The Life of Keitaro

Story by Ookami Oni on SoFurry

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By: Ookami Oni

Tears streamed down my muzzle, rolling off and landing on my shirt, exploding in a cascade of tears shards, landing back on my shirt and being soaked up. Why can't they just accept me? Why can't they just love me for who i am?

I pulled my knee's up to my chest and buried my head into my arms, letting even more tears go, trying to rid myself of the hurt and pain of being rejected and thrown out by my loved one's. But no matter how much i cried, it wouldn't help enough, not for this kind of pain. I just sat there crying for what seemed like hours, letting me emotions take over, and soon i had fallen asleep.

After a while i was awoken by a cold gust of air blowing across my tear stricken face, making me shiver and forcing me to retreat back to the warmth of the club. I pulled myself together and got up, trying to wipe away my tears but it was still more than obvious that i had been crying. I slowly started towards the back door to the club, and with each step closer to the door the music pulsing through the walls became louder and louder until i opened the door, where i was greeted by a warm gust of and the the full blast of the music.

I stepped in and let the door close behind me, and headed back to the dance floor. But when i arrived i saw that there were quite a few more furs here than when i had gotten here. I moved along the wall, making my way towards the tables on the far wall, and went to the one vacant table, trying to avoid talking to anyone.

When i arrived i deftly sat down and scooted to the far side, laying my head down on the table as i let out a large sigh. For the longest time i sat there, thinking about what had gone on earlier today, and what my next move would be. My parents had kicked me out of the house and my friends wouldn't let me stay at their place.

All of this had started in a very short time, this nightmare that had completely ruined my life. It all started because my mom had found something that she shouldn't of, at least not until i was ready. I went from having a home that i could sleep in, shelter, the lose of my parents, and a younger sister who could always make me laugh, to homeless, without shelter or the love of anyone. I had no where to go, no one to turn to.

But all of this had happened in a few minutes, i didn't even have time to pack everything before i was thrown out on the front steps. I was sitting at my computer, chatting with one of my friends on AIM when my dad called from downstairs at me to come help him with his bike that he had been working on all day. So i typed 'brb' and left to help him out. But while i was downstairs, my mom went upstairs to put my clean clothes on my bed, and on her way out, happened to catch a glimpse at what i was typing on AIM. And one of the only times i have ever talked with someone about my sexual orientation, my mom had to walk in on it.

I had just fastened the seat back on my dad's bike when i heard her shout my name at the top of her lungs. That's when i remembered that i hadn't minimized my AIM chat. My heart stopped as i looked over at dad, who simply shrugged and went back to work saying, "what'd you do this time."

I slowly made my way back upstairs, taking each step quietly as if i were to make too much noise and i would set off a hidden bomb somewhere. But she already knew i was coming up and screamed at me to hurry up. And as i got to the top of the stairs, i was her spin around from looking down at the monitor.

"What is this?!" She practically yelled at me.

"I... Its uhm... " I was trying to find something to say but now words came.

"Answer me!" But i couldn't reply, it was like my body had completely shut down, knowing that an explosion of anger was about to burst forth. "Read this out loud to me, NOW!" she screamed at me.

"Mom... Thats-"


"You have no right to go through my stuff like that." But before i even finished my sentence, i knew that was the worst thing to say at the time. She reached down and grabbed the monitor, pulling out the cords from the back and threw it past me, and it landed on the stairs, shattering the from screen and rolling down the rest of the steps in pieces.

"Oh my god! Mom!"

"What? You have a problem with me throwing something that i bought with MY money? Huh"


"Nothing! You don't have the right to speak anymore, you're going to listen to me and listen well. I only read a few lines of your little chat, but that was more than enough. You're gay! How could you do this to me, how could you do this to your family. You know this family is catholic! You know that it's a sin to be gay, you better rethink your decision or else you're gonna spend your afterlife in hell, which might be soon." She seemed like the veins on her forehead would explode any second.

"Are you trying to tell me to alter my lifestyle?"

"Life style?! That is not a lifestyle, it's a mistake, a plague." At that she walked past me, giving me a good shove as she passed. I fell to my knees, tears now starting to flow, welling up in my eye's, my vision becoming blurred.

Within a few minutes she was back up in my room, with a few bags in tow. She dropped them next to me.

"You have twenty minutes to pack before i get your father to kick you out personally." She turned around and headed back downstairs, leaving a crumpled pile of weeping fur. I pulled myself up and went to my closet, getting as many clothes as i could. Everything seemed like a blur in time as i packed my belongings into the three bags that were no where near large enough for everything. But when i came to a pair of leather pants i paused, remembering the furson who gave them to me. One of the only people who understood me, who knew my turmoil, who cared for me like he did.

He was a kind and beautiful red fox. I first met him near the end of my junior year in high school, in my gym class. I had shown up late and had to change clothes because the "coach" was actually making us work out that day. But as i went into the locker room, i saw him, also changing into his workout clothes. We exchanged greetings as we changed and started talking, and before we knew it half an hour had passed before the coach came in and yelled at us, making us do extra push ups for 'trying to skip class'.

We met up that afternoon for lunch and continued our conversation from earlier. We seemed to connect, he understood me and always was interested in what i had to say. And from that day on, we met for lunch, always at the same spot, talking, doing homework, but above all just enjoying each other's company.

But this summer he had to leave, back to his home country. His mom was sick and needed him since his dad head died when he was young, and all of his siblings couldn't leave their job. But before he left, he gave me his AIM account...


I was awoken with a tap on the shoulder; i groaned and pulled my head up to see a large german shepherd looking down at me.

"Hey little guy, it's closing time." He said in a calm voice.

"Oh, sorry about that..." I slowly got up and headed across the club towards the front door.

"You ok?" He asked from behind me.

"I'll be fine." I said quietly and opened the bar door.

"Look, there is only one car parked out front that is packed with personal belongings. Something tells me you are a stray." I let out a small whine as my head drooped down. "I thought so, why don't you come home with me. You can stay for as long as you need. That sound good?"

I turned around and faced him, now getting a good look at him. He was about the same height as me, if not a couple of inches taller. He had on a pair of blue jeans that were a size too small and a light green v-neck shirt.

"Yea... i guess." I said in a defeated tone. He walked up to me and pulled my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eye's.

"Don't worry about anything right now. Let's just get you home and get you a nice warm shower and some clean clothes. Then you can tell me how someone as beautiful as you ended up like this." He pulled his paw back and started towards the back of the bar. "Get your car and bring it around back, I'll meet you there." I watched him head to the back and disappear behind bar. I slumped down and headed out to the parking lot and to my car. But as i sat down a smell came to me, the smell of my old home. The smell brought memories flooding into my head, memories of this morning. I quickly started the car and drove to the back of the club, trying to get away from that scent as fast as i could. As i pulled into the back lot i spotted him next to a large red truck that. I parked next to his car and jumped out.

"Ok, get everything and toss it in the back." I opened the back door and opened one of the suit cases, pulling two pairs of white shirts and a pair of blue jeans, followed by my leather pants. I closed the door and turned back around to him. He just stared at me questioningly.

"I only need these, not much else in those bags anyways."

"Oh, alright, lets go." He said with a smile across his muzzle.


The ride to his apartment, i soon found out, was relatively quiet. He pulled the truck up to the side of the building and parked it. We headed up some stairs and to his room, number 078. He keyed it open and walked into the pitch black room, with me at his heels.

"This building wasn't built too well. The only light switch that works is on the other side of the room." I chuckled at this and followed him. When the lights came on, i let out a small gasp. I was standing next to a black leather love seat. A large flat screen stood on a table in front of it. All of this on a large black fur rug.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Nothing... I'm just admiring your place." The walls were painted a light blue, making the room have a happy mood to it. To my right was the kitchen, and to the left was a hallway with three doors in it. Along with the couch the room i was in had a large black shelf on the far side that had a computer and monitor on it, and a mini fridge on the floor to the left of it.

"You like it." He said, breaking my trance on his place.

"I love it." I said as i turned around to face him.

"Ah, good, oh by the way, we haven't even introduced ourselves. I'm Danial." He stuck a paw out.

"Keitaro." I said as i shook his paw.

"Now, lets get you a shower and get you some food, I bet you're hungry." He walked past me and into the hallway, me right behind him. He passed the first door to the left and opened the door to the left, reveling a large bathroom. "The towels are in the cabinet above the sink, take your time while i get your dinner ready."

"Ok, and thank you soo much for doing this."

"It's no problem at all." He smiled at me before turning around and heading back towards the living room. I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. The bathroom was quite roomy for an apartment. I took off all of my clothes and placed them on the counter and padded over to the shower, sliding open the glass door. I leaned down and turned on the hot water, and stepped in, closing the door behind me.

I almost yelped out loud as i realized the water was freezing cold at first. But it soon warmed up, causing my muscles to relax a little. I stood under the current of water, letting it run over me and wash away the filth. As if automatically, my paw reached down to my sheath and started to rub it. I let out moan as the pink tip of my cock poked out. I continued to stroke myself to full size, before starting to stroke my shaft, with slow controlled pump's. I moaned loudly as my paw ran up and down my length, making me shiver in ecstasy. Slowly i started to pull closer to my orgasm, but felt cold air touch my back and i turned around to see Danial bringing his muzzle to mine, muffling a cry. He slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He pulled his face away from mine, a large smile plastered across his muzzle.

"Danial, I-" He cut me off with a finger to my lips. He reached down with his other paw and grasped my cock, and gave it a nice squeeze. I let out a moan, my body going limp in his grasp. He pushed me back on the wall and started to pump my cock, slowly, making sure to apply pressure at the base, forcing pre cum to squirt out.

"Well well.... looks like someone was being naughty and trying to get away with he." He whispered in my ear. "Time to teach him a lesson." He picked up the pace and started to paw me faster and faster. Bringing me back to the edge. He leaned over and kissed my lips again, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I returned the kiss, our tongues lapping over each other, twisting and winding in each other's mouth. I tried to let out a moan as my orgasm overcame me. My cock started to spurt string after string of white cum onto my chest. He slowed his pumping and seeped every ounce of cum out of my body. I let out a sigh and fell back onto the tile wall, warm water running down both of us. He leaned down and started to lick up the cum, making sure to cover every part of my chest. He stopped at my left nipple and focused his attention on it, giving it harder licks than normal, making me moan.

He licked the last bit up and pulled back up to face me, and kissed me on the lips lightly.

"Danial, that was amazing." I said, still recovering from my orgasm.

"Good, because i loved it too."

"That was my first time, but was better than i ever imagined." H chuckled at this and pulled me into a warm embrace. We stood there for the longest time, until the water turned too cold for our liking. He stepped out and grabbed two towels from the cabinet and handed me one. I grabbed it and started to dry myself off. He finished first and yanked the towel from my hands. I jumped at the sudden motion and looked up just in time to see him grabbing me below the knees and on my back, picking me up.

"I don't know about you little kitty, but I'm tired, and seeing as i only have one bed made, you're gonna have to sleep with me."

"Oh no... i don't want to sleep with you." I said as i stuck out my tongue. He gave me a squeeze and walked out of the bathroom and into the far door. He closed the door behind him and turned off the lights, then laid me down on the bed and crawled in next to me. Grasping me around the waist, he pulled me into another warm embrace.

"Danial." i said.

"Yes?" He said as he started to lick my ear. I chuckled and shook my head.

"I love you...."

"I love you too." He continued to lick my ear until i couldn't hold my eye lids open anymore and drifted off to sleep, in his warm and gently embrace.


Note from the author:

This is a story i wrote a long while back before i had told me folks that I'm gay, and this is how i thought they would react. So i wrote a story about it to try and ease my mind. But please tell me what you thought of it. You liked it, you hated it, give me an honest answer. ^^ I need to know what to work on to make my stories a little better.

-Ookami Oni