STARGAZER: Zero Ground - 01

Story by Donivahn_Miros on SoFurry

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This is a test I'm doing. I will only continue if I had a good amount of favs. in a few days... hope you like.

There comes a warning: There is a fight and there IS a death... so think well before going further... Anyway, it's a history with lots of sex also... Make your choices before reading...


There is no such thing as freedom, be there, be anywhere. However... where does ends anyone's freedom before starting our own? Where does ends ours before starting the others' freedom? Lessons that life taught me in the hardest way possible...


Zero Ground - 1

My life changed completely in the last two years. I am... 'was' fit more well for the situation, a large company's owner. No need to say names around there, but mine: Darison Marick. I'm actually sitting in my 'room', a hi-tech cell which provides us with everything we want, but freedom. Where I'm locked up? In the STARGAZER, where more? Oh... I forgot... STARGAZER is abbreviation-nickname of S pecial T actics A gents R eeducation G arrison- A rena: ZER o sector. In other words, a place where we fight our worse fears and nightmares in order to survive and those who can accomplish this task are transferred from ground zero to ground one, then to ground two and it goes on, of a total about ten grounds. The objective of all this? Reeducate 'bad guys' to work for the 'good side' with plenty of their skills. I think I am the only Human that made it through the 0-G, our abbreviation for the grounds we're in. Now I'm just waiting them to come and take me to another series of fights on the 9-G.

I used to be a FBI agent back at my home-world. My life got badly interrupted after an accident on my work. I was hot-headed and lost patience to a civil. A perfect head shot. My accuracy was just perfect. However... my reputation never went lower than that. And now days, my 'kind' of agent is send to reeducation. Not this, of course. But from these 'in recycle sessions' they choose some random 'luckier' to this STARGAZER program. And there I was, awakening on my own, now very common cell. That day, I also found my first challenge.


"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" Darison yelled at the two persons in uniform that hold him unbelievable easy. They had an emblem with a triangle pointed down and above it written in silver "STARGA" and under the triangle was a silver 0. Inside the triangle was the symbol of this garrison: two crossed heavy machine-guns and a large sword behind them. "Do you know who I am? Wait me to get free from there and I will not only hunt you down but finish with your miserable lives!"

"For your safeness, stop wasting energy against us." One of the persons answered him. It had a feminine voice, with the traces of the body resembled also a woman with gorgeous breasts that every woman he knew would do anything to have them. The other stood silent. The black uniform both were wearing was showing every curve of them, so Darison could say precisely that the silent person was another woman, perhaps a lot taller than it's usual for Humans' sizes, about 215cm. "I don't believe your rival is going to have any mercy of you."

"What? Rival? What is this about?" I tried again.

"Look here, you can use anything you know to finish your match. Do not worry with your rival's state, as long as yours will not be granted as well. You must survive at all costs. And remember well..." She made a signal, crossing her hands "For all effects, as not everybody will understand you, this signal means 'surrender' around there."

Darison quickly got surprised, but didn't have time to ask anything. He was thrown at an arena's direction just as another creature, a green Human-like reptile monster. At his side, one part of the wall went forward, allowing him to see some kind of deposit space with a strange kind of sword, a long metallic gray sword which edge was a shiny green color and had also something written on it that he couldn't read. The other creature had the same deposit stuff open at his side, but he got off some kind of razor blades in a glove.

"Oh my... this is official... That thing is going to ruin my whole day..." Darison said as he got the sword, a lot lighter than he thought.

"Just remember what I said. And that he wants to kill you."

"Thank you for the comforting words, friend..." He said a lot sarcastic.

"Believe me... I will be your only one in there."

Darison looked back into her face a bit astonished. "You're not telling the truth are you?"

"I would start to worry more about him instead of it..." She answered and Darison returned his attention to his opponent. "FUCK!" He jumped to his side and rolled to avoid an attack from the lizard-man. "How fuck this thing came to me so fast?" Darison then kept an eye on him at all times. Even so, evading his attacks was very difficult: his opponent was breed to run! "So, if I can't evade..." Darison then waited till he dashed again and at the right moment, he jumped to his side and made the sword he got on his hand cross his opponent and cut him in two. He then looked what he have done and got up. "NOW WHAT YOU THINK OF IT?"

Only then he noticed the crowd on the bleachers, cheering at his victory. "You've done well... Now I ask you to return pacifically." said the woman.

"Forget it! I want to get out! What do you think I am?"

"Look here... I'm trying to help... If you stay there, I will consider you my enemy. And if you really resist, I will not think twice in putting you to sleep."

"May I at least know what is going on there?"

"We have a deal." She then opened the grille that separated them. Darison walked at her side without any more violent attempts. "First, you must know where you are. Have you ever heard about the Special Tactics Agents Reeducation Garrison-Arena facilities? Well... you're in one of them at the zero sector, the worse of all environments of the universe. That's why we've received the mean nickname STARGAZER. But gaze at the stars will be the last thing you will do around there."

"Okay... That explain why it's so strange... But what was that reptile-Human thing back there?" he asked while they walked through the corridor.

"Your first opponent. From now on, you must survive for whole two years in order to go up. The higher you get, the harder things got." She answered.

"Okay... that I understand so far. But now let me know... Who are you?"

"Listaria. I'm from Miratos, a world too far from yours and even more from this hell. Now I share your fate: If you die, I shall die too, as she as well. Her name is Krianyra. She's a Mercurian from your solar system."

"Wait! Now more than just survive, I must carry the burden of your lives with me?"

"Something like that." They, then, reached Darison's cell. "Okay... there we are. Most of your cell is for your use, but remember that you will share this cell with us. This will be our new house. I hope you like, really."

"Fuck... how should I not like it?" He smiled. "I'm sharing my cell with two very gorgeous women!"

"Well... I would not count it that way..."

"Why not?"

"As I said, I'm from Miratos..." She said while taking off her suit. When she took off the glove, Darison noticed that she wasn't a woman at all: Listaria had fur all over her body and he only found that as she took off her suit. Without any shame, Listaria was completely nude in front of him, as Darison's eyes focused on her front endowments. "But if you don't mind a bit of fur on your body, I can be your partner around there..."

"Oh my... I wouldn't mind that at all!" He said already feeling his eager member wanting to be used. "And about her? Will just look?"

Listaria looked to the Mercurian and said something in a language he didn't understood a thing. After that, Krianyra also started to wear herself off. Her skin was totally dark and as long as it was clear skin, resembled a lot more scales. When she finished stripping off, Darison also got focused on her advantaged breasts, even that they were so big due to her mass more than for just impress any male.

"That's a prize to kill for..." He grinned.

"So we have deal." said the big one. Krianyra's speak was that of a child: know a few words, enough to the little needed communication. "You win, I make what you want."

"So... Get on all fours..." He grinned. The big black woman did so and he, after recovering from the shock, grinned and became nude not too long after. His member arching to be used and he didn't lost time in fulfilling a wish from old times of his. His cock was caressed between Krianyra's butts. Darison quickly hold her waist with a hand and pointed his rigid penis to her ass, becoming glad that their physiology was so likely. Slowly, he pierced her body, making her yell from pain a bit, but she quickly got used and allowed him to go full strength and speed.

"So you understood it very well..." Listaria said, caressing his breast and lick-kissing his face, approaching his face for a full kiss, while he kept thrusting inside of Krianyra's ass. Not too long after that kiss, Darison came to his climax, allowing all his cum flows to inside Krianyra. He then needed some time to recover his breath. "How was your first experience as victorious?" Listaria asked.

"Have you liked my butt?" Krianyra asked just after, looking at him expectantly. For more that she has felt pain from that, she seemed to have enjoyed as much as him.

"Yeah, I liked a lot..." Darison answered, slapping her butt before taking his shaft off her. "You have a nice ass as long as Listaria there have two gorgeous tits..." He then gazed at them a bit more before Listaria grinned.

"Go ahead. They're all yours..." She offered him her two breasts and Darison caressed them with a smile on his face. Krianyra turned around and started to lick-clean Darison's cock, another thing he seemed to enjoy as much as start suckling those two really gorgeous breasts of Listaria. When he was satisfied, Krianyra also thought that he was clean enough and got up, as well as Listaria gave a few steps back.

Now, with a more calm view, Darison noticed with whom he was locked in that room: Listaria was a Humanoid lioness and, besides her gorgeous breasts, had lots of other attributes. One of them was her athletic body: 169cm high and with muscles in a way to increase her female looks. Also she had a tail that apparently she kept incommoding inside her suit to not have a bad start with him. Her face was quite Human-like, but for her lion ears.

Krianyra, in other hand, was a lot more Human. Besides her unusual black scale-like skin, she was a lot more build physically, strong and very feminine, even with her well-developed muscles. More than begin a magnet to Darison's eyes, Krianyra's breasts were another sample of her strength and as long as it doesn't masculinize her, they were a lot more defined by muscles than the Humans'. More than be a charming aspect of Krianyra's differences, her skin probably was as hard as stone, in order to endure the environment she lived in for a lifetime.

"So... Your next fight is in 23 hours and 29 minutes..." Krianyra said on her recently-learned English. "Would you like to do anything else?"

"Where can I practice?" Darison asked. "I mean... if they want me to fight, they must have some place for me to practice, right?"

"You're on it." Listaria answered. "If you want to practice, you can do it right there. Krianyra is specialized on fighting as I am a doctor. She's very good and can teach anyone without the need of speaks, or so I've heard."

"That's right. I don't need to speak to teach you to fight!"

"So... let me take a rest and we can start." Darison said with a grin. "And while I recover the little energy I used just right now, you can tell me more about this place..."

"Well... Ah! There's one thing you must be informed of! One day at the week, the day we call as The Sunday around there, you can expend the money you won from your fights. The amount varies with how much the persons enjoyed your fight, so making quick and boring fights will make you grow too little. And as the attention you receive from the crowd rises, also rises your chance of getting to a higher level, with better rewards and also better fighters..."

"So we have money around there?" Darison grinned. "How much each of us received for the last battle?"

"You won 240 credits." Krianyra answered. "We didn't fight, we didn't receive a thing."

"What? How's that?" Darison could not be so calm headed, that's what put him there in first place, but he was just. Anything that wasn't fair was against his principles. "Okay... that's the system we can't change it. But from now on, remember that each of you have a third from my victories, okay? You help me, you are paid as well."

Both their faces had the expressions lightened with a smile and they both hugged him, only controlling their strength in order to not injury them. "Okay... More than that, you have the right to go on the corridors, but it will cost. Each walk around the place will cost 50 credits. But for us" she pointed to her and Krianyra "it's free, so don't worry about it."

"So I will trust you with the external work." He grinned.

"It's broken on The Sunday. There will have no fights programmed and you can go out for how long and how much times you want. But remember that other fighters will do so also. I highly recommend you to never part from Krianyra, since they would try to get some advantage over you. On this day, you can enjoy a conversation with others and make deals for their protectors. You can hire other fighter's protectors, remember that it means the medicals like me also, or hire some new that will be shown for you in something like a market."

"I got it." He agreed. "Anything more?"

"Not right now." Listaria answered.

"Well then... How can I get to the upper floors?"

"There are two ways. One and the 'easiest' is to survive for two years on each floor, or ground as we call there. Actually we're on Zero Ground or 0-G in short. The hard way is to impress the crowd who sees your fight. If you get them, they will take you higher in a shorter time."

"So my options are to survive or to kill them all..." He asked.

"Not exactly. Remember that they can surrender. And if they do, that will count as a victory for you as well."

"Okay then." He got up and looked to Krianyra. "Come on, Krianyra... We must start in order to give them a show they will never forget!"