Ari's Crush

Story by Dragon Sechs on SoFurry

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#5 of American Dragon's love

Chapter 5

Ari is the daughter of the dark dragon. I got the idea for her from -R2ninjaturtel.


Ari's Crush

Fido was the first one up that morning, she opened her eyes to see the sleeping dragon in front of her. She smiled and thought of last night. She yawned and stretched. They were both still a bit sticky after last night's ordeal. She nuzzled the dragon's face and lovingly gave his a lick on the cheek. Jake then woke up. Seeing her he smiled and embraced her.

"How did you sleep" he asked

She chuckled

"Fine, you make an excellent pillow jakey."

They got up and ate, then plopped down in front of the TV. Neither felt like doing much today. It wasn't long before the phone rang. Jake answered it, it was mom.

"Jake how are you and Fido doing?"

"Great" Jake answered

"Listen Jake we've ran into a little problem"

"What is it?"

"Well, we've been held up. And we don't know how long it will set us behind schedule, but I'm afraid that we will be another week or two until we can get home."

Jake was happy to hear this news but he still kept his excitement hidden

"Oh, that's too bad mom"

"Yea are you okay on food and money over there Jake." She asked

"Yea we're fine over here."

"Well Jake, I got to go your father is calling me..."

"Okay mom tell dad and Haley I said Hi"

He hung up

"Who was that?" Fido asked

Jake relayed the news over to her. When Fido heard it she just gave him a sexy and mischievous smile.


Meanwhile, deep under the city, the biggest threat to the human and magical communities sat and thought, yes the dark dragon. He just sat there staring into the hologram picture of Jake. But he was not alone.

"Ari come here."

She approached. She was a young dragoness, perhaps a month younger than Jake. Her scales were a much darker shade of red than Jake's but her under belly was identically the same color of deep purple as her father's. But her hair and eyes were a slight tint of yellow which she must have inherited from her mother.

"Yes father?" she said timidly

"Is this the dragon you desire, my daughter?"

She stared up at the hologram in the center of the room.

"Yes father, he is."

He let out a frustrated sigh, he was annoyed by the fact that his daughter had fallen in love with the American dragon, the same dragon that had defeated him months ago. He wanted to slay him, not have his daughter fall in love with him.

"Very well Ari, if the American dragon is the one you desire than I will leave it up to you to deal with his capture."

"Thank you father"

He soon left the room leaving Ari there. She walked up to the hologram of Jake looking into it lovingly and smiled.

"Soon Jake, soon you will be mine!"

Back at home Jake and Fido were lying on the sofa enjoying just snuggling with the other.

Night soon fell and they still lay there watching TV and snoozing. Jake soon got up and left her there to sleep, he went into the kitchen opened the fridge and took out an energy drink. He no sooner popped the top when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye he turned his head to look out the window. He was met with two lightly tinted yellow eyes looking back at him, but he minuet he saw them they disappeared. Jake just sat there wondering what they were but he soon dismissed it and walked back into the other room.

"Jake what is it?" Fido asked seeing the concerned look on his face

"Nothing just thought I saw something."

Jake laid down on the sofa and both of them fell asleep.

They woke up the next morning quickly. They were headed for the skate park to meet trixie and spud. They both blasted out the door and toward the skate park. They finally arrived.

They all were exited about the new ramps being opened, so they were going to spend the whole day there. After hours of skating, the sun was finally setting. So trixie and spud said goodbye and retuned home Jake and Fido decided to go home as well. Jake was flying them home when Fido began to play with his tail and drape he arms around his neck. Jake laughed knowing all these telltale signs. Thinking to himself how horny she was. She leaned over as Jake bent his head to the side and they kissed tenderly. Jake started to feel his sheath lose control but just then something ruined the moment.


Jake was slammed hard from the side. He began to fall, he grabbed onto Fido and draped his whole body around her to protect her from the blunt of the inevitable crash.

Jake hit the roof of the large building so hard that Fido was thrown from his grasp.

Fido raised her head and noticed it was bleeding, so was her whole side but she didn't care she just looked around for Jake but she couldn't see him anywhere. She looked up, still in a daze just to see about a dozen shadow-like things flying away. But one was different, it looked like a dragon. And it was carrying something... it was Jake.

She tried so hard to get up but to no avail. She could only look in horror as her only love was being taken away.


She slumped over and was knocked out.

Jake woke up, he tried to open his eyes but winced at the pain, it felt like a jackhammer was going off on the side of his head. He then noticed the wound from his fall was already cleaned and bandaged. He tried to move his hand up to his face but it was stopped halfway there. He looked to see that his hand was shackled and chained to the wall behind him. He looked down, his feet and tail were shackled too. He was chained to a large stone wall, he tried to yell but he couldn't. He noticed that he was muzzled. The muzzle held his mouth shut but it was loose enough for his to speak but he couldn't breathe fire.

He looked at his surroundings he was in a very large room that was stone all around. There was very little light but his eyes eventually adjusted to it.

Jut then he heard loud footsteps and an evil but familiar laugh.

"Well look who's finally awake."

He knew that voice. It was the dark dragon

Jake just watched in horror as the large dragon approached him.

"What do you want with me!?!"

He leaned over and put a hand just above Jake's shoulder. Jake knew he could slay him easily in his condition. Jake braced himself, but he simply said.

"Well I would love to kill you, but it turns out that there is something I enjoy more than to see you in pain. And that's to see my daughter happy."

Jake's eyes widened, he didn't even know the dark dragon had a daughter. But just then he noticed the other figure standing behind the dark dragon. And more importantly why did she need him?

"Whatever..." Jake said in a uninterested voice.

Without warning Jake was hit upside the face with one of his fists.

Jake's head was thrown to the side. The dark dragon leaned down to eyelevel with Jake.

"If I were in your position I'd watch my tongue."

Jake turned his head back and just looked back at him.

"Ah fuck, you."

As he said it Jake was struck again. Then the dark dragon turned.

"Ari I hope my shadow minions were of some use to you."

The small dragon responded

"Yes, thank you father."

Her voice was much softer than her father's

He laughed once more.

"Then I shall leave you two alone."

And with that he turned and left the room

Jake just looked at the young dragoness as she slowly approached him almost in a trance.

He snapped out of it and finally got out.

"So you're his daughter?"

She nodded her head. She was now just in front of Jake.

"I've been admiring you from afar Jake. My name is Ari."

"Nice to meet you." Jake said still very confused.

He was surprised that she knew his name. And just realizing it...

"You, you're the one I saw outside the window last ni-"

Jake was cut off as ari leaned in and kissed him. Jake was stunned and didn't do anything for a while. But he finally jerked his head away. Realizing why he was spared by the dark dragon and why he was here.

"Listen, I'm flattered but I'm already taken."

Ari's expression turned angry.

"You don't mean that mutt I saw you with earlier."

Jake responded in the same angry tone.

"Don't you dare call her a mutt!!!"

Ari simply let out an evil laugh almost identical to her father's

"Jake I don't think you understand the situation you in, you really don't have much of a choice."

Jake realized that she was right, he was completely at her mercy. She then turned right in front of him and kissed him again trying to push her tongue into his mouth but Jake kept his mouth firmly shut. But ari still had other ways to get what she wanted. She pressed her face up agents his to the point that Jake couldn't breath. Jake had no choice but open his mouth, giving ari exactly what she wanted. She forced her tongue deep down into Jake's throat. Jake tried to jerk his head away again but she held it in place. Ari finally pulled out of his mouth.

"Heavenly!" she said, as she savored the taste.

But Jake hated it. It tasted bitter to him, nothing like Fido.

Then she moved on him again nuzzling the side of his face with hers, and pushing her throbbing sex up agents his just slightly hardened sheath.

Jake could slowly feel him self getting harder.

"No!" he thought. He couldn't, he was using every ounce of will power and concentration to keep himself sheathed. But soon ari saw his sight bulge and was greatly pleased. She moved down his body until she got to his sheath. She began violently running her tongue up and down it calling for his dragon hood to revile itself.

"Come on Jake it would be so much more pleasurable for both of us if you stopped fighting, and just accepted it."

Jake glared down at her.

"No, Fido is the only one I will ever love!"

Ari just sighed.

"Jake don't you think it would be better if you were will another dragon?"

Jake thought that maybe ari was right.... No... he loved Fido, nothing would ever change his mind!

He hated himself for even thinking of such a thing.

Ari was growing impatient, so she grabbed a syringe that sat on the small table next to Jake. He had just noticed it there.

Then without warning she drove the needle deep into Jake's side.

Jake screamed in pain. The syringe must have been filled with some kind of chemical, suddenly all of his muscles were being forced to flex. His whole body felt like one big cramp. But it was the worst at his sheath as his dragon hood appeared and hardened but even when it reached its full length it just continued, stretching the skin. It hurt immensely. And it continued to hurt even when she removed the needle it hurt so badly that he was trying hard to not pass out from the pain. His eyesight was getting very blurry then everything went pitch black, he could still hear Ari laughing. Then his body went limp as he became unconscious, his now fully erected dragon hood was so hard. Ari wanted him badly, but she decided it wouldn't be as much fun to mate with him if he wasn't awake to enjoy it too. She would let her new toy rest awhile from the injection. She soon turned and left the room.


Fido's eyes cracked open ever so slightly but then she bolted upwards and looked around for Jake. The bleeding on her head had stopped. She remembered what had happened, her eye began to get very teary as she yelled and cursed herself.

"Why didn't you stop them!?! They took him away!!! And now he's gone!" she sobbed

But then without another word she got down to the street and ran as fast as she could to Gamp's shop. The sun was just over the horizon and she knew she had to find Jake soon.

She burst through the door to the shop, only fu dog was there. He looked at Fido and at the dried wound on her head.

"Fi what on earth happened?"

Fido stood there like a statue and said

"They took him/"

Fu then noticed that Jake wasn't with her and knew what she meant.

"Who, who took Jake?"

"I didn't get a good look at them but they were some kind of shadow things, and there leader was a dark red colored dragon."

The first idea in fu's mind was the dark dragon because of the shadow creatures but he had no clue who the red dragon might have been.

"Well Fi I don't really know what we can do. We don't know whose behind this or where they took Jake. So my beat bet is that we wait here and-"

"NO!!!! I'm not sitting here and waiting while Jake's still out there! I'm going out and looking for him!"

She turned and walked to the door of the shop.

"Don't be stupid Fi, they could have taken him anywhere in the city. You'll never find him."

Fido just turned and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Obviously you've never been in love."

And with that she went out the door and ran down the street.

She went right back to the building that her and Jake landed on. If she could just fid on thing that could help her. Just then she looked down and saw a small blood trail.

"It must be Jake's."

She followed it until it stopped at an open manhole. She jumped in expecting to be up to her neck in sewage, but the tunnel was clean, in fact it was spotless. It was then she realized that it was a secret tunnel that lead to... Jake, she hoped. So she followed it.


Jake soon regained consciousness.

"wh-what happened?"

"Well I see you awake, good."

He heard Ari's voice as she approached him.

"What was in that syringe?!?" he asked still felling the effects.

"It was so I could get what I wanted." She answered pointing down at his throbbing cock.

Jake looked down at it. It looked longer! A full 6 inches he estimated. He would have been faltered if not given the situation he was in, plus he never wanted to go thought that kind of pain ever again.

"I've had enough waiting. Now that you're awake I can finally mate with the American dragon."

Jake was furious, if he could just get free. He tugged on his restraints, but they didn't budge an inch. He continued to pull on his chains, but to no avail.

His struggling only further stimulated Ari as she approached closer.

"Just relax Jake, tonight will be one to remember."

Jake tried desperately to resheath himself but he couldn't. Whatever was in that syringe kept him from doing anything.

Ari grabbed Jake's shoulders and position herself right in front of his cock. She began to push the crown of it in...


Both Jake and Ari looked over at the passage that lead to the tunnel.

It was Fido....

To be continued.

Lonely Day

Chapter 4 Sorry it took so long but here it is. It's a little on the short side but plez bare with me its good, you'll like it The song belongs to system of a down it is not mine in any way. IMPORTANT READ! Open another widow and go to...

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To Break A Dragon's Heart

Chapter 3 Starting up for chapter 4 it's going be good! To Break A Dragon's Heart After hours at the skate park trixie and spud decided to call it a night and head home. Jake and fido soon did the same. Fido was so tired that Jake...


A Dragon\'s Love

Chapter 2 hope u like it Fido c. [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) To see the other story go to search/ by:fidopaws/ story page1 I put in an x-box 360 game that I think we've all played see if you can guess the...

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