The Dark Power of Ikudu Chapter 4

Story by thwale on SoFurry

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#4 of The Dark Power of Ikudu Stories

Chapter .4

Level by level the dank and moldy tunnel leads slowly upwards, closer to the surface tree roots can be seen piercing the tunnel sides and roof like needles through dry and wrinkled skin.

The the sides of the cave are tortured and twisted due to the energies used to build them, nearing the end a bright nova of light and...

Standing on the travel stone we prepare to be sent to the surface, location to be determined by the Master... We began to chant the words of travel to activate it.

Eo per atrum quod eo per lux lucis~ Commodo vinco vestri animus per vox~ Vicis venor ut est nostrum vox~ Ut a locus nos teneo non is valde nox noctis.

Second time the dias begins to glow, we bare our claws and fangs, ready to hunt... There is a flash and burning, we are suddenly on the surface and very hungry.

Any semblance of humanity is lost as we revert to our true natures, bright anger and the base unthinking carnivoristic urge to rip mangle and devour living flesh. We spread out on all fours sniffing the ground... there... a trace of heat and spore we recognize as what we hunt... a small part of our brain says "human flesh" and we salivate as the unknown words spur us on towards our new goal.

As we top a small rise the scent of fire assaults our nostrils, we growl and with a few nods of spiky heads spread out to surround this resting place and prepare for the attack.

Within a few moments we have the area surrounded, with a call for blood roar we rush the circle of food and begin to tear into the humans. Screams of pain and terror excite us as we rip and shread... the feeling of sinking my claws into the warm soft flesh drives me into a frenzy and I suddenly bite the noisome things face tearing it off.

Holding onto the human with my claws I crunch the face into pulp and swallow, oh the metallic salty taste of blood causes a small orgasm of pleasure as it slides down my gullet. My food seems to still be alive but only bubbling and shaking, not so noisy anymore.

Another bite and the body stills as blood sprays into my muzzle from the severed neck, I crunch the remainder of the head into tiny pieces while slurping the blood, soon only a small portion oozes fourth.

I look around and notice the rest of the pack happily feasting, it appears two members will need to share a single kill and they fight over it as it struggles to get free. I watch curiously to see who will win and suddenly the body flys apart spraying blood everywhere, what a waste, seems they will share it after all... I return to my meal.

I know by instinct the location of the heart and rip it out in a single motion, chewing on it I savor the rich flavour and settle down to devour the human piece by piece until nothing remains.


Elsie Banyon had decided to go on a camping trip with her friends tonight, she could have stayed home or watched TV but no, tonight camping was more important, if her friends were gong then she needed to as well... it would be her last decision.

As they settled down to rest and prepare for sleep, she was suddenly aware of strange guttural noises coming from the near darkness surrounding the camp. Before she could warn the others, small red dinosaurs no, not dinosaurs... But things with glowing eyes and spiky scales leaped into the clearing and attacked her companions. As she got up to run one beast suddenly grasped her with sharp claws holding her in place... she screamed as the last thing she saw was a tooth filled mouth surrounding her face... hot sulphuric breath...

A sharp pain an audible crunch and a tearing sensation, blindly trying to make a sound with nothing but a gurgle in response, feeling and thought slowly dissolving as her mind fades away into darkness with her last memories those of home, she is gone.


As the blood frenzy slowly faded I became aware of the carcass at my feet, my mind was returning and with it the glorious knowledge of another successful hunt. The Master should be pleased with tonights kills, but I am still hungry so I finish off the juicy morsels at my feet leaving only a patch of bloody grass...

As I survey the pack I see all are contented and satiated now we must return to the caves, we gather together and as I lick some gobbets of flesh from my right claw we begin to chant the return spell...

Is valde nox noctis procul a locus nos teneo non~ Nostrum hunt eram prosperitas quod vinco commodo~ Iam eo per lux lucis quod atrum of nox noctis~ Tergum ut cubile nostri ortus - vox.

A flash and we vanish as if we never were back to our home for now... ****

For more then a week the teens went missing until the search crews found the patches of dried blood, surrounded with flies bloodied camping gear and a few maggots... A few vomited at the sight but all decided after examining the evidence that Bears or Mountain lions must have gotten them the humans were still not aware of the covens.

This is just the beginning of Ikudu's Stories. More will follow as the muse dictates.

Thank you for reading and I hoped you liked it.

Translation of Travel Chant:

To Exit caves: Travel by dark and travel by light~ Lend the Master your soul by right~ Time to hunt as is our right~ To a place we know not this very night.

To return to caves: This very night at a place we know not~ Our hunt was successful and Master pleased~ Now travel by light and dark of night~ Back to the lair of our birth-right.

Non Terminus~ (Not The End~)

©2007 thwale