Liaisons, part 1

Story by Seres North on SoFurry

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I'm frankly very dissatisfied with what happened with the last chapter. However, I decided that it was preferable to having to try and work out a way to fix it... if there even was one beyond flipping them around randomly.

Honestly, the whole ordeal has left me pretty pissed off. "Research and Recreation" was written as a two part story, and I really hated having to cram both chapters together- but I had no other reasonable choice.



**"Liaisons, Part 1"


Xander leaned back against the wall of the room, shirtless and barefoot, looking at the digital display on the PDP in his hand. The object was only about a quarter inch thick with a display screen and a small keypad bellow it.

Lighter fur covered the wolf's chest and stomach (with a tuft of darker fur on his chest) and ran up the front of neck and around his mouth. Darker gray and black markings adorned his face, arms and shoulders and streaked down his back. His tail swished idly as he continued reading the information on the data pad. He nodded to himself. "Yes, it all does seem rather clinical." Xander commented before looking over at Neela. "I don't suppose you know anything special about him?"

Neela smiled, but shook her head. "Not really," She began.Her white blouse was unbuttoned just below the bust- showing part of her bra-clad breasts. "It seems that he knew a lot of people- some more so then others." She continued calmly. "He worked here for three years- with no problems during that time- then suddenly just transferred away from the station."

The wolf set the pad down on a nearby table and walked over to her side. "And I suppose that there's no official information as to where he went or why he left?" He asked, snaking an arm around her waist, stopping to brush his hand over her backside in the process.

She smiled at him. "No." She replied. "There's nothing on record as to where he transferred to, and Ursa says that he didn't mention anything to her around the time that he is supposed to have left." The raccoon offered with a shrug.

Xander slipped in front of her and began fiddling with the buttons on her blouse. "Well, if anyone could have given us a clue about what happened to him, it would have been her." He offered. He finished and parted the front of her blouse and slid it down her shoulders.

"Ursa said that he didn't mention anything to her about leaving." Neela informed him as he continued removing her blouse. "The fact that they were seeing each other at the time makes this even more unusual." The raccoon added and jumped slightly as his lips touched down on her neck.

The wolf began to nip and kiss at her shoulder and slowly moved up to her collarbone and brushed his sharp teeth across the soft, fur-covered flesh. She gasped as he tended to her- his sharp canines brushing against her collarbone and neck. "Still, I think I know of someone who may know something about this little mystery." Xander remarked with a smirk.

He unclasped the bra in the back and slipped it off of her, revealing her round breasts. He took one her dark nipples in his mouth and began to suck on it. He caught the stiff bud with his teeth- and pulled gently- while his hand found the twin mound began kneading it. He caught the other nipple in his fingers and tweaked it.

Dark brown peeks quickly grew stiff as the wolf expertly worked them. Xander eventually moved his hands down and unfastened the hem of her dark skirt and let it fall, pooling around her feet. She gasped and chewed her lower lip as a hand slipped into her panties and fingers deftly teased the sensitive outer lips of her slick passage, before he slipped one inside her. She moaned at the pleasant contact and the wolf eased her onto the bed.

The raccoon looked up at the wolf as he hovered over her. Xander reached down and undid the top of his pants and quickly pulled them off. He then reached down and placed his hand on either side of her before he descended to kiss her lips softly. She moaned as his tongue entered her mouth. She reciprocated and snaked hers out, brushing it along his sharp teeth.

They took in air as he pulled back and she glanced down, past her breasts and stomach. There was a noticeable bulge in his underwear. Neela gasped as he moved against, brushing his clothed member against her covered mound. Neela started to squirm as her panties became damp- slicking the fabric of his underwear and causing it to cling visibly to his member.

Eventually, Xander stopped. She looked up at him and smiled faintly. He reached down to hook the edges of his underwear and slid them off. He sighed as the slick flesh came in contact with the cool air of the room, inhaling suddenly at the sensation. "Can I use your breasts?" He asked her with a smile. She chuckled and nodded back.

Xander reached down and cupped her breasts and guided his dick between her breasts. The raccoon watched with some fascination as his member slid between her cleavage. She extended her tongue to lick at the head of his dick as he continued thrusting. The wolf grunted and clenched his teeth as he sped up his pace.

She looked up at him. "It's alright- you can cum if you like." She told him as he continued thrusting. Moments later, he arched his back and made a final thrust into her bosoms. Neela watched as his seed spilled out- most of it splattered into her open mouth.

He rose up, his member sliding free of her breasts, and sat back. Neela sat up and wiped her mouth off- licking her fingers in the process. "Well, now that you've had your fun- why don't we get on to the main event?" She asked with a smile. The wolf grinned as she reached down hooked her thumbs under the elastic of her slick panties and effortlessly slid them off.

Neela had an idea. She winked at him as she shifted onto her hands and knees, presenting her backside to him- exposing her damp slit to his view. "How's this angle for you?" She asked with a smile as she shook her bottom. Xander smiled and crawled up behind her.

She bucked her hips when he slipped a finger into her experimentally. She moaned and ground her hips against his hand as he thrust his finger into her. He toyed with her dripping moment for a moment before removing his hand, now slick with her juices. Neela flinched just a bit as his hands came to rest on her backside and, after a moment, she felt the tip of his dick press up against the outer lips...

Without any further delay, he plunged into Neela's depths, causing her to crie out as he began thrusting into her. She moaned and gripped the sheets tightly between her fingers as he pushed deeply into her aching pussy. On and on, his member went in and out of her- coming almost all the way out, only to slide back in with a resolute liquid noise.

Neela knew that Xander- as a wolf- would be be strong. Still, the reality was much more intense then anything she could have imagined. She panted noisily as she adjusted to the strength of his thrusts. Xander, for his part, savored the tightness of her passage and the way it firmly gripped his shaft, enveloping him in her tight passage. He logically guessed that she couldn't have been as experienced in this as Ursa- most of her actions seemed more instinctive than intentional.

Her inner walls were warm and slick and offered a pleasant sensation for his member as he continued thrusting into her. Neela's tongue hung out as she panted for air. The whole time, the wolf pounded into her with great vigor, driving her closer and closer to the edge. Another difference he noticed was that she hardly made a sound the whole time- unlike Ursa! Her moans seemed fairly restrained by comparison.

She dug her fingers into the bed sheets as she felt a tremor shoot down through her and felt her inner walls clamp down around Xander, milking his cock for all it was worth. She could feel it as he buried himself all the way into her and his member began to pulse as he climaxed. The raccoon gasped happily, enjoyed the afterglow of her orgasm as his seed spilled into her.

The wolf, for his own part, had cried out when he ejaculated into her. A wave of sensation engulfed his stiff length and he could feel himself releasing his own essence into her. He remained silent for a while, but eventually pulled his soaked member out of her and plopped back down on the bed. The raccoon fell onto her stomach and then- after a few moments- rolled onto her back and propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him...


Xander and Neela had rested for a while... The wolf smiled, gazing warmly at her nude resting figure for a moment and smiled. "So... you don't mind?" He asked vaguely.

"Mind what?" she asked, sitting up and brushing her sweat-slicked hair out of her eyes. She fumbled around for her glassed. After a moment, she located them and perched them on her nose. The bespectacled raccoon looked over at Xander and regarded him.

Xander steeled himself and continued. "...That there's another woman?" He began. "You've probably already guessed that I've had sex with Ursa." He reasoned.

The raccoon smiled at him and shook her head. "Don't worry about me... I never really planned on getting serious or anything like that." She explained coolly. "Don't get me wrong- this is fun, and I certainly enjoy having sex with you." She paused for a moment. "But my work is very important to me... and I think you still have a number of other 'avenues to explore'."

The wolf continued listening as she sat up. "Besides, Ursa told me that Rex was really popular with several of the ladies around the station. And if I understand her meaning, then you're doing a pretty good job of carrying the flame for him."

Xander shrugged. "Well, I've never really been able to say no a pretty face." He began. "Still, I try not to get involved in dangerous situations." He replied.

Neela nodded. "That must be why you like Ursa so much?" she asked him. The raccoon noted the confused look on his face and smiled. "Come one, you what I'm talking about- she's attractive, outgoing, and unattached." She explained. "She's the perfect woman for a casual fling."

The wolf cocked his head back and chuckled. "When you put it like that- I guess you're right."

"Xander," Neela began, getting the wolf's attention. "I don't really know all the details, but something isn't quite right about all this." She began, looking at him intent from behind her glasses. "Just be careful, if you dig too deep- you might uncover something nasty."

He nodded knowingly. "Don't worry, I'll be careful." He replied, reaching over to brush a few strands of her out of her eyes. "Besides, I'm a wolf- my teeth are sharp and my eyes and ears are strong."


Xander walked down one of the halls of the station. He was on the way to the commissary to find someone. His little investigation had seemingly lead him to a dead-end. Still, he knew of someone who might be able to give this case a kick-start.

He had hoped to find the rather enigmatic (and lethargic) female lizard hybrid lounging around somewhere in the area- something told him that she knew more than she was letting on... Much to his disappointment, Regina was no where to be seen. He sighed and was about to take a seat, when a familiar voice sounded next to him.

The wolf turned in time to see the face of the older male coyote, Rick Henderson, standing before him. He was dressed in one of his usual suit and tie numbers. He smiled at him- the expression had a certain "dangerous" edge to it, but he'd learned over the years that most of the rumors about coyotes that he'd heard were not true.

A smile graced his scruffy features. "So, how are you enjoying things here on The Nirvana?" he asked the wolf as he clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Are finding things here to your liking?"

The wolf nodded and gave a smile of his own. For his part, the only thing that could be implied in the smile of a wolf was overt menace. Yet, this was clearly not the case with Xander. He'd been taught by his mother at a young age that as a wolf, he must try extra hard to prove to others that he was trustworthy and steadfast.

"Yes, this place is quite amazing." Xander answered. "I'm really enjoying myself."

Rick smiled at him. "I can imagine- this station has a lot to offer and can prove very 'stimulating' if you know where to look." He replied.

Xander could have sworn that there was some sort of double meaning in what he said, but he couldn't judge the expression on the coyote's face well enough to make anything of it. "I don't suppose you know where Regina might be?" He asked.

Rick seemed to think about the question for a moment. "I'm not really sure where she could be," He began, scratching his head. "The guests will be arriving in about 52 hours, so she might be checking the environmental controls right now- in preparation of the shuttles arriving." He reasoned.

Xander nodded in understanding. "Thanks, I'll check into it- I need to talk to her about something." He finished with a wave and then left the area to continue his search for the lizard woman in question.

The coyote smiled to himself as he watched Xander leave. He continued watching as the wolf turned a corner and then turned to leave- only to see Grace arrive. "Oh hello Miss Holloway- how are you doing?" He asked with a grin.

The female wolf smiled back at him and nodded. She reached up and removed her glasses and stepped forward. "So, how's the 'new boy' fitting in?" She asked with a small smile on her lips.

Rick laughed a bit. "Oh he seems to be enjoying himself," He began. "And he seems to be getting around quite well- just like his predecessor." He added, crossing his arms.

The she-wolf regarded him with her sharp canine eyes for a moment. "I do hope that he manages to stay on longer then Rex did- it was hard loosing such a good worker like that." She finished with a whimsical expression.

The coyote uncrossed his arms and put his hands in his coat pockets. "Yes, it all happened so suddenly..." He murmured softly. He soon perked up and looked back up at the female. "Will Miss DeLane be arriving tomorrow?" He asked her eagerly.


Xander thought to himself silently as she listened to the two of them talking from just around the corner. The information he garnered from his eavesdropping wasn't much help though- as what they said was irritatingly vague- still, he had this feeling that Rick (and perhaps Grace as well) was hiding something.

However, he had no clue as to what they might be hiding or why! He cleared his thoughts and continued his way down the hall, in search of the elusive female lizard. He stepped into the elevator and entered the desired level into the keypad on the control panel.

He idly thought about the arrival of the guests and what that would mean- soon he'd have more pressing things to do once the guests arrived. Still, he really didn't have anything at stake in the little investigation, so if he had to move on- then so be it.

He stepped out of the lift and into the corridor. He remembered reading a general memo about how the environmental systems were acting up- so there was a good chance that Regina might be somewhere around this level, working on the systems. He found an access terminal on the and activated the computer. He brought up the computer's interface.

A quick scan of the level revealed that someone was in fact in one of the chambers- the heating control. He quickly turned off the monitor and made his way down the hall. Eventually, he reached the correct door, noting the words and the "flame" symbol on it (an indicator for heat). He ran his hand idly over the lettering and then moved down to press the access panel.

The door effortlessly slid open and he stepped inside. The fairly large area was made claustrophobic by the piping and machinery inside it. The area was also bathed in an eerie red light that gave a reddish tinge to the surroundings. He quickly noticed that it was decidedly hot and humid in the room. "Regina, are you here?" He spoke as he moved in- the door quickly sliding shut behind him. It didn't take long for the humidity to make his black shirt start to stick to his furry chest as he searched for the green female.

Again he called her name and looked around for her. He continued, moving further into the recesses of the chamber. Suddenly, he heard a clinking sound and turned around to see Regina leaning against a heating conduit about fifteen feet from him. She was propped up against the large silver tubing with one elbow.

She was wearing a gray boiler suit, though the top half was slipped down and tied around her waist. The white tank top she on clung nicely to her lean figure, damp from the ambient humidity. Her long black dreadlocks hung loose around her head. The wolf looked up and noticed a broken pipe, spewing steam all around her.

Regina looked up and gave him a strange look. "Xander..." she spoke in a deep voice as she took a step towards him. The condensation gave her smooth green skin a strange exotic glimmer in the minimal lighting. "...What brings you here?" She asked, a goofy smile on her face as she staggered towards him. She moved forward again and rested a hand on his chest- tapping a clawed finger against him through the fabric of his shirt.

Xander placed hand on hers but made no move to take it away. He looked at her. "Regina, what's going on... are you alright?" He asked, concern audible in his tone. "I've been looking for you- I came to talk to about-"

She interrupted him. "I fine... and I don't feel like talking." She replied in a half-serious tone. She gave him a toothy grin and closed the gap between them. He could feel her slender form against him and her hips pressed against him through the baggy leggings of the boiler suit. "Talking's no fun... action is better." She told him. "Speaking of which... are you busy at the moment?" She asked.

He gave her a confused look. "Regina, what's going on with you- you're acting strange..."

"Heat..." she told him. Xander noted that she sounded almost drunk. "I came down here to check the systems and things went nuts... the warmth- I wasn't ready for it... but I like the way it makes me feel." she told him a sultry tone. "Oh Xander, if only you knew what it feels like...What you make me fee like right now!"

He was taken back by this, but smiled at her words. "I think I might have some idea..." He replied with a small smile as he squeezed her hand affectionately. The way she was right now- it was almost like she was intoxicated.

She cackled at this. "Oh-ho-ho!" She leaned her head back and looked up at him. "My kind- when we get warm... we get going!" She told him salaciously with glee. "I can feel my blood racing... overtaking the dull slack and invigorating me!" She exclaimed.

"Tell me what you think of me now- do you like it?" She asked him frantically with a smile. She stepped back. "The warmth makes my heart race but you make it race even more." She told him boldly as she showed her sharp teeth.

The next thing he knew, she pushed into him and pressed her lisps roughly against his. She rested her hands on his hips and went so far as she hook her leg back around his as they kissed.

They parted for breath and he looked down at her with a smile. "Well, aren't you bold?" He asked, rubbing her cheek with his palm. "But you're right, the questions can wait- you seem much more interesting." He added, running a hand through the thick black locks.

Her angular serpentine eyes narrowed as she looked at him and he could feel her tense up slightly in their embrace. Her lips parted. "Xander... do you..." She began to say, but suddenly her head lulled back and her body went limp.

He caught her slack form in his arms. "Regina?" He spoke as sh went limp in his embrace. "Regina?! Regina?!" He exclaimed as he supported her body against his. She wasn't moving...

(- End of Chapter 5 -)


I re-cut the story a bit. I created a break and turned Xander and Neela's brief conversation into a separate scene. This was partly to address some plot issues, but it was also to give Neela some dialogue before she left from the story. She was able to explain her departure in her own words.

I really like Regina's character in this one. She became one of my favorites almost from the beginning. She's a good contrast with the other characters since she's the only reptilian character in a story full of mammals. She's also cold-blooded, which is another good contrast. I also changed and reworked the dialogue in the final scene. I didn't have a problem with it when I first wrote it- but when I went back to it, it just didn't work for a number of reasons. I'm much happier with it now.

Original version: July 8, 2007

Revised version: Sept 2, 2009

Additional revisions: Dec 6, 2009