much of Europe is better but not by much

America was once a shining beacon of prosperity and entertainment

But now it is no more

Splintered into five nations that fight amongst themselves

I worked for them all in one capacity or another

The Union of Territories, The Nation of Latter Day Saints, The North American Theological Coalition, The Republic of Texas and Atlantyz

These are the names of the new nations of North America

Each one carving out territory as is their wont

The Union of Territories could have called itself Icebox Nation

Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and what was the Dakotas

All that territory is part of the Union

As well as what as called the Yukon and Northwest Territories

The Nation of Latter Day Saints is one of two religious nations but also the smallest

Utah, Nevada and what's left of California are what it controls

Heavily religious but as long as that's your faith you're all set

But only humans have rights, Chimeras like me and simulacrum have no rights

The Republic of Texas is another large nation of not just Texas

Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Arizona and all of Mexico (Old and New)

Natives of Old Mexico don't like gringos ordering them around

Texas wants Mississippi too but Atlantyz has that territory.

Atlantyz is where I live by choice and it claims the entire Eastern sea board

From Newfoundland, Labrador and Quebec up north

Through to Florida, Alabama and Mississippi in the south

The Philadelphia Metroplex in the Province of Pennsylvania is its capital

The North American Theological Coalition controls everything else

Outside of the free cities like Chicago that is

And they are always looking to expand

But the NAT-Cs are the worst when it comes to non-human rights

What the heck is a chimera?

Well, in our world chimera is a catch all term

For anyone who has enough animal and human DNA combined

To look like a humanoid and humanized animal

In 2112 the furry community loves us and we love them

We Chimeras consider those humans still in the Furry Fandom our family

I have not missed an Antrocon, Fur Fright or Fur Affinity United if I could help it

It's one of the reasons I love Atlantyz

Psychics are everywhere now but more prevalent among hybrids

Especially Chimeras like me

The more oppressive nations have trained their citizens to fear us

I'd be shot on sight in Des Moines, the NATC capital for instance

Who am I?

My name is Kodyax Byzarrowulf and I'm a kind of Psychic Street Samurai

I have human, wolf and bear DNA all mixed up in one package

My job takes me all around the world because folks think I'm good

And I do my best not to disappoint them

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