Brimstone and Steel Chapter 1

Story by Kali the Cuddlewolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Brimstone and Steel

            Why can't they ever make things easy...?


_ Why can't they ever make things easy...?_

This was the thought going through Solaria's mind as she crept forward through the darkened stone tunnels beneath the Shatterknight's citadel. She was another Dalynther, and a quite attractive one at that. She had tan scales, with a red belly and spots of red along her back, fiery red hair, and gleaming blue-green eyes, along with black bands of scales on her arms, legs, back, and extremely long tail (which was almost five and a half feet long). She was dressed in a loincloth, a studded leather breastplate, and some bandages on her wrists and ankles - none of this did anything to conceal her abundant feminine curves.

She soon came to the cell she wanted and pulled out her tools - wires, skeleton keys, those sorts of things. She set to work on the lock, her tail swaying gently as she fiddled around with it. Eventually, she heard it click and slowly slid the door open, the torchlight in the hallway revealing the inhabitant inside - another Dalynther - a handsome one.

He was tall and muscular, compared to her slim, seven-foot frame, with blue scales, a white belly, white hair, black horns... And, of course, she noticed, blushing as she tried to hide a smile, he was well-hung, a full ten inches without arousal. She coughed quietly to clear her head and then set about opening the locks of the chains that kept him to the wall, trying to avoid directly looking at his malehood. He stirred as she did so, mumbling.

"Never... Get... Secrets..." He rasped.

"Shh, kin, I'm trying to get you out of here." She whispered back fiercely.

His eyes popped open wide, revealing them to be a pretty blue-green colour.

"What?" He paused as he realized that he was on the ground now, and then he blushed brightly as he realized his lack of clothing, trying and failing to cover himself with his hands.

Solaria shook her head slightly at him, tossing a bundle of clothing and armour muffled by a blanket to him, and turned her back (and her rear, she realisedlater) to him and watching the door for any patrols that happened to be making its rounds as he dressed.

As soon as he was decent, she swiftly took him by the arm, guiding him to the place where she had entered the tunnels - a small hole, just big enough for one Dalynther in a row to crawl through with their wings folded up. She ducked into it first, not thinking about what he may have gotten a glimpse of as she did so, as he followed her.

* * *

An hour later, after a long trip through the winding earthen tunnel, they emerged into the welcome sunlight, in a small glade not so far outside of the walls of Kathmar, the Shatterknight's capitol city and citadel. She continued to lead him, running now, wrapping her tail around his wrist so she could guide him while sprinting without her tail getting in the way.

* * *

Another half hour passed before they finally managed to get into the camp that the band of rescuers had set up the day before. The others were already waiting for her and her companion, as were the ones that the others had rescued. There were five figures there she recognised, and three she didn't.

There was Maril, the short, slim joker. He was a young male, with gray scales, a darker gray belly, black hair, and the lightest shade of gray, almost white, for his eyes. He was a Shadowstalker, one of the rare breed of hunters that had assisted in many of the most famous escapes. He was dressed in mottle-camouflaged leathers and a similar, hooded cloak, both with leaves attached to them. He carried a bow and a short, slim blade. (In Solaria's opinion, he was a little too cheerful.)

Then there was Althla, with purple scales, black belly, black hair, and pink eyes. She was taller, though still only about middling height, and was slightly more heavy-set than Maril, although she was still relatively light. She was a priestess. She was dressed in a decorated loincloth secured by a waist plate, and she had a breastplate with shoulder guards on as well, that revealed the top of her breasts (Lowering Solaria's opinion of her). She carried a shield and a heavy mace.

Next up was Dracos, the belligerent male with black scales, red hair, red belly, and red eyes, with black horns emerging from the top and sides of his skull, the ones on the top pointed upwards while the others faced back. He was massive, fully eight feet tall and extremely muscular, though his mind left something to be desired. He was most certainly a warrior. He wore piecemeal plate - leg plates, arm plates, greaves, bracers, a groin plate, breastplate, and a helmet that didn't conceal his face. He held a massive, double-headed axe in his large hands (Solaria often speculated about what else he did with those hands)

And then there was Napath, with fluorescent green scales, a blue stomach, blue hair, and soft blue eyes. He was submissive, tall and slim, dressed in a simple black robe with only pauldrons as armour. He carried no other weapons besides a staff topped with a green crystal that constantly glowed with power. He was a dedicated magister. (He was kind of cute, if gentle, submitting ones are more your type, Solaria marveled.)

And, of course, there was Solaria's twin sister Irisia. She was the spitting image - they were exactly the same. Same long tail, same scale colour, same black bands of scales, same red dots, bellies, and hair, same blue-green eyes, same exceptional curves, everything. The only difference between them was their personality - whereas Solaria was shy, but optimistic, Irisia was a pessimist, and made no secret of it. She was dressed in piecemeal plate that looked a lot like Dracos's, although her armour was made for her smaller frame, her long tail, and her feminine features. (Solaria was close to her sister, mostly because their personalities complimented the other)

The other three, no doubt others rescued from the clutches of the Shatterknight, were two males and a female. One male had sky-blue scales, a gray belly, red hair, and green eyes, and was dressed in the garb of a mystic like Napath, only his was dyed brightly - blues, pinks, yellows, reds, greens, those sorts of bright colours, and his staff was tipped with a red crystal instead of green. He introduced himself as Shalan. (This one was definitely a strange one, maybe on the edge of mania, Solaria thought.) The other, a quiet creature, had reflective gold scales, a shiny black belly, black hair, and silver eyes. He was dressed in black-and-yellow, diagonally-striped, piecemeal plate and held a heavy spear. He called himself Tokar. (He didn't seem too bad, but something always bothered Solaria about the quiet warriors.) And finally there was the slim female, a Shadowstalker with an odd gleam in her eyes. She had bright magenta scales, closer to pink than purple or red, with red hair, belly, and eyes. She wore a simple garb of loose pants and shirt, completed by boots with the front torn off to allow for room for her toe-claws, as well as a quiver that hung by her side. A longbow was slung over her back. She called herself Ethia. (Something's off about that one, Solaria decided.)

And of course there was the one that she had rescued.

Irisia spoke up as soon as Solaria and this Kalath (as he had introduced himself) fellow had stumbled into the camp.

"Got a boyfriend, huh?"

Grumbling, Solaria began to reply before Althla cut them both off.

"Now that the mission's complete, we should really get going."

"Right", said Irisia.

"Sure thing, miss", replied Maril.

"Of course", was all Dracos said.

"Okay!" was Shalan's excited statement.

"Indeed", remarked Ethia.

Napath and Tokar merely nodded their agreement.

With all agreeing, the party set off into the wilds, intent on forging their way back to the Resistance.