Part 1 - The Change

Story by BLDR on SoFurry

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#1 of The Changing of Times and People

Part 1 - The Change

Dani woke up in bed next to her lover and quickly looked around their room; it had deep lavender curtains pulled across bay windows. There was a gas fireplace behind a glass panel that was on keeping the room warm during the frigid winter months. It had been two years since they were first taken to this government compound in the hills away from the normal population. Seeing her mate still asleep Dani curled up and went back to sleep herself as she remember the events that lead to their current situation as prisoners in a luxurious compound.

At the time everything about their lives was normal, it was their last year in college and they had managed to get a couple of their friends together so they could afford to rent a house near their campus. Nothing big it was just a four bedroom colonial house that had one and half baths. Dani and Launi at the time were lovers, and had even taken vows with each other, though they had neglected to even tell their devout catholic parents, who still thought the girls were straight. Dani was an average looking girl weighing in at a healthy 150 for her 5'9" frame. She looked like a gymnast, a relatively flat chest and not much for hips and had red hair that went to her waist. Launi on the other hand was the more gifted of the two with a 5'6" frame but nice B cups, a nice hourglass figure and dark brown hair, though still not what one would call drop dead gorgeous.

Dani had just come home from her work in one of the colleges many labs where she took care of the animals. She heard moaning coming from the room she shared with Launi, so she went up there to investigate. As soon as she opened the door she saw Launi on their bed pleasuring herself. Dani laughed and quickly ditched her clothes to help Launi.

"Getting started without me again?" Dani said smiling as she got into bed causing Launi to pause from her self-pleasure just long enough to practically pull Dani on top of her. Dani was surprised to see Launi taking the dominate role.

"Need to get off." Launi said before pushing Dani's head into her crotch...

Dani just smiled and went to work lapping at Launi's sopping nether's while rolling her clit between her finger and thumb, causing Launi to arch her back and moan. Dani switched and placed two fingers inside Launi and placed her thumb on Launi's sensitive nub.

"More." Launi moaned before grasping Dani's arm desperate for more and started to push it in. Dani was yet again surprised by Launi's actions, normally just two fingers were enough to get Launi off but here Launi was driving Dani's arm into her pussy. Dani shocked at how easily Launi was taking this, seeing as to how before she could barely take four fingers. Dani started to hear a sound just before Launi screamed in pleasure. Dani realized the sound was coming from Launi's legs, and saw them shifting and stretching. Just then she heard a loud crunch as Launi's legs changed into a more feline digigrade shape.

"Launi, you okay?" Dani said as she went to try and remove her arm but found it stuck. "Launi?" Launi was too caught up in the pleasure from her orgasm to hear Dani, she felt the change in her legs and looked down, she started to smile, not really caring, the change actually feeling good to her, like a gentle massage. The changes didn't stop. Soon a tail started to emerge from the base of her spine, it kept growing until it was about four feet long.

Dani looked at it confused. "Launi, what's happening?"

Launi finally responded. "I don't know. But it feels soooooooo good." She said as the changes continued, her face starting to push into a muzzle filled with feline teeth. Her ears where becoming more triangular as she started to play with her chest, a second pair of nipples appearing below her breasts, soon the flesh pushed out forming a second pair of breasts just slightly smaller then her first. Her finger nails disappeared as small slits formed on the tips of her fingers, the same happening with her feet, small leathery paw pads formed on her hands and feet. Orange fur with black stripes started to sprout, first starting at her feet and soon spread up to her face. As her change completed she orgasmed again, Dani felt her arm get pulled deeper into Launi's passage, try as she might she couldn't get her hand out, Launi grabbed Dani's other arm and pushed that in as well, her passage had become incredibly elastic.

"Launi, I can't get out." Dani said as she kept trying to pull her arms out. Though Launi held firmly onto her arms before another ripple from Launi's passage pulled Dani's arms in up to her elbows. Launi put her hand on the back of Dani's head, forcing it in towards that hungry passage. Dani quickly took in a deep breath as she felt her head get pulled in. As soon as Dani's shoulders passed into Launi Dani started to disappear into her faster, quickly bulging out Launi's stomach as she was soon forced to curl up in the dark, damp yet comfortable confines of Launi's womb. Dani found she could breathe after she had to let go of her breath. Launi climaxed as Dani's feet passed into her womb. Once she calmed down she realized what had happened.

"Dani?!" She yelled as she looked at her swollen stomach.

"Launi, what's going on?" Dani said as she started to feel sleepy.

"I-I don't know." Launi said before hugging her stomach, Dani pushed into Launi's hand. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, kind of cramped in here though. Can you let me out?" Dani said as she put her hand against Launi's cervix and tried to push through, but found it impossible to open.*

Launi tried everything she could. "I don't think so. Not yet at least."

"What happened?" Dani said as she accepted that she was stuck and tried to get as comfortable as she could inside Launi's womb.

"I don't know, but it feels good." Launi said before yawning. "But I am so tired..."

Dani yawned as well. "You should get to the Hospital."

Launi nodded but found moving to be near impossible with the added weight in her middle. "I don't think I could even stand up right now, much less what could a hospital do for me or you?"

"I don't know, but..." Dani's words ceased as she fell asleep.

Launi panicked when Dani stopped talking but soon calmed down when she heard the Dani's snoring she calmed down and managed to roll onto her side and curled up laying her tail under her head and she too soon fell asleep.

The next morning when Launi woke up, she saw her belly had gone down in size by a little but was moving as her passenger woke up.

"Hey." Launi said poking her belly gently feeling a hand push back.

"Care to let me out now?"

"Yeah, but first lets see if I can get to the tub." Launi said, she got to the side of her bed and managed to swing her legs over the edge. Using the night stand she was able to push herself up, surprised at how easy it was to actually stand up even with the added bulk, Launi managed to get to the bathroom and lay down in the tub before she pushed Dani out.

When Dani came out Launi gasped. Dani had changed over night. She had lost 9 inches from her height but it looked like the height was lost in favor of an added figure. Her hips had widened out while her waist narrowed, her bust had increased, and not only that but she gained another four breasts, and like Launi's her breasts decreased in size from the b cups she had up top to a cups on the bottom. She gained the feline digigrade legs with paws and claws like Launi's, her tail though seemed to be longer. But that wasn't all, she had fur, but it was the yellowish orange with the black spots of a jaguar. Launi turned on the water so they could wash themselves off while Dani adjusted to her new body.

"What is happening?" Dani said as she stood up slowly.

"I don't know, but it feels good." Launi said as she wrapped her arms around Dani and cupped each breast in turn causing Dani to gasp, but before things could get any farther the door to the bathroom was thrown open as the door jamb splintered, several men clad in black burst in and quickly hit the girls with tranquilizers.

Dani woke up shaking slightly before she looked around and realized it was just a dream of her past. She nuzzled into Launi's side and smiled to herself realizing that it all worked out for the better in the end. She soon fell asleep again curled up with her mate.