True to Yourself Ch.5

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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#5 of True to Yourself

So when I said the last chapter was steamy, i hadnt thought out this chapter yet. Boy this one is so much better. enjoy Ch. 5, and be sure to check in often for update!

True to yourself Ch. 5

I awoke as the morning sun pierced through the shades and fell onto my eyes. I grunted and attempted to stretch, realizing arms had me wrapped against a weight, and I looked to my side with a smile. Ketheren had her head resting on my chest, her hand resting close to the marks she left the evening before. Her smile sent chills down my spine, she looked absolutely content. Her breasts rose and fell as she slept, and I wouldn't dare wake her. She stirred and opened her eyes, breathing deeply as if trying to preserve the scent. "Good morning Keth." I whispered as I stroked her ears. She purred, pushing her body closer to mine. She raised her head and looked at me with eyes clouded with joy. Her eyes fell on my shoulder and she kissed the wound softly, and then leaned forward to kiss me. "Does it hurt?" She whispered as she sat up and trailed a hand on my abdomen. "No." Her eyes told me she didn't believe me. "It doesn't hurt terribly." She laughed and got out of bed, taking the blanket with her. I tugged at the edge and looked at her with a smirk. "You know, I never got a chance to say how beautiful you are." She dropped the blanket and placed a hand on her hip, posing for me as her free hand crept from her hip to her breast. "I believe it is me that should be saying that." She crooned huskily. I had never had a woman say I was attractive, it was a boost to my already swollen ego. I could hardly believe we had mated. My shoulder tensed up and I grunted in pain, drawing a concerned glance from her. "Zarak is going to give me hell for this." I muttered as I numbly got out of the bed. The toll she did on my body was apparent, I almost needed her to get my clothes on, but she was more than willing it seemed. I got my pants on with little help, and reached for my shirt when she grabbed my hand and held it in hers. She turned me around as she looked at my shoulder and trailed her hand across the small holes. I shuddered at her touch. Her eyes locked on mine as we paused, only our breathing being heard in the room. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me?" she whispered. Her eyes told me she had doubt. It seemed to good to be true in my mind, but my heart quelled my mind. "Well a beautiful Sergal shows a young man the world outside of school and work, exposes him to wonders he never knew existed," I stated with a light kiss on her neck. "How could he not fall in love with her." She shuddered at my touch and buried her muzzle into my neck, her embrace tightening as I held her close. "If you keep speaking such words... I may have to bite you again." She hissed. "Now that sounds enticing." She pulled my shirt on tenderly and pinned me to the wall with one hand on my chest. "Is it wrong for me to want you so badly?" I held her arm and caressed her cheek, using these simple gestures to assure her. "Not if the feeling is mutual... and it is." A giggle escaped her lips as I opened the door, checking to see if anyone lingered in the halls, she still hadn't put clothes on. "Then I guess the audience will receive a most exciting show." She called out as I got into the elevator.

~Thren's apartment.~

I opened the door to my apartment and slowly closed it, making sure not to wake Zarak. "Morning." He cruelly yelled from the kitchen. Damn. "Good morning." He appeared in front of me and looked at my shoulder, his eyes and mouth growing wide in astonishment. He smiled and nodded his head, pulling his hand back as if to pat me with pride, but he stopped. "Tell me all about it, spare no details." I sat on the couch and remained silent, watching him as he circled around me. He finally shrugged his shoulders and sat on the recliner, surveying me as his smile spread even wider. "It's killing you not to tell someone. I see it in your eyes." I sighed. He was right, I had to tell someone, the pride swelling in my chest was killing me. "It was... Interesting to say the least. I have never seen your jaw unhinge like hers did." His ears perked up as he pointed to his jaw and opened it, the bones unhinging and his fangs protruding. "Like this?" He scared me as he held his jaw and popped it back in, a grunt of pain echoing as he swore quietly. "You didn't tell me about a hood either." He cocked his head to the side as if asking a question and then got the reference. "Oh! I forgot about that little guy. You gave it attention too right?" I blushed, it was strange telling Zarak about my first time. "well... yeah, I mean its not like I could have avoided it." Zarak laughed and pounded his knee with his fist, this was extremely funny for him. "And did she bite you because of the explosive sex? Or did you proclaim your love?" He joked. I paused for a moment in thought on how to answer him. "I told her I loved her. And then she kind of... Well she bit me pretty hard." Zarak held his hand up high and motioned at it. I laughed as I high-fived him. "So where did you leave your mark?" "Well judging by the way she acted, I guess I left a great impression on her." Zarak shook his head and pointed to his neck. "No, I mean where did you leave your bite mark?" "What?" Zarak looked like he was in a panic and raised an eyebrow. "You did bite her and leave a mark, didn't you?" "No, you didn't tell me about that." "You have to leave your mark, it's a sign she is taken as a mate. You better go and get her before another male catches wind of her pheromones and decides to pounce." I looked at him and smirked. "A girl like her, I'm not worried, and now that I know, I have the perfect idea." Zarak relaxed and sighed. "Well? Tell me about your plan."

~The auditorium, the pause before the final scene of Romeo and Juliet.~

I caught Ketheren a few moments before I went out for my final scene. The play had gone better than her father ever expected, mainly due to the fiery chemistry we now had for one another. He had seen my marks and merely smiled with a whisper of a talk later after the show. She looked at me and smiled, giving me a quick kiss as I laid on the altar while the curtains were still closed. In the all human cast of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet would have been wearing a flowing gown or something beautiful. Being a Sergal, it was only fitting that Ketheren wore Leather armor. The shaded brown leather clung tightly to her chest, as well as the iron graves. As a battle-ready warrior, she was both frighteningly fierce and gorgeous. She pulled her helmet on and smiled as I blew her a kiss. The curtains raised and the priest as well as the other actors came out and delivered their lines, leaving me to lay and wait patiently for my Juliet. The time finally came for her to come out, and come out she did. Her legs flowed with an actress' grace as she crossed the stage, her hands on her mouth and the clatter of her sword dropping to the ground shocking the crowd. She picked up the chalice in my hand and closed her eyes, crying softly and sitting on the edge of the altar, her hand grazing my face. "What's here? a cup, closed in my true love's hand? Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end: O churl! drunk all, and left no friendly drop To help me after? I will bite thy neck; Haply some poison yet doth trickle within thy blood, To make die with a restorative." She said with a tone of defeat. Her hand went to my side and I immediately felt aroused, and with a silenced chuckle she mounted me to hide the erection, drawing surprised murmurs from the crowd. She lowered her mouth to my ear and blew into it softly. "Are you ready?" I tapped her leg and she raised her head, the clicking of her jaw opening and the astonished yells from the crowds. "Is she really?' I heard one say as his question was quickly answered. She threw her head forward and I felt the bones in my shoulder clack with her teeth as her fangs pierced the skin, the pain becoming almost too much to handle. This is what I wanted though. I squinted and saw her head buck back as my blood flew in an arc, her breathing becoming erratic and the squeals from the crowd soon silencing. She fell on top of me, signaling the end of us both. The two families came out and the priest said his final lines before the lights came on, revealing the silent, pale crowd to me. I sat up and looked Ketheren in the eyes as she smiled, her teeth spotted with my blood. I grabbed her hand as we stood with the other actors, and then the crowd exploded with applause. Everyone in the room stood in an uproar and flowers flew from every direction. Her father came out and winked at me as he took both of our hands and raised them high, bowing and then proceeding off the stage. I stopped and saw two EMT's walk towards me, and I quickly dismissed them. "The only nurse I need is right here." I stated as my arm wrapped around Ketherens waist. Hushed whispers were around us, some asking if the bite was intentional or not. I could care less, I led Ketheren back to our dressing room and immediately set out to dismantle her armor. "Are you sure you should be moving like this?" Ketheren struggled to say as I ravaged her mouth with my own. "I bit you harder than the first time." I paused and thought. Her breastplate was off, but there was no need to rush it. "Well. I guess the right thing to do would be to go and meet our fans." I said with a smirk. "Don't worry, I'll clean him off tonight." She said as a reference to the wet spot at the top of my slacks.

~Ketherens apartment.~

We laid on the top of Ketherens bed, kissing each other and laughing at the same time. She had ditched the armor for a black negligee top, and frilled black panties. She had gone out and bought the set before the play, and given it to me before we went on. The way she was staring at me with those smoldering eyes set my loins aflame. "I still cant believe that guy stuck his finger into your bite marks." "I wish he hadn't." I replied, looking at the bandage. "He really thought that was makeup." We kissed again and I broke off, I needed to make the mark, but first a bit of humor to start the romance. "There's something I really wanted to do when we mated, but I didn't have the chance, mind indulging me?" She smiled coyly and traced a finger along the contours of her breasts. "Please hurry, I can only keep my hands away from my womanhood for so long." I stood up and quickly left the room, unbuttoning my shirt so my bare chest showed and pulled my black slacks down enough to expose a erotic area of my abdomen. I moved to the arch of the door and leaned against it in what I thought was a sexy pose. She moaned loudly in anticipation, and that only made it harder for me to keep a straight face and pose at the door. "Look at this... Sneaking into fair maidens chambers... Heavy risk." I said in the most sultry tone I could muster. She laid on her stomach and grabbed the edge of my slacks with her claws, her eyes glowing at me expectantly. "But the prize..." She moaned again and kissed my stomach, unbuttoning my pants as quickly as she could. I sighed with pleasure as her kissing went lower and she pulled my pants down, one hand wrapping around my throbbing member as the other massaged the tip. "Oh Romeo, you art the prize tonight." She hissed. She quickly moved back and laid back in a sultry pose, beckoning me over with her eyes. I pulled my shirt off cautiously, dodging the fresh wound she had left me. I crawled on top of her and made sure not to touch her, causing her to growl and raise herself off the bed, aching to touch my flesh. I kissed her, finally getting my tongue inside her mouth before she could get in mine. I massaged the tip of her tongue and licked the roof of her mouth, like she had for me our first time. This sent her body into a writhing spasm, and I detected the scent of her arousal. I broke the kiss and nibbled at her ear, moving back to her lips for a peck and then proceeding down to her neck. I thanked whatever god there might have been for Sergals long necks, it gave me a lot of ground to cover. I found a spot I like and began to nibble, grunting when her claws dug into my back. I got a good hold and bit down harder, and then as hard as I could. "Oh God!" Was Ketherens cry as her blood entered my mouth. It was metallic, salty. I had the urge to spit it out when Zaraks words echoed in my head. "Sergals drink the blood of another when they find a mate, hence why I spit blood out." He was an ass as much as a scholar. She looked at me expectantly, and I barely held it in before swallowing. This immensely pleased her, for tears of joy ran down her face as she undid the bandages and licked my wound, tenderly biting again with little force as I bit the mark I had just given her. I sat up and smiled, feeling the immense sense of pride and love for her as she laid beneath me. She slowly grabbed at the strings that held her top on, baring her fangs as she pulled the top open, exposing her voluptuous breasts for me to explore. "God I love you." Was my husky reply as I set to massaging the right and suckling at the left. It was as if she lost the ability to speak, for growls and moans of pleasure were the only sounds to come out of her. I nibbled at both nipples and made my way down her stomach, barely reaching the moist fabric of her panties as she found the will to speak. "Oh no you don't." ":Sorry?" I asked in a confused and disappointed tone. She leaned up and rolled me over, positioning herself above my member and smiling cruelly. "You got me off before we even had sex last time." She said as her forked tongue grazed the tip. "Now its my turn." Her tongue slid across the front, and she expertly wound around the entire crown before giving me a wink. Her mouth opened and it slid over the top, and I was incredibly afraid of her fangs. I felt none, as if she had retracted them somehow. Her smile showed me that hadn't happened. Her tongue formed a shield around my cock as she began to suck, her head moving back and forth as one hand went to her crotch. The feeling of her mouth over me and the sight of her pleasing her self was too much for me, and I cried out as I came in her mouth. She moaned and licked all of the juice up lovingly, leaving my cock clean and still hard for more. "Not fair, is it?" she asked she stood over me. I whimpered. It was not fair, and it was time for me to get her back. She pulled her panties off while she was still above me, exposing her pink hood and dripping pussy for my eyes to see. She lowered so slowly I thought to just drag her and ravage her on the floor, but that was not my plan. She finally let me enter her, and as soon as the first gasp of pleasure escaped her lips, I made my move. I rolled the opposite way of when she did, and pinned her down as I entered missionary position. Her eyes flared and I heard a growl of argument, but as soon as I began the steady thrust, the anger was replaced with surprise. "Thren..." I continued, her walls tightening and the clitoral hood wrapping around my cock, urging it to go deeper. She cried out with each thrust, with our climax quickly approaching, I felt her legs wrapping around my waist, and surprisingly her tail curling inward and trailing across my back. She pushed off the bed with her hands, and I soon found us sitting up and continuing, her arms curling around me as my own hands used her hips as a means to hold on. Her breasts bounced and brushed against my flesh, sending arcs of flaming pleasure across every part of my body. I was in ecstasy, her body touching mine in every way, the way her hips moved with my hands, and the look in her eyes. "Keth, I'm going to..." I couldn't finish what I was saying before her tongue took the place of words, and we both climaxed in a fiery kiss. The purr that came from her reverberated across my entire body, and we soon fell, my body laying on top of hers. I leaned up and looked at her, an expression of complete satisfaction appearing on her face. "Better than the first time?' I asked while staring deeply into her eyes. She laughed quietly and placed her arms around my neck. "Best ever." "Well I guess that's a challenge then." I said between a yawn. She patted her breast and smiled. "There seems to be room here for my love to sleep." I complied and placed my head between her breasts, and I felt her head rest on my back. "I love you, Ketheren." Her purr grew louder in response to what I said. "And I love you. My Dearest Thren."