I Am The Law by Maxon

Story by bahamut6sic6 on SoFurry

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A prize winning request.that I won. Story done by Maxon

His profile: http://maxon.sofurry.com/

I Am The Law

It was a scorching day in the city when the call came in about a robbery at the Ironstone Bank on 42nd, sending the weather weary officers to the scene as it seemed like one of the tellers had gotten the alarm off and the criminals were still there. On the scene was Detective Maxon Wild who was closest with another patrol car. They had the front of the bank covered, but realized they were outnumbered when the front doors busted open, six armed men with masks and weapons hurrying down the steps to their get away van, bags in hand. Lacking proper firepower the officers hunkered down, ocassionally getting shots off, but there was nothing they could do when the van squealed away, leaving the bullet ridden police cars behind.

"Fuck yes, that worked perfectly! Take a right up here, Jim. We'll make it for the warehouses, ditch the van and split into multiple cars. They can't catch all of us." They were all pulling off their masks, sweating in the clothing and bulletproof armor, pissed that they had to dress so heavily on one of the hottest days of the year, but with over two million bucks in their bags, they could suffer a little long. Suddenly the car started to jump a little.

"Yo, Jim, watch the street. We don't want to be trashing the van on potholes before we get there."

"There's no potholes here, something else is shaking, OH SHI-!" And just when they turned the next corner, a huge shadow loomed over head, crashing down atop the van, crushing the top in part way and totalling the suspension as the veins frame broke under the weight. Crawling through busted doors, the disoriented criminals stumbled around, guns sloppily in hand when they realized that what stopped them was a giant foot paw. With a pull buck of the foot, the robbers were greeted to the immense body of a Macro, but no ordinary Macro, but a Macro Cop.

Dressed in his custom tailer black uniform, officer hat on, his overly muscled body strained every inch of his outfit, his badge glistening in the sun as he knelt down slowly, bringing his face into view. He was a monstrous german shephered and combined with his two hundred feet of size and bulging muscle, it was more than enough for all the robbers to stare blankly up at him, knowing they were screwed.

"Fuck, when did the city get a Macro?" Tossing their guns aside, they raised their hands, giving themselves up.

Stan grinned as he looked at the little robbers, reaching down with his hand and scooping them all up with ease, standing back up as he brought them up closer. Some of them turning up their noses as they could smell his musk and sweat, the huge macro worse off than they were.

"I thought you guys got the memo, but I guess you forgot to check your email today. I just transferred here this past weekend. Just in time too or you guys would've gotten away. Couldn't let that happen." Patting at his side, he let out a curse as he realized he had forgotten his carry pouch. Since he was unable to be in a vehicle, he had this pouch specially made to hole prisoners as he took them in, but in a hurry to get to the call, he had forgotten it. Seeing how they could get a good whiff of him already, he had an idea as he began to unbutton his pants. Underneath them he had a black jockstrap on, even more musky and sweaty than anything else as he opened it up, sliding the robbers inside of the musky prison.

"That'll hold you guys till we get to the station." They started to squirm which made the German Shepherd gasp softly, the feeling of them writhing against his sheath and balls had started to seem like a poor choice on his part, his red canine length spilling into his jockstrap and stretching his pants. Carefully he made his way back through the city, starting to make his way past an abandoned warehouse district, his cock already half hard and straining his pants harder. Moving to sit down between some tall buildings, enough for him to sit back in, he laid himself out, sliding out of his pants and taking off his shirt till just his bulging jockstrap was on, opening it up and pulling out the men to lay across his muscled belly, all six of them panting for air, most naked as they were covered in his musk, a few sporting hardons from such a direct dose of his strong musk.

"MMmfff, Damn...Getting me hard writhing around in there." Stan pulled the jockstrap around his nuts, gripping his cock. It was a stretching handful for even him as it grew harder, pre oozing out. "I think before I take you guys in, we'll have a little fun. I know your little, but I got a thing for some muscle worship. Start licking and rubbing all over me and maybe I'll go easy on you guys." A few stood up, dumbfounded as they listened to the huge muscled canine order them to pleasure him. One started to crawl up his body, coming to a nipple and squeezing it to the best his small hands could. The sensitive dog groaned out as he started to jerk his hard cock, his knot swelling beneath his fist.

"Nnnnhh yeah, that's it, love these muscles. Come on, get in my pit and start licking. I'm gonna turn you into little musk lovers." Two of them crawled into either pit, his musky smell overwhelming, licking and rubbing themselves into the furred pit as the others writhed over his abs, one sliding down to rub himself into the canines hanging nuts, sweat pouring down his macro muscled form. Growling out as they pleasured him, Stan was quickly getting off, using both hands as he panted out, the one on his nipple hanging on as the two pit lovers were tripped inside, feeling them squirm around which only got him off more.

The feeling was overwhelming to him, that muscled macro jerking his red hot cock, one hand moving to squeeze his not as it pushed him over the edge, cum rocketing out of his towering dick and shooting out into the air and all over the nearby block. Truck loads of cum spilled out, his veiny red doggy cock throbbing to empty it all out, soon soaking his cock and lap in the mess. Pulling up all six of the men and dropping them in the cum filled mess, they were in a sex filled daze, some jerking themselves off into the cum pool, others to weak and gasping for air as they were marked with his musky mess.

"Damn, you did that well. Maybe I won't turn you guys in, perhaps I have a better use for you as my little pets to have back home." Grinning wide as he started to pull his jockstrap on, trapping the men in it's cummy, musky, stained prison as he redressed and made his way to his home outside the city, already getting hard again as he thought about his little worshippers could please him.