My Highschool Dream Love - Part 10

Story by Tyrant Dragon on SoFurry

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Brad put his hands up in the air. He was terrified.

"What do you want?" he said, trying to sound tough.

The stranger laughed.

"Isn't it obvious? We're trying to rob you." he said.

Brad was getting pissed. I could see it in his eyes. He turned to look at me. I gave him a look to relax. I did not want him to get shot. He understood, luckily, and let his tension go away. However, I could sense that he was still terrified.

"So, what do you want us to do?" Brad said.

"Sit your asses here. We're going to get what we want and get out of here and it will be like nothing ever happened." the guy said, pushing Brad on the bed.

"Just to make sure you don't do anything stupid, I'm going to tie you guys up." he said next.

He went outside and came back with a long rope. Where he got it so quickly I had no idea.

"Sit down. Back to back. On the bed." he demanded.

We did as we were told. He walked up and began wrapping the rope around us. After about 6 times, he tied a knot. It was really tight.

"Ow." I said softly to myself.

He began to walk away.

"Why did you pick this place?" I asked.

"Lets just say, my partner knew this place had good stuff."

That's odd. How would another stranger know this place had good stuff? I gotta admitt, Brad was kind of wealthy. I didn't understand.

"Give me your cell phones. I don't want you to call the cops."

We did as we were told. Giving out phones was a small sacrafice for living. I don't know how we managed to get them out. He left the room and shut the door. I was so scared. I whimpered to myself.

"It's going to be ok." he said, whispering softly.

He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife.

"I didn't know you had one of those." I said in shock.

"Shoosh." he said.

I nodded. I trusted my life with him. He began to cut the rope with the knife. After what seemed an eternity of cutting, he managed to break the rope. We were free.

"Thank heavens." I said.

I rubbed my arms to get the circulation back into them.

"Now what?" I asked.

"I got an idea." he said.

"What?" I asked, looking up.

I was still shaken up by this whole experience. Brad went into his closet and pulled out a pair of binoculars. He went by his window and opened it.

"Damn." he said loudly.

"What were you trying to do?" I asked.

"To get there license plates. However, they are not parked in a position where I could see it. I could have reported them." he said, looking disappointed.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"We're going to find out what that license plate is."

"Are you nuts!? I'm not going to go out there."

"You're right. You're not going anywhere. I am."

"No! I'm not going to allow it! I love you too much to let you go out there. You're going to stay put." I said, begining to tear.

He grabbed my shoulders and kissed me deeply.

"Listen to me, I don't want these people to get away. I want to keep all of our stuff. This is what we're going to do."

He told me the plan. I listened and nodded. It seemed like it would work.

"Wait." I said before he walked out the door.

"What? We don't have much time left."

"I know this is not the best time, but can I give you a blowjob before you go? It might be the last one I give to you..." I said, begining to cry.

He walked up to me and hugged me.

"Of course you can. This is getting me a little horny for some reason. Weird." He said, shrugging.

He sat on the end of the bed, opening up his legs. I knelt down in front of him and rubbed his inner thigh. He murred softly. I realized a small tent was begining to rise in his pants. I leaned up to kiss him in the lips while I undid his pants. He closed his eyes in pleasure. I went back down and pulled them down, revealing his high tented boxers. I jerked his cock slowly through his boxers. He tilted his head back in pleasure. I could see a wet spot begining to form at the top of the town. I took off his boxers only to reveal his member. It has gotten bigger. I liked the tip and tasted the pre. This got him to send more out. It was really good. I dropped my head down and stuffed about half his cock into my mouth. I almost gagged. It definitely has gotten bigger.

"Mmm...." I managed to get out.

"Hmph, that feels so good." Brad manged to get out.

I decided to give him a good sense of pleasure since he was about to risk his life. I deep throated his cock. It went down in the back of my throat. I could feel it. It felt really good.

"Oh my god baby, that feels so good. I'm going to cum soon baby."

I nodded to the best of my ability. I took his cock out of my mouth and jerked it off a little. It was pretty soaked. From tip to base. I put it back into my mouth after a few strokes. I just went up and down about half way. Brad tilted his head back in pleasure. I saw his knot was begining to form which means he's getting closer to cumming. I decided to deep throat him. All the way into the back of my throat the cock went. I wrapped my tongue around the top of his knot. That's all it took for him. He cummed in the back of my throat. I don't know how I managed to taste it. However, it still tasted good none the less. I grabbed his knot a massage it to try and get every drop out. When I knew he was finished, I pulled the cock out of my mouth. He got up and pulled his shorts up. He leaned in and kissed me deeply on the lips.

"That felt so good. I love you so much." he said.

"I love you too." I said, rubbing my hand on the side of his arm.

"So, you remember the plan?" he asked me.

"Yes. Unfortunately." I replied, nodding slowly.

"Alright." he said and walked towards the door.

He peeked out the door and saw what he wanted to see. The one guy was standing guard at the bottom of the stair case while the other one was grabbing all the stuff and taking them to the car.

"Go. You know what to do." he whispered to me.

I ran out and went down the stairs.

"Can I go to the washroom? I really need to go. You can stand guard outside while I go." I said.

He looked at me.

"I thought I told you to stay in that bedroom." he said, pointing the gun at my chest.

I did my best to remain calm.

"I really need to go!" I said, whimpering.

"Fine!" he said, looking annoyed.

He follwed me to the bathroom. I went in there and he stood out guard. The reason for this was so he could sneak out the back door while the other robber was outside. He told me to stay in there for ten minutes. That was a little bit of a stretch. I had a watch on me and looked at the time. I had to wait ten minutes. I sat on the toilet in boredom. After about 5 minutes, he knocked on the door.

"Hurry up!" he said.

"I'm trying! It's hard to take a crap quickly." I replied.

"Alright." he said.

I was surprised he was so willing to let me stay. We were lucky to get someone like that. After ten minutes, I flushed the toilet and pretended to wash my hands. I walked out.

"Finally!" he said.

We walked back up the stairs and he pushed me into the bedroom. Thank god he didn't look inside. I was in there now. Alone. Now what to do? All I could do was wait. I looked out the window. I saw Brad walking. He was being really careful. He looked around and realized the other burgler was inside the house. He ran to the truck and looked at the license plate. He ran back towards the side of the house but ran back to the car. He must have forgotten the numbers. He looked at them one more time and ran back. All the way to the side of house. Just when he got the side of it, the burgler was coming out.

"That was too close." I said to myself.

I knew Brad wouldn't be able to get back into the house. He would have to wait in the back yard. I could only sit there and wait. After about 15 minutes, the people were still taking stuff outside.

"How much can these people take?" I asked out loud.

I couldn't believe this plan is working. All we had to do is wait and we would get our stuff back. It was so perfect we got so lucky. However, we didn't get so lucky. I heard a noise. A noise that I hope I would never hear. That I didn't want to hear. I looked out the window. I couldn't believe what I saw. The noise I heard was a gunshot. The sight I didn't want to see was Brad laying on the ground and a pool of Brad begining to form around him.

This came really soon. I had plenty of time on my hands to make it. However, Part 12 won't be coming for awhile. I'm going to be busy these next few days. Hope you like this chapter!

My Highschool Dream Love - Part 11

I was ready to cry right there. I couldn't believe it. However, my adreniline kicked in before my emotions. I ran towards the door and burst it open. The guy was still downstairs, guardian. He wasa unfased by the gunshot. He looked up and saw me. I...

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My Highschool Dream Love - Part 9

"Oh no...." I said quickly. We ran to the car together and I of course started with the 20 questions. "What happened? Is he ok? Is it serious?" I asked, my mouth moving a million miles a minute. She didn't say much. I could tell she was...

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My HighSchool Dream Love -- Part 8

"Uh oh." I heard Brad say from the outside. My parents barged into the room and stood next to me. Brad walked slowly inside but stayed out of the way. "Is this true?!" my dad said, getting loud. I hesitated on rather or not to answer...

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