My Highschool Dream Love - Part 11

Story by Tyrant Dragon on SoFurry

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I was ready to cry right there. I couldn't believe it. However, my adreniline kicked in before my emotions. I ran towards the door and burst it open. The guy was still downstairs, guardian. He wasa unfased by the gunshot. He looked up and saw me. I stood my ground at the top of the stairs.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" he asked in anger.

"Shut the fuck up. You're not in charge of me."

"Take that back." he said, pulling out the gun and pointing it at me.

I ran and jumped down towards him. That was a good flight of stairs! I kind of forget how many there were. He wasn't expecting it though which was good for me. I was able to kick him right in the chest. I fell on the floor. Ow. That hurt like a bitch. I ignored it though. He went tumbling back. I knocked the wind out of him. I ran up to him and gave him another kick in the face. My arm strength wasn't that great so I didn't bother with punches. That was enough to knock him out unconsious. I looked around. I realized the other burgler was outside. I ran out the front door. It was open so luckily I didn't have to make a lot of noise. I realized he was taking more stuff out. I looked at my left and I saw Brad laying there. However, I saw a sight that would make me wanna cry. I saw his body moving up and down. He was breathing and alive! Thank god. I couldn't go to him just yet. I had to take care of the other person. I remembered from experience that this guy wasn't afraid to shoot. I ran up behind him and did kicked at the area that was directly behind his knees. It did exactly what I wanted it to. It bent and made him loose his balance. He fell and his face hit the furniture he was carrying. Hard. He was still moving there. I picked him up and kicked him as hard as I could. I hit him in the place men don't want to be it. I wasn't really aiming for that. He screamed in pain. He hunced over. I took the gun out of pocket. I shot him in his calfs. I wanted to make sre he wouldn't be able to walk. I wanted him consious and in pain. To make him realized what he did. When I realized he was down, I put the gun in my pocket and ran over to Brad. I flipped him over and held him in my arms. He was soaked in blood. My clothes were begining to get it. I get grossed out by blood easily, but this did not bother me. I picked him up. He was fucking heavy! I barely managed to get into the house. Thank heavens for adrenaline. I laid him on the couch. I took off my shirt and wrapped it around his body, covering the bullet wound. I tightened it. I saw Brad wince. He was still with me. I couldn't be happier. Hopefully the tighting of the clothes will help stop the bleeding. I ran to the phone and called the cops. I told them that there was someone shot and to hurry up. The operator stayed on the phone with me until they came. It seemed like an eternity but they finally came. The cops were first. They got out and expected the situation. When they got there, the first guy I took out was begining to gain consious. They got to him before they could do anything and arrested him. The paramedics came and took Brad away into the ambulance. A cop pulled me over to the side and asked me what happpened. I told him the story. Every little detail. Excluding the blowjob of course. I did include that I shot the guy in the legs. He was kind of disappointed that I did that. However, he thought I was smart for doing it. He wrote down everything and took note of it. He arrested the one burgler and took the other one to the hospital.

"Good riddens." I said outloud.

I heard the sound of a phone rining. I ran inside the house while the cops did there work. I answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey tom! Is Brad there?"

It was his mom. Oh no. How was I going to tell her? I had to be honest. I told her what happened.

"Oh my god! Do you know what hospital he's going to?" she asked me, begining to cry.

I told her the name of it.

"I'll be there right away." she said.

I walked back outside and everything was being packed up. The cops were starting to bring the furniture back into the house. They were only going to keep about 10 pieces for evidence. I asked the cop if I could follow the ambulance. He nodded.

"I don't need anymore information from you. It seems you gave me enough."

I got into my car and followed the ambulance. They took Brad out. I was glad to see that he was looking around. He was still confused though about what was going on. Two nurses came scrambling out along with a doctor to ask the paramedics what happened. I did what I had to. I went to the waiting room and, waited. After about twenty minutes, Brad's mom showed up. I walked up and hugged her. I felt so bad for her. Her son had just been shot. However, the thing I didn't know is if she knew about us. Brad really didn't talk about it. I decided to ask.

"Excuse me." I said, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Yes?" she asked, looking up.

Her face was covered in tears.

"I was just wondering if you knew and Brad." I said, begining to get nervous.

"Oh yes. I was so glad you were there. I wouldn't know what to do Brad was alone. I wouldn't have known this would have happened." she said, getting up to hug me again.

I realized that I needed to call my parents. I then realized that I didn't have a cell phone. I asked Brad's mom if she had hers. She did and let me borrow it. I dialed their number.

"Hello?" my mom asked.

"Hey mom, it's me." I said.

"Where are you calling from?" she asked.

"You're about to find out. Is dad home?" I asked.

"Ya. Why?" she asked me.

"Put the phone on speaker and sit next to him. I got the a pretty good story to tell." I said.

"Alright." she said.

I told them everything. I was interupted periodically and asked questions. I answered them honestly. I once again left the blowjob out though. They once again said how I handled that second burgler was pretty smart.

"Do you want us to come down to the hospital?" my mom asked.

"No, that's alright. Brad's mom is here. I'll keep her company." I asked.

"Alright. Call us periodically to let us know what you're doing alright?" my dad said.

"Alright, I will." I replied.

I hung up and walked over to Brad's my mom. She was still tearing. I felt bad. Unlike my mom, Brad's mom didn't have anyone to call to comfort her. All she had right now was me. Which, in my opinion, was better than nothing.

"He'll be fine." I said.

She looked up and me and smiled.

"He's kept a good body. Which gives him a huge advantage. He'll be fine." I said.

She gave me another hug.

"I'm so glad you're here." she said.

We waited patiently for about a half an hour. A doctor came out shortly after.

"My name is doctor Hunter Kishiri." he said, shaking both of our hands.

"Doctor, how is my son?" Brad's mom asked quickly.

"The bullet hit in his abdomen. On the side to be exact. The same side where his appendix is. We will have to surgically remove it. Along with his appendix." he said.

"How long will this take?" Brad's mom asked.

"A few hours. We want to make sure he comes out ok, so we are going to take our time." he said.

"That's fine. I want you to do everything you can to get him out of here alive." she said.

"We will begin to the surgery immediately. The best you can do right now is wait." he said.

"Alright." I said, going back to a chair.

We sat there and waited. And waited. Time felt like it stopped. After for what seemed like hours on end, a nurse came out with the doctor.

"Hello! I'm nurse Terra Verral. Pleasure to meet you." the nurse that came out.

"Pleasure to meet you." Brad's mom said.

"How's Brad?" I asked quickly to the doctor.

"The surgery was a success. It was very difficult to remove the bullet, but we managed to get it out. Along with the appendix. He's down the hall, third door to the right. The anestesia should be wearing off soon. You can visit him." the doctor said.

We quickly went to the room the doctor pointed out. Sure enough, Brad was there. He was sleeping. He looked so hot even after surgery. I was getting turned on by the situation. Brad's mom walked up to him and brushed the side of his face. I decided to give her some time alone with him. I was so glad he was ok. After about fifteen minutes, Brad was stirring in his bed. I walked up to the other side of him. His eyes starting fluttering before they became half open. He turned his head towards me.

"It's nice to see you when I first wake up baby." he said, smiling at me.

I leaned down and kissed him on the lips. He tried to sit up but winced in pain.

"Lay down." Brad's mom said.

Brad turned his head.

"Oh hey mom." he said.

She leaned in and hugged him softly. I couldn't be any happier that the love of my life was ok.

"So, how's it like being shot?" I asked, trying to brighten up the situation.

"It hurst like hell." Brad replied, chuckling softly.

I decided to tell Brad what happened after he got shot. I sat down and cuddle next to him.

"Wow baby, you really kicked some ass." he said, kissing me softly on the forehead.

I smiled at him. The same nurse came in shortly after. She checked things on Brad.

"You're going to have to spend the next couple of days here. Then you can go home. You need to take it easy though for about two weeks. Then you should be fine." the nurse said.

"That's great." my mom said.

Those days flew by. I was the lucky one to drive Brad home. When we got to his house, I climbed into his lap. I leaned in and deeply made out with him. He smiled and leaned into the kiss. He was enjoying every second. We made out for a good ten minutes before I took him inside. I took him inside. He still had a llittle trouble walking. I had to hold him while he limped. When we got inside, we both sat on the couch. I laid him down and kissed him on the forehead. He smiled at me. His mom walked in shortly affter.

"Tom, you can spend the night if you want." his mom said.

"I don't know. Unless Brad wants me to." I said, winking at him.

"I think you know my answer." he said, grinning at me.

I heard a knock at the door. Brad's mom went and answered it. It was police officer that interviewed me.

"Good afternoon. I heard Brad got out of the hospital. I just wanted to hear his story of the situation." the office said, tipping his hat towards Brad's mom.

"Sure. That'll be fine." Brad's mom said, smiling.

The officer came in and sat to Brad.

"So, tell me everything that happened." the officer said.

Brad practically told the same story I did. He also left the love scene out. He said he didn't remember anything after he got shot. However, to my surprise, he knew who the shooter was.

"Oh? Who is it?" the officer asked.

"It was my brother."

My Highschool Dream Love -- Part 12

I couldn't believe what I just heard. "You're brother?!" I said in shock. "I didn't know you had a brother. You never told me that." "I was ashamed to." Brad replied, looking away from me. I could tell he was hurt. 'Why?' I wondered to...

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My Highschool Dream Love - Part 10

Brad put his hands up in the air. He was terrified. "What do you want?" he said, trying to sound tough. The stranger laughed. "Isn't it obvious? We're trying to rob you." he said. Brad was getting pissed. I could see it in his eyes....

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My Highschool Dream Love - Part 9

"Oh no...." I said quickly. We ran to the car together and I of course started with the 20 questions. "What happened? Is he ok? Is it serious?" I asked, my mouth moving a million miles a minute. She didn't say much. I could tell she was...

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