
Story by foxguardian on SoFurry

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#1 of the becoming

This is a gory tale of the becoming of a collie boy who will never know normal. Read at your own discretion. contains yiff.

The bang of a door slamming and screams suddenly awoke the small collie from his deep slumbers, Turning over on his wood cot the his eyes shown with terror, standing just outside the sleeping chamber of the wood cabin stood a wolf holding his mother's lifeless body in one hand and a bloody blade in the other.

The young dog's terror was rising more now as the wolf looked up at him, his eyes burned in his mind as he shook in his bed. He wanted to scream for his mother but the fear kept him quiet. Handing the lifeless body of the Border collie mother one handedly to the next wolf, who began to shred the clothing to get to the soft flesh beneath, the huge wolf stepped toward the pup; stopped, and placed a bloody clawed paw on the door. He just stood there staring with no emotion shown on his face. The collie stood and dropped his blanket stepping slowly and carefully to the floor. His thoughts were of escape dashing between the massive metal clad legs of the wolf that bared his way or should he just attack and embrace death. Then with a crack and the sound of glass shattering a black pain enveloped his mind.

Becoming. The moments slipped in and out like a waking dream. Even if only for a moment to smell horse and feel pain in the ears then black again, Awaking for a moment more the feel of horse hair and the black of the starry night and again black nothing.

"Wake up damn you don't die here" his eyes snapped open and he tried to move but was firmly tied. Straining his head and neck he tried to look over the baggage he was tied to and glimpsed a wolf atop a tiny collie girl he knew from the village. Straining again he saw the wolf holding her bloodied body. It was the same wolf his mother had been handed to.

"They would live longer if you didn't tare the womb every time we stop" the wolf snarled at the disgracing comment and tore at his belt. "She is only to me what I take her for" then he tore the cloths from her and dove atop of her. I hid behind the bags wishing I hadn't seen the tearing the other wolf had referred to. then my skin crawled and hair rose as a blood curtailing scream rang out alongside a howl from the wolf atop of her. I wanted to cry but I knew it wouldn't help her.

"Aaahhh your awake young one you'll make a good servant yet" I was jerked to my feet and my bondage was cut before I could gain any sense of what was going on around me. "There now. stand before me, what are you..." I looked to the wolf confused and was pushed to the ground. "Get up!" he yelled. Attempting to rise he tried again to knock me down with a kick, blocking his foot I pulled myself up and backed away a step expecting him to draw a blade and come for my life, instead the wolf stood and laughed.

I didn't wait to see what he did next. Dashing to the trees I ran as fast as I could and thought I was getting away, however, as soon as the thought of freedom crossed my poor aching mind I was seized by the neck mid leap over a fallen log and hung there gasping and choking for breath. Looking into my captures eyes I struggled as the breathless black took me fallowed by horrid dreams of death, howls and screams I could not wake from.

The world around me spun and i was warm, hot even, it wasn't right not even in the summer. A musty smell of dirt and smoke burnt in my nose as I fought the urge to puke. Rolling out of the bed I lay on the floor gaging and choking for a moment then the spinning slowed and I gained control over my senses. Looking around in the black I saw I was in an earthy den. Silently I took stock of my surroundings I was in a small chamber with only a bed and hardly room to stand. The dirt was wet and frosty like it was freshly dug, on the opposite side of the room hung a sick rotting dear pelt covering the entrance.

Smoke swirled around the Light shining through, sniffing the smoke I knew it to be a mind numbing herb the elders would burn at celebrations that cubs weren't to attend. Covering my nose to ward the smoke i peeked around the rotting hide and looked out, but there was a curve in the tunnel ahead. Slipping under the hide cautiously not to disturb it or make sound i crawled further. Creeping further now I poked my head around the curve to see the tunnel blocked by another hide older and better cured then the last.

Peeking around it i saw a large chamber with massive pelt bed on one side, with incents burning around it, and a fire burning warmly on the other. On the bed rest two male wolves, my capture and another young male were laying naked together sharing tongues.

"Oh shit" I gasped, and then thought "is this why I was taken... will I suffer the same fate as that girl." My head swam and I looked again watching their movement. Sounds seamed amplified I could smell their sex and it turned my stomach, I was hungry and my mouth was so dry. It seemed the smoke was getting to me. I scurried for the bed blindly whimpering at the loud deep howl that shook in my ears; my vision swam over the two wolves unable to get it out of my head still able to hear the wet sounds of their sex and heavy breathing. As a second howl hit my ears and horrid visions of the poor girl and my mother flew through my mind; then the spinning started again. The stench of the rotting pelt hit me and I puked and passed out.

Awaking to the sound of movement around me, I jolted to the wall ready to bolt for escape. Taking in the world around me I stood shaking and before me, still unclothed, was the smaller male wolf.

"Don't move" he said drawing a small blade from beside him "the door is barred you cannot escape"

"Why am I here" my voice broke and I fell to my knees. As I kneel there in the silence the wolf just stared all the while my mind was working on over drive. I was in the big wolfs bed now and had new clothes on. The small wolf only had a small blade and I thought I could best him, but then I noticed chains around the feet of the small wolf.

"You are his slave now." He said. "And better his than any of theirs". He pointed to the barred door with the exposed blade then stuck it in the wood bed frame beside me. "My name is Collin" he said continuing his work scrubbing something in a bucket of gnarly smelling water.

"My name" I said shakily and thought. My name is Aliex Jhaed Blood thorn. "Im not yet of age to receive a name" I lied to him, he only scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine it will be his honor to name you then." He responded.

"What is to be done with me" I asked

"Well that will be for Arindam to decide". "How old are you" he asked in what seemed to be a cheery kind of way wagging his tail, I guessed it was because he was stuck in here alone all the time. "Im fifteen summers this season."

"Twelve" I answered. "How long have you been here." I questioned, stepping off of the bed with memories of what had taken place the night before still lingering in my mind.

"I have been here sense I was a pup, I got lost and Arindam found me and took me in as a slave. He says as long as I am his, no one can hurt me; "One day" he said "I will earn my freedom and be able to find my people, if it is my desire the day I am free.

"Is it?" I questioned. He only flicked his ears and went back to working. Just then a banging came to the door then the clicking of an outer lock. Collin rushed over to unlock an inner lock, and Just as soon as the lock was undone Arindam burst in and locked the door behind him and both of the locks clicked. Dropping to the ground he uncovered a wood slate on the ground and pulled it aside to revile a large pit full of wooden spikes.

"Collin dear it is time" he said taking the wolf by the shoulders and kissing him deeply. As soon as Collin was free from the embrace he grabbed at the chains around his feet undoing them with practiced ease then toppled over the bed pulling it aside were a weapon rack was hidden.

"Collie if you want to survive this I'd stick with me and take a weapon. Once in the woods you can run if you want but im more than certain you will die. Your people are all dead and there is no were for you to go." At that he turned to the weapon rack hurriedly handing out weapons and armor.

"What is going on, what happened?" Collin cried. But as if to interrupt him there was a knocking on the door three knocks then the sound of running.

"That was Lena we have to move" said Arindam as he thrust a small sward and cloak into my paws. Without hesitation I began to dress and went to the rack and snatched a small buckler. both the wolves looked at me and all was still for a moment then Arindam made for what was my room and the bed came hurtling through the curved tunnel into the main room. As i fallowed behind Collin ever so cautiously my mind swirling with only one thought, what the fuck.

As we reached the bed chamber I saw, were my bed had been, a small whole in the floor just big enough for the huge wolf to squeeze through and drop down to a larger cavern.

"Welcome to my hard work for the past year" said Collin almost too cheerily.

Looking down the tunnel so small Arindam had to crawl we could see sun light not too far off. It was a straight shot through to the other side and there were voices echoing, a women's voice.

"Come on Arindam you old dog" she said hoarsely pulling him from the small tunnel.

As Collin was pulled through I could see it lead to the outside and there was water flowing just below the tunnels opening. Griping my sward by the hilt I got a bit of momentum and leaped through the opening feat first pulling behind me the sword and shield, this may not have been the best way, for on the other side, I nearly struck the waiting female and landed in waist high water that almost cost me my balance. Collin and Arindam had climbed the steep river bank and were looking to the trees the way we had come, the female was looking at me surprised by my sudden burst through the opening.

Screams and shouting could be heard from inside the tunnels, and we looked to each other for a split second. Arindam slid down the embankment and lead the way at a hurried pace downstream splashing through the water.

"Stay in the water it will cover our tracks; we will get out two bends up and head south to the mountains, I have an old cabin there." Arindam seemed to be limping and blood could be seen dripping from the hip of his armor.

My legs were burning and the water was almost chest deep on me were as it was only hardly waist deep on every one ells. Panting and struggling I fell in and stood quickly shaking the water from my fur.

"I am surprised at you collie I thought for sure you were just a pup, you have lied to me twice now." Collin looked back at me and kept moving. I thought for a moment; he stood almost twice my height and was shoulder height to Arindam but it was useless to lie any longer.

"I am almost eighteen at the end of this summer; the collie girl that wolf raped on the way to your cave was my mate to be". "Now it's your turn wolf, why are you running from your own kind and why was mine slaughtered."

"Now is not the time" Arindam said gruffly tripping and plashing hard into the river beneath him.

After what seemed to be hours of running we stopped at a sandy bank in the middle of the river which had now doubled in size and had spots well over my head. As everyone sat in the sand and Arindam laid huffing breathlessly, I tapped Collin on the shoulder and motioned for him to come with me. Walking to the other end of the sand bar I began to hurriedly gather strong strands of grass, handed Collin some, and started weaving. "start talking wolf" I said hatefully.

"Arindam is my master and ranking solder for the wolf hoard that slew your camp but im not sure why." Suddenly Arindam began to speak still breathing heavily, dripping, and covered in sand.

"Eye dog we slue them just because,"he spoke as he walked nearer still breathing heavily. "And we all fallowed orders. We are running now because I killed my general who asked for you as a gift to my allegiance, when I denied him he attacked me. Instead of submitting, I killed him and two of his guards. It is in your honor we are running and still alive. He asked for Collin before and I suffered three days at a stake beaten and starved for him before my bonds broke and if not for that I would have died there. That wolf that took your mate... he was that general and the lord's bitch in bed by force, I think that is why he was the way he was." Now," he huffed, "who are you and what are you doing anyway?"

Taking the length of braided grass rope from Collin I tied the two together and made a shoulder strap for my sward and shield. "Any other tricks you wanna share" he said folding his arms. "And I knew you were older by the way," he smiled. "No pup has balls that big"

"You're bleeding, should put some Artemisia and yarrow on it to ward infection from the water, use washed cloth to fix it to you and try to keep it dry." Artemisia is the plant over there" I pointed to the far bank. "The one with yellow flowers and red stalk. Yarrow is white flower with pungent smell" I explained pointing to a white flowered plant not too far away. "My name is Aliex Jhaed Blood thorn."

"We are going on land the rest of the way" Arindam said striping his leather armor to revile a long claw mark across his hip and small scratches all over his muscular back most likely from Collin. I spit hatefully at his feet and walked to the female not too far away tying her hair up.

"You are the only one I don't want to kill as of yet how do you do?" I offered my paw and she took it quickly and continued tending to her hair. "I am blood thorn you may call me that or Aliex."

"Lena" she replied quickly around a string hanging from her maw then used it to tie her hair and stood stretching. "I am a friend of Arindam and have been raped and beaten too many times with that hoard and I'd as soon die than stay. Though I am hardly half his age I was once Arindam's slave."

After our brief meeting and discussion we set off once again to the southern mountains but we would not make it far for the dark was falling quickly and the growing clouds showed sign of rain for the night and coming marrow.

Stopping once dark had fully set we could see the ever distant specks that were our enamie's fires.

Arindam was sparking flint to steel and I grasped him by the shoulder.

"I would wait for that, I know it is dark and the rain grows ever near but they will see your fire just as well we see theirs now, if I was you I'd help me make shelter. Using Arindam's strength and my smarts we projected a pyramid like shelter with us at the peak off the ground supported by large trees. The fire was at the base and all but the base of the pyramid shelter was sealed off to cover from the rain. From the side it looked like a leaning pyramid made from big trees and laden with leafy branches to keep the fire light from shining through and giving us away to our enemies.

Building the shelter was hard in the dark and we should have started sooner but we were exhausted and needed the fire to dry our equipment and without a shelter we would get soaked and be in horrid condition by the time we made it out.

By the time we woke it was getting late in the morning and the sun was already high but the rest was needed and Collin was already awake tending to our gear and collecting supplies. Before we set off again we destroyed the camp and took all of the useful lashings we had used to hold it together.

By now we had wasted most of the day and I was confused and aggravated as to why we weren't off yet.

Walking up to Arindam "hey" I said and he ignored me I was going to speak again and he pushed me to the ground as I rose I saw him with shield raised to the way we had come.

"He's been watching us; I've been waiting for him to get close"

"Keep low" I yelled as an arrow thudded deep in the ground next to me. Taking cover near a tree I watched and waited. Arindam and Lena paired up with shields raised and ran towards the attacker each taking arrows to their shields. They split off to round a tree from either side, I saw Lena throw her sward hard as she could into the tree and a wolf fall from it. Snatching her sward by the hilt she was ready and shield raised again before he even hit the ground.

Suddenly a huge wolf came at full run from a near tree heading straight for me with his sward level ready to strike. I dodged around him to make his momentum useless and we circled for a moment until I had him next to the tree I had hid behind. Rushing him I swung my sward opposite the side the tree was on, placing the tree and branches in the way of his strike. As he swung at me the only way he possibly could I caught the blow with my buckler and stabbed him repeatedly kicking him swiftly to the ground only to be rushed by another wolf, and this time I had the tree behind me.

Making the first move I struck out and our blades clashed heavily, the wolf kicked at me with his long legs knocking me to the ground and just when I thought it was all going to be over, his blade coming straight down at me, I raised my sward and shield to block it but he fell limply atop of my blade pinning me to the earth.

I could hear Collin's grunts as he rolled the dead wolf off of me. "That bastard should have told us" he said pulling me to my feat. I could see Lena and Arindam approaching us from the way they had run. Apparently it was over.

Gathering at the old camp site we discussed the rout and decided to get to the cabin as soon as possible crossing two spots in the river rather than going around. Problem was the river was fast and deep and we would have to leave our gear behind or risk losing our lives to the quick moving rapids.

And again the trek was on.

testing the waters 2

2 Testing the water Conversation of college life, as well as life in the small town, flew freely through the air as we walked. walking along I practically tripped staring at the boy as he talked, Thoughts and questions were going...

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testing the waters

Warning adult material. This story is mine. My first story, nothing before this point in my life really matters to me except the people in it. This entire story is based on actual events most dramatized in one way or another to fit a little better....

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