New Beginnings: The Life and Times of Chakat Silverpaw. Chapter 5: Relief

Story by Yukigo Kurosaki on SoFurry

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#5 of New Beginnings

It was a couple of hours later when I regained consciousness. I had a throbbing headache and I groaned whilst I rolled myself into a more upright position. I let out a short gasp and winced, a paw immediately flying to my rump as a sharp pain ran through it. What in god's name had happened to me?

I gave a cursory sniff to the air, able to vividly detect the scents of wet, dripping passion; and, though I didn't remember exactly what had happened, I could guess. My headache was starting to fade; I chalked it up to the blood pooling within my brain. I simply "sat" (rather, laid) on my stomach and rubbed my temples, trying to get my body into working order again.

Eventually, my memory did serve me, and the events of earlier in the afternoon flooded back to my in droves. To confirm my memories, I glanced to the carpet. Sure enough, discolored, clumped spots appeared in stripes, radiating from a single source. I chuckled, breathlessly. It wasn't often I surprised myself so, that must have been one hell of an orgasm!

I craned my neck and torso back to inspect my more sensitive regions. I'd apparently done the job well, I didn't feel any insatiable desires, nor piercing pain, but just the dull, aching, constant throb that always occurred with our species (and from what I've been able to gather, most others) during heat. It was then I noticed the pink cord dangling from my slit. I flushed a bright crimson. I forgot to remove it!

Slowly, I set to work pulling it out. It was a task easier said than done, as my body was quite accustomed to it by now and any movement would disrupt the careful tolerance that my body built up and result in pleasure, and the last thing I needed was pleasure. My body put up a fight for sure, every time I would tug, my insides would clench tight and I had to fight back a lurid moan. A couple of torturous minutes later, following a series of gentle, shallow tugs, I managed to get it free. After pulling the widest part of my toy out, the opening shrunk back to its normal size, which made me loll out my tongue. "Mmmphaa!" I called out, from instinct. I was afraid I had started my heat back up by applying that pleasure, but my body had managed to hold it off. I inspected my prize. The egg shaped vibrator was coated in a thick, creamy layer of my own juices, dripping off of the bottom.

Finally I found the strength to stand, though before I went anywhere I arched my back in a most feline manner, hearing and feeling my bones crack back into position. Carrying the newly withdrawn vibrator with me, I aimlessly wandered to the bathroom. I made a quick trip to the toilet, washed off my toy and stepped into our chakatised shower, as I was sure after my little escapades I was quite rank. The water was freezing cold, but I withstood it; if cold showers would help keep my desires under control, so be it. I was utterly exhausted, I never remembered a time where I was more fatigued, except maybe for that time I downed four or five tallies of the amber fluid. Chakat or not, our bodies couldn't handle that much grog. I trudged to the dryer, making sure to keep my tail over my more sensitive regions, the last thing I wanted to do is stimulate myself more.

Since I didn't have anything really important that I needed to do downstairs, and since I was going to visit Tyler later, I figured it was worth some effort to brush out my fur and make myself look pretty; thus, another half hour was spent brushing out my colossal frame, which always seemed to double in size whenever I had the great pleasure of brushing it. My efforts were rewarded handsomely however; I'd never looked better in my life. I experimentally rubbed my flanks: silky smooth. With the way my fur was pleated out around my chest and cheeks, I looked like a show cat.

I thought about maybe smoothing down my chest fluff, but decided not to. I'd be in the company of his father and most likely unclothed, I'd better have at least some sense of decency. Besides, after looking at it for a while, I kind of liked how it looked to have a fluffy front.

Finding no other ways to waste my time, I finally made my way downstairs. I had no idea what time it was... I hadn't bothered to look. I hoped I wasn't passed out all day and missed my date with Tyler.Moonbeam, who was lying across the couch, noticed me with a sidelong glance and quickly shut off the telly. Shi got to hir paws, stretching out for a second or two. "Silverpaw, good to see you up." Shi wrapped hir arms around me and held me tight. "Is everything alright? It's not too overpowering I hope." Shi said sincerely, referring to my heat.

"I'll be fine Moon." My voice was soft and low. It was the first time I spoke since waking, I was surprised at my voice. I couldn't make it any louder. I coughed and cleared my throat. "Damn it... must have fallen asleep with my mouth open..." I said in the same strained voice, going to the fridge and getting a cup of water. I drank it down quickly and soon I didn't feel so parched. "Ah, that's better..." I said. But alas, my voice was no stronger, it just lost the rough edge. My tail and ears wilted and I slammed the cup down with a sigh.

Moon came up beside me and draped an arm over my shoulder, kissing my cheek. "Poor sheila... this is a bad one, isn't it?"

"I haven't felt it this bad since my first. I don't know why this one is being such a bitch..." I mumbled

"Maybe it's because you're neglecting it. All your other heats you took care of right away with Rosecoat, Nightstreak and I." Shi glanced away nervously. "You know... if it gets too bad... I made sure to sterilise today... I can help you whenever you need it. I'm sure Tyler would understand."

Something about that comment dug under my skin in a way I couldn't seem to comprehend. The thought ate at me; I just couldn't seem to put it aside. I started to lose the careful measure of control I had built up. My mind degraded, images of hir rutting me, just like in the old days, surfaced. The immense pleasure I'd received, the size and shape of hir member, the feeling of hir seed rushing into me. I clenched my fists, my tongue lolled out. "N-no! I c-can't! I promised!" I tore my mind away from the thoughts, and it didn't like it. Sharp pain shot through my back regions, making me call out in agony. My front legs buckled, leaving my arse up in the air. Adrenaline and Chakofertizine coursed through me, my head pounding, the pain getting more and more intense. My vision doubled as I tried to get up again, but I just ended up tripping forward again. My tail moved up and out of the way of its own accord. The last shreds of my rational mind fought for control, making me scream. "Don't ever mention that again! Never! NEVER!"I was crawling now, my legs long since giving up on me. "I will... never... fuck you." My hearts pounded like hammers.I have to hold on! You can do this, Silverpaw!

My feral mind, disgusted with the last shreds of resistance my rational brain put up, finally just shut it down. My vision blacked out into nothingness.

When I awoke, I felt freezing water falling down on me from above, including one of the floor jets aimed straight at my nethers. It was a weak stream, but nonetheless it hurt. Still, anything had to be better than a feral takeover in heat.

I was lying on my side, sprawled out across the shower floor. I whimpered as I remembered what happened in the kitchen, starting to sob as I remembered the things I had said to my own mother.

"Easy... easy... just relax mate... she'll be apples." It was Nightstreak's voice. I rolled to the left, where I heard the voice coming from. Hir black face filled my vision. It was solemn, but shi still managed to effect a smile. "Your mind is your own again Silverpaw..." Shi glanced to a figure out of my vision. "Windsoul, get that stream out of hir nasty, I think shi's relaxed again."

"You sure? Shi seems pretty confused." I heard hir squeaky, innocent voice from outside the shower.

"Shi just woke up after blacking out, anybody in that situation wouldn't know Christmas from Bourke Street."

"Sorry Nighty..." I snickered. Windsoul sure had some curious nicknames sometimes. I felt the stream peter off and stop, I sighed in relief. I rolled to the other side. Moonbeam was standing to the other side, shi bent down and rubbed my cheek. "Are you okay?" Shi said, very concerned.

"I'm fine" I said softly back to hir. I couldn't look hir in the eye after the things I said to hir.

"I'm sorry, Silverpaw. I shouldn't have brought up mating in your condition. You want to do it with Tyler... I understand that. I shouldn't have been such a stickybeak."

I curled up in a bit of a ball, sobbing and rocking back and forth, tears falling down my eyes. I was so confused, so many hormones were flooding through my body, so many conflicting feelings. "You were only trying to help." I said softly, trying to make hir feel better.

"Yeah, and being 'bout as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike."

"Don't worry 'bout it... you're a right sook. I know you didn't mean much by it."

Shi smiled, and then I felt both sets of my oldies' paws rubbing my flanks and torso, somebody's paw scritching my ear tenderly. I heard a jumbled mess of consolations from all of them, though a peppy "Cheer up Silvie!" stood out from Windsoul.

I heard Rosecoat from the mélange of voices as well. Apparently my whole family was here. "Hey...Silverpaw?" I turned towards hir; shi was standing outside the shower. "I talked with Tyler in Geometry today and I told him what happened. Since you seem to be in heat today, and not tomorrow, he agreed to help you tonight if you want."

I got to my paws shakily, Moonbeam moved aside so I could walk closer to Rosecoat. "B-but I promised him that I'd do it tomorrow."

"He insisted, Silverpaw. He says that he can't stand to see you in pain." Shi leaned into the stall to hug me, even though I was sopping wet. "Plus, he says the longer you remain in heat the harder it'll be to control yourself." Shi smirked, flicking my chest. "I think tonight is a testament to that." Shi pat my head "He bought spermicide, so you two can mate safely..."

"I thought he said condoms?" I protested lamely, my thoughts still weren't exactly working up to par.

"He's not a dull boy, he may not have much sexual experience, but he knows for a fact that without something wet and creamy rushing up in there, that heat isn't going anywhere." She paused for a second or so. "Mainly because I told him that fact..."

The freezing water still hit me from all directions, so the mental images I received from hir words didn't spark my heat again. I dwelled upon it for a long time, weighing all the options. Logic prevailed however; my heat was in its worst stages, the point where an errant thought could set it off. I had two options now, deal with it or isolate myself with an arsenal of toys. I had promised Tyler the former, so I had to give him it. "Alright... I gotcha... but... didn't Tyler's dad want to meet me first?"

"He did" The voice was different, it was Moonbeam's. I turned back to hir with a quizzical look. "Which is why you two while you two are having the naughty, Night and I are going to be going out with him to dinner to meet him and talk, answering any questions he may have and get to know us better."

"And there's more good news." Rose was speaking again. She held up a baggy with a single pill in it. I squinted to look at it better. "Look familiar?" Shi opened up the bag and shook the pill onto hir pad, holding it out to me. "It's the heat suppression pill you took earlier... after I convinced Dr. Keller that it's really quite hard to poison us, she gave me another pill."

I blinked, staring at the pill stupidly. "But... I'm getting relieved momentarily."

Shi poked my nose, staring into my eyes. Hir voice was low and sweet. "Silverpaw... you promised Tyler a night of passion, not a rutting. Remember what we talked about? Making love is not the same thing as having sex... you gave a promise to make love to Tyler. You want to give him a first time he'll always remember, even if you two never see each other again. This will give you time to have foreplay and help him get over his first time jitters." Shi went to the sink, filled up a glass and returned to me, holding out the cup and the pill. "Bottoms up."

I took the pill gingerly, staring down at it. Without a second thought I tossed it up into my maw and gulped the water down. With that, the pipes squeaked and the water stopped falling on me. I made my way to the dryer for the second time today, this time my family following. We all blasted the water off together and I grabbed my brush again. Nightstreak plucked it from my grasp. "Just stand still you little mug... we've got it." My body was stroked and pet from all sides as my entire family helped to even my fur out. Though my carefully brushed fur had been destroyed in my breakdown, they helped to get it back to its elegant order in no time at all.

Once they finished me, I took a brush and helped to do the same to Moonbeam and Nightstreak, since the two of them were just as absurdly fluffy. Even the tiny Windsoul helped out by brushing their legs and underbelly, the places shi could most easily reach. Within half an hour, we were all finished. I turned to leave the room when I felt everyone press up against me. Moon, Night, Rose and Wind were all hugging me in various places, nuzzling up against me. Night grinned. "Go make your first Seppo boy feel like he's worth it."

"Go get 'em Tiger!" Rose added.

"Have fun playing mating with Tyler!" Wind squeaked innocently.

"Remember sweetie..." Moon was the last to offer a word. "Your family is here to help... through anything."

I kissed them all in turn, even bowing down a fair deal to get Windsoul, and they all smiled warmly to me. "So... you think I should take Tyler on an exy date?"

Rose shrugged. "How long'd it take for the pill to pass last time?"

"An... hour, hour n' a half?"

"Then it's probably not a good idea. If you take him out and your nasty starts gettin' all cranky, then you'll really be fucked. It's better to stay at home so you can be tended to, besides you two can have a really beaut time by yourselves."

Moonbeam interrupted us. "Is Tyler expecting us right away?"

"Not particularly... but I'd imagine he wants us ASAP."

"Then shouldn't we be getting off our fat freckles and making our way over there?"

Rosecoat blinked. "Bloody oath! You're right! It's already... eight, don't want to keep the poor bloke up all night long..."

"I do assume you mean his father, right? Because I'm already doing that with Tyler." I grinned playfully.

"Ah, you larrikin..." Rose punched my arm. "So, we taking the feral?" She asked, referring to the mammoth Hummer outside. Feral was the Ozzie slang for a large, decked out gas guzzler, a typical "redneck" truck in American terms.

"Oh come on, it's not that laired..." Nightstreak rebutted. "And yeah, we are, do you see any other things out there to take? It's Wind's bedtime though, and we need somebody to stay home to watch hir. We're going to hardly have room for Tyler's dad as it is, would you mind staying home with Wind, Rose?"

Rose, having little choice but to obey after being asked so nicely, nodded. "Okay Night, I will." Shi sounded a little disappointed, but was well behaved. "Come on Windy... let's go nighty night..." Shi placed a forepaw on hir rump and gestured hir forward.

"The car only seats three anyway Rose..." Moon offered as consolation. "You wouldn't have fit..."

"Well, when you put it that way." Shi shrugged. "Windy... come on..." The child was grabbing onto one of hir front legs and wouldn't let go, starting to whimper a bit. "Sweetie, it's bedtime..."

"I dun wanna go to bed!" Shi whined out.

"Oh gods... looks like I have my work cut out for me..." Shi chuckled. "Go have a beaut, guys. I'll see you all later."

We gave our goodbyes and made our way out of the bedroom while Rose tried to comfort Windsoul into going to bed, with little success. Finally we heard hir shout from down the hall. "If you don't get your arse into bed, I'll drop you straight into the Never Never!"

More whining ensued, but we weren't able to hear it as we trot downstairs. "Where you thinking love?" Moon said, asking Night.

"To take Tyler's dad?" Nightstreak responded. Moon nodded. "I don't really have a clue myself. I figured I'd just take the GPS and ask him when we get there. You got any ideas Silverpaw?"

"I know less about this place than you do, Night, so... no."

"Just making sure, didn't know if you passed anything on your way to school."

"Well, a couple of pubs, but by the way Tyler is, I don't think he'd be the sort to end up with a gutful of piss."

"That'd be right." Nightstreak nodded to me. "Alright, ol' Sheila, let's get off our fat dates and get a move on, eh?" Shi grabbed the keys and opened the door to the garage, flicking on few lights to expose the Hummer that lie in wait. "Holy Dooley, it does look a mite bit feral, dun'it?"

"I've seen worse, though it kills in petrol..." Moonbeam responded.

"I'd say, the company had better be paying for it. Petrol costs a good $4 a litre here, absurd!"

Moonbeam just chuckled. "You've obviously not filled 'er up yet... it's marked in gallons here honey."

Shi scratched hir chest. "Ah... I guess that would make it a fair bit cheaper then; still, she burns it right!" Shi glanced back to me. "Well come on mate, let's get going, eh?"

"Do you know where his house is?" Moon offered gently.

Night stopped for a second or three and then went back into the house. "You're killing me sheila... Rose!" I heard a brief reply from upstairs. "Do you know where Tyler lives?" Another muffled reply. "Thank you!" Shi grabbed a slip of paper off the table. "Rosecoat was kind enough to write it out for us." Shi spent a couple of moments entering it into the GPS and soon we were ready to go, taking off towards Tyler's house.

I felt a bit queasy, not only from anticipation, but how he would judge me after what we were about to do. Moonbeam noticed my hesitation, placing a paw on my back and stroking me lovingly. "Are you alright, is it kicking in again?" I shook my head. "Nervous?" I nodded. Shi smiled a bit. "It's natural your first time with a boy you really like... I remember my first time with a femme I wanted to spend my life with."

"What, Nightstreak?"

Shi glanced back from the controls, chuckling. "Surprisingly, it actually wasn't me."

Moon confirmed this with a smile and nod. "Right... Night and I were by this point companions... but we didn't really think much of it... we were more of the buddies for sex relationship, friends by day, passionate lovers by night... neither of us were really ready to move into commitment, and naturally, we were both fine with seeing other people... that's where I met Shir Sunbelly..."

I raised an eyebrow and Moon chuckled warmly. "Yes, odd name or not, shi was a beautiful chakat with a personality just as warm as the fur upon hir stomach. Shi was calm, compassionate and understanding. Every day, when I wasn't playing with Nightstreak, I spent my time with hir, telling hir my secrets, my desires, and eventually, how much I loved hir.

"It wasn't surprising to see that shi loved me back, and that is where things really started heating up. We spent less time playing and more time playing." She emphasised the word to subtly twist its meaning. "We groped and made out for what seemed like hours at a time, but both of us seized up at the thought of offering ourselves over. It took days of serious talks about our relationship before we could even think about it, and even then, you'd better believe it was awkward." Shi chortled with a smile on hir face. "But we did it. Sure, it took a bit of talk of 'where to put it' and 'what feels good to us', but we did it, and those talks were part of the experience, everyone goes through that first time experience sometime.

"But I've already done it, with countless people!" I rebutted.

"So did I..." Shi said gently. "But ask yourself, did any of those times mean anything to you?"

I thought of my friends and how I had mated with them. Sure it felt good, but after those times, we were still just friends, because that's what chakat life was like. After a minute I looked up. Moon stroked my cheek. "No? I thought so. I'd had friends who I'd mated with countless times, but it's always different when the person you're doing it with is important to you."

We continued a bit down the road, the GPS interrupting with a brisk "Turn right down Gelsing Lane" I looked back to Moon again and asked softly. "Whatever happened to Sunbelly?"

"Well, life goes on. We were in love, but Nightstreak did something amazingly special for me to show hir love for me. I'd been thinking about hir for a while, I admitted and, after that amazing date, I realized that we were the ones for each other. Sunbelly and I didn't break up at first, we remained companions, but, when I got pregnant... shi and I knew it was time to go our separate ways."

"Was shi mad?"

"No, absolutely not. Shi knew that Night and I were close and we were only companions, the entire premise behind a Companionship is for it to be an open relationship that can be dissolved without pain for either party. Was shi a bit sad we had to part? Of course, but was shi entirely surprised? No, shi wasn't. Even as denmates, we still met up to have our fun, even when shi found a mate of hir own. Friendships last forever Silverpaw." Shi leaned back to pat my rump, since shi wasn't in a position to hug me. "So don't waste what you have."

"The only friends I have here are a teacher, a husky and Tyler, not exactly a comprehensive list."

"Some is always better than none." Shi remarked. "Continue showing your appreciation for them and someday, they'll pay you back for it."

The GPS spoke again in its level, robotic voice and we rounded another turn. "America is very different from Oz, and I know you hate it. The people are bigoted and biased and want us to either leave or have a root with 'em, but if you look around long enough, and you'll find the diamonds in the rough. After all, you aren't going to find gold if you aren't willing to fossick about in the muck."

I smiled, even feeling a little hotness on my cheek from a blush, glancing away from hir for a couple of moments. "You give good advice, mum." It wasn't often I called hir by my relation to me. It just seemed... natural at that moment. Shi seemed like a true mother at that moment, not just a friend who happened to be related.

From my sidelong angle, I saw the edge of a smile on hir lips. "I'm only trying to help. Remember, we help family..." Shi paused. "...and both you and your mate are family in our eyes."

I opened my mouth to respond, but only to close it after a few awkward moments. There was nothing I could say to something like that. I felt a wetness on my cheeks and then the taste of salt. I was crying. The car was silent after that. Nightstreak turned to Moonbeam to say something, but after glancing to me, shi smiled quickly and silenced hirself, as to let me enjoy my revelation.

The crunching of stone beneath signaled that we had entered a driveway, the lurching of the suspension an indication that it was not maintained. I looked out one of the windows. Tyler's house wasn't in as bad of shape as I thought of, leading me to believe that perhaps I dramatised his poverty a bit. As we stepped out it was clear that his family could use a bit of extra funds, even if they weren't shithouse poor. The chewed lawn indicated that the mower was in desperate need of a new blade and potholes riddled the stone driveway, which had been eroded to bare dirt in some spots.

The porch light came on and an older feline stepped out. He was only slightly taller than Tyler, his fur pure white. He wore thin rimmed glasses and he appeared to be in his mid-fifties. That wasn't what I noticed first about him however, it was his stature. He was hunched over, leaning on a cane. I suddenly understood why he'd been laid off, and why he hadn't been rehired... he was handicapped. A thinly veiled smile pursed on his lips. "Evening... Mr. and Mrs..." He trailed off, expecting them to fill in their last name.

"Well... we don't exactly have last names..." Moonbeam started. "We usually refer to family names by the names of our parents... in order of dam and sire... You can call me Moonbeam, daughter of Lilyfur and Daggerfang..."

"And I'm Nightstreak, daughter of Coaldust and Scarletears"

Tyler's father raised his eyebrows, looking up a little. "You guys certainly have some... curious names to say the least."

"Well we don't often go by our full names... generally a shortened form or a nickname is common..." Moon explained. "You can just call us Moon and Night."

He gave a brief nod, then turned to me. "You must be the infamous Silverpaw." He said playfully, extending a paw. I took it graciously, though I gulped and avoided meeting his gaze. He turned to face all of us. "I'm Horatio Hawke." I peered inside and I saw Tyler peeking out from another room, almost shivering. Apparently he was expecting a disaster to happen when our parents met. I couldn't blame him.

"A pleasure Mr. Hawke." Nightstreak said, shaking his paw, along with Moonbeam.

"Please, Horatio. You guys are on a first name basis, though seemingly not of your own choice, so it's only fair I'm on one too."

"Um... excuse me." I said softly. Everyone turned to me. "Mr. Hawke... I... are you sure you're alright with this?"

He peered back to Tyler, and he stepped back, as if anticipating his presence had an effect on his decision. "I won't lie, the Christian part of me isn't happy in the slightest. But another part of me knows that that book is over 2000 years old and that it can be interpreted many different ways and it can be adapted for changing times, and species. From what I've been able to gather, sex is an important part of your culture, and I'm not one to judge. You're in heat, I understand that you say and do stupid things, but the fact that you promised what you did to my son and you seem to be willing to carry through with those things means that you are no ordinary child." He glanced back to make sure Tyler wasn't looking and spoke a bit more softly. "Plus, it's been hard on all of us since Cheryl died... I just want my son to be happy, even with our monetary problems. If he knows that an absolutely stunningly gorgeous girl like you is standing there by him, then maybe it'll put a bright spot on his day." He pushed up his glasses. "I hope I didn't offend you by calling you pretty..."

"Oh no! Believe me... not the first time, and won't be the last."

He chuckled softly. "I don't know much about you other than what Tyler has told me, but from what I've gathered now and from his words, you're a good gal, and I know you two will have something, so you have my consent..." He paused a bit, sucking in a breath. " mate. Please don't make me regret it." He seemed a fair bit more serious. If I could sweat, I was sure it would be dripping down my brow.

"I have offered him several chances to back down..." I said, feeling like I needed to defend my actions still.

"He's told me, but he stands by his promises, even if given a chance to back out. His honor is about all he has, so he holds tightly to it." He rubbed the back of his head. "Trust me... he's just as nervous about this as you are. He kept glancing at me throughout the day, as if expecting me to suddenly change to having a scowl on my face." He nodded with a small bob of his head, voice lowered. "It's fine, don't worry about offending me, your intentions were good." He smiled and stepped away from me. "Do you two know the area?"

"No, Horatio." Moonbeam responded, starting to head to the car with Mr. Hawke.

"I know a few good places to eat, I'll lead the way... so... you two are both female?" He asked with the slightest bit of apprehension.

"Not quite... we'll explain along the way..." Nightstreak responded with a soft blush on hir face.

Moon looked back. "We'll be back... tomorrow?" Shi asked, turning to Mr. Hawke.

"Tomorrow is fine, shi'll have tomorrow off because of hir heat, right?" Moonbeam confirmed with a quick nod. "Tomorrow it is."

I waved good-bye to them. "Bye then!" I shouted to them. "Hopefully I don't die of embarrassment..." I said under my breath soon after.

"I'm pretty sure I have it worse..." I leapt up in surprise, rearing on my back legs, yelping. I quickly rounded, seeing Tyler there. He jumped back as well. "Don't scare me like that!" I said, holding my chest.

"Scare you?! I just saw a nine foot tall creature rear up on me! How do you think I feel?!"

"Sorry, sorry... I just kind of forgot about you..."

"Not the first time a girl's forgotten about me." He mumbled.

"Oh... no, that's not what I... it was poor wording..." I looked in shame down to the floor. Ten seconds into the date and it was already a disaster.

He looked at me for a bit, and then away. He had trouble meeting my eyes, and I, his. "Um... are you hungry? We don't have much to offer right now, but... I'm sure I can find something..."

"Oh no! That's fine... my appetite lay in a much different area..." I cringed soon after. "That was horrible..." I rebuked myself.

He gulped, reminded of the situation at paw. "I... yeah..." He tugged at his collar. "Thirsty? We at least have water."

I wasn't thirsty, but I had to do something to start conversation. I couldn't just keep refusing. "Yeah, I'll take a glass..."

He nodded wordlessly and went to a cupboard to fetch a cup. He pulled one out at random and filled it with water from the tap. "Well water, so it doesn't have that aftertaste." He said, holding it out to me.

"Thank you." I said shyly, drinking it. It was absurd, I'd never focused before on how fast to drink. I was afraid drinking too slow would show that I was either scared to drink it or didn't want it, and too fast would seem I was taking advantage of him. The fur on my hackles stood up and my fingers started to twitch a bit. I was truly scared of what may happen there.

More silence ensued. I could swear I could hear the crickets mocking us. I turned away, inspecting the décor to busy myself and maybe to reduce the awkwardness of this date.

"You look very pretty today" I heard, just barely within hearing. I turned back to him. He shuffled his feet on the floor. "Well, I mean... not that you're not pretty every day, but it's like you went out of your way to impress me today... n-not in a bad way!" He tripped over his words.

"It's okay, I kind of did, I wanted to make a good impression on your dad too."

"You don't smell like you did yesterday. Like, your heat smell." He said.

"I took a cold shower before coming and I took another heat suppression pill. I wanted to give you time to... well..." I bit my lip. "Tyler, I want you to make love to me, not have sex with me."

"I thought the first was just a euphemism for the second..." He said, confused.

It was now or never. I strolled over to him and raised a paw to his cheek, lifting his head a little to look in my eyes."Making love is what you do when you're devoted to the one you're about to engage with. You spend time on foreplay, getting both you and your partner mutually aroused, slowly, over time, to the point where you can't take it anymore. You then hold them close, and you go at it, but it's slow, careful, you can feel the love in every stroke. Making love is how you have sex to show affection and bonding, having sex is just gratification. It's feral mating, you go at it, and then leave, like animals."

His paw gripped at my side, shaking a bit. "I-I see then... then... how do we do this?"

"We just let it come naturally." I responded, taking his paw and pulling it softly away from my sides.

"That... I don't know if that will happen. Maybe you should have brought something that makes me aroused."

"An aphrodisiac?" He nodded. "That's for cheaters" I kissed his nose softly. "And they only lead to people having sex, not making love." I gave him a gentle Eskimo kiss, rubbing noses. "Besides, heat pheromones are a powerful aphrodisiac, but we'll try not to let them dominate us, hmm?"

He stiffened up but nodded a few seconds after. "Okay, I trust you."

I gave him a bit of encouragement by leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on his lips. It was one of those slow kisses, the kind where the lips just barely connect, and each partner gives a slight nibble to the other's lower lip and they pull apart with a strand of spit connecting them. "We'll start as slow as we need, would you like to do all this in your bedroom?"

He nodded, still a little in shock from the kiss. "Yeah... follow me." He led me upstairs. His house was fairly big, not your average dwelling. Maybe a mortgage was putting a strain on their finances as well? He turned into a room, which I assumed was his. Once I entered, he closed the door. "In case my Dad comes home early... plus I feel very creeped out doing that with the door open, even if nobody's home."

"You don't have to explain, silly." I smiled. We stood there for a couple seconds, and I could feel the awkwardness setting in again. I was determined not to let it happen again. I held him close, tilting my head to kiss him. This kiss was much different, there was a marked wanting behind it. My tongue experimentally grazed his lips and as it swiped from right to left, he shivered and went limp in my arms. His paw rambled down my back, and I smiled inside, he was starting to get into it. My paws went up to his shoulders, fingers working into his muscles, giving him just the slightest of massages. They weren't my area of expertise for sure, but he seemed to enjoy the attempt, because one arm went to the back my head to hold me into the embrace.

I dared pushing him farther, my tongue parting his lips, asking for entrance. He responded with a nibble to my lip, then parted his maw slightly, his tongue meeting mine between our mouths. We simultaneously gripped each other harder, our heads pulling back and tilting to and fro, to lock each other into the kiss, to get the best position. Sometimes we would hit a sweet spot, and the other would grab a bit more tightly. Our chins were getting a little moist from the saliva, but neither of us seemed to mind much. Instinct caught hold of me, and suddenly I groped his arse. He jumped, eyes opening wide, but he only sucked in a deep breath, and then I heard the faintest moan from him. I glanced to his clothes, and I knew they had to go now, it was the right time. I pulled back. "So... are you ready to take those off?" I pointed to his shirt and pants.

"Now?" He asked, shocked a little bit.

"Well, I'm going to see them eventually, right? Don't be embarrassed, you should be comfortable with your own body." I glanced to the bulge on his pants and smirked, just for a second.

He twiddled his fingers, biting his lip. "R-right."

He tugged off his shirt no problem, but the pants took a little coaxing. He had a mad blush on his face. "Go on... it's fine, I'm not going to laugh."

"I'm not small!" He defended.

"...that's not what I was implying." Though, thinking about it, I could see why he thought I was insinuating that.

He took a sharp breath and jerked down his pants, wiggling them down his legs and then stepping out of them. His manhood was erected to its full length. I was impressed, from first glance, it was about 17, 18 centimetres. I gave a proud nod. He was definitely feline in shape, thin and long, with a pointed, slightly spadelike tip, but I noticed the bumpy texture around his head. I looked up, but he answered the question before I was able to ask it. "The bumps are where my barbs used to be, my parents had them surgically removed at birth."

"Ah." I was actually glad for that fact, at least now it wouldn't hurt. I'd actually not thought of that anatomical detail when I'd asked him out.

"Am I average?" He asked. "I... never looked it up, and it's not something that comes up in casual conversation."

"You're on the high end of the average range, you're fine." I smiled reassuringly, stepping up to him. "Now, since I don't have anything to take off, to be fair, you can touch and look anywhere you want. You said you'd never seen a girl naked?"

"Before I climbed up the mountain with you and got a few glimpses of your vagina."

"Well, I'm aroused now, so you'll find that it's a little different, and now you can see it up close..." He looked up to me incredulously. "Go on..." He blinked a bit and shuffled on his feet, but eventually went around behind me. I lifted my tail fully up for him. He paused to the side of me, giving me a look back, as if to say. "You're sure?" I nodded and he went the rest of the way, bending down to inspect me. His member had been shrinking a bit from the lack of stimulation, but it quickly shot back up to a healthy mast.

"Whoa... you weren't kidding." He remarked. I giggled a bit. "I... can really touch?"

"It's not dirty, I just showered. Twice, actually, so yes."

He reached out tentatively and my body braced from instinct. I felt the gentle caress of his fingers against my folds and my eyes drifted closed. "Mm..." I purred out. "Don't be afraid, if you're doing something wrong or that hurts, I'll tell you."

I felt him spreading my nether lips open, inspecting me. His other paw reached up and prodded my clit as if it were a door chime. "MMMPH!" I squeaked out, lurching forward.

"Ahh! I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He said quickly, scrambling back.

"Don't be sorry..." I giggled, after recovering from my pleasure attack. "That's my clitoris... a pleasure point."

"Oh..." He said. "I'm sorry for being so stupid."

"You're not stupid, everyone has a first time sometime." I turned back to him, wiggling my rump. "Go ahead and explore."

He came back up to me, pulling apart my labia again. "So, your clitoris is a pleasure point?" I nodded. "Do you mind if I give you some pleasure, then?" He blushed.

I fought back a titter, he was so damned cute like this. "That's what foreplay is about: teasing your partner."

He cautiously reached back up to my clit, tracing circles around the pleasure button, the furred back of his digit drawing out sensations of tingling and electrical jolts coursing through my body. I was a slave to the feelings, my front legs turning to jelly, leaving my arse up in the air. "Mmmmm! Mmmmm... oohhhh... oh yeeaaaaaahh... Tyler... you naughty thing, you sure you haven't done this before?" I teased.

"I swear... am I that good?" He asked in surprised.

"It doesn't take too much to please me... but you're doing a stellar job at it..."

I turned back to him, and he was actually smiling. "Well if it makes you happy Sylvia." He lost a bit of his apprehension, sliding a pair of digits into my tunnel while his thumb worked on my clit. "You're really moist back here..."

"Haaaa-aa! Oh! T-Tyy!! Ooooh! Mmm...pppa... f...ffwaa..." I wriggled, moaning out to his ministrations. "Good... oh... really good... mm! H-hmm! O-okay! Slow down baby... this is teasing... teasing..."

He pulled back. "Sorry, did I get rough?"

"No, you were doing an amazing job Ty." I turned to him and gave him a quick kiss. "But I didn't want you to spur my heat too early, I have to tease you too, and there's a lot of me to explore... why don't you give my pussy a little rest and see what else I have to offer?"

He nodded and got down to his knees, rubbing my underbelly lovingly. I felt him grope my sheath, which sent a curious twitch through my system. "Is this your male part?" He asked.

"Yep, sure is, but because I'm in heat, it won't erect, so there's not a lot to see."

"How big are you?"

"21 centimetres."

"That's... 8 inches... wow." He blinked.

"We're big creatures, mate" I giggled. He stood up and went to my front, raking his fingers through my chest fluff. He scritched me, which made me purr out, but he avoided my breasts. "You can touch those too..."

"Well... yeah, I just don't know how..."

"Let me help then." I smiled warmly, taking his paws in mine, and guiding them to my furred mounds. I helped him gently cup them, letting him feel their weight and heft. "A word of advice... a girl's breasts can be just as sensitive as their pussy under the right circumstances, especially during heat, where the fluctuating hormones can cause a buildup of fluid in the tissue."

He met my eye curiously. "See how my breasts are a little bigger than usual?"

He inspected what he held in his paws, then looked back up. "I never really noticed their size." He said shyly, he sounded honest.

I chuckled. "Well, normally they're D cups. Today, they're about DD." He gave me a blank stare. "What that means..." I explained patiently. " that today the tissue is going to be tender from the stretching, so if you were to say, grope them, you could get a good reaction out of me."

He nodded, but still looked a little clueless. I smiled and shook my head. "Here, let me help." I helped him close his paws around my bust, softly groping their mass. "Gentle..." I warned him. He stared at my cleavage and continued with what I was helping him do. He hefted my breasts in his paws, tenderly groping them here and there, experimenting with how they could move, how much they weighed. I swayed a little, leaning against a wall before I fell. "Mmm... I'd forgotten how good that can be... Hohhh... mmph... yee-yeah... right there..." I inhaled sharply as his pads brushed by my nipples.

He seemed to notice my reaction and, experimentally, he took one of my nipples between two fingers. I jerked my eyes open. "Hah!" I gasped sharply. I glanced to him, and he gave up a screwed up smile, one of those smiles that you give when you're having fun, but feel ashamed because of it. He did the same to my other nub. He carefully ground them, tweaked them, pulled them, trying out all the different reactions he could get from me. I squealed in bliss. "Mmmmmm! Oooo-ooooh! H-h-haaaa... g-guh... m-mphaaa."

He gave a nervous giggle. "Does that feel good?" He asked.

I nodded quickly. "Very..." I breathed out. A bead of my milkwater formed on the tip of each areola. "You thirsty?" I winced inside, that was a very bad way to start.

He glanced to the liquid that dripped from my breasts. "You're kidd-you can't be..." He stared up at me. "You want me to...?"

"If you want to. It's not milk, in case you're wondering, and you should be glad for that... that's a very... acquired taste, to put it lightly. It's actually milkwater, a special liquid that chakats store in their breasts, tastes closer to coconut." Milkwater is how we store our extra nutrients, if we were to come across a stranded person who was suffering from malnutrition or dehydration, this compound is enough to get them going again. We sometimes drink from ourselves if we need an energy boost, or we find ourselves in the same stranded situation.

He gulped, shuffling nervously. "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that..."

"Then don't worry about it. Trust me, breastfeeding isn't exactly everyone's kink, I wouldn't force you to do anything you don't want to." I held him close and snuggled into him.

"So... when do we start with the real thing?"

"Patience, young grasshopper." He chuckled a little. I pulled him away and glanced into his eyes before planting a quick kiss on his lips. "I haven't pleased you yet." I explained, "We need to change that."

"How'r you gonna do th-AAA..." I swiped him off his feet and carried him to his bed, setting him down on the edge. He looked up, chest heaving, panting. I couldn't tell if it was due to wanting, or shock from how I'd drawn him from his feet. I gave him a sweet smile, folded my legs under me, and laid down. His length was still up, so I reached out to grab it. He squeaked and mewed, his cheeks tinting crimson. With a wicked grin, I pulled his skin up, then down, using the blunt of a claw to massage the duct along the bottom of his shaft. He mewled adorably, his eyes rolling back, raising and lowering his leg, thumping it along the floor. "Hnn... n-no! S-sylvia... that's not... mpp... oh please.... I'm sensitive...H-ha... please, this is my first time doing t-this... ever..." He gripped the sheets, letting his head fall back. "You're not listening, are you?"

I snuck a glance up and winked. "Nope!" I grinned to him, sticking out my tongue. My paw wrapped around his shaft expertly, working on the experience of helping Rosecoat sterilise hirself after rut. He grunted with each stroke, squirming in my paws. I reached one finger for his tailhole, but I stopped. This was his first time, and though I wanted for him to have an amazing orgasm, he likely wouldn't have reacted very positively to the finger-up-the-arsehole treatment. I pulled my paw away for now, just resting it on his thigh. I slid my paw up a little, grinding my pad over his tip, fingers massaging the top of his member.

"O-ooh... that's... hmm... s-stop that.. it almost hurts..." His back tensed up and he bucked up into my paw, raising his hips up off the bed. "Sy-Sylvia... seriously... that's torture!" His eyes rolled back. "N-nnah.... Hnnn..."

I gave him a playful smirk. "I know... it's so you can really appreciate... this." He tilted his head as I pulled my paw away, his cock giving a little twitch in protest. I leaned into him and set my breasts to either side of his member. With a wink I squished them together, his meat stuck between my fuzzy mounds. Only then did he realize what exactly I was doing. I bounced, using the power of my front legs, the fur tickling at his sensitive shaft.

"Haa... oh lord that tickles..." He purred out. "This is more tickling that pleasureable Sylvia, you know this, right?"

"You think I'm an amateur?" I rebutted. "Just wait..." I blew a kiss to him and squeezed my breasts tighter, engulfing his girth in the silky fur, bouncing just a little harder on him. It took only a few seconds for him to change his tune, his eyes widening.

"Mmmph!" He squeaked. His member was plenty long enough to reach to my mouth at the right points. When I went all the way down, I gave his tip a quick lick, tasting his salty pre, which was dribbling out liberally. He mewled out, gritting his teeth. "W-what are you doing?"

"Don't talk... enjoy." I admonished him. I stilled my legs, using my paws to do the work moving my breasts. I did this so I could take his tip into my mouth, tongue swirling around the spaded portion of his cock. He'd never masturbated, I questioned silently how long he could last under this treatment.

Not long, I soon realized. He thumped his leg against the ground hard, loud thuds resounding through the boards. "H-h-haah...Sylvia! Oh-hhoo... S-Syl, stop that! N-no! Re-Really stop... I think... I think I have to go to the bathroom!" He squeezed his eyes shut, toes curling. "Sylvia! I'm gonna piss!" I pulled off his mouth at that moment and a thick glop of cum shot out of his tip and straight between the eyes. Others soon followed, he certainly was powerful! A couple flew over my head, landing on my back. Others left streaks of white across my face. Tyler stared down, dumbfounded, mouth hanging slackjawed, tongue lolled out, chest heaving as if he just ran a marathon. "Did... I do that?"

"'Gonna piss?'" I asked in disbelief.

He blushed madly. "Hey! I never masturbated before, I didn't know what it was gonna feel like."

"...are you really that innocent?"

"I swear to God, I never even thought about playing with myself until I took that picture of your breasts... when it comes to virgins, I'm about as pure as you get..." He said, embarrassed.

I giggled, flicking my tail. I felt my head coming back, scent wafting through the air. Hopefully he recovered quickly. "So... scale of one to ten, what would you say on how it felt?"

He stared blankly. "Uh..." He thought a bit. "...45?"

I laughed. "Yeah, the first time's always quite a shock, isn't it?"

He nodded gently. "Sorry about your face."

"Oh, don't worry about it." I wiped off the streaks of cum with my paw, then licking it. His eyes widened when I did so. "Did you just..."

"Wipe your cum off then eat it? Yep, it tastes good, love..." He opened his mouth, but I answered his question before he could ask it. "Think butter."

"So if I climaxed over your morning toast, you'd eat it?" I snickered, that was the first sexual joke I heard from him.

"Sure would." I joked back.

"...the scary part is that you sounded serious."

Snickering, I got up a bit, flicking his shaft. "Still hard, huh?"

"Well, you kinda opened Pandora's Box; now that I've felt that... I really want more."

The burning was getting more insistent and I found myself panting and staring at his member lustily.

"Uh... Sylvia? You alright?"

I snapped out of my reverie with a few blinks. "Huh?"

"You looked like you were thinking about eating me."

"Why do you sa-" A spot of drivel landed between my breasts. I wiped off my chin, I'd been drooling. "Oh..."

His eyes closed and he took a deep breath through his nose. His shaft gave a quick jerk and he sighed, shuddering. "Your scent is even more powerful than yesterday..." He rubbed his neck. "Would it be weird to say that I want you... badly?"

"Not at all, my sweet." I reached up and pet his cheek with the furry back of a paw. Our eyes met. "Would it make you uncomfortable if I said I'd literally beg for your seed?"

"After all the rest I've been through, I think I could handle it." He gave a weak smile. "So... this is it, huh?" He stood up and opened a drawer, pulling out an oversized syringe, filled to the top with a white cream. "Will this work?"

I inspected it closely. "It came like this?"

"You mean, it's not supposed to?"

"Well normally it comes in tubes, but maybe they do it differently now." I took it from his paw, reading the directions. "Apply a copious quantity of this spermicide deep within the vagina. For maximum effectiveness, apply near cervix. Non-irritating, hypoallergenic." I read.

"You think it'll work?"

"I should hope so, but yeah, you got a good choice." I unscrewed the cap and reached towards my back, a joints popping as my tauric flexibility kicked in.

"You got it?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." My paw reached just about to my swollen lips and I pushed the syringe into my depths, giving an involuntary moan. I used the palm to push in the plunger a little, feeling the cream squirt from the tip into my depths. A chakat's depths were quite deep, considering what we were made to take in, anything from a squirrel to a horse we could handle comfortably.

I squirted a good drop as deeply as I could manage, shivering. "Cold!" I exclaimed, but the feeling didn't last long. "That should do it" I pulled it out to inspect the tube. I'd expunged about 3 centemetres. "And for good measure." I remarked. I resumed my normal stature, joints cracking into place.

"So... you ready?" Tyler asked, hopping from foot to foot, not seemingly able to stand still.

"What's gotten you so eager so suddenly?" I asked teasingly.

"Pandora's Box..." He replied again, whimpering a bit. "Plus, your scent is freaking with my body... I need you, Silverpaw..." He pleaded.

I turned around and pulled him into one last embrace, giving him a sweet kiss. "And I need you Tyler." I pressed my forehead to his. "I'd just like to thank you one last time for doing this for me. I know it was a lot to ask of you... and well... that it was kind of selfish, but I-" I was silenced as he put a finger to my lips.

"You don't need to explain... I trust you because I love you." He kissed me on my nose and gave a soft smile.

"Well, I hope I can give you pleasure beyond imagining." I said, turning away from him and sashaying over casually to a wall, placing my pads on the surface, tail swaying and making figure-eights in the air. "Come and get me..." I said with a sultry purr underlying my voice.

Tyler purred along with me and stepped over, though not quite in such an illustrious fashion as I had. He placed his paws on my rump and instantly my tail stopped waving and jerked upward, going completely stiff.

"Heh... I guess your male bits aren't the only thing that gets stiff on you..."

"My tail has a mind of its own" I trilled back to him, wiggling my rump. "Tyler, you tease, stop delaying and be a good boy..."

"But what if I don't know how?" He offered jokingly.

"Stick in, pull out, you'll learn fast." I rebutted. My heat was almost in full swing again and I was getting impatient.

"Oh, it can't be that simple... there's always a catch..."

"Tyler... really." I looked back to him with pleading eyes. "Seriously... this hurts... we can exchange all the witty banter you want after you've filled me with your... wet... sticky... hot..." I trailed off, thinking about him rutting me, a shiver running through my body. "T-Tyler..." I whined.

"I got it, love." He replied softly, and suddenly my world was turned upside down.

"OH!" I cried out, my hearts quickening in pace. He'd hilted in one quick, powerful thrust. "Oh... gods... yes!" I managed to squeak out. After hours of torture, my body knew it was over soon, and it was rewarding me in the only way it knew how: mind numbing pleasure. "Word of advice... never do that on a girl's first time, she WILL kill you, but that's a discussion for another time, keep going baby!"

My walls gripped him tightly as he pulled back. "Smoothly, just in and out." I coached him through it, trying to help him get the most out of it. He listened, gently withdrawing his length, but something was wrong, he was going too far, he was pulling out! "Nononono! Not all the way... just up to your tip, then back in."

"Oops." He blushed. "I must seem so stupid..."

"Your stupidity or lack thereof is not in discussion right now, I just want you to mate me." I then glanced back with a smile. "You're doing fine."

He bit his lip, working his hips back and forth, smoothly piercing my folds with a gentle, but effective rhythm. "Christ... you're hot... you must be at least 105!"

"That's a bit extreme, isn't it?" I asked, then remembered. "Oh, Fahrenheit, right.

"Mmm... I like it!" He remarked, a smile on his face, letting his instincts take over, his hips humping against me hard, thumping me forward a bit. I held to the wall for life, panting lewdly.

" O-oohhh... T-Tyler! Haa... yes! Y-yeah! Don't give me mercy! Fuck me senseless!" I rambled out, not even really aware of what I was saying, just overcome with the sudden gratification. "Mmmph... uw...wwa.... F-faster! Faster mate! You're doing it right beaut! Mmm! Root me!"

His paws stroked my flanks and I heard his breathing getting faster, trying to keep up with my demands, his crotch smacked against mine with lewd squishes and squirts. It was clear he was enjoying it immensely. "S-Sylvia! Mmm... keep gripping me like that, like... no.. not tha.. UH! Yeah! There! Urrm! Mmrrr..." He let his tongue loll out. "I always thought girls were smooth inside..." He mumbled.

I found my upper body squished against the wall, my breasts pushed up to the wallpaper, my eyes crossing. "AHH! AHH! MM! OOOH! F-FUUU..." I screamed out. With his pace he seemed to hit the perfect frequency, each wave of pleasure compounding upon itself and driving me further and further towards the orgasm I so desperately desired.

"How will I know when you climax?" He asked in a fit of passion, his paws closing around a clump of my arse's fur, pushing himself into me with a feral need, grunting and moaning almost as lasciviously as I was.

"Y-you'll know..." I panted out, pausing for a strained squeak, trying not to claw up his wall. "I... g-gush..."

"Gush?" He asked, but I didn't reply, I was too overwhelmed with rapture to even think about speaking. He saw the look on my face and continued his efforts, his face contorted in sheer effort. It touched me to see that he was actually trying to make me cum. His leg thumped the floor again, his meat continually dipping into the deepest parts of me. "S-so... so g-goo..." He stuttered out, his eyes drifting closed, leaning back, shifting his hips back just a little. Though it was unintentional, his change in position hit the perfect spot inside me, my g-spot.

"TY! TY! YESS! Mmmmm!!! Right there, right THEEEEEEEEEREEE!" I screamed out at the top of my lungs, my lips closing onto him, milking him for all he had, my body numbed with a bliss that could only be described as mind melting, tongue hanging out, front portions of my body going weak, leaving my arse in the air, submissively. My sex erupted in a torrent of clear juices, soaking his crotch and the floor beneath, leaving me to thump at the ground with a hind leg involuntarily. "HAAA-AAAMMPPHHH..."

He was still, deep down, a virgin and he winced when my folds grabbed his shaft. Giving a few last powerful jerks inward, he hilted fully, his legs tensing, going to his tip-toes, then going weak."SylviasylviaSYL-VI...uuuuuuhh..." He moaned out my name as his tip erupted in several thick squirts of his cream into my depths, finding its way straight to my cervix, body hungrily sucking it into my womb.

We both panted like dogs in our afterglow, both of us staring at each other. We avoided each other's gaze for a bit, blushing when we did meet eyes.

Finally, Tyler was the first to speak. "So... I take it that's what you meant by gushing?"

I nodded and giggled awkwardly. "...y-yeah... sorry about your floor..."

"It's carpet, it'll just dry."

"Is that... pee... or?"

"No no... fem cum isn't pee..."

"Ah" He wiped of his brow. "That... that really felt amazing. Especially the second time... that was... just... wow."

I got up from my submissive bow, rubbing my back. "You have NO idea how hard I came." He pointed down to the carpet. "Well, okay, maybe you have some idea." I remarked shyly.

"So... was I not a total klutz the first time?"

I grinned. "Trust me, you did just fine." I glanced back. "Oh, and you can pull out now."

He looked down. "Oh, I'm still in there?" He slid out and stretched slightly. "Now I understand why so many people enjoy sex..."

I nodded. "Mmm hmm!" I hummed brightly. I reached for him, my arms wrapping around him, tugging him close.

"Uh... what are you doing... don't tell me you need to go again?"

"No no... this is bonding." I kissed his nose softly and eased him down to the ground, resting his head in my chest. I cuddled up to him, stroking his sides, tail fluttering once again.

"You... really are comfortable..."

"All for you..."

"So comfortable I think I might..." His exhaustion was starting to kick in. He gave a wide mouthed yawn, bobbing slightly as he tried to stay awake.

I planted a kiss on his cheek and slowly set him down on the ground, then moved over and lifted him up again before letting his upper body rest on my feral half's underbelly.

"Fluffy..." He mumbled, turning onto his side and snuggling into the downy flanks. His eyes closed and before long he was silent.

"I love you Tyler..." I said gently. No response. I smiled warmly. "Silverpaw Hawke... I like the sound of that."

A faint smile crossed his lips.