The Dark Power of Ikudu Chapter 1

Story by thwale on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dark Power of Ikudu Stories

Chapter .1

A room of darkness with blood stained altar, red tapestries with pictures of Hades in gold relief... a lone hooded black figure crouches over a pentagram of red candles, red claws grasp wax rods and draw arcane symbols while chanting...

A happy twitch of a scaled tail and a scratching of the hind claws on the stone floor indicate the proper alignment of the newest symbol...

"Satus procul terminus spiritus meus permaneo~ Cruor macula animus quod animus macula negotium~ Is nox noctis obscurum EGO alveus in subluceo~ Imbibo of obscurum exuro ut permaneo."

Lightning splits the damp darkness and illuminates a scene of horrors most foul. Languishing in it's own red vino the pulsating flesh responds to the light as if afraid, only the single twitching bloodshot eye denotes any intelligence to this gruesome mass.

It is decay and madness this most foul conglomeration of reconstituted living cells... another flash and the mass has formed a rudimentary face minus an eye but a face none-the-less... I have brought this form into existence in order to prove my worth to the other coven members, their arts may be dark but mine are darker...

"Lacrimo per lacrimo quod respergo per respergo~ A intorqueo quod a verto a misceo quod a trunco~ Is temero EGO have accersitus continuo~ Ut suscipio terminus quod terminus exordium~ EGO tribuo obscurum of nex quod vita sin."

The Master has granted me this ability in order to lead the group, the abyss I am willing to follow will assure my domination over the rest...

As I consider my new position I notice life returning in full and form to the abomination, a most pleasurable tingle assaults my nerves as it begins to moan... "Oh there will be hell to pay for this" my soul screams... and I smile at the thought... the Master favors me...

A quick jab of pain and a few drops of life...

"Tripudium quod contemno putesco quod sentio~ Frendo quod traho tear quod excorio~ Tribuo is vas vita sententia animus absum~ Quod tear angelus ex diluculo."

This desecration now has full form, I welcome it into this world with a wave of my claw and call out to the rest "join me in the sanctum for I have declared my worth to lead, join me here, for I Ikudu do command the gathering at this time!"

They gather to witness my feat and I again smile, they see and understand I am now leader... The burning and the pain of leadership now fills my waking hours, we grow stronger and the human world has still not found us, we will continue...

"Ita ita..."

English Translation:

"Start at the end and breath my last~ Blood stained soul and soul stained task~ This night of darkness I bask in the glow~ Drink of the darkness burn to the last."

_Drip by drip and splash by splash~ A Twist and a turn a mingle and a mangle~ This desecration I have called forth~ To begin the end and end the beginning~ I grant thee darkness of death to life sin."

"Joy and hate rot and feel~ Crush and pull tear and peel~ Grant this vessel life though soul be gone~ And tear the angels from the dawn."

"And so and so..."_

---To be continued---

©2007 thwale