Crystal Love

Story by Iacobus Artifex on SoFurry

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#3 of Lystronia Chronicles

Slightly content, but mostly annoyed, a certain off-white colored cat laid ontop of his wolfish mate, on bed. They weren't doing anything. In fact, Xavyr was deeply asleep. His deep breaths lifted the cat up slightly ever second or two. Now, Marilen was very glad that Xavyr had started sharing the bed with him... What irked him was that the wolf still denied him other things! And when the cat brought up what happened on the ship, the wolf acted like it hadn't happened. Like he hadn't kissed Marilen... The cat sighed, and rubbed his head against Xavyr for a moment, before going to sleep.


Xavyr woke to his body being shaken, and what sounded like some smaller canine's incessant pleas for him to wake. He grunted, shifted, and rolled onto his side instead. "Sir Xavyr! You're going to miss breakfast if you don't get up!" The servant cried, shaking him again. The wolf waved him off, growling, "Then I'll miss breakfast! Let me sleep!"

The servant sighed... This was what, the fourth time this week? He could expect Marilen to sleep in like this, but no! But he wasn't going to be shooed this morning. The servant left the room, grabbing a bucket near the entrance to the cabin, before heading out to a nearby stream, and scooping up a bit of water.


Marilen leaned against one of the rugged trees on the beach, staring out into the sunrise. He watched the colors change and fade away into a bright blue, showing a sky with very few clouds. His ears pricked to the sound of the strange birds here flapping overhead, making their calls. He pushed his feet deeper into the warm sand, and sat down, hugging his knees.

And then a rather grumpy (and wet) looking wolf walked up, and sat next to him, blinking against the light that the waves reflected. He didn't say a thing. Instead, he just looked the other way, into the greenery to their right, staring at the startling shade, and the nearly branchless things, with small, brown, fuzzy fruit of some kind dangling below the leaves.

They sat like that for a few minutes, silent, each staring at their own spots respectively. Then the wolf turned his head, finally saying something... "Do you want to go swimming today? It looks like it would be goo-"No, Xavyr. I hate being in the water, "The cat growled. And the wolf looked away again, leaving the cat to his thoughts.

Marilen bit his lip, forcing his eyes on the waves. He wanted to call himself a hypocrite, now. He hated how Xavyr didn't do anything with him, but when the wolf offered, he always turned it down... "Do... You want to go explore the island today?" He asked slowly, not moving an inch otherwise.


All but an hour later, the two furs were a bit into the forest, stepping over fallen trees and branches, and evading bugs and vines. Instinctively, Marilen found himself edging next to Xavyr. It wasn't really that he was scared... More so because he hadn't trusted forests since the time... Well, since the time Xavyr had had the save him. The poor wolf's wrist still ached sometimes...

Like it did now. Xavyr brushed aside a big leaf to let Marilen pass, before following. This heat didn't help at all. It made him itchy, and it made his wrist ache... For some reason, he had never really regretted saving Marilen, back then. He thought he would. He was married to another male, now, and he could be killed if he told anyone of it! But he still didn't mind, no matter how much he tried to hate it. But one thing he certainly did like was the forest itself. The heat and humidity, he could care less for, but the forest. The exotic plants, animals, and the completely different terrain were all very intriguing to him. When he wasn't helping Marilen with something, he looked at everything he could. Every once in a while, he would stop, and take a leaf, branch, or what looked like a piece of fruit from a tree, plant, or similar thing. He would then walk a while examining it, before tucking it away in his clothes.

Marilen edged his way over one of the larger trees that they were crossing, when he noticed a loud crashing sound, like one of the small streams at home, but amplified several hundred times, and with a harder, rougher tone to it. He reached over, and grabbed Xavyr's paw, leading him in the direction of the sound, and the wolf, interested as well, followed eagerly.


About an hour later, they both stumbled upon a clearing in the trees. This was where the sound was the loudest... Xavyr pushed his way out first, turning to pick Marilen up, and set the cat next to him. When the cat was in the air, Xavyr heard him gasp. The big wolf turned... And stared up at a huge cliff, where a glistening, rushing stream of water fell continuously, slamming it' weight constantly into a pool underneath the cliff, where it there ran off into a large river. The rocks were wet... But they seemed to be glowing. Not like when light gets on something wet, and shines, but actually glowing, shedding light for several feet. There were small spots in the stone that seemed to glow just a touch lighter.

They both walked up to the nearest stone, resting their hands on it, only to instantly yank them back. Marilen gasped again, and was the first to touch it again, letting his hand rest for a bit longer. "It's cold!!" He exclaimed, running his paw over it. When he hit one of the small inflections in the rock, he shivered. Xavyr did the same, feeling over the rock. "Just what type of stone is this?..." He asked, rhetorically.

Marilen shook his head, and pulled away, looking around the strange place for only a moment. "The pond is full of the rocks!" He said, reaching down, and grabbing one of the small ones, shivering yet again when his paw dipped into the water, which was icy as well. He brought the smaller stone over to Xavyr, who took it, and looked it over. "We'll take this back with us... And see if anyone there knows what it is. But for now... Let's rest!" He laughed, sitting on the grassy ground. He was joined an instant later, by a suddenly huggy cat. For once, Xavyr actually wrapped an arm around Marilen, and got a purr In return.


Marilen stretched, just waking up, to find an ache in his groin. Huh. He hadn't thought that he was that tired... He separated himself from the wolf below him, and stood, grabbing the cold rock... Which indeed did glow a soft blue color. Having noticed that, he looked to the waterfall. "Wow..." He said. It was bathed in blue now. The water seemed to have slowed, turning it into a peaceful sound, instead of a harsh crashing. The cat walked up, feeling his way around the outer stone until he made it just behind the waterfall. There, he found a passageway of sorts, made of the glowing rocks. It wasn't big, at all. Marilen himself could hardly stand in it. But he moved in anyways, telling himself that he would get back to Xavyr before long.

He moved in deep, the cold from the stones feeling rather good on his paws. But son, he reached a dead end, and sighed, stopping. He didn't notice when he felt a stone shift beneath him. He did, however, notice when the whole thing collapsed under him, sending him falling into was seemed a soft-blue tinted death...


Xavyr blinked, yawning. Damn... Did he fall asleep? He was surprisingly cold, actually, having gotten a bit used to having someone sleeping on him. But that someone was nowhere to be found. The cat must've gone off to use the bathroom, and Xavyr woke from it. That's it. He rolled onto his back, and stretched, before going back to sleep.


Surprisingly, Marilen wasn't dead. But his head hurt like hell, along with a few other parts of him. He groaned, and sat up, checking himself over. His head fur was a bit matted and crusty, which was proved to be blood when he rubbed it, and checked it with the blue light. Atleast, he thought it was blood... The light changed the color, making his fur seem black, his blood blue... He shook his head, and looked up. The passage was blocked... So he was stuck underground the island. He stood, holding his cold, glowing stone, and walking down the only path he could.

He heard water up ahead, trickling down the rock side. He stepped into a larger cavern. Actually, that didn't seem to be the right word for it. More like a palace's main room, where the king sits, and the commoners come to tell their troubles, but bigger. Much, much bigger. Like a throne room, the cavern had two large pillars at one end, that looked as if they had been carved straight from blue crystal. They glowed brightly, masking the room in their blue colored light. The now black furred cat walked closer, reaching the 'thrones'... And touching them. He blinked, cocking his head to the side, before feeling the stone in his hand. The stone was cold. The crystal was warm... The cat walked around the crystal again, this time noting that they had strange, strange symbols etched into them. Was this from an olden civilization? Or was it a still active one, with the members of it watching him from nearby? He only took a moment longer to stare at the crystal thrones, before leaving, down a different passage.


Xavyr roared, having been tearing up the forest in anxiety, trying to find Marilen. Where the hell had that cat gone?! Surely he wasn't in the same mindset as he was on the ship, where he almost launched himself over the rails! The wolf would kill the cat again once he found him!

But he knew he couldn't, deep down. He had been searching for hours and hours, trying to find him, but with no success... If there was a body, he would have found scavengers and predators circled around it, but there was none. Finally, biting his lip, and refusing to admit that he missed the cat already, the big wolf left the forest, heading back to their cabin. A servant came to him, asking about Marilen, but the wolf just pushed him to the ground, going in, and then to his, their room, and locking the door. He hugged himself there, trying to tell himself that he didn't care, that he hated the cat for getting himself into this situation...


Marilen had been walking for what felt like an infinite time, now. He was used to walking long distances, but he had been doing it all day... Or night, whatever it was now. He couldn't tell down here. When he came upon one last corridor, hallway, or just a pathway of stones, he said that he would stop there for the day... Night, or whatever it was. He walked down it, and apparently, the gods had decided to have mercy for him, because he found himself in this path's cavern like room before long. It was mostly bare. In the middle of it, on a pedestal, there was a blue crystal, like from the thrones. It was fairly small, but... It was attached to a chain. No, not a chain, he noticed as he got closer... A necklace! The metal strip it was attached to was expertly made, in fact, it was better. The small runes etched into it seemed to waver, move, and glow under his sight. The crystal itself, he noticed, wasn't just one. It was three quartz-shaped items, of varying size, the largest being in the middle, the second largest on the right, and the shortest on the left. But it was much, much too perfect (and blue) to be quartz. There were no scratches of any sort, or any inconsistencies in the crystal... He thought about grabbing it now, but thought better of it. He needed sleep now, and sleep he would get. The cat moved to a corner of the room, and laid down, curling up against the somewhat cold stones. He fell asleep quickly.


When Marilen woke again, he stretched widely, yawning, popping the main of the kinks out of his back. His head still ached a bit, but it was much better now. He stood on wobbly legs, blinking a few times. He looked to the pedestal again, and walked over, looking the necklace over once more before grabbing it, and lifting it to eye level. The runes were on the crystal as well. He finally hooked it over his head, letting it hang there. The crystal hung down perfectly, the crystal part starting at the hollow part just where his neck met his body, and ending three inches below. He smiled, and left the room, not noticing as something back there stirred, and lifted its head, letting out a puff of smoke.

Marilen walked down the corridors, suddenly rejuvenated. His head didn't even feel like it was hurting anymore! He actually smiled. Feeling a strange pulling, not physical, he turned down a corridor on his left... And smiled as he saw what looked like actual light from an above ceiling. He walked into the cavern. It was much like the throne room, in size, but the thrones were missing. Instead, there was a large hump in the middle of the room, of the glowing stones. And, conveniently, it was directly under the exit.

As he neared, Marilen started noticing things about the 'hump'. The whole thing looked more like a back, he noticed. And a long, spiny part trailed off to the opposite wall... It looked like a tail. He stopped. And a low growling filled the cave. Marilen jumped, moving back until he hit the wall. The hump started to moved, and cracking sounds filled the cave. A large head on a thick neck lifted into the air, and a forked tongue tasted the air. The dragon, as it was so, continued waking. More cracks appeared on the parts near the legs, as it stood. The tail detached itself from the ground, and waved about into the air. And the stone dragon turned, its head heading for Marilen. It stopped at his chest, sniffing at the necklace there, and licking it. Marilen didn't dare move, as the strange stone tongue moved over him roughly... The head pulled back, looked at Marilen once more... And roared, mouth opening wide the reveal sharp teeth and hot breath. Marilen screamed.

The cat ran, across the room. He moved close to the dragon, knowing that the stone beast couldn't move that fast... A huge beast certainly couldn't!

There was a pond on the other side of room, he noticed. The dragon had been blocking it earlier... The bottom of it was filled with crystals like the ones he wore around his neck... So the legends of a dragon's treasure trove were true. And he was trespassing right onto one. Was that a sword in the pond? It was! And it was fashioned from the same crystals as everything else. Marilen turned finding the dragon to be very close indeed, only a few yards away. He jumped into the pond, actually liking the strange warmth. His paw gripped the sword that laid there, and he swam back up, as the dragon's tail pierced the water, stabbing down deep, and twisting, trying to find him. He surfaced on the other side, and was found immediately. The dragon slowly took its tail from the water, staring at Marilen curiously, as if the beast expecting him to be dead. Marilen grasped the sword in both hands, wishing that he had instead found a bow. Atleast he had had lessons in using that! He would be next to useless with a sword!

The dragon edged across the pond, going one way. The thing's long tail reached across the other side, preventing him from moving. Marilen pressed himself against the wall again, as it got closer, and closer. A paw darted out at him, and Marilen ducked, feeling stone chips hit his back. He twisted, and let himself fall, bringing the blade up in an arc. It hit the paw, and Marilen felt his arms almost get wrenched out of their sockets. The sword almost fell, but he kept ahold of it. The dragon growled again, and Marilen felt a liquid drop onto him... It instantly froze, making hard patches on the shirt Marilen wore. But the dragon backed off now, going to the middle of the room, and picking its head up, pointing at the cat. Its mouth opened, and a strange, strange hissing sound was heard.

Marilen's ears twitched, and he stared... The next moment, ice exploded from the creature's mouth, making a solid, spiky path over to Marilen. The cat screamed again, and jumped away, a moment before the ice hit the wall. He felt the jarring impact of it feet away. Marilen looked up, to find another icy path flying towards him. He jumped again, and rolled this time, on his feet in a second. He started running around the dragon, ice crashing down just behind him constantly. He moved in an inwards spiral, slowly getting closer and closer to the dragon. Soon, the cat launched himself at the start of the dragon's tail, and latched on, pulling himself onto the dragon. Knowing that he only had a few seconds, and cat ran forward, towards the dragon's head. Things started getting even harder on the dragon's neck, which was in constant movement. Several times, the cat's superior balance saved him from becoming dinner.

He finally got to the head, and jumped again, aiming for the dragon's left eye... He stabbed down with his sword, as he pass over, and felt the blade enter, and he came to a suddenly halt, his grip on the sword keeping him from falling. The dragon roared in pain, the beast's blood freezing the sword in place. It kept the roar up, swinging it's head wildly from side to side.

Marilen let go, hitting the ground hard. After a good minute of rolling and roaring, the dragon stopped, and held still, facing the cat again. There was defeat in its good eye, and Marilen suddenly didn't feel threatened anymore.

And a low voice that sounded like the constant cracking of ice and rock filled the air, "Cat... You have bested me in battle. How, I know not. Your small body should have fallen victim to my claws and teeth, and yet, you are unwounded, while half my sight is gone... And so I must let you leave." The dragon grumbled. "But first, I wish to know your name. I and Glaice, last of my kind..."

Marilen panted, staring curiously. "I am... I am Prince Marilen, of Lystronia." He said, strongly, proudly. The dragon nodded, and set itself in the same position as it was in when Marilen first entered . "You can climb on me, Prince Marilen, as you make your way out. Know that I am forever to bend to your will, now. But don't you forget me, Prince, as I will hunt you down myself..." And with that, the last part of the dragon returned into stony slumber. And Marilen left the underground caverns, finding himself on the beach, a fair way away from his cabin. Marilen sat on the ground there, and sighed.


The very moment Marilen arrived home, he found himself grabbed by two thick, black arms, pushed into a black chest roughly. "You stupid cat," growled a voice that sounded like it had been worried ever since Marilen had left. "What happened to you?" Xavyr asked. And Marilen told it all, from the throne room to the dragon.


That night, the wolf and the cat were back in their room. Marilen sat atop Xavyr's lap, the wolf looking over the necklace that his cat had found. "Were it not for this, I would call you a liar..." He said, softly. Marilen smiled, not having been allowed to leave Xavyr's side since a few hours ago, when he returned home. Marilen took the necklace from Xavyr's lap, rolling over so that he was on his stomach, staring up at the wolf. After only a moment, his eyes drifted downwards, and then further so, until they came to rest on a part of the wolf that he had been desiring for a while now. He leaned his head down, and softly nudged it, getting a squirm in response. And then he licked the clothes outside it, twice. "Marilen..." Xavyr said, lifting the now sad cat up, and setting him down again, next to the wolf.

Marilen bit his tongue, trying to keep himself from yelling. But... Why should he stop himself? The wolf owed him that! Finally, the cat got off the bed, and stood, growling. "Xavyr, when I came home, you acted so happy to see me. And then on the boat, which you won't even admit to, you kissed me! I'm tired of you teasing me like that, and then not giving me what I want!" He started yelling. Xavyr just sat there, staring. "You're a knight, aren't you?! And not only that, you are my mate! It is your duty to make sure that I'm fully happy and content, and doubly so because for your standing! Imagine if word got out to our citizens that you were neglecting me!" He kept on. Xavyr looked a bit reproachful, leaning back a bit. Marilen turned.

"You give me so many false indications that you like me... You try to spend time with me, and you try to do what I want, all but one thing...You, wolf, make a horrible mate." He said, starting to cry. The tears pushed the fur beneath them a bit closer to the cat's skin, and he felt hand grabbing his shoulders again. But he just pulled away. And then they were on him again pushing him onto the bed, on his back, and a heavy weight pushed its way onto him. "Fine," Xavyr growled, "If you want me so bad, then you'll get me."

Large hands pried away his trousers and shirt, tossing them aside. Xavyr flipped the cat again, putting him onto his stomach, before taking the cat's undergarments off. He then took his own shirt off, pinning Marilen down by sitting ontop of him.

Then he wormed his way out of his pants, biting his tongue to keep from saying something. He wasn't sure if he was grateful or annoyed that he was already half out of his sheath in anticipation, of humping his mate. But soon he had no clothes to put off with, and he grasped Marilen's legs, pushing them aside just a bit... And he moved in, pushing the tip of his thick, wolfish cock against Marilen's only entrance, down there.

The cat gasped as he felt the slick tip push against him, before smiling. He held still, as Xavyr started pushing, and Marilen felt himself spread open for the first time. He gritted his teeth at the burning sensation, and gripped the pillows under him. But the slow entry was quickly sped up, as Xavyr thrusted, and hilted himself into his mate.

Xavyr growled softly, at the very, very tight feeling around his cock made him spurt pre like crazy. The warmth did nothing but make it worse (or better, really). He pulled out, and thrusted in again, wanting to finish this as quickly as possible. He started humping. A bit softly, but a bit fast as well. He heard Marilen moan, from under him, and the big wolf blushed.

Marilen shivered, the pain being blotted out by the pleasure of being spread, and humped. He moaned again, and bit into his pillow, rubbing his fully hard cock against the sheets below himself, as Xavyr sped up again, apparently enjoying it more than he wished to admit. But Marilen didn't really care about that, right then. He was having way too much fun, enjoying himself immensely.

Xavyr panted, feeling the pleasure rise continuously from pounding Marilen. Unwittingly, he started going harder, faster as his orgasm approached, but he kept himself from simply ramming Marilen as hard as he could, the strong want to do so being ignored. But soon it didn't seem to matter to Xavyr anymore, and he did anyways, ramming in as hard as he could without tying. His muzzle clamped down onto Marilen's shoulder, claiming Marilen as his own, as his mate, in ways more than just being married.

And then things came to an abrupt end for Marilen. He felt his cock jerk against the bed as he came, but, at the same time, he also felt the slight sting of pain as Xavyr finally knotted with him. He hardly even felt his shoulder aching, as Xavyr gave a final few thrusts within him. Marilen moaned once more as he felt Xavyr's knot twitch, and a different, soft warmth fill him. He rested his head against the pillow, and panted, falling asleep quickly.

Xavyr stayed awake longer. He could taste blood in his mouth... He couldn't believe that he bit Marilen that deeply. He licked at the wound, cleaning it with his tongue, as he laid in his afterglow. He rested his head ontop of Marilen's, and decided that he wouldn't resist quite as much next time...


Near the front of a medium sized boat, an off white, female looking cat was leaning against the railing, staring across the deck to a large, black wolf. The cat sighed, deeply, and hung his head again, before turning, to peer over the seemingly endless...

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Princess Marilen

Here we are. Chapter one of a series that I can hopefully stop procrastinating enough to work on. Usual rules and stuff. I have the plot for the next few chapters already thought out, but after that, I'd like a few ideas. If you think you have...

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Nights Alone - For Cerys

It was midnight again... I couldn't sleep. I hadn't been able to sleep for... How long now? A few days? A week? Two weeks? I don't remember the night it started. I'm not worrying about anything, so that can't be why I can't sleep... People around...

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