What If-Fun and Games

Story by Rowyin Darkwulf on SoFurry

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What if Rowyin and Makojin were each other's normal species?

By Rowyin Darkwulf

All characters© their players

A pair of black furred paws strutted down the street, their nicely manicured claws clacking on the concrete, drawing attention to the owner. Their long, toned legs turned every male's head that passed by, and even those of a few females as the owner strolled on by. Their eyes were eventually drawn up towards the owner's rump as she passed, her tight, yet well proportioned rear end swaying with the motions of her hips, her fluffy black tail swaying along to the same rhythm. The ones with more of an upper torso fixation would notice the female's toned tummy, but their eyes would most likely fix upon the two mounds pressing out into her tight tank top. Her breasts were well proportioned for her curvy frame, the two furry mounds comparable to ripe grapefruits as they lightly bounced around in her tight top. Farther north of her chest was her long canine muzzle, also covered in black fur, her face and build giving off the air of a wolfess. Her long silvery hair braided into a ponytail, which bounced between her shoulder blades as she walked.

The wolfess looked upon the gawkers with her piercing, icy blue eyes, a hint of a smirk crossing her muzzle as she sauntered by. Her delicious rump and curved hips were carefully packed into a pair of low rider jeans, cut off slightly higher than her mid thigh, the waistband low enough to show off her toned tummy. Her pink tank clung tightly to her chest, the outline of her bra barely visible through the stretched fabric. She rounded a corner and headed towards a familiar looking apartment building, slipping into the building as a fur walked out. She hopped onto the elevator, taking it up to her desired floor before disembarking and slipping down the apartment hallway, passing up a pair of children kicking a ball up and down the hall. As she reached the door she was looking for she gently knocked upon it, waiting for an answer before her next move.

After a few moments, no one had answered, so she switched to her other plan; she bent over and began to feel along the carpeting in front of the door, looking for a loose square. As she found it she wedged her claw between it and the wall, lifting it and retrieving a hidden key from underneath. She slipped the key into the lock on the door and silently opened it, creeping into the dark apartment and locking the door behind her. She placed the key aside on a countertop as she made her way through the dark apartment towards the bedroom, from which loud snoring emanated even through the thick door. The wolfess silently opened the door, spying her target sprawled across and tangled amongst the bed sheets. Her hand slipped into her purse, removing a small box as she hung her handbag on the doorknob and entered the bedroom. She opened the box and dumped the contents into her other hand, taking one more look at the two trinkets she held.

The first was a rather inconspicuous ring with three clouded gems set around its outside. The gems looked fake and gave the ring a gaudy appearance, and even the circumference of the ring was far too large for even a large handed fur to wear, but that wasn't why she bought it. Her eyes slipped over to the bed again as the occupant mumbled something in its sleep, rolling over onto its back and resuming its snoring. She placed the ring in her right hand and finished sneaking up to the bed, leaning over the occupant and gently tugging the sheets off its body. As the sheets were removed, it would be quite clear to see that the sleeping fur on the bed was a male mouse, the long whip-like tail and large ears giving it away. His grey fur covered his whole body, save for the disheveled mess of green hair perched on top of his head. The wolfess's eyes weren't paying attention to his face though; they were locked on the mouse's crotch, which was most impressive for his species. Two kiwifruit sized testicles hung in his sack from his crotch, his sheath thick enough to be compared to a Red Bull can.

The wolfess grinned a toothy grin, taking the ring between her fingers and gently sliding it down the mouse's sheath, the ring slipping pretty easily until it reached the thicker flesh at the base of his shaft's furry hiding place. She checked and made sure it would stay still before she sat up straight, looking down at the second trinket she held in her hand. It looked just like most belly button rings one would buy at the mall, save for the two gems that sat on either side of the bar, which looked very similar to those on the ring now around the mouse's sheath. She slowly lowered her hand down to her belly button, which surprisingly wasn't pierced, but she knew that this didn't matter. As she pressed the bar to the flesh just above her belly button, the bar began to phase through her hide, leaving it imbedded in her flesh just as if she had a belly piercing. With the preparation complete, she went to wake the snoring mouse, hopping onto the bed and bouncing the mouse's body around.

The mouse woke up with a start, bolting upright as his head darted back and forth to try and see who had jumped on the bed, but as he saw the wolfess he calmed down, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Makojin...what'd you do that for? I was having the best dream..." he said, disappointment evident in his voice.

Makojin gave him a toothy grin, sitting cross legged on the sheets. "What...were you dreaming of a beautiful femme giving you a handjob?" she asked with a grin, noticing a bit of an aroused look come over the mouse's face, and noticed a bit of stirring in his crotch area.

He chuckled softly, a bit of a nervous twinge hidden behind it as he scratched the back of his head. She had managed to guess that was indeed his dream, and the thought of it was making his shaft stiff.

Mako smirked once more as she noticed the pink head poke from his grey sheath, the gems on the ring taking on a clearer shine than before. "Aww...what's the matter Rowyin...that dream get you a bit hot under the collar?" she asked, her hand moving between his legs and gently gripping his balls, giving them a light squeeze.

A heavy shudder went through the mouse's body, his groin feeling as if it were ten times more sensitive than it normally was, his shaft hardening into its whole eight-inch glory, the head drooling a thin line of precum down his length. It was about this time he also noticed the ring around his sheath, which he reached for, but was stopped by a jolt of pleasure as Mako squeezed his balls again lightly. "Wha...what's this you put on my sheath?" he asked with a bit of a stutter, the pleasure from his balls causing his shaft to pulse hard, his arousal almost growing to the point of climax.

"Oh that...just a little toy I picked up while shopping. Has some interesting qualities when worn in the area of this little belly ring I got," she whispered into his ear as she scooted up behind him, hand still between his legs and gripping his balls.

He squeaked lightly as the pleasure tapered off as he neared his peak, as if something sapped it straight out of him. He was still hard, and aroused, but he was no longer anywhere near the point of soiling his bed sheets with his cum as the wolfess's hand stroked up to his shaft.

"Heh...the ring I have on me lets me control you...well...lets me control your cock. I can change your sensitivity, your arousal, even your length, girth, and semen production...and gives me a few of my own abilities to work in conjunction with yours. Think of this as my turn to test out a new toy on you," she murmured into his ear again, her finger running a claw across the surface of his balls, causing him to shudder again. She slid the small mouse, who was a good foot and a half shorter than her own 6'7" frame, into her lap, pressing his head back against her clothed breasts as her thin fingers wrapped around his shaft, slowly jerking it up and down, his precum leaking out onto the fur on her hand.

The mouse twitched in her lap, squeaking and moaning as his eyes clamped shut, his shaft sputtering out precum. He felt his peak approach, but even after a few minutes of jerking he still hadn't reached it, a frustrated squeak leaving his lips as he realized what she was up to.

Even through his pleasure addled brain he remembered all the times he had used his tongue on the wolfess when she was either too busty or had so much in her belly so as to keep her immobile so she couldn't retaliate. All those times he kept her on edge with slow laps as she was just on the edge of release, but wouldn't reach it till she begged for him to let her cum. He new this was going to be her revenge...make him so pent up he'd have to beg for his release. He let out a small whine, bucking his hips and moving his shaft faster, but it was to no avail. Her other hand slipped between his legs as well, gripping his balls and giving them light squeezes, the pleasure licking up his spine like waves, only to have them recede right when the get close to his climax point. He could smell her arousal as well, her nipple poking the back of his head as he rocked in her lap. She realized how wet she really was between her own thighs, and thought that perhaps she should let him cum so she could undress and continue her fun with the little mouse.

She released his balls from her one hand, sliding him from her lap and laying him down onto the bed, her hand still pumping up and down his shaft as he squirmed in frustration. He cracked his eye open at the wolfess, only to shut it again as her muzzle slipped down along his hardness, taking it fully into her mouth and suckling hard. He felt his pleasure finally crescendo, a loud squeak echoing throughout the room as she allowed him to cum into her mouth. She quickly suckled down his load, which seemed to him to be just like any of his other normal loads as he emptied his seed into her gullet. As his balls finally stopped spasming he lay limply on the bed, Makojin pulling her muzzle of his shaft with a soft pop. She quickly sat back up and removed her clothing, her tank, shorts, panties and bra fling across the room to land on the floor.

She turned back to the limp mouse, her claw slowly tracing up from under his balls to the tip of his slowly softening shaft. He let out a surprised groan as his mousehood quickly regained its previous hardness, even leaking a bit more precum. He meeped as the big wolfess crawled over him, placing her plush rump on his thighs and pressing the length of his shaft against her warm and wet petals. She teased him and herself for a bit, rubbing her petals across his shaft and coating it with her nectar while pinching one of her black nipples. She grinned down at him, and then his shaft as a heat began to build up inside it. His own eyes widened as he looked down between his legs, watching as his shaft suddenly plumped up, widening to the point it looked as if he was as thick as a pop can. Mako grinned again as the warmth continued to grow in his shaft, the throbbing pink rod stretching a few inches longer, giving him an almost foot-long shaft. He was amazed that something that big would fit back in his sheath, but it looked as if both his sheath and the ring had expanded in proportion with his shaft.

He looked back up to Makojin as she scooted back a little, her hand once again reaching for his balls. As her fingers touched the soft fur coating his sack he felt the warmth seep from his shaft to his testes, her fingers bobbling and caressing his sack. After a few seconds he realized her hand was having an increasingly hard time squeezing his whole sack, her fingers gripping less of his balls until he noticed that they too were increasing in size. She held in her hand a pair of grapefruit sized mouse nuts, which she continued to squeeze as they bloated larger and larger, sending bolts of pleasure up Rowyin's spine. The mouse squeaked softly, arching his back as her free hand moved up to stroke at his newly lengthened shaft while the growth continued, his balls soon rivaling soccer balls in size, the hide of his sack stretching around the swelling cum factories. The tip of his shaft was almost constantly dribbling precum down onto the wolfess's hand as it slid up and down the flesh, coating the twelve-inch monster mousehood with his own lube as she continued to force his balls to grow larger.

Rowyin groaned loudly as the pressure from his balls forced his legs to spread wider, the basketball sized monstrosities he had for balls pressing them apart before the growth finally tapered off. He panted heavily, Mako still slowly jerking her hand up and down his pulsing shaft as she licked her lips. She was having trouble deciding whether to take not so little Row in her mouth, or place it between her legs where it belonged. With a smirk she decided to see what it was like to swallow the huge pending load the little mouse was sure to blow when he came. She got up off his legs, turning around and lowering her hips over his head while hers hovered over his sputtering shaft. He opened his eyes for a second, only to have his muzzle pressed into the wolfess's dark folds, her musky nectar leaking from her heated sex. His tongue lolled out, then lapped over her drooling sex, stifling a moan as her mouth sunk down upon his over-sensitized shaft flesh.

Makojin slid his shaft slowly into her muzzle, her tongue pressing the head against the ribbed roof of her mouth as it slid in. She had quite a mouthful of mouse meat in her mouth by the time his shaft pressed against her throat, suppressing her gag reflex as she pressed it down her throat, swallowing along the head and causing the mouse to groan. His pre had a straight shot to her stomach, and continued to leak copiously as she began to draw her head back, still suckling heavily on his rod. He was having a tough time concentrating enough to lap at her petals, his tongue fluttering over her clit and lapping up her leaking juices. His hips lightly bucked, but the wolfess quickly pinned them to the bed with her greater weight, making sure he wouldn't be able to try it again.

Mako soon increased the speed of her bobbing head, suckling hard on his shaft and making sure to rub his head against the roof of her mouth. She could feel his body begin to tense, and just to add an edge, she once more held off his orgasm. He squeaked as he came nearly to the point of his orgasm, but stopped dead at the edge. He groaned loudly, lapping and nibbling at her petals and clit in hopes to appease her enough to allow him to cum again. She smirked around his shaft as her head bobbed up and down, suckling down the flood of pre his shaft was leaking. She reached down with a free hand and trailed a claw across his tight sack, causing him to shudder heavily in his hyper-aroused state. Mako quickly bobbed her head up and down a few more times before removing the block she had put on his arousal, finally letting him cum and swallowing his meat once again.

A loud squeak rang out from the bedroom as the mouse hit his overcharged orgasm, his seed spurting almost like a fire hose, straight down the wolfess's gullet. She merphed in surprise around his cock, warmth other than the massive amount of mouse seed building up inside her. The warmth moved from her stomach to her already heavy breasts, the gems in the belly ring slowly turning translucent just like the ones on the cock ring. Her hands moved to the mouse's churning balls, gripping them and milking him for cum as it flowed in an almost contestant stream down her throat. One of her hands trailed to her breasts, which she realized had grown several cup sizes, feeling much like a pair of honeydew melons. Her dark nipples pressed down into her mousey partner, surfing on a surge of flesh as her furry orbs filled out. She groaned around his meat stick, a bloated feeling entering her breasts as they pressed outward and downward, a bit of white trickling from her nipples.

The poor mouse felt almost completely spent several minutes later when the last of his cum trickled down the greedy wolfess's throat. He could feel two large heavy things pressing against and around his belly, but with the wolfess's hips in the way he couldn't see what they were. Makojin moaned, the fires of her lust still burning inside her. She wasn't nearly sated yet, so slowly she attempted to lift her new endowments from off of the small mouse. A few grunts and a bit of a struggle later she was sitting upright over Rowyin's head, her hands placed under her beach ball-sized breasts. Her nipples had grown along with the breasts they were perched upon, looking like thumbs sticking out of her cereal bowl-sized areolas. Her arms were half sunk into her huge tits, the flesh bulging over her arms, trickles of white leaking out of her nipples and down her breasts. She attempted to move from above the suddenly stunned mouse, only to lose balance, falling down onto her back and causing her beast flesh to quake back and forth in her arms.

She grunted, squeezing the pillowy flesh and stopping her breasts from jiggling, looking over to the little mouse. He was still as hard as ever, his shaft renewing its hardness after seeing her huge breasts. The wolfess was glad to see that Row still had energy for another roll in the hay, her legs spreading as she tugged him by the shoulders on top of her body, lust clearly evident in her eyes. There was no way Rowyin could mistake that look, so he sat up between her legs and took his ever-erect mouse meat in his hands, seating its head between her lower lips before pressing quickly in. Mako arched her back as best she could with the added weight of her tits, her legs wrapping around the mouse's waist and tugging him hard against her. His shaft practically rammed her cervix as it was thrust in, several inches of mouse meat unable to be engulfed by her needy flesh.

Despite his size, Rowyin began a pounding thrust rhythm, plunging his shaft hard into the tight grasp of her sex and battering her cervix, desperate to feel the whole length of his larger cock inside her warm depths. Unbeknownst to him, Mako had decreased the sensitivity of his shaft, making it harder for him to get off, which in turn would make him more desperate to plunge himself harder into her. He moaned loudly, his balls lying on the bed between his bent knees as he thrusted himself into her sex, one of his hands moving to her large nipple and giving it a rough tug. A spurt of milk shot from the large teat, her breasts rocking with the humping motion her hips were making as she pressed back against the mouse's thrusts. Her sex petals clung tightly to the mouse's meat as it pumped in and out, her nectar leaking out onto the bed and causing loud squelches to echo around the room. The mouse leaned himself over Mako's chest, latching onto her free nipple and suckling on it, receiving a mouthful of creamy milk in return as he pounded hard into her.

Mako felt her cervix slowly falter under the assault by the thick mouse meat beating on it, and soon enough, with a powerful thrust the mouse sank the full length of his shaft into the wolfess, causing her to squeal in pleasure and him to groan at the death grip her inner muscles had on his shaft. Mako couldn't help herself, and as the thrusting continued the warmth began to once again seep into the mouse's shaft, his thrusting becoming harder and harder as his shaft increased its girth even larger. Each time he pulled out it felt as if he were dragging a car through mud, the wolfess's flesh clinging tightly to the plump stick of mouse meat. He groaned at the tightness, and at the sudden feeling of his shaft striking something at the back of the wolfess's tunnel. He was pretty sure his shaft could put to shame that of any horse and perhaps most bulls as he plowed it in and out of Mako's now extremely tight sex.

Her back arched clear off the bed as her inner flesh was spread almost to the tearing point, but thanks to the belly ring she wore; she could stretch easily without threat of injury. The mouse was finally approaching climax, his thick shaft working furiously in and out of the wolfess's sex, copious amounts of her juices soaking both their crotches and the bed sheets below. Mako was working towards an earth shattering climax herself, the fire in her belly turning into a blaze as Row fed every inch of his meat into her greedy lower lips. The mouse's shaft pulsed inside of her tunnel, a large vein sawing across her g-spot as the mouse thrust furiously into her. That little bit of stimulus finally got the ball rolling, Makojin letting out a howling cry of orgasm. All of her muscles clamped down upon the mouse's shaft, his own loud squeak accompanying her howl as the floodgates opened. Makojin felt the spurt of cum splatter the back of her womb, the torrent of seed attempting to fold back, only to be blocked by the huge shaft. The constant flow of cum soon built up, the wolfess's belly bloating outward as it was filled with mouse seed.

A second, smaller orgasm washed over her again as the shaft pulsed more and more cum into her swelling belly, which soon equaled a femme at six months pregnant. Her growing tummy pressed against the bottom swells of her now spurting breasts, her orgasm causing them to let down and soak her upper chest and her mouse lover. Her hands moved to her bloating belly, which looked as if it could contain a single overdue pup, and pressed into it as the cum sloshed around inside. She moaned loudly as her belly continued to fill out with cum, pushing past what most femmes look like when they're carrying twins, and then triplets. She heard the mouse groan softly and finally brace himself against her belly, the flow of cum tapering off to a slight trickle as the mouse was finally spent and she too was quite tired.

As her panting slowed she reached up and stroked her fingers through the mouse's green hair, a satisfied smile crossing her muzzle. "Mmmm...these toys were definitely worth the cash I paid for them..." she said to herself with a small giggle, snuggling up to the tired mouse male.


Sharing the Fun

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Babies, Weddings, and Honeymoons

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