Nala's pain

Story by Xebbliar on SoFurry

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Nala gaged on the Hyena's cock as it tickled the back of her throat, Scar was licking nala's pussy while Banzai made Nala suck on his dick. Scar had yet again found Nala alone at the right time which was strange because since the last raping Nala usually stayed close to the othe lionesses but today all the lionesses were gone.

Nala froze as Scar got his taili and rubbed up and down her ass, Banzai took his cock out of Nala's muzzle and he and Scar walked to the corner of the cave to dscuss something, Nala stared at them for a while before Scar approached her and crouched over her..........


Mheetu walked along the stones near the base of pride rock, the weather was chilly and he was making his way to the warmth of the cave when a young lionesse walked past him and she flicked her tail at him showing off her swollen pussy, she was in heat thought mheetu, and he happily follwed her into the hunting grounds.

Nala felt sick at scar held her hind legs open and eyed her hungrily, she felt his red hot dick gentle touch her and rub up and down, trying to suduce her, she felt herself thrusting, Was she really wanting to go through with this? Scar jabbed her lightly a couple times before becoming impatient and thrusting himself into her.

Mheetu breathed in the lionesses sent as he mated with her, he watched her pussy throb as he sped up more and more she moaned with pain or pleasure but that didn't stop mheetu, she wanted him, he knew it, she wanted him so bad but she tried to resist but failed and A sence of accompliatment rushed over mheetu as he felt his seed flow into her pussy and reaching her womb, he had mated for the first time and it surely wasn't the last.

Sore in the morning

"It looks cold tonight but tomorrow promises good weather" Kiera heard a tv, it was obviously on the weather channel. Kiera, a tall, slim women with brown hair and bright blue eyes was walking home down a long alley way, It looked like weather man was...

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