Chapter 6: Going Back to the Grind

Story by Duffin on SoFurry

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#6 of The Pizza Party


The following story contains the following acts:








Not to mention, it's furs going at it like rabbits, er...bad pun, sorry.... Anyway, young 'ens...if yer too young...that is, under 18...go away!

Chapter 6: Going Back to the Grind

A few days passed and Trelute was able to convince his boss to let him move back into his own apartment. The wolf was very reluctant. He had grown accustomed to having his Tre living close by where he could watch and protect him, but there wasn't too much he could do about it.

Trelute sat in the passenger seat of Samantha's car as she drove him back to his apartment since Tre's car was still parked in the garage.

"So, I hear you and Terry have been...getting close," Tre said as he looked out of the passenger side window.

The vixen glances to Tre for a moment before looking back to the road. She sensed that something was bothering him and nodded, "Well, yeah...why?"

"No reason, I'm just surprised..." he replied, not sure what he was trying to say.

"It doesn't...bother you, does it?" she asked him.

He looked to her, hearing her disappointment, "No! No, it's just...well, Terry came over a few days ago..."

Sam giggled, "I THAT'S why Ash was grumbling, you got his sheets all messy, huh?"

Trelute blushed gently, "No, we didn't! was the couch...but no, I mean...he said you guys were becoming friends and everything..." Tre was really nervous about this. He hadn't even told Sam that he was secretly ashamed about the job he had and wasn't sure how she would react to hear him say it.

"Come on, big boy...what's bothering you?" Sam asked as she pulled into the parking lot of Tre's apartment complex and turned to look at him.

Tre took a deep breath, "It's just...he doesn't know about...what I do...please don't...tell him, okay?"

Same gave him a slightly concerned look and reached out to rest a paw on one of his, "I won't say word one to him about it, but...Tre, if you really like him, you'll have to tell him eventually."

Tre gave a slight sigh and nodded, "I know, but...I'm just worried. I've never liked anyone like this before...especially another guy."

Samantha nodded a little and turned the car off, "Well, like I told you at the hospital...if he's worth it, he'll understand."

The two got out of the car. Samantha helped the retriever to grab his suitcase and the other few things he'd had at Ashlan's apartment and went upstairs.

Sam brought the suitcase into Trelute's bedroom and smiled a little, turning around. The golden retriever looked at her incredulously.

"What?" he asked her as he stood in the doorway.

"You know...I don't think you've 'christened' your bed yet, have you?" she asked him, giggling.

"Hmm...I think we were getting that before this whole mess started, weren't we...?" he replied, grinning a little as he watched the vixen move toward him, letting a paw stroke over his chest.

"I do believe we were, big boy..." she said in return and leaned up, pressing her muzzle to Tre's, their tongues quickly meeting as the retriever wrapped his arms around the smaller fox. Both shivered slightly at the kiss. The vixen's paws made their way up Trelute's body, feeling the bandage over the place where Tre was shot. She carefully and slowly pulled the shirt off of the canine's torso and murred at seeing his chest again.

" in the world did you manage to stay so hot?" she asked him, grinning.

Trelute shrugged playfully as he pulled off Samantha's blouse to expose her light pink bra. They pressed into another kiss as Tre's paw made their way up to cup Samantha's breasts and caress them. The vixen let out a soft moan at those paws and began to quickly work to unbuckle Tre's pants.

Tre and Samantha both started becoming quite frantic in their need. Samantha eventually just grabbed Tre's fly and tugged down his zipper when she couldn't get them open. Her paw shot it to tug out the hefty dogcock, making her moan out.

"I've wanted this in me since the first time I saw it...please don't make me wait..." she whimpered out.

Tre let out a slight growl of arousal as he felt the delicate paw wrap around his stiff length. Samantha, in anticipation of this situation, had worn a skirt and Tre simply tugged her panties up her legs a little to expose the vixen's wet sex. He barely hesitated to plunge his long cock into her, both letting out a loud moan.

Sam's paws gripped at Tre's arms as she cried out, leaning her head back. Her pussy gripped at the 10 inch doghood filling her and stretching her. His pre leaked into her as his knot also began to grow.

"Yes, Tre...oh, fuck me!" Samantha cried out.

The golden leaned down, biting at the vixen's neck as he did as she bid him, beginning to pull back and thrust quickly into her, their instincts taking over as they mated, half naked, on Tre's bed. The canine gripped Sam's thighs, holding her legs in the air, his hips slapping against hers. He moaned into her neck as he was finally getting to fuck his best friend.

All of their thoughts went to the pleasure of sex. Sam's bra was tugged down to expose her breasts as Tre went down, suckling one of her hard nipples into his muzzle, making her cry out in pleasure, her hips humping up at the golden retriever.

She started to feel that growing knot hit against her cunny as she was pounded on his bed. The vixen shuddered and curled her toes in pleasure as Tre began to nibble at her nipples.

"Yes! Oh, god, yes! Tie me, baby! I want that knot!" Sam moaned out as the canine's cock filled her faster and harder, more precum leaking into her body.

Trelute moaned out and pressed into a passionate kiss, his tongue plunging into her muzzle. Samantha was bent almost in half as the dog mated her harder, making the bed rock back and forth. A few moments later and Tre broke the kiss, letting out a growl. He sharply thrusted into the writhing vixen beneath him and felt his knot pop into her.

His tip was forced past the fox's cervix as the knot inflated, locking the two lovers together as a surge of hot dogcum filled the vixen's womb, making both howl out in pleasure.

"I'm cumming, Sammy! Oh god, yes!" Tre cried out as his orgasm ripped through him.

"Yes! Fill me, big boy! God, I love it!" Sammy replied, both holding tightly to each other as they came together.

A few seconds later, Trelute began to wheeze, his breathing becoming a bit labored. He tried to breathe in and found it extremely difficult

"S...sam..." he choked out.

Their lovemaking session had turned to a panic session. He was having his first asthma attack. Tre was still locked inside of Sam and his inhaler was over by the bedroom door in the suitcase. To make things worse, Sam was beneath him and couldn't pull herself off of him.

"Tre, are you okay?" Sam said, her orgasm still working through her as she noticed Tre's trouble breathing. The she realized what was happening, "Oh shit..."

In what could have looked like a comedy routine under normal circumstances, Tre rolled himself off of the bed backward, driving more air out of him as he hit the floor. He knew his only chance was to get Sam close enough to get his inhaler. The two rolled, still tied together, until Sam was able to get into Tre's suitcase and pull out the inhaler.

The doctor had gone over how to use the medicine and everything, but the retriever hadn't actually used it yet. He grabbed the device and held the open end to his muzzle. The plunger was depressed by his finger and a cold aerosol medicine entered his muzzle and blew down his throat, making him take in a deep breath.

He was actually amazed at how quickly the medicine worked to clear his airways. Within a few minutes he was actually able to catch his breath even though his heart was beating rapidly. Samantha gently rubbed at Tre's chest to try and calm him down some to help him to breath.

A few moments later, Trelute gave a tired laugh, which caused Sam to look down at him concernedly.

"You took my breath away," The canine said and both started to laugh, feeling very relieved.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" the cat screamed as his watch alarm went off, "I'm too late!"

He knew that if he'd been successful, he wouldn't be here and now it was too late. It would happen as it already had. He knew what he had to do now, would be harder this time.

First day back on the job and Tre actually felt a bit nervous. He wasn't sure what to expect. He had been working when the cat attacked him last time. He patted his pants pocket to double check that he had his inhaler with him. The doctor had certainly said he would most likely get asthma from his gunshot wound, but the reality hadn't hit him until his first attack. He knew now, that he would have to rely on this small plastic inhaler for the rest of his life.

Ashlan met Tre at the door and grinned. He welcomed the retriever back and gestured him in, where he heard everyone call out "Surprise!" and saw balloons and streamers everywhere.

"What's this?" the canine asked.

The wolf smiled, "What's it look like? It's a party! We're all glad you're okay!"

Trelute smiled a bit, but it was mostly forced. He didn't want all of this attention, really. He pretty much just wanted to forget any of it had happened.

"Now, you can have some cake and ice cream before your first run. Now, I don't really want to send you after your first day back, but...this client asked for you specifically and is willing to pay quite a lot. You can, of course, say no if you want, Tre," the boss wolf said as he grabbed a piece of cake and handed it to Tre.

The canine shook his head and bit a piece out of the cake, "Course not, boss wolf. I'll get right out there. Where's the pizza?"

After eating a little cake, the wolf grabbed eight large Double P Special pizzas and got into his car. He'd rather be out with a client than in there being the center of attention. After arriving at his destination, he realized that it was a large office building. That was odd. He assumed that he was going to a party or something with there being 8 pizza pies.

The dog made his way into the lobby, holding the pizzas and went to the reception desk. "I've got these pizzas for a, uh..." he looked at the ticket. "a D. Caprous?"

The skunk femme at the desk smiled and nodded, "Certainly, just take the elevator up to the 6th floor, room 614."

Tre smiled slightly and nodded, making his way to the elevator and pressed the appropriate button. The canine reached into his pocket and took a quick puff of his inhaler in anticipation of getting into some vigorous activities. Balancing the 8 pizzas, Trelute made his way to suite 614 and knocked. The door opened momentarily and in the doorway was a fox with blue fur, smiling at him.

"Well, hi there...those for us?" he asked.

Trelute glanced inside to see a group of furs, all wearing business suits.

"Yeah, for a...D. Caprous?" the dog replied.

"Yup, Duffin, that's me!" the fox replied and took the pizzas, "Come on in, won't you?"

Tre nodded a bit at the reassurance that they did expect his 'special services.' A few of the businessmen whistled as they saw Tre in his delivery boy outfit, making the dog grin slightly.

"Okay, guys, this is...what's yer name, cutie?" the fox asked him.

Tre smiled a little, "Uh, Trelute."

"This is Trelute. And he's a present for our good friend, Ferdinand, who is retiring today!" The blue fox said, gesturing to the embarrassed-looking raccoon sitting in the middle of the room. He wore one of those colorful cone-shaped party hats and looked to be around 50 or 60 years old.

Tre smiled a little. He wasn't quite attracted to older males, but it was for a good cause. He hoped that he got to have some fun with a young male when HE retired.

The fox leaned over and smiled, whispering to Trelute, "Just give him a nice lap dance, maybe a blowjob, and we'll call it even," the fox slipped a small wad of bills into the back pocket of Tre's pants.

Trelute grinned and nodded as he began to saunter his hips seductively toward the raccoon, who obviously was either nervous at being around all the other males while Tre was approaching him, or was fairly new to males in general.

"So...Ferdinand, hmm?" Tre said as he swayed his hips a little, slowly walking around the raccoon as his paws stroked along the elder's shoulders, "Don't be nervous, I don't bite...unless you like that..."

The other males laughed and he could see a few of them reach down to adjust their packages. He certainly wouldn't have minded a big gangbang with him in the middle, but that would have probably cost a lot more than what these businessmen were willing to pay for.

Moving behind Ferdinand, Tre let his paws slide down over the coon's chest, feeling the untoned muscle beneath. He was a bit chubby, but that was alright.

" feel nice, long you been working here?" Tre asked, letting his fingers rub over the raccoon's covered nipples.

"About t-thirty five YEARS!" the coon replied, yelping slightly as his nipples were played with. Tre smiled a little.

" must be well-liked...I don't come cheap..." he said seductively into Ferdy's ear before licking it. He spied the old male's crotch tenting a bit and grinned some. The coon blushed deeply upon hearing that and glanced around the room at everyone.

Trelute glided around the coon until he stood before him. He turned around to face away from him as he swayed his hips, letting his tail sway in the opposite direction of his butt, dancing a little. Stepping backward, he let his rump barely brush against the tenting erection in the raccoon's pants, making the elder coon groan out softly.

" that, huh? How about this?" Tre asked as he slowly dropped to his knees in front of the raccoon and let his cheek run over Ferdinand's knee and slowly up his thigh as his paws stroked along the coon's calves, pulling the apart a little to expose his crotch.

Tre could feel the tension in the rest of the room. He was guessing that Duffin had decided to pay for the blowjob at the last minute and grinned, letting a paw slide over the bulge in the raccoon's pants, making the sitting male stiffen and grit his teeth in anticipation.

The canine's paws deftly unbuckled the coon's belt and unbuttoned his pants. The zipper was quickly pulled down, exposing the tenting boxers of the raccoon. Trelute licked his muzzle and pulled the waistband of those boxers down, hooking them beneath the coon's balls. The raccoon wasn't anything special, about 5 inches, but he was a little thick.

Tre remained in his sluttiest character and groaned softly, " that's a yummy looking cock...mind if I have a taste?"

The coon couldn't believe he was exposed in front of all of his coworkers. Then it registered that he was spoken to again and he swallowed, "P-please..."

Trelute grinned a bit and reached up to grasp the base of Ferdinand's pole and slowly let his tongue lick from the bottom to the tip of his shaft before repeating the process, making the coon arch his hips and moan out.

"Oh god..." Ferdinand called out, making the other males in the room groan. A few had actually pulled their cocks out and were stroking them as they watched their retiring coworker get his dick sucked from a young 'whipper-snapper.'

The retriever's muzzle closed around the red coon shaft and slipped down; making the coon moan out loudly and grip the arms of the office chair he sat in. Trelute wasted no time in getting to work, bobbing his head on the hard cooncock, sensing that the old coon wouldn't last too long. He was right. After a few more bobs of his muzzle, the coon reached down and gripped his head fur and gave a few firm thrusts into his muzzle and spurted a small amount of very bitter cum into his muzzle.

He forced himself to swallow it quickly and moaned out for good measure as Ferdinand's orgasm went through him. After a few moments, Trelute pulled back and grinned, licking his lips. He glanced around and saw a good half of the males stroking themselves and smirked as he sensed a good sales opportunity.

"You know...for an extra twenty bucks each, I could let you cum in my muzzle..." he said to the crowd in general.

They quickly and frantically reached into their wallets, the show being too much for them. Hell, he could have probably gotten 50 out of each of them. While the raccoon slumped in the office chair, his softening cock still hanging out of his pants, a middle-aged wolf walked up and dropped the twenty at Tre's knees. He was quickly jerking himself off and let out a grunt, thrusting his hips into his paws.

Tre felt the first shot of cum hit his muzzle and moved forward to suck down the rest of the wolf's spunk, making the wolf groan out loudly. Another twenty hit his knee and he felt ropes of cum splatter against his neck as he sucked on the wolf's shaft. He glanced to the side to see a large brown bear whose cock was extremely wide. Tre grinned and stuck out his tongue as the bear shoved a twenty into the retriever's shirt.

The bear let out a growl and shot cum right across Tre's eyes, forcing the dog to keep them shut, spunk burning a little. A paw pressed to the back of his head and shoved that fat beardick into his muzzle, flooding his throat with the white spunk.

Things quickly got out of hand. Tre was temporarily blinded by the cum in his eyes. The bear kept his thick shaft in Trelute's muzzle. The bear stepped back, moving Trelute more onto his paws and knees. Tre's shirt was pulled up and he felt warm ropes of cum splatter onto his back. Soon, he felt his belt being unbuckled and struggled a little.

"I'll give you three hundred to fuck you," said an unknown voice. Trelute wasn't quite prepared for that, but nodded slightly as another unknown dick was shoved into his muzzle. He knew it was canine as he could feel the knot against his lips as the cum shot down his throat.

His pants were tugged down a little to expose his sexy ass, causing a groan from the male behind him. He felt the large presence behind him and felt a flared tip against his hole. Shit! It was a horse! He struggled a bit. He was still very new to anal sex and wasn't sure he could even take a horse.

"500," said the voice again and Trelute let out a whimper of indecision, but eventually let his tail rise up in submission. The stallion behind him let out a whicker of success and gripped Tre's butt tightly, spreading his cheeks. He felt a long tongue slip along his hole, making the retriever moan out loudly as another load of cum blasted across his face, followed soon after by another splattering in his head fur.

The tongue lubed him up as well as possible before that flared horsecock was replaced against his tailhole. The stallion shoved firmly into him, making Trelute bite down hard. Luckily there wasn't anything in his muzzle at the time. If his eyes hadn't already been shut tightly, they would have been at that point, as that huge horsedick filled his backside, spurting rope of precum into him.

"Looks at Brent go! He's gonna fit the whole thing in!" cried out the voice of another male that Tre couldn't see. Sure enough, soon the horse's hips pressed against his ass. The pain was intense, but Tre's shaft was rock hard in his pants. He felt a paw on his shaft, making him moan out as the stallion pulled out halfway and thrust back into his extremely tight hole.

"Time to return the favor, young one," replied a voice he recognized as Ferdinand. He felt the coon's muzzle close around his shaft. It was extremely soft, feeling almost feminine. His body was rocked as the equine's shaft plowed into him, spreading out his insides. He felt more bills fall on him. The horse pulled back, tugging his fat cock out of Tre and soon felt something warm splatter against his tailhole.

Soon after, that fat horsedick was forced back into him, taking the offered spunk with it into his tailhole. The old coon's paw cupped his balls as he sucked him, only able to fit the first couple inches of the long dogcock in his muzzle.

"Mmm...that was just a present from someone else...when I cum, you'll know it," he heard the stallion say as his ass was fucked hard again. Another dick rubbed across his face and felt a paw rub his muzzle, smearing all the countless males' spunk.

"My turn, doggy," came the voice Tre recognized as the blue fox's.

The canine opened his muzzle for the vulpine, who quickly pushed his cock in and moaned as Tre sucked him eagerly. He rocked back and forth between the horse and fox, sandwiched between two dicks.

Soon enough, he couldn't hold back and shot his thick dog spunk into the coon's muzzle, who quickly sucked it down. The muzzle left his dick and the two males at both ends picked up the pace, fucking him back and forth quickly.

"Mmm...come on Brent, let's cream him at the same time," Duffin said.

"Fuck yeah," came the horse's reply.

Both males pounded Tre's holes quickly and he was suddenly able to hear a loud whinny as Brent's cock plowed into him hard. Tre could almost swear he felt the torrent of horse cum filling his guts just as soon as the fox shot a load of seed into his muzzle before pulling back to pump the rest onto Tre's face. He also felt at least three more splatters of cum on his body as the rest finished up on him.

Tre could only imagine what he looked like covered in at least twenty different males' spunk. He felt it ooze all over his body and especially in his body. Soon after, the stallion pulled out of him and Tre was left to pant on the floor. A few moments later, he felt a towel being placed in his paw and he quickly wiped the cum from his eyes, blinking a little.

Once he could see, he noticed that only Duffin was in the room, smiling at him.

"Sorry bout all that. We didn't plan for it to become a big thing like that, but...heh...I don't think you minded," the fox said and handed the canine a huge wad of bills, "I made sure everyone paid at least 20 bucks."

Trelute grinned a little, "Got a shower anywhere?"

The fox smirked some and jerked his head toward the closed bathroom door, "There's one in there. How bout some company? Maybe off the clock?" The fox said, grinning.

Trelute chuckled a little, "Mmm...very tempting, but I don't think my boss would like that much."

The blue fox giggled a little and nodded, "Worth a shot. If I had the extra money, I'd definitely give ya a another go, though."

The fox got up, adjusted his suit jacket and waved as he left the room leaving Trelute along. The canine got up and went into the bathroom, very curious to see what he looked like. The first thing he noticed was the odd stripes of blue running across his face. He furrowed his brow and wiped some off with his fingers and licked it from his muzzle. It was cum. Hmm...he wondered. Blue fox? Maybe it came from him.

The canine shrugged as he stripped off his cum-covered clothing and took a quick look in the shower, seeing how sexy he looked with all that spunk covering him. He got into the shower and turns the flow on. The water felt wonderful as it cascaded over his body, washing the male juices from him.

Soon after, Tre was dried, dressed, and riding the elevator down. He took another puff from his inhaler and wondered what the receptionist would think now that he was just leaving two and a half hours after he'd arrived to deliver pizzas.

Apparently, the shifts had changed, though, as a different receptionist now sat at the desk. The canine shrugged and guessed it would be better than her asking questions. Tre made his way to the door and stopped for a moment. He took time to look around the vicinity. Not wanting to take any chances, Tre scanned the surrounding area again before pushing the door open and walking out into the open. He walked quickly to his car, unlocking it with his remote halfway there. Once in the car, he quickly locked the doors.

Tre pulled out the wad of cash he had accumulated and grinned some. Over 3000 dollars. Now, that's a good haul! He shoved the key into the starter and left back for work.

Ashlan was a nervous wreck as he sat in his office. Tre had been gone for almost three hours for a job that should have taken less than thirty minutes. He heard the bell jingle which meant someone had entered the delivery entrance. He got up quickly and went to the employee lounge to find Tre sitting on the couch there.

"Where have you been, Tre?" Ash asked like a father speaking to their son that had been out past curfew.

"Turns out, they wanted a little more than originally asked for," Tre giggled and held out the money to Ashlan.

The wolf took the cash and looked to Tre, "Oh, okay...was just worried. You took a long time getting back."

Tre smiled a little, "No worries, Boss wolf, I'm back now."

Ashlan nodded and left the room to go back into his office. He closed the door and let out a long sigh of relief. He didn't know what he would do if Trelute was hurt again. He still hadn't found his attacker. Trelute was still vulnerable. Any day, that cat could come back to finish the job on Tre.

"Boss! Come quick!" he heard a voice yell from behind the door. Ash quickly got up and rushed to the door and saw a few employees going to the employee lounge. Once he got there, he saw the news on the TV.

" around 10:30 PM, firefighters responded to a blaze at an apartment building in the Nob Hill area of San Francisco. It is as of yet, undetermined whether the fire was accidental of intentional, but police say that no one was inside the apartment at the time of the fire. Back to you, John..." said the reporter on the TV screen.

"What's the big deal?" Ashlan asked, looking at everyone.

"That was my apartment..." Tre said in despair.

Ashlan let out a growl. Maybe the police are idiots, but he knew...that fire was intentional.

"Were they able to recover anything?" Terry asked as he sat with Trelute at a diner they both enjoyed.

Trelute sighed deeply and shook his head, sipping a cup of coffee, "Nothing. I mean, it's not that big of a was a furnished apartment. I didn't really have time to own anything yet, but...still...I think he knew where I lived."

Terry tilted his head, "Who?"

"The cat...the one that....that shot me," the dog replied, looking into his coffee.

"Tre, you don't know that. They're still investigating, it could have been faulty wiring," the otter told him, trying to be reassuring, "From the way you described him, that cat was a punk; probably homeless. How could he have found out where you live?"

Trelute shrugged. He didn't know. But, he did know, somehow, that it was his attacker that caused the fire.

Terry reached out a paw to gently grasp Tre's and looked into his eyes, "I want you to live with me. If he is still after you, he wouldn't find you with me. He doesn't even know me."

Tre looked at Terry with surprise, "Live...with you? But, Ash wants me to live with him..."

Terry nodded a little, "Oh...well, okay..." he said in disappointment, pulling his paw back.

"But, I...would much rather live with you..." the canine replied with a smile.

The otter grinned widely and reached over the table to hug Tre tightly before releasing him. They drank their coffee in silence and suddenly Tre spoke up.

"I gotta tell you something Terry," Tre said. His feelings for the otter were welling up. Sam was right. If he was going to get anywhere with Teribold, he had to be completely honest with him.

"What is it, hon?" Terry replied, taking another sip of coffee.

"I work at a pizza place," the dog began.

Terry giggled, "I know that, silly."

"Right, but...I do...more there than deliver pizzas."

"Uh huh? Like what, mop floors and stuff?"

Tre sighed softly and shook his head, "No, not like that. Uh..." he reached up to rub his face with his paws.

Terry's paw moved back to grasp Tre's, "What's wrong, Tre?"

Without knowing any other way to say he, he just blurted out, "I'm a prostitute!"

A few heads looked his way in surprise, some in disgust. The otter stared blankly at Trelute, blinking a few times with his muzzle half open. Tre's heart sank as Terry stood up.

"I, uh...I've gotta go, I'll talk to you later," the otter said dumbfounded as he walked toward the door.

Tre felt tears welling in his eyes and looked down when suddenly he heard the chair before his screech and he looked up seeing Terry sitting there. The canine felt very confused.

"Is that all? Sam already told me," he said and took another sip of his coffee.

"What?! She told you? But, I...I asked her not to and you...I thought. Wait, you don't care?" the poor dog felt very confused.

Terry giggled a little, "Dear, I've known about that since you were in the hospital."

" did?"

The otter nodded a bit.

"Then why didn't you..." Tre started.

"...say anything? Cuz Sam asked me not to. She thought it would help you get over the shame of the job if you told me freely," he said, smiling a little.

" you...don't care?" Tre couldn't seem to get over the idea that Terry had no problem at all with his line of work.

"Sweety, listen. Remember a few days ago when I said I was very open minded? I am. And, while, I don't completely agree with your job, it's still better than being one of those guys who walks up and down the Tenderloin wearing skimpy short-shorts. Though, you would look good in short-shorts," the otter said, smiling a bit to Trelute.

It took a few moments for all that the otter had said to register in the canine's brain. Terry knew about his job...he didn't mind...and he still liked him. He could have jumped for joy!

"So, you still wanna come live with me?" Terry asked, breaking Tre from his stupor.

"Well...I suppose I'd be a fool not to, huh?" replied Tre.

"Yes. Yes, you would be," Terry replied. Both smiled as they looked into each other's eyes. Tre was definitely in love.


Woo! Two chapters out in one week! It's a miracle! This is no officially my longest series ever, with 6 chapters so far. I'm hoping to get at least 10 total before I'm finished with it. Thought I'd get a little smut added into this one and...may have gone a little overboard ;) I hope nobody minds. Remember, I love comments and stuff, do tell me what you think so far!

Chapter 7: Whoever Wants a Boring Birthday, Raise Your Paw

Disclaimer: The following story contains the following acts: Domination Submission Oral Anal Light Bondage Chastity Foot Fetish Not to mention, it's furs going at it like rabbits, er...bad pun, sorry.... Anyway,...

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Chapter 1 (Gay Version)

DISCLAIMER: This story has sexual activities in it, don't read if yer under 18. Kellinous Rhinehardt was your average, everyday, run-of-the-mill otter. Well, average in the fact that he had a very short attention span, was extremely witty,...

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Chapter 1 (Bisexual Version)

DISCLAIMER: This story has sexual activities in it, don't read if yer under 18. Kellinous Rhinehardt was your average, everyday, run-of-the-mill otter. Well, average in the fact that he had a very short attention span, was extremely witty,...

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