No Last Chances-Chapter 5

Story by Riks on SoFurry

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#5 of No Last Chances


The Finale

The Finale

So that's it then. We're going to die. Either we'd be killed by our own gunships or executed by Resistance troops. Hopefully the gunships would down the zeppelin before we could drop the nuke, but I doubt the battle would have lasted for what felt like two hours. Plus the alarms outside had stopped and everything seemed to have returned to normal. Well, at least we thought it was normal. Wren was busy pacing the length of the cell, probably contemplating his inevitable death. I sat against a wall, reflecting back on the previous days. Occasionally I would take a look at the picture of the vixen on the picture after getting bored of looking back on my life. The only people here who appeared to be acting reasonably normal were the girls who sat at the opposite side of the cell to me whispering to each other, occasionally looking up at us and giggling before returning to their conversation. It continued for what felt like hours. Me and Wren occupied ourselves with whatever we could before sleep finally took us and we fell under its spell.

Not for long though. Eventually there came soft moans from the other side of the cell. I opened my eyes and strained my ears, trying not to alert who or what was there. Fuck, I'm facing the wrong way. Whatever was there obviously hadn't noticed me, as the moans continued. It sounded like someone was in pain. After a much louder groan from behind me I sat upright and stared at the direction of the noises. This must have alerted Wren as well; who jumped up like somebody sent a jolt of electricity through his tail. My eyes focused in the darkness before I made out what was happening. Whatever I expected to see, it certainly wasn't anything like what I actually saw. In fact it was just about the complete opposite of what I expected to see.

The sight which lay before me truly shocked me. In the corner I managed to make out a pair of pants and a thong. Next to it laid a half-naked mare having her clit serviced by a giraffe who was lying before her. Sammy and Izzy were having sex? In the middle of all this? Wren seemed to agree with me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He spat out at them. It appeared that they hadn't noticed us until Wren spoke. As he finished his snap they both lifted their heads simultaneously and glared at us with dumbfounded looks. For a moment it was quiet, then the giraffe spoke up.

"We figured that, given the current circumstances, we're gonna die. We thought that we would have as much fun as we possibly could before we went though." She explained. We carried on staring at the two.

"Sex? Seriously?" I asked.

"Without us?" Wren butted in. I smacked him upside the head at his remark. Sammy seemed to giggle.

"We'd love you to join." She blurted out, smiling specifically at Wren.

"We're in the middle of a war, and you're gonna have sex?" I stated, stretching an arm in front of Wren so he didn't take off after them.

"Sev, think about it. Is there any way we're gonna survive?" Izzy asked. "There's no way out of it. Plus you've already had sex in the last few days, twice." Everyone's gaze fell on me. I would have protested, but I too had to accept we were done for. I got out of Wren's way and slunk back against a wall.

The tiger hadn't launched himself over at the girls like I expected him to. Instead he watched me as I sank my head in my hands out of sorrow. I wasn't paying attention to him until he spontaneously appeared beside me.

"What's wrong?" He asked. At that moment I could have hit him for asking suck a dumb question, but I didn't. I guess I was too tired or upset to do so. I cocked my head sideways to look up at him.

"What's wrong?" I mimicked. "What do you think is fucking wrong? We're going to die Wren. I know I've almost died a hundred times now, but this time there's no way out. Plus this is the first time I actually acknowledge it." I stared at him for a few more seconds before returning my head to its perch in my arms. I felt Adams pat me on the shoulder.

"I know what'll cheer you up." He said, gesturing over to the girls, who gave a nervous wave back at us. I sighed and got up.

"Fine." I managed to mumble. By the time I started walking, Wren was already at the other side of the room. Furthermore, by the time I got to them, the tiger was already half un-dressed and had his lips latched onto Sammy's. Presumably his tongue was already down her throat as well. I watched them briefly before shrugging and looking back at Izzy.

Or where she was at least.

I stared blankly at the spot I remembered the giraffe to be in last, looking only at the cold, metal floor. As I began to process the fact a whole giraffe disappeared before me, I felt my shoulders grabbed by something which held me firmly in place. Before I could do anything, I was pulled backwards and thrown violently onto the floor. I grunted and ground my teeth against each other. As my vision adjusted to the darkness once more, I looked up to see a stark naked giraffe standing over my head.

"Me and Sammy like it the rough way." She spat at me. Her pussy leaked slightly, causing small droplets to fall and land on my face as she stepped forward.

Suddenly, and totally without warning, she dropped herself on me. All I saw was her large, round butt surge into my face; and then there was darkness.

Not only could I not see, but I also couldn't breathe. She dropped on me at such a speed and at such an angle that my muzzle went deep into her slit. Although my face had been absorbed into her ass, I still managed to hear her moan and giggle slightly as she slammed down on me.

She held herself there momentarily, long enough to not let me suffocate but enough to scare me into the thought of it. As my attempts at breathing became more desperate, she lifted herself off of me. I opened my eyes wide and inhaled sharply, just in time to see her enormous rump descend on me again. Once more I was forced to close my eyes and hold my breathe.

"You're good at this foxy." I heard her gasp in between moans. "I'll lighten up." I quickly contemplated what she meant by lightening up, but I soon found out.

She lifted herself off of me, allowing me to catch my breath again, before beginning her new scheme of "lightening up".

This consisted of her raising her hips and letting them drop back on my face in quick succession, thus speeding up the muzzle-fuck. Though her hips were powerful and did make loud slapping noises on my face, she did allow me to breathe during this phase. Furthermore, I began to actually enjoy it, though I didn't realise this until Izzy had removed my pants and was fondling my erection.

Her gentle paws did compensate for the sheer power of her hips as she began to stroke my dick in union with her bounces. I couldn't help but occasionally thrust my cock through her hands. It was too good to resist, even if my face was being pounded by her ass.

Soon I began to notice a warm trickling sensation over my muzzle. I had noticed it before, but this was more constant. Furthermore, the giraffe's moans had become much louder than they used to be. I smiled inside her pussy upon realising what was happening; she was getting close.

She briefly slowed her bounces, often quivering as she did so. This didn't last long though as she soon hauled her enormous butt off of me. I looked up at her, licking my muzzle clean of her juices.

"That wasn't so bad." I murmured. I spoke too soon.

"It's not over yet foxy." The giraffe smirked back at me, wiping some excess liquid from her slit. I felt my ears fall back on my head after hearing her words. I looked over at Wren and Sammy.

Sammy was sprawled on the floor in total submission as the tiger flexed his hips against her; jamming his cock in and out of her slowly, yet firmly. Every now and then they would pause to kiss each other deeply, before resuming fucking each other. I looked back at Izzy, realising that what she was about to do would be nothing like that.

Izzy strode up to me, unnecessarily swaying her hips, and stood over my abdomen. I looked closely at her stomach. Under her fur seemed to be small dark spots.

"Erm, Izzy. What are those?" I asked nervously pointing at the dark patches. She looked at where I pointed and frowned.

"During our stay here some bulls would come in sometimes, fuck us and leave. Me and Sammy got it almost every day until someone dropped Wren in here with us. The bruises are just a result of it. They're bulls, you can't expect them to be gentle." She rubbed her belly softly, rubbing her paw over multiple bruises. "The reason I'm being rough on you is because the bulls were rough on me and Sammy and I just need someone to take it out on."

"I see. You don't have to be rough you know. I'm gentle when it comes to this stuff." I explained in and attempt to reassure her. Also because I didn't want to be beaten to pulp by her hips again.

"Okay. Thanks Sev." She nodded, lowering herself onto me. I adjusted my hips to line my cock up with her. She gently grabbed a hold of it and guided it to the entrance to her tailhole. As she got lower I felt the tip of my cock lightly pressing against her anal ring. Not dissimilar to before, she suddenly dropped herself on me, forcing my entire cock inside her.

I saw circles dance before my eyes upon the sudden entrance. The pleasure which radiated from my cock was immense. Although her ass had been violated by David and many bulls before me, it was a tight fit. Apparently giraffes have naturally elastic-like asses.

To make things better, Izzy smiled and moaned. My cock was a pretty decent size for a fox, but nothing like that of a bull or a stallion. Nonetheless, it gave her pleasure; and that was enough for me.

She began to bob up and down, much like earlier, except she wasn't as violent. She rubbed her clit in time to her bounces, causing small droplets of her juices to fall and matte my fur.

On top of everything; she leant forward slightly. This meaning that her gorgeous breasts bobbled in front of my face teasingly. I tried to resist, but ultimately failed, and buried my face deep in between her tits. She giggled, causing her breasts to wobble around my head.

So there we were. She bounced happily on my cock while her tits bounced around my head. I couldn't help but moan a little; she was too good at this. Each slap of her ass on my crotch brought a new wave of pleasure crashing over me. Her ass was so incredibly tight. Every time she lifted herself up it felt like she was going to take my cock with her.

Of course, good things never last. Her tightness came with a price; I wasn't going to last long. I noticed that my grunts and moans had increased along with Izzy's as we neared climax. It's a good thing I muzzle-fucked her before to compensate for my pathetic endurance in her ass.

Ashamed with myself, I pulled my head out of the giraffe's boobs and made a quick glance at the other two.

The mare lay on the floor panting as her pussy spurted a thin stream of fluid. Wren was above her stomach, his legs either side of her, rubbing his cock over her breasts. Eventually, he growled loudly and lolled his head back. I watched his abdomen convulse as he neared his climax. Not too soon afterwards, his gave his dick one final stroke and roared as it erupted in his hand. Rope after rope of thick tiger seed shot out of him, coating the waiting horse before him. Most of his cum crashed on Sammy's head and chest, but she managed to catch a significant amount. She hungrily gulped it down as his seed landed over her face.

Soon the flow of his spunk died down and the tiger collapsed on top of Sammy. As he did so, he caught her lips with his and endeavoured on one last deep kiss with the mare as they became glued together by his seed.

"So hot". I couldn't help but think briefly. I looked back at Izzy who was now panting yet more. Her bounces became increasingly faster and harder as we came closer and closer to the razors edge of pleasure.

Suddenly, and without any warning yet again, she craned her head forward into my face. Our lips collided, but she held on. Her tongue furiously wrestled mine in between our mouths as she climaxed. I felt a pleasant warm sensation over my stomach as her juices spilled over me, matting my fur once more.

It all became too much for me to bear. I was balancing on the edge of sheer pleasure. Izzy brought herself up on more time, right to the tip of my cock, and slammed back down.

This finished my off. I unlatched my mouth from hers and howled up to the ceiling as I exploded deep within her. I was shooting wave after wave of cum straight inside her, painting the walls of her ass with a coat of hot fox cum. I spent a good ten seconds worth of constant seed within her. It was more cum than I had ever shot before, and probably the last I would ever shoot at all. I didn't care though; I was lost in a haze of pleasure.

Soon it all became too much and I collapsed on the floor.

Then there was darkness.

* * *

"Oi! Wake up filth!" My eyes shot open, just in time to see a boot drive into my ribs. The impact rattled my whole skeleton and left me temporarily winded. I looked up to see a bull standing over me, sneering. As much as I would have loved to take him down, I kept quiet. What made it worse is that I probably could.

I looked around. I wasn't in the cell anymore. Everything was whitewashed and open. There were some controls to my left where another bull stood observantly. There were windows around the room, but all I managed to see was clear blue sky and the occasional white smudge of a cloud. I was in the control cab of The Kanavalov. I looked around further.

I noticed I had my clothes back, but that wasn't terribly important now. There were some furs in the room, all clad in Resistance armour or uniform. Two bulls stood guard at the entrance, one at the helm, two by a large metal cabinet and on that stood watching me. The other furs that were in the room consisted of otters, bears and wolves; officers. They either conversed among themselves, or looked at me. I didn't care though. Whenever one of them stared at me, I stared back with double the intensity until they chickened out and shifted their gaze away from me.

After a short while, the metal door smashed open, revealing two bulls. As they stepped forward, I realised that they dragged two furs behind them each. They dragged them up to me and threw them against the wall. Then I realised who they were. One bull threw two to the left of me. These two turned out to be Sammy and Wren. To my right, the other two landed. It was Izzy and Zach.

"Zach? What the fuck happened?" I whispered to him. He looked up, grimacing in pain.

"They caught me. Sorry Sarge." He whispered back.

"Well fuck." I stated. Perhaps a little louder than I wanted, but it seemed as though nobody noticed. On the bright side, Xero and Shirehorse were still out there. To my left I heard faint snippets of a conversation between Wren and Sammy.

"Sammy? If we get out of this, will you go out with me?" I heard. Presumably it was Wren who was speaking.

"Wren, if we get out of this I'll fucking marry you." Sammy replied. It probably wasn't going to happen.

Time passed. Again, there was no way of keeping track of it apart from glancing at watches that the officers wore. We didn't have to wait long. Soon the metal door crashed open again. Everyone snapped up to look at it.

Our view was blocked by a crowd of officers. I heard odd furs speaking Russian and even saw a few bow. Eventually the crowd parted and a figure strode up to us.

He wore khaki green pants with red stripes down the sides which were neatly tucked into his dark boots at the foot. He wore a large green trench coat which was decorated with odd medals. When he walked into the light we could see his face. He was an arctic fox with exceptionally dark green eyes and a scar that stretched from his eye to his muzzle. It was Velovski Eckhart; the leader of the Resistance.

We all sat gaping at him. He simply chuckled and smiled back at us. He turned to say something in Russian (to which all his officers laughed) before looking back at us.

"Good morning adversaries." He said. His voice was deep, with a heavy Russian accent. Unlike Xero, it seemed like he was less fluent in English. "I trust zat your stay aboard zee Kanavalov was pleasant no?" A couple of furs who obviously understood English chuckled.

"Morning Ivan. How's the shoulder?" I asked, smiling. A few months ago I unloaded I sniper shell into his shoulder. I had no orders or intention to kill him, just to frighten him deeply. He chuckled.

"Zat was you? I see that you are a talented sniper. Zen again, you do have zee same name as one of zee greatest snipers ever." He said. He was referring to Vasily Zaitsev; a Russian sniper in Stalingrad during World War 2. I knew a lot about him, but had absolutely no relation to him. His smile quickly developed into a frown. "Do you know vy I am here?"

"Well I guess your mom got drunk and had some fun with the guys down at the bar right?" Zach jeered. Velovski sighed.

"Such insolence." He whispered. Without even looking at Zach, he drew his pistol, whirled it in his hand, and fired. I looked over at Zach in horror. The panther jarred, before slowly sliding down the wall, leaving an uneven trail of blood and brains. As soon as I managed to process the whole scene, I got up and swung my fist straight into Velovski's face.

"Fuck you!" I bellowed, watching him retreat in fear. "You mother-fu--" before I could finish my sentence, two bulls tackled me and pinned my against the floor. I heard the fox chuckle.

"He brought it upon himself. Such disrespect is condemned in my country." He yelled over the commotion. Although I had two bulls on top of me, I managed to yell out at him.

"Fuck you! I'm gonna fucking kill you myself!" I shrieked. Surprisingly, the bulls got off of me. I looked up to see that Eckhart was warding them off.

"If it upsets you so much, I permit you to approach him. Please refrain from attacking my officers though, or else I must do zee same to you." He spoke somewhat calmly, even though I had just slugged him in the face. I crawled up to Zach slowly. As I got to his body I hauled him up onto my lap. I felt tears roll down my eyes and heard some officers bickering amongst themselves. I didn't give a shit. One of my squad, and one of my best friends had just been murdered.

He's angered me just as much as he's amused me, but losing him felt like a part of me had just died. I pressed my head against his and sobbed. I had totally forgotten that others were in the room. When Izzy patted my on the back for reassurance I told her to fuck off.

Nothing mattered more than Zach at that moment in time. Soon though, pair of paws tore me away from Zach's lifeless shell. I cried some more. As I left the body I felt like I had lost him all over again. I heard Velovski bark an order in Russian. Almost instantly a guard appeared a few yards from Zach and thrust a door open. There was a brief gust of outward wind, but not too much. Obviously we were flying at a low altitude.

The paws on my shoulders held me in place, but I managed to look up at the door to watch what was happening. The guard who had opened the door had a hold of Zach's feet. He dragged the corpse to the opening, and roughly tossed him out the window.

Time stopped. I sat gawping at the guard who had just tossed my friend out the window like he was a piece of trash. I went insane.

I kicked, I spat, I cursed, I threw everything I could at the bull from my position. He just shrugged at me and walked away. He didn't understand English. Tears streamed down my face. Snot hung from my nostrils. I couldn't believe it. Zach was gone from my life, and I'd never see him again.

This hit me hard. I sank back against the guard who was holding me, still sobbing. He just shrugged and threw me back against the wall. I sat up, hardly feeling the pain the impact gave me. It was nothing in comparison to the pain of Zach's death.

I looked around. Velovski looked as smug as he did the day I shot him. How I wish I could do it again.

"I see zat we are going to arrive at our destination before I get what I desire." He spoke. He drew his pistol again and pressed the barrel against my head. "Were iz your elusive General? Redtail I believe his name is." I had no idea where he was. I was in jail for several weeks. How did he expect me to know where he was?

"I don't know where he is." I explained to him. He chuckled, clicking the hammer back on the gun.

"You have one more chance to tell me. Or you will end up like your friend." He sneered.

"You'll have to kill me. I have no idea." I spat at him. He tutted at me.

"Wrong decision." He said. He shifted his arm to my left and fired. I followed his arm to where he was pointing. What lay beside me was a beautiful, lifeless mare.

He shot Sammy.

This time Wren exploded. He cussed at Velovski endlessly. He gave him every name in the book. The tiger crawled up to the limp body of his love, onto which he sobbed. I watched him in complete sympathy, knowing how he felt. I looked over the mare's body. She had a gloopy red spot in between her eyes. Thin streams of blood rolled down her face as I noticed small dollops of brain matter leak out of her head and slap on the floor.

Velovski however lifted his gun up to the tiger's head. Wren glared at him as the barrel lined up between his eyes.

"I'm not afraid of you!" He barked. The arctic fox smiled, turning to me again.

"Where is Redtail?" He asked again, his eyes burned with intensity. Before I could open my mouth however, the large metal entrance door burst open, smashing against the wall loudly. As everyone turned to the source of the noise, two figures burst in swiftly. Both wore black combat gear, visor helmets and bore two SMGs each.

"Put your weapons on the ground now!" One of them boomed. His voice was familiar. The bulls and Velovski hesitated momentarily. Velovski barked something in Russian (presumably a translation) before they all dropped their firearms on the floor and stepped back. The second, much smaller figure stood forth and shouted another order in their language. One by one, the officers, the guards and Eckhart filed out of the room. Once they had finished, the larger figure jammed an iron bar between the handle of the door and bent it around the lock, jamming the door firmly in place.

Only me, Izzy, Wren and the two figures were left in the room. Simultaneously, they lifted their visors and revealed their faces. It was Xero and David.

"I would love to talk, but we must get out of here comrades!" Xero yelled over the siren now beginning to blast around the ship. I got up, wiping the snot and tears from my face with a wipe of my sleeve.

"What do you want us to do?" I yelled.

"Follow the plan!" the white fox yelled back at me. I threw the photograph in his face.

"Here's your fucking plan!" I boomed. His ears flattened against his head.

"Apologies my friend, I gave you the wrong paper."

"Don't say that to me, say that to Sammy and Zach. They could be alive if you hadn't messed up! I screamed.

"Zach's dead?" Shirehorse stepped in.

"We will discuss this later!" Eckhart yelled, now fumbling the lock on the metal cabinet in the corner. It slid open silently before clanging against the wall. Inside five packs hung loosely from a rusty rail which ran through it. "Everyone grab a 'chute!" Xero yelled at us. Izzy and Wren stumbled to their feet and raced over to the closet, clawing at the parachutes in a feeble attempt to remove them from the rail. I turned to Xero.

"If we leave the ship they've still got the nuke on board!" I stated. He pulled me closer as the siren boosted its volume.

"Me and Shirehorse have placed charges around the ship. We've got many strapped to the canvas, some in the engine room and the rest in the bomb bay. We've disarmed the nuke, but we must act now before they re-arm it!" He barked, pulling a small black cylinder from his pocket. He flicked the top of it, causing the lid to open similar to that of a lighter. Beneath it was a small, deep red button. Presumably it was the detonator. I looked out the window.

Below us were houses. Probably filled with peaceful, happy furs who had no idea what was happening above them. I pulled the fox back to me.

"We're over a populated area! If we blow it now, we kill thousands of civilians. We need to clear this sector before detonation!" I screamed.


Everyone stopped, craning their heads to find the source of the noise.


There it was again. Me and Xero, who evidently had the best ears, concluded it came from the door.

"They are trying to break in!" Xero yelled. "We have to leave now!"

"You don't 'ave to tell me twice!" Shirehorse boomed. I turned in time to see him launch himself out of the door. I felt a surge of relief; David was safe. Izzy and Wren were busy fumbling with the buckles on the parachutes while Xero tore another two from the rack.

"Here's yours." He stated, tossing the pack in my face. I managed to catch it before it struck me. I tossed it into a crumpled mess in the corner.

"I don't think you heard what I said. There are people down there. If we blow the ship now, they'll be crushed by the burning metal carcass of a zeppelin. We have to move out of the area." I barked. Xero opened his mouth to argue, but failed to find the words. Instead he dropped his pack by mine and approached the helm. There were multiple switches and dials to control speed and trim, but ultimately the steering depended upon a small lever which stuck obnoxiously out of the floor.

"Hold on to something!" He barked, mere seconds away from violently shifting the lever to the right. I managed to grab a hold of a pipe hanging from the ceiling. I kept desperately clinging on as the whole ship tilted on its right side. I looked behind me. Wren had wedged himself, along with Sammy's body, inside the cabinet which once contained the parachutes.

"Oh shit!" I heard from across the room. It was a female voice. Before I managed to process the dialogue, I saw a giraffe slide across the floor before me, and fall straight out the door. Shit.

"It's okay. She had a chute on!" The tiger yelled at me from the cabinet. I sighed.

"Thank god." I muttered, just as Xero began to level out the ship.

"The Kanavalov is now lined up with a natural lake. If we detonate over that there will be no collateral damage. We should be there in five minutes." He stated, smiling to himself.

"Thanks." I blurted out, patting him on the back. Now one other problem remained; we still had to get out. I turned to the cabinet again. "Wren! You have to-" I stopped midsentence. He was gone.

"He jumped while you were talking to me. He took the body with him." Eckhart explained.


"Oh bugger off!" I yelled at the door. I forgot about them. I retrieved the parachutes from the corner, tossing one at Xero. For an embarrassingly long time, we fumbled with the parachutes in a ditch effort attempt to get them on quickly. Why do Russian parachutes have to be so complicated. I still had all the buckles undone when Xero finished. He beckoned me over to the door. I approached him slowly, weary not to fall out unintentionally.

"They will get through the door in a matter of minutes. We must jump now!" He yelled in my ear. I returned the favour.

"We're not over the lake yet!"

"Too bad! Accidents happen! We must go now." He bellowed. I noticed he still had the detonator in his hand.

"Listen Xero. I appreciate everything you've done for us. We'd all be dead without you. But this is something I can do by myself." I spoke. He looked at me dumbfounded. I tore the detonator from his hand and delivered a kick to his ribs. As he doubled over, he stumbled and fell out the door.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled after him.

"Bastard!" Came his response. I sighed and returned to the helm. Out the window I saw the lake draw closer. I estimated about three minutes until I could jump.


I eyed the door. Dents were beginning to form in it. They were going to get through the door before we got to the lake. Sod it I'll jump now.

Still clutching the detonator I made my way the opening in the wall. As I was about to jump I remembered I still hadn't fastened the parachute to me.


I narrowly avoided the door as it flew past me, lost in a trail of smoke. I spluttered and winced through the soot. As the cloud parted, an arctic fox and a red vixen, Stacey, came into view. Both clad in Resistance uniforms and both had their guns trained on me.

"Just leave me alone!" I blurted out, raising my paws above my head. They chuckled and strode closer. Various other furs filed into the room as they cleared the doorway.

"I'm afraid ve cannot do zat comrade." He snickered. He turned to some bulls who joined him by his side. "Hold him!"

"Niet!" I barked, it being the only Russian word I know. Without thinking, I forced a thumb down on the detonator's button.

Everyone stopped.

"What's that?" Stacey snapped.

"I'll explain in short. We've put bombs around the ship. If I take my thumb off the button, we all go up." I spoke. The few officers who understood English began panicking or translating to everyone else. Velovski just chuckled and stepped closer, lowering his gun.

"Prove it." He whispered. Everyone fell silent. I smiled.

"I'll be thinking about that when I'm pissing on your grave." I replied, letting go of the detonator.

At first, there was silence. Then, it happened.

There was a deafening explosion. The floor bucked and tore itself apart. The instruments at the helm went insane, spastically beeping and blaring sirens.

"I'll see ya in Hell lads!" I laughed, launching myself clear of the doomed zeppelin.

Shit we're high.

I chuckled to myself as I began to descend.

Air whistled in my ears, along with the screams of the doomed furs aboard the ship. I looked down, wincing at the force of the air on my eyes. I guessed we were up at around 14,000 feet. I smiled and looked around. In the distance I could see a small smudge of black against the blue sky. Presumably Xero opened early and was still flying.

My thoughts were blocked as I heard a scream above me. Not a scream of terror, but of war. I craned my neck around in time to see an arctic fox fall on top of me.

"You are going nowhere Zaitsev!" Velovski shrieked, holding a gun to my face. I knocked it out of his hand, causing it to float away from him.

"Fuck off!" I boomed, punching him square in the nose. He doubled over, but flew back to me and latched himself on the parachute.

"Zis is mine!" He declared, tearing it off me. I span briefly before levelling out and finding Eckhart again. He was busy putting the chute on. I flew into him, bringing my fist directly into his muzzle. He yelped and let go of the pack. Before either of us could grab it again, it flew away. We were too heavy to get it back.

"You doomed us both!" Velovski shrieked again. I smiled.

"You were doomed from the start. I just played along." I stated. I flew closer to Eckhart. I latched onto his back and held his arms and feet in place. He couldn't move.

"Vat are you doing!" He screamed in terror.

"Making sure you die this time!" I screamed. I looked at the ground again. We had less than two thousand feet left. I watched the land become much clearer; the trees, the land and the many furs watching the spectacle happening over them.

With less than a thousand feet left, I thought back to the day in General Redtail's tent. His words spoke in my head as if he was right next to me. This is your last chance. Don't screw it up.

I closed my eyes and accepted it.

This was my last chance. I'm glad I finally took it.

No Last Chances-Chapter 4

**Chapter 4** I had no idea where I was. Nor at that moment did I realise that I was moving. I'd just woken up from being knocked out and hadn't completely orientated myself. All I could really register was the fact that the ground was...

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No Last Chances-Chapter 3

**Chapter 3** It was dark. It felt like I was almost floating, yet I had a vague sensation of falling too. It was quiet. Well, it was up until there was an almighty, booming voice in my head. "THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!" It spoke....

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No Last Chances-Chapter 2

**Chapter 2** The cell we sat in was totally whitewashed. At midday the sun would blaze through the tiny window at the back and light up the whole room. We have to cover our eyes for an hour or so when this happens. We only got breakfast and...

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