A Disobedient Pet

Story by Iacobus Artifex on SoFurry

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A lithe, blue feline sneaked about in the dead of night, slipping through a door with out a sound. His paws padded silently on the plush carpet, tail flicking and ears twitching with mischievous intent. The slim cat wore no clothes, the white of his belly and blue of his tail only shielded by the darkness. He stopped once inside the room, easing the door to the frame, but not closing it, eyes on other wall, where a fox slept, covered in blankets, with his head partially burrowed under a pillow, occasionally kicking or snorting in his sleep.

The feline crept closer to the bed, getting on his hands and knees as he approached. When he was next to the bed, he reached under it, paws grasping at the smooth surface of a stylized box, although one couldn't tell it's patterns at this time of night. He tugged it out, doing his best to make sure the dragging sounds it made weren't audible to the sleeping fox above. Soon enough, the feline was holding the box and standing up, trying not to let the items inside roll about. As he stood, his collar jingled, the light sound causing the light sleeping fox to stir.

The feline froze, only his tail moving as he watched the fox fall back asleep, merfing under his pillow. With that merf, the cat left, exiting as quickly as he could without making a sound. He smirked as he eased the door shut behind him, and eagerly snuck back to a nearby room, shutting himself in and jumping on the bed, a few items in the box rolling, or turning over. He soon removed the top, laying it to the side of the bed as he dug inside, pulling out a bottle and hmming to himself for a moment, before grabbing a second item, a more tubular thing, with two bulges at one end, the other tapering to a point.

He giggled, giving the dildo a playful lick, before picking up the lube, putting the dildo in his muzzle as he put the box to the side, setting it on the ground next to his bed. "If that grumpy ol' fox would play with me more, I wouldn't have to steal his toys.." he mumbled around the shaft, spreading his legs and squirting a bit of lube into his paw, smirking as he felt the slick stuff mat down his fur. He reached between his legs, spreading them apart for easier access as he began to lube himself, fingers rubbing against his hol before pressing in, making him mewl softly in anticipation, an ear flicking. He repeated the process, before letting the fake cock slide out of his muzzle, landing between his legs. He started to grow hard from his touch, his pinkish, spiky cock poking out of it's trappings. He squirted some more lube onto his paw, working it on the slightly slick canine dildo, rubbing up and down before working over the knot- He was going to take the whole thing tonight, grumpy fox in the morning or no.

He was soon leading the slightly warm member down to his rump, letting it trail over his bellyfur to leave a bit of lube, and again over his now firm shaft and soft balls, poking at his taint before it reached it's destination, the cute cat's rear hole. He sat himself up, resting on his knees, pressing himself down onto the member as if he was giving an ever-eager mate a fun ride, the pointed tip quickly piercing into him, soon followed by the quick expanse of the shaft, making him mewl at being stretched, loving every moment.

He worked it further in, clenching lightly as he did, squeezing the firm dildo in his rear, tail flicking from side to side. The cat picked up the bottle of lube again, squirting a bit more into his paw to work over the last few inches of he shaft, making sure it stayed slick enough. He dropped the bottle of lube, barely catching the dildo before it slipped out, his collar jingling. He huffed, reaching with his free paw to slide over his member, a drop of pre mixing with the lube on his paw. He clenched the flesh a bit tight, feeling it throb as he pushed the dildo in to the knot. He shivered, working it against himself, trying not to push the whole thing in now, but to ease it in, so it didn't sting as much.

He worked for a few minutes, pushing the dildo in a few millimeters before pulling it back out, then pressing it in again. His paw had been working over his shaft the entire time, and he was close, his member leaking more than it had been before. Finally, he shivered, giving a soft moan as the knot slid in- And the lights turned on. The cat jumped, mrowling as his door opened the rest of the way, a blush on his cheeks as a white fox strode in, an angry look on the male's face. In one blacktipped paw, the fox carried a riding crop, the fluffy tail behind the male twitching angrily, although that wasn't the only thing twitching at this point.

The fox's hard, 8-inch member stood at attention, his knot not quite formed yet, but leaking copious amounts of pre, making the member slick. "M-master. I," the feline started, only to be cut off by the fox, "Ky, what have I told you about pleasuring yourself without my say-so/?" Kylar hung his head, ears splaying back with a bit of shame, before looking back up at him.

The fox wasn't that old, just as old as the feline himself, with handsome features on the self-proclaimed 'tuxedo' fox's face, two black marks on the male's muzzle, and the ears black tipped as well. "That'd I'd be punished if I did, Master Kairo.." The cat squeaked, tail flicking. Despite his imminent punishment, the cat seemed to be a bit excited, the fox's throbbing shaft having him think that he wouldn't only be punished tonight.

"You're right there, pet," the fox growling, making a "Turn over" movement with the crop. "On your hands and knees." he ordered, the feline soon obeying, revealing his cute rump, his tail falling right into the crack, just covering the white that lined the inside of his rear. His master climbed onto the bed, sliding up under the cat, his throbbing cock poking the cat in the belly, making him shiver. The fox grasped the dildo, the feline giving a gasp and a mew as the knot was pulled out, and then roughly shoved back in, making him flinch, eyes tearing up a bit.

"Perhaps, dear, if you had climbed into bed with me and waited a while instead of stealing my toys, you could've gotten the real thing without being punished," he teased, grinding the dildo in the cat's rear, making him bite his tongue so he didn't moan. The pet gave a yelp as the riding crop cracked against one of his cheeks, leaving a red mark under the fur, and making him squirm. The fox pressed the crop against that cute rump, nipping at the cat's ear. "Don't squirm, sit there and take your punishment like a good little bitch," he commanded, and the feline did his best to obey, stopping his movements, although he kept shivering.

The crop slapped his rump again, making the feline give a muffled "Mmph!" biting his tongue so he didn't yell out, as his master didn't like it when he was loud like that. The crop came down again this time on the other cheek, the pet resisting the urge to pull or squirm away, the fox's rock-hard shaft poking him in the belly, leaving pre among the streaks of lube that were mostly dried.

The fox leaned in, biting at the cat's ruff, eliciting another mewl from his prey, tugging and pulling the feline onto his lap, helping him out by lifting his pet's legs and moving them to the right position. The cat flicked his ears, feeling his master's cock against his rear, throbbing and staining his fur with pre. "Since you wanted my toy so much, I suppose you can keep it.. But it's going to need a friend in there, hmm?" he teased, licking along the firm, fuzzy side of the cat's ear, the broad tongue making the short fur come together in small spikes.

The cat nodded, his rear smarting from the crop's whips. "You had better not cum until I do, kitty, else I'll have to punish you again," he said, pushing the feline down in front of him, lifting up the cat's rear, and tugging a bit on the dildo. "I just hope you have room for me, in that tight ass," the fox went on, getting on his knees and pressing his cock against the kitty's hole, shivering with anticipation.

The cat buried his muzzle in his beddings, trying not to let his master see his expression of pain, embarrassment, and a bit of lust. He lifted his tail up, only for it to be grabbed by the fox and hoisted high, the white male smirking and giving a tug as he started to force the head of his member inside the painfull tight cat, the knot of the dildo pressing his member against the silky walls of Ky's innards.

The cat bit his bed comforter as the fox continued t press in, groaning against the soft material as more of the fox's shaft entered, stretching him out, making his rear sting. The pre helped, at least, although the feline would have started begging for lube if he thought he could get some. The fox smacked his rear with a black paw, forcing a gasp out of his pet, and leaned forward, taking the cat's collar into his muzzle, and tugging on it, the c at releasing the bedding out of instinct, mewling in pain as the invading fox shaft pushed the dildo aside, leaving little room .

"Ohh. Almost in, kitty," he fox cooed, squeezing his pet's rear, digging his claws into the soft flesh just enough to sting, but not penetrate, the cat clenching even tighter around the two slick shafts in his rear. At this point, the cat was trying desperately not to cum, enjoying the punishment and sex more than he would have liked to admit, his tail flicking in the fox's tight grasp.

A few moments later, the fox started humping, in and out, slowly at first but picking up speed until his thighs were slapping against the feline's, his groin pressing against that ass. The fox's knot soon started to grow, popping in and out of the cat's rear until it thudded against his outside, making him pick up the blanket, biting into it again to muffle a groan.

"M-master, I don't think I can fit both of the knots inside of me," he mewled against the bedding, receiving a swat on the head for his words, "You'd better fit them both!" The fox growled, slamming his knot against the cat's tight ass, making him shiver and nod, He did his best to relax, taking a few steady breaths as the fox grunted above him.

Soon, the fox was growling, "Get ready, pet..." he said, the feline almost losing his concentration, as he anticipated the hard cock forcing it's way in. The knot continued slapping against his entrance, the canine cock almost ready to burst as the fox thrust one last time, hard enough to make the feline lean forward and groan, before forcing his knot into the hilt with a lewd pop, the feline hissing into the bedding, his teeth making holes as he bit down. The fox started to hump again, growling again before grasping his pet's hips and giving a loud Yiff!

Ky couldn't help but moan as he felt his master cum, the slick fluid leaking into him, and then out, dripping over his balls through the spaces made by the two knots rubbing against each other. The fox bit at the cat's ruff a few times, before reaching down with his paw and stroking the cat to orgasm, the cock throbbing after only a few touches, spewing against the fox's paw and onto the bed sheets. "You're cleaning that up tomorrow," he panted, licking his paw clean, and putting them into the right position on the bed, dropping the lube on the ground and pulling the covers over them, hugging his cat tight against his chest. "We'll just have to deal with the light... I'm not getting up," he grumbled, giving his pet a loving kiss on the side of the muzzle, the poor thing already asleep.