True to yourself. Chapter 1

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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#1 of True to Yourself

So... I'm sorry. It has been a long time since my last submission, and that is un-excusable. Anyway, here is a new story for my readers, since I have acquired such an interest in Sergals and the like. A little different than my usual styories, but its more a romance than a quicky. Enjoy, and forgive my lateness. :)


Sometimes, life gives you lemons, you got to roll with the punches, and roll the dice. Everyone says to let it come and go, but for me its not so easy. All my trouble started in 1988, when my birth mother and father decided to send me to an orphanage. Apparently they weren't ready for a child, and hoped someone out there was... Or that a Sergal would enjoy me as a snack. I was raised in an orphanage, like so many during that time, and grew up not learning about the differences between Sergals and humans, hell my best friend was a Sergal. Being a human in a Sergal populated orphanage was rough, name calling, attacks, even the caretakers took little care of me. But I found true joy in the written word, and the world around me. I would spend hours out in the garden with my magnifying glass, just watching a world smaller than mine. It was there in the garden that I met my only true friends, a hulking Sergal the other kids called, "The beast." His name was Zarak was his real name, a name that dated back to the ancient order of warriors, long since forgotten. He was twice the size of a normal Sergal child, and never spoke outside a few grunts. He walked over to me, his black dirty fur blowing in the breeze as he towered over me. I remember his red eyes as they looked at me quizzically, as if he was trying to form words. I raised the magnifying glass to him and asked if he wanted to play, and I would never forget his smile as he gingerly grabbed the glass and kneeled next to me, cooing in amazement as he saw a butterfly up close for probably the first time. Over the years we both grew to love the little things in life, and more than once we had to fight side by side. He acquired a few scars from the fights, but always wore them with a silent sense of pride. We left the orphanage at the age of eighteen and made a life for ourselves, picking up jobs and moving around. We wandered for awhile until we found the Erencia University for the Arts. It was a new place, one where we could start over with others like us. Zarak didn't enroll and instead sought out a job as a construction worker, and with his newfound wealth rented a studio apartment near the college. We stayed as roommates, our age-old friendship never breaking. Almost twenty years of friendship that would never break.

~Two years later~

I woke up with a minor headache as I scratched the stubble along my jaw, stretching out as I stumbled to the bathroom and turned on the water as hot as I could stand. It eased the muscles as I scrubbed my hair, jumping in surprise as I felt the water rise above my ankles. I looked down and saw a large ball of black fur clogging the drain, and rinsed off as I picked it up and walked to Zaraks' bed. I dropped the soaking ball on his chest. He jumped and yelled, throwing it out the window as I laughed. "Good morning oh furry one." I chuckled as he yawned, another bulge under the covers stirring. "Zarak? Shut that human up please." Murmured the golden blot that hid in the sheets. Zarak growled and pulled the covers off, exposing the half-naked Sergal female. Her dyed blue hair moved in a cascade while she bolted out and covered herself, yelling curses as Zarak bent over and grabbed her shoes. "You're going to be late." He muttered while ignoring the woman. She continued to curse at him as she dressed, her cold red eyes focused on the two of us. She opened the door and cast a glare at us, her fangs showing within the snarl. "Have the human suck your prick next time!" She screamed over the bang of the door. "Bitch." Zarak grumbled wearily. I shook my head and turned on the coffee pot, pulling my black turtleneck on while he continued to throw thick strips of bacon on the griddle. "Where do you find these women?" He chuckled and turned up the radio, the sounds of Kansas' "Carry on Wayward son," blaring over the surround sound. His tail swished around as he danced, the chorus sending his body into an awkward rhythm. "Zarak, I thought we decided you couldn't dance." I yelled over the music. "Bitch aint here. I dance if I want." Came his gruff reply as my plate came skimming over the table. The meal was aromatic, and snapped away any sleep that crusted my eyes. Zarak knew how to cook, I'd give him that. I scarfed it down and grabbed my camera and book bag while he grabbed the door. "Don't forget some bread and milk." He joked while he ushered me out. "Yeah, yeah, thanks mom." I plugged in my ear buds and turned up Klaypex, the Dubstep drone absorbing my concentration. I would be late for creative writing 101, but that wasn't so bad, I had already completed most of the assignments assigned for the semester already. Being single and having no humans to hang out with had its perks. My eyes were glued onto my book as the world rushed around me. I lived in Erencia, a city with a two million plus population, twenty percent which was human. I didn't mind, most humans moved within a week of coming to this city, but years within the walls of the orphanage had me acceptant of them, and the students didn't even seem to mind me. Suddenly a burst of red caught my eyes and I slammed head on into a Sergal, both of us falling backwards onto the pavement, papers flying everywhere. I bent over and immediately began grabbing papers, and stopped as our hands grabbed one another's over the last paper. I looked up and saw a pair of piercing green eyes, and dropped the paper as we stood. She was a student, apparent by her bag and papers. Her white shirt and jeans seemed basic compared to the prominent markings in her fur. I noted the genetic mutation of her red fur and noted the eyes as they looked away as she quickly brushed past me with a muttered thanks. "Yeah... you're welcome." She was out of my mind as quickly as we bumped into each other as I picked up the paper she dropped and smoothed out the creases. It was a poster for try outs, namely for the cities production of Romeo and Juliet, featuring a human and Sergal cast. I stuffed the poster into my bag and rushed along, the girl in the back of my mind. I barely got a good look at her, and maybe I would see her again at the try out. Classes went by in a blur as the day progressed, and strangely enough the Sergal became my focus near the time to head home. Chance encounter, that's what it was. An encounter with someone at a pre-destined time, a pre-destined place. Wait, thats not right. I walked back to my studio apartment and opened the door, just peeking in time to see Zarak pounding another, different Sergal on the couch. She arched her back and let her long, blue tipped tongue flail around, pure bliss emanating from her eyes. His brow was furrowed deep in concentration as his hips pushed forward, giving slight glimpses of his well equipped manhood going farther into the moaning female. Her black fur and white belly were glistening in areas where I suspected his tongue had wandered, the dry areas he had yet to explore. I could see her legs splayed open, his hands using them to allow for a more deeper penetration.

I noted the strange feathers that clung to the tufts behind her long ears, and of course the two metal rings protruding from her nipples. she looked young for a Sergal, strange since Zarak preffered his to be older, more expierienced. Her breasts bounced slowly, hypnotically as his fingers daintily pinched her hardened, stiff nipples. He smiled, I hardly ever saw Zarak smile. I thought to close the door and leave until an ear-deafening scream came from the girl, and I looked back in time to see her shoot up and viciously plunge her fangs into his neck. Blood spilled and I burst through the door, pushing her over the couch. "Thren!" Zarak yelled while he made to cover himself and the woman up with the blanket covering the couch. "She was attacking you!" Zarak bent over and helped the Sergal up, and she shot me a glare before gathering her clothes and storming out of the building with the blanket still wrapped around her. Zarak sighed and bent over, pulling up his ratty jeans as he sighed at me, his eyes rolling in amusement. "Thren, Sergals bite the ones they mate with because its instinct. We cannot hold back our urges because its so primal." I felt immediately embarrassed and turned away, grabbing my bag while briskly walking around him. "Hey Thren? I looked back to see him smiling. "You forgot the Milk."

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