Teaser- Mistress Cyn

Story by Danvers on SoFurry

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Originally wrote this as an introduction, it didn't fit so I'm repurposing it as a teaser for my next work.

N.B. doesn't contain tags, tags are for the actual work.

Part 1: http://www.sofurry.com/page/290339/user

Welcome to the Pokémon league Headquarters. To any trainer tired from the ravages of victory road, the sight of its towers seen through the mists around the waterfall, it seems like some magical building out of a fairy tale. Where inside brave knights armour up to rescue damsels from dragons. Upon reaching the top the view is still impressive. Hewn from white marble and red sandstone the building appears to be a combination of cathedral and castle. It looms over them as imposing and intimidating as the challenged that lies within.

The Pokémon league home to four of the strongest trainers in the region, the elite four and the strongest, the champion, each with their own palatial rooms and training centres for them and their Pokémon to use. All of these people in one place has graced the building with its own aurora of power.

However these images of perfection are a gloss, a coat of paint, a cloak covering the dead body in the corner. The truth is that in contrary to its image of perfection, unity and strength, the league is a place of corruption a den of sin and decadence. Beneath the suits and gyms the oldest bits of the league lie. Great tunnels riddle the ground below the league, know only to a certain few and home to the greatest perversion. Pokephilia

In the name of Arceus we must burn this forsaken place to the ground to cleanse the sin.

This literature was found in the hideout of one of the militant wings of the children of arceus after a anti terror raid.

Graduation day - Piano man

First I dislike this story, I came up with the plot ages ago and though it'd make a cool idea. Then after I rushed through drafting on Monday I thought meh. Having typed it up I don't like it The conversation feels forced as do the actions at times....

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Malkin and Lear. Or love amognst the mountains

This is an adult work of fiction. If you're under 18 just go and watch the pokemon anime instead of reading this. This story contains sex between a Male Salamence and a female human Pokemon and all recognised characters, places and creatures...

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