Your loving embrace pt 3 : Friend's

Story by damienwolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Your loving embrace.

Here it is my part three of my story sorry it took so long had a lot of stuff going on the last few mouth and didn't have time to finish but it's here now so enjoy. Oh and if you not suppose to be here you know it and we can't stop you so have fun by the way sorry there's no yiff but I thought the story need some plot development how you like it any way. Time passed and before I knew it I had been living with ferral for a month but to us it was perfect we grew to know a little more about each other every day and with that our love grew stronger. But at the same time life went on as well ferral had to go back to work and I started school it's been about two weeks since I started and I think I'm doing well but I haven't made any friends yet but I have my eyes on a certain black wolf that's in 4 of my classes he's quite but polite and has a few friends I've seen him with and I hope I can be one of them I plan to talk to him today during.......BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The annoying buzzing of the alarm clock woke ray from his peaceful sleep and he let out a yawn as the sun met his eyes and the dawn greeted him. He shifted a bit to sit up only to be stop in his tracks by the strong yet loving arm of ferral him being still sound asleep not even bothered by the clock , a cute little smile on his face as rubbed rays sides getting a giggle from the smaller wolf . "ferral....ferral wake up were going to be late " ferrals eyes opened and he smiled at ray then let out a big yawn " well good morning there beautiful " a small blush came to rays white furred cheeks " morning to u to handsome ". "So what's up for to day cutie " ferral said with a smile as he look up from his breakfast swishing his tail a little as he turn ray hand ferral a glass of milk "well Mr. strife I have all six of my classes today so I'm going to be a little late, dinner may be a little late to depending on how much homework I get ". Ferral had a mouth full of food as he listed to ray "don't worry......about it ill pick something up on the way home" "hehe you know that's bad manners to talk with your mouth full "ray winked at ferral as he spoke "ferral then set his fork down and reached across the table and kissed ray forcing his tongue in his mouth. the kiss lasted a good minute as the sucked on each other " hunny ... we... don't have time" ray muffle out between the kiss and ferral pull away with a grin "now who's talking with his mouth full ? " ray then play hit ferral in the chest "you know what I meant " ray could help but smile back this made ferral chuckle " well I' gonna be late if I don't go, thank you for breakfast hunny ill see u a little later " with that ferral gave ray a quick kiss and grabbed his brief case and went out the door . ~sigh~ ray breathed deep a thought about how lucky he was to have ferral his though taking up more time then he thought till a tug came to his pant leg . "Ray you're going to be late as well if u do not hasten you will miss then shuttle". Snapping out of his dream he saw delta at his side "oh! Yeah the shuttle delta can u grabs my bag for me? I'm running a bit....." ray stopped as delta handed him his bag a smile appearing on his screen "thank you delta " The door opened behind ray and ferral step back in panting a bit " I so sorry I left you delta I'm a bit huff* huff* I'm a bit scatter brained today" delta walked up to ferral and laugh "you always forget something I knew you would be back to get me in a moment anyway" his screen flashed a smile "your to good to me delta" ferral gave ray another quick kiss " see you later, come on delta I made us late again " ferral and ray both left at the same time both a little late. Ray managed to get to class on time only by a seconed and quickly sat in his in his seat next to his new found friend "hey Damien how's it go' in? "The pure black wolf pulled his eye's from his book and look over at ray with a grin "I'm doin fine how about you?" Now if you don't remember Damien is the black wolf that ray saw the day he came to speak with the head master with ferral , since then he found out Damien is in most of his class and they became fast friends. Well I guess you know he's a wolf he's about 5'11 not super muscular but very tone he has the purest sky blue eye's ever and he has his head fur done in short dread locks, not to mention he has a thing for white he almost is always dressed in white and today is no different. He was wearing white kaki pants and a white muscle shirt today dawned of course by his silver ear ring in his left ear his silver chain around his neck and those ace bandages you use for sprains raped around his palm's down to his elbow I always thought It was strange but every one thinks its cool. "Great, what's up for you today?" "Nothing much same old thing" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sorry I'm late Marlene "the tigress turned in her chair whishing her tail as she turn" how many time's do I half to tell you, this is your company you can come in anytime you want!" She smiled as she pretended to scold him " hehe I know I just like to keep the habit of getting up early for work" ferral set his brief case down as delta walked in behind him. Marlene giggle a bit as she waved to delta, delta waving back "besides there's nothing going on today why did you even come in? " "Oh I know I just wanted to finish that project I was working know the thing for ray." Marlene quirked an eye brow "Oh! Yeah I almost forgot about that, how is it coming along? "Ferral sat down in his chair and relaxed a bit "its almost done do you think he will like it?" "Marlene gave a big toothy grin "he will love it I just know he will "a sigh slipped out of ferral he knew Marlene was usually right about these things. "Oh since you're here, before you run of to your workshop will you go over this proposal for the Signet ?" ferral's ear's perked at mention of this name "sure no problem Marlene" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning classes went by pretty fast and it was already time for the lunch Damien and ray decide that they should eat in the quad today since I was nice out. "Oh what's that Damien ? " ray pointed to a drawing of a beautiful young fox girl in his sketch book " oh a....this.....this is nothing" Damien seemed nervous witch was strange for him. Just then I noticed why he was drawing the picture across the quad sat the beautiful vixen in the picture ,she was gorgeous she had all golden blond fur and a short hair cut about to her chin and about half way down from were her hair started blond I changed to a silver white. She wore long jeans that clung to her quite nicely and she had on a pretty sky blue dress blouse with a black collar around her neck and two black bracelets, looking at her was like looking at an angel. I nudged Damien in the side with my elbow when I caught him staring at her too " oh I see I think big bad Damien has a crush on someone" " Damien turned and glared at me hitting me playfully in the arm " I do not" I had a big toothy grin on my face then " we both know its true " then I stood up and wave my hand as I yelled out "HEY AYA COME A EAT LUNCH WITH US" when Aya heard this she turned to see her friends sit across the way and she smiled "SURE THING RAY!" she quickly gathered her bag and her books and padded over. "YOU IDIOT I'm gonna kill you!" Damien in an obvious panic, I always knew he liked aya since I met them but he was always cool around her I wonder what made him so nervous all the sudden. " Hi guys what up" aya's cheery attitude seem to clam Damien a little "great have a seat" I smiled and moved over so she would be next to Damien I could tell he was blushing hard even threw his pitch black fur " What wrong Damien you look nervous " aya look at him with concern "I...I'm fine....really" aya smiled and moved closer to Damien " I know what's wrong" she giggled as Damien turned to look at her curiously "Yup!" and with that she leaned him and kissed him on the lips and Damien's eye's went wide as she pulled away " Ray here told me all about it" she giggled and I stuck my head out from behind her shoulder and smiled wide waving at him. Damien looked ready to kill me then but aya started to talk again " I've liked you for a long time to Damien but I didn't have the courage until screw ball here-" she pointed her figure at me "-Set up this whole lunch fiasco " I tried to seek off and leave them alone but aya grabbed my shirt and held me in place " oh no you don't MR. it was your idea to do this and now you will stick to it " I sat and watch Damien in total awe then decide to lean over and give him a push . Whispering in his ear "this is were you ask her out "I snickered as he tried to grab me but a dogged to sit back behind aya while she giggled "ummm ...yeah ...aya.. Would you...would you like to... go out sometime? " aya leaned in and kissed him again " I'd love to" she smiled and stood up well I got to get to class see you guys later,and ray?" I looked up at her "after Damien is done with you its my turn" she smiled and kissed damien's cheek " bye ray, bye bye Damien" he just sat there in awe at what happened then he slow turned his head to look at me with a very scary glare in his eye's "you...." I smiled as big as I could trying to look innocent "yes Damien" In one quick movement he grabbed me and hugged me tight hurting me a bit "thank you" then he squeezed tighter "but if you ever pull that shit again I'm gonna kill you" he smiled and stood up" well it worked out didn't it "he hit me in the should "yeah your lucky it did cupid" I giggled like a little kid "glad to be of service". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On the basement floor of Omega Corporation main building ferral sit with delta finishing his his gift for ray. " I think its finally done delta" delta turns his head to face ferral " I do agree ferral it seems complete by my analysis " ferral taps his fingure against his work table " I think we should wait and let ray activate it that way they get more attached" he smile's down a delta "don't you agree? " "That I do should we ask Marlene's opinion?" "I think we should after all see the expert of gift's" a slight crackle sound is heard as ferral turns the intercom on "......Marlene could you come do to the workshop I want you to check this out " "...... will do ferral on my way". A few moments pass and marlene enter's the work shop " So is it finished ?" ferral turns and hands marlene a sphere about as big as a basket ball " this is it.... It doesn't look like the plans at all." Ferral crosses his arms looking at the tigres with a smile " that because it's inside it, I didn't activate it cause I want ray to." "oh right I got ya." Marlene winks and hands the sphere back to ferral . " I'm sure he will love it ferral the way it look in the plans it was perfect" ferral walks up to marlene indicating her to follow him back up stair's " I hope your right" Ferral looked a little scptecal " trust me I know these things " with that the both enter the elevator to go back up stairs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Really she really said that?" Damien still a little shocked at what happened walked along side ray as they went to the shuttle ( "shuttle " is just everyone calls it it's actually just the latest model train to come out). " Yeah she said ever since you to met last year she's had a thing for you, but she didn't say anything cause she thought that you wanted to be just friends." Damien kicked him self mentally for being more then a little distant at times with aya. " so how did you find out I liked aya any way ? " ray turned to Damien as the shuttle pulled up " oh that was easy one of your sketch books is nothing but drawing of her plus I could tell just by the way you acted around her" blushing Damien knew he was caught " It wasn't that obvious was it? " ray leaned in a kiss Damien on the cheek " it was more obvious than that" ray stated laughing as the shuttle doors closed as sped of and the two friends continued chatting about all the way till it got to ray's stop. "Ill see you on Monday Damien have fun with aya , later" Damien waved as his friend left " peace man ill half to meet your boyfriend someday soon so I can embarrass you" Damien chuckled as the doors closed. The walk home wasn't long and it only took ten minute's till ray stepped in side his house to find ferrule's brief case next to the door. " Ferral I'm home sorry im a bit late I ...." Ray stopped as he saw ferral on the couch with delta hold a big sliver ball in his hands " oh hi hunny how was your day" he didn't even seem to notice the time. Ray quirked an eyebrow at the ball " what's that love " ferral smiled and handed ray the ball " this.... This is for you" ray took the and look at it even more confused " what is it ?" ferral giggled a bit and put his muzzle to rays ear and whispered in to it, then pulled back " ok? " " ok.... Code seven seven zero two one nine" . After ray said that the ball shook a little and he put it on the floor, suddenly it split open and smoke surrounded it . ray looked puzzled and ferral only smiled as the smoke cleared. There befor them stood a little robot only about one foot six inches tall, its look like a little doll it was colored in Red black and white and hit had two little wings on its back, its face look kind of like a mask I was pure white and had two big oval's for eye's and a circle for its mouth but the eye stay closed. Ray step a little closer and the eye's opened quickly and flash a yellow light flashed out of them then I spoke " hello I am the XC model one assigned to Reynard heartily may I ask you name ?" ray was in awe it was absoulty adorable looking and so innocent to following its program. "do you like him ?" feral put his arm on rays shoulder " he's so cute what did you make him for " for you silly he's your friend and personal assistant like delta" ray turned around and hugged ferral tight " thank you ferral you didn't half to do this for me " "but I wanted to, I wanted you to have someone around when you have no one to talk to, to keep you company ." ray nuzzled ferral's neck gently " thank you " ferral nuzzled back " your welcome, hey I think he wants to talk to you " the little robot just looked up at the two. "oh" ray turned and knelled by him " I'm Reynard heartily but you can just call me ray, wants your name?" the robot tilted his head to the side and blink " XC model one nice to meet you " ray patted him on the head " Nice to meet you to... but your names a little cold would you like a new one " the robot shook his head in compliance " Well let see..... How about Rune?" Rune shook his head quickly in excitement "I like that name ray" "then rune it is." There it is ill start on part four soon send all comment's good or bad to me I love o here feed back. P.S. Hey everyone by the way i'm on the yiffstar forum now soo send me coments to ok =D