Premature Ejaculations

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#2 of Hockey Hunk Season 2

hockey hunk season 2 chapter 2

Hello, and welcome to the latest chapter!

If you have any comments, don't hesitate to drop a few lines once you're done. It'll help me be a better writer, and I appreciated each and every one of my comments. Votes, faves and watches are luvv as well :)

Have a nice read!


Even before I had the time to balk, a huge paw reached forward and grabbed mine.

"Hello, you must be Rory, Victor's butt buddy...unless he's hiding more than one dude in here, heheeh!" the loud voice boomed right in front of me, creating a wind tunnel effect on my whiskers.

The source was a male, a Dobie, tall, wide and imposing, a lot like Victor in that respect, I suppose, but his body language was much different from Victor's. This one was...well, I don't know to put it, really, less controlled, more open and more broadly gesturing, not to mention that voice that seemed to be perpetually set to the "I'm shouting at you across a crowded street" mode.

He also had a firm grip, and he tugged on my paw hard enough to make it feel like I was losing sensation in my fingers.

I stood there, maw agape, staring at the wide, tail-wagging Dobie and tried to make some sense into the situation. Victor was behind the new Dobie, his face still pulled into that dark scowl, watching, for now, the back of the tall, dangerous male who still hadn't let go of my paw!

"Uhhh...," a voice escaped from my maw, uselessly.

"Well, I don't think even YOU guys talk about that kind of stuff during first date, so guess I should introduce my fine self," the Dobie continued in his fervent pace, never letting his hold on my paw loosen. "Name's Jacob Holden, nice to meet you, Rory!"

The words registered to my words with a strange sluggishness, perhaps an opposing force to my earlier super-charged state, my demeanor by now becoming mellow and reclusive after the earlier hyped up madness.

"Rory, this is my brother, Cobb," Victor's oddly tired voice amended.

The booming Dobie chuckled.

"His TWIN brother, I might add," the loud-faced one smirked.

My eyes widened a little bit more, if possible, upon hearing this claim. So yeah, I was looking at them now, my eyes popping from Victor to the one called Cobb, sizing them up...looking...seeking...trying to find confirmation to the outrageous words.

Now that I thought about it, I was starting to see it...even after such a brief familiarity with the physical shape of the one I had only known by his voice before, I could see a resemblance beyond the fact that they were big guys in general. There was something there in the shape of the muzzle, and the corners of their eyes...and didn't Victor, too, have a couple of lighter patches of fur on his neck?

...and hadn't Victor made a passing reference to having some family, during one of our little Facebook chats? We must have touched that subject, too, we talked plenty about this and that...

I must've looked like a bumbling fool, staring at them like that, my paw held limply in the Dobie's oversized paw.

Talk about limp paws...

"And my little brother by 10 minutes," Victor was being helpful again, and again he made the big Dobie laugh roughly.

"But since I'm so handsome and Victor is the way he is, you can tell that we weren't born out of the same egg," Cobb Holden smirked toothily.

I saw Victor give a mental facepalm face, and felt a twinge of compassionate embarrassment. His brother seemed to be a loud-mouthed, foul creature who enjoyed making fun of Victor at every opportunity. What could have been more fruitful than discovering your brother balls deep...well, figuratively speaking, but it was still bad enough, to find his brother in a bed with another dude? Whatever his disposition to other sexualities was, he definitely was reveling in the situation, giving me that leering, odd look he had exhibited ever since the door was abruptly opened by the fast-talking male.

I must've made a miserable sight, too, a small in comparison lion, hiding behind the door like some perv, eavesdropping on the two brothers talking about...well, me, among other things. Victor hardly looked happy at all, for I could see his annoyance well in his eyes, as much as hear it in his sharp breaths.

At least the Cobb creature released me now, letting my paw fall down to my side, when he ambled away and past his brother again, heading towards a large suitcase and an assortment of plastic bags lying in a heap near the couch. He had dropped them quite near to my rumpled jacket on the floor, I noticed with cheek blushing intensity, as I watched him move energetically, almost too fast for someone his size, and considering that it was almost half past twelve in the morning.

"Cobb..." Victor opened his muzzle to say something again, but he was interrupted almost immediately by a lot of rustling as the beefy brotherly Dobie started to rummage through his multiple shopping bags.

"I brought you tons of presents," the Dobie smirked cheerfully over his shoulder, halfway crouched, showing paws into bags in search of something.

"I'm not sure this is the time...," the robe-wearing Victor tried to plead with his brother, rubbing the back of his neck slowly, as if to ease an ache.

I wouldn't have been surprised if he had a migraine coming in from all of this madness, and I, too, felt oddly left out and...I don't know...just strange, standing there on the doorway and watching these two guys interact with each other in a familiar, and yes, I suppose so, brotherly way.

"Heheh, here it is!" he pulled out something from one of the bags and turned it in his paws, to reveal that it was a gigantic, oversized, white T-shirt that read "OFFICE GUARD DOG" on the front in red letters.

There was a stylized cartoon picture of a doghouse underneath that, which had a stapler sleeping inside it, it seemed, complete with lines for closed eyes, pointed canine ears and a tail, making the stapler appear as a strange, animalized, hideous white collar genetic splicing experiment gone wrong. I bet it was meant to be cute, I'm sure it was, but only looked weird.

My eyes flicked between the T-shirt, the stupidly grinning Dobie and Victor who seemed...indifferent.

"Well, thanks," he spoke after a moment.

Cobb folded the massive T-shirt and shoved it back into the shopping bag, only to pick up another one from the heap on the floor. The clinking bag was pulled back to reveal a tall bottle of Johnny Walker, held fast in the Dobie's paw.

"And I brought your favorite stuff, too," the Dobie's eyes were earnest as he regarded his brother across the room, without forgetting to flick an ear at him, "I found a great offer from this liquor store..."

"Thanks again," Victor rumbled absently.

Cobb put his bottle down amidst the heap and then straightened himself up to his tall, Victor-rivaling height, and simply looked at me, and Victor, from his vantage point on the other side of the living room.

"Sooooo...." I don't think there's ever been much more emphasis being put on that one, simple syllable.

I wanted to spit at him, I really did, but I behaved...still standing there on the bedroom door, shell shocked into immobility by the outrageous antics of this strange Dobie who had caused my date with Victor to crash and burn.

"...what?" Victor snapped me out of it with his demanding tone.

"You two been an item for long, then, eh?" the Dobie smirked, eyeing us with all too curious eyes.

My ears flattened automatically upon the implications.

"It's not much of your business, Cobb."

"We've seen each other a couple of times," I added truthfully, feeling like I had to do my part in getting Victor out of this shit.

Both of the Dobies looked at me, both with eyes all too keen on me. Victor still seemed struck, Cobb...well, he was looking at me very intently.

"And getting frisky on the second date...way to go, dudes," Cobb high-fived the air in the general direction of Victor, but the brother Dobie did not react beyond flicking his ears, annoyed.

My tailtip twitched uncomfortably, feeling like I was being held on the spot by these two.

"Not like it's unusual in any way," the words spilled out of my muzzle without thinking, a regrettable thing in the long run, I suppose, considering my company.

Still, he deserved to hear it in his face, because whatever they ever speak about gay guys being promiscuous and fucking everything that's willing to lift its tail, I bet it's not a secret that straight guys are just as bad, whatever bad means, or even worse than "us". Whatever that meant, anyway, gays aren't homogenous.

"Of course not!" Cobb slapped his paws together, his ears flicking rapidly, much like his brother's did when he got excited about the subject. "It's the 21st century, it's okay to embrace your alternative sexual identity and all that crap. You all gay or just bi or simply cock curious? Because I don't like my brother screwing around with a married dude or anything like that."

I barely had the time to put my best WHAT THE FUCK face on before Victor snorted and snarled.

"Could you just fucking stop doing this every time, Cobb, eh?" the Dobie growled, teeth bared.

Cobb just shrugged.

"What's the problem? I'm just showing interest in my only big brother's life and making sure you're okay and getting busy with a decent fellah, unlike that Isaac guy."

"There was nothing wrong with Ismail, "Victor emphasized.

"Are you a decent guy, Rory?" Cobb's gaze was imposed on me, now.

I swallowed around my dry tongue, feeling fucking pathetic here.

"I go to work and pay my bills and give nobody trouble, does that count as decent?" I tried hollowly.

To my surprise, he seemed to think it was okay.

"You a fur dresser or something?" he snickered. "You smell a bit like the stuff that girl put on me the last time I had my pelt done really nicely in a parlor."

That damn antiperspirant spray I had so valiantly soused myself with to cover the smutty rut scents, I realized, causing my ears to flatten in embarrassment.

"It's none of your business," Victor spoke again from his side of things.

"It's okay," I spoke quickly, mostly directed at Victor, "I work in retail, actually. No fur dressing. I have no fashion sense."

I'd shown him a picture of me wearing a striped shirt and a red beret if I'd had one with me, if only to prove that I could by no means be a limp-wristed fur dresser by my occupation.

This answer pleased this Cobb guy, because he chuckled loudly.

"Not that there's anything wrong in being a fashion expert, I mean, we kinda need those too, or there wouldn't be J-Lo's ass or anything like that in existence, eh?" the Dobie smirked rudely.

"I guess so," I really didn't know what to think about J-Lo.

Victor harrumphed throatily.

"Cobb, I bet you're feeling tired after your trip," he spoke, "maybe you could simply go and take a nap and settle down in the spare room for the night, and we can talk some more in the morning?"

The big Dobie brushed off the suggestion with a simple ear flick, obviously much more interested in his new toy, one Rory Gliese, for now.

"How long has this been going on then, two dates Rory?" he questioned me with awfully curious eyes and eager expression on his broad muzzle. "You met on a pride or something?"

As much as Cobb claimed to be open-minded, he still seemed to have views on the subject at paw, namely, one homosexual lion and one homosexual Doberman brother.

Cock curious...for fuck's sake.

"We met a few weeks ago over drinks," I replied, deciding that trying to lie my way out of this situation would end in further embarrassment and troubles for poor Victor.

"Cool, just like straight people," the Dobie's ears flicked eagerly. "You ended up doing it doggie style the same night?"

My cheeks flushed despite my near-imperviousness to embarrassment when it came to talking about sexual matters, but it was Victor who bore the brunt of it. The big Dobie lunged forward at his brother, stepping between him and me on the room, presenting us both with one side of his robed figure. He didn't seem too happy.

"Cobb, seriously, when the FUCK have I been asking you about YOUR sex life, eh?" Victor grunted, sounding dangerous.

The stalwart prodigal brother shrugged.

"It's not like you're into pussy enough to want to hear anything about what I do with it," he suggested.

"As little as you want to hear about MY ass sex life I'm sure," Victor hit back, firing a full salvo of angry Dobie at his brother.

"Whatever you like, Victor, I ain't judging anyone or anything," the brother retaliated quietly, "I mean, it's cool, I've had a girl play with my ass a few times, it's not too bad or anything like that. Has something to do with whatyoucallit... that prostate thing..."

I wasn't sure whether I should congratulate the Dobie or feel revolted by his all too frank sexual revelations of butt nature, or be revolted in general with the notion of having to listen to such talk coming from Victor's brother of all furs.

Whatever I was feeling, I didn't speak a word.

Even Victor seemed to become disheartened upon his brother's outrageous words and simply stood there, nailed to the floor, staring at the still-smiling Dobie. My own eyes were probably so wide that they hardly showed any whites anymore. Cobb seemed to revel in the fact, for he smiled even more broadly than before.

"Hey, look, Rory, you, I've absolutely no trouble with Victor or anyone he does anything with, so relax a bit, eh?" the Dobie chimed at me from his position amidst his plastic bags containing souvenirs and present for his currently fuming brother, "it's just that Victor's still a bit touchy about his non-latent homosexual expressions..."

Victor snorted.

"I've got no problems about it!" the big Dobie snapped.

"Then why're you so upset about me getting into know about you and your bu...buddy Rory here?" Cobb waved a paw in my direction, highlighting me as a culprit in this fraternal argument.

Victor's ears flattened as he scowled at his brother.

"I'm pissed off that YOU show up here in the middle of the night, unannounced and banging the door and scaring the FUCK out of me and Rory!" he growled angrily.

Cobb seemed to take it without a flinch.

"How was I supposed to know that you've got company, Victor?"

He had a point in that.

"You could have phoned! Texted! Me not answering could've been enough a hint for you!"

"It was meant to be a nice surprise for my brother whom I haven't met in four months!"

Victor shrugged.

"A surprise alright!"

The large brother Dobie scratched his head behind his ears.

"Didn't know I'd walk in mid-fuck but oh well..."

Damn cheeks.

"Uhh, we weren't...," I managed to utter, but it sounded so lame, and the derelict clothes on the floor spoke against any claims of the like, so I decided that it'd be better to just be quiet.

"Think I don't know what Victor smells like when he's feeling randy?" the Dobie flashed his teeth in a gesture oddly reminiscent of Victor. "We had a shared bathroom back at home, it's not like I didn't smell him in the shower, or the hamper. Sorry, Rory dude, not fooling me on this thing."

My maw practically dropped open from the amount of too much information and embarrassment that was contained in the Dobie's matter-of-fact statement.

I wondered how Victor managed to take this, on a regular basis, too, I feared, without slamming his fists onto that Dobie's muzzle and gut. I only saw the back of his neck, since his eyes were fixed on the Dobie to his right...I stood to his left, stuck on the doorway leading into the scene of our carnal and probably very much scent-publicized romp. My tail was as if it was paralyzed, unable to convey my mood of annoyance and fear and general...fuck allness.

Cobb cleared out his throat.

"I would've brought a gift for a boyfriend too if I'd known you had one," he spoke to Victor now, and, seriously, gave me an ear flick and a wink, both which served to make my belly clench oddly.

"He's not my boyfriend," Victor repeated his earlier sentiment about the state of our relationship.

"Well, a gift to whatever you need to call him to do it in the butt," the Dobie mused.

My butt felt slightly insulted, and judging from Victor's groan, he wasn't liking the sentiment too much. Cobb moved back over to his pile of goodies on the floor and started to go through them again.

I turned to face Victor and breathed out softly.

"Maybe I should go," I whispered, hoping that the Cobb would not hear it too clearly, now that he was making a lot of noise with his rustling bags.

Victor shook his head and huffed miserably.


"Victor, I think I should leave, this isn't going anywhere."

" you like smoked entrecote, Rory?" I heard strange metallic clicking from within a black shopping bag.

"Cobb, for fuck's sake, calm down!" Victor snorted in the direction of the Dobie crouching by his bags, displaying a rump of clear Holden proportions.

His stub of a tail flicked upon being talked at.

"Impossible, I had two coffees in the train to stay really awake for seeing you properly!" the Dobie replied without turning back. "Not sure I'm going to sleep all night!"

I shook my head, briefly, wondering on how the hell had I managed to get into this situation? My lovely date had been completely ruined by Victor's abruptly changing social circumstances, that being, to put it bluntly, his pawful of a brother, Cobb Holden, suddenly banging onto Victor's doorstep right when we were just done banging! Spoiled cuddles aside, Victor was obviously not happy talking about his personal life to his brother, who, on the other paw, was all too eager to know everything. Did he stalk Victor after all? Did he keep tabs on him and those he associated with? Did he spy Victor's Facebook?

What a dilemma...what a shithole I'd managed to dig for myself, with my hopes and dreams...and my fucking cock all too eager to try and jam itself between Victor Holden's lustrous rump cheeks.

"Victor, I...I can't do this now, you need to calm this thing down," I spoke again, once the Dobie had turned to look over to me again, briefly.


"I'm sorry, Victor, this is too much for now," I spoke hastily, finally moving to gather my things from the floor as fast as I could, doing my best to avoid Victor's eyes, as much as dodging the menace of Cobb Holden, still apparently trying to find a gift for me for fuck's sake!

"...well, these chocolates were really meant for Victor but I suppose he could part with these...are you lactose intolerant, Rory?"

"Yes," I answered against my better judgment, the odd question somehow getting through to me when I was tying down a shoelace on my left paw.

"Awww...these are pretty heavy on milk protein and lactose...damn, I should've made sure these are lactose free...should plan for all eventualities."

Victor's shadow loomed over me while I struggled with my shoelace, getting it knotted in all the wrong places with my shaky paws. My heart was back to hammering, and my tail twitched nervously, slapping the floor.

"Rory, I'm fucking sorry about this, please, can we...can we handle this?"

My paws shook even worse when I turned down to look at my work again after peeping up to see Victor when he was talking to me in that pleading tone. It was easier to speak when I wasn't looking at him.

"...I don't know," I rumbled, finally managing the get the hoops right and pull my shoe back together and secure it over my footpaw.

I stood up and regarded the Dobie of my dreams.

"Try to sort this out, please, I gotta go before all hell breaks loose," I spoke to him between tight lips, and headed for the door.

"Hey, Rory..." Victor's voice sounded as deep as it ever was.

"Do you like Foster's beer, Rory?"

"Good night, Victor, good night, Cobb, hope you'll be fine, you two," I snuffled on my way past the coat rack full of Victor spare coats that smelled so much like him, I wanted to press my nose against the sleeves and breathe in the natural musk that was the big Dobie's special scent.

"Hey, Rory!"

I padded over my pant pockets to make sure I had my keys and my wallet and my phone before I was out of the door, down the stairs and out on the cool curb, alone and without warm arms around me.



What's with the Gruffhangers again? See what happens next in the upcoming chapter of I'm Still With the Hockey Hunk, coming soon on SoFurry!

If you have any comments about this chapter or the ongoing story in general, don't hesitate to drop a line or two. It'll help me to be a better writer and amuse me, too. Votes, faves and watches are great too and help others to find my work as well.

Cheerio everyone!

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